import chimera from chimera.idatm import typeInfo from chimera.selection import Selection, ItemizedSelection def noGaffComplain(noGaff, toolName): noGaffByRes = {} for a in noGaff: noGaffByRes.setdefault(a.residue, []).append(a) if chimera.nogui: raise ValueError("Cannot determine GAFF type for %s (etc.)" % noGaff[0]) errMsg = "%s atom%s did not get GAFF atom-type assignments." % (len(noGaff), "s" if len(noGaff) > 1 else "") if len(noGaffByRes) > 10: errMsg += " They are listed in the reply log." else: errMsg += " They are listed below and in the reply log." if len(noGaff) == len([a for a in noGaff if a.element.number == 1]): errMsg += " The atoms are all hydrogens, which typically occurs" \ " when some of the standard residues in your structure are" \ " incomplete. One way to remedy this is to use the Dock Prep" \ " tool (in the Structure Editing category) to complete partial" \ " side chains. If main-chain atoms are missing, either deleting" \ " the entire residue or just the non-standard hydrogens might be" \ " appropriate, depending on the structure. Once you have dealt" \ " with the partial residues then you could re-run %s.\n" % toolName else: errMsg += " Some or all of the atoms are heavy (non-hydrogen) atoms." \ " If they are in residues that aren't critical to your computation" \ " you could delete them and then re-run %s.\n" % toolName if len(noGaffByRes) <= 10: errMsg += "\n" for r, atoms in noGaffByRes.items(): errMsg += "\t%s %s\n" % (r, ", ".join([ for a in atoms])) from chimera import replyobj replyobj.error(errMsg)"Residues/atoms missing GAFF types:\n") for r, atoms in noGaffByRes.items():"\t%s %s\n" % (r, ", ".join([str(a) for a in atoms]))) def writeLeaprc(tempDir, topfile, parmset, leaprc ) : import os, sys if sys.platform == "win32": # Windows needs special help if 'topfile' contains Unicode import codecs f = leaprc, 'w', 'utf8' ) else: f = open( leaprc, 'w' ) f.write( "source leaprc." + parmset + "\n" ) f.write( "source leaprc.gaff\n" ) f.write( "set default rearrangeResidue on\n" ) f.write( "tmp = loadmol2 " + os.path.join(tempDir, "\n") ) f.write( "parmchk tmp\n" ) if topfile.endswith(".prmtop"): crdfile = topfile[:-7] + ".inpcrd" else: crdfile = topfile + ".inpcrd" f.write( "saveamberparm tmp " + topfile + " " + crdfile + "\n" ) f.write( "quit\n" ) f.close() def writePrmtop(m, topfile, parmset, unchargedAtoms=None): import os import chimera from chimera import replyobj from WriteMol2 import writeMol2 from tempfile import mkdtemp status = replyobj.status if unchargedAtoms and parmset.lower().endswith("ua"): # united atom replyobj.warning("Some uncharged/untyped protons expected due" " to use of united-atom force field.\n") unchargedHeavy = {} skip = [] for key, uncharged in unchargedAtoms.items(): for uc in uncharged: if uc.element.number == 1: skip.append(uc) else: unchargedHeavy.setdefault(key, []).append(uc) unchargedAtoms = unchargedHeavy else: skip = [] # some charged atoms can lack GAFF types (e.g. some metal ions) noGaff = [a for a in m.atoms if not hasattr(a, 'gaffType') and a not in skip] if noGaff: noGaffComplain(noGaff, "Write Prmtop") return tempDir = mkdtemp() def _clean(): # parmchk can generate a .parmchk subdir, so... for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(tempDir, topdown=False): for fn in filenames: os.unlink(os.path.join(dirpath, fn)) os.rmdir(dirpath) sleapIn = os.path.join(tempDir, "") writeMol2([m], sleapIn, status=status, gaffType=True, skip=skip, temporary=True) leaprc = os.path.join(tempDir, "solvate.cmd") writeLeaprc(tempDir, topfile, parmset, leaprc) from AmberInfo import amberBin, amberHome command = [os.path.join(amberBin, "sleap"), "-f", leaprc] print 'command: ', command if status: status("Running sleap" ) from subprocess import Popen, STDOUT, PIPE # On Windows, shell=True prevents a secondary Cygwin window # from appearing for some reason import sys if sys.platform == "win32": shell = True else: shell = False"Running sleap command: %s\n" % " ".join(command)) import os os.environ["AMBERHOME"]=amberHome #os.environ["ACHOME"]=acHome sleapMessages = Popen(command, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, cwd=tempDir, shell=shell, bufsize=1).stdout while True: line = sleapMessages.readline() if not line: break replyobj.status("(writeprmtop) %s" % line, log=True) if not os.path.exists(topfile): from chimera import NonChimeraError raise NonChimeraError("Failure running sleap \n" "Check reply log for details\n") else: _clean() replyobj.status("Wrote parmtop file %s" % topfile, log=True)