import chimera from chimera.baseDialog import ModelessDialog import Tkinter class WizShell(ModelessDialog): """This class represents a 'Wizard' pattern, a graphical user interface containing multiple panels, with 'Next' and 'Back' buttons that allow the user to navigate through the panels. In addition to the buttons on the bottom of the dialog, the left hand-side can contain an image, the top can contain a title, and the rest of the space is reserved for each individual panel. The following diagram illustrates this layout: __________________________ | | 2 | | | ________________ | | | | 2a || | | |----------------|| | 1 | | 2b || | | |________________|| | | | | | | | | | | | | |____|___________________| 1. This area (Tkinter.Frame) contains an image (specified by the img_src argument to __init__ ) WizShell will not clip the image at all, but just use it 'as-is' Therefore, for the best aesthetic appearance, use an image that has approximately a 1:2 to 1:3 ration, where the width of the image is no more than 1/3 the resultant panel width, and the height of the image is between one and two times the resultant panel height. Note that the inclusion of different size widgets may cause the WizShell to stretch beyond the width and height defined in __init__ (see below). Ultimately, finding an image that fits well will be a matter of trial and error - these are just general guidlines 2. This area (Tkinter.Frame) is reserved for 'panels.' A panel can contain whatever widgets the developer wants. The WizShell does offer some conveniences though, to make development easier and give this widget a similar L&F across instances: 2a. This area can contain a title (Tkinter.Label) for that particular panel, in bold letters. It can be created by calling createTitle(n,t) where n is the panel number (zero-indexed) for which you want to create the title, and t is the actual text of the title 2b. This are can contain an explanation for that particular panel. This is usually a short, 2-3 sentence description (in a 3-line Tkinter.Text widget) of the purpose of that particular panel. This explanation can be added to a panel by calling createExplanation(n,e), where n is the panel number (zero-indexed), and e in the text for the desired explanation Note: if their corresponding create functions are not called, the widgets described in 2a and 2b will not be created, essentially giving more space for whatever content the panel is intended to contain. When building your panels, you should use the pInterior(n) method, where n is the number (zero-indexed) of the panel you are accessing. This method returns a reference to the actual panel that will be packed into area (2) in the above diagram. This reference can be used to pack additional widgets, or modify existing child widgets for that panel. """ buttons = ('Back', 'Next', 'Cancel') provideStatus = False def __init__(self, num, width, height, img_src, **kw): """num is the number of panels the wizard is to contain width is the desired width of each panel, in pixels height is the desired height of each panel, in pixels img_src is the absolute path to a .gif file containing an image to appear in the left-hand side of the wizard """ self.panel_width = width self.panel_height = height self.img_src = img_src if kw.has_key('img_bg_color'): self.img_bg_color = kw['img_bg_color'] else: self.img_bg_color = None self.numPanels = num self.pCurrent = 0 self.pFrames = [None] * self.numPanels ModelessDialog.__init__(self) def fillInUI(self, parent): #self.small_font = self.makeSmallFont() #self.bigbold_font = self.makeBigBoldFont() ## Tk nonsense to make the font small (but maintain other characteristics) dummy_label = Tkinter.Label(parent, text="foo") font = dummy_label.cget('font') font ='font', 'actual', font) font_list = list(font) del dummy_label ## make a smaller-sized font small_font = font_list[:] try: size_idx = small_font.index('-size')+1 small_font[size_idx] = int( .9 * int(small_font[size_idx]) ) except ValueError: pass try: weight_idx = small_font.index('-weight')+1 small_font[weight_idx] = 'normal' except ValueError: pass self.small_font = tuple(small_font) ## make a bigger bolder font bigbold_font = font_list[:] try: bigbold_font[bigbold_font.index('normal')] = 'bold' except ValueError: pass try: size_idx = bigbold_font.index('-size')+1 num = int( 1.5 * int(bigbold_font[size_idx]) ) next_num = num+1 bigbold_font[size_idx] = (num,next_num)[num%2!=0] except ValueError: pass self.bigbold_font = tuple(bigbold_font) ######################################## self.setUpFrames(parent) # add the image on the left self.addImg() self.__createFrames() self.buttonWidgets['Back'].configure(state='disabled') ## added to account for the case where wizard has only one panel if self.pCurrent == self.numPanels - 1: self.buttonWidgets['Next'].configure(text='Finish', command=self.Cancel) self.updateCounter() def pInterior(self, idx): """idx is the number (zero-indexed) of the panel you want a to get a reference to. Returns a reference to that panel """ return self.pFrames[idx] def __createFrames(self): """this function creates the requested number of panels, each having the requested width and height, as passed to the __init__ function """ for i in range(self.numPanels): self.pFrames[i] = Tkinter.Frame(self.panelFrame, width=self.panel_width, height=self.panel_height) if not i == self.pCurrent: self.pFrames[i].forget() else: self.pFrames[i].pack(fill='both', expand=True) def setUpFrames(self, parent): """sets up the two main frames in the function. imgFrame, located on the left (1 in above diagram), will contain the image passed in to __init__ . panelFrame, located on the right (2 in above diagram), is just a contained that will hold each panel as it is packed """ self.imgFrame = Tkinter.Frame(parent) self.panelFrame = Tkinter.Frame(parent, width=self.panel_width, height=self.panel_height, relief='flat') self.countFrame = Tkinter.Frame(parent, relief='flat') self.imgFrame.pack(side='left', fill='y') ## dont expand here... self.panelFrame.pack(side='top', fill='both', expand=True) self.countFrame.pack(side='bottom', fill='x') ## add the counter self.panelCountVar = Tkinter.StringVar(parent) self.panelCountVar.set("") self.panelCountLabel = Tkinter.Label(self.countFrame, textvariable=self.panelCountVar, font=self.small_font ) self.panelCountLabel.pack(side='right', pady=5, padx=10) def addImg(self): if self.img_bg_color: try: self.imgFrame.configure(background=self.img_bg_color) except Tkinter.TclError: pass from chimera import chimage self._wizImage = chimage.get(self.img_src, self.imgFrame) self._wizLabel = Tkinter.Label(self.imgFrame, image=self._wizImage, borderwidth=0) self._wizLabel.__image = self._wizImage self._wizLabel.pack(side='left', anchor='n') def createTitle(self, idx, title): """This function should be called by code that subclasses WizShell. It creates a title Label widget in area 2a in the above diagram. 'idx' is the number of the panel (zero-indexed) in which to create the title 'title' is a string representing the actual text of the Label """ lab = Tkinter.Label(self.pFrames[idx], text=title, font=self.bigbold_font, relief='flat', padx=10, pady=15) lab.pack(side='top', fill='x', anchor='w') def createExplanation(self, idx, exp, **kw): """This function should be called by code that subclasses WizShell. It creates a Text widget in area 2b in the above diagram. 'idx' is the number of the panel (zero-indexed) in which to create the explanation 'exp' is a string representing the actual text of the explanation """ if not kw.has_key('width') : kw['width']=50 if not kw.has_key('height'): kw['height']=4 txt = Tkinter.Text(self.pFrames[idx], relief = 'flat', wrap = 'word', padx=5, pady=5, **kw ) txt.insert(0.0, exp) txt.pack(side='top', anchor= 'nw', padx=10, expand=False, fill='x') txt.configure(state='disabled', background=self.pFrames[idx].cget('background')) def getCurrentPanel(self): """returns the current panel number (zero-indexed) """ return self.pCurrent def isLastPanel(self): """return True if the wizard is currently on the last panel, else return False """ return (self.pCurrent == (self.numPanels-1)) def isFirstPanel(self): """return True if the wizard is currently on the first panel, else return False """ return self.pCurrent == 0 def Restart(self): current_panel = self.pCurrent self.pCurrent = 0 self.buttonWidgets['Back'].configure(state='disabled') self.pFrames[current_panel].forget() self.pFrames[self.pCurrent].pack(fill='both', expand=True) self.updateCounter() def Next(self): """This function is invoked when the 'Next' button is clicked on the wizard. Classes which inherit from WizShell will probably want to override this function, to actually do something besides displaying different text when the 'Next' button is pushed, but *BE SURE THAT YOU CALL THIS FUNCTION* at some point in your 'Next' function. This code takes care of packing and unpacking the necessary panes, and dynamically assigning text and functionality to buttons as necessary """ current_panel = self.pCurrent self.pCurrent = self.pCurrent + 1 ## is this necessary here? self.buttonWidgets['Back'].configure(state='normal') ## or this ?!? if self.pCurrent == self.numPanels - 1: self.buttonWidgets['Next'].configure(text='Finish', command=self.Cancel) self.pFrames[current_panel].forget() self.pFrames[self.pCurrent].pack(fill='both', expand=True) self.updateCounter() def Back(self): """This function is invoked when the 'Back' button is clicked on the wizard. Once again, classes that inherit from WizShellm ay want to override this function, but be sure to call this at some point in your subclass' 'Back' function """ current_panel = self.pCurrent self.pCurrent -= 1 if self.pCurrent <= 0: self.pCurrent=0 self.buttonWidgets['Back'].configure(state='disabled') if current_panel == self.numPanels - 1: self.buttonWidgets['Next'].configure(text='Next', command=self.Next) self.pFrames[current_panel].forget() self.pFrames[self.pCurrent].pack(fill='both', expand=True) self.updateCounter() def updateCounter(self): self.panelCountVar.set("%d of %d" % ((self.pCurrent+1),self.numPanels))