def open_maestro(path, keepBlocks=False, addProperties=False): from maestro import MaestroFile try: mf = MaestroFile(path) except (ValueError, SyntaxError), e: from traceback import format_exception_only msg = ''.join(format_exception_only(type(e), e)).strip() from chimera import UserError raise UserError(msg) # Make sure we have the right type and version of data # from initial block mfIter = iter(mf) block0 = try: if block0.getAttribute("s_m_m2io_version") != "2.0.0": raise ValueError("version mismatch") #print "Maestro v2.0.0 file recognized" except: from chimera import UserError raise UserError("%s: not a v2.0.0 Maestro file" % path) # Convert all subsequent blocks named "f_m_ct" to molecules import os.path filename = os.path.basename(path) molecules = list() for block in mfIter: if != "f_m_ct": print "%s: Skipping \"%s\" block" % (path, #print "Convert %s block to molecule" % mol = _convertToMolecule(block) if mol: molecules.append(mol) = filename if keepBlocks: mol.maeBlock = block if addProperties: _addProperties(mol, block) return molecules def _convertToMolecule(block): atoms = block.getSubBlock("m_atom") if atoms is None: print "No m_atom block found" return None bonds = block.getSubBlock("m_bond") import chimera mol = chimera.Molecule() residueMap = dict() atomMap = dict() from maestro import IndexAttribute for row in range(atoms.size): attrs = atoms.getAttributeMap(row) index = attrs[IndexAttribute] # Get residue data and create if necessary resSeq = attrs["i_m_residue_number"] insertCode = attrs.get("s_m_insertion_code", None) if not insertCode: insertCode = ' ' chainId = attrs.get("s_m_chain_name", ' ') resKey = (chainId, resSeq, insertCode) try: r = residueMap[resKey] except KeyError: resId = chimera.MolResId(chainId, resSeq, insert=insertCode) resName = attrs.get("s_m_pdb_residue_name", "UNK") r = mol.newResidue(resName.strip(), resId) residueMap[resKey] = r rgb = attrs.get("s_m_ribbon_color_rgb", None) if rgb: r.ribbonColor = _getColor(rgb) # Get atom data and create try: name = attrs["s_m_pdb_atom_name"] except KeyError: name = attrs["s_m_atom_name"] atomicNumber = attrs.get("i_m_atomic_number", 6) element = chimera.Element(atomicNumber) name = name.strip() if not name: name = a = mol.newAtom(name, element) c = chimera.Coord() c.x = atoms.getAttribute("r_m_x_coord", row) c.y = atoms.getAttribute("r_m_y_coord", row) c.z = atoms.getAttribute("r_m_z_coord", row) try: a.bfactor = attrs["r_m_pdb_tfactor"] except (KeyError, TypeError): a.bfactor = 0.0 try: a.occupancy = attrs["r_m_pdb_occupancy"] except (KeyError, TypeError): a.occupancy = 1.0 a.setCoord(c) rgb = attrs.get("s_m_color_rgb", None) if rgb: a.color = _getColor(rgb) # Add atom to residue and to atom map for bonding later r.addAtom(a) atomMap[index] = a if bonds is None or bonds.size == 0: chimera.connectMolecule(mol) else: for row in range(bonds.size): attrs = bonds.getAttributeMap(row) fi = attrs["i_m_from"] ti = attrs["i_m_to"] if ti < fi: # Bonds are reported in both directions # We only need one continue afi = atomMap[fi] ati = atomMap[ti] b = mol.newBond(afi, ati) b.order = attrs["i_m_order"] return mol def _addProperties(mol, block): """Add properties to molecule assuming that it was opened with "open_maestro(path, keepBlocks=True)" """ from maestro import getValue attrs = block.getAttributeMap() rawText = list() d = dict() for key, value in attrs.iteritems(): isValid = True parts = key.split('_', 2) if len(parts) != 3: name = key else: if parts[1] != "i" and parts[1] != "m": isValid = False name = parts[2] if isValid: try: convertedValue = getValue(key, value) except ValueError: isValid = False if isValid: d[name] = convertedValue rawText.append("%s: %s" % (name, value)) mol.maeText = '\n'.join(rawText) mol.maeAttr = d def _getColor(rgb): name = "maestro_" + rgb from chimera import MaterialColor c = MaterialColor.lookup(name) if not c: r = int(rgb[0:2], 16) / 255.0 g = int(rgb[2:4], 16) / 255.0 b = int(rgb[4:6], 16) / 255.0 c = MaterialColor(r, b, g) return c