// Persistence Of Vision raytracer version 3.5 sample file. // "Black and White Stripes" // Copyright 2001 Rune S. Johansen // -w320 -h240 // -w800 -h600 +a0.3 // This scene makes use of a contrast enhancing filter. // For more information, see the demo scene transmitfx.pov // located in the folder \scenes\textures\pigments\ // The idea is to create a woodcut look where dark areas are // made of thick black stripes and bright areas are made of // thin black stripes. This effect is achieved by giving all // objects a grayish gradient pigment. The brighter parts of // the gradient becomes white and the darker parts black. // Because the light from the light_source also makes the // gradient brighter, the white stripes are more dominant in // the illuminated areas on the objects. camera { location <0,6,-10> look_at 4*y } // A small sphere around the camera location with a // contrast enhasing texture. // (Also try to render with this sphere commented out // to see how the scene looks without the filter.) sphere { <0,6,-10>, 0.001 hollow pigment {color rgb 0.5 transmit 100} finish {ambient 1 diffuse 0} } // A light source light_source {<0,10,0>, color 1} // The grayish gradient pigment which is applied to all // objects in the scene by making it the default. #default { texture { pigment { gradient y triangle_wave color_map {[0, rgb 0.5][1, rgb 1.0]} scale 0.3 rotate 20 } finish {ambient 0.55 diffuse 0.25} } } #declare Column = union { cylinder {0.0*y, 0.4*y, 1.2} cylinder {0.4*y, 3.6*y, 0.8} cylinder {3.6*y, 4.0*y, 1.2} torus {0.8, 0.4 translate 0.4*y} torus {0.8, 0.4 translate 3.6*y} } // Four columns object {Column translate -4*x rotate 000*y} object {Column translate -4*x rotate 060*y} object {Column translate -4*x rotate 120*y} object {Column translate -4*x rotate 180*y} // One object hovering over each column union { sphere {0, 1 translate -4*x rotate 000*y} box {-0.9, 0.9 rotate <45,10,45> translate -4*x rotate 060*y} cylinder {-x, x, 0.9 rotate <-20,20,-10> translate -4*x rotate 120*y} torus {0.7, 0.4 rotate <50,45,0> translate -4*x rotate 180*y} translate 5.5*y } // A quick room box {<-8,0,-12>, <8,12,8> hollow}