// Persistence Of Vision raytracer version 3.5 sample file. // File by Dan Farmer // Wine glass and chessboard // Updated October, 1996 // Updated January, 1998 DCB // // -w320 -h240 // -w800 -h600 +a0.3 global_settings { assumed_gamma 1.0 number_of_waves 3 max_trace_level 5 } #include "colors.inc" #include "shapes.inc" #include "textures.inc" //#include "glass.inc" #include "metals.inc" camera { location <50.0, 55.0, -75.0> direction z up y right x*4/3 look_at <-10.0, 18.0, 0.0> } light_source { <10.0, 50.0, 35.0> colour White } light_source { <-35.0, 30.0, -150.0> colour White } #declare I_Glass1 = // Use with Liquid interior{ ior 1.45 caustics 2 fade_distance 40 // only for this scene fade_power 1 } #declare I_Glass2 = //Use with Bead interior{ fade_distance 1.5 // only for this scene fade_power 1 ior 1.45 caustics 2 } #declare I_Glass3 = //Use with Rim interior{ ior 1.51 caustics 2 fade_distance 0.025 fade_power 1 } #declare I_Glass4 = //Use with Top & Stem interior{ ior 1.51 caustics 2 fade_distance 1.5 fade_power 1 } #declare I_Glass5 = // Use with Base interior{ ior 1.51 caustics 2 fade_distance 3.25 fade_power 1 } #declare T_Glass = texture { pigment { color red 1.0 green 1.0 blue 1.0 filter 0.95 } finish { ambient 0.0 diffuse 0.0 reflection 0.1 phong 0.3 phong_size 90 } } #declare Wine = color red 1.0 filter 0.85; #declare Liquid = finish { reflection 0.05 } #declare Bead = object { sphere { <0, 0, 0>, 1 scale <1.65, 0.65, 1.65> } texture { T_Glass} interior {I_Glass2} } #declare Rim = torus {0.975, 0.025 clipped_by { plane { -y, 0.0 } } scale <15.0, 10.0, 15.0> translate 24.0*y texture {T_Glass} interior{I_Glass3} } #declare Top = intersection { plane { y, 1.0 } object { QCone_Y } object { QCone_Y scale <0.97, 1.0, 0.97> inverse } clipped_by { plane { y, 0.0 inverse } } scale <15.0, 10.0, 15.0> translate 14.0*y texture { T_Glass} interior {I_Glass4} } #declare Stem = cylinder { y*3.25, y*14, 1 texture { T_Glass} interior {I_Glass4} } #declare Base = object { QCone_Y clipped_by { plane { y, 0.0 } plane { y, -1.0 inverse } } translate 1.0*y /* This actually puts the base of the cone on y=0*/ scale <12.0, 3.25, 12.0> texture { T_Glass} interior { I_Glass5} } #declare Wine2 = union { cone { 0, 0, y, 0.95 open texture { finish { Liquid } pigment { Wine } } } disc { y, y, 0.95 texture { finish { Liquid specular 1 roughness 0.01 } pigment { Wine } normal { onion 0.75 frequency 3 sine_wave turbulence 0.15 } } interior { I_Glass1} } scale <14.9, 9.5, 14.9> translate 14.0*y texture { finish { Liquid } pigment { Wine } } interior { I_Glass1} } #declare Frame = union { // corners sphere { <-120, 0, -120>, 4.65 } sphere { < 120, 0, -120>, 4.65 } sphere { <-120, 0, 120>, 4.65 } sphere { < 120, 0, 120>, 4.65 } object { Disk_X /* Front rounded edge */ scale <120, 4.65, 4.65> translate -z*120 } object { Disk_Z /* Left rounded edge */ scale <4.65, 4.65, 120> translate -x*120 } object { Disk_X /* Rear rounded edge */ scale <120, 4.65, 4.65> translate z*120 } object { Disk_Z /* Right rounded edge */ scale <4.65, 4.65, 120> translate x*120 } texture { Silver_Texture } } #declare ChessBoard = object { Cube scale <120.0, 4.0, 120.0> texture { tiles { texture { pigment { marble turbulence 1 lambda 2.1 omega 0.707 scale <2, 1, 2> color_map { [0.00 rgb 0.975 ] [0.55 rgb <0.2, 0.25, 0.3>] [0.75 rgb 0.2 ] [0.85 rgb 0.5 ] [1.00 rgb 0.975 ] } } finish { diffuse 1 } } tile2 texture { pigment { Gray10 } finish { diffuse 1 specular 0.5 roughness 0.025} } } scale <30.0, 4.001, 30.0> } } #declare WineGlass_Without_Wine = merge { object { Rim } object { Top } object { Bead translate 14.5*y } object { Bead translate 10.0*y } object { Bead translate 7.0*y } object { Bead translate 3.0*y } object { Stem } object { Base } scale <1.0, 1.50, 1.0> } #declare WineGlass_With_Wine = union { object { WineGlass_Without_Wine } object { Wine2 scale <1.0, 1.50, 1.0> } } fog { distance 200 color Black } /* Ground plane */ plane { y, 0.0 texture { pigment { RichBlue } normal { quilted 0.45 control0 1 control1 1 scale <0.45, 1, 0.45> } } } union { object { Frame } object { ChessBoard } translate <0.0, 4.0, 145.0> } // How did I figure out those wierd transformations below? // Well, they'd be less obscure had I created the wine glass properly, // but since I didn't, I simply put the camera a tiny bit above the // floorplane and tried various values until it "fit". object { WineGlass_Without_Wine translate -x*12.15 rotate -z*86.5 } object { WineGlass_With_Wine translate <0, 0, -20>}