// Persistence Of Vision Raytracer version 3.5 sample file. // The TEXTUREn.POV files demonstrate all textures in TEXTURES.INC camera { location <0, 5, -30> direction <0, 0, 1.35> look_at 5*y } light_source {<0, 0, -1000> rgb 0.66} light_source {<150, 50, -200> rgb 0.66} #local Stack = union { box{-1,1} cylinder {y,-y,1 translate 2*y} sphere{<0, 4, 0>, 1} } #local Dist = 0; #local Top = 10.5; #local Left =-12; #local RowDelta = -7; #local ColDelta = 3; #local Row = 0; #local RowPos = Top; #while (Row < 3) #local Col = 0; #local ColPos = Left; #while (Col<9) object { Stack texture{Textures[Row][Col]} translate } #local Col = Col+1; #local ColPos = ColPos+ColDelta; #end #local Row = Row+1; #local RowPos = RowPos+RowDelta; #end plane { -z, -1.1 pigment {rgb 1 } }