// Persistence Of Vision raytracer version 3.5 sample file. // The TEXTUREn.POV files demonstrate all textures in TEXTURES.INC // // -w320 -h240 // -w800 -h600 +a0.3 global_settings { assumed_gamma 2.2 max_trace_level 5 } #include "textures.inc" #declare Textures=array[3][9] { { texture { Copper_Metal }, texture { Polished_Chrome }, texture { Polished_Brass }, texture { New_Brass }, texture { Spun_Brass }, texture { Brushed_Aluminum }, texture { Silver1 }, texture { Silver2 }, texture { Silver3 } }, { texture { Brass_Valley }, texture { Rust }, texture { Rusty_Iron }, texture { Soft_Silver }, texture { New_Penny }, texture { Tinny_Brass }, texture { Gold_Nugget }, texture { Aluminum }, texture { Bright_Bronze } }, { texture { pigment { Candy_Cane } }, texture { pigment { Peel } }, texture { pigment { Y_Gradient } }, texture { pigment { X_Gradient } }, texture { Water }, texture { Cork }, texture { Lightning1 }, texture { Lightning2 }, texture { Starfield } } } #include "shotxtr.inc"