// Persistence of Vision Raytracer Version 3.5 Scene Description File // File: bounding.pov // Author: Fabien Mosen // Description: // This file demonstrates the "min_extent" and "max_extent" functions. // // -w320 -h240 // -w800 -h600 +a0.3 // //******************************************* #include "colors.inc" camera {location <100,70,-60> direction z*4 look_at <0,0,0>} light_source {<400,500,-300> White*2} #declare r1=seed(0); //defining and placing the objects groups #declare Group1 = blob { threshold .6 #declare I=0; #while (I < 1) sphere {<-5+rand(r1)*10,-5+rand(r1)*10,-5+rand(r1)*10>,2+rand(r1)*1,5} #declare I=I+.1; #end pigment {SteelBlue} finish {phong .7} translate z*-10 } #declare Group2 = union { #declare I=0; #while (I < 1) box {-1,1 rotate rand(r1)*360 scale .5+rand(r1)*.5 translate <-5+rand(r1)*10,-5+rand(r1)*10,-5+rand(r1)*10> } #declare I=I+.1; #end pigment {MediumForestGreen} translate z*+10 } object {Group1} object {Group2} //a macro to make a box perimeter #macro BarBox (StartPoint,EndPoint,Thick) #local SmallCorner=; #local BigCorner=; #local Amplitude=BigCorner-SmallCorner; union { box {<0,0,0>,} box {<0,Amplitude.y,0>,} box {<0,0,Amplitude.z>,} box {<0,Amplitude.y,Amplitude.z>,} box {<0,0,0>, translate 0} box {<0,0,0>, translate } box {<0,0,0>, translate <0,0,Amplitude.z-Thick>} box {<0,0,0>, translate } box {0,} box {0, translate } box {0, translate <0,Amplitude.y-Thick,0>} box {0, translate } translate SmallCorner } #end //a macro that uses the bounding info to display the bounding box of an object #macro ShowBounds (Obj,Col1,Col2,Col3,Thk) #local Corner1 = min_extent (Obj); #local Corner2 = max_extent (Obj); object {BarBox (Corner1,Corner2,Thk) pigment {Col3}} sphere {Corner1,Thk*2 pigment {Col1}} sphere {Corner2,Thk*2 pigment {Col2}} #end //creating the visible bounding limits ShowBounds (Group1,Yellow,White,OrangeRed,.2) ShowBounds (Group2,Yellow,White,OrangeRed,.2)