// Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File // File: mesh2.pov // Vers: 3.5 // Desc: mesh2 demonstration scene // Date: November/December 2001 // Auth: Christoph Hormann // -w320 -h240 // -w512 -h384 +a0.3 #version 3.5; global_settings { assumed_gamma 1 } light_source { <-0.6, 1.6, 3.7>*10000 rgb 1.3 } camera { location <7, 20, 20> direction y sky z up z right (4/3)*x look_at <0.0, 0, 1.2> angle 20 } background { color rgb < 0.60, 0.70, 0.95 > } plane { z, 0 texture { pigment { bozo color_map { [ 0.0 color rgb<0.356, 0.321, 0.274> ] [ 0.1 color rgb<0.611, 0.500, 0.500> ] [ 0.4 color rgb<0.745, 0.623, 0.623> ] [ 1.0 color rgb<0.837, 0.782, 0.745> ] } warp { turbulence 0.6 } } finish { diffuse 0.6 ambient 0.1 specular 0.2 reflection { 0.2, 0.6 fresnel on } conserve_energy } } } #declare Mesh_TextureA= texture{ pigment{ uv_mapping spiral2 8 color_map { [0.5 color rgb <0.2,0,0> ] [0.5 color rgb 1 ] } scale 0.8 } finish { specular 0.3 roughness 0.01 } } #declare Mesh_TextureB= texture{ pigment{ uv_mapping spiral2 8 color_map { [0.5 color rgb 1 ] [0.5 color rgb <0,0,0.2> ] } scale 0.8 } finish { specular 0.3 roughness 0.01 } } // ------- Mesh A - without normal vectors ------- #declare Mesh_A= mesh2{ vertex_vectors{ 14 <-1, -1, -1>, < 1, -1, -1>, <-1, 1, -1>, < 1, 1, -1>, <-1, -1, 1>, < 1, -1, 1>, <-1, 1, 1>, < 1, 1, 1>, -1.5*x, 1.5*x, -1.5*y, 1.5*y, -1.5*z, 1.5*z, } normal_vectors{ 14 <-1, -1, -1>, < 1, -1, -1>, <-1, 1, -1>, < 1, 1, -1>, <-1, -1, 1>, < 1, -1, 1>, <-1, 1, 1>, < 1, 1, 1>, -x, x, -y, y, -z, z } uv_vectors{ 3 <0.0, 0.0>, < 1.0, 1.0>, < 1.0, -1.0> } face_indices{ 24, <8,0,2>, <8,0,4>, <8,6,2>, <8,6,4>, <9,1,3>, <9,1,5>, <9,7,3>, <9,7,5>, <10,0,1>, <10,0,4>, <10,5,1>, <10,5,4>, <11,2,3>, <11,2,6>, <11,7,3>, <11,7,6>, <12,0,1>, <12,0,2>, <12,3,1>, <12,3,2>, <13,4,5>, <13,4,6>, <13,7,5>, <13,7,6> } normal_indices{ 24, <8,0,2>, <8,0,4>, <8,6,2>, <8,6,4>, <9,1,3>, <9,1,5>, <9,7,3>, <9,7,5>, <10,0,1>, <10,0,4>, <10,5,1>, <10,5,4>, <11,2,3>, <11,2,6>, <11,7,3>, <11,7,6>, <12,0,1>, <12,0,2>, <12,3,1>, <12,3,2>, <13,4,5>, <13,4,6>, <13,7,5>, <13,7,6> } uv_indices{ 24, <0,1,2>, <0,1,2>, <0,1,2>, <0,1,2>, <0,1,2>, <0,1,2>, <0,1,2>, <0,1,2>, <0,1,2>, <0,1,2>, <0,1,2>, <0,1,2>, <0,1,2>, <0,1,2>, <0,1,2>, <0,1,2>, <0,1,2>, <0,1,2>, <0,1,2>, <0,1,2>, <0,1,2>, <0,1,2>, <0,1,2>, <0,1,2> } } // ------- Mesh B - with normal vectors ------- #declare Mesh_B= mesh2{ vertex_vectors{ 14 <-1, -1, -1>, < 1, -1, -1>, <-1, 1, -1>, < 1, 1, -1>, <-1, -1, 1>, < 1, -1, 1>, <-1, 1, 1>, < 1, 1, 1>, -1.5*x, 1.5*x, -1.5*y, 1.5*y, -1.5*z, 1.5*z, } uv_vectors{ 5 <0.0, 0.0>, < 1.0, 1.0>, < 1.0, -1.0> <-1.0, 1.0>, <-1.0, -1.0> } face_indices{ 24, <8,0,2>, <8,0,4>, <8,6,2>, <8,6,4>, <9,1,3>, <9,1,5>, <9,7,3>, <9,7,5>, <10,0,1>, <10,0,4>, <10,5,1>, <10,5,4>, <11,2,3>, <11,2,6>, <11,7,3>, <11,7,6>, <12,0,1>, <12,0,2>, <12,3,1>, <12,3,2>, <13,4,5>, <13,4,6>, <13,7,5>, <13,7,6> } uv_indices{ 24, <0,1,2>, <0,1,3>, <0,4,2>, <0,4,3>, <0,1,2>, <0,1,3>, <0,4,2>, <0,4,3>, <0,1,2>, <0,1,3>, <0,4,2>, <0,4,3>, <0,1,2>, <0,1,3>, <0,4,2>, <0,4,3>, <0,1,2>, <0,1,3>, <0,4,2>, <0,4,3>, <0,1,2>, <0,1,3>, <0,4,2>, <0,4,3> } } object { Mesh_A texture { Mesh_TextureA } rotate 180*z rotate 90*x translate <-2, -2, 1.5> } object { Mesh_A texture { Mesh_TextureB } translate < 2, 2, 1.5> } object { Mesh_B texture { Mesh_TextureA } rotate 180*z rotate 90*x translate < 2, -2, 1.5> } object { Mesh_B texture { Mesh_TextureB } translate <-2, 2, 1.5> }