Protein Interfaces, Surfaces and Assemblies

List of Monomers gives the summary of all monomeric units, identified in input data. The following data is displayed for each unit:

Monomer Monomer ID of the monomeric unit.
Class • "Protein" for polypeptide chains
• "RNA/DNA" for nucleic acid chains
• "Ligand" for ligands
Type Monomer's chemical-structural type. Same-type monomers are both chemically and structurally similar. The type is represented both numerically (1,2,3... on) and alphabetically ( A,B,C,...a,b,c" etc.). In alphabetic representation, capital letters are reserved for macromolecules, and small letters indicat ligands. Alphabetic type is given in brackets next to the numeric type value.
Nat Total number of atoms in the monomer, as given in the input file (i.e., e.g., hydrogens do not count if they are not present in the file).
Nres Total number of residues in the monomer, as given in the input file.
Sat Total number of surface atoms in the monomer. An atom is considered to be on the surface if it makes contact with the solvent.
Sres Total number of surface residues in the monomer. A residue is considered to be on the surface if it makes contact with the solvent.
Area Monomer's total surface area, in square angstroms.
SEFD Monomer's solvation energy of folding, in kcal/mol. This property corresponds to the energy gap between the linear and folded states of macromoleculare chains, therefore, it cannot be calculated for ligands.


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