// $Id: mmdb_defs.h,v 1.27 2012/01/26 17:52:20 ekr Exp $ // ================================================================= // // CCP4 Coordinate Library: support of coordinate-related // functionality in protein crystallography applications. // // Copyright (C) Eugene Krissinel 2000-2015. // // This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License version 3, modified in accordance with the provisions // of the license to address the requirements of UK law. // // You should have received a copy of the modified GNU Lesser // General Public License along with this library. If not, copies // may be downloaded from http://www.ccp4.ac.uk/ccp4license.php // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // ================================================================= // // 27.04.16 <-- Date of Last Modification. // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // **** Module : MMDBF_Defs // ~~~~~~~~~ // **** Project : MacroMolecular Data Base (MMDB) // ~~~~~~~~~ // // Definition of types, constants and important classes. // // (C) E. Krissinel 2000-2016 // // ================================================================= // #ifndef __MMDB_Defs__ #define __MMDB_Defs__ #include "mmdb_mattype.h" namespace mmdb { enum MMDB_VERSION { MAJOR_VERSION = 2, //!< MMDB major version MINOR_VERSION = 0, //!< MMDB minor version MICRO_VERSION = 11 //!< MMDB micro version }; // ======================= types ================================= typedef char IDCode [16]; //!< ID code of PDB entry typedef IDCode * PIDCode; //!< pointer to ID code typedef PIDCode & RPIDCode; //!< ref. to pointer to ID code typedef char Date [12]; //!< date DD-MMM-YYYY typedef char RecName [7]; //!< name of PDB record typedef char ChainID [10]; //!< chain ID typedef ChainID * PChainID; //!< pointer to chain ID typedef char InsCode [10]; //!< insertion code typedef char DBName [10]; //!< sequence database name typedef char DBAcCode[20]; //!< seq. database accession code typedef DBAcCode * PDBAcCode; //!< pointer to seq. db acc code typedef char DBIdCode[20]; //!< seq. database ident-n code typedef DBIdCode * PDBIdCode; //!< pointer to DBIdCode typedef char ResName [20]; //!< residue name typedef ResName * PResName; //!< pointer to residue name typedef PResName * PPResName; //!< ptr to vector of residue names typedef char HelixID [20]; //!< helix ID typedef char StrandID[20]; //!< strand ID typedef char SheetID [20]; //!< sheet ID typedef char TurnID [20]; //!< turn ID typedef char LinkRID [20]; //!< Refmac link ID typedef char SymGroup[100]; //!< group of space symmetry typedef realtype vect3 [3]; //!< vector of 3 real numbers typedef vect3 * pvect3; //!< ptr to vector 3 typedef pvect3 & rpvect3; //!< ref to ptr to vector 3 typedef realtype vect4 [4]; //!< vector of 4 real numbers typedef vect3 mat33 [3]; //!< matrix 3x3 of real numbers typedef vect4 mat44 [4]; //!< matrix 4x4 of real numbers typedef mat44 * pmat44; //!< ptr to matrix 4x4 typedef mat44 & rmat44; //!< ref to matrix 4x4 typedef pmat44 * ppmat44; //!< ptr to ptr to matrix 4x4 typedef pmat44 & rpmat44; //!< ref to ptr to matrix 4x4 typedef mat33 mat633 [6]; //!< matrix 6x3x3 of real numbers typedef char AtomName[20]; //!< name of the atom typedef AtomName * PAtomName; //!< pointer to atom name typedef char AltLoc [20]; //!< alternate location indicator typedef AltLoc * PAltLoc; //!< pointer to alt loc indicator typedef char SegID [20]; //!< segment identifier typedef char Element [10]; //!< chemical element name typedef Element * PElement; //!< ptr to chemical element name typedef char EnergyType[10]; //!< energy type name typedef EnergyType * PEnergyType; //!< pointer to energy type name // do not forget update this when change the above typedefs: typedef char maxMMDBName[40]; // ===================== constants =============================== // ANY_RES should be used in selection functions for specifying // "any residue" to select. Defined in mmdb_selmngr.cpp extern const int ANY_RES; // PRNK_XXXXX are the print keys. PRNK_Silent supresses all print // inside mmdb_xxxx unless specifically ordered or catastrophic. // PRNK_SimRWBROOK instructs mmdb to issue, whenever possible and // necessary, printouts and warnings of RWBROOK (fortran) package. enum PRINT_KEY { PRNK_Silent = 0, PRNK_SimRWBROOK = 1 }; // Error_XXXX may be returned by XX::ConvertPDBString() and GetCIF(..) // functions. // Error_WrongSection is returned if the string passed into function // does not belong to the corresponding PDB section. enum ERROR_CODE { Error_EmptyCIF =-1, //!< used as signal at reading CIF files Error_NoError = 0, Error_Ok = 0, Error_WrongSection = 1, Error_WrongChainID = 2, Error_WrongEntryID = 3, // Error_SEQRES_serNum is returned by CSeqRes::ConvertPDBASCII() if // serial numbers of SEQRES records do not increment by 1 Error_SEQRES_serNum = 4, // Error_SEQRES_numRes is returned by CSeqRes::ConvertPDBASCII() if // SEQRES records show different number of residues Error_SEQRES_numRes = 5, // Error_SEQRES_extraRes is returned by CSeqRes::ConvertPDBASCII() if // SEQRES contains more residues than specified Error_SEQRES_extraRes = 6, Error_NCSM_Unrecognized = 7, Error_NCSM_AlreadySet = 8, Error_NCSM_WrongSerial = 9, Error_NCSM_UnmatchIG = 10, Error_ATOM_Unrecognized = 11, Error_ATOM_AlreadySet = 12, Error_ATOM_NoResidue = 13, Error_ATOM_Unmatch = 14, Error_CantOpenFile = 15, Error_UnrecognizedInteger = 16, Error_WrongModelNo = 17, Error_DuplicatedModel = 18, Error_NoModel = 19, Error_ForeignFile = 20, Error_WrongEdition = 21, // CIF specific Error_NotACIFFile = 22, Error_NoData = 23, Error_NoLoop = 24, Error_NoStruct = 25, Error_UnrecognCIFItems = 26, Error_MissingCIFField = 27, Error_EmptyCIFLoop = 28, Error_EmptyCIFStruct = 29, Error_UnexpEndOfCIF = 30, Error_MissgCIFLoopField = 31, Error_NotACIFStructure = 32, Error_NotACIFLoop = 33, Error_UnrecognizedReal = 34, Error_NoSheetID = 35, Error_WrongSheetID = 36, Error_WrongStrandNo = 37, // Error_WrongNumberOfStrands may be issued when reading // sheet data from CIF Error_WrongNumberOfStrands = 38, // Error_WrongSheetOrder may be issued when reading // sheet data from CIF Error_WrongSheetOrder = 39, // Error_HBondInconsistency may be issued when reading // sheet data from CIF Error_HBondInconsistency = 40, // Error_EmptyResidueName is issued when PDB ATOM record // does not have a residue name Error_EmptyResidueName = 41, // Error_DuplicateSeqNum is issued when PDB ATOM records // show the sequence number and insertion code assigned // to more than one residue name Error_DuplicateSeqNum = 42, // Error_NoLogicalName may be returned by file i/o functions // if the specified environmental variable for file name // is not found. Error_NoLogicalName = 43, // Error_EmptyFile may be returned at reading non-existing // coordinate files Error_EmptyFile = 44, Error_Unknown = 45, // Error_CIF_EmptyRow is the event of encountering // an empty row in _atom_site loop. It is handled // internally and has no effect on API Error_CIF_EmptyRow = 99999, Error_GeneralError1 = 10000 }; // ClassID_XXXX are used by container classes for proper // creating containered classes when reading from binary file. enum CLASS_ID { ClassID_Template , ClassID_String , ClassID_ObsLine , ClassID_TitleLine , ClassID_CAVEAT , ClassID_Compound , ClassID_Source , ClassID_ExpData , ClassID_MdlType , ClassID_Author , ClassID_RevData , ClassID_Supersede , ClassID_Journal , ClassID_Remark , ClassID_DBReference, ClassID_SeqAdv , ClassID_ModRes , ClassID_Het , ClassID_NCSMatrix , ClassID_TVect , ClassID_Helix , ClassID_Turn , ClassID_Link , ClassID_LinkR , ClassID_CisPep }; // ===================== classes =============================== DefineClass(Atom); DefineClass(Residue); DefineClass(Chain); DefineClass(Model); DefineClass(Manager); } // namespace mmdb #endif