/*! \file clipper-glyco.h Header file for handling sugar data */ // clipper-glyco.h: a set of tools for handling sugars // version 0.9.1 // 2013 Jon Agirre & Kevin Cowtan, The University of York // mailto: jon.agirre@york.ac.uk // mailto: kevin.cowtan@york.ac.uk // //L This library is free software and is distributed under the terms //L and conditions of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public //L Licence (LGPL) with the following additional clause: //L //L `You may also combine or link a "work that uses the Library" to //L produce a work containing portions of the Library, and distribute //L that work under terms of your choice, provided that you give //L prominent notice with each copy of the work that the specified //L version of the Library is used in it, and that you include or //L provide public access to the complete corresponding //L machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever //L changes were used in the work. (i.e. If you make changes to the //L Library you must distribute those, but you do not need to //L distribute source or object code to those portions of the work //L not covered by this licence.)' //L //L Note that this clause grants an additional right and does not impose //L any additional restriction, and so does not affect compatibility //L with the GNU General Public Licence (GPL). If you wish to negotiate //L other terms, please contact the maintainer. //L //L You can redistribute it and/or modify the library under the terms of //L the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software //L Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //L later version. //L //L This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but //L WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //L MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU //L Lesser General Public License for more details. //L //L You should have received a copy of the CCP4 licence and/or GNU //L Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write //L to the CCP4 Secretary, Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington WA4 4AD, UK. //L The GNU Lesser General Public can also be obtained by writing to the //L Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, //L MA 02111-1307 USA #ifndef CLIPPER_GLYCO_H_INCLUDED #define CLIPPER_GLYCO_H_INCLUDED #include #include #include #include #include #include "clipper-glyco_data.h" std::string carbname_of ( std::string name ); inline clipper::Vec3 find_aromatic_plane ( clipper::MMonomer mmon ) { clipper::Vec3 result (0.0, 0.0, 0.0); if ( mmon.type() == "TRP" ) { clipper::Vec3 vec1 ( mmon.find ( "CD1" ).coord_orth().x() - mmon.find ( "CD2" ).coord_orth().x(), mmon.find ( "CD1" ).coord_orth().y() - mmon.find ( "CD2" ).coord_orth().y(), mmon.find ( "CD1" ).coord_orth().z() - mmon.find ( "CD2" ).coord_orth().z()); clipper::Vec3 vec2 ( mmon.find ( "CE2" ).coord_orth().x() - mmon.find ( "CD2" ).coord_orth().x(), mmon.find ( "CE2" ).coord_orth().y() - mmon.find ( "CD2" ).coord_orth().y(), mmon.find ( "CE2" ).coord_orth().z() - mmon.find ( "CD2" ).coord_orth().z()); result = clipper::Vec3::cross ( vec1, vec2 ); return result.unit(); } else if ( mmon.type() == "TYR" ) { clipper::Vec3 vec2 ( mmon.find ( "CE1" ).coord_orth().x() - mmon.find ( "CG" ).coord_orth().x(), mmon.find ( "CE1" ).coord_orth().y() - mmon.find ( "CG" ).coord_orth().y(), mmon.find ( "CE1" ).coord_orth().z() - mmon.find ( "CG" ).coord_orth().z()); clipper::Vec3 vec1 ( mmon.find ( "CE2" ).coord_orth().x() - mmon.find ( "CG" ).coord_orth().x(), mmon.find ( "CE2" ).coord_orth().y() - mmon.find ( "CG" ).coord_orth().y(), mmon.find ( "CE2" ).coord_orth().z() - mmon.find ( "CG" ).coord_orth().z()); result = clipper::Vec3::cross ( vec1, vec2 ); return result.unit(); } else if ( mmon.type() == "PHE" ) { clipper::Vec3 vec2 ( mmon.find ( "CE1" ).coord_orth().x() - mmon.find ( "CG" ).coord_orth().x(), mmon.find ( "CE1" ).coord_orth().y() - mmon.find ( "CG" ).coord_orth().y(), mmon.find ( "CE1" ).coord_orth().z() - mmon.find ( "CG" ).coord_orth().z()); clipper::Vec3 vec1 ( mmon.find ( "CE2" ).coord_orth().x() - mmon.find ( "CG" ).coord_orth().x(), mmon.find ( "CE2" ).coord_orth().y() - mmon.find ( "CG" ).coord_orth().y(), mmon.find ( "CE2" ).coord_orth().z() - mmon.find ( "CG" ).coord_orth().z()); result = clipper::Vec3::cross ( vec1, vec2 ); return result.unit(); } else if ( mmon.type() == "HIS" ) { clipper::Vec3 vec2 ( mmon.find ( "CE1" ).coord_orth().x() - mmon.find ( "CG" ).coord_orth().x(), mmon.find ( "CE1" ).coord_orth().y() - mmon.find ( "CG" ).coord_orth().y(), mmon.find ( "CE1" ).coord_orth().z() - mmon.find ( "CG" ).coord_orth().z()); clipper::Vec3 vec1 ( mmon.find ( "NE2" ).coord_orth().x() - mmon.find ( "CG" ).coord_orth().x(), mmon.find ( "NE2" ).coord_orth().y() - mmon.find ( "CG" ).coord_orth().y(), mmon.find ( "NE2" ).coord_orth().z() - mmon.find ( "CG" ).coord_orth().z()); result = clipper::Vec3::cross ( vec1, vec2 ); return result.unit(); } return result; } inline clipper::ftype get_angle ( clipper::Vec3 vec1, clipper::Vec3 vec2 ) { clipper::ftype angle = acos ( clipper::Vec3::dot ( vec1, vec2 ) / (sqrt ( pow(vec1[0],2) + pow(vec1[1],2) + pow(vec1[2],2)) * sqrt ( pow(vec2[0],2) + pow(vec2[1],2) + pow(vec2[2],2))) ) ; return angle; } namespace clipper { //! MiniMol Sugar object for handling cyclic carbohydrate data /*! The MiniMol Sugar object is a derivation of clipper::MMonomer, and holds information specific to 5- and 6-membered cyclic sugars Upon creation, the input MMonomer is subjected to a sanity check against a database built into this library, which contains information like anomer, handedness, complete name and a list of the atoms integrating the sugar ring. Cremer-Pople parameters and conformation codes are provided for analysis and validation purposes. Information about connectivity is readily available right after creation too. It is strongly suggested that an MAtomNonBond object is supplied to the constructor, in order to avoid the creation (time expensive) of an object for each MSugar object. */ class MSugar : public clipper::MMonomer { public: MSugar (); MSugar ( const clipper::MiniMol& mmol, const clipper::MMonomer& mmon ); //!< default constructor MSugar ( const clipper::MiniMol& mmol, const clipper::MMonomer& mmon, const clipper::MAtomNonBond& manb ); MSugar ( const clipper::MiniMol& mmol, const clipper::MMonomer& mmon, const clipper::MAtomNonBond& manb, clipper::data::sugar_database_entry& validation_data ); //!< provide pre-calculated (time expensive) MAtomNonBond object. This object will tipically be re-used for many MSugar objects const clipper::String conformation_name() const { return clipper::data::conformational_landscape[sugar_conformation]; } //!< get a fixed three-character code for the conformation const clipper::String conformation_name_iupac() const { return clipper::data::iupac_conformational_landscape[sugar_conformation]; } //!< get HTML-formatted, iupac-compliant codes describing the conformation of the sugar ring const clipper::ftype puckering_amplitude() const { return sugar_cremer_pople_params[0]; } //!< convenience function for getting the puckering amplitude (in Angstroems) of the sugar ring int conformation_code() const { return sugar_conformation; } //!< function for working with a numerical denomination of sugar conformation const clipper::MAtom& anomeric_carbon() const { return this->sugar_anomeric_carbon; } //!< returns the anomeric carbon const clipper::MAtom& anomeric_substituent() const { return this->sugar_anomeric_substituent; } //!< returns the anomeric substituent const clipper::MAtom& configurational_carbon() const { return this->sugar_configurational_carbon; } //!< returns the configurational carbon const clipper::MAtom& configurational_substituent() const { return this->sugar_configurational_substituent; } //!< returns the configurational substituent clipper::String anomer() const { return sugar_anomer; } //!< convenience function to get the anomer type, e.g. "alpha" clipper::String handedness() const { return sugar_handedness; } //!< get the sugar's handedness: "D" for dextro, "L" for laevo, "N" for undetermined and "X" for unsupported (missing from the clipper::data sugar database) clipper::String type_of_sugar() const { return sugar_denomination; } //!< returns a string containing an anomer-handedness-type denomination, e.g. "beta-D-aldopyranose" int ring_cardinality() const { return sugar_ring_elements.size(); } //!< get the number of atoms forming the main sugar ring std::vector ring_members() const { return sugar_ring_elements; } //!< returns an standard vector containing those MAtom's forming the ring const clipper::Coord_orth& ring_centre() const { return this->sugar_centre; } //!< get the ring's centre (original coordinates) const clipper::Vec3& ring_mean_plane() const { return sugar_mean_plane; } //!< get the vector normal to the sugar ring's mean plane, with origin in ring_centre() std::vector cremer_pople_params() const { return sugar_cremer_pople_params; } //!< returns Cremer-Pople parameters (Cremer and Pople, 1975) in the form { Q , Angle1, ... } int potential_linkages() const { return sugar_linked_to.size(); } //!< returns the number of potential linkages to other sugars std::vector < std::pair< clipper::MAtomIndexSymmetry, clipper::ftype > > get_stacked_residues ( ) const ; //!< returns chain and monomer for stacked residues (restricted to TRP, TYR, PHE, HIS) bool is_sane() const { return sugar_sane; } //!< checks it against the internal clipper::data sugar database for correct anomer, handedness and ring members clipper::String full_name() const { return sugar_name; } clipper::String full_type() const { return sugar_type; } std::vector ring_angles() const { return sugar_ring_angles; } std::vector ring_bonds() const { return sugar_ring_bonds; } std::vector ring_torsions() const { return sugar_ring_torsion; } clipper::ftype ring_bond_rmsd() const { return sugar_ring_bond_rmsd; } clipper::ftype ring_angle_rmsd() const { return sugar_ring_angle_rmsd; } clipper::ftype get_bfactor() const { return sugar_bfactor; } bool in_database(clipper::String name) const { return sugar_found_db; } bool is_supported() const { return sugar_supported; } static bool search_database(clipper::String name) { for (int i = 0; i < clipper::data::sugar_database_size ; i++) if (name.trim() == clipper::data::sugar_database[i].name_short.trim()) return true; return false; } //!< returns true if found bool ok_with_ring() const { return sugar_diag_ring; } bool ok_with_bonds_rmsd() const { return sugar_diag_bonds_rmsd; } // compare with database, if not found report dev from ideal bool ok_with_angles_rmsd() const { return sugar_diag_angles_rmsd; } // same bool ok_with_anomer() const { return sugar_diag_anomer; } bool ok_with_chirality() const { return sugar_diag_chirality; } bool ok_with_conformation() const { return sugar_diag_conformation; } bool ok_with_puckering() const { return sugar_diag_puckering; } clipper::ftype get_rscc() const { return sugar_rscc; } void set_rscc ( clipper::ftype rscc_in ) { sugar_rscc = rscc_in; } clipper::String get_diagnostic() const { return sugar_diagnostic; } void set_diagnostic ( clipper::String message ) { sugar_diagnostic = message; } clipper::String get_context ( ) const { return sugar_context; } void set_context ( clipper::String context ) { this->sugar_context = context; } private: typedef std::vector< std::pair< clipper::MAtom, clipper::MAtom > > visited_arcs; typedef std::pair< std::pair, std::pair > stereochemistry_pairs; // int codes for conformations, types and anomers static const int conf_pyranose_4C1 = 1; static const int conf_pyranose_1C4 = 2; static const int conf_pyranose_3OB = 3; static const int conf_pyranose_B25 = 4; static const int conf_pyranose_14B = 5; static const int conf_pyranose_B3O = 6; static const int conf_pyranose_25B = 7; static const int conf_pyranose_B14 = 8; static const int conf_pyranose_OE = 9; static const int conf_pyranose_E5 = 10; static const int conf_pyranose_4E = 11; static const int conf_pyranose_E3 = 12; static const int conf_pyranose_2E = 13; static const int conf_pyranose_E1 = 14; static const int conf_pyranose_3E = 15; static const int conf_pyranose_E2 = 16; static const int conf_pyranose_1E = 17; static const int conf_pyranose_EO = 18; static const int conf_pyranose_5E = 19; static const int conf_pyranose_E4 = 20; static const int conf_pyranose_OH5 =21; static const int conf_pyranose_4H5 = 22; static const int conf_pyranose_4H3 = 23; static const int conf_pyranose_2H3 = 24; static const int conf_pyranose_2H1 =25; static const int conf_pyranose_OH1 = 26; static const int conf_pyranose_3H2 = 27; static const int conf_pyranose_1H2 = 28; static const int conf_pyranose_1HO =29; static const int conf_pyranose_5HO = 30; static const int conf_pyranose_5H4 = 31; static const int conf_pyranose_3H4 = 32; static const int conf_pyranose_OS2 = 33; static const int conf_pyranose_1S5 = 34; static const int conf_pyranose_1S3 = 35; static const int conf_pyranose_2SO = 36; static const int conf_pyranose_5S1 = 37; static const int conf_pyranose_3S1 = 38; static const int conf_furanose_3T2 = 39; static const int conf_furanose_3EV = 40; static const int conf_furanose_3T4 = 41; static const int conf_furanose_EV4 = 42; static const int conf_furanose_OT4 = 43; static const int conf_furanose_OEV = 44; static const int conf_furanose_OT1 = 45; static const int conf_furanose_EV1 = 46; static const int conf_furanose_2T1 = 47; static const int conf_furanose_2EV = 48; static const int conf_furanose_2T3 = 49; static const int conf_furanose_EV3 = 50; static const int conf_furanose_4T3 = 51; static const int conf_furanose_4EV = 52; static const int conf_furanose_4TO = 53; static const int conf_furanose_EVO = 54; static const int conf_furanose_1TO = 55; static const int conf_furanose_1EV = 56; static const int conf_furanose_1T2 = 57; static const int conf_furanose_EV2 = 58; static const int db_not_checked = 9999; static const int db_not_found = 101010; static const int anomer_alpha = 100; static const int anomer_beta = 101; static const int handedness_d = 200; static const int handedness_l = 201; static const int type_aldose = 1000; static const int type_ketose = 2000; // We'll use the sugar_ prefix throughout the class for private members const MiniMol* sugar_parent_molecule; const MAtomNonBond* sugar_parent_molecule_nonbond; Coord_orth sugar_centre; clipper::Vec3 sugar_mean_plane; std::vector sugar_ring_elements; std::vector sugar_cremer_pople_params; // (1) puckering amplitude, (2..) angles clipper::MAtom sugar_anomeric_carbon; clipper::MAtom sugar_configurational_carbon; clipper::MAtom sugar_anomeric_substituent; clipper::MAtom sugar_configurational_substituent; bool sugar_found_db; // true if the sugar's code is present in the reference data structure bool sugar_sane; // true if passed sanity checks bool sugar_supported; // false if the sugar has no connectivity, missing atoms, etc. std::vector sugar_ring_bonds; // bond lengths among ring. [0] is O to anomeric carbon std::vector sugar_ring_angles; // ring angles, starting with last_carbon-O-anomeric carbon std::vector sugar_ring_torsion; // torsion angles, starting with C5-O5-C1-C2 int sugar_index; // 9999 if unchecked, 101010 if absent from the database, 0-400 if found String sugar_denomination; // e.g. alpha-aldopyranose String sugar_anomer; // "alpha", "beta" or "undetermined" String sugar_handedness; // "D", "L" or "undetermined" String sugar_type; // i.e. "aldose" or "ketose" String sugar_name; bool sugar_diag_ring; bool sugar_diag_bonds_rmsd; bool sugar_diag_angles_rmsd; bool sugar_diag_anomer; bool sugar_diag_chirality; bool sugar_diag_conformation; bool sugar_diag_puckering; clipper::String sugar_diagnostic; // full diagnostic to be used in Coot and ccp4i2 clipper::ftype sugar_rscc; // RSCC to be used in Coot and ccp4i2 clipper::ftype sugar_ring_bond_rmsd; clipper::ftype sugar_ring_angle_rmsd; clipper::ftype sugar_bfactor; int sugar_conformation; clipper::String sugar_alternate_confcode; std::vector < MSugar > sugar_linked_to; // size: number of carbon atoms - 1 clipper::String sugar_context; // n-glycan, o-glycan or ligand // private methods std::vector cremerPople_pyranose ( const clipper::MiniMol& , clipper::MMonomer); // modifies object std::vector cremerPople_furanose ( const clipper::MiniMol& , clipper::MMonomer); // modifies object std::vector find_bonded ( const clipper::MAtom& ) const; // accesses object int conformationPyranose ( const clipper::ftype&, const clipper::ftype& ) const; int conformationFuranose ( const clipper::ftype& ) const; std::vector ringMembers ( ) const; // internal function, accesses object const std::vector findPath ( const clipper::MMonomer&, int, MSugar::visited_arcs& ) const; bool closes_ring ( const clipper::MAtom&, MSugar::visited_arcs& ) const; const std::vector findBonded ( const clipper::MAtom&, MSugar::visited_arcs& ) const; // accesses object bool lookup_visited ( const MSugar::visited_arcs&, const std::pair ) const; stereochemistry_pairs get_stereochemistry ( const clipper::MiniMol& ); // accesses object bool is_stereocentre ( const clipper::MAtom&, const clipper::MiniMol& ); // accesses object bool is_part_of_ring ( const clipper::MAtom&, const std::vector ) const; bool bonded ( const clipper::MAtomIndexSymmetry&, const clipper::MAtom& ) const; bool bonded ( const clipper::MAtom&, const clipper::MAtom& ) const; bool lookup_database ( clipper::String ); bool examine_ring(); const char get_altconf ( const clipper::MAtom& ) const; }; // class MSugar class MDisaccharide { public: MDisaccharide () {} //!< null constructor MDisaccharide ( clipper::MSugar& sugar_one, clipper::MSugar& sugar_two) { this->sugar_one = sugar_one; this->sugar_two = sugar_two; } MDisaccharide ( clipper::MiniMol& mmol, const clipper::MAtomNonBond& manb, clipper::MMonomer& mm ); clipper::MSugar& get_first_sugar () { return sugar_one; } clipper::MSugar& get_second_sugar () { return sugar_two; } static int search_disaccharides(clipper::String name) { for (int i = 0; i < clipper::data::disaccharide_database_size ; i++) if (name.trim() == clipper::data::disaccharide_database[i].name_short.trim()) return i; return -1; } //!< returns -1 if not found private: clipper::MSugar sugar_one; clipper::MSugar sugar_two; }; // class MDisaccharide class MGlycan { public: MGlycan () { } //!< null constructor MGlycan ( clipper::String chain, clipper::MMonomer& root_aa, clipper::MSugar& root_sugar, std::string expression_system = "undefined" ); class Node; class Linkage { public: /* we need a copy constructor, as we are holding a pointer Linkage ( const Linkage& linkage ) : node ( linkage.node ), index ( linkage.index ), type ( linkage.type ), torsion_phi ( linkage.torsion_phi ), torsion_psi ( linkage.torsion_psi ) { } */ Linkage ( int index, std::string anomericity, int connect_to_id ) { node_id = connect_to_id; this->index = index; this->type = anomericity; torsion_phi = torsion_psi = torsion_omega = 0.0; } // Linkage& operator= ( const Linkage& link ) { if ( this != &link ) node = link.node; return *this; } int get_order () const { return index; } void set_order ( int order ) { index = order; } int get_linked_node_id ( ) const { return node_id; } std::string get_anomericity ( ) const { return type; } //!< alpha or beta void set_anomericity ( std::string anomericity ) { type = anomericity; } //!< alpha or beta std::string get_description ( bool is_ketose = false ) { std::ostringstream message; std::vector< float > torsions = get_torsions(); if ( is_ketose ) // ketoses have C1 outside of the ring. C2 is the anomeric centre message << "[ " << get_anomericity() << " 2-" << get_order() << " ] with phi: " << torsions[0] << "; psi: " << torsions[1]; else message << "[ " << get_anomericity() << " 1-" << get_order() << " ] with phi: " << torsions[0] << "; psi: " << torsions[1]; if ( torsions.size() == 3 ) message << "; omega: " << torsions[2] << ";"; else message << ";"; message << annotation; return message.str(); } void add_annotation ( std::string message ) { annotation = annotation + " " + message; } std::string get_annotation ( ) { return annotation; } std::vector get_torsions () const { std::vector result; result.push_back ( torsion_psi ); result.push_back ( torsion_phi ); if (index == 6) result.push_back ( torsion_omega ); return result; } //!< [0]=phi, [1]=psi, { [2]=omega, if 1-6 linkage } void set_torsions ( float phi, float psi, float omega=0.0 ) { torsion_phi = phi; torsion_psi = psi; torsion_omega=omega; } std::string format() const { std::stringstream s; s << type << " 1-" << index << " to " << node_id; return s.str(); } private: float torsion_phi; float torsion_psi; float torsion_omega; // for 1-6 linkages int index; // carbon to which this is connected int node_id; // sugar connected to by this linkage std::string type; // anomer std::string annotation; // include validation information }; // class Linkage class Node { public: Node () { initialised = false; } Node ( clipper::MSugar& new_sugar ) { sugar = clipper::MSugar(new_sugar); initialised = true; } Node ( const Node& node ) { this->sugar = clipper::MSugar(node.sugar); this->connections = node.connections; initialised = true; } Node& operator= ( const Node& node ) // this operator seems unnecessary - will keep it in case implementation changes { if ( this != &node ) { connections = node.connections; sugar = node.sugar; } initialised = true; return *this; } void add_annotation ( std::string message ) { annotation = annotation + " " + message; } std::string get_annotation ( ) { return annotation; } const clipper::MSugar& get_sugar () const { return sugar; } void set_sugar ( clipper::MSugar& new_sugar ) { sugar = clipper::MSugar(new_sugar); } //const std::vector< Linkage >& get_connections () const { return connections; } int add_connection ( const Linkage& connection ) { connections.push_back ( connection ); return connections.size()-1; } const int number_of_connections ( ) const { return connections.size(); } Linkage& get_connection ( const int index ) { if ( index > connections.size() -1 ) return connections.back(); else return connections[index]; } const std::string format() const { std::stringstream s; s << "Address: " << this << " Sugar: " << sugar.type() << "; Connections: \n"; for ( int i = 0; i < number_of_connections() ; i++ ) s << connections[i].format() << "\n"; return s.str(); } const bool is_initialised () { return this->initialised ; } private: bool initialised; std::vector < Linkage > connections; clipper::MSugar sugar; std::string annotation; }; // class Node bool link_sugars ( int link, clipper::MSugar& first_sugar, clipper::MSugar& next_sugar ); // true if there's been any problem const std::pair < clipper::MMonomer, clipper::MSugar >& get_root () const { return this->root; } const clipper::String& get_type () const { return kind_of_glycan; } // n-glycan, o-glycan or s-glycan std::string get_root_by_name () const { return get_root().first.type().trim() + "-" + get_root().first.id().trim() + "/" + get_chain().substr(0,1); } std::string get_root_for_filename () { return "[" + get_chain().trim().substr(0,1) + "]-" + get_root().first.type().trim() + get_root().first.id().trim(); } clipper::String print_linear ( const bool print_info, const bool html_format, const bool translate ); clipper::String print_SVG ( bool vertical, bool print_info, bool colour_gradient ); std::vector < clipper::MSugar >& get_sugars () { return sugars; } const Node& get_node ( int index ) const { if (index>node_list.size()-1) return node_list.back(); else return node_list[index]; } const clipper::String& get_chain () const { return chain; } int number_of_nodes ( ) const { return node_list.size(); } void set_kind_of_glycan ( clipper::String input ) { kind_of_glycan = input; } std::vector get_glycosylation_torsions () const { std::vector result; result.push_back ( torsion_phi ); result.push_back ( torsion_psi ); return result; } //!< [0]=phi, [1]=psi void set_glycosylation_torsions ( float phi, float psi ) { torsion_phi = phi; torsion_psi = psi; } std::string get_link_description ( ) { std::ostringstream message; message << root.second.anomer() << " link. " << "Phi: " << torsion_phi << "; Psi: " << torsion_psi << ";" << link_annotation ; return message.str(); } std::string get_root_description ( ) { std::ostringstream message; message << get_root_by_name() << root_annotation; return message.str(); } void add_root_annotation ( std::string annotation ) { root_annotation = root_annotation + annotation; } void add_link_annotation ( std::string annotation ) { link_annotation = link_annotation + annotation; } void set_annotations ( std::string expression_system ); // function that annotates glycobiologic validation private: clipper::String kind_of_glycan; // can be n-glycan, o-glycan or s-glycan std::pair < clipper::MMonomer, clipper::MSugar > root; // this is the root, should be null if this is a ligand saccharide std::vector < Node > node_list; // interlinked nodes clipper::String chain; // Chain ID for this glycan std::vector < clipper::MSugar > sugars; // vector of sugars clipper::ftype torsion_psi, torsion_phi; // Torsions of the protein-glycan link std::string root_annotation, link_annotation, expression_system; }; // class MGlycan class MGlycology { public: MGlycology () { } //!< null constructor MGlycology ( const clipper::MiniMol&, std::string expression_system = "undefined" ); MGlycology ( const clipper::MiniMol&, const clipper::MAtomNonBond&, std::string expression_system = "undefined" ); clipper::MGlycan get_glycan_by_id ( int id ); clipper::MGlycan get_glycan_by_root ( clipper::MMonomer& root ) { for (int i=0;i get_list_of_glycans () const { return list_of_glycans; } std::vector < clipper::MSugar > get_sugar_list() { return list_of_sugars; } private: // private properties std::vector < clipper::MSugar > list_of_sugars; std::vector < clipper::MGlycan > list_of_glycans; const clipper::MAtomNonBond* manb; const clipper::MiniMol * mmol; // private methods const std::vector < std::pair< clipper::MAtom, clipper::MAtomIndexSymmetry > > get_contacts ( const clipper::MMonomer& mm_one ); int parse_order ( clipper::String str ) { const char *s = str.c_str(); return atoi(&s[2]); } void extend_tree ( clipper::MGlycan& mg, clipper::MSugar& msug ); const char get_altconf ( const clipper::MAtom& ) const; std::string expression_system; }; // class MGlycology } // namespace clipper #endif