// // ================================================================= // // 06.03.14 <-- Date of Last Modification. // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // **** Module : rvapi_document // ~~~~~~~~~ // **** Project : HTML5-based presentation system // ~~~~~~~~~ // **** Classes : rvapi::Document - API main document // ~~~~~~~~~ // // (C) E. Krissinel 2013-2014 // // ================================================================= // #ifndef RVAPI_DOCUMENT_H #define RVAPI_DOCUMENT_H #include "rvapi_node.h" namespace rvapi { class Grid; class Table; class Data; class LogGraph; class Graph; class Radar; class TreeWidget; class Input; class Document : public Node { public: Document (); ~Document(); virtual NODE_TYPE type() { return NTYPE_Document; } // ==================== INITIALISATION ====================== /// \brief Configurator. /// \param[in] docId document ID. /// /// If docId is given, then it will be used as a dash-prepended /// namespace for all children ids, e.g. "docId-tabId". When /// children are retrieved, the same rule will apply. However, /// by unsetting docId, full namespaced Ids will need to be /// used for retrieval. This makes it possible to use the same /// Document for collecting data from several runs of the same /// application, or even several different applications, without /// conflict on their data ids. Consider that docId may be passed /// through program's command-line arguments. void configure ( const char * docId, const char * outDir, const char * windowTitle, OUTPUT_MODE outMode = MODE_Html, LAYOUT_MODE layMode = LAYOUT_Full, const char * jsUri = NULL, const char * helpFN = NULL, // no help button const char * htmlFN = "index.html", const char * taskFN = "task.tsk", const char * xmli2FN = "i2.xml" ); // ================== FORMATION OF PAGE ===================== void addHeader ( const char * htmlString ); void addTab ( const char * tabId, const char * tabName, bool open ); void insertTab ( const char * tabId, const char * tabName, const char * beforeTabId, bool open ); void removeTab ( const char * tabId ); void addSection ( const char * secId, const char * secTitle, const char * holderId, int hrow = -1, int hcol = 0, int hrowSpan = 1, int hcolSpan = 1, bool open = true ); void setSectionState ( const char * secId, bool open ); void addGrid ( const char * gridId, bool filling, const char * holderId, int hrow = -1, int hcol = 0, int hrowSpan = 1, int hcolSpan = 1 ); Grid * findGrid ( const char *gridId ); void addPanel ( const char * panelId, const char * holderId, int hrow = -1, int hcol = 0, int hrowSpan = 1, int hcolSpan = 1 ); // ==================== TEXT WIDGET ========================= void setText ( const char * textString, const char * holderId, int hrow = -1, int hcol = 0, int hrowSpan = 1, int hcolSpan = 1 ); void addText ( const char * textString, const char * holderId, int hrow = -1, int hcol = 0, int hrowSpan = 1, int hcolSpan = 1 ); // =================== CONTENT WIDGET ======================= void addContent ( const char * uri, bool watch, const char * holderId, int hrow = -1, int hcol = 0, int hrowSpan = 1, int hcolSpan = 1 ); // ======================== TABLES ========================== void addTable ( const char * tblId, const char * tblTitle, const char * holderId, int hrow = -1, int hcol = 0, int hrowSpan = 1, int hcolSpan = 1, int foldState = 1 ); Table * findTable ( const char * tblId ); // =================== DATA BLOCKS (FILES) =================== void addData ( const char * datId, const char * datTitle, const char * uri, const char * type, const char * holderId, int hrow = -1, int hcol = 0, int hrowSpan = 1, int hcolSpan = 1, int foldState = 1 ); Data * findData ( const char * datId ); // ======================= GRAPHS =========================== void addLogGraph ( const char * gphId, const char * holderId, int hrow = -1, int hcol = 0, int hrowSpan = 1, int hcolSpan = 1 ); LogGraph * findLogGraph ( const char * gphId ); void addGraph ( const char * graphId, const char * holderId, int hrow = -1, int hcol = 0, int hrowSpan = 1, int hcolSpan = 1 ); Graph * findGraph ( const char * graphId ); void addRadar ( const char * radarId, const char * radarTitle, const char * holderId, int hrow = -1, int hcol = 0, int hrowSpan = 1, int hcolSpan = 1, int foldState = 0 ); Radar * findRadar ( const char * radarId ); // ======================= TREES ============================ void addTreeWidget ( const char * treeId, const char * title, const char * holderId, const int hrow = -1, const int hcol = 0, const int hrowSpan = 1, const int hcolSpan = 1 ); TreeWidget * findTreeWidget ( const char * treeId ); void setTreeNode ( const char * treeId, const char * leafId, const char * title, const char * openState, const char * parentId ); // =================== PROGRESS BAR ========================= void setToolbarProgress ( int key, int value ); // ================== FORMS AND INPUTS ====================== void addForm ( const char * formId, const char * action, const char * method, const char * holderId, const int hrow = -1, const int hcol = 0, const int hrowSpan = 1, const int hcolSpan = 1 ); void addFileUpload ( const char * inpId, const char * name, const char * value, const int length, const bool required, const char * formId, const int hrow = -1, const int hcol = 0, const int hrowSpan = 1, const int hcolSpan = 1 ); void addLineEdit ( const char * inpId, const char * name, const char * text, const int length, const char * formId, const int hrow = -1, const int hcol = 0, const int hrowSpan = 1, const int hcolSpan = 1 ); void addHiddenText ( const char * inpId, const char * name, const char * text, const char * formId, const int hrow = -1, const int hcol = 0, const int hrowSpan = 1, const int hcolSpan = 1 ); void addSubmitButton ( const char * inpId, const char * title, const char * formAction, const char * formId, const int hrow = -1, const int hcol = 0, const int hrowSpan = 1, const int hcolSpan = 1 ); void addButton ( const char * inpId, const char * title, const char * command, const char * data, const bool rvOnly, const char * holderId, const int hrow = -1, const int hcol = 0, const int hrowSpan = 1, const int hcolSpan = 1 ); void addCheckbox ( const char * inpId, const char * title, const char * name, const char * value, const char * command, const char * data, const bool checked, const char * holderId, const int hrow = -1, const int hcol = 0, const int hrowSpan = 1, const int hcolSpan = 1 ); void addCombobox ( const char * cbxId, const char * name, const char * onChange, const int size, const char * holderId, const int hrow = -1, const int hcol = 0, const int hrowSpan = 1, const int hcolSpan = 1 ); void addComboboxOption ( const char * cbxId, const char * label, const char * value, const bool selected ); void addRadioButton ( const char * inpId, const char * title, const char * name, const char * value, const bool checked, const char * holderId, const int hrow = -1, const int hcol = 0, const int hrowSpan = 1, const int hcolSpan = 1 ); Input * findInput ( const char * inpId ); void disableForm ( const char * formId, const bool disable ); void disableInput ( const char * inpId, const bool disable ); // not for tabs and sections void removeWidget ( const char * widgetId ); // ======================= OUTPUT =========================== void setDocFileName ( const char *fname ) { docFName = fname; } void store ( const char *fname ); void restore ( const char *fname ); void flush (); void setPolling ( bool on ); // off by default void resetTask (); // resets task counter void setMaxTaskFileSize ( const long max_size ); // use only for external queries! (@-namespacing) const char * makeId ( std::string & nsId, const char * itemId ); protected: OUTPUT_MODE outputMode; //!< output mode std::string outputDir; //!< output directory (slash-terminated) std::string docFName; //!< document file name std::string helpFName; //!< default help (html) file name std::string htmlFName; //!< html file name std::string taskFName; //!< task file name std::string xmli2FName; //!< xmli2 file name std::string tasks; //!< special task list std::string jsrviewUri; //!< uri to js support directory std::string docUri; //!< uri to documentation std::vector uri_css; //!< list of css modules std::vector uri_js; //!< list of js modules std::string jqPlotEx_js; //!< jqPlot extra canvas URI for < IE9 int stop_poll; //!< flag to stop polling server int reset_cnt; //!< resets web page counter for task file void initDocument(); void freeDocument(); void makeJSLinks (); void writeNode ( std::ofstream & s, Node * node ); Node * readNode ( std::ifstream & s ); virtual void write ( std::ofstream & s ); virtual void read ( std::ifstream & s ); void flush_file ( std::string & data, const bool timeStamp, const bool shrinkFile, std::string fname); private: long task_file_size, max_task_file_size; }; } #endif // RVAPI_DOCUMENT_H