""" xdist hooks. Additionally, pytest-xdist will also decorate a few other hooks with the worker instance that executed the hook originally: ``pytest_runtest_logreport``: ``rep`` parameter has a ``node`` attribute. You can use this hooks just as you would use normal pytest hooks, but some care must be taken in plugins in case ``xdist`` is not installed. Please see: http://pytest.org/latest/writing_plugins.html#optionally-using-hooks-from-3rd-party-plugins """ def pytest_xdist_setupnodes(config, specs): """ called before any remote node is set up. """ def pytest_xdist_newgateway(gateway): """ called on new raw gateway creation. """ def pytest_xdist_rsyncstart(source, gateways): """ called before rsyncing a directory to remote gateways takes place. """ def pytest_xdist_rsyncfinish(source, gateways): """ called after rsyncing a directory to remote gateways takes place. """ def pytest_configure_node(node): """ configure node information before it gets instantiated. """ def pytest_testnodeready(node): """ Test Node is ready to operate. """ def pytest_testnodedown(node, error): """ Test Node is down. """ def pytest_xdist_node_collection_finished(node, ids): """called by the master node when a node finishes collecting. """