""" This module is executed in remote subprocesses and helps to control a remote testing session and relay back information. It assumes that 'py' is importable and does not have dependencies on the rest of the xdist code. This means that the xdist-plugin needs not to be installed in remote environments. """ import sys import os class SlaveInteractor: def __init__(self, config, channel): self.config = config self.slaveid = config.slaveinput.get('slaveid', "?") self.log = py.log.Producer("slave-%s" % self.slaveid) if not config.option.debug: py.log.setconsumer(self.log._keywords, None) self.channel = channel config.pluginmanager.register(self) def sendevent(self, name, **kwargs): self.log("sending", name, kwargs) self.channel.send((name, kwargs)) def pytest_internalerror(self, excrepr): for line in str(excrepr).split("\n"): self.log("IERROR>", line) def pytest_sessionstart(self, session): self.session = session slaveinfo = getinfodict() self.sendevent("slaveready", slaveinfo=slaveinfo) def pytest_sessionfinish(self, __multicall__, exitstatus): self.config.slaveoutput['exitstatus'] = exitstatus res = __multicall__.execute() self.sendevent("slavefinished", slaveoutput=self.config.slaveoutput) return res def pytest_collection(self, session): self.sendevent("collectionstart") def pytest_runtestloop(self, session): self.log("entering main loop") torun = [] while 1: name, kwargs = self.channel.receive() self.log("received command", name, kwargs) if name == "runtests": torun.extend(kwargs['indices']) elif name == "runtests_all": torun.extend(range(len(session.items))) self.log("items to run:", torun) # only run if we have an item and a next item while len(torun) >= 2: self.run_tests(torun) if name == "shutdown": if torun: self.run_tests(torun) break return True def run_tests(self, torun): items = self.session.items self.item_index = torun.pop(0) if torun: nextitem = items[torun[0]] else: nextitem = None self.config.hook.pytest_runtest_protocol( item=items[self.item_index], nextitem=nextitem) def pytest_collection_finish(self, session): self.sendevent( "collectionfinish", topdir=str(session.fspath), ids=[item.nodeid for item in session.items]) def pytest_runtest_logstart(self, nodeid, location): self.sendevent("logstart", nodeid=nodeid, location=location) def pytest_runtest_logreport(self, report): data = serialize_report(report) data["item_index"] = self.item_index assert self.session.items[self.item_index].nodeid == report.nodeid self.sendevent("testreport", data=data) def pytest_collectreport(self, report): data = serialize_report(report) self.sendevent("collectreport", data=data) def serialize_report(rep): import py d = rep.__dict__.copy() if hasattr(rep.longrepr, 'toterminal'): d['longrepr'] = str(rep.longrepr) else: d['longrepr'] = rep.longrepr for name in d: if isinstance(d[name], py.path.local): d[name] = str(d[name]) elif name == "result": d[name] = None # for now return d def getinfodict(): import platform return dict( version=sys.version, version_info=tuple(sys.version_info), sysplatform=sys.platform, platform=platform.platform(), executable=sys.executable, cwd=os.getcwd(), ) def remote_initconfig(option_dict, args): from _pytest.config import Config option_dict['plugins'].append("no:terminal") config = Config.fromdictargs(option_dict, args) config.option.looponfail = False config.option.usepdb = False config.option.dist = "no" config.option.distload = False config.option.numprocesses = None config.args = args return config if __name__ == '__channelexec__': channel = channel # noqa # python3.2 is not concurrent import safe, so let's play it safe # https://bitbucket.org/hpk42/pytest/issue/347/pytest-xdist-and-python-32 if sys.version_info[:2] == (3, 2): os.environ["PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE"] = "1" slaveinput, args, option_dict = channel.receive() importpath = os.getcwd() sys.path.insert(0, importpath) # XXX only for remote situations os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = ( importpath + os.pathsep + os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH', '')) # os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = importpath import py config = remote_initconfig(option_dict, args) config.slaveinput = slaveinput config.slaveoutput = {} interactor = SlaveInteractor(config, channel) config.hook.pytest_cmdline_main(config=config)