This is ../, produced by makeinfo version 4.11 from ../guile-gtk.texi. This manual describes how to install and use the Guile interface to Gtk, version 2.1. Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved by Free Software Foundation. INFO-DIR-SECTION GNU libraries START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * guile-gtk: (guile-gtk). Guile interface to Gtk. END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY  File:, Node: Top, Next: Introduction, Prev: (dir), Up: (dir) Guile-Gtk ********* This manual describes how to install and use the Guile interface to Gtk, version 2.1. Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved by Free Software Foundation. * Menu: * Introduction:: * Installing:: * Reporting Bugs:: * General Conventions:: * Gdk Module:: * Gdk Extras:: * Gtk Module:: * Gtk Extras:: * GdkPixbuf Module:: * Glade Module:: * Gtk GL Module:: * Gtk GL Extras:: * Tips and Techniques:: * Known Bugs:: * Obsolete Features:: * Example Programs:: * Internals:: * Concept Index:: * Function and Type Index::  File:, Node: Introduction, Next: Installing, Prev: Top, Up: Top 1 Introduction ************** Guile-Gtk makes the Gtk+, Gdk-Pixbuf, Glade and Gtk-GL graphical user interface libraries available from within Guile. (*note The Guile Reference Manual: (guile)Top.) This manual makes no attempt to document those libraries, only how to use them from Guile. Currently, Guile-Gtk supports Gtk version 2.0 and higher, and versions of Gdk-Pixbuf, Glade and Gtk-GL corresponding to that. It's intended that Gnome will be supported by a new line of development called Guile-Gnome (`'). The Guile-Gtk home page is at the following URL. A mailing list for users and developers is available, see the home page for details. `' As a taste of Guile-Gtk style, here's a hello world program. Those familiar with Gtk should find it straightforward. A toplevel window is created, a label widget added, the result realized, and a main loop run. (use-modules (gtk-2.0 gtk)) (define top (gtk-window-new 'toplevel)) (gtk-signal-connect top "destroy" gtk-exit) (define label (gtk-label-new " Hello world! ")) (gtk-container-add top label) (gtk-widget-show-all top) (gtk-main)  File:, Node: Installing, Next: Reporting Bugs, Prev: Introduction, Up: Top 2 Installing ************ To build and install Guile-Gtk you will need Guile 1.6.4 or higher, and Glib and Gtk versions 2.0 or higher (and their various dependencies). Gdk-Pixbuf, Glade and Gtk-GL are optional, support for them in Guile-Gtk is included if they're available. Guile-Gtk uses an Autoconf, Automake and Libtool based configuration system. A basic build can be made with, ./configure make Some self-tests can be run with make check And you can install (under `/usr/local' by default) with make install The file `INSTALL' has generic information about `./configure'. Running `./configure --help' will print a summary of the usage and options. `--with-gdk-pixbuf=yes/no' `--with-glade=yes/no' `--with-gtkgl=yes/no' Enable or disable Gdk-Pixbuf, Glade, or Gtk-GL support, respectively. The default for each is to enable if available. `--prefix' Installing under the same `--prefix' as Guile will make Guile-Gtk available immediately. If installed under a different tree it will be necessary to add to `%load-path' and possibly `LTDL_LIBRARY_PATH' so the modules and interface libraries can be found. Threads The threads method (pthreads, coop, or none) used in Guile is noticed by Guile-Gtk at compile-time, and used to setup the threads support within Guile-Gtk (*note General Conventions::). The resulting Guile-Gtk can only be used with a Guile built with the same threads method. For Guile 1.8, where the choices are pthreads or no threads, the intention is instead to notice that choice at runtime (because Glib always has pthreads builtin anyway). But as of Guile 1.8.2 certain threads-dependent code is inlined by Guile, so runtime detection doesn't yet work.  File:, Node: Reporting Bugs, Next: General Conventions, Prev: Installing, Up: Top 3 Reporting Bugs **************** If you think you've found a bug in Guile-Gtk, please investigate and make a full report. See also *note Known Bugs::. Include the following in any report, * System and CPU type, obtained from running `./config.guess' (or `uname -a' if your system is unknown). * The versions of Guile-Gtk, Guile, Gtk and Glib, the configuration options used, and if patched or packaged then say so. * The build compiler and its version. * A test program illustrating the problem. Describe how to run it, what it does, and what you think it should do. * If you get a Scheme level error, include the backtrace obtained from running with `guile --debug'. * If you get a C level crash, try running under the debugger and include a backtrace (`where' in GDB) if it's informative. * If the bug is related to `./configure', then send the contents of `config.log'. Send your report to .  File:, Node: General Conventions, Next: Gdk Module, Prev: Reporting Bugs, Up: Top 4 General Conventions ********************* Unless otherwise stated, Gtk+ functions and variables are made available in Guile with names transformed to Scheme style. This means underscores become hyphens, and only lower case is used. For instance the C function `gtk_label_new' is `gtk-label-new' in Guile, or `GTK_WIDGET_FLAGS' is `gtk-widget-flags'. The following general rules are applied to parameters and return values. `NULL' `NULL' is represented as `#f', for functions which accept or return that. `int', `gint', etc All integer types are simply Guile integers. Range checks are applied to parameters, and "inexact" values are not accepted, even if they happen to be integers. (*note Exact and Inexact Numbers: (guile)Exactness.) `gboolean' Booleans are returned as the usual Scheme `#t' and `#f'. For parameters, any non-`#f' value is taken to be true. `GList', `GSList' etc Glib lists are returned as Guile lists. For instance `gtk-container-children' returns a list of widgets. In parameters, either a Guile list or vector can be given. Arrays C level arrays are returned as Guile lists. In parameters, either a Guile list or vector can be given. For instance `gtk-curve-set-vector' takes a list or vector of floats. Enumerations Enumerations are represented in Guile as symbols, with names corresponding to the C definitions and without the prefix indicating their type. For instance `GtkWindowType' value `GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL' is just the symbol `toplevel', hence a call `(gtk-window-new 'toplevel)'. Flags Sets of flags (bitwise ORs at the C level) are represented in Guile as a list of symbols, possibly an empty list, with names corresponding to the C definitions and without the prefix indicating their type. For example a `GdkModifierType' value could be the list `(shift-mask control-mask)'. Multiple return values Multiple values are returned in a list. This is the C return value plus values stored through pointers. For example at the C level `gtk_pixmap_get' returns a `GdkPixmap' and a `GdkBitmap' via pointers. Guile Gtk function `gtk-pixmap-get' returns these in a two-element list. Or for example `gdk_window_at_pointer' returns a `GdkWindow' and stores an `x' and `y' through pointers. These are returned from `gdk-window-at-pointer' in a three element list. Strings Gtk generally uses strings encoded in UTF-8. Guile (versions 1.6 and 1.8) has no direct notion of multi-byte characters in strings, so applications will need to be careful. Converting to `GdkWChar' with `gdk-mbstowc' (*note Gdk Module::) is one way to identify character boundaries at least. `GType' `GType' (and `GtkType' which is the same thing) values are represented as a distinct kind of Scheme level objects, except for `GTK_TYPE_INVALID' which is represented as `#f'. Types can be compared with `equal?'. As a convenience, functions expecting a `GtkType' can be passed a symbol which is the name of the type. For example, (gtk-widget-new 'GtkLabel) For types known to Guile Gtk (anything appearing in the defs files), Guile Gtk will call the type initialization functions when necessary. Other types will be available only once relevant C code has created them. `GObject' Each `GObject' is represented uniquely at the Scheme level, so widgets etc can be compared or hashed with `eq?'. An object is destroyed when garbage collected, if it's not otherwise in use by Gtk. Type predicates like `GTK_IS_CHECK_BUTTON' are implemented as for instance `gtk-check-button?'. There are no type checking casts like in C, Guile Gtk functions expecting a particular object class always check they get it or a sub-class. `GError' `GError' parameters at the C level are implemented as `scm-error' style throws *note Procedures for Signaling Errors: (guile)Error Reporting. For example `gdk-pixbuf-new-from-file' (*note GdkPixbuf Module::) is called as (gdk-pixbuf-new-from-file "myfile.png") and if an error occurs it may throw for instance (scm-error 'g-error "gdk-pixbuf-new-from-file" "Failed to open file 'myfile.png': No such file or directory" '(g-file-error-quark 4)) The data parameter is a list of error domain and code number. Threading Guile Gtk programs can use Guile threads in the normal way, but note that the Gtk and Gdk libraries are not thread-safe and that the Guile Gtk interface has no special protection against two threads calling Gtk/Gdk simultaneously. `gdk-threads-enter' and `gdk-threads-leave' are available though, and can be used the same as in a C program. Perhaps in the future additional threading protection will be provided by Guile Gtk. Presently two threads both calling Gtk/Gdk can crash the interpreter, the idea would be to guard against that.  File:, Node: Gdk Module, Next: Gdk Extras, Prev: General Conventions, Up: Top 5 Gdk Module ************ The Gdk interface module can be used with (use-modules (gtk-2.0 gdk)) A call to `gdk_init' is made automatically, an application doesn't need to do that itself. Standard Gdk command line options are taken from the program command line (eg. `--display'), and removed from there, leaving other options and the rest of the command line for the application. *note Runtime Environment: (guile)Runtime Environment. Currently, the `(gtk-2.0 gdk)' module also initializes Gtk (`gtk_init' etc, *note Gtk Module::). Perhaps this will change in the future. The following rules apply to the various Gdk types. Predicates Type predicates are implemented as for instance `gdk-window?'. These test only for an object of the type, so when say a string is automatically converted for `GdkFont', the corresponding `gdk-font?' is false for a string, it's true only for an actual font object. Equality Most Gdk objects are subtypes of `GObject' and the rules for it apply to them (*note General Conventions::). But those few not like this, such as `GdkFont', are not uniquely represented by a single Scheme level object and so cannot be compared with `eq?' (nor with `equal?'). Standard Gdk functions like `gdk-font-equal' and `gdk-color-equal' can be used in the usual way though. `GdkAtom' Atoms are passed and returned as Guile symbols, for example `WM_NAME'. `GdkBitmap' Bitmap and pixmap objects are the same type. When a function expects a bitmap currently Guile-Gtk doesn't check the depth is 1, and generally an X level `BadMatch' error will occur if it's not. `GdkColor' As a convenience, functions expecting a `GdkColor' object can be passed a string, which will be parsed and allocated in the default colormap, using `gdk-color-intern' (*note Gdk Extras::). The following field accessors and setters are provided, -- Function: gdk-color-red color -- Function: gdk-color-blue color -- Function: gdk-color-green color -- Function: gdk-color-pixel color -- Function: gdk-color-set-red color red -- Function: gdk-color-set-blue color blue -- Function: gdk-color-set-green color green -- Function: gdk-color-set-pixel color pixel `GdkDragContext' The following field accessors are provided, -- Function: gdk-drag-context-action -- Function: gdk-drag-context-actions -- Function: gdk-drag-context-dest-window -- Function: gdk-drag-context-is-source -- Function: gdk-drag-context-source-window -- Function: gdk-drag-context-start-time -- Function: gdk-drag-context-suggested-action -- Function: gdk-drag-context-targets `GdkEvent' The following field accessors are provided. Consult the Gdk documentation for which fields are available in which event types. -- Function: gdk-event-type e -- Function: gdk-event-area e -- Function: gdk-event-atom e -- Function: gdk-event-button e -- Function: gdk-event-count e -- Function: gdk-event-crossing-mode e -- Function: gdk-event-drag-context e -- Function: gdk-event-focus e -- Function: gdk-event-in e -- Function: gdk-event-is-hint e -- Function: gdk-event-keyval e -- Function: gdk-event-notify-detail e -- Function: gdk-event-send-event e -- Function: gdk-event-property e -- Function: gdk-event-requestor e -- Function: gdk-event-selection e -- Function: gdk-event-source e -- Function: gdk-event-string e -- Function: gdk-event-subwindow e -- Function: gdk-event-target e -- Function: gdk-event-time e -- Function: gdk-event-window e -- Function: gdk-event-x-root e -- Function: gdk-event-y-root e -- Function: gdk-event-x e -- Function: gdk-event-y e Mouse pointer positions as floating point numbers, eg. for motion notify events. -- Function: gdk-event-configure-x e -- Function: gdk-event-configure-y e -- Function: gdk-event-configure-width e -- Function: gdk-event-configure-height e Window position and sizes as exact integers, for a configure notify event. -- Function: gdk-event-state e `GdkModifierType' flags, eg. for a key press event. -- Function: gdk-event-visibility-state e `GdkVisibilityState' symbol, for visibility notify events. -- Function: gdk-event-message e -- Function: gdk-event-message-type e `gdk-event-message' returns its data as a vector of 5, 10 or 20 integers, according to the data format (32, 16, or 8 bits, respectively). `GdkFont' As a convenience, functions expecting a `GdkFont' object can be passed the name of a font as a string, which will be loaded as per `gdk-font-intern' (*note Gdk Extras::). `GdkPoint' A points is represented as a pair `(X . Y)'. (*note Pairs: (guile)Pairs.) `GdkRectangle' A rectangles is represented as a pair of pairs `((X . Y) . (WIDTH . HEIGHT))'. Notice the `(X . Y)' pair corresponds to the way a `GdkPoint' is represented. `GdkSegment' A segment is represented as a pair of pairs `((X1 . Y1) . (X2 . Y2))'. Notice each `(X . Y)' corresponds to the way a `GdkPoint' is represented. `GdkWChar' Currently `GdkWChar' values are represented as integers, and `GdkWChar' strings as vectors of integers. So for instance `gdk-wcstombs' expects such a vector. This representation might change in the future if Guile gets its own notion of characters bigger than 8 bits. `GdkWindow' An application must call `gdk-window-destroy' to destroy a window which it created and no longer needs. This is not done automatically by the garbage collector, a window forgotten will continue to exist until the program exits. Windows from a Gtk widget should not be destroyed, that's done by the widget code when the widget is destroyed or unrealized. Note that the final release of memory only actually takes place under the Gtk main loop (`gtk-main' etc), so be sure it runs (periodically at least) when creating and destroying. Pixels Pixels are represented as integers, in the usual Gdk fashion. Guile Gtk makes no attempt to track what pixels are allocated in what colormaps, any management of that is left to applications. The following standard Gdk functions have particular notes for the Guile Gtk interface. -- Function: gdk-bitmap-create-from-data window data width height Return a new `GdkBitmap' of WIDTHxHEIGHT created from raw DATA bytes in XBM format (which is bits of each row packed into bytes, least significant bit first, and each row padded to a byte boundary). DATA can be a string, a vector of integers, or a uniform vector of bytes. In each case the length must be what WIDTHxHEIGHT implies. -- Function: gdk-color-black colormap -- Function: gdk-color-white colormap The return value is a `GdkColor' object with red/green/blue fields set and the pixel allocated in the given COLORMAP, or `#f' if allocation fails. -- Function: gdk-colormap-alloc-colors colormap colors writable bestmatch COLORS is a list or vector of `GdkColor' objects which are to be allocated in COLORMAP. WRITABLE and BESTMATCH are booleans. The `pixel' field of each `GdkColor' is changed to the allocated color. And if BESTMATCH is true then the red, green and blue fields are changed to the actual color allocated. The return is a list `(failcount statuslist)'. FAILCOUNT is the number of allocations which failed, STATUSLIST is a list of `#t' or `#f' flags, one for each entry in COLORS, indicating which colors were successfully allocated or not. COLORS can contain strings, the same as other functions taking `GdkColor' parameters. In this case those entries are changed to new `GdkColor' objects, with fields set as per `gdk-color-parse'. Those objects are then allocated and modified as described above. -- Function: gdk-gc-get-values gc The `GdkGCValues' type is not used, instead the return is a list, (foreground background font function fill tile stipple clip-mask subwindow-mode ts-x-origin ts-y-origin clip-x-origin clip-y-origin graphics-exposures line-width line-style cap-style join-style) -- Function: gdk-gc-new-with-values window [#:background color] [#:cap-style cs] [#:clip-mask pixmap] [#:clip-x-origin x] [#:clip-y-origin y] [#:fill fill] [#:font font] [#:foreground color] [#:function f] [#:graphics-exposures bool] [#:join-style js] [#:line-style ls] [#:line-width n] [#:stipple pixmap] [#:subwindow-mode swm] [#:tile pixmap] [#:ts-x-origin x] [#:ts-y-origin y] The `GdkGCValues' type is not used, instead keyword arguments are taken corresponding to the fields of that structure. For example, (gdk-gc-new-with-values my-window #:foreground "orange" #:line-width 5 #:graphics-exposures #f) -- Function: gdk-image-new-bitmap visual data width height Create a `GdkImage' bitmap of WIDTHxHEIGHT using the given DATA. DATA is raw byte values, either as a string, a vector of integers, or a uniform vector of bytes. In each case the length of DATA must be what WIDTHxHEIGHT implies. The data format is not well documented by Gdk, but the bits of each row are packed into bytes (most significant bit first), and each row padded out so the next starts on a byte boundary. DATA is copied to form the image, so changes with `gdk-image-put-pixel' etc don't alter the original DATA. (Unlike at the C level, where the data space there is acquired and used directly by the image.) -- Variable: gdk-major-version -- Variable: gdk-minor-version These are set from the corresponding Gtk library variables `gtk_major_version' and `gtk_minor_version', rather than the compile-time constants `GTK_MAJOR_VERION' etc. This means the values seen in Scheme code are the library actually used at run time, not merely the one Guile Gtk was compiled against. -- Function: gdk-mbstowc str Convert a string of multi-byte characters to wide characters. The return is a vector of integers (per notes for `GdkWChar' above), or `#f' if conversion failed. -- Function: gdk-pixmap-create-from-xpm window bitmaploc transpcolor filename -- Function: gdk-pixmap-colormap-create-from-xpm window colormap bitmaploc transpcolor filename -- Function: gdk-pixmap-create-from-xpm-d window bitmaploc transpcolor string -- Function: gdk-pixmap-colormap-create-from-xpm-d window colormap bitmaploc transpcolor string Return a `GdkPixmap' created from an XPM file or string data. BITMAPLOC is a vector or list of length 1, into which the `GdkBitmap' created for the transparency mask is stored. If the bitmap is not wanted, BITMAPLOC can be `#f'. -- Function: gdk-pixmap-new drawable width height [depth] DEPTH defaults to -1, meaning copy from DRAWABLE. -- Function: gdk-rectangle-intersect rect1 rect2 The return is a rectangle which is the intersection of RECT1 and RECT2, or `#f' for no intersection. -- Function: gdk-set-locale `gdk-set-locale' is called automatically when the `(gtk-2.0 gdk)' module is loaded, so applications don't need to do so explicitly. -- Function: gdk-window-get-deskrelative-origin window -- Function: gdk-window-get-origin window -- Function: gdk-window-get-position window -- Function: gdk-window-get-root-origin window -- Function: gdk-window-get-size window Unlike other multiple-return values functions, these return a pair `(X . Y)' or `(WIDTH . HEIGHT)', rather than a list. -- Function: gdk-window-new parent width height event-mask wclass wtype [#:colormap colormap] [#:cursor cursor] [#:title title] [#:visual visual] [#:wmclass name class] [#:x x] [#:y y] The `GdkWindowAttr' structure is not used, instead mandatory fields are taken as fixed arguments, and the optional fields in keyword form. For example, for a top-level window, (gdk-window-new #f 200 100 '(exposure-mask) 'input-output 'toplevel #:title "my window") -- Function: gdk-window-set-geometry-hints window [#:aspect min max] [#:base-size width height] [#:max-size width height] [#:min-size width height] [#:pos] [#:user-pos] [#:user-size] [#:win-gravity grav] [#:resize-inc width height] The `GdkGeometry' structure is not used, instead optional keyword arguments are taken. The keyword names correspond to the `GdkWindowHints' enumeration, and the arguments are the values for the fields of the `GdkGeometry' structure. For example, (gdk-window-set-geometry-hints my-window #:min-size 20 10 #:aspect 1.0 2.0 #:pos #:win-gravity 'south-east) -- Variable: pango-scale The `PANGO_SCALE' constant. The following standard Gdk functions are not provided, for the reasons outlined. -- Function: gdk-init -- Function: gdk-init-check There are no separate init functions to call, all initializations are done automatically when the `(gtk-2.0 gdk)' module is loaded. -- Function: gdk-window-get-user-data window -- Function: gdk-window-set-user-data window data Gtk sets the "user data" on a window to point to the associated widget, and uses this for event dispatch. Non-widget windows need `NULL' to avoid another value being treated as a widget pointer. On this basis the user data generally cannot be used by applications. If some sort of attached data is required then the suggestion is to use Guile object properties (*note Object Properties: (guile)Object Properties.). Because the Scheme-level object is kept alive as long as the window exists, such properties remain until the window is destroyed.  File:, Node: Gdk Extras, Next: Gtk Module, Prev: Gdk Module, Up: Top 6 Gdk Extras ************ The following extra Gdk level functions are provided by Guile Gtk. -- Function: gdk-color-intern color If COLOR is a `GdkColor' object, return it. If it's a string then parse it using `gdk-color-parse' and allocate a pixel using `gdk-color-alloc' in `gtk-widget-get-default-colormap'. A program can use `gdk-color-intern' as an easy way to convert strings to `GdkColor' objects, so as to avoid repeatedly having that done when calling functions expecting a color. -- Function: gdk-color-new Return a new `GdkColor' object, with zeros in all fields. -- Function: gdk-font-intern font If FONT is a `GdkFont' object, return it. If it's a string then load that font using `gdk-font-load', throwing an error if that function fails. A program can use `gdk-font-intern' as an easy way to convert strings to `GdkFont' objects, so as to avoid repeatedly having that done when calling functions expecting a font.  File:, Node: Gtk Module, Next: Gtk Extras, Prev: Gdk Extras, Up: Top 7 Gtk Module ************ The Gtk interface module can be used with (use-modules (gtk-2.0 gtk)) Calls to `gtk_init' and `gtk_set_locale' are made automatically, an application doesn't need to make them itself. Standard Gtk command line options are taken from the program command line (eg. `--gtk-module'), and removed from there, leaving other options and the rest of the command line for the application. *note Runtime Environment: (guile)Runtime Environment. The following rules apply to the various Gtk types. `GtkAdjustment' The following field accessors and setters are provided. -- Function: gtk-adjustment-value adj -- Function: gtk-adjustment-lower adj -- Function: gtk-adjustment-upper adj -- Function: gtk-adjustment-step-increment adj -- Function: gtk-adjustment-page-increment adj -- Function: gtk-adjustment-page-size adj -- Function: gtk-adjustment-set-lower adj val -- Function: gtk-adjustment-set-upper adj val -- Function: gtk-adjustment-set-step-increment adj val -- Function: gtk-adjustment-set-page-increment adj val -- Function: gtk-adjustment-set-page-size adj val These only set the respective fields, it's up to an application to emit the standard `changed' signal when ready (eg. using `gtk-adjustment-changed'). Note that `gtk-adjustment-set-value' is instead the corresponding standard Gtk function. It sets the value field and emits the `value_changed' signal. `GtkCList' The following field accessors are provided. -- Function: gtk-clist-selection clist Return a list of integers, being the selected rows. `GtkResponseType' Values for `GtkResponseType' are represented just as integers, and in particular are passed that way in the `GtkDialog' `response' signal. The following variables hold pre-defined values. -- Variable: gtk-response-none -- Variable: gtk-response-reject -- Variable: gtk-response-accept -- Variable: gtk-response-delete-event -- Variable: gtk-response-ok -- Variable: gtk-response-cancel -- Variable: gtk-response-close -- Variable: gtk-response-yes -- Variable: gtk-response-no -- Variable: gtk-response-apply -- Variable: gtk-response-help `GtkStyle' The following field accessors are provided. -- Function: gtk-style-white st -- Function: gtk-style-black st -- Function: gtk-style-fg st -- Function: gtk-style-bg st -- Function: gtk-style-light st -- Function: gtk-style-dark st -- Function: gtk-style-mid st -- Function: gtk-style-text st -- Function: gtk-style-base st Return `GdkColor' objects. -- Function: gtk-style-white-gc st -- Function: gtk-style-black-gc st -- Function: gtk-style-fg-gc st -- Function: gtk-style-bg-gc st -- Function: gtk-style-light-gc st -- Function: gtk-style-dark-gc st -- Function: gtk-style-mid-gc st -- Function: gtk-style-text-gc st -- Function: gtk-style-base-gc st Return `GdkGC' objects. Signals Signal names are strings, the same as at the C level, for instance `"clicked"' or `"map_event"'. Signal handler procedures are passed the same parameters as the C code functions, except the object and client-data are omitted. The return value is used when the signal expects a return value. For instance the `clicked' signal from a `GtkButton' passes no parameters, (define (my-click-handler) (display "hello\n")) (gtk-signal-connect button "clicked" my-click-handler) Or an `expose_event' passes just a `GdkEvent', and expects a return value. (define (my-expose-handler) (do-some-drawing) #f) ;; propagate event to other handlers (gtk-signal-connect drawarea "expose_event" my-expose-handler) The object and client data parameters in the C level calls are deliberately omitted. Such things can be handled in a more Scheme-like and flexible way with a closure, ie. captured variables with desired values (*note The Concept of Closure: (guile)About Closure.). Signal handler calls are made via a trampoline to facilitate error handling, *note Gtk Extras::. The following standard Gtk functions have particular notes for the Guile Gtk interface. -- Function: gtk-box-pack-start box child [expand [fill [padding]]] -- Function: gtk-box-pack-end box child [expand [fill [padding]]] EXPAND and FILL default to `#f', PADDING defaults to 0. -- Function: gtk-color-selection-get-color colorsel Return a `GdkColor' object with red, green and blue fields set to the current colour from COLORSEL. The colour is not allocated in any colormap and the pixel field is zero. Note that unfortunately this is not the same as the C function `gtk_color_selection_get_color', but instead like the Gtk 2 `gtk_color_selection_get_current_color'. -- Function: gtk-color-selection-set-color colorsel color Set the current colour in COLORSEL to the red, green and blue fields of the given `GdkColor' object. The opacity is set to 1.0, when in use. Note that unfortunately this is not the same as the C function `gtk_color_selection_set_color', but instead like the Gtk 2 `gtk_color_selection_set_current_color'. -- Function: gtk-exit [exitcode] EXITCODE defaults to 0, meaning normal successful termination. -- Function: gtk-idle-add proc -- Function: gtk-idle-add-priority priority proc -- Function: gtk-idle-add-full priority proc As per the signal handlers, there's no "data" parameter to the idle callbacks. PROC is simply called `(PROC)' and should return non-`#f' to continue being called, or `#f' to stop. Currently there's no destroy notify callback procedure for `gtk-idle-add-full', perhaps this will change in the future. -- Function: gtk-input-add port inputconds proc Register PROC to be called when INPUTCONDS is satisfied on PORT, and return the input source ID. As per the signal handlers, there's no "data" parameter to the input handler, it's called as `(PROC fdes conds)'. This function doesn't offer the destroy notify callback available from `gtk_input_add_full', perhaps this will change in the future. -- Function: gtk-main -- Function: gtk-main-iteration -- Function: gtk-main-iteration-do In a signal handler or other callback, an application cannot use an exception or new continuation to escape from `gtk-main' and friends, since Gtk has no understanding of such things. There are no restrictions on control flow within a callback, just on escaping out of it. One possibility for applications wanting such things is to have an explicit loop calling `gtk-main-iteration' and hold a list of pending actions to be taken outside that function. This is done in the sample program `continuations.scm' (*note Example Programs::). The callback trampoline feature might be able to help with this (*note Gtk Extras::). -- Function: gtk-menu-popup menu parentmenushell parentmenuitem button time There's no position function accepted, instead `NULL' is used, which means put the menu under the current mouse position. Perhaps this will change in the future. -- Function: gtk-object-get object prop Get an object property. The PROP property name can be either a keyword or symbol. The property value is returned, or `#f' if there's no such property or it cannot be read. `gtk-object-get' only gets one property value, unlike the C function `gtk_object_get' which can get multiple property values in one call. -- Function: gtk-object-new type [prop value]... -- Function: gtk-object-set object [prop value]... -- Function: gtk-widget-new type [prop value]... -- Function: gtk-widget-set widget [prop value]... The PROP property names are taken as either keywords or symbols, followed by suitable values. This is in contrast to the C functions, where strings are used for property names. For example, (gtk-widget-new 'GtkButton #:label "some words" #:relief 'half) The values set are type checked and converted in the usual way, they must correspond to the property type. -- Variable: gtk-major-version -- Variable: gtk-minor-version -- Variable: gtk-micro-version -- Variable: gtk-binary-age -- Variable: gtk-interface-age These are set from the corresponding Gtk library variables `gtk_major_version' etc, rather than the compile-time constants `GTK_MAJOR_VERION' etc. This means the values seen in Scheme code are the library actually used at run time, not merely the one Guile Gtk was compiled against. -- Function: gtk-pixmap-new pixmap [bitmap] -- Function: gtk-pixmap-set pixmap [bitmap] BITMAP defaults to `#f', meaning no mask. -- Function: gtk-scrolled-window-new [hadjustment [vadjustment]] HADJUSTMENT and VADJUSTMENT default to `#f', meaning create new adjustment objects. -- Function: gtk-set-locale `gtk-set-locale' is called automatically when the `(gtk gtk)' module is loaded, so applications don't need to do so explicitly. -- Function: gtk-signal-connect object name func [objectsignal [after]] OBJECTSIGNAL has no purpose and should always be `#f', which is its default. AFTER defaults to `#f', meaning FUNC is called before OBJECT runs the default handler for this signal. It will be noted that `gtk-signal-connect' has the OBJECTSIGNAL and AFTER parameters like `gtk_signal_connect_full', but currently there's no access to the destroy notify callback. -- Function: gtk-table-attach table child left right top bottom [xopts [yopts [xpad [ypad]]]] XOPTS and YOPTS each default to `(expand fill)', XPAD and YPAD default to 0. -- Function: gtk-text-insert text font foreground background string [length] The default LENGTH is -1, meaning the whole STRING. -- Function: gtk-widget-size-request widget The requisition is returned as a pair `(WIDTH . HEIGHT)'. The following standard Gtk functions are not provided. -- Function: gtk-container-foreach This iterator is not provided, instead the suggestion is to apply the standard Scheme `for-each' to the return from `gtk-container-children'. (That's probably how `gtk-container-foreach' would be implemented anyway, to make it safe for continuations and exceptions.) -- Function: gtk-init There is no separate init function to call, all initializations are done automatically when the `(gtk gtk)' module is loaded.  File:, Node: Gtk Extras, Next: GdkPixbuf Module, Prev: Gtk Module, Up: Top 8 Gtk Extras ************ The following extra Gtk level functions are provided by Guile Gtk. -- Function: gtk-callback-trampoline [tramp] Get or set the trampoline procedure for Gtk callbacks. With no arguments, the current trampoline is returned. With an argument, the trampoline procedure is set, and the old procedure returned. When making a callback for signals etc, Guile Gtk goes through this trampoline. TRAMP is called as `(TRAMP proc args)', where `proc' is the application procedure to call, and `args' is a list of arguments for it (possibly empty). A minimal trampoline would be, (define (my-trampoline proc args) (apply proc args)) (which of course is just `apply' itself, no need for a new definition). The default trampoline uses `catch' to trap errors from the callback, and displays them in a window (*note Catching Exceptions: (guile)Catch.). The aim is to give the user some feedback in the GUI about what has gone wrong, rather than suddenly terminating. An application can set a new trampoline to do this in its preferred way. -- Function: gtk-class-new type name Return a new `GtkType' with the given NAME (a string), created as a sub-class of TYPE. Instances of the new type can be created with `gtk-widget-new' in the usual way. The new type has the same size as the given TYPE, there's no mechanism to add extra data fields. (The suggestion would be to use Guile object properties for such things, *Note Object Properties: (guile)Object Properties.) The main advantage of a new class is that it can be type checked in a fashion similar to other Gtk objects. For instance, (define my-foo-button-type (gtk-class-new 'GtkButton "MyFooButton"))) (define (my-foo-button-new) (gtk-widget-new my-foo-button-type #:label "something"))) (define (my-foo-button? obj) (gtk-check-type obj my-foo-button-type)) (define (my-foo-button-dosomething obj) (or (my-foo-button? obj) (error "Wrong object type: ~a" obj)) ...) It also works to use 'MyFooButton like the builtin types, instead of holding the type in `my-foo-button-type'. -- Function: gtk-list-append-item list listitem -- Function: gtk-list-prepend-item list listitem Append or prepend a single item to a `GtkList'. -- Function: gtk-pixmap-new-from-file filename parent Return a new `GtkPixmap' widget, containing an XPM image loaded from FILENAME as per `gdk-pixmap-colormap-create-from-xpm'. PARENT is an intended parent widget, used to get the colormap for the image. -- Function: gtk-signal-new-generic name flags objtype rettype paramtypes Create a new signal NAME for use by OBJTYPE and return the signal ID (an integer). FLAGS is `GtkSignalRunType' flags, RETTYPE is the return type for the handler, and PARAMTYPES is a list of parameter types for it (`GType' values or symbols). This function is like the C function `gtk_signal_newv', but doesn't setup any particular marshaller, rather it's for use with Scheme level handlers which are invoked "generically" based on the type information provided. For instance the following adds a new signal to `GtkAdjustment', taking a string and a boolean as parameters. Clearly Gtk itself won't use or emit something like this, it'd just be for an application. (gtk-signal-new-generic "big_change_soon" '(no-recurse) 'GtkAdjustment 'void '(GtkString gboolean)) The following functions are provided by (use-modules (gtk threads)) -- Function: gtk-threads-ensure-handler Start a Gtk main loop in a new Guile thread, if this function has not previously done that. This is a convenient way for an application to ensure a main loop exists, but continue with other things. The main loop is started within a `gdk-threads-enter' / `gdk-threads-leave' pair in the standard way for a threaded program, as per the following. (gdk-threads-enter) (gtk-main) (gdk-threads-leave) -- Function: gtk-threads-handler? Return true if `gtk-threads-ensure-handler' has started a Gtk main loop.  File:, Node: GdkPixbuf Module, Next: Glade Module, Prev: Gtk Extras, Up: Top 9 GdkPixbuf Module ****************** The GdkPixbuf interface module can be used with (use-modules (gtk-2.0 gdk-pixbuf)) Currently, the `(gtk-2.0 gdk-pixbuf)' module also initializes Gtk (`gtk_init' etc, *note Gtk Module::). Perhaps this will change in the future. The following standard GdkPixbuf functions have particular notes for the Guile Gtk interface. -- Function: gdk-pixbuf-render-threshold-alpha p b sx sy dx dy w h a -- Function: gdk-pixbuf-render-to-drawable p d g sx sy dx dy w h di xd yd -- Function: gdk-pixbuf-render-to-drawable-alpha p d sx sy dx dy w h am a di xd yd `gdk_rgb_init' is called automatically, so there's no need for applications do that explicitly. The various Xlib specific GdkPixbuf functions (`gdk_pixbuf_xlib_init' etc) are not provided, since Xlib level operations are not considered a primary part of Guile Gtk.  File:, Node: Glade Module, Next: Gtk GL Module, Prev: GdkPixbuf Module, Up: Top 10 Glade Module *************** The Glade interface module can be used with (use-modules (gtk-2.0 glade)) The following rules apply to the various Glade types. `GladeXML' `GladeXML' is a sub-class of `GObject' so the notes about it apply (*note General Conventions::). The following field accessors are provided, -- Function: glade-xml-filename gx The following standard Glade functions have particular notes for the Guile Gtk interface. -- Function: glade-xml-new filename [root] The default ROOT is `#f', meaning create the whole interface defined in FILENAME. -- Function: glade-xml-signal-connect-full gladexml name [proc] -- Function: glade-xml-signal-autoconnect-full gladexml [proc] As per the Gtk signal handlers, there's no "user data" parameter to PROC. PROC is called `(PROC handlername object signalname signaldata connectobject after?)'. If PROC is not given, or is `#f', the default is to connect SIGNALNAME on CONNECTOBJECT (or OBJECT if no CONNECTOBJECT) to the procedure HANDLERNAME. HANDLERNAME is evaluated as Scheme code, and so can simply be the name of a Scheme procedure, or it can be a `lambda' form or similar evaluating to a procedure.  File:, Node: Gtk GL Module, Next: Gtk GL Extras, Prev: Glade Module, Up: Top 11 Gtk GL Module **************** The Gtk GL interface module can be used with (use-modules (gtk-2.0 gtk-gl-area)) (use-modules (gtk-2.0 gdk-gl)) The following rules apply to the various Gtk GL types. Attributes The attributes for `gtk-gl-area-new' and similar are taken as a list of symbols such as red-size for `GDK_GL_RED_SIZE', and integer values following them (when appropriate). For example, (gdk-gl-choose-visual '(doublebuffer buffer-size 123))  File:, Node: Gtk GL Extras, Next: Tips and Techniques, Prev: Gtk GL Module, Up: Top 12 Gtk GL Extras **************** The following extra Gtk GL level functions are provided by Guile Gtk. -- Function: gtk-gl-area-make-current-force area Make the given AREA current, throwing an error if this fails. -- macro: with-gl-area area body... -- macro: with-render-to-gl-area area body... Evaluate the BODY forms with AREA made current. An error is thrown if AREA cannot be set. `with-gl-area' just sets the area, `with-render-to-gl-area' in addition calls `gtk-gl-area-swap-buffers' after BODY, to display whatever BODY may have drawn to the back buffer.  File:, Node: Tips and Techniques, Next: Known Bugs, Prev: Gtk GL Extras, Up: Top 13 Tips and Techniques ********************** `app' Don't be tempted to make a `(define app ...)' for a top-level application widget or similar. In Guile 1.6.4 `app' is used for the implementation of the module system and a new binding will stop `use-modules' working. `primitive-fork' When forking a child process, care should be taken that the child doesn't call any Gtk functions, since the child has a `dup' of the X server connection and doing anything on it will upset the parent's communications, probably causing a crash. Or the parent could leave the connection alone and let the child use it. The point is that only one of the two may use it. This is the same as in a C program. Gtk sets up certain `atexit' handlers to shutdown its server connection, and these mustn't run in the child either. In Guile 1.8.1 and higher `primitive-_exit' (*note Processes: (guile)Processes.) can be used to exit without running those handlers. In earlier versions the suggestion is for a child to exec a do-nothing program when it wants to exit (either normally or for some exception). Eg. an error exit, (execl "/bin/false" "/bin/false") For reference, the current implementation of `(ice-9 popen)' is safe, provided no errors are encountered in the child setups or spawning of `/bin/sh'. Multiple return values When working with the Guile Gtk functions returning multiple values it can be convenient to get those into separate variables. One easy way is for instance, (define (list-apply lst proc) (apply proc lst)) (list-apply (gtk-accelerator-parse str) (lambda (key mods) ...)) Or for instance the same with a syntax similar to `receive' (*note Returning and Accepting Multiple Values: (guile)Multiple Values.), (define-macro (receive-list vars expr . body) `(apply (lambda ,vars ,@body) ,expr)) (receive-list (key mods) (gtk-accelerator-parse str) ...)  File:, Node: Known Bugs, Next: Obsolete Features, Prev: Tips and Techniques, Up: Top 14 Known Bugs ************* `GtkEditable' `insert-text' signal The callback for the `insert-text' signal from a `GtkEditable' doesn't respect the length for the new text, and doesn't provide a means to modify the position (which is an in/out parameter). This may change in the future, probably to a single string parameter for the text and some sort of modifiable location for the position (a one element vector perhaps).  File:, Node: Obsolete Features, Next: Example Programs, Prev: Known Bugs, Up: Top 15 Obsolete Features ******************** The following functions are considered obsolete and are not recommended for use in new programs. -- Function: gtk-standalone? Return true if Guile Gtk is running as a standalone program. This is now always true. In the past a `gtk-guile' executable existed and had an option to indicate that an interactive read-eval-print loop should be started, in which case `gtk-standalone?' returned `#f'. -- Function: gtk-standalone-main top-widget When running standalone (`gtk-standalone?' true), run `gtk-main' and connect the `destroy' signal of TOP-WIDGET to `gtk-exit' so the program will exit when that widget is destroyed. If not standalone, do nothing and return immediately. Since `gtk-standalone?' is now always true, an application can just as easily connect the signal and run `gtk-main' itself. (gtk-signal-connect top-widget "destroy" gtk-exit) (gtk-main)  File:, Node: Example Programs, Next: Internals, Prev: Obsolete Features, Up: Top 16 Example Programs ******************* The `examples' subdirectory in the sources contains various programs illustrating Guile Gtk. Once Guile Gtk is installed each can be run with for instance guile -s calc.scm `calc.scm' A HP48 style desk calculator. It takes quite a bit of code to setup all the widgets, but there's plenty of comments. A `.calcrc' in the user's home directory can add new buttons. The ability to load user extensions is a powerful feature and a significant advantage Guile Gtk has over the regular C interface to Gtk. `calendar.scm' A tiny program showing the `GtkCalendar' widget. `clist.scm' Display the `/etc/passwd' file in a window. (You might need to enlarge the window manually.) `continuations.scm' Illustrate the use of Scheme continuations to resume application code when a dialog is answered, all the while running the usual Gtk main loop. `hello-world.scm' A simple program creating a button printing a familiar message. `metaspline.scm' A Metafont style bezier spline curve editor, using the Gdk drawing primitives. `simple.scm' A simple program with a label and a button. `', `run-glade.scm' A simple Glade application. Notice the use of `lambda' forms in the signal handlers. `run-glade.scm' loads and runs a glade application, for instance guile -s run-glade.scm `test-dnd.scm' `test-gdk.scm' `test-glade.scm' `test-gtk.scm' Test programs for drag-and-drop, Gdk, Glade and Gtk respectively. These are primarily for the developers' use, but can be run to see something happen and to test Guile Gtk is working. `tictactoe.scm' Illustrate the use of `gtk-class-new' to create a tic-tac-toe widget. There's no actual "X" and "O" markers, only three squares in a row recognised as a win.  File:, Node: Internals, Next: Concept Index, Prev: Example Programs, Up: Top 17 Internals ************ 17.1 `GObject' ============== Objects of type `GObject' and its subclasses are wrapped using a `gtkobj' smob. This smob is called the proxy for the object. It holds the C pointer and it adds 1 to the reference count of the object. The proxy is kept alive as long as the object exists. When the proxy is no longer used from Scheme, and the object is also unused from anywhere in Gtk, then the proxy and object are destroyed together. The proxy keeps a list of "protects" which are Scheme procedures installed as callbacks by `gtk-signal-connect' etc. Those protects are kept alive as long as the object lives but of course they're not themselves a reason to keep the object alive, an object with callbacks can still be garbage collected. A similar global list of protects is used for callbacks on global things like like `gtk-timeout-add'. Some care must be taken with garbage collection. Objects in use from Scheme variables etc are marked in the usual way, and then for `GtkContainer' widgets marking recurses through the children too (any with proxies). Proxied objects still in use from Gtk C code are then identified by looking at their reference counts. A count of more than the 1 which the proxy puts plus another 1 if it's in a proxied container means that somebody somewhere is holding a reference to the object in a way that Guile-Gtk's marking has not traversed. Such a reference is called "external" and objects with external references are marked (and thus kept alive). It might be wondered if just waiting for an object to have a reference count of 1 (its proxy) would be enough to know it can be garbage collected (when unreachable from Scheme). In such a system a container with refcount 1 would be collected, and then on the next GC its children would be down to a count of 1 to be collected too. But attached signal handler procedures can stop that from working. Consider container C holding widget W, and a Scheme code signal handler H connected to W and which acts on C. W has a refcount 2 and would be kept alive, so its handler H must be kept, and H refers to C, so C is kept, ie. none of the three is ever collected. The key is that refcount 2 is not in fact an absolute reason to keep W alive, rather it's a reference from C and so ought to depend on whether C is to be kept. Circular references like this occur all the time in Lisp and the way to treat them is to let marking recurse through all genuinely wanted objects, leaving unwanted objects all collected together, no matter what clusters of possibly circular references they might have between themselves. Strictly speaking to be completely safe against circular references Guile-Gtk would have to know and follow all references Glib and Gtk establish between objects. But in practice just `GtkContainer' children is enough, because Gtk's references normally form a tree, it's only Scheme signal handlers referring up to parent container widgets which create cycles. 17.2 Boxed objects ================== Objects which are not sub-classes of `GObject' are handled by a simpler "boxing" system. This includes resources like `GdkCursor', and types that are more or less user-level structures like `GdkRegion'. A `gtkboxed' smob holds the C pointer to the object plus its type in the form of an index into the Guile-Gtk `type_info_tab' table. That table holds the `GType' value plus certain other information. Boxed types each have their own specific `ref'/`unref' functions, declared explicitly in the `.defs' file, such as `gdk_cursor_ref'. When a smob is created a reference is added, so the object stays alive while in use from Scheme. When the smob is garbage collected, the unref function is called. Because there's no signal handlers attached to boxed objects the circular references problem for `GObject' above doesn't occur. In the current code, whenever a boxed type is returned a new smob is created for it. No attempt is made to find and re-use an existing smob holding the same pointer (and type). This is simple, but it's also the reason boxed types can't be compared with `eq?'. A smob "equalp" function could compare pointers, but it's not clear if that would be the best thing. `equal?' normally looks into the contents of objects, so one might want it for instance to test whether two `GdkRegion's are the same area, or something like that, instead of only the same object. 17.3 `GType' ============ `GType's are represented by a smob holding the `GType' value (an integer, though actually it's a pointer Glib has converted to an integer). `GType' values are never destroyed, so there's no ref/unref to apply. A new smob is created whenever a `GType' is returned, no attempt is made to find and re-use an existing smob for it. A smob equality function allows types to be compared with `equal?'. Guile-Gtk functions taking a `GType' also accept a Scheme symbol, with the name looked up to get the actual `GType' value to pass down to C. `g_type_from_name' gives types which have been initialized (or are builtin), and in addition Guile-Gtk has a table of `get_type' functions to call, such as `gtk_vbox_get_type' for `GtkVBox'. But that table is limited to the types appearing in the `.defs' files, there's nowhere in Glib or Gtk recording the names of all initializable types and classes.  File:, Node: Concept Index, Next: Function and Type Index, Prev: Internals, Up: Top Concept Index ************* [index] * Menu: * --display: Gdk Module. (line 10) * Adjustments: Gtk Module. (line 20) * app: Tips and Techniques. (line 7) * Arrays: General Conventions. (line 36) * Atoms: Gdk Module. (line 38) * Bitmaps: Gdk Module. (line 42) * Booleans: General Conventions. (line 27) * Boxed objects: Internals. (line 59) * Bugs: Reporting Bugs. (line 6) * Bugs, known: Known Bugs. (line 6) * calc.scm: Example Programs. (line 12) * Calculator: Example Programs. (line 12) * calendar: Example Programs. (line 21) * Calendar: Example Programs. (line 21) * Callbacks <1>: Gtk Extras. (line 9) * Callbacks: Gtk Module. (line 91) * Characters: Gdk Module. (line 147) * Check: Installing. (line 17) * CList: Gtk Module. (line 43) * clist.scm: Example Programs. (line 24) * Colours: Gdk Module. (line 47) * Command line <1>: Gtk Module. (line 10) * Command line: Gdk Module. (line 10) * Configure: Installing. (line 11) * Continuations: Gtk Module. (line 174) * Continuations example: Example Programs. (line 28) * continuations.scm: Example Programs. (line 28) * Conventions: General Conventions. (line 6) * Destroying windows: Gdk Module. (line 155) * Display: Gdk Module. (line 10) * Drag context: Gdk Module. (line 63) * Enumerations: General Conventions. (line 41) * Equality <1>: Gdk Module. (line 30) * Equality: General Conventions. (line 94) * Error handler: Gtk Extras. (line 9) * Events: Gdk Module. (line 75) * Example programs: Example Programs. (line 6) * Exceptions: Gtk Module. (line 174) * Exit: Gtk Module. (line 149) * Flags: General Conventions. (line 49) * Fonts: Gdk Module. (line 128) * Fork: Tips and Techniques. (line 13) * Gdk extras: Gdk Extras. (line 6) * Gdk module <1>: Gdk Extras. (line 6) * Gdk module: Gdk Module. (line 6) * GdkPixbuf module: GdkPixbuf Module. (line 6) * GError: General Conventions. (line 105) * Glade examples: Example Programs. (line 43) * Glade module: Glade Module. (line 6) * Glib objects: General Conventions. (line 94) * GObject: Internals. (line 6) * Gtk extras: Gtk Extras. (line 6) * Gtk GL attributes: Gtk GL Module. (line 14) * Gtk GL extras: Gtk GL Extras. (line 6) * Gtk GL module <1>: Gtk GL Extras. (line 6) * Gtk GL module: Gtk GL Module. (line 6) * Gtk module <1>: Gtk Extras. (line 6) * Gtk module: Gtk Module. (line 6) * Gtk objects: General Conventions. (line 94) * GtkType: Internals. (line 87) * GType: Internals. (line 87) * Hashing: General Conventions. (line 94) * Hello world example <1>: Example Programs. (line 34) * Hello world example: Introduction. (line 27) * hello-world.scm: Example Programs. (line 33) * Home page: Introduction. (line 18) * Initialization <1>: Gtk Module. (line 10) * Initialization: Gdk Module. (line 10) * Installing: Installing. (line 6) * Integers: General Conventions. (line 21) * Internals: Internals. (line 6) * Internationalization: Gtk Module. (line 10) * Introduction: Introduction. (line 6) * Known bugs: Known Bugs. (line 6) * Line segment: Gdk Module. (line 142) * Lists: General Conventions. (line 31) * Locale <1>: Gtk Module. (line 10) * Locale: Gdk Module. (line 283) * Mailing list: Introduction. (line 18) * Main loop: Obsolete Features. (line 18) * metaspline.scm: Example Programs. (line 36) * Multiple return values <1>: Tips and Techniques. (line 37) * Multiple return values: General Conventions. (line 58) * NULL: General Conventions. (line 17) * Objects: General Conventions. (line 94) * Obsolete features: Obsolete Features. (line 6) * Options <1>: Gtk Module. (line 10) * Options: Gdk Module. (line 10) * Pixels: Gdk Module. (line 167) * Points: Gdk Module. (line 133) * Predicates: Gdk Module. (line 23) * primitive-fork: Tips and Techniques. (line 13) * Rectangle: Gdk Module. (line 137) * Reporting bugs: Reporting Bugs. (line 6) * Response: Gtk Module. (line 49) * run-glade.scm: Example Programs. (line 43) * Segment: Gdk Module. (line 142) * Self tests: Installing. (line 17) * Signal handlers <1>: Gtk Extras. (line 9) * Signal handlers: Gtk Module. (line 239) * Signals: Gtk Module. (line 91) * Example Programs. (line 43) * simple.scm: Example Programs. (line 40) * Splines: Example Programs. (line 37) * Standalone main: Obsolete Features. (line 10) * Style: Gtk Module. (line 66) * Test programs: Example Programs. (line 50) * Threading: General Conventions. (line 121) * Threads: Gtk Extras. (line 95) * Throw: Gtk Module. (line 174) * tictactoe.scm: Example Programs. (line 58) * Tips and techniques: Tips and Techniques. (line 6) * Trampoline: Gtk Extras. (line 9) * Type predicates: General Conventions. (line 99) * Types: General Conventions. (line 78) * Web page: Introduction. (line 18) * Wide characters: Gdk Module. (line 147) * Window: Gdk Module. (line 155) * X display: Gdk Module. (line 10) * XML: Glade Module. (line 13)  File:, Node: Function and Type Index, Prev: Concept Index, Up: Top Function and Type Index *********************** [index] * Menu: * (gtk threads): Gtk Extras. (line 95) * (gtk-2.0 gdk): Gdk Module. (line 8) * (gtk-2.0 gdk-gl): Gtk GL Module. (line 8) * (gtk-2.0 gdk-pixbuf): GdkPixbuf Module. (line 8) * (gtk-2.0 glade): Glade Module. (line 8) * (gtk-2.0 gtk): Gtk Module. (line 8) * (gtk-2.0 gtk-gl-area): Gtk GL Module. (line 8) * gboolean: General Conventions. (line 27) * gdk-bitmap-create-from-data: Gdk Module. (line 176) * gdk-color-black: Gdk Module. (line 184) * gdk-color-blue: Gdk Module. (line 55) * gdk-color-green: Gdk Module. (line 56) * gdk-color-intern: Gdk Extras. (line 9) * gdk-color-new: Gdk Extras. (line 18) * gdk-color-pixel: Gdk Module. (line 57) * gdk-color-red: Gdk Module. (line 54) * gdk-color-set-blue: Gdk Module. (line 59) * gdk-color-set-green: Gdk Module. (line 60) * gdk-color-set-pixel: Gdk Module. (line 61) * gdk-color-set-red: Gdk Module. (line 58) * gdk-color-white: Gdk Module. (line 185) * gdk-colormap-alloc-colors: Gdk Module. (line 191) * gdk-drag-context-action: Gdk Module. (line 66) * gdk-drag-context-actions: Gdk Module. (line 67) * gdk-drag-context-dest-window: Gdk Module. (line 68) * gdk-drag-context-is-source: Gdk Module. (line 69) * gdk-drag-context-source-window: Gdk Module. (line 70) * gdk-drag-context-start-time: Gdk Module. (line 71) * gdk-drag-context-suggested-action: Gdk Module. (line 72) * gdk-drag-context-targets: Gdk Module. (line 73) * gdk-event-area: Gdk Module. (line 80) * gdk-event-atom: Gdk Module. (line 81) * gdk-event-button: Gdk Module. (line 82) * gdk-event-configure-height: Gdk Module. (line 112) * gdk-event-configure-width: Gdk Module. (line 111) * gdk-event-configure-x: Gdk Module. (line 109) * gdk-event-configure-y: Gdk Module. (line 110) * gdk-event-count: Gdk Module. (line 83) * gdk-event-crossing-mode: Gdk Module. (line 84) * gdk-event-drag-context: Gdk Module. (line 85) * gdk-event-focus: Gdk Module. (line 86) * gdk-event-in: Gdk Module. (line 87) * gdk-event-is-hint: Gdk Module. (line 88) * gdk-event-keyval: Gdk Module. (line 89) * gdk-event-message: Gdk Module. (line 122) * gdk-event-message-type: Gdk Module. (line 123) * gdk-event-notify-detail: Gdk Module. (line 90) * gdk-event-property: Gdk Module. (line 92) * gdk-event-requestor: Gdk Module. (line 93) * gdk-event-selection: Gdk Module. (line 94) * gdk-event-send-event: Gdk Module. (line 91) * gdk-event-source: Gdk Module. (line 95) * gdk-event-state: Gdk Module. (line 116) * gdk-event-string: Gdk Module. (line 96) * gdk-event-subwindow: Gdk Module. (line 97) * gdk-event-target: Gdk Module. (line 98) * gdk-event-time: Gdk Module. (line 99) * gdk-event-type: Gdk Module. (line 79) * gdk-event-visibility-state: Gdk Module. (line 119) * gdk-event-window: Gdk Module. (line 100) * gdk-event-x: Gdk Module. (line 104) * gdk-event-x-root: Gdk Module. (line 101) * gdk-event-y: Gdk Module. (line 105) * gdk-event-y-root: Gdk Module. (line 102) * gdk-font-intern: Gdk Extras. (line 21) * gdk-gc-get-values: Gdk Module. (line 209) * gdk-gc-new-with-values: Gdk Module. (line 224) * gdk-image-new-bitmap: Gdk Module. (line 235) * gdk-init: Gdk Module. (line 329) * gdk-init-check: Gdk Module. (line 330) * gdk-mbstowc: Gdk Module. (line 257) * gdk-pixbuf-render-threshold-alpha: GdkPixbuf Module. (line 18) * gdk-pixbuf-render-to-drawable: GdkPixbuf Module. (line 20) * gdk-pixbuf-render-to-drawable-alpha: GdkPixbuf Module. (line 22) * gdk-pixmap-colormap-create-from-xpm: Gdk Module. (line 265) * gdk-pixmap-colormap-create-from-xpm-d: Gdk Module. (line 269) * gdk-pixmap-create-from-xpm: Gdk Module. (line 263) * gdk-pixmap-create-from-xpm-d: Gdk Module. (line 267) * gdk-pixmap-new: Gdk Module. (line 276) * gdk-rectangle-intersect: Gdk Module. (line 279) * gdk-set-locale: Gdk Module. (line 283) * gdk-threads-enter: General Conventions. (line 121) * gdk-threads-leave: General Conventions. (line 121) * gdk-window-get-deskrelative-origin: Gdk Module. (line 287) * gdk-window-get-origin: Gdk Module. (line 288) * gdk-window-get-position: Gdk Module. (line 289) * gdk-window-get-root-origin: Gdk Module. (line 290) * gdk-window-get-size: Gdk Module. (line 291) * gdk-window-get-user-data: Gdk Module. (line 334) * gdk-window-new: Gdk Module. (line 297) * gdk-window-set-geometry-hints: Gdk Module. (line 308) * gdk-window-set-user-data: Gdk Module. (line 335) * GdkAtom: Gdk Module. (line 38) * GdkBitmap: Gdk Module. (line 42) * GdkColor: Gdk Module. (line 47) * GdkDragContext: Gdk Module. (line 63) * GdkEvent: Gdk Module. (line 75) * GdkFont: Gdk Module. (line 128) * GdkPoint: Gdk Module. (line 133) * GdkRectangle: Gdk Module. (line 137) * GdkSegment: Gdk Module. (line 142) * GdkWChar: Gdk Module. (line 147) * GdkWindow: Gdk Module. (line 155) * gint: General Conventions. (line 21) * glade-xml-filename: Glade Module. (line 18) * glade-xml-new: Glade Module. (line 24) * glade-xml-signal-autoconnect-full: Glade Module. (line 29) * glade-xml-signal-connect-full: Glade Module. (line 28) * GladeXML: Glade Module. (line 13) * GList: General Conventions. (line 31) * GObject: General Conventions. (line 94) * GSList: General Conventions. (line 31) * gtk-adjustment-lower: Gtk Module. (line 24) * gtk-adjustment-page-increment: Gtk Module. (line 27) * gtk-adjustment-page-size: Gtk Module. (line 28) * gtk-adjustment-set-lower: Gtk Module. (line 30) * gtk-adjustment-set-page-increment: Gtk Module. (line 33) * gtk-adjustment-set-page-size: Gtk Module. (line 34) * gtk-adjustment-set-step-increment: Gtk Module. (line 32) * gtk-adjustment-set-upper: Gtk Module. (line 31) * gtk-adjustment-step-increment: Gtk Module. (line 26) * gtk-adjustment-upper: Gtk Module. (line 25) * gtk-adjustment-value: Gtk Module. (line 23) * gtk-box-pack-end: Gtk Module. (line 128) * gtk-box-pack-start: Gtk Module. (line 127) * gtk-callback-trampoline: Gtk Extras. (line 9) * gtk-class-new: Gtk Extras. (line 32) * gtk-clist-selection: Gtk Module. (line 46) * gtk-color-selection-get-color: Gtk Module. (line 131) * gtk-color-selection-set-color: Gtk Module. (line 140) * gtk-container-foreach: Gtk Module. (line 263) * gtk-exit: Gtk Module. (line 149) * gtk-gl-area-make-current-force: Gtk GL Extras. (line 9) * gtk-idle-add: Gtk Module. (line 152) * gtk-idle-add-full: Gtk Module. (line 154) * gtk-idle-add-priority: Gtk Module. (line 153) * gtk-init: Gtk Module. (line 270) * gtk-input-add: Gtk Module. (line 162) * gtk-list-append-item: Gtk Extras. (line 62) * gtk-list-prepend-item: Gtk Extras. (line 63) * gtk-main: Gtk Module. (line 172) * gtk-main-iteration: Gtk Module. (line 173) * gtk-main-iteration-do: Gtk Module. (line 174) * gtk-menu-popup: Gtk Module. (line 189) * gtk-object-get: Gtk Module. (line 194) * gtk-object-new: Gtk Module. (line 203) * gtk-object-set: Gtk Module. (line 204) * gtk-pixmap-new: Gtk Module. (line 227) * gtk-pixmap-new-from-file: Gtk Extras. (line 66) * gtk-pixmap-set: Gtk Module. (line 228) * gtk-scrolled-window-new: Gtk Module. (line 231) * gtk-set-locale: Gtk Module. (line 235) * gtk-signal-connect: Gtk Module. (line 239) * gtk-signal-new-generic: Gtk Extras. (line 73) * gtk-standalone-main: Obsolete Features. (line 18) * gtk-standalone?: Obsolete Features. (line 10) * gtk-style-base: Gtk Module. (line 77) * gtk-style-base-gc: Gtk Module. (line 88) * gtk-style-bg: Gtk Module. (line 72) * gtk-style-bg-gc: Gtk Module. (line 83) * gtk-style-black: Gtk Module. (line 70) * gtk-style-black-gc: Gtk Module. (line 81) * gtk-style-dark: Gtk Module. (line 74) * gtk-style-dark-gc: Gtk Module. (line 85) * gtk-style-fg: Gtk Module. (line 71) * gtk-style-fg-gc: Gtk Module. (line 82) * gtk-style-light: Gtk Module. (line 73) * gtk-style-light-gc: Gtk Module. (line 84) * gtk-style-mid: Gtk Module. (line 75) * gtk-style-mid-gc: Gtk Module. (line 86) * gtk-style-text: Gtk Module. (line 76) * gtk-style-text-gc: Gtk Module. (line 87) * gtk-style-white: Gtk Module. (line 69) * gtk-style-white-gc: Gtk Module. (line 80) * gtk-table-attach: Gtk Module. (line 249) * gtk-text-insert: Gtk Module. (line 254) * gtk-threads-ensure-handler: Gtk Extras. (line 98) * gtk-threads-handler?: Gtk Extras. (line 112) * gtk-widget-new: Gtk Module. (line 205) * gtk-widget-set: Gtk Module. (line 206) * gtk-widget-size-request: Gtk Module. (line 257) * GtkAdjustment: Gtk Module. (line 20) * GtkCList: Gtk Module. (line 43) * GtkObject: General Conventions. (line 94) * GtkResponseType: Gtk Module. (line 49) * GtkStyle: Gtk Module. (line 66) * GtkType: General Conventions. (line 78) * GType: General Conventions. (line 78) * with-gl-area: Gtk GL Extras. (line 12) * with-render-to-gl-area: Gtk GL Extras. (line 13)  Tag Table: Node: Top1043 Node: Introduction2347 Node: Installing3664 Node: Reporting Bugs5565 Node: General Conventions6656 Node: Gdk Module11914 Node: Gdk Extras26602 Node: Gtk Module27699 Node: Gtk Extras38715 Node: GdkPixbuf Module43270 Node: Glade Module44275 Node: Gtk GL Module45635 Node: Gtk GL Extras46233 Node: Tips and Techniques46942 Node: Known Bugs49173 Node: Obsolete Features49735 Node: Example Programs50827 Node: Internals52838 Node: Concept Index58316 Node: Function and Type Index67233  End Tag Table