This is, produced by makeinfo version 4.13 from guile.texi. This reference manual documents Guile, GNU's Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extensions. This is edition 1.1 corresponding to Guile 1.8.8. Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with the no Invariant Sections, with the Front-Cover Texts being "A GNU Manual," and with the Back-Cover Text "You are free to copy and modify this GNU Manual.". A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License". INFO-DIR-SECTION The Algorithmic Language Scheme START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * Guile Reference: (guile). The Guile reference manual. END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY  File:, Node: Procedure Index, Next: Variable Index, Prev: Concept Index, Up: Top Procedure Index *************** This is an alphabetical list of all the procedures and macros in Guile. When looking for a particular procedure, please look under its Scheme name as well as under its C name. The C name can be constructed from the Scheme names by a simple transformation described in the section *Note API Overview::. [index] * Menu: * #:behaviour: Common Trap Options. (line 37) * #:column: Location Traps. (line 27) * #:condition: Common Trap Options. (line 21) * #:depth: Exit Traps. (line 14) * #:exit-depth: Step Traps. (line 67) * #:expression: Source Traps. (line 20) * #:file-name: Step Traps. (line 62) * #:file-regexp: Location Traps. (line 18) * #:line: Location Traps. (line 22) * #:procedure: Procedure Traps. (line 14) * #:repeat-identical-behaviour: Common Trap Options. (line 43) * #:single-shot: Common Trap Options. (line 31) * #:skip-count: Common Trap Options. (line 27) * $abs: Primitive Numerics. (line 12) * $acos: Primitive Numerics. (line 35) * $acosh: Primitive Numerics. (line 67) * $asin: Primitive Numerics. (line 32) * $asinh: Primitive Numerics. (line 64) * $atan: Primitive Numerics. (line 38) * $atan2: Primitive Numerics. (line 41) * $atanh: Primitive Numerics. (line 70) * $cos: Primitive Numerics. (line 26) * $cosh: Primitive Numerics. (line 58) * $exp: Primitive Numerics. (line 48) * $expt: Primitive Numerics. (line 18) * $log: Primitive Numerics. (line 52) * $sin: Primitive Numerics. (line 23) * $sinh: Primitive Numerics. (line 55) * $sqrt: Primitive Numerics. (line 15) * $tan: Primitive Numerics. (line 29) * $tanh: Primitive Numerics. (line 61) * %library-dir: Build Config. (line 40) * %make-void-port: Void Ports. (line 10) * %package-data-dir: Build Config. (line 34) * %read-delimited!: Line/Delimited. (line 75) * %read-line: Line/Delimited. (line 92) * %search-load-path: Loading. (line 48) * %site-dir: Build Config. (line 49) * ': Expression Syntax. (line 49) * *: Arithmetic. (line 24) * +: Arithmetic. (line 13) * ,: Expression Syntax. (line 77) * ,@: Expression Syntax. (line 87) * -: Arithmetic. (line 18) * ->char-set: Creating Character Sets. (line 77) * /: Arithmetic. (line 29) * 1+: Arithmetic. (line 6) * 1-: Arithmetic. (line 6) * <: Comparison. (line 18) * <=: Comparison. (line 26) * : Apply Traps. (line 14) * : Entry Traps. (line 14) * : Exit Traps. (line 11) * -disable: User level options interfaces. (line 36) * -enable: User level options interfaces. (line 27) * -options: User level options interfaces. (line 7) * -set!: User level options interfaces. (line 45) * : Location Traps. (line 14) * : Procedure Traps. (line 11) * : Source Traps. (line 16) * : Step Traps. (line 59) * : Common Trap Options. (line 18) * =: Comparison. (line 14) * ==: Equality. (line 71) * >: Comparison. (line 22) * >=: Comparison. (line 31) * @: Using Guile Modules. (line 106) * @@: Using Guile Modules. (line 110) * `: Expression Syntax. (line 67) * abs: Arithmetic. (line 42) * accept: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 180) * access?: File System. (line 13) * acons: Adding or Setting Alist Entries. (line 94) * acos: Scientific. (line 35) * acosh: Scientific. (line 64) * activate-readline: Readline Functions. (line 46) * add-duration: SRFI-19 Time. (line 91) * add-duration!: SRFI-19 Time. (line 92) * add-hook!: Hook Reference. (line 43) * alarm: Signals. (line 106) * alist->hash-table: SRFI-69 Creating hash tables. (line 59) * alist-cons: SRFI-1 Association Lists. (line 25) * alist-copy: SRFI-1 Association Lists. (line 34) * alist-delete: SRFI-1 Association Lists. (line 38) * alist-delete!: SRFI-1 Association Lists. (line 39) * all-threads: Threads. (line 7) * all-traps: Trap Utilities. (line 14) * and: and or. (line 11) * and-let*: SRFI-2. (line 11) * angle: Complex. (line 29) * any: SRFI-1 Searching. (line 47) * any->c32vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 348) * any->c64vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 349) * any->f32vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 346) * any->f64vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 347) * any->s16vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 341) * any->s32vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 343) * any->s64vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 345) * any->s8vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 339) * any->u16vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 340) * any->u32vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 342) * any->u64vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 344) * any->u8vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 338) * any-bits-set?: SRFI-60. (line 25) * append: Append/Reverse. (line 14) * append!: Append/Reverse. (line 15) * append-map: SRFI-1 Fold and Map. (line 180) * append-map!: SRFI-1 Fold and Map. (line 181) * append-reverse: SRFI-1 Length Append etc. (line 23) * append-reverse!: SRFI-1 Length Append etc. (line 24) * apply: Fly Evaluation. (line 39) * apply:nconc2last: Fly Evaluation. (line 64) * apropos-completion-function: Readline Functions. (line 106) * args-fold: SRFI-37. (line 65) * arithmetic-shift: SRFI-60. (line 27) * array->list: Array Procedures. (line 161) * array-contents: Shared Arrays. (line 108) * array-copy!: Array Procedures. (line 165) * array-copy-in-order!: Array Procedures. (line 166) * array-dimensions: Array Procedures. (line 140) * array-equal?: Array Procedures. (line 177) * array-fill!: Array Procedures. (line 172) * array-for-each: Array Procedures. (line 199) * array-in-bounds?: Array Procedures. (line 97) * array-index-map!: Array Procedures. (line 204) * array-map!: Array Procedures. (line 184) * array-map-in-order!: Array Procedures. (line 185) * array-rank: Array Procedures. (line 154) * array-ref: Array Procedures. (line 91) * array-set!: Array Procedures. (line 105) * array-shape: Array Procedures. (line 139) * array-type: Array Procedures. (line 86) * array?: Array Procedures. (line 22) * ash: Bitwise Operations. (line 68) * asin: Scientific. (line 32) * asinh: Scientific. (line 61) * assoc <1>: SRFI-1 Association Lists. (line 11) * assoc: Retrieving Alist Entries. (line 13) * assoc-ref: Retrieving Alist Entries. (line 27) * assoc-remove!: Removing Alist Entries. (line 59) * assoc-set!: Adding or Setting Alist Entries. (line 103) * assq: Retrieving Alist Entries. (line 11) * assq-ref: Retrieving Alist Entries. (line 25) * assq-remove!: Removing Alist Entries. (line 57) * assq-set!: Adding or Setting Alist Entries. (line 101) * assv: Retrieving Alist Entries. (line 12) * assv-ref: Retrieving Alist Entries. (line 26) * assv-remove!: Removing Alist Entries. (line 58) * assv-set!: Adding or Setting Alist Entries. (line 102) * async: User asyncs. (line 15) * async-mark: User asyncs. (line 19) * atan: Scientific. (line 38) * atanh: Scientific. (line 67) * backtrace <1>: Debug on Error. (line 216) * backtrace: Display Backtrace. (line 17) * basename: File System. (line 297) * begin: begin. (line 21) * begin-thread: Threads. (line 65) * bind: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 152) * bind-textdomain-codeset: Internationalization. (line 100) * bindtextdomain: Internationalization. (line 84) * bit-count <1>: SRFI-60. (line 29) * bit-count: Bit Vectors. (line 75) * bit-count*: Bit Vectors. (line 119) * bit-extract: Bitwise Operations. (line 129) * bit-field: SRFI-60. (line 28) * bit-invert!: Bit Vectors. (line 91) * bit-position: Bit Vectors. (line 82) * bit-set*!: Bit Vectors. (line 95) * bit-set?: SRFI-60. (line 26) * bitvector: Bit Vectors. (line 33) * bitvector->list: Bit Vectors. (line 70) * bitvector-fill!: Bit Vectors. (line 61) * bitvector-length: Bit Vectors. (line 37) * bitvector-ref: Bit Vectors. (line 45) * bitvector-set!: Bit Vectors. (line 52) * bitvector?: Bit Vectors. (line 18) * bitwise-and: SRFI-60. (line 21) * bitwise-if: SRFI-60. (line 36) * bitwise-ior: SRFI-60. (line 22) * bitwise-merge: SRFI-60. (line 37) * bitwise-not: SRFI-60. (line 24) * bitwise-xor: SRFI-60. (line 23) * boolean?: Booleans. (line 61) * booleans->integer: SRFI-60. (line 95) * break <1>: SRFI-1 Searching. (line 33) * break: while do. (line 75) * break!: SRFI-1 Searching. (line 34) * broadcast-condition-variable: Mutexes and Condition Variables. (line 93) * bt: Display Backtrace. (line 18) * c32vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 179) * c32vector->list: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 294) * c32vector-length: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 208) * c32vector-ref: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 236) * c32vector-set!: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 265) * c32vector?: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 122) * c64vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 180) * c64vector->list: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 295) * c64vector-length: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 209) * c64vector-ref: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 237) * c64vector-set!: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 266) * c64vector?: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 123) * caaaar: Pairs. (line 109) * caaadr: Pairs. (line 108) * caaar: Pairs. (line 93) * caadar: Pairs. (line 107) * caaddr: Pairs. (line 106) * caadr: Pairs. (line 92) * caar: Pairs. (line 85) * cadaar: Pairs. (line 105) * cadadr: Pairs. (line 104) * cadar: Pairs. (line 91) * caddar: Pairs. (line 103) * cadddr: Pairs. (line 102) * caddr: Pairs. (line 90) * cadr: Pairs. (line 84) * call-with-blocked-asyncs: System asyncs. (line 39) * call-with-current-continuation: Continuations. (line 34) * call-with-input-file: File Ports. (line 83) * call-with-input-string: String Ports. (line 17) * call-with-new-thread: Threads. (line 15) * call-with-output-file: File Ports. (line 84) * call-with-output-string: String Ports. (line 10) * call-with-unblocked-asyncs: System asyncs. (line 48) * call-with-values: Multiple Values. (line 34) * call/cc: Continuations. (line 35) * car: Pairs. (line 67) * car+cdr: SRFI-1 Selectors. (line 19) * case: if cond case. (line 61) * case-lambda: SRFI-16. (line 6) * catch: Catch. (line 54) * cd: Processes. (line 6) * cdaaar: Pairs. (line 101) * cdaadr: Pairs. (line 100) * cdaar: Pairs. (line 89) * cdadar: Pairs. (line 99) * cdaddr: Pairs. (line 98) * cdadr: Pairs. (line 88) * cdar: Pairs. (line 83) * cddaar: Pairs. (line 97) * cddadr: Pairs. (line 96) * cddar: Pairs. (line 87) * cdddar: Pairs. (line 95) * cddddr: Pairs. (line 94) * cdddr: Pairs. (line 86) * cddr: Pairs. (line 82) * cdr: Pairs. (line 68) * ceiling: Arithmetic. (line 70) * char->integer: Characters. (line 106) * char-alphabetic?: Characters. (line 82) * char-ci<=?: Characters. (line 70) * char-ci=?: Characters. (line 78) * char-ci>?: Characters. (line 74) * char-downcase: Characters. (line 119) * char-is-both?: Characters. (line 102) * char-lower-case?: Characters. (line 98) * char-numeric?: Characters. (line 86) * char-ready?: Reading. (line 13) * char-set: Creating Character Sets. (line 14) * char-set->list: Querying Character Sets. (line 19) * char-set->string: Querying Character Sets. (line 23) * char-set-adjoin: Character-Set Algebra. (line 12) * char-set-adjoin!: Character-Set Algebra. (line 22) * char-set-any: Querying Character Sets. (line 39) * char-set-complement: Character-Set Algebra. (line 32) * char-set-complement!: Character-Set Algebra. (line 57) * char-set-contains?: Querying Character Sets. (line 29) * char-set-copy: Creating Character Sets. (line 9) * char-set-count: Querying Character Sets. (line 14) * char-set-cursor: Iterating Over Character Sets. (line 17) * char-set-cursor-next: Iterating Over Character Sets. (line 27) * char-set-delete: Character-Set Algebra. (line 17) * char-set-delete!: Character-Set Algebra. (line 27) * char-set-diff+intersection: Character-Set Algebra. (line 52) * char-set-diff+intersection!: Character-Set Algebra. (line 77) * char-set-difference: Character-Set Algebra. (line 44) * char-set-difference!: Character-Set Algebra. (line 69) * char-set-every: Querying Character Sets. (line 34) * char-set-filter: Creating Character Sets. (line 40) * char-set-filter!: Creating Character Sets. (line 46) * char-set-fold: Iterating Over Character Sets. (line 38) * char-set-for-each: Iterating Over Character Sets. (line 69) * char-set-hash: Character Set Predicates/Comparison. (line 25) * char-set-intersection: Character-Set Algebra. (line 40) * char-set-intersection!: Character-Set Algebra. (line 65) * char-set-map: Iterating Over Character Sets. (line 74) * char-set-ref: Iterating Over Character Sets. (line 21) * char-set-size: Querying Character Sets. (line 10) * char-set-unfold: Iterating Over Character Sets. (line 43) * char-set-unfold!: Iterating Over Character Sets. (line 56) * char-set-union: Character-Set Algebra. (line 36) * char-set-union!: Character-Set Algebra. (line 61) * char-set-xor: Character-Set Algebra. (line 48) * char-set-xor!: Character-Set Algebra. (line 73) * char-set<=: Character Set Predicates/Comparison. (line 20) * char-set=: Character Set Predicates/Comparison. (line 16) * char-set?: Character Set Predicates/Comparison. (line 12) * char-upcase: Characters. (line 115) * char-upper-case?: Characters. (line 94) * char-whitespace?: Characters. (line 90) * char<=?: Characters. (line 50) * char=?: Characters. (line 58) * char>?: Characters. (line 54) * char?: Characters. (line 40) * chdir: Processes. (line 7) * chmod: File System. (line 147) * chown: File System. (line 133) * chroot: Processes. (line 26) * circular-list: SRFI-1 Constructors. (line 27) * circular-list?: SRFI-1 Predicates. (line 19) * close: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 157) * close-fdes: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 165) * close-input-port: Closing. (line 15) * close-output-port: Closing. (line 16) * close-pipe: Pipes. (line 67) * close-port: Closing. (line 7) * closedir: File System. (line 224) * closure?: Procedure Properties. (line 25) * command-line: Runtime Environment. (line 8) * complex?: Complex Numbers. (line 35) * concatenate: SRFI-1 Length Append etc. (line 11) * concatenate!: SRFI-1 Length Append etc. (line 12) * cond: if cond case. (line 23) * cond-expand: SRFI-0. (line 16) * condition: SRFI-35. (line 93) * condition-has-type?: SRFI-35. (line 53) * condition-message: SRFI-35. (line 124) * condition-ref: SRFI-35. (line 56) * condition-type?: SRFI-35. (line 33) * connect: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 138) * cons: Pairs. (line 46) * cons*: List Constructors. (line 26) * cons-source: Internal Macros. (line 104) * continue <1>: while do. (line 78) * continue: Stepping and Continuing. (line 30) * copy-bit: SRFI-60. (line 53) * copy-bit-field: SRFI-60. (line 60) * copy-file: File System. (line 170) * copy-random-state: Random. (line 12) * copy-time: SRFI-19 Time. (line 60) * copy-tree: Copying. (line 13) * cos: Scientific. (line 26) * cosh: Scientific. (line 55) * count: SRFI-1 Length Append etc. (line 50) * crypt: Encryption. (line 14) * ctermid: Terminals and Ptys. (line 17) * current-date: SRFI-19 Date. (line 59) * current-dynamic-state: Fluids and Dynamic States. (line 107) * current-error-port <1>: SRFI-39. (line 104) * current-error-port: Default Ports. (line 39) * current-input-port <1>: SRFI-39. (line 102) * current-input-port: Default Ports. (line 7) * current-julian-day: SRFI-19 Date. (line 64) * current-load-port: Loading. (line 78) * current-modified-julian-day: SRFI-19 Date. (line 67) * current-module: Module System Reflection. (line 18) * current-output-port <1>: SRFI-39. (line 103) * current-output-port: Default Ports. (line 24) * current-thread: Threads. (line 11) * current-time <1>: SRFI-19 Time. (line 63) * current-time: Time. (line 7) * cuserid: User Information. (line 117) * cut: SRFI-26. (line 12) * cute: SRFI-26. (line 13) * date->julian-day: SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions. (line 7) * date->modified-julian-day: SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions. (line 8) * date->string: SRFI-19 Date to string. (line 7) * date->time-monotonic: SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions. (line 9) * date->time-tai: SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions. (line 10) * date->time-utc: SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions. (line 11) * date-day: SRFI-19 Date. (line 35) * date-hour: SRFI-19 Date. (line 32) * date-minute: SRFI-19 Date. (line 29) * date-month: SRFI-19 Date. (line 38) * date-nanosecond: SRFI-19 Date. (line 21) * date-second: SRFI-19 Date. (line 24) * date-week-day: SRFI-19 Date. (line 51) * date-week-number: SRFI-19 Date. (line 54) * date-year: SRFI-19 Date. (line 41) * date-year-day: SRFI-19 Date. (line 48) * date-zone-offset: SRFI-19 Date. (line 45) * date?: SRFI-19 Date. (line 14) * debug: Debug on Error. (line 228) * debug-disable: User level options interfaces. (line 39) * debug-enable: User level options interfaces. (line 30) * debug-object?: Evaluator trap options. (line 65) * debug-options: User level options interfaces. (line 10) * debug-options-interface: Low level options interfaces. (line 10) * debug-set!: User level options interfaces. (line 48) * debug-trap: Specifying Trap Behaviour. (line 11) * default-duplicate-binding-handler: Creating Guile Modules. (line 175) * define: Top Level. (line 34) * define*: define* Reference. (line 17) * define*-public: define* Reference. (line 18) * define-condition-type: SRFI-35. (line 76) * define-macro: Macros. (line 21) * define-module: Creating Guile Modules. (line 19) * define-public: Creating Guile Modules. (line 197) * define-reader-ctor: SRFI-10. (line 21) * define-record-type: SRFI-9. (line 17) * defined?: Binding Reflection. (line 10) * defmacro: Macros. (line 21) * defmacro*: define* Reference. (line 38) * defmacro*-public: define* Reference. (line 39) * delay: Delayed Evaluation. (line 10) * delete <1>: SRFI-1 Deleting. (line 7) * delete: List Modification. (line 30) * delete! <1>: SRFI-1 Deleting. (line 8) * delete!: List Modification. (line 42) * delete-duplicates: SRFI-1 Deleting. (line 31) * delete-duplicates!: SRFI-1 Deleting. (line 32) * delete-file: File System. (line 166) * delete1!: List Modification. (line 65) * delq: List Modification. (line 18) * delq!: List Modification. (line 40) * delq1!: List Modification. (line 53) * delv: List Modification. (line 24) * delv!: List Modification. (line 41) * delv1!: List Modification. (line 59) * denominator: Reals and Rationals. (line 118) * deq!: Queues. (line 32) * directory-stream?: File System. (line 208) * dirname: File System. (line 292) * display: Writing. (line 23) * display-application: Examining Stack Frames. (line 54) * display-backtrace: Examining the Stack. (line 24) * display-error: Handling Errors. (line 35) * do: while do. (line 12) * dotted-list?: SRFI-1 Predicates. (line 32) * doubly-weak-hash-table?: Weak hash tables. (line 21) * down: Frame Selection. (line 36) * drain-input: Reading. (line 72) * drop: SRFI-1 Selectors. (line 29) * drop-right: SRFI-1 Selectors. (line 36) * drop-right!: SRFI-1 Selectors. (line 37) * drop-while: SRFI-1 Searching. (line 27) * dup: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 226) * dup->fdes: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 214) * dup->inport: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 220) * dup->outport: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 223) * dup->port: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 230) * dup2: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 261) * duplicate-port: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 234) * dynamic-args-call: Low level dynamic linking. (line 57) * dynamic-call: Low level dynamic linking. (line 45) * dynamic-func: Low level dynamic linking. (line 34) * dynamic-link: Low level dynamic linking. (line 11) * dynamic-object?: Low level dynamic linking. (line 23) * dynamic-state?: Fluids and Dynamic States. (line 98) * dynamic-unlink: Low level dynamic linking. (line 27) * dynamic-wind: Dynamic Wind. (line 70) * effective-version: Build Config. (line 11) * eighth: SRFI-1 Selectors. (line 14) * enclose-array: Array Procedures. (line 114) * end-of-char-set?: Iterating Over Character Sets. (line 33) * endgrent: User Information. (line 98) * endhostent: Network Databases. (line 78) * endnetent: Network Databases. (line 132) * endprotoent: Network Databases. (line 181) * endpwent: User Information. (line 51) * endservent: Network Databases. (line 245) * enq!: Queues. (line 29) * entity?: Objects. (line 7) * environ: Runtime Environment. (line 85) * eof-object?: Reading. (line 9) * eq?: Equality. (line 33) * equal?: Equality. (line 93) * eqv?: Equality. (line 77) * error: Error Reporting. (line 11) * error?: SRFI-35. (line 139) * eval: Fly Evaluation. (line 9) * eval-disable: Evaluator Behaviour. (line 24) * eval-enable: Evaluator Behaviour. (line 23) * eval-options: Evaluator Behaviour. (line 12) * eval-options-interface <1>: Low level options interfaces. (line 8) * eval-options-interface: Evaluator Behaviour. (line 30) * eval-set!: Evaluator Behaviour. (line 25) * eval-string: Fly Evaluation. (line 26) * evaluate: Frame Evaluation. (line 12) * evaluator-traps-interface <1>: Low level options interfaces. (line 11) * evaluator-traps-interface: Evaluator Behaviour. (line 57) * even?: Integer Operations. (line 11) * every: SRFI-1 Searching. (line 61) * exact->inexact: Exactness. (line 56) * exact?: Exactness. (line 15) * execl: Processes. (line 235) * execle: Processes. (line 260) * execlp: Processes. (line 250) * exp: Scientific. (line 42) * expect: Expect. (line 113) * expect-strings: Expect. (line 18) * export: Creating Guile Modules. (line 193) * expt: Scientific. (line 20) * extract-condition: SRFI-35. (line 64) * f32vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 177) * f32vector->list: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 292) * f32vector-length: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 206) * f32vector-ref: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 234) * f32vector-set!: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 263) * f32vector?: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 120) * f64vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 178) * f64vector->list: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 293) * f64vector-length: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 207) * f64vector-ref: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 235) * f64vector-set!: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 264) * f64vector?: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 121) * false-if-exception: Error Reporting. (line 39) * fchmod: File System. (line 146) * fchown: File System. (line 132) * fcntl: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 305) * fdes->inport: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 88) * fdes->outport: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 93) * fdes->ports: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 83) * fdopen: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 76) * feature?: Feature Manipulation. (line 11) * fflush: Writing. (line 69) * fifth: SRFI-1 Selectors. (line 11) * file-exists?: File System. (line 306) * file-port?: File Ports. (line 142) * filename-completion-function: Readline Functions. (line 111) * fileno: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 67) * filter: List Modification. (line 71) * filter!: List Modification. (line 72) * filter-map: SRFI-1 Fold and Map. (line 212) * find: SRFI-1 Searching. (line 11) * find-tail: SRFI-1 Searching. (line 15) * finish: Stepping and Continuing. (line 25) * first: SRFI-1 Selectors. (line 7) * first-set-bit: SRFI-60. (line 45) * flock: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 351) * floor: Arithmetic. (line 66) * fluid-ref: Fluids and Dynamic States. (line 40) * fluid-set!: Fluids and Dynamic States. (line 45) * fluid?: Fluids and Dynamic States. (line 36) * flush-all-ports: Writing. (line 80) * fn: Defining new Scheme procedures in C. (line 25) * fold: SRFI-1 Fold and Map. (line 7) * fold-matches: Regexp Functions. (line 146) * fold-right: SRFI-1 Fold and Map. (line 8) * for-each <1>: SRFI-1 Fold and Map. (line 171) * for-each: List Mapping. (line 25) * force: Delayed Evaluation. (line 18) * force-output: Writing. (line 70) * format: Formatted Output. (line 27) * fourth: SRFI-1 Selectors. (line 10) * frame: Frame Selection. (line 41) * frame-arguments: Examining Stack Frames. (line 38) * frame-evaluating-args?: Examining Stack Frames. (line 42) * frame-next: Examining Stack Frames. (line 20) * frame-number: Examining Stack Frames. (line 11) * frame-overflow?: Examining Stack Frames. (line 46) * frame-previous: Examining Stack Frames. (line 15) * frame-procedure: Examining Stack Frames. (line 33) * frame-procedure?: Examining Stack Frames. (line 29) * frame-real?: Examining Stack Frames. (line 50) * frame-source: Examining Stack Frames. (line 25) * frame?: Examining Stack Frames. (line 7) * fstat: File System. (line 52) * fsync: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 117) * ftell: Random Access. (line 29) * ftruncate: Random Access. (line 35) * ftw: File Tree Walk. (line 14) * gc: Garbage Collection Functions. (line 7) * gc-live-object-stats: Garbage Collection Functions. (line 52) * gc-stats: Garbage Collection Functions. (line 47) * gcd: Integer Operations. (line 36) * gds-apropos: Access to Guile Help and Completion. (line 19) * gds-complete-symbol: Access to Guile Help and Completion. (line 27) * gds-debug-trap: Specifying Trap Behaviour. (line 16) * gds-down: Displaying the Scheme Stack. (line 24) * gds-eval-defun: Evaluating Scheme Code. (line 10) * gds-eval-expression: Evaluating Scheme Code. (line 20) * gds-eval-last-sexp: Evaluating Scheme Code. (line 15) * gds-eval-region: Evaluating Scheme Code. (line 24) * gds-evaluate: Displaying the Scheme Stack. (line 40) * gds-frame-args: Displaying the Scheme Stack. (line 50) * gds-frame-info: Displaying the Scheme Stack. (line 45) * gds-go: Continuing Execution. (line 11) * gds-help-symbol: Access to Guile Help and Completion. (line 11) * gds-proc-source: Displaying the Scheme Stack. (line 54) * gds-select-stack-frame: Displaying the Scheme Stack. (line 29) * gds-step-file: Continuing Execution. (line 20) * gds-step-into: Continuing Execution. (line 33) * gds-step-over: Continuing Execution. (line 38) * gds-up: Displaying the Scheme Stack. (line 19) * generalized-vector->list: Generalized Vectors. (line 34) * generalized-vector-length: Generalized Vectors. (line 22) * generalized-vector-ref: Generalized Vectors. (line 26) * generalized-vector-set!: Generalized Vectors. (line 30) * generalized-vector?: Generalized Vectors. (line 17) * gensym: Symbol Primitives. (line 129) * get-internal-real-time: Time. (line 187) * get-internal-run-time: Time. (line 191) * get-output-string: String Ports. (line 47) * get-print-state: Writing. (line 9) * get-trap: Trap Utilities. (line 42) * getcwd: Processes. (line 12) * getegid: Processes. (line 62) * getenv: Runtime Environment. (line 65) * geteuid: Processes. (line 55) * getgid: Processes. (line 51) * getgr: User Information. (line 108) * getgrent: User Information. (line 94) * getgrgid: User Information. (line 83) * getgrnam: User Information. (line 86) * getgroups: Processes. (line 37) * gethost: Network Databases. (line 41) * gethostbyaddr: Network Databases. (line 43) * gethostbyname: Network Databases. (line 42) * gethostent: Network Databases. (line 72) * gethostname: System Identification. (line 35) * getitimer: Signals. (line 141) * getlogin: User Information. (line 127) * getnet: Network Databases. (line 108) * getnetbyaddr: Network Databases. (line 110) * getnetbyname: Network Databases. (line 109) * getnetent: Network Databases. (line 129) * getopt-long: getopt-long Reference. (line 7) * getpass: Encryption. (line 22) * getpeername: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 208) * getpgrp: Processes. (line 103) * getpid: Processes. (line 33) * getppid: Processes. (line 42) * getpriority: Processes. (line 299) * getproto: Network Databases. (line 158) * getprotobyname: Network Databases. (line 159) * getprotobynumber: Network Databases. (line 160) * getprotoent: Network Databases. (line 178) * getpw: User Information. (line 61) * getpwent: User Information. (line 47) * getpwnam: User Information. (line 39) * getpwuid: User Information. (line 36) * getserv: Network Databases. (line 211) * getservbyname: Network Databases. (line 212) * getservbyport: Network Databases. (line 213) * getservent: Network Databases. (line 242) * getsockname: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 197) * getsockopt: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 58) * getter-with-setter: SRFI-17. (line 44) * gettext: Internationalization. (line 18) * gettimeofday: Time. (line 12) * getuid: Processes. (line 47) * GH_ALLOW_INTS: Defining new Scheme procedures in C. (line 56) * gh_append: Calling Scheme procedures from C. (line 48) * gh_append2: Calling Scheme procedures from C. (line 49) * gh_append3: Calling Scheme procedures from C. (line 50) * gh_append4: Calling Scheme procedures from C. (line 51) * gh_apply: Calling Scheme procedures from C. (line 128) * gh_assoc: Calling Scheme procedures from C. (line 92) * gh_assq: Calling Scheme procedures from C. (line 90) * gh_assv: Calling Scheme procedures from C. (line 91) * gh_bool2scm: C to Scheme. (line 7) * gh_boolean_p: Type predicates. (line 15) * gh_c: Calling Scheme procedures from C. (line 34) * gh_call0: Calling Scheme procedures from C. (line 132) * gh_call1: Calling Scheme procedures from C. (line 133) * gh_call2: Calling Scheme procedures from C. (line 134) * gh_call3: Calling Scheme procedures from C. (line 135) * gh_car: Calling Scheme procedures from C. (line 30) * gh_catch: Calling Scheme procedures from C. (line 141) * gh_cdr: Calling Scheme procedures from C. (line 31) * gh_char2scm: C to Scheme. (line 13) * gh_char_p: Type predicates. (line 21) * gh_chars2byvect: C to Scheme. (line 40) * gh_cons: Calling Scheme procedures from C. (line 24) * GH_DEFER_INTS: Defining new Scheme procedures in C. (line 55) * gh_define: Calling Scheme procedures from C. (line 17) * gh_double2scm: C to Scheme. (line 12) * gh_doubles2dvect: C to Scheme. (line 45) * gh_doubles2scm: C to Scheme. (line 36) * gh_enter: Starting and controlling the interpreter. (line 10) * gh_eq_p: Equality predicates. (line 16) * gh_equal_p: Equality predicates. (line 24) * gh_eqv_p: Equality predicates. (line 20) * gh_eval_file: Executing Scheme code. (line 19) * gh_eval_str: Executing Scheme code. (line 10) * gh_exact_p: Type predicates. (line 39) * gh_floats2fvect: C to Scheme. (line 44) * gh_get_substr: Scheme to C. (line 28) * gh_inexact_p: Type predicates. (line 36) * gh_ints2scm: C to Scheme. (line 35) * gh_is_eq: Calling Scheme procedures from C. (line 146) * gh_is_equal: Calling Scheme procedures from C. (line 148) * gh_is_eqv: Calling Scheme procedures from C. (line 147) * gh_length: Calling Scheme procedures from C. (line 45) * gh_list: Calling Scheme procedures from C. (line 25) * gh_list_p: Type predicates. (line 33) * gh_list_ref: Calling Scheme procedures from C. (line 73) * gh_list_tail: Calling Scheme procedures from C. (line 70) * gh_list_to_vector: Calling Scheme procedures from C. (line 113) * gh_load: Executing Scheme code. (line 20) * gh_long2scm: C to Scheme. (line 11) * gh_longs2ivect: C to Scheme. (line 42) * gh_make_vector: Calling Scheme procedures from C. (line 108) * gh_member: Calling Scheme procedures from C. (line 78) * gh_memq: Calling Scheme procedures from C. (line 76) * gh_memv: Calling Scheme procedures from C. (line 77) * gh_new_procedure: Defining new Scheme procedures in C. (line 11) * gh_null_p: Equality predicates. (line 31) * gh_obj_length: Calling Scheme procedures from C. (line 152) * gh_pair_p: Type predicates. (line 27) * gh_procedure_p: Type predicates. (line 30) * gh_repl: Starting and controlling the interpreter. (line 27) * gh_reverse: Calling Scheme procedures from C. (line 65) * gh_scm2bool: Scheme to C. (line 7) * gh_scm2char: Scheme to C. (line 11) * gh_scm2chars: Scheme to C. (line 43) * gh_scm2double: Scheme to C. (line 10) * gh_scm2doubles: Scheme to C. (line 47) * gh_scm2floats: Scheme to C. (line 46) * gh_scm2long: Scheme to C. (line 9) * gh_scm2longs: Scheme to C. (line 45) * gh_scm2newstr: Scheme to C. (line 14) * gh_scm2shorts: Scheme to C. (line 44) * gh_scm2ulong: Scheme to C. (line 8) * gh_set_car_x: Calling Scheme procedures from C. (line 37) * gh_set_cdr_x: Calling Scheme procedures from C. (line 41) * gh_set_substr: C to Scheme. (line 24) * gh_shorts2svect: C to Scheme. (line 41) * gh_str02scm: C to Scheme. (line 20) * gh_str2scm: C to Scheme. (line 16) * gh_string_equal_p: Equality predicates. (line 28) * gh_symbol2newstr: Scheme to C. (line 35) * gh_symbol2scm: C to Scheme. (line 31) * gh_symbol_p: Type predicates. (line 18) * gh_throw: Calling Scheme procedures from C. (line 142) * gh_ulong2scm: C to Scheme. (line 10) * gh_ulongs2uvect: C to Scheme. (line 43) * gh_vector: Calling Scheme procedures from C. (line 109) * gh_vector_length: Calling Scheme procedures from C. (line 112) * gh_vector_p: Type predicates. (line 24) * gh_vector_ref: Calling Scheme procedures from C. (line 110) * gh_vector_set: Calling Scheme procedures from C. (line 111) * gmtime: Time. (line 84) * group:gid: User Information. (line 76) * group:mem: User Information. (line 79) * group:name: User Information. (line 70) * group:passwd: User Information. (line 73) * hash <1>: SRFI-69 Hash table algorithms. (line 18) * hash: Hash Table Reference. (line 117) * hash-by-identity: SRFI-69 Hash table algorithms. (line 21) * hash-clear!: Hash Table Reference. (line 78) * hash-create-handle!: Hash Table Reference. (line 152) * hash-fold: Hash Table Reference. (line 193) * hash-for-each: Hash Table Reference. (line 166) * hash-for-each-handle: Hash Table Reference. (line 184) * hash-get-handle: Hash Table Reference. (line 141) * hash-map->list: Hash Table Reference. (line 165) * hash-ref: Hash Table Reference. (line 82) * hash-remove!: Hash Table Reference. (line 106) * hash-set!: Hash Table Reference. (line 94) * hash-table->alist: SRFI-69 Table properties. (line 27) * hash-table-delete!: SRFI-69 Accessing table items. (line 20) * hash-table-equivalence-function: SRFI-69 Hash table algorithms. (line 13) * hash-table-exists?: SRFI-69 Accessing table items. (line 24) * hash-table-fold: SRFI-69 Table properties. (line 21) * hash-table-hash-function: SRFI-69 Hash table algorithms. (line 14) * hash-table-keys: SRFI-69 Table properties. (line 11) * hash-table-ref: SRFI-69 Accessing table items. (line 7) * hash-table-ref/default: SRFI-69 Accessing table items. (line 8) * hash-table-set!: SRFI-69 Accessing table items. (line 17) * hash-table-size: SRFI-69 Table properties. (line 7) * hash-table-update!: SRFI-69 Accessing table items. (line 28) * hash-table-update!/default: SRFI-69 Accessing table items. (line 30) * hash-table-values: SRFI-69 Table properties. (line 14) * hash-table-walk: SRFI-69 Table properties. (line 17) * hash-table?: Hash Table Reference. (line 74) * hashq: Hash Table Reference. (line 118) * hashq-create-handle!: Hash Table Reference. (line 153) * hashq-get-handle: Hash Table Reference. (line 142) * hashq-ref: Hash Table Reference. (line 83) * hashq-remove!: Hash Table Reference. (line 107) * hashq-set!: Hash Table Reference. (line 95) * hashv: Hash Table Reference. (line 119) * hashv-create-handle!: Hash Table Reference. (line 154) * hashv-get-handle: Hash Table Reference. (line 143) * hashv-ref: Hash Table Reference. (line 84) * hashv-remove!: Hash Table Reference. (line 108) * hashv-set!: Hash Table Reference. (line 96) * hashx-create-handle!: Hash Table Reference. (line 155) * hashx-get-handle: Hash Table Reference. (line 144) * hashx-ref: Hash Table Reference. (line 85) * hashx-remove!: Hash Table Reference. (line 109) * hashx-set!: Hash Table Reference. (line 97) * hook->list: Hook Reference. (line 59) * hook-empty?: Hook Reference. (line 39) * hook?: Hook Reference. (line 35) * hostent:addr-list: Network Databases. (line 34) * hostent:addrtype: Network Databases. (line 27) * hostent:aliases: Network Databases. (line 24) * hostent:length: Network Databases. (line 31) * hostent:name: Network Databases. (line 21) * htonl: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 312) * htons: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 300) * if: if cond case. (line 12) * imag-part: Complex. (line 20) * inet-aton: Network Address Conversion. (line 33) * inet-lnaof: Network Address Conversion. (line 54) * inet-makeaddr: Network Address Conversion. (line 61) * inet-netof: Network Address Conversion. (line 47) * inet-ntoa: Network Address Conversion. (line 40) * inet-ntop: Network Address Conversion. (line 74) * inet-pton: Network Address Conversion. (line 83) * inexact->exact: Exactness. (line 33) * inexact?: Exactness. (line 29) * inf: Reals and Rationals. (line 110) * inf?: Reals and Rationals. (line 98) * info args: Frame Information. (line 16) * info frame: Frame Information. (line 10) * input-port?: Ports. (line 50) * install-trap: How to Set a Trap. (line 48) * integer->char: Characters. (line 111) * integer->list: SRFI-60. (line 84) * integer-expt: Bitwise Operations. (line 116) * integer-length: Bitwise Operations. (line 101) * integer?: Integers. (line 68) * interaction-environment: Fly Evaluation. (line 18) * iota: SRFI-1 Constructors. (line 31) * isatty?: Terminals and Ptys. (line 7) * join-thread: Threads. (line 41) * julian-day->date: SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions. (line 13) * julian-day->time-monotonic: SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions. (line 14) * julian-day->time-tai: SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions. (line 15) * julian-day->time-utc: SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions. (line 16) * key: Evaluator trap options. (line 19) * keyword->string: SRFI-88. (line 29) * keyword->symbol: Keyword Procedures. (line 11) * keyword? <1>: SRFI-88. (line 20) * keyword?: Keyword Procedures. (line 7) * kill: Signals. (line 15) * lambda: Lambda. (line 34) * lambda*: lambda* Reference. (line 16) * last: SRFI-1 Selectors. (line 52) * last-pair: List Selection. (line 14) * last-stack-frame: Capturing the Stack or Innermost Stack Frame. (line 44) * lazy-catch: Lazy Catch. (line 19) * lchown: File System. (line 132) * lcm: Integer Operations. (line 44) * length: List Selection. (line 10) * length+: SRFI-1 Length Append etc. (line 7) * let <1>: while do. (line 105) * let: Local Bindings. (line 23) * let*: Local Bindings. (line 49) * let*-values: SRFI-11. (line 6) * let-keywords: let-keywords Reference. (line 11) * let-keywords*: let-keywords Reference. (line 13) * let-optional: let-optional Reference. (line 13) * let-optional*: let-optional Reference. (line 14) * let-values: SRFI-11. (line 6) * letpar: Parallel Forms. (line 16) * letrec: Local Bindings. (line 64) * link: File System. (line 180) * list: List Constructors. (line 12) * list->array: Array Procedures. (line 71) * list->bitvector: Bit Vectors. (line 66) * list->c32vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 321) * list->c64vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 322) * list->char-set: Creating Character Sets. (line 18) * list->char-set!: Creating Character Sets. (line 24) * list->f32vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 319) * list->f64vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 320) * list->integer: SRFI-60. (line 94) * list->s16vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 314) * list->s32vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 316) * list->s64vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 318) * list->s8vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 312) * list->stream: Streams. (line 66) * list->string: String Constructors. (line 18) * list->typed-array: Array Procedures. (line 74) * list->u16vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 313) * list->u32vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 315) * list->u64vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 317) * list->u8vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 311) * list->vector: Vector Creation. (line 14) * list->weak-vector: Weak vectors. (line 17) * list-cdr-ref: List Selection. (line 24) * list-cdr-set!: List Modification. (line 14) * list-copy <1>: SRFI-1 Constructors. (line 19) * list-copy: List Constructors. (line 33) * list-head: List Selection. (line 33) * list-index: SRFI-1 Searching. (line 77) * list-matches: Regexp Functions. (line 137) * list-ref: List Selection. (line 19) * list-set!: List Modification. (line 10) * list-tabulate: SRFI-1 Constructors. (line 13) * list-tail: List Selection. (line 23) * list-traps: Trap Utilities. (line 17) * list=: SRFI-1 Predicates. (line 61) * list?: List Predicates. (line 12) * listen: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 171) * load: Loading. (line 7) * load-extension: Dynamic Linking and Compiled Code Modules. (line 113) * load-from-path: Loading. (line 26) * local-eval: Local Evaluation. (line 9) * localtime: Time. (line 76) * lock-mutex: Mutexes and Condition Variables. (line 33) * log: Scientific. (line 46) * log10: Scientific. (line 49) * log2-binary-factors: SRFI-60. (line 44) * logand: Bitwise Operations. (line 12) * logbit?: Bitwise Operations. (line 57) * logcount: Bitwise Operations. (line 87) * logior: Bitwise Operations. (line 20) * lognot: Bitwise Operations. (line 38) * logtest: Bitwise Operations. (line 48) * logxor: Bitwise Operations. (line 28) * lset-adjoin: SRFI-1 Set Operations. (line 53) * lset-diff+intersection: SRFI-1 Set Operations. (line 136) * lset-diff+intersection!: SRFI-1 Set Operations. (line 137) * lset-difference: SRFI-1 Set Operations. (line 119) * lset-difference!: SRFI-1 Set Operations. (line 120) * lset-intersection: SRFI-1 Set Operations. (line 95) * lset-intersection!: SRFI-1 Set Operations. (line 96) * lset-union: SRFI-1 Set Operations. (line 64) * lset-union!: SRFI-1 Set Operations. (line 65) * lset-xor: SRFI-1 Set Operations. (line 151) * lset-xor!: SRFI-1 Set Operations. (line 152) * lset<=: SRFI-1 Set Operations. (line 22) * lset=: SRFI-1 Set Operations. (line 36) * lstat: File System. (line 122) * macro-name: Internal Macros. (line 96) * macro-transformer: Internal Macros. (line 100) * macro-type: Internal Macros. (line 89) * macro?: Internal Macros. (line 84) * magnitude: Complex. (line 24) * main_prog: Starting and controlling the interpreter. (line 16) * major-version: Build Config. (line 12) * make-arbiter: Arbiters. (line 16) * make-array: Array Procedures. (line 40) * make-bitvector: Bit Vectors. (line 25) * make-buffered-input-port: Buffered Input. (line 16) * make-c32vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 150) * make-c64vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 151) * make-class-object: Objects. (line 20) * make-completion-function: Readline Functions. (line 116) * make-compound-condition: SRFI-35. (line 48) * make-condition: SRFI-35. (line 38) * make-condition-type: SRFI-35. (line 27) * make-condition-variable: Mutexes and Condition Variables. (line 66) * make-date: SRFI-19 Date. (line 18) * make-doubly-weak-hash-table: Weak hash tables. (line 9) * make-dynamic-state: Fluids and Dynamic States. (line 93) * make-f32vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 148) * make-f64vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 149) * make-fluid: Fluids and Dynamic States. (line 26) * make-guardian: Guardians. (line 16) * make-hash-table <1>: SRFI-69 Creating hash tables. (line 8) * make-hash-table: Hash Table Reference. (line 64) * make-hook: Hook Reference. (line 29) * make-line-buffered-input-port: Buffered Input. (line 31) * make-list: List Constructors. (line 37) * make-mutex: Mutexes and Condition Variables. (line 25) * make-object-property: Object Properties. (line 36) * make-parameter: SRFI-39. (line 49) * make-polar: Complex. (line 12) * make-procedure-with-setter: Procedures with Setters. (line 44) * make-q: Queues. (line 19) * make-record-type: Records. (line 16) * make-rectangular: Complex. (line 7) * make-recursive-mutex: Mutexes and Condition Variables. (line 29) * make-regexp: Regexp Functions. (line 52) * make-s16vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 143) * make-s32vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 145) * make-s64vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 147) * make-s8vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 141) * make-shared-array: Shared Arrays. (line 7) * make-socket-address: Network Socket Address. (line 13) * make-soft-port: Soft Ports. (line 10) * make-stack: Capturing the Stack or Innermost Stack Frame. (line 15) * make-stream: Streams. (line 47) * make-string: String Constructors. (line 31) * make-struct: Structure Basics. (line 11) * make-struct-layout: Vtable Vtables. (line 68) * make-subclass-object: Objects. (line 25) * make-symbol: Symbol Uninterned. (line 47) * make-thread: Threads. (line 59) * make-time: SRFI-19 Time. (line 44) * make-typed-array: Array Procedures. (line 44) * make-u16vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 142) * make-u32vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 144) * make-u64vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 146) * make-u8vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 140) * make-undefined-variable: Variables. (line 43) * make-variable: Variables. (line 47) * make-vector: Vector Creation. (line 35) * make-vtable: Vtables. (line 11) * make-vtable-vtable: Vtable Vtables. (line 19) * make-weak-key-hash-table: Weak hash tables. (line 7) * make-weak-value-hash-table: Weak hash tables. (line 8) * make-weak-vector: Weak vectors. (line 10) * malloc-stats: Memory Blocks. (line 115) * map <1>: SRFI-1 Fold and Map. (line 163) * map: List Mapping. (line 14) * map!: SRFI-1 Fold and Map. (line 198) * map-in-order: List Mapping. (line 15) * match:count: Match Structures. (line 74) * match:end: Match Structures. (line 50) * match:prefix: Match Structures. (line 60) * match:start: Match Structures. (line 40) * match:string: Match Structures. (line 79) * match:substring: Match Structures. (line 25) * match:suffix: Match Structures. (line 67) * max: Arithmetic. (line 49) * member <1>: SRFI-1 Searching. (line 89) * member: List Searching. (line 27) * memoized-environment: Decoding Memoized Source Expressions. (line 15) * memoized?: Decoding Memoized Source Expressions. (line 7) * memq: List Searching. (line 13) * memv: List Searching. (line 20) * merge: Sorting. (line 16) * merge!: Sorting. (line 24) * message-condition?: SRFI-35. (line 121) * micro-version: Build Config. (line 14) * min: Arithmetic. (line 53) * minor-version: Build Config. (line 13) * mkdir: File System. (line 191) * mknod: File System. (line 243) * mkstemp!: File System. (line 273) * mktime: Time. (line 90) * modified-julian-day->date: SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions. (line 18) * modified-julian-day->time-monotonic: SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions. (line 19) * modified-julian-day->time-tai: SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions. (line 20) * modified-julian-day->time-utc: SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions. (line 21) * module-use!: Module System Reflection. (line 46) * modulo: Integer Operations. (line 27) * modulo-expt: Integer Operations. (line 52) * monitor: Mutexes and Condition Variables. (line 112) * move->fdes: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 107) * n-for-each-par-map: Parallel Forms. (line 48) * n-par-for-each: Parallel Forms. (line 37) * n-par-map: Parallel Forms. (line 36) * nan: Reals and Rationals. (line 106) * nan?: Reals and Rationals. (line 102) * negative?: Comparison. (line 44) * netent:addrtype: Network Databases. (line 99) * netent:aliases: Network Databases. (line 96) * netent:name: Network Databases. (line 93) * netent:net: Network Databases. (line 103) * newline: Writing. (line 32) * next: Stepping and Continuing. (line 17) * nftw: File Tree Walk. (line 63) * ngettext: Internationalization. (line 43) * nice: Processes. (line 279) * nil-car: Emacs Lisp Support. (line 7) * nil-cdr: Emacs Lisp Support. (line 12) * nil-cons: Emacs Lisp Support. (line 17) * nil-eq: Emacs Lisp Support. (line 22) * ninth: SRFI-1 Selectors. (line 15) * not: Booleans. (line 57) * not-pair?: SRFI-1 Predicates. (line 55) * ntohl: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 318) * ntohs: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 306) * null: Emacs Lisp Support. (line 26) * null-environment: Environments. (line 27) * null-list?: SRFI-1 Predicates. (line 48) * null?: List Predicates. (line 21) * number->string: Conversion. (line 7) * number?: Numerical Tower. (line 48) * numerator: Reals and Rationals. (line 114) * object->string: General Conversion. (line 19) * object-properties: Old-fashioned Properties. (line 17) * object-property: Old-fashioned Properties. (line 25) * odd?: Integer Operations. (line 7) * open: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 124) * open-fdes: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 153) * open-file: File Ports. (line 15) * open-input-file: File Ports. (line 75) * open-input-output-pipe: Pipes. (line 64) * open-input-pipe: Pipes. (line 47) * open-input-string: String Ports. (line 33) * open-output-file: File Ports. (line 79) * open-output-pipe: Pipes. (line 56) * open-output-string: String Ports. (line 40) * open-pipe: Pipes. (line 12) * open-pipe*: Pipes. (line 13) * opendir: File System. (line 203) * operator?: Objects. (line 11) * option: SRFI-37. (line 38) * option-names: SRFI-37. (line 57) * option-optional-arg?: SRFI-37. (line 59) * option-processor: SRFI-37. (line 60) * option-ref: option-ref Reference. (line 7) * option-required-arg?: SRFI-37. (line 58) * or: and or. (line 20) * output-port?: Ports. (line 55) * pair-fold: SRFI-1 Fold and Map. (line 69) * pair-fold-right: SRFI-1 Fold and Map. (line 70) * pair-for-each: SRFI-1 Fold and Map. (line 207) * pair?: Pairs. (line 52) * par-for-each: Parallel Forms. (line 24) * par-map: Parallel Forms. (line 23) * parallel: Parallel Forms. (line 11) * parameterize: SRFI-39. (line 77) * parse-path: Build Config. (line 62) * partition: SRFI-1 Filtering and Partitioning. (line 15) * partition!: SRFI-1 Filtering and Partitioning. (line 16) * passwd:dir: User Information. (line 29) * passwd:gecos: User Information. (line 26) * passwd:gid: User Information. (line 23) * passwd:name: User Information. (line 14) * passwd:passwd: User Information. (line 17) * passwd:shell: User Information. (line 32) * passwd:uid: User Information. (line 20) * pause: Signals. (line 117) * pclose: Pipes. (line 66) * peek-char: Reading. (line 43) * pipe: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 185) * PKG_CHECK_MODULES: Autoconf Macros. (line 24) * popen: Pipes. (line 11) * port->fdes: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 72) * port->stream: Streams. (line 74) * port-closed?: Closing. (line 26) * port-column: Reading. (line 87) * port-filename: File Ports. (line 125) * port-for-each: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 276) * port-line: Reading. (line 88) * port-mode <1>: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 270) * port-mode: File Ports. (line 118) * port-revealed: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 58) * port-with-print-state: Writing. (line 37) * port?: Ports. (line 60) * position: Frame Information. (line 21) * positive?: Comparison. (line 40) * pretty-print: Pretty Printing. (line 29) * primitive-_exit: Processes. (line 213) * primitive-eval: Fly Evaluation. (line 75) * primitive-exit: Processes. (line 212) * primitive-fork: Processes. (line 270) * primitive-load: Loading. (line 29) * primitive-load-path: Loading. (line 42) * primitive-make-property: Property Primitives. (line 7) * primitive-move->fdes: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 98) * primitive-property-del!: Property Primitives. (line 26) * primitive-property-ref: Property Primitives. (line 13) * primitive-property-set!: Property Primitives. (line 22) * print-disable: User level options interfaces. (line 38) * print-enable: User level options interfaces. (line 29) * print-options: User level options interfaces. (line 9) * print-options-interface <1>: Low level options interfaces. (line 9) * print-options-interface: Writing. (line 43) * print-set!: User level options interfaces. (line 47) * procedure: Procedures with Setters. (line 54) * procedure->macro: Internal Macros. (line 57) * procedure->memoizing-macro: Internal Macros. (line 72) * procedure->syntax: Internal Macros. (line 51) * procedure-documentation: Procedure Properties. (line 68) * procedure-environment: Procedure Properties. (line 45) * procedure-name: Procedure Properties. (line 37) * procedure-properties: Procedure Properties. (line 49) * procedure-property: Procedure Properties. (line 53) * procedure-source: Procedure Properties. (line 41) * procedure-with-setter?: Procedures with Setters. (line 49) * procedure?: Procedure Properties. (line 21) * program-arguments: Runtime Environment. (line 7) * promise?: Delayed Evaluation. (line 14) * proper-list?: SRFI-1 Predicates. (line 9) * protoent:aliases: Network Databases. (line 150) * protoent:name: Network Databases. (line 147) * protoent:proto: Network Databases. (line 153) * provide: Feature Manipulation. (line 17) * provided?: Feature Manipulation. (line 10) * PTR2SCM: Non-immediate objects. (line 17) * putenv: Runtime Environment. (line 95) * pwd: Processes. (line 11) * q-empty-check: Queues. (line 50) * q-empty?: Queues. (line 47) * q-front: Queues. (line 53) * q-length: Queues. (line 44) * q-pop!: Queues. (line 33) * q-push!: Queues. (line 41) * q-rear: Queues. (line 57) * q-remove!: Queues. (line 61) * q?: Queues. (line 22) * quasiquote: Expression Syntax. (line 67) * quit: Interactive Debugger. (line 26) * quote: Expression Syntax. (line 49) * quotient: Integer Operations. (line 15) * raise: Signals. (line 47) * random: Random. (line 16) * random:exp: Random. (line 24) * random:hollow-sphere!: Random. (line 30) * random:normal: Random. (line 37) * random:normal-vector!: Random. (line 44) * random:solid-sphere!: Random. (line 50) * random:uniform: Random. (line 57) * rational?: Reals and Rationals. (line 75) * rationalize: Reals and Rationals. (line 85) * re-export: Creating Guile Modules. (line 200) * read: Scheme Read. (line 7) * read-char: Reading. (line 29) * read-delimited: Line/Delimited. (line 46) * read-delimited!: Line/Delimited. (line 53) * read-disable <1>: User level options interfaces. (line 37) * read-disable: Scheme Read. (line 29) * read-enable <1>: User level options interfaces. (line 28) * read-enable: Scheme Read. (line 28) * read-hash-extend: Reader Extensions. (line 7) * read-line: Line/Delimited. (line 16) * read-line!: Line/Delimited. (line 40) * read-options <1>: User level options interfaces. (line 8) * read-options: Scheme Read. (line 18) * read-options-interface <1>: Low level options interfaces. (line 7) * read-options-interface: Scheme Read. (line 35) * read-set! <1>: User level options interfaces. (line 46) * read-set!: Scheme Read. (line 30) * read-string!/partial: Block Reading and Writing. (line 15) * readdir: File System. (line 213) * readline: Readline Functions. (line 15) * readline-disable: Readline Options. (line 11) * readline-enable: Readline Options. (line 11) * readline-options: Readline Options. (line 11) * readline-port: Readline Functions. (line 36) * readline-set!: Readline Options. (line 11) * readlink: File System. (line 128) * real-part: Complex. (line 16) * real?: Reals and Rationals. (line 68) * rec: SRFI-31. (line 6) * receive: Multiple Values. (line 54) * record-accessor: Records. (line 50) * record-constructor: Records. (line 31) * record-modifier: Records. (line 59) * record-predicate: Records. (line 44) * record-type-descriptor: Records. (line 70) * record-type-fields: Records. (line 85) * record-type-name: Records. (line 79) * record?: Records. (line 10) * recv!: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 216) * recvfrom!: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 245) * redirect-port: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 246) * reduce: SRFI-1 Fold and Map. (line 74) * reduce-right: SRFI-1 Fold and Map. (line 75) * regexp-exec: Regexp Functions. (line 92) * regexp-match?: Match Structures. (line 21) * regexp-quote: Backslash Escapes. (line 31) * regexp-substitute: Regexp Functions. (line 168) * regexp-substitute/global: Regexp Functions. (line 203) * regexp?: Regexp Functions. (line 131) * release-arbiter: Arbiters. (line 28) * release-port-handle: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 114) * remainder: Integer Operations. (line 16) * remove: SRFI-1 Filtering and Partitioning. (line 32) * remove!: SRFI-1 Filtering and Partitioning. (line 33) * remove-hook!: Hook Reference. (line 49) * rename: File System. (line 174) * rename-file: File System. (line 175) * require: SLIB. (line 11) * require-extension: SRFI-55. (line 11) * reset-hook!: Hook Reference. (line 54) * resolve-interface: Module System Reflection. (line 41) * resolve-module: Module System Reflection. (line 36) * restore-signals: Signals. (line 101) * restricted-vector-sort!: Sorting. (line 87) * reverse: Append/Reverse. (line 38) * reverse!: Append/Reverse. (line 39) * reverse-bit-field: SRFI-60. (line 78) * reverse-list->string: String Constructors. (line 24) * rewinddir: File System. (line 219) * rmdir: File System. (line 198) * rotate-bit-field: SRFI-60. (line 69) * round: Arithmetic. (line 61) * run-asyncs: User asyncs. (line 23) * run-hook: Hook Reference. (line 63) * s16vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 172) * s16vector->list: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 287) * s16vector-length: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 201) * s16vector-ref: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 229) * s16vector-set!: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 258) * s16vector?: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 115) * s32vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 174) * s32vector->list: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 289) * s32vector-length: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 203) * s32vector-ref: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 231) * s32vector-set!: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 260) * s32vector?: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 117) * s64vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 176) * s64vector->list: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 291) * s64vector-length: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 205) * s64vector-ref: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 233) * s64vector-set!: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 262) * s64vector?: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 119) * s8vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 170) * s8vector->list: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 285) * s8vector-length: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 199) * s8vector-ref: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 227) * s8vector-set!: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 256) * s8vector?: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 113) * save-module-excursion: Module System Reflection. (line 25) * scheme-report-environment: Environments. (line 26) * scm-error: Error Reporting. (line 15) * scm_abs: Arithmetic. (line 43) * scm_accept: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 181) * scm_access: File System. (line 14) * scm_acons: Adding or Setting Alist Entries. (line 95) * scm_acosh: Primitive Numerics. (line 102) * scm_add_feature: Feature Manipulation. (line 24) * scm_add_hook_x: Hook Reference. (line 44) * scm_alarm: Signals. (line 107) * scm_all_threads: Threads. (line 8) * scm_angle: Complex. (line 30) * scm_any_to_c32vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 360) * scm_any_to_c64vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 361) * scm_any_to_f32vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 358) * scm_any_to_f64vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 359) * scm_any_to_s16vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 353) * scm_any_to_s32vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 355) * scm_any_to_s64vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 357) * scm_any_to_s8vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 351) * scm_any_to_u16vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 352) * scm_any_to_u32vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 354) * scm_any_to_u64vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 356) * scm_any_to_u8vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 350) * scm_append: Append/Reverse. (line 16) * scm_append_x: Append/Reverse. (line 17) * scm_apply: Fly Evaluation. (line 44) * scm_apply_0: Fly Evaluation. (line 40) * scm_apply_1: Fly Evaluation. (line 41) * scm_apply_2: Fly Evaluation. (line 42) * scm_apply_3: Fly Evaluation. (line 43) * SCM_ARG1: Signalling Type Errors. (line 18) * SCM_ARG2: Signalling Type Errors. (line 19) * SCM_ARG3: Signalling Type Errors. (line 20) * SCM_ARG4: Signalling Type Errors. (line 21) * SCM_ARG5: Signalling Type Errors. (line 22) * SCM_ARG6: Signalling Type Errors. (line 23) * SCM_ARG7: Signalling Type Errors. (line 24) * SCM_ARGn: Signalling Type Errors. (line 33) * scm_array_contents: Shared Arrays. (line 109) * scm_array_copy_x: Array Procedures. (line 167) * scm_array_dimensions: Array Procedures. (line 141) * scm_array_fill_x: Array Procedures. (line 173) * scm_array_for_each: Array Procedures. (line 200) * scm_array_get_handle: Accessing Arrays from C. (line 69) * scm_array_handle_bit_elements: Accessing Arrays from C. (line 240) * scm_array_handle_bit_writable_elements: Accessing Arrays from C. (line 282) * scm_array_handle_c32_elements: Accessing Arrays from C. (line 201) * scm_array_handle_c32_writable_elements: Accessing Arrays from C. (line 233) * scm_array_handle_c64_elements: Accessing Arrays from C. (line 203) * scm_array_handle_c64_writable_elements: Accessing Arrays from C. (line 235) * scm_array_handle_dims: Accessing Arrays from C. (line 102) * scm_array_handle_elements: Accessing Arrays from C. (line 153) * scm_array_handle_f32_elements: Accessing Arrays from C. (line 197) * scm_array_handle_f32_writable_elements: Accessing Arrays from C. (line 229) * scm_array_handle_f64_elements: Accessing Arrays from C. (line 199) * scm_array_handle_f64_writable_elements: Accessing Arrays from C. (line 231) * scm_array_handle_pos: Accessing Arrays from C. (line 132) * scm_array_handle_rank: Accessing Arrays from C. (line 83) * scm_array_handle_ref: Accessing Arrays from C. (line 140) * scm_array_handle_release: Accessing Arrays from C. (line 78) * scm_array_handle_s16_elements: Accessing Arrays from C. (line 187) * scm_array_handle_s16_writable_elements: Accessing Arrays from C. (line 219) * scm_array_handle_s32_elements: Accessing Arrays from C. (line 191) * scm_array_handle_s32_writable_elements: Accessing Arrays from C. (line 223) * scm_array_handle_s64_elements: Accessing Arrays from C. (line 195) * scm_array_handle_s64_writable_elements: Accessing Arrays from C. (line 227) * scm_array_handle_s8_elements: Accessing Arrays from C. (line 183) * scm_array_handle_s8_writable_elements: Accessing Arrays from C. (line 215) * scm_array_handle_set: Accessing Arrays from C. (line 146) * scm_array_handle_u16_elements: Accessing Arrays from C. (line 185) * scm_array_handle_u16_writable_elements: Accessing Arrays from C. (line 217) * scm_array_handle_u32_elements: Accessing Arrays from C. (line 189) * scm_array_handle_u32_writable_elements: Accessing Arrays from C. (line 221) * scm_array_handle_u64_elements: Accessing Arrays from C. (line 193) * scm_array_handle_u64_writable_elements: Accessing Arrays from C. (line 225) * scm_array_handle_u8_elements: Accessing Arrays from C. (line 181) * scm_array_handle_u8_writable_elements: Accessing Arrays from C. (line 213) * scm_array_handle_uniform_element_size: Accessing Arrays from C. (line 176) * scm_array_handle_uniform_elements: Accessing Arrays from C. (line 164) * scm_array_handle_uniform_writable_elements: Accessing Arrays from C. (line 171) * scm_array_handle_writable_elements: Accessing Arrays from C. (line 159) * scm_array_in_bounds_p: Array Procedures. (line 98) * scm_array_index_map_x: Array Procedures. (line 205) * scm_array_map_x: Array Procedures. (line 186) * scm_array_p: Array Procedures. (line 23) * scm_array_rank: Array Procedures. (line 155) * scm_array_set_x: Array Procedures. (line 106) * scm_array_to_list: Array Procedures. (line 162) * scm_ash: Bitwise Operations. (line 69) * scm_asinh: Primitive Numerics. (line 101) * SCM_ASSERT: Signalling Type Errors. (line 13) * scm_assert_smob_type: Smobs. (line 90) * scm_assoc: Retrieving Alist Entries. (line 16) * scm_assoc_ref: Retrieving Alist Entries. (line 30) * scm_assoc_remove_x: Removing Alist Entries. (line 62) * scm_assoc_set_x: Adding or Setting Alist Entries. (line 106) * scm_assq: Retrieving Alist Entries. (line 14) * scm_assq_ref: Retrieving Alist Entries. (line 28) * scm_assq_remove_x: Removing Alist Entries. (line 60) * scm_assq_set_x: Adding or Setting Alist Entries. (line 104) * scm_assv: Retrieving Alist Entries. (line 15) * scm_assv_ref: Retrieving Alist Entries. (line 29) * scm_assv_remove_x: Removing Alist Entries. (line 61) * scm_assv_set_x: Adding or Setting Alist Entries. (line 105) * scm_async: User asyncs. (line 16) * scm_async_mark: User asyncs. (line 20) * scm_atanh: Primitive Numerics. (line 103) * scm_backtrace: Debug on Error. (line 218) * scm_backtrace_with_highlights: Debug on Error. (line 217) * scm_basename: File System. (line 298) * scm_bind: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 157) * scm_bind_textdomain_codeset: Internationalization. (line 101) * scm_bindtextdomain: Internationalization. (line 85) * scm_bit_count: Bit Vectors. (line 76) * scm_bit_count_star: Bit Vectors. (line 120) * scm_bit_extract: Bitwise Operations. (line 130) * scm_bit_invert_x: Bit Vectors. (line 92) * scm_bit_position: Bit Vectors. (line 83) * scm_bit_set_star_x: Bit Vectors. (line 96) * scm_bitvector: Bit Vectors. (line 34) * scm_bitvector_elements: Bit Vectors. (line 137) * scm_bitvector_fill_x: Bit Vectors. (line 62) * scm_bitvector_length: Bit Vectors. (line 38) * scm_bitvector_p: Bit Vectors. (line 19) * scm_bitvector_ref: Bit Vectors. (line 46) * scm_bitvector_set_x: Bit Vectors. (line 53) * scm_bitvector_to_list: Bit Vectors. (line 71) * scm_bitvector_writable_elements: Bit Vectors. (line 146) * scm_boolean_p: Booleans. (line 62) * scm_boot_guile: Initialization. (line 80) * scm_broadcast_condition_variable: Mutexes and Condition Variables. (line 94) * scm_c32vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 191) * scm_c32vector_elements: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 428) * scm_c32vector_length: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 221) * scm_c32vector_p: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 135) * scm_c32vector_ref: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 249) * scm_c32vector_set_x: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 278) * scm_c32vector_to_list: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 307) * scm_c32vector_writable_elements: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 458) * scm_c64vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 192) * scm_c64vector_elements: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 430) * scm_c64vector_length: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 222) * scm_c64vector_p: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 136) * scm_c64vector_ref: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 250) * scm_c64vector_set_x: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 279) * scm_c64vector_to_list: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 308) * scm_c64vector_writable_elements: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 460) * scm_c_angle: Complex. (line 43) * scm_c_array_rank: Array Procedures. (line 158) * scm_c_bitvector_length: Bit Vectors. (line 41) * scm_c_bitvector_ref: Bit Vectors. (line 49) * scm_c_bitvector_set_x: Bit Vectors. (line 57) * scm_c_call_with_blocked_asyncs: System asyncs. (line 42) * scm_c_call_with_current_module: Accessing Modules from C. (line 21) * scm_c_call_with_unblocked_asyncs: System asyncs. (line 51) * scm_c_catch: Catch. (line 111) * scm_c_define <1>: Accessing Modules from C. (line 39) * scm_c_define: Top Level. (line 44) * scm_c_define_gsubr <1>: Subrs. (line 24) * scm_c_define_gsubr: Primitive Procedures. (line 26) * scm_c_define_module: Accessing Modules from C. (line 59) * scm_c_eval_string: Fly Evaluation. (line 36) * scm_c_export: Accessing Modules from C. (line 85) * scm_c_generalized_vector_length: Generalized Vectors. (line 43) * scm_c_generalized_vector_ref: Generalized Vectors. (line 46) * scm_c_generalized_vector_set_x: Generalized Vectors. (line 50) * scm_c_hook_add: C Hooks. (line 74) * scm_c_hook_init: C Hooks. (line 46) * scm_c_hook_remove: C Hooks. (line 80) * scm_c_hook_run: C Hooks. (line 89) * scm_c_imag_part: Complex. (line 39) * scm_c_locale_stringn_to_number: Conversion. (line 23) * scm_c_lookup: Accessing Modules from C. (line 26) * scm_c_magnitude: Complex. (line 42) * scm_c_make_bitvector: Bit Vectors. (line 30) * scm_c_make_gsubr: Primitive Procedures. (line 14) * scm_c_make_polar: Complex. (line 34) * scm_c_make_rectangular: Complex. (line 33) * scm_c_make_socket_address: Network Socket Address. (line 77) * scm_c_make_string: String Constructors. (line 37) * scm_c_make_vector: Vector Creation. (line 41) * scm_c_module_define: Accessing Modules from C. (line 48) * scm_c_module_lookup: Accessing Modules from C. (line 34) * scm_c_port_for_each: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 279) * scm_c_primitive_load: Loading. (line 39) * scm_c_read: Reading. (line 35) * scm_c_real_part: Complex. (line 38) * scm_c_resolve_module: Accessing Modules from C. (line 70) * scm_c_round: Arithmetic. (line 75) * scm_c_run_hook: Hook Reference. (line 73) * scm_c_string_length: String Selection. (line 15) * scm_c_string_ref: String Selection. (line 23) * scm_c_string_set_x: String Modification. (line 16) * scm_c_substring: String Selection. (line 62) * scm_c_substring_copy: String Selection. (line 66) * scm_c_substring_read_only: String Selection. (line 68) * scm_c_substring_shared: String Selection. (line 64) * scm_c_symbol_length: Symbol Primitives. (line 122) * scm_c_truncate: Arithmetic. (line 74) * scm_c_uniform_vector_length: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 402) * scm_c_use_module: Accessing Modules from C. (line 80) * scm_c_vector_length: Vector Accessors. (line 15) * scm_c_vector_ref: Vector Accessors. (line 29) * scm_c_vector_set_x: Vector Accessors. (line 49) * scm_c_with_continuation_barrier: Continuation Barriers. (line 25) * scm_c_with_dynamic_state: Fluids and Dynamic States. (line 125) * scm_c_with_fluid: Fluids and Dynamic States. (line 77) * scm_c_with_fluids: Fluids and Dynamic States. (line 75) * scm_c_with_throw_handler: Throw Handlers. (line 20) * scm_c_write: Writing. (line 64) * scm_caaaar: Pairs. (line 137) * scm_caaadr: Pairs. (line 136) * scm_caaar: Pairs. (line 121) * scm_caadar: Pairs. (line 135) * scm_caaddr: Pairs. (line 134) * scm_caadr: Pairs. (line 120) * SCM_CAAR: Pair Data. (line 51) * scm_caar: Pairs. (line 113) * scm_cadaar: Pairs. (line 133) * scm_cadadr: Pairs. (line 132) * scm_cadar: Pairs. (line 119) * scm_caddar: Pairs. (line 131) * scm_cadddr: Pairs. (line 130) * scm_caddr: Pairs. (line 118) * SCM_CADR: Pair Data. (line 52) * scm_cadr: Pairs. (line 112) * scm_call_0: Fly Evaluation. (line 57) * scm_call_1: Fly Evaluation. (line 58) * scm_call_2: Fly Evaluation. (line 59) * scm_call_3: Fly Evaluation. (line 60) * scm_call_4: Fly Evaluation. (line 61) * scm_call_with_blocked_asyncs: System asyncs. (line 40) * scm_call_with_input_string: String Ports. (line 18) * scm_call_with_output_string: String Ports. (line 11) * scm_call_with_unblocked_asyncs: System asyncs. (line 49) * scm_calloc: Memory Blocks. (line 39) * SCM_CAR <1>: Pair Data. (line 39) * SCM_CAR: Pairs. (line 73) * scm_car: Pairs. (line 69) * scm_catch: Catch. (line 57) * scm_catch_with_pre_unwind_handler: Catch. (line 56) * scm_cdaaar: Pairs. (line 129) * scm_cdaadr: Pairs. (line 128) * scm_cdaar: Pairs. (line 117) * scm_cdadar: Pairs. (line 127) * scm_cdaddr: Pairs. (line 126) * scm_cdadr: Pairs. (line 116) * SCM_CDAR: Pair Data. (line 53) * scm_cdar: Pairs. (line 111) * scm_cddaar: Pairs. (line 125) * scm_cddadr: Pairs. (line 124) * scm_cddar: Pairs. (line 115) * scm_cdddar: Pairs. (line 123) * SCM_CDDDDR: Pair Data. (line 54) * scm_cddddr: Pairs. (line 122) * scm_cdddr: Pairs. (line 114) * scm_cddr: Pairs. (line 110) * SCM_CDR <1>: Pair Data. (line 42) * SCM_CDR: Pairs. (line 74) * scm_cdr: Pairs. (line 70) * scm_ceiling: Arithmetic. (line 71) * scm_cell: Allocating Cells. (line 20) * SCM_CELL_OBJECT: Accessing Cell Entries. (line 26) * SCM_CELL_TYPE: Heap Cell Type Information. (line 13) * SCM_CELL_WORD: Accessing Cell Entries. (line 13) * SCM_CHAR: Character Data. (line 12) * scm_char_alphabetic_p: Characters. (line 83) * scm_char_downcase: Characters. (line 120) * scm_char_is_both_p: Characters. (line 103) * scm_char_lower_case_p: Characters. (line 99) * scm_char_numeric_p: Characters. (line 87) * scm_char_p: Characters. (line 41) * scm_char_ready_p: Reading. (line 14) * scm_char_set: Creating Character Sets. (line 15) * scm_char_set_adjoin: Character-Set Algebra. (line 13) * scm_char_set_adjoin_x: Character-Set Algebra. (line 23) * scm_char_set_any: Querying Character Sets. (line 40) * scm_char_set_complement: Character-Set Algebra. (line 33) * scm_char_set_complement_x: Character-Set Algebra. (line 58) * scm_char_set_contains_p: Querying Character Sets. (line 30) * scm_char_set_copy: Creating Character Sets. (line 10) * scm_char_set_count: Querying Character Sets. (line 15) * scm_char_set_cursor: Iterating Over Character Sets. (line 18) * scm_char_set_cursor_next: Iterating Over Character Sets. (line 28) * scm_char_set_delete: Character-Set Algebra. (line 18) * scm_char_set_delete_x: Character-Set Algebra. (line 28) * scm_char_set_diff_plus_intersection: Character-Set Algebra. (line 53) * scm_char_set_diff_plus_intersection_x: Character-Set Algebra. (line 78) * scm_char_set_difference: Character-Set Algebra. (line 45) * scm_char_set_difference_x: Character-Set Algebra. (line 70) * scm_char_set_eq: Character Set Predicates/Comparison. (line 17) * scm_char_set_every: Querying Character Sets. (line 35) * scm_char_set_filter: Creating Character Sets. (line 41) * scm_char_set_filter_x: Creating Character Sets. (line 47) * scm_char_set_fold: Iterating Over Character Sets. (line 39) * scm_char_set_for_each: Iterating Over Character Sets. (line 70) * scm_char_set_hash: Character Set Predicates/Comparison. (line 26) * scm_char_set_intersection: Character-Set Algebra. (line 41) * scm_char_set_intersection_x: Character-Set Algebra. (line 66) * scm_char_set_leq: Character Set Predicates/Comparison. (line 21) * scm_char_set_map: Iterating Over Character Sets. (line 75) * scm_char_set_p: Character Set Predicates/Comparison. (line 13) * scm_char_set_ref: Iterating Over Character Sets. (line 22) * scm_char_set_size: Querying Character Sets. (line 11) * scm_char_set_to_list: Querying Character Sets. (line 20) * scm_char_set_to_string: Querying Character Sets. (line 24) * scm_char_set_unfold: Iterating Over Character Sets. (line 44) * scm_char_set_unfold_x: Iterating Over Character Sets. (line 57) * scm_char_set_union: Character-Set Algebra. (line 37) * scm_char_set_union_x: Character-Set Algebra. (line 62) * scm_char_set_xor: Character-Set Algebra. (line 49) * scm_char_set_xor_x: Character-Set Algebra. (line 74) * scm_char_to_integer: Characters. (line 107) * scm_char_upcase: Characters. (line 116) * scm_char_upper_case_p: Characters. (line 95) * scm_char_whitespace_p: Characters. (line 91) * SCM_CHARP: Character Data. (line 9) * scm_chdir: Processes. (line 8) * scm_chmod: File System. (line 148) * scm_chown: File System. (line 134) * scm_chroot: Processes. (line 27) * scm_close: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 158) * scm_close_fdes: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 166) * scm_close_input_port: Closing. (line 17) * scm_close_output_port: Closing. (line 18) * scm_close_port: Closing. (line 8) * scm_closedir: File System. (line 225) * scm_closure_p: Procedure Properties. (line 26) * SCM_CLOSUREP: Closures. (line 19) * SCM_CODE: Closures. (line 30) * scm_complex_p: Complex Numbers. (line 36) * scm_connect: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 143) * scm_cons <1>: Pair Data. (line 28) * scm_cons: Pairs. (line 47) * scm_cons_source: Internal Macros. (line 105) * SCM_CONSP <1>: Basic Rules for Accessing Cell Entries. (line 16) * SCM_CONSP: Pair Data. (line 22) * scm_copy_file: File System. (line 171) * scm_copy_random_state: Random. (line 13) * scm_copy_tree: Copying. (line 14) * SCM_CRITICAL_SECTION_END: Critical Sections. (line 8) * SCM_CRITICAL_SECTION_START: Critical Sections. (line 7) * scm_crypt: Encryption. (line 15) * scm_ctermid: Terminals and Ptys. (line 18) * scm_current_dynamic_state: Fluids and Dynamic States. (line 108) * scm_current_error_port: Default Ports. (line 40) * scm_current_input_port: Default Ports. (line 8) * scm_current_load_port: Loading. (line 79) * scm_current_module: Accessing Modules from C. (line 13) * scm_current_output_port: Default Ports. (line 25) * scm_current_thread: Threads. (line 12) * scm_current_time: Time. (line 8) * scm_cuserid: User Information. (line 118) * scm_debug_object_p: Evaluator trap options. (line 66) * scm_debug_options: Low level options interfaces. (line 15) * scm_define <1>: Accessing Modules from C. (line 44) * scm_define: Top Level. (line 43) * SCM_DEFINE: Snarfing Macros. (line 25) * scm_defined_p: Binding Reflection. (line 11) * scm_delete: List Modification. (line 31) * scm_delete1_x: List Modification. (line 66) * scm_delete_file: File System. (line 167) * scm_delete_x: List Modification. (line 45) * scm_delq: List Modification. (line 19) * scm_delq1_x: List Modification. (line 54) * scm_delq_x: List Modification. (line 43) * scm_delv: List Modification. (line 25) * scm_delv1_x: List Modification. (line 60) * scm_delv_x: List Modification. (line 44) * scm_denominator: Reals and Rationals. (line 119) * scm_difference: Arithmetic. (line 19) * scm_directory_stream_p: File System. (line 209) * scm_dirname: File System. (line 293) * scm_display_application: Examining Stack Frames. (line 55) * scm_display_backtrace: Examining the Stack. (line 27) * scm_display_backtrace_with_highlights: Examining the Stack. (line 26) * scm_display_error: Handling Errors. (line 37) * scm_divide: Arithmetic. (line 30) * scm_done_free: Memory Blocks. (line 149) * scm_done_malloc: Memory Blocks. (line 149) * scm_double_cell: Allocating Cells. (line 28) * scm_doubly_weak_hash_table_p: Weak hash tables. (line 24) * scm_drain_input: Reading. (line 73) * scm_dup2: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 262) * scm_dup_to_fdes: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 215) * scm_dynamic_args_call: Low level dynamic linking. (line 58) * scm_dynamic_call: Low level dynamic linking. (line 46) * scm_dynamic_func: Low level dynamic linking. (line 35) * scm_dynamic_link: Low level dynamic linking. (line 12) * scm_dynamic_object_p: Low level dynamic linking. (line 24) * scm_dynamic_state_p: Fluids and Dynamic States. (line 99) * scm_dynamic_unlink: Low level dynamic linking. (line 28) * scm_dynamic_wind: Dynamic Wind. (line 71) * scm_dynwind_begin: Dynamic Wind. (line 129) * scm_dynwind_block_asyncs: System asyncs. (line 57) * scm_dynwind_critical_section: Critical Sections. (line 31) * scm_dynwind_current_dynamic_state: Fluids and Dynamic States. (line 120) * scm_dynwind_current_error_port: Default Ports. (line 59) * scm_dynwind_current_input_port: Default Ports. (line 57) * scm_dynwind_current_output_port: Default Ports. (line 58) * scm_dynwind_end: Dynamic Wind. (line 155) * scm_dynwind_fluid: Fluids and Dynamic States. (line 84) * scm_dynwind_free: Dynamic Wind. (line 192) * scm_dynwind_lock_mutex: Mutexes and Condition Variables. (line 50) * scm_dynwind_rewind_handler: Dynamic Wind. (line 181) * scm_dynwind_rewind_handler_with_scm: Dynamic Wind. (line 183) * scm_dynwind_unblock_asyncs: System asyncs. (line 62) * scm_dynwind_unwind_handler: Dynamic Wind. (line 169) * scm_dynwind_unwind_handler_with_scm: Dynamic Wind. (line 171) * scm_effective_version: Build Config. (line 16) * scm_enclose_array: Array Procedures. (line 115) * scm_end_of_char_set_p: Iterating Over Character Sets. (line 34) * scm_entity_p: Objects. (line 8) * SCM_ENV: Closures. (line 38) * scm_environ: Runtime Environment. (line 86) * scm_eof_object_p: Reading. (line 10) * SCM_EOF_VAL: Unique Values. (line 15) * SCM_EOL: Unique Values. (line 11) * scm_eq_p: Equality. (line 34) * scm_equal_p: Equality. (line 94) * scm_eqv_p: Equality. (line 78) * scm_error: Handling Errors. (line 82) * scm_error_scm: Error Reporting. (line 16) * scm_eval: Fly Evaluation. (line 10) * scm_eval_options_interface <1>: Low level options interfaces. (line 13) * scm_eval_options_interface: Evaluator Behaviour. (line 31) * scm_eval_string: Fly Evaluation. (line 27) * scm_eval_string_in_module: Fly Evaluation. (line 28) * scm_evaluator_traps <1>: Low level options interfaces. (line 16) * scm_evaluator_traps: Evaluator Behaviour. (line 58) * scm_even_p: Integer Operations. (line 12) * scm_exact_p: Exactness. (line 16) * scm_exact_to_inexact: Exactness. (line 57) * scm_execl: Processes. (line 236) * scm_execle: Processes. (line 261) * scm_execlp: Processes. (line 251) * scm_f23vector_elements: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 424) * scm_f23vector_writable_elements: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 454) * scm_f32vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 189) * scm_f32vector_length: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 219) * scm_f32vector_p: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 133) * scm_f32vector_ref: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 247) * scm_f32vector_set_x: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 276) * scm_f32vector_to_list: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 305) * scm_f64vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 190) * scm_f64vector_elements: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 426) * scm_f64vector_length: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 220) * scm_f64vector_p: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 134) * scm_f64vector_ref: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 248) * scm_f64vector_set_x: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 277) * scm_f64vector_to_list: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 306) * scm_f64vector_writable_elements: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 456) * scm_fcntl: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 306) * scm_fdes_to_ports: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 84) * scm_fdopen: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 77) * scm_file_port_p: File Ports. (line 143) * scm_fileno: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 68) * scm_flock: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 352) * scm_floor: Arithmetic. (line 67) * scm_fluid_p: Fluids and Dynamic States. (line 37) * scm_fluid_ref: Fluids and Dynamic States. (line 41) * scm_fluid_set_x: Fluids and Dynamic States. (line 46) * scm_flush_all_ports: Writing. (line 81) * scm_force: Delayed Evaluation. (line 19) * scm_force_output: Writing. (line 71) * scm_fork: Processes. (line 271) * scm_frame_arguments: Examining Stack Frames. (line 39) * scm_frame_evaluating_args_p: Examining Stack Frames. (line 43) * scm_frame_free: Memory Blocks. (line 110) * scm_frame_next: Examining Stack Frames. (line 21) * scm_frame_number: Examining Stack Frames. (line 12) * scm_frame_overflow_p: Examining Stack Frames. (line 47) * scm_frame_p: Examining Stack Frames. (line 8) * scm_frame_previous: Examining Stack Frames. (line 16) * scm_frame_procedure: Examining Stack Frames. (line 34) * scm_frame_procedure_p: Examining Stack Frames. (line 30) * scm_frame_real_p: Examining Stack Frames. (line 51) * scm_frame_source: Examining Stack Frames. (line 26) * scm_from_bool: Booleans. (line 80) * scm_from_char: Integers. (line 166) * scm_from_double: Reals and Rationals. (line 132) * scm_from_int: Integers. (line 171) * scm_from_int16: Integers. (line 181) * scm_from_int32: Integers. (line 183) * scm_from_int64: Integers. (line 185) * scm_from_int8: Integers. (line 179) * scm_from_intmax: Integers. (line 187) * scm_from_locale_keyword: Keyword Procedures. (line 22) * scm_from_locale_keywordn: Keyword Procedures. (line 24) * scm_from_locale_string: Conversion to/from C. (line 30) * scm_from_locale_stringn: Conversion to/from C. (line 32) * scm_from_locale_symbol: Symbol Primitives. (line 105) * scm_from_locale_symboln: Symbol Primitives. (line 106) * scm_from_long: Integers. (line 173) * scm_from_long_long: Integers. (line 175) * scm_from_mpz: Integers. (line 201) * scm_from_schar: Integers. (line 167) * scm_from_short: Integers. (line 169) * scm_from_signed_integer: Integers. (line 128) * scm_from_size_t: Integers. (line 177) * scm_from_sockaddr: Network Socket Address. (line 86) * scm_from_ssize_t: Integers. (line 178) * scm_from_uchar: Integers. (line 168) * scm_from_uint: Integers. (line 172) * scm_from_uint16: Integers. (line 182) * scm_from_uint32: Integers. (line 184) * scm_from_uint64: Integers. (line 186) * scm_from_uint8: Integers. (line 180) * scm_from_uintmax: Integers. (line 188) * scm_from_ulong: Integers. (line 174) * scm_from_ulong_long: Integers. (line 176) * scm_from_unsigned_integer: Integers. (line 129) * scm_from_ushort: Integers. (line 170) * scm_fsync: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 118) * scm_ftell: Random Access. (line 30) * scm_gc: Garbage Collection Functions. (line 8) * scm_gc_calloc: Memory Blocks. (line 94) * scm_gc_free: Memory Blocks. (line 101) * scm_gc_live_object_stats: Garbage Collection Functions. (line 53) * scm_gc_malloc: Memory Blocks. (line 91) * scm_gc_mark: Garbage Collection Functions. (line 56) * scm_gc_protect_object: Garbage Collection Functions. (line 13) * scm_gc_realloc: Memory Blocks. (line 93) * scm_gc_register_collectable_memory: Memory Blocks. (line 65) * scm_gc_stats: Garbage Collection Functions. (line 48) * scm_gc_unprotect_object: Garbage Collection Functions. (line 23) * scm_gc_unregister_collectable_memory: Memory Blocks. (line 83) * scm_gcd: Integer Operations. (line 37) * scm_generalized_vector_get_handle: Generalized Vectors. (line 54) * scm_generalized_vector_length: Generalized Vectors. (line 23) * scm_generalized_vector_p: Generalized Vectors. (line 18) * scm_generalized_vector_ref: Generalized Vectors. (line 27) * scm_generalized_vector_set_x: Generalized Vectors. (line 31) * scm_generalized_vector_to_list: Generalized Vectors. (line 35) * scm_gensym: Symbol Primitives. (line 130) * scm_geq_p: Comparison. (line 32) * scm_get_internal_real_time: Time. (line 188) * scm_get_internal_run_time: Time. (line 192) * scm_get_output_string: String Ports. (line 48) * scm_get_print_state: Writing. (line 10) * scm_getcwd: Processes. (line 13) * scm_getegid: Processes. (line 63) * scm_getenv: Runtime Environment. (line 66) * scm_geteuid: Processes. (line 56) * scm_getgid: Processes. (line 52) * scm_getgrgid: User Information. (line 109) * scm_getgroups: Processes. (line 38) * scm_gethost: Network Databases. (line 44) * scm_gethostname: System Identification. (line 36) * scm_getitimer: Signals. (line 144) * scm_getlogin: User Information. (line 128) * scm_getnet: Network Databases. (line 111) * scm_getpass: Encryption. (line 23) * scm_getpeername: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 209) * scm_getpgrp: Processes. (line 104) * scm_getpid: Processes. (line 34) * scm_getppid: Processes. (line 43) * scm_getpriority: Processes. (line 300) * scm_getproto: Network Databases. (line 161) * scm_getpwuid: User Information. (line 62) * scm_getserv: Network Databases. (line 214) * scm_getsockname: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 198) * scm_getsockopt: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 60) * scm_gettext: Internationalization. (line 19) * scm_gettimeofday: Time. (line 13) * scm_getuid: Processes. (line 48) * SCM_GLOBAL_KEYWORD: Snarfing Macros. (line 62) * SCM_GLOBAL_SYMBOL: Snarfing Macros. (line 44) * SCM_GLOBAL_VARIABLE: Snarfing Macros. (line 80) * SCM_GLOBAL_VARIABLE_INIT: Snarfing Macros. (line 86) * scm_gmtime: Time. (line 85) * scm_gr_p: Comparison. (line 23) * scm_hash: Hash Table Reference. (line 120) * scm_hash_clear_x: Hash Table Reference. (line 79) * scm_hash_create_handle_x: Hash Table Reference. (line 156) * scm_hash_fold: Hash Table Reference. (line 194) * scm_hash_for_each: Hash Table Reference. (line 168) * scm_hash_for_each_handle: Hash Table Reference. (line 185) * scm_hash_get_handle: Hash Table Reference. (line 145) * scm_hash_map_to_list: Hash Table Reference. (line 167) * scm_hash_ref: Hash Table Reference. (line 86) * scm_hash_remove_x: Hash Table Reference. (line 110) * scm_hash_set_x: Hash Table Reference. (line 98) * scm_hash_table_p: Hash Table Reference. (line 75) * scm_hashq: Hash Table Reference. (line 121) * scm_hashq_create_handle_x: Hash Table Reference. (line 157) * scm_hashq_get_handle: Hash Table Reference. (line 146) * scm_hashq_ref: Hash Table Reference. (line 87) * scm_hashq_remove_x: Hash Table Reference. (line 111) * scm_hashq_set_x: Hash Table Reference. (line 99) * scm_hashv: Hash Table Reference. (line 122) * scm_hashv_create_handle_x: Hash Table Reference. (line 158) * scm_hashv_get_handle: Hash Table Reference. (line 147) * scm_hashv_ref: Hash Table Reference. (line 88) * scm_hashv_remove_x: Hash Table Reference. (line 112) * scm_hashv_set_x: Hash Table Reference. (line 100) * scm_hashx_create_handle_x: Hash Table Reference. (line 160) * scm_hashx_get_handle: Hash Table Reference. (line 148) * scm_hashx_ref: Hash Table Reference. (line 89) * scm_hashx_remove_x: Hash Table Reference. (line 113) * scm_hashx_set_x: Hash Table Reference. (line 101) * scm_hook_empty_p: Hook Reference. (line 40) * scm_hook_p: Hook Reference. (line 36) * scm_hook_to_list: Hook Reference. (line 60) * SCM_HOOKP: Hook Reference. (line 80) * scm_htonl: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 313) * scm_htons: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 301) * scm_imag_part: Complex. (line 21) * SCM_IMP <1>: Immediate objects. (line 14) * SCM_IMP: Immediates vs Non-immediates. (line 18) * scm_inet_aton: Network Address Conversion. (line 34) * scm_inet_makeaddr: Network Address Conversion. (line 62) * scm_inet_netof: Network Address Conversion. (line 48) * scm_inet_ntoa: Network Address Conversion. (line 41) * scm_inet_ntop: Network Address Conversion. (line 75) * scm_inet_pton: Network Address Conversion. (line 84) * scm_inexact_p: Exactness. (line 30) * scm_inexact_to_exact: Exactness. (line 34) * scm_inf: Reals and Rationals. (line 111) * scm_inf_p: Reals and Rationals. (line 99) * scm_init_guile: Initialization. (line 53) * scm_input_port_p: Ports. (line 51) * scm_integer_expt: Bitwise Operations. (line 117) * scm_integer_length: Bitwise Operations. (line 102) * scm_integer_p: Integers. (line 69) * scm_integer_to_char: Characters. (line 112) * scm_interaction_environment: Fly Evaluation. (line 19) * scm_internal_catch: Catch. (line 114) * scm_internal_lazy_catch: Lazy Catch. (line 29) * SCM_INUM: Integer Data. (line 23) * SCM_INUMP: Integer Data. (line 17) * scm_is_array: Array Procedures. (line 34) * scm_is_bitvector: Bit Vectors. (line 22) * scm_is_bool: Booleans. (line 77) * scm_is_complex: Complex Numbers. (line 42) * scm_is_dynamic_state: Fluids and Dynamic States. (line 103) * scm_is_eq: Equality. (line 68) * scm_is_false: Booleans. (line 74) * scm_is_generalized_vector: Generalized Vectors. (line 39) * scm_is_integer: Integers. (line 84) * scm_is_keyword: Keyword Procedures. (line 19) * scm_is_null: List Predicates. (line 25) * scm_is_number: Numerical Tower. (line 64) * scm_is_pair: Pairs. (line 56) * scm_is_rational: Reals and Rationals. (line 123) * scm_is_real: Reals and Rationals. (line 122) * scm_is_signed_integer: Integers. (line 108) * scm_is_simple_vector: Vector Accessing from C. (line 18) * scm_is_string: String Predicates. (line 14) * scm_is_symbol: Symbol Primitives. (line 14) * scm_is_true: Booleans. (line 71) * scm_is_typed_array: Array Procedures. (line 37) * scm_is_uniform_vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 367) * scm_is_unsigned_integer: Integers. (line 110) * scm_is_vector: Vector Creation. (line 51) * scm_isatty_p: Terminals and Ptys. (line 8) * scm_join_thread: Threads. (line 42) * SCM_KEYWORD: Snarfing Macros. (line 61) * scm_keyword_p: Keyword Procedures. (line 8) * scm_keyword_to_symbol: Keyword Procedures. (line 12) * scm_kill: Signals. (line 16) * scm_last_pair: List Selection. (line 15) * scm_last_stack_frame: Capturing the Stack or Innermost Stack Frame. (line 45) * scm_lazy_catch: Lazy Catch. (line 20) * scm_lcm: Integer Operations. (line 45) * scm_length: List Selection. (line 11) * scm_leq_p: Comparison. (line 27) * scm_less_p: Comparison. (line 19) * scm_link: File System. (line 181) * scm_list_1: List Constructors. (line 13) * scm_list_2: List Constructors. (line 14) * scm_list_3: List Constructors. (line 15) * scm_list_4: List Constructors. (line 16) * scm_list_5: List Constructors. (line 17) * scm_list_cdr_set_x: List Modification. (line 15) * scm_list_copy: List Constructors. (line 34) * scm_list_head: List Selection. (line 34) * scm_list_n: List Constructors. (line 18) * scm_list_p: List Predicates. (line 13) * scm_list_ref: List Selection. (line 20) * scm_list_set_x: List Modification. (line 11) * scm_list_tail: List Selection. (line 25) * scm_list_to_bitvector: Bit Vectors. (line 67) * scm_list_to_c32vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 333) * scm_list_to_c64vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 334) * scm_list_to_char_set: Creating Character Sets. (line 19) * scm_list_to_char_set_x: Creating Character Sets. (line 25) * scm_list_to_f32vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 331) * scm_list_to_f64vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 332) * scm_list_to_s16vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 326) * scm_list_to_s32vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 328) * scm_list_to_s64vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 330) * scm_list_to_s8vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 324) * scm_list_to_typed_array: Array Procedures. (line 75) * scm_list_to_u16vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 325) * scm_list_to_u32vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 327) * scm_list_to_u64vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 329) * scm_list_to_u8vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 323) * scm_listen: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 172) * scm_lnaof: Network Address Conversion. (line 55) * scm_load_extension: Dynamic Linking and Compiled Code Modules. (line 114) * scm_local_eval: Local Evaluation. (line 10) * scm_localtime: Time. (line 77) * scm_lock_mutex: Mutexes and Condition Variables. (line 34) * scm_logand: Bitwise Operations. (line 13) * scm_logbit_p: Bitwise Operations. (line 58) * scm_logcount: Bitwise Operations. (line 88) * scm_logior: Bitwise Operations. (line 21) * scm_lognot: Bitwise Operations. (line 39) * scm_logtest: Bitwise Operations. (line 49) * scm_lookup: Accessing Modules from C. (line 31) * scm_loxor: Bitwise Operations. (line 29) * scm_lstat: File System. (line 123) * scm_macro_name: Internal Macros. (line 97) * scm_macro_p: Internal Macros. (line 85) * scm_macro_transformer: Internal Macros. (line 101) * scm_macro_type: Internal Macros. (line 90) * scm_magnitude: Complex. (line 25) * scm_major_version: Build Config. (line 17) * scm_makacro: Internal Macros. (line 52) * scm_make_arbiter: Arbiters. (line 17) * scm_make_array: Array Procedures. (line 41) * scm_make_bitvector: Bit Vectors. (line 26) * scm_make_c32vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 162) * scm_make_c64vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 163) * SCM_MAKE_CHAR: Character Data. (line 16) * scm_make_class_object: Objects. (line 21) * scm_make_condition_variable: Mutexes and Condition Variables. (line 67) * scm_make_continuation: Continuations. (line 62) * scm_make_doubly_weak_hash_table: Weak hash tables. (line 12) * scm_make_dynamic_state: Fluids and Dynamic States. (line 94) * scm_make_f32vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 160) * scm_make_f64vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 161) * scm_make_fluid: Fluids and Dynamic States. (line 27) * scm_make_guardian: Guardians. (line 17) * scm_make_hook: Hook Reference. (line 30) * scm_make_mutex: Mutexes and Condition Variables. (line 26) * scm_make_polar: Complex. (line 13) * scm_make_port_type: Port Implementation. (line 15) * scm_make_procedure_with_setter: Procedures with Setters. (line 45) * scm_make_rectangular: Complex. (line 8) * scm_make_recursive_mutex: Mutexes and Condition Variables. (line 30) * scm_make_regexp: Regexp Functions. (line 53) * scm_make_s16vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 155) * scm_make_s32vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 157) * scm_make_s64vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 159) * scm_make_s8vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 153) * scm_make_shared_array: Shared Arrays. (line 8) * scm_make_smob_type: Smobs. (line 12) * scm_make_socket_address: Network Socket Address. (line 17) * scm_make_soft_port: Soft Ports. (line 11) * scm_make_stack: Capturing the Stack or Innermost Stack Frame. (line 16) * scm_make_string: String Constructors. (line 32) * scm_make_struct: Structure Basics. (line 12) * scm_make_struct_layout: Vtable Vtables. (line 69) * scm_make_subclass_object: Objects. (line 26) * scm_make_symbol: Symbol Uninterned. (line 48) * scm_make_typed_array: Array Procedures. (line 45) * scm_make_u16vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 154) * scm_make_u32vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 156) * scm_make_u64vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 158) * scm_make_u8vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 152) * scm_make_undefined_variable: Variables. (line 44) * scm_make_variable: Variables. (line 48) * scm_make_vector: Vector Creation. (line 36) * scm_make_vtable_vtable: Vtable Vtables. (line 21) * scm_make_weak_key_hash_table: Weak hash tables. (line 10) * scm_make_weak_value_hash_table: Weak hash tables. (line 11) * scm_make_weak_vector: Weak vectors. (line 11) * SCM_MAKINUM: Integer Data. (line 27) * scm_makmacro: Internal Macros. (line 58) * scm_makmmacro: Internal Macros. (line 73) * scm_malloc: Memory Blocks. (line 38) * scm_map: List Mapping. (line 16) * scm_markcdr: Smobs. (line 173) * scm_max: Arithmetic. (line 50) * scm_member: List Searching. (line 28) * scm_memoized_environment: Decoding Memoized Source Expressions. (line 16) * scm_memoized_p: Decoding Memoized Source Expressions. (line 8) * scm_memory_error: Handling Errors. (line 100) * scm_memq: List Searching. (line 14) * scm_memv: List Searching. (line 21) * scm_merge: Sorting. (line 17) * scm_merge_x: Sorting. (line 25) * scm_micro_version: Build Config. (line 19) * scm_min: Arithmetic. (line 54) * scm_minor_version: Build Config. (line 18) * scm_mkdir: File System. (line 192) * scm_mknod: File System. (line 244) * scm_mkstemp: File System. (line 274) * scm_mktime: Time. (line 91) * scm_module_define: Accessing Modules from C. (line 49) * scm_module_lookup: Accessing Modules from C. (line 35) * scm_module_reverse_lookup: Accessing Modules from C. (line 54) * scm_modulo: Integer Operations. (line 28) * scm_modulo_expt: Integer Operations. (line 53) * scm_must_calloc: Memory Blocks. (line 127) * scm_must_free: Memory Blocks. (line 127) * scm_must_malloc: Memory Blocks. (line 127) * scm_must_realloc: Memory Blocks. (line 127) * scm_nan: Reals and Rationals. (line 107) * scm_nan_p: Reals and Rationals. (line 103) * scm_nconc2last: Fly Evaluation. (line 65) * SCM_NCONSP: Pair Data. (line 25) * scm_negative_p: Comparison. (line 45) * scm_newline: Writing. (line 33) * SCM_NEWSMOB: Smobs. (line 99) * SCM_NEWSMOB2: Smobs. (line 101) * SCM_NEWSMOB3: Smobs. (line 103) * scm_ngettext: Internationalization. (line 44) * scm_nice: Processes. (line 280) * scm_nil_car: Emacs Lisp Support. (line 8) * scm_nil_cdr: Emacs Lisp Support. (line 13) * scm_nil_cons: Emacs Lisp Support. (line 18) * SCM_NIMP: Immediates vs Non-immediates. (line 21) * SCM_NINUMP: Integer Data. (line 20) * scm_not: Booleans. (line 58) * scm_ntohl: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 319) * scm_ntohs: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 307) * scm_null: Emacs Lisp Support. (line 27) * scm_null_p: List Predicates. (line 22) * scm_num_eq_p: Comparison. (line 15) * scm_num_overflow: Handling Errors. (line 95) * scm_number_p: Numerical Tower. (line 49) * scm_number_to_string: Conversion. (line 8) * scm_numerator: Reals and Rationals. (line 115) * scm_object_properties: Old-fashioned Properties. (line 18) * scm_object_property: Old-fashioned Properties. (line 26) * scm_object_to_string: General Conversion. (line 20) * scm_odd_p: Integer Operations. (line 8) * scm_oneminus: Arithmetic. (line 39) * scm_oneplus: Arithmetic. (line 35) * scm_open: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 125) * scm_open_fdes: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 154) * scm_open_file: File Ports. (line 16) * scm_open_input_string: String Ports. (line 34) * scm_open_output_string: String Ports. (line 41) * scm_opendir: File System. (line 204) * scm_operator_p: Objects. (line 12) * scm_out_of_range: Handling Errors. (line 96) * scm_output_port_p: Ports. (line 56) * SCM_PACK: The SCM Type. (line 33) * scm_pair_p: Pairs. (line 53) * scm_parse_path: Build Config. (line 63) * scm_pause: Signals. (line 118) * scm_peek_char: Reading. (line 44) * scm_permanent_object: Garbage Collection Functions. (line 28) * scm_pipe: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 186) * scm_port_closed_p: Closing. (line 27) * scm_port_column: Reading. (line 89) * scm_port_filename: File Ports. (line 126) * scm_port_for_each: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 277) * scm_port_line: Reading. (line 90) * scm_port_mode: File Ports. (line 119) * scm_port_p: Ports. (line 61) * scm_port_revealed: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 59) * scm_port_with_print_state: Writing. (line 38) * scm_positive_p: Comparison. (line 41) * scm_primitive__exit: Processes. (line 215) * scm_primitive_eval: Fly Evaluation. (line 76) * scm_primitive_exit: Processes. (line 214) * scm_primitive_load: Loading. (line 30) * scm_primitive_load_path: Loading. (line 43) * scm_primitive_make_property: Property Primitives. (line 8) * scm_primitive_move_to_fdes: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 99) * scm_primitive_property_del_x: Property Primitives. (line 27) * scm_primitive_property_ref: Property Primitives. (line 14) * scm_primitive_property_set_x: Property Primitives. (line 23) * scm_print_options <1>: Low level options interfaces. (line 14) * scm_print_options: Writing. (line 44) * scm_procedure: Procedures with Setters. (line 55) * scm_procedure_documentation: Procedure Properties. (line 69) * scm_procedure_environment: Procedure Properties. (line 46) * scm_procedure_name: Procedure Properties. (line 38) * scm_procedure_p <1>: Procedures. (line 15) * scm_procedure_p: Procedure Properties. (line 22) * scm_procedure_properties: Procedure Properties. (line 50) * scm_procedure_property: Procedure Properties. (line 54) * scm_procedure_source: Procedure Properties. (line 42) * scm_procedure_with_setter_p: Procedures with Setters. (line 50) * SCM_PROCPROPS: Closures. (line 22) * scm_product: Arithmetic. (line 25) * scm_program_arguments: Runtime Environment. (line 10) * scm_promise_p: Delayed Evaluation. (line 15) * SCM_PTAB_ENTRY: C Port Interface. (line 11) * scm_pthread_cond_timedwait: Blocking. (line 35) * scm_pthread_cond_wait: Blocking. (line 33) * scm_pthread_mutex_lock: Blocking. (line 28) * SCM_PTOBNUM: C Port Interface. (line 11) * scm_putenv: Runtime Environment. (line 96) * scm_quotient: Integer Operations. (line 17) * scm_raise: Signals. (line 48) * scm_random: Random. (line 17) * scm_random_exp: Random. (line 25) * scm_random_hollow_sphere_x: Random. (line 31) * scm_random_normal: Random. (line 38) * scm_random_normal_vector_x: Random. (line 45) * scm_random_solid_sphere_x: Random. (line 51) * scm_random_uniform: Random. (line 58) * scm_rational_p: Reals and Rationals. (line 76) * scm_rationalize: Reals and Rationals. (line 86) * scm_read: Scheme Read. (line 8) * scm_read_char: Reading. (line 30) * scm_read_delimited_x: Line/Delimited. (line 77) * scm_read_hash_extend: Reader Extensions. (line 8) * scm_read_line: Line/Delimited. (line 93) * scm_read_options <1>: Low level options interfaces. (line 12) * scm_read_options: Scheme Read. (line 36) * scm_read_string_x_partial: Block Reading and Writing. (line 17) * scm_readdir: File System. (line 214) * scm_readlink: File System. (line 129) * scm_real_p: Reals and Rationals. (line 69) * scm_real_part: Complex. (line 17) * scm_realloc: Memory Blocks. (line 53) * scm_recv: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 217) * scm_recvfrom: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 246) * scm_redirect_port: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 247) * scm_regexp_exec: Regexp Functions. (line 93) * scm_regexp_p: Regexp Functions. (line 132) * scm_release_arbiter: Arbiters. (line 29) * scm_remainder: Integer Operations. (line 18) * scm_remember_upto_here_1: Garbage Collection Functions. (line 36) * scm_remember_upto_here_2: Garbage Collection Functions. (line 37) * scm_remove_hook_x: Hook Reference. (line 50) * scm_rename: File System. (line 176) * scm_reset_hook_x: Hook Reference. (line 55) * scm_resolve_module: Accessing Modules from C. (line 76) * scm_restore_signals: Signals. (line 102) * scm_restricted_vector_sort_x: Sorting. (line 89) * SCM_RETURN_NEWSMOB: Smobs. (line 118) * SCM_RETURN_NEWSMOB2: Smobs. (line 120) * SCM_RETURN_NEWSMOB3: Smobs. (line 122) * scm_reverse: Append/Reverse. (line 40) * scm_reverse_list_to_string: String Constructors. (line 25) * scm_reverse_x: Append/Reverse. (line 41) * scm_rewinddir: File System. (line 220) * scm_rmdir: File System. (line 199) * scm_round_number: Arithmetic. (line 62) * scm_run_asyncs: User asyncs. (line 24) * scm_run_hook: Hook Reference. (line 64) * scm_s16vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 184) * scm_s16vector_elements: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 414) * scm_s16vector_length: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 214) * scm_s16vector_p: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 128) * scm_s16vector_ref: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 242) * scm_s16vector_set_x: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 271) * scm_s16vector_to_list: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 300) * scm_s16vector_writable_elements: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 444) * scm_s32vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 186) * scm_s32vector_elements: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 418) * scm_s32vector_length: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 216) * scm_s32vector_p: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 130) * scm_s32vector_ref: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 244) * scm_s32vector_set_x: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 273) * scm_s32vector_to_list: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 302) * scm_s32vector_writable_elements: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 448) * scm_s64vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 188) * scm_s64vector_elements: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 422) * scm_s64vector_length: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 218) * scm_s64vector_p: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 132) * scm_s64vector_ref: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 246) * scm_s64vector_set_x: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 275) * scm_s64vector_to_list: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 304) * scm_s64vector_writable_elements: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 452) * scm_s8vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 182) * scm_s8vector_elements: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 410) * scm_s8vector_length: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 212) * scm_s8vector_p: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 126) * scm_s8vector_ref: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 240) * scm_s8vector_set_x: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 269) * scm_s8vector_to_list: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 298) * scm_s8vector_writable_elements: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 440) * scm_search_path: Build Config. (line 69) * scm_seed_to_random_state: Random. (line 62) * scm_seek: Random Access. (line 8) * scm_select: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 379) * scm_send: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 234) * scm_sendto: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 278) * scm_set_car_x: Pairs. (line 149) * scm_set_cdr_x: Pairs. (line 154) * SCM_SET_CELL_OBJECT: Accessing Cell Entries. (line 57) * SCM_SET_CELL_TYPE: Heap Cell Type Information. (line 18) * SCM_SET_CELL_WORD: Accessing Cell Entries. (line 40) * scm_set_current_dynamic_state: Fluids and Dynamic States. (line 112) * scm_set_current_error_port: Default Ports. (line 52) * scm_set_current_input_port: Default Ports. (line 50) * scm_set_current_module: Accessing Modules from C. (line 16) * scm_set_current_output_port: Default Ports. (line 51) * scm_set_object_procedure_x: Objects. (line 16) * scm_set_object_properties_x: Old-fashioned Properties. (line 22) * scm_set_object_property_x: Old-fashioned Properties. (line 30) * scm_set_port_close: Port Implementation. (line 66) * scm_set_port_column_x: Reading. (line 102) * scm_set_port_end_input: Port Implementation. (line 86) * scm_set_port_equalp: Port Implementation. (line 59) * scm_set_port_filename_x: File Ports. (line 136) * scm_set_port_flush: Port Implementation. (line 78) * scm_set_port_free: Port Implementation. (line 43) * scm_set_port_input_waiting: Port Implementation. (line 100) * scm_set_port_line_x: Reading. (line 103) * scm_set_port_mark: Port Implementation. (line 36) * scm_set_port_print: Port Implementation. (line 51) * scm_set_port_revealed_x: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 63) * scm_set_port_seek: Port Implementation. (line 122) * scm_set_port_truncate: Port Implementation. (line 130) * scm_set_procedure_properties_x: Procedure Properties. (line 58) * scm_set_procedure_property_x: Procedure Properties. (line 62) * scm_set_program_arguments: Runtime Environment. (line 38) * scm_set_program_arguments_scm: Runtime Environment. (line 11) * SCM_SET_SMOB_DATA: Smobs. (line 144) * SCM_SET_SMOB_DATA_2: Smobs. (line 145) * SCM_SET_SMOB_DATA_3: Smobs. (line 146) * scm_set_smob_equalp: Smobs. (line 81) * SCM_SET_SMOB_FLAGS: Smobs. (line 133) * scm_set_smob_free: Smobs. (line 48) * scm_set_smob_mark: Smobs. (line 32) * SCM_SET_SMOB_OBJECT: Smobs. (line 158) * SCM_SET_SMOB_OBJECT_2: Smobs. (line 159) * SCM_SET_SMOB_OBJECT_3: Smobs. (line 160) * scm_set_smob_print: Smobs. (line 65) * scm_set_source_properties_x: Source Properties. (line 48) * scm_set_source_property_x: Source Properties. (line 53) * scm_set_struct_vtable_name_x: Vtable Contents. (line 54) * SCM_SETCAR: Pair Data. (line 45) * SCM_SETCDR: Pair Data. (line 48) * scm_setegid: Processes. (line 97) * scm_seteuid: Processes. (line 90) * scm_setgid: Processes. (line 84) * scm_setgrent: User Information. (line 103) * scm_setgroups: Processes. (line 70) * scm_sethost: Network Databases. (line 83) * scm_sethostname: System Identification. (line 40) * scm_setitimer: Signals. (line 147) * scm_setlocale: Locales. (line 8) * scm_setnet: Network Databases. (line 137) * scm_setpgid: Processes. (line 109) * scm_setpriority: Processes. (line 286) * SCM_SETPROCPROPS: Closures. (line 26) * scm_setproto: Network Databases. (line 186) * scm_setpwent: User Information. (line 56) * scm_setserv: Network Databases. (line 250) * scm_setsid: Processes. (line 116) * scm_setsockopt: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 61) * scm_setuid: Processes. (line 78) * scm_setvbuf: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 292) * scm_shared_array_increments: Shared Arrays. (line 96) * scm_shared_array_offset: Shared Arrays. (line 101) * scm_shared_array_root: Shared Arrays. (line 105) * scm_shell: Initialization. (line 95) * scm_shutdown: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 118) * scm_sigaction: Signals. (line 53) * scm_sigaction_for_thread: Signals. (line 55) * scm_signal_condition_variable: Mutexes and Condition Variables. (line 90) * scm_simple_format: Writing. (line 50) * SCM_SIMPLE_VECTOR_LENGTH: Vector Accessing from C. (line 27) * SCM_SIMPLE_VECTOR_REF: Vector Accessing from C. (line 31) * SCM_SIMPLE_VECTOR_SET: Vector Accessing from C. (line 35) * scm_sleep: Signals. (line 125) * scm_sloppy_assoc: Sloppy Alist Functions. (line 53) * scm_sloppy_assq: Sloppy Alist Functions. (line 43) * scm_sloppy_assv: Sloppy Alist Functions. (line 48) * SCM_SMOB_DATA: Smobs. (line 137) * SCM_SMOB_DATA_2: Smobs. (line 138) * SCM_SMOB_DATA_3: Smobs. (line 139) * SCM_SMOB_FLAGS: Smobs. (line 129) * SCM_SMOB_OBJECT: Smobs. (line 151) * SCM_SMOB_OBJECT_2: Smobs. (line 152) * SCM_SMOB_OBJECT_2_LOC: Smobs. (line 166) * SCM_SMOB_OBJECT_3: Smobs. (line 153) * SCM_SMOB_OBJECT_3_LOC: Smobs. (line 167) * SCM_SMOB_OBJECT_LOC: Smobs. (line 165) * SCM_SMOB_PREDICATE: Smobs. (line 94) * SCM_SNAME: Subrs. (line 19) * SCM_SNARF_INIT: Snarfing Macros. (line 16) * scm_socket: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 22) * scm_socketpair: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 49) * scm_sort: Sorting. (line 49) * scm_sort_list: Sorting. (line 77) * scm_sort_list_x: Sorting. (line 82) * scm_sort_x: Sorting. (line 55) * scm_sorted_p: Sorting. (line 43) * scm_source_properties: Source Properties. (line 58) * scm_source_property: Source Properties. (line 62) * scm_spawn_thread: Threads. (line 28) * scm_stable_sort: Sorting. (line 62) * scm_stable_sort_x: Sorting. (line 67) * scm_stack_id: Examining the Stack. (line 12) * scm_stack_length: Examining the Stack. (line 16) * scm_stack_p: Examining the Stack. (line 8) * scm_stack_ref: Examining the Stack. (line 20) * scm_stat: File System. (line 54) * scm_status_exit_val: Processes. (line 168) * scm_status_stop_sig: Processes. (line 179) * scm_status_term_sig: Processes. (line 174) * scm_std_select: Blocking. (line 40) * scm_std_sleep: Blocking. (line 45) * scm_std_usleep: Blocking. (line 49) * scm_strerror: Error Reporting. (line 31) * scm_strftime: Time. (line 126) * scm_string: String Constructors. (line 19) * scm_string_any: String Predicates. (line 25) * scm_string_append: Reversing and Appending Strings. (line 19) * scm_string_append_shared: Reversing and Appending Strings. (line 28) * scm_string_capitalize: Alphabetic Case Mapping. (line 43) * scm_string_capitalize_x: Alphabetic Case Mapping. (line 48) * SCM_STRING_CHARS: Vector Data. (line 36) * scm_string_ci_eq: String Comparison. (line 109) * scm_string_ci_ge: String Comparison. (line 134) * scm_string_ci_gt: String Comparison. (line 124) * scm_string_ci_le: String Comparison. (line 129) * scm_string_ci_lt: String Comparison. (line 119) * scm_string_ci_neq: String Comparison. (line 114) * scm_string_ci_to_symbol: Symbol Primitives. (line 58) * scm_string_compare: String Comparison. (line 66) * scm_string_compare_ci: String Comparison. (line 76) * scm_string_concatenate: Reversing and Appending Strings. (line 33) * scm_string_concatenate_reverse: Reversing and Appending Strings. (line 38) * scm_string_concatenate_reverse_shared: Reversing and Appending Strings. (line 58) * scm_string_concatenate_shared: Reversing and Appending Strings. (line 51) * scm_string_contains: String Searching. (line 124) * scm_string_contains_ci: String Searching. (line 132) * scm_string_copy: String Selection. (line 29) * scm_string_copy_x: String Modification. (line 41) * scm_string_count: String Searching. (line 113) * scm_string_delete: Miscellaneous String Operations. (line 52) * scm_string_downcase: Alphabetic Case Mapping. (line 27) * scm_string_downcase_x: Alphabetic Case Mapping. (line 32) * scm_string_drop: String Selection. (line 76) * scm_string_drop_right: String Selection. (line 84) * scm_string_eq: String Comparison. (line 84) * scm_string_every: String Predicates. (line 42) * scm_string_fill_x: String Modification. (line 21) * scm_string_filter: Miscellaneous String Operations. (line 43) * scm_string_fold: Mapping Folding and Unfolding. (line 41) * scm_string_fold_right: Mapping Folding and Unfolding. (line 47) * scm_string_for_each: Mapping Folding and Unfolding. (line 21) * scm_string_for_each_index: Mapping Folding and Unfolding. (line 26) * scm_string_ge: String Comparison. (line 105) * scm_string_gt: String Comparison. (line 97) * scm_string_index: String Searching. (line 8) * scm_string_index_right: String Searching. (line 78) * scm_string_join: String Constructors. (line 48) * scm_string_le: String Comparison. (line 101) * SCM_STRING_LENGTH: Vector Data. (line 27) * scm_string_length: String Selection. (line 12) * scm_string_lt: String Comparison. (line 92) * scm_string_map: Mapping Folding and Unfolding. (line 8) * scm_string_map_x: Mapping Folding and Unfolding. (line 14) * scm_string_neq: String Comparison. (line 88) * scm_string_null_p: String Predicates. (line 18) * scm_string_p: String Predicates. (line 11) * scm_string_pad: String Selection. (line 89) * scm_string_pad_right: String Selection. (line 90) * scm_string_prefix_ci_p: String Searching. (line 63) * scm_string_prefix_length: String Searching. (line 32) * scm_string_prefix_length_ci: String Searching. (line 38) * scm_string_prefix_p: String Searching. (line 57) * scm_string_ref: String Selection. (line 19) * scm_string_replace: Miscellaneous String Operations. (line 30) * scm_string_reverse: Reversing and Appending Strings. (line 8) * scm_string_reverse_x: Reversing and Appending Strings. (line 13) * scm_string_rindex: String Searching. (line 19) * scm_string_set_x: String Modification. (line 12) * scm_string_skip: String Searching. (line 89) * scm_string_skip_right: String Searching. (line 101) * scm_string_split: List/String Conversion. (line 18) * scm_string_suffix_ci_p: String Searching. (line 74) * scm_string_suffix_length: String Searching. (line 45) * scm_string_suffix_length_ci: String Searching. (line 51) * scm_string_suffix_p: String Searching. (line 68) * scm_string_tabulate: String Constructors. (line 41) * scm_string_take: String Selection. (line 72) * scm_string_take_right: String Selection. (line 80) * scm_string_titlecase: Alphabetic Case Mapping. (line 57) * scm_string_titlecase_x: Alphabetic Case Mapping. (line 61) * scm_string_to_char_set: Creating Character Sets. (line 30) * scm_string_to_char_set_x: Creating Character Sets. (line 36) * scm_string_to_list: List/String Conversion. (line 14) * scm_string_to_number: Conversion. (line 13) * scm_string_to_symbol: Symbol Primitives. (line 50) * scm_string_tokenize: Miscellaneous String Operations. (line 35) * scm_string_trim: String Selection. (line 107) * scm_string_trim_both: String Selection. (line 109) * scm_string_trim_right: String Selection. (line 108) * scm_string_unfold: Mapping Folding and Unfolding. (line 53) * scm_string_unfold_right: Mapping Folding and Unfolding. (line 73) * scm_string_upcase: Alphabetic Case Mapping. (line 12) * scm_string_upcase_x: Alphabetic Case Mapping. (line 17) * scm_string_xcopy_x: Miscellaneous String Operations. (line 22) * SCM_STRINGP: Vector Data. (line 20) * scm_strptime: Time. (line 147) * scm_struct_p: Structure Basics. (line 49) * scm_struct_ref: Structure Basics. (line 53) * scm_struct_set_x: Structure Basics. (line 61) * scm_struct_vtable: Structure Basics. (line 69) * scm_struct_vtable_name: Vtable Contents. (line 53) * scm_struct_vtable_p: Vtable Contents. (line 13) * scm_struct_vtable_tag: Vtable Contents. (line 66) * scm_substring: String Selection. (line 36) * scm_substring_copy: String Selection. (line 28) * scm_substring_downcase: Alphabetic Case Mapping. (line 26) * scm_substring_downcase_x: Alphabetic Case Mapping. (line 31) * scm_substring_fill_x: String Modification. (line 20) * scm_substring_hash: String Comparison. (line 139) * scm_substring_hash_ci: String Comparison. (line 146) * scm_substring_move_x: String Modification. (line 35) * scm_substring_read_only: String Selection. (line 59) * scm_substring_shared: String Selection. (line 48) * scm_substring_to_list: List/String Conversion. (line 13) * scm_substring_upcase: Alphabetic Case Mapping. (line 11) * scm_substring_upcase_x: Alphabetic Case Mapping. (line 16) * scm_sum: Arithmetic. (line 14) * SCM_SYMBOL: Snarfing Macros. (line 43) * SCM_SYMBOL_CHARS: Vector Data. (line 37) * scm_symbol_fref: Symbol Props. (line 31) * scm_symbol_fset_x: Symbol Props. (line 35) * scm_symbol_hash: Symbol Keys. (line 55) * scm_symbol_interned_p: Symbol Uninterned. (line 54) * SCM_SYMBOL_LENGTH: Vector Data. (line 28) * scm_symbol_p: Symbol Primitives. (line 11) * scm_symbol_pref: Symbol Props. (line 39) * scm_symbol_pset_x: Symbol Props. (line 43) * scm_symbol_to_keyword: Keyword Procedures. (line 16) * scm_symbol_to_string: Symbol Primitives. (line 23) * SCM_SYMBOLP: Vector Data. (line 23) * scm_symlink: File System. (line 187) * scm_sync: File System. (line 239) * scm_sys_atan2: Primitive Numerics. (line 42) * scm_sys_expt: Primitive Numerics. (line 19) * scm_sys_library_dir: Build Config. (line 41) * scm_sys_make_void_port: Void Ports. (line 11) * scm_sys_package_data_dir: Build Config. (line 35) * scm_sys_search_load_path: Loading. (line 49) * scm_sys_site_dir: Build Config. (line 50) * scm_syserror: Handling Errors. (line 85) * scm_syserror_msg: Handling Errors. (line 87) * scm_system: Processes. (line 184) * scm_system_async_mark: System asyncs. (line 28) * scm_system_async_mark_for_thread: System asyncs. (line 29) * scm_system_star: Processes. (line 194) * scm_t_cell: Non-immediate objects. (line 13) * scm_take_c32vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 389) * scm_take_c64vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 390) * scm_take_f32vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 387) * scm_take_f64vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 388) * scm_take_locale_string: Conversion to/from C. (line 43) * scm_take_locale_stringn: Conversion to/from C. (line 44) * scm_take_locale_symbol: Symbol Primitives. (line 112) * scm_take_locale_symboln: Symbol Primitives. (line 113) * scm_take_s168vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 378) * scm_take_s328vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 382) * scm_take_s64vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 386) * scm_take_s8vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 374) * scm_take_u16vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 376) * scm_take_u32vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 380) * scm_take_u64vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 384) * scm_take_u8vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 372) * scm_tcgetpgrp: Terminals and Ptys. (line 23) * scm_tcsetpgrp: Terminals and Ptys. (line 36) * scm_textdomain: Internationalization. (line 75) * scm_thread_exited_p: Threads. (line 48) * scm_throw: Throw. (line 16) * scm_thunk_p: Procedure Properties. (line 30) * scm_times: Time. (line 162) * scm_tmpnam: File System. (line 259) * scm_to_bool: Booleans. (line 83) * scm_to_char: Integers. (line 134) * scm_to_char_set: Creating Character Sets. (line 78) * scm_to_double: Reals and Rationals. (line 127) * scm_to_int: Integers. (line 139) * scm_to_int16: Integers. (line 149) * scm_to_int32: Integers. (line 151) * scm_to_int64: Integers. (line 153) * scm_to_int8: Integers. (line 147) * scm_to_intmax: Integers. (line 155) * scm_to_locale_string: Conversion to/from C. (line 51) * scm_to_locale_stringbuf: Conversion to/from C. (line 68) * scm_to_locale_stringn: Conversion to/from C. (line 52) * scm_to_long: Integers. (line 141) * scm_to_long_long: Integers. (line 143) * scm_to_mpz: Integers. (line 193) * scm_to_schar: Integers. (line 135) * scm_to_short: Integers. (line 137) * scm_to_signed_integer: Integers. (line 120) * scm_to_size_t: Integers. (line 145) * scm_to_sockaddr: Network Socket Address. (line 91) * scm_to_ssize_t: Integers. (line 146) * scm_to_uchar: Integers. (line 136) * scm_to_uint: Integers. (line 140) * scm_to_uint16: Integers. (line 150) * scm_to_uint32: Integers. (line 152) * scm_to_uint64: Integers. (line 154) * scm_to_uint8: Integers. (line 148) * scm_to_uintmax: Integers. (line 156) * scm_to_ulong: Integers. (line 142) * scm_to_ulong_long: Integers. (line 144) * scm_to_unsigned_integer: Integers. (line 122) * scm_to_ushort: Integers. (line 138) * scm_transpose_array: Shared Arrays. (line 122) * scm_truncate_file: Random Access. (line 37) * scm_truncate_number: Arithmetic. (line 58) * scm_try_arbiter: Arbiters. (line 23) * scm_try_mutex: Mutexes and Condition Variables. (line 55) * scm_ttyname: Terminals and Ptys. (line 13) * scm_typed_array_p: Array Procedures. (line 31) * scm_tzset: Time. (line 119) * scm_u16vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 183) * scm_u16vector_elements: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 412) * scm_u16vector_length: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 213) * scm_u16vector_p: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 127) * scm_u16vector_ref: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 241) * scm_u16vector_set_x: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 270) * scm_u16vector_to_list: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 299) * scm_u16vector_writable_elements: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 442) * scm_u32vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 185) * scm_u32vector_elements: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 416) * scm_u32vector_length: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 215) * scm_u32vector_p: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 129) * scm_u32vector_ref: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 243) * scm_u32vector_set_x: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 272) * scm_u32vector_to_list: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 301) * scm_u32vector_writable_elements: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 446) * scm_u64vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 187) * scm_u64vector_elements: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 420) * scm_u64vector_length: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 217) * scm_u64vector_p: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 131) * scm_u64vector_ref: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 245) * scm_u64vector_set_x: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 274) * scm_u64vector_to_list: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 303) * scm_u64vector_writable_elements: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 450) * scm_u8vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 181) * scm_u8vector_elements: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 408) * scm_u8vector_length: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 211) * scm_u8vector_p: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 125) * scm_u8vector_ref: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 239) * scm_u8vector_set_x: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 268) * scm_u8vector_to_list: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 297) * scm_u8vector_writable_elements: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 438) * scm_ucs_range_to_char_set: Creating Character Sets. (line 53) * scm_ucs_range_to_char_set_x: Creating Character Sets. (line 66) * scm_umask: Processes. (line 17) * scm_uname: System Identification. (line 11) * SCM_UNBNDP: Unique Values. (line 39) * SCM_UNDEFINED: Unique Values. (line 28) * scm_uniform_array_read_x: Array Procedures. (line 225) * scm_uniform_array_write: Array Procedures. (line 241) * scm_uniform_vector_elements: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 406) * scm_uniform_vector_length: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 210) * scm_uniform_vector_p: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 124) * scm_uniform_vector_read_x: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 467) * scm_uniform_vector_ref: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 238) * scm_uniform_vector_set_x: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 267) * scm_uniform_vector_to_list: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 296) * scm_uniform_vector_writable_elements: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 436) * scm_uniform_vector_write: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 491) * scm_unlock_mutex: Mutexes and Condition Variables. (line 62) * scm_unmemoize: Decoding Memoized Source Expressions. (line 12) * SCM_UNPACK: The SCM Type. (line 28) * scm_unread_char <1>: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 173) * scm_unread_char: Reading. (line 58) * scm_unread_string: Reading. (line 65) * SCM_UNSPECIFIED: Unique Values. (line 19) * scm_usleep: Signals. (line 126) * scm_utime: File System. (line 157) * scm_values: Multiple Values. (line 22) * SCM_VARIABLE: Snarfing Macros. (line 79) * scm_variable_bound_p: Variables. (line 52) * SCM_VARIABLE_INIT: Snarfing Macros. (line 85) * scm_variable_p: Variables. (line 67) * scm_variable_ref: Variables. (line 57) * scm_variable_set_x: Variables. (line 62) * scm_vector: Vector Creation. (line 15) * SCM_VECTOR_BASE: Vector Data. (line 32) * scm_vector_copy: Vector Accessors. (line 58) * scm_vector_elements: Vector Accessing from C. (line 40) * scm_vector_fill_x: Vector Accessors. (line 53) * SCM_VECTOR_LENGTH: Vector Data. (line 26) * scm_vector_length: Vector Accessors. (line 12) * scm_vector_move_left_x: Vector Accessors. (line 63) * scm_vector_move_right_x: Vector Accessors. (line 75) * scm_vector_p: Vector Creation. (line 48) * scm_vector_ref: Vector Accessors. (line 19) * scm_vector_set_x: Vector Accessors. (line 42) * scm_vector_to_list: Vector Creation. (line 24) * scm_vector_writable_elements: Vector Accessing from C. (line 71) * SCM_VECTORP: Vector Data. (line 17) * scm_version: Build Config. (line 15) * scm_wait_condition_variable: Mutexes and Condition Variables. (line 71) * scm_waitpid: Processes. (line 123) * scm_weak_key_hash_table_p: Weak hash tables. (line 22) * scm_weak_value_hash_table_p: Weak hash tables. (line 23) * scm_weak_vector: Weak vectors. (line 18) * scm_weak_vector_p: Weak vectors. (line 25) * scm_with_continuation_barrier: Continuation Barriers. (line 12) * scm_with_dynamic_state: Fluids and Dynamic States. (line 117) * scm_with_fluid: Fluids and Dynamic States. (line 54) * scm_with_fluids: Fluids and Dynamic States. (line 59) * scm_with_guile: Initialization. (line 21) * scm_with_throw_handler: Throw Handlers. (line 14) * scm_with_traps: Evaluator trap options. (line 62) * scm_without_guile: Blocking. (line 13) * scm_write_char: Writing. (line 60) * scm_write_line: Line/Delimited. (line 63) * scm_write_string_partial: Block Reading and Writing. (line 50) * scm_wrong_num_args: Handling Errors. (line 97) * scm_wrong_type_arg: Handling Errors. (line 99) * scm_xsubstring: Miscellaneous String Operations. (line 8) * scm_zero_p: Comparison. (line 37) * search-path: Build Config. (line 68) * second: SRFI-1 Selectors. (line 8) * seed->random-state: Random. (line 61) * seek: Random Access. (line 7) * select: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 378) * send: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 233) * sendto: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 273) * serious-condition?: SRFI-35. (line 131) * servent:aliases: Network Databases. (line 199) * servent:name: Network Databases. (line 196) * servent:port: Network Databases. (line 202) * servent:proto: Network Databases. (line 205) * set-buffered-input-continuation?!: Buffered Input. (line 41) * set-car!: Pairs. (line 148) * set-cdr!: Pairs. (line 153) * set-current-dynamic-state: Fluids and Dynamic States. (line 111) * set-current-error-port: Default Ports. (line 49) * set-current-input-port: Default Ports. (line 47) * set-current-module: Module System Reflection. (line 21) * set-current-output-port: Default Ports. (line 48) * set-object-procedure!: Objects. (line 15) * set-object-properties!: Old-fashioned Properties. (line 21) * set-object-property!: Old-fashioned Properties. (line 29) * set-port-column!: Reading. (line 100) * set-port-filename!: File Ports. (line 135) * set-port-line!: Reading. (line 101) * set-port-revealed!: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 62) * set-procedure-properties!: Procedure Properties. (line 57) * set-procedure-property!: Procedure Properties. (line 61) * set-program-arguments: Runtime Environment. (line 9) * set-readline-input-port!: Readline Functions. (line 22) * set-readline-output-port!: Readline Functions. (line 23) * set-readline-prompt!: Readline Functions. (line 60) * set-source-properties!: Source Properties. (line 47) * set-source-property!: Source Properties. (line 52) * set-struct-vtable-name!: Vtable Contents. (line 52) * set-symbol-property!: Symbol Props. (line 53) * set-time-nanosecond!: SRFI-19 Time. (line 51) * set-time-second!: SRFI-19 Time. (line 52) * set-time-type!: SRFI-19 Time. (line 50) * set-tm:gmtoff: Time. (line 62) * set-tm:hour: Time. (line 33) * set-tm:isdst: Time. (line 57) * set-tm:mday: Time. (line 37) * set-tm:min: Time. (line 29) * set-tm:mon: Time. (line 41) * set-tm:sec: Time. (line 25) * set-tm:wday: Time. (line 49) * set-tm:yday: Time. (line 53) * set-tm:year: Time. (line 45) * set-tm:zone: Time. (line 72) * set-trace-layout: Tracing Configuration. (line 17) * setegid: Processes. (line 96) * setenv: Runtime Environment. (line 71) * seteuid: Processes. (line 89) * setgid: Processes. (line 83) * setgr: User Information. (line 102) * setgrent: User Information. (line 89) * setgroups: Processes. (line 69) * sethost: Network Databases. (line 82) * sethostent: Network Databases. (line 64) * sethostname: System Identification. (line 39) * setitimer: Signals. (line 143) * setlocale: Locales. (line 7) * setnet: Network Databases. (line 136) * setnetent: Network Databases. (line 121) * setpgid: Processes. (line 108) * setpriority: Processes. (line 285) * setproto: Network Databases. (line 185) * setprotoent: Network Databases. (line 170) * setpw: User Information. (line 55) * setpwent: User Information. (line 42) * setserv: Network Databases. (line 249) * setservent: Network Databases. (line 234) * setsid: Processes. (line 115) * setsockopt: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 59) * setter: Procedures with Setters. (line 59) * setuid: Processes. (line 77) * setvbuf: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 291) * seventh: SRFI-1 Selectors. (line 13) * shared-array-increments: Shared Arrays. (line 95) * shared-array-offset: Shared Arrays. (line 100) * shared-array-root: Shared Arrays. (line 104) * shutdown: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 117) * sigaction: Signals. (line 52) * signal-condition-variable: Mutexes and Condition Variables. (line 89) * simple-format: Writing. (line 49) * sin: Scientific. (line 23) * sinh: Scientific. (line 52) * sixth: SRFI-1 Selectors. (line 12) * sleep: Signals. (line 123) * sloppy-assoc: Sloppy Alist Functions. (line 52) * sloppy-assq: Sloppy Alist Functions. (line 42) * sloppy-assv: Sloppy Alist Functions. (line 47) * sockaddr:addr: Network Socket Address. (line 45) * sockaddr:fam: Network Socket Address. (line 38) * sockaddr:flowinfo: Network Socket Address. (line 53) * sockaddr:path: Network Socket Address. (line 42) * sockaddr:port: Network Socket Address. (line 49) * sockaddr:scopeid: Network Socket Address. (line 57) * socket: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 21) * socketpair: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 48) * sort: Sorting. (line 48) * sort!: Sorting. (line 54) * sort-list: Sorting. (line 76) * sort-list!: Sorting. (line 81) * sorted?: Sorting. (line 42) * source-properties: Source Properties. (line 57) * source-property: Source Properties. (line 61) * span: SRFI-1 Searching. (line 31) * span!: SRFI-1 Searching. (line 32) * split-at: SRFI-1 Selectors. (line 44) * split-at!: SRFI-1 Selectors. (line 45) * sqrt: Scientific. (line 10) * stable-sort: Sorting. (line 61) * stable-sort!: Sorting. (line 66) * stack-id: Examining the Stack. (line 11) * stack-length: Examining the Stack. (line 15) * stack-ref: Examining the Stack. (line 19) * stack?: Examining the Stack. (line 7) * start-stack: Starting a New Stack. (line 7) * stat: File System. (line 53) * stat:atime: File System. (line 92) * stat:blksize: File System. (line 101) * stat:blocks: File System. (line 106) * stat:ctime: File System. (line 98) * stat:dev: File System. (line 63) * stat:gid: File System. (line 81) * stat:ino: File System. (line 66) * stat:mode: File System. (line 70) * stat:mtime: File System. (line 95) * stat:nlink: File System. (line 75) * stat:perms: File System. (line 119) * stat:rdev: File System. (line 84) * stat:size: File System. (line 89) * stat:type: File System. (line 114) * stat:uid: File System. (line 78) * status:exit-val: Processes. (line 167) * status:stop-sig: Processes. (line 178) * status:term-sig: Processes. (line 173) * step: Stepping and Continuing. (line 12) * stream->list: Streams. (line 83) * stream->list&length: Streams. (line 90) * stream->reversed-list: Streams. (line 86) * stream->reversed-list&length: Streams. (line 95) * stream->vector: Streams. (line 100) * stream-car: Streams. (line 56) * stream-cdr: Streams. (line 59) * stream-fold: Streams. (line 103) * stream-for-each: Streams. (line 112) * stream-map: Streams. (line 120) * stream-null?: Streams. (line 63) * strerror: Error Reporting. (line 30) * strftime: Time. (line 125) * string: String Constructors. (line 11) * string->char-set: Creating Character Sets. (line 29) * string->char-set!: Creating Character Sets. (line 35) * string->date: SRFI-19 String to date. (line 7) * string->keyword: SRFI-88. (line 36) * string->list: List/String Conversion. (line 12) * string->number: Conversion. (line 12) * string->symbol: Symbol Primitives. (line 49) * string-any: String Predicates. (line 24) * string-append: Reversing and Appending Strings. (line 18) * string-append/shared: Reversing and Appending Strings. (line 27) * string-capitalize: Alphabetic Case Mapping. (line 42) * string-capitalize!: Alphabetic Case Mapping. (line 47) * string-ci->symbol: Symbol Primitives. (line 57) * string-ci-hash: SRFI-69 Hash table algorithms. (line 20) * string-ci<: String Comparison. (line 118) * string-ci<=: String Comparison. (line 128) * string-ci<=?: String Comparison. (line 49) * string-ci<>: String Comparison. (line 113) * string-ci: String Comparison. (line 123) * string-ci>=: String Comparison. (line 133) * string-ci>=?: String Comparison. (line 58) * string-ci>?: String Comparison. (line 54) * string-compare: String Comparison. (line 64) * string-compare-ci: String Comparison. (line 74) * string-concatenate: Reversing and Appending Strings. (line 32) * string-concatenate-reverse: Reversing and Appending Strings. (line 37) * string-concatenate-reverse/shared: Reversing and Appending Strings. (line 56) * string-concatenate/shared: Reversing and Appending Strings. (line 50) * string-contains: String Searching. (line 123) * string-contains-ci: String Searching. (line 130) * string-copy: String Selection. (line 27) * string-copy!: String Modification. (line 40) * string-count: String Searching. (line 112) * string-delete: Miscellaneous String Operations. (line 51) * string-downcase: Alphabetic Case Mapping. (line 25) * string-downcase!: Alphabetic Case Mapping. (line 30) * string-drop: String Selection. (line 75) * string-drop-right: String Selection. (line 83) * string-every: String Predicates. (line 41) * string-fill!: String Modification. (line 19) * string-filter: Miscellaneous String Operations. (line 42) * string-fold: Mapping Folding and Unfolding. (line 40) * string-fold-right: Mapping Folding and Unfolding. (line 46) * string-for-each: Mapping Folding and Unfolding. (line 20) * string-for-each-index: Mapping Folding and Unfolding. (line 25) * string-hash <1>: SRFI-69 Hash table algorithms. (line 19) * string-hash: String Comparison. (line 138) * string-hash-ci: String Comparison. (line 145) * string-index: String Searching. (line 7) * string-index-right: String Searching. (line 77) * string-join: String Constructors. (line 47) * string-length: String Selection. (line 11) * string-map: Mapping Folding and Unfolding. (line 7) * string-map!: Mapping Folding and Unfolding. (line 13) * string-match: Regexp Functions. (line 25) * string-null?: String Predicates. (line 17) * string-pad: String Selection. (line 87) * string-pad-right: String Selection. (line 88) * string-prefix-ci?: String Searching. (line 61) * string-prefix-length: String Searching. (line 30) * string-prefix-length-ci: String Searching. (line 36) * string-prefix?: String Searching. (line 56) * string-ref: String Selection. (line 18) * string-replace: Miscellaneous String Operations. (line 29) * string-reverse: Reversing and Appending Strings. (line 7) * string-reverse!: Reversing and Appending Strings. (line 12) * string-rindex: String Searching. (line 18) * string-set!: String Modification. (line 11) * string-skip: String Searching. (line 88) * string-skip-right: String Searching. (line 100) * string-split: List/String Conversion. (line 17) * string-suffix-ci?: String Searching. (line 72) * string-suffix-length: String Searching. (line 43) * string-suffix-length-ci: String Searching. (line 49) * string-suffix?: String Searching. (line 67) * string-tabulate: String Constructors. (line 40) * string-take: String Selection. (line 71) * string-take-right: String Selection. (line 79) * string-titlecase: Alphabetic Case Mapping. (line 56) * string-titlecase!: Alphabetic Case Mapping. (line 60) * string-tokenize: Miscellaneous String Operations. (line 34) * string-trim: String Selection. (line 104) * string-trim-both: String Selection. (line 106) * string-trim-right: String Selection. (line 105) * string-unfold: Mapping Folding and Unfolding. (line 52) * string-unfold-right: Mapping Folding and Unfolding. (line 71) * string-upcase: Alphabetic Case Mapping. (line 10) * string-upcase!: Alphabetic Case Mapping. (line 15) * string-xcopy!: Miscellaneous String Operations. (line 20) * string<: String Comparison. (line 91) * string<=: String Comparison. (line 100) * string<=?: String Comparison. (line 28) * string<>: String Comparison. (line 87) * string: String Comparison. (line 96) * string>=: String Comparison. (line 104) * string>=?: String Comparison. (line 36) * string>?: String Comparison. (line 32) * string?: String Predicates. (line 10) * strptime: Time. (line 146) * struct-ref: Structure Basics. (line 52) * struct-set!: Structure Basics. (line 60) * struct-vtable: Structure Basics. (line 68) * struct-vtable-name: Vtable Contents. (line 51) * struct-vtable-tag: Vtable Contents. (line 65) * struct-vtable?: Vtable Contents. (line 12) * struct?: Structure Basics. (line 48) * substring: String Selection. (line 35) * substring-fill!: String Modification. (line 25) * substring-move!: String Modification. (line 34) * substring/copy: String Selection. (line 53) * substring/read-only: String Selection. (line 58) * substring/shared: String Selection. (line 47) * subtract-duration: SRFI-19 Time. (line 93) * subtract-duration!: SRFI-19 Time. (line 94) * symbol->keyword: Keyword Procedures. (line 15) * symbol->string: Symbol Primitives. (line 22) * symbol-fref: Symbol Props. (line 30) * symbol-fset!: Symbol Props. (line 34) * symbol-hash: Symbol Keys. (line 54) * symbol-interned?: Symbol Uninterned. (line 53) * symbol-pref: Symbol Props. (line 38) * symbol-prefix-proc: Using Guile Modules. (line 70) * symbol-property: Symbol Props. (line 46) * symbol-property-remove!: Symbol Props. (line 58) * symbol-pset!: Symbol Props. (line 42) * symbol?: Symbol Primitives. (line 10) * symlink: File System. (line 186) * sync: File System. (line 238) * sync-q!: Queues. (line 80) * system: Processes. (line 183) * system*: Processes. (line 193) * system-async-mark: System asyncs. (line 27) * system-error-errno: Conventions. (line 72) * take: SRFI-1 Selectors. (line 22) * take!: SRFI-1 Selectors. (line 23) * take-right: SRFI-1 Selectors. (line 32) * take-while: SRFI-1 Searching. (line 19) * take-while!: SRFI-1 Searching. (line 20) * tan: Scientific. (line 29) * tanh: Scientific. (line 58) * tc:depth: Trap Context. (line 31) * tc:frame: Trap Context. (line 28) * tc:real-depth: Trap Context. (line 35) * tc:return-value: Trap Context. (line 18) * tc:stack: Trap Context. (line 22) * tc:type: Trap Context. (line 14) * tcgetpgrp: Terminals and Ptys. (line 22) * tcsetpgrp: Terminals and Ptys. (line 35) * tenth: SRFI-1 Selectors. (line 16) * textdomain: Internationalization. (line 74) * third: SRFI-1 Selectors. (line 9) * thread-exited?: Threads. (line 47) * throw: Throw. (line 15) * thunk?: Procedure Properties. (line 29) * time-difference: SRFI-19 Time. (line 83) * time-difference!: SRFI-19 Time. (line 84) * time-monotonic->date: SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions. (line 23) * time-monotonic->time-tai: SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions. (line 24) * time-monotonic->time-tai!: SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions. (line 25) * time-monotonic->time-utc: SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions. (line 26) * time-monotonic->time-utc!: SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions. (line 27) * time-nanosecond: SRFI-19 Time. (line 48) * time-resolution: SRFI-19 Time. (line 71) * time-second: SRFI-19 Time. (line 49) * time-tai->date: SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions. (line 29) * time-tai->julian-day: SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions. (line 30) * time-tai->modified-julian-day: SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions. (line 31) * time-tai->time-monotonic: SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions. (line 32) * time-tai->time-monotonic!: SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions. (line 33) * time-tai->time-utc: SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions. (line 34) * time-tai->time-utc!: SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions. (line 35) * time-type: SRFI-19 Time. (line 47) * time-utc->date: SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions. (line 37) * time-utc->julian-day: SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions. (line 38) * time-utc->modified-julian-day: SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions. (line 39) * time-utc->time-monotonic: SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions. (line 40) * time-utc->time-monotonic!: SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions. (line 41) * time-utc->time-tai: SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions. (line 42) * time-utc->time-tai!: SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions. (line 43) * time<=?: SRFI-19 Time. (line 75) * time=?: SRFI-19 Time. (line 78) * time>?: SRFI-19 Time. (line 79) * time?: SRFI-19 Time. (line 41) * times: Time. (line 161) * tm:gmtoff: Time. (line 61) * tm:hour: Time. (line 32) * tm:isdst: Time. (line 56) * tm:mday: Time. (line 36) * tm:min: Time. (line 28) * tm:mon: Time. (line 40) * tm:sec: Time. (line 24) * tm:wday: Time. (line 48) * tm:yday: Time. (line 52) * tm:year: Time. (line 44) * tm:zone: Time. (line 71) * tmpnam: File System. (line 258) * tms:clock: Time. (line 167) * tms:cstime: Time. (line 183) * tms:cutime: Time. (line 178) * tms:stime: Time. (line 174) * tms:utime: Time. (line 171) * trace: Tracing. (line 46) * trace-at-exit: Specifying Trap Behaviour. (line 25) * trace-port: Tracing Configuration. (line 12) * trace-trap: Specifying Trap Behaviour. (line 22) * trace-until-exit: Specifying Trap Behaviour. (line 32) * trace/info: Tracing Configuration. (line 82) * trace/pid: Tracing Configuration. (line 31) * trace/real?: Tracing Configuration. (line 78) * trace/source: Tracing Configuration. (line 66) * trace/source-column: Tracing Configuration. (line 61) * trace/source-file-name: Tracing Configuration. (line 51) * trace/source-line: Tracing Configuration. (line 56) * trace/stack: Tracing Configuration. (line 46) * trace/stack-depth: Tracing Configuration. (line 38) * trace/stack-id: Tracing Configuration. (line 34) * trace/stack-real-depth: Tracing Configuration. (line 42) * trace/type: Tracing Configuration. (line 72) * transpose-array: Shared Arrays. (line 121) * trap-disable <1>: User level options interfaces. (line 40) * trap-disable: Evaluator Behaviour. (line 48) * trap-enable <1>: User level options interfaces. (line 31) * trap-enable: Evaluator Behaviour. (line 47) * trap-here: Source Traps. (line 62) * trap-set! <1>: User level options interfaces. (line 49) * trap-set!: Evaluator Behaviour. (line 49) * traps <1>: User level options interfaces. (line 11) * traps: Evaluator Behaviour. (line 36) * truncate <1>: Random Access. (line 35) * truncate: Arithmetic. (line 57) * truncate-file: Random Access. (line 36) * try-arbiter: Arbiters. (line 22) * try-mutex: Mutexes and Condition Variables. (line 54) * ttyname: Terminals and Ptys. (line 12) * typed-array?: Array Procedures. (line 30) * tzset: Time. (line 118) * u16vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 171) * u16vector->list: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 286) * u16vector-length: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 200) * u16vector-ref: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 228) * u16vector-set!: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 257) * u16vector?: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 114) * u32vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 173) * u32vector->list: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 288) * u32vector-length: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 202) * u32vector-ref: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 230) * u32vector-set!: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 259) * u32vector?: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 116) * u64vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 175) * u64vector->list: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 290) * u64vector-length: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 204) * u64vector-ref: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 232) * u64vector-set!: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 261) * u64vector?: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 118) * u8vector: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 169) * u8vector->list: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 284) * u8vector-length: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 198) * u8vector-ref: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 226) * u8vector-set!: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 255) * u8vector?: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 112) * ucs-range->char-set: Creating Character Sets. (line 52) * ucs-range->char-set!: Creating Character Sets. (line 64) * umask: Processes. (line 16) * uname: System Identification. (line 10) * unfold: SRFI-1 Fold and Map. (line 112) * unfold-right: SRFI-1 Fold and Map. (line 139) * uniform-array-read!: Array Procedures. (line 224) * uniform-array-write: Array Procedures. (line 240) * uniform-vector->list: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 283) * uniform-vector-length: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 197) * uniform-vector-read!: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 466) * uniform-vector-ref: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 225) * uniform-vector-set!: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 254) * uniform-vector-write: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 490) * uniform-vector?: Uniform Numeric Vectors. (line 111) * uninstall-trap: How to Set a Trap. (line 52) * unlink: File System. (line 165) * unlock-mutex: Mutexes and Condition Variables. (line 61) * unmemoize: Decoding Memoized Source Expressions. (line 11) * unquote: Expression Syntax. (line 77) * unquote-splicing: Expression Syntax. (line 87) * unread-char <1>: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 172) * unread-char: Reading. (line 57) * unread-string <1>: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 179) * unread-string: Reading. (line 64) * unsetenv: Runtime Environment. (line 81) * untrace: Tracing. (line 52) * unzip1: SRFI-1 Length Append etc. (line 40) * unzip2: SRFI-1 Length Append etc. (line 41) * unzip3: SRFI-1 Length Append etc. (line 42) * unzip4: SRFI-1 Length Append etc. (line 43) * unzip5: SRFI-1 Length Append etc. (line 44) * up: Frame Selection. (line 31) * use-modules: Using Guile Modules. (line 74) * use-syntax: Using Guile Modules. (line 101) * usleep: Signals. (line 124) * utime: File System. (line 156) * utsname:machine: System Identification. (line 32) * utsname:nodename: System Identification. (line 21) * utsname:release: System Identification. (line 24) * utsname:sysname: System Identification. (line 18) * utsname:version: System Identification. (line 28) * values: Multiple Values. (line 21) * variable-bound?: Variables. (line 51) * variable-ref: Variables. (line 56) * variable-set!: Variables. (line 61) * variable?: Variables. (line 66) * vector: Vector Creation. (line 13) * vector->list: Vector Creation. (line 23) * vector->stream: Streams. (line 67) * vector-copy: Vector Accessors. (line 57) * vector-fill!: Vector Accessors. (line 52) * vector-length: Vector Accessors. (line 11) * vector-move-left!: Vector Accessors. (line 61) * vector-move-right!: Vector Accessors. (line 73) * vector-ref: Vector Accessors. (line 18) * vector-set!: Vector Accessors. (line 41) * vector?: Vector Creation. (line 47) * version: Build Config. (line 10) * void *: System asyncs. (line 42) * wait-condition-variable: Mutexes and Condition Variables. (line 70) * waitpid: Processes. (line 122) * weak-key-hash-table?: Weak hash tables. (line 19) * weak-value-hash-table?: Weak hash tables. (line 20) * weak-vector: Weak vectors. (line 16) * weak-vector?: Weak vectors. (line 24) * where: Display Backtrace. (line 19) * while: while do. (line 66) * with-continuation-barrier: Continuation Barriers. (line 11) * with-dynamic-state: Fluids and Dynamic States. (line 116) * with-error-to-file: File Ports. (line 97) * with-fluid*: Fluids and Dynamic States. (line 53) * with-fluids: Fluids and Dynamic States. (line 67) * with-fluids*: Fluids and Dynamic States. (line 58) * with-input-from-file: File Ports. (line 95) * with-input-from-string: String Ports. (line 28) * with-mutex: Mutexes and Condition Variables. (line 103) * with-output-to-file: File Ports. (line 96) * with-output-to-string: String Ports. (line 23) * with-parameters*: SRFI-39. (line 116) * with-readline-completion-function: Readline Functions. (line 77) * with-throw-handler: Throw Handlers. (line 13) * with-traps: Evaluator trap options. (line 61) * write: Writing. (line 14) * write-char: Writing. (line 59) * write-line: Line/Delimited. (line 62) * write-string/partial: Block Reading and Writing. (line 49) * xcons: SRFI-1 Constructors. (line 9) * xsubstring: Miscellaneous String Operations. (line 7) * yield: Threads. (line 51) * zero?: Comparison. (line 36) * zip: SRFI-1 Length Append etc. (line 34)