This is, produced by makeinfo version 4.13 from guile.texi. This reference manual documents Guile, GNU's Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extensions. This is edition 1.1 corresponding to Guile 1.8.8. Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with the no Invariant Sections, with the Front-Cover Texts being "A GNU Manual," and with the Back-Cover Text "You are free to copy and modify this GNU Manual.". A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License". INFO-DIR-SECTION The Algorithmic Language Scheme START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * Guile Reference: (guile). The Guile reference manual. END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY  File:, Node: Variable Index, Next: Type Index, Prev: Procedure Index, Up: Top Variable Index ************** This is an alphabetical list of all the important variables and constants in Guile. When looking for a particular variable or constant, please look under its Scheme name as well as under its C name. The C name can be constructed from the Scheme names by a simple transformation described in the section *Note API Overview::. [index] * Menu: * %guile-build-info: Build Config. (line 77) * %load-extensions: Loading. (line 83) * %load-hook: Loading. (line 65) * %load-path: Build Config. (line 55) * &condition: SRFI-35. (line 113) * &error: SRFI-35. (line 134) * &message: SRFI-35. (line 117) * &serious: SRFI-35. (line 127) * *features*: Feature Tracking. (line 12) * *random-state*: Random. (line 65) * _IOFBF: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 301) * _IOLBF: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 298) * _IONBF: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 295) * after-gc-hook: GC Hooks. (line 37) * char-set:ascii: Standard Character Sets. (line 75) * char-set:blank: Standard Character Sets. (line 54) * char-set:digit: Standard Character Sets. (line 34) * char-set:empty: Standard Character Sets. (line 79) * char-set:full: Standard Character Sets. (line 83) * char-set:graphic: Standard Character Sets. (line 42) * char-set:hex-digit: Standard Character Sets. (line 71) * char-set:iso-control: Standard Character Sets. (line 59) * char-set:letter: Standard Character Sets. (line 29) * char-set:letter+digit: Standard Character Sets. (line 38) * char-set:lower-case: Standard Character Sets. (line 17) * char-set:printing: Standard Character Sets. (line 46) * char-set:punctuation: Standard Character Sets. (line 63) * char-set:symbol: Standard Character Sets. (line 67) * char-set:title-case: Standard Character Sets. (line 25) * char-set:upper-case: Standard Character Sets. (line 21) * char-set:whitespace: Standard Character Sets. (line 50) * current-reader: Loading. (line 57) * F_DUPFD: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 313) * F_GETFD: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 317) * F_GETFL: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 335) * F_GETOWN: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 346) * F_OK: File System. (line 31) * F_SETFD: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 318) * F_SETFL: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 336) * F_SETOWN: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 347) * FD_CLOEXEC: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 322) * INADDR_ANY: Network Address Conversion. (line 21) * INADDR_BROADCAST: Network Address Conversion. (line 26) * INADDR_LOOPBACK: Network Address Conversion. (line 29) * internal-time-units-per-second: Time. (line 157) * IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 107) * IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 108) * IPPROTO_IP: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 72) * IPPROTO_TCP: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 73) * IPPROTO_UDP: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 74) * ITIMER_PROF: Signals. (line 163) * ITIMER_REAL: Signals. (line 154) * ITIMER_VIRTUAL: Signals. (line 159) * LC_ALL: Locales. (line 17) * LC_COLLATE: Locales. (line 18) * LC_CTYPE: Locales. (line 19) * LC_MESSAGES: Locales. (line 20) * LC_MONETARY: Locales. (line 21) * LC_NUMERIC: Locales. (line 22) * LC_TIME: Locales. (line 23) * LOCK_EX: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 360) * LOCK_NB: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 367) * LOCK_SH: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 356) * LOCK_UN: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 364) * MSG_DONTROUTE: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 224) * MSG_OOB: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 224) * MSG_PEEK: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 224) * O_APPEND: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 144) * O_CREAT: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 147) * O_RDONLY: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 135) * O_RDWR: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 141) * O_WRONLY: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 138) * OPEN_BOTH: Pipes. (line 27) * OPEN_READ: Pipes. (line 25) * OPEN_WRITE: Pipes. (line 26) * PF_INET: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 28) * PF_INET6: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 29) * PF_UNIX: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 27) * PIPE_BUF: Ports and File Descriptors. (line 195) * PRIO_PGRP: Processes. (line 286) * PRIO_PROCESS: Processes. (line 286) * PRIO_USER: Processes. (line 286) * R_OK: File System. (line 22) * regexp/basic: Regexp Functions. (line 76) * regexp/extended: Regexp Functions. (line 85) * regexp/icase: Regexp Functions. (line 62) * regexp/newline: Regexp Functions. (line 66) * regexp/notbol: Regexp Functions. (line 103) * regexp/noteol: Regexp Functions. (line 110) * SA_NOCLDSTOP: Signals. (line 80) * SA_RESTART: Signals. (line 88) * scm_after_gc_c_hook: GC Hooks. (line 33) * scm_after_gc_hook: GC Hooks. (line 37) * scm_after_sweep_c_hook: GC Hooks. (line 28) * scm_before_gc_c_hook: GC Hooks. (line 10) * scm_before_mark_c_hook: GC Hooks. (line 19) * scm_before_sweep_c_hook: GC Hooks. (line 23) * SCM_BOOL_F <1>: Data types and constants defined by GH. (line 16) * SCM_BOOL_F: Booleans. (line 68) * SCM_BOOL_T <1>: Data types and constants defined by GH. (line 15) * SCM_BOOL_T: Booleans. (line 65) * SCM_C_HOOK_AND: C Hooks. (line 40) * SCM_C_HOOK_NORMAL: C Hooks. (line 31) * SCM_C_HOOK_OR: C Hooks. (line 35) * scm_char_set_ascii: Standard Character Sets. (line 76) * scm_char_set_blank: Standard Character Sets. (line 55) * scm_char_set_digit: Standard Character Sets. (line 35) * scm_char_set_empty: Standard Character Sets. (line 80) * scm_char_set_full: Standard Character Sets. (line 84) * scm_char_set_graphic: Standard Character Sets. (line 43) * scm_char_set_hex_digit: Standard Character Sets. (line 72) * scm_char_set_iso_control: Standard Character Sets. (line 60) * scm_char_set_letter: Standard Character Sets. (line 30) * scm_char_set_letter_and_digit: Standard Character Sets. (line 39) * scm_char_set_lower_case: Standard Character Sets. (line 18) * scm_char_set_printing: Standard Character Sets. (line 47) * scm_char_set_punctuation: Standard Character Sets. (line 64) * scm_char_set_symbol: Standard Character Sets. (line 68) * scm_char_set_title_case: Standard Character Sets. (line 26) * scm_char_set_upper_case: Standard Character Sets. (line 22) * scm_char_set_whitespace: Standard Character Sets. (line 51) * SCM_F_WIND_EXPLICITLY: Dynamic Wind. (line 164) * scm_ptobs: C Port Interface. (line 11) * scm_t_int16: Integers. (line 89) * scm_t_int32: Integers. (line 91) * scm_t_int64: Integers. (line 93) * scm_t_int8: Integers. (line 87) * scm_t_intmax: Integers. (line 95) * scm_t_uint16: Integers. (line 90) * scm_t_uint32: Integers. (line 92) * scm_t_uint64: Integers. (line 94) * scm_t_uint8: Integers. (line 88) * scm_t_uintmax: Integers. (line 96) * SCM_UNDEFINED: Data types and constants defined by GH. (line 33) * SCM_UNSPECIFIED: Data types and constants defined by GH. (line 28) * scm_vtable_index_layout: Vtable Contents. (line 21) * scm_vtable_index_printer: Vtable Contents. (line 39) * scm_vtable_index_vtable: Vtable Contents. (line 34) * scm_vtable_offset_user: Vtable Vtables. (line 78) * SEEK_CUR: Random Access. (line 17) * SEEK_END: Random Access. (line 20) * SEEK_SET: Random Access. (line 14) * SIGHUP: Signals. (line 38) * SIGINT: Signals. (line 41) * SO_BROADCAST: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 89) * SO_DEBUG: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 83) * SO_DONTROUTE: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 88) * SO_ERROR: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 87) * SO_KEEPALIVE: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 92) * SO_LINGER: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 98) * SO_NO_CHECK: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 94) * SO_OOBINLINE: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 93) * SO_PRIORITY: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 95) * SO_RCVBUF: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 91) * SO_REUSEADDR: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 84) * SO_SNDBUF: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 90) * SO_STYLE: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 85) * SO_TYPE: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 86) * SOCK_DGRAM: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 35) * SOCK_RAW: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 36) * SOCK_RDM: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 37) * SOCK_SEQPACKET: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 38) * SOCK_STREAM: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 34) * SOL_SOCKET: Network Sockets and Communication. (line 71) * time-duration: SRFI-19 Time. (line 30) * time-monotonic: SRFI-19 Time. (line 21) * time-process: SRFI-19 Time. (line 33) * time-tai: SRFI-19 Time. (line 18) * time-thread: SRFI-19 Time. (line 37) * time-utc: SRFI-19 Time. (line 15) * vtable-index-layout: Vtable Contents. (line 20) * vtable-index-printer: Vtable Contents. (line 38) * vtable-index-vtable: Vtable Contents. (line 33) * vtable-offset-user: Vtable Vtables. (line 77) * W_OK: File System. (line 25) * WAIT_ANY: Processes. (line 135) * WAIT_MYPGRP: Processes. (line 138) * WNOHANG: Processes. (line 149) * WUNTRACED: Processes. (line 153) * X_OK: File System. (line 28)  File:, Node: Type Index, Next: R5RS Index, Prev: Variable Index, Up: Top Type Index ********** This is an alphabetical list of all the important data types defined in the Guile Programmers Manual. [index] * Menu: * Alist: Association Lists. (line 6) * Arrays: Arrays. (line 6) * Association Lists: Association Lists. (line 6) * Booleans: Booleans. (line 6) * Characters: Characters. (line 6) * Complex numbers: Complex Numbers. (line 6) * Exact numbers: Exactness. (line 6) * Hash Tables: Hash Tables. (line 6) * Hooks: Hooks. (line 6) * Inexact numbers: Exactness. (line 6) * Integer numbers: Integers. (line 6) * Keywords: Keywords. (line 6) * Lists: Lists. (line 6) * Numbers: Numbers. (line 6) * Pairs: Pairs. (line 6) * Parameter: SRFI-39. (line 6) * Queues: Queues. (line 6) * Rational numbers: Reals and Rationals. (line 6) * Real numbers: Reals and Rationals. (line 6) * Regular expressions: Regular Expressions. (line 6) * SCM: The SCM Type. (line 10) * scm_port: C Port Interface. (line 11) * scm_ptob_descriptor: C Port Interface. (line 11) * scm_t_array_dim: Accessing Arrays from C. (line 86) * scm_t_array_handle: Accessing Arrays from C. (line 62) * scm_t_bits: The SCM Type. (line 18) * scm_t_c_hook: C Hooks. (line 24) * scm_t_c_hook_function: C Hooks. (line 69) * scm_t_c_hook_type: C Hooks. (line 28) * scm_t_catch_body: Catch. (line 123) * scm_t_catch_handler: Catch. (line 123) * scm_t_dynwind_flags: Dynamic Wind. (line 118) * scm_t_signed_bits: The SCM Type. (line 25) * scm_t_wind_flags: Dynamic Wind. (line 159) * sockaddr: Network Socket Address. (line 60) * Socket address: Network Socket Address. (line 6) * Strings: Strings. (line 6) * struct sockaddr: Network Socket Address. (line 60) * Structures: Structures. (line 6) * Symbols: Symbols. (line 6) * Variables: Variables. (line 6) * Vectors: Vectors. (line 6)  File:, Node: R5RS Index, Prev: Type Index, Up: Top R5RS Index ********** [index] * Menu: * *: Arithmetic. (line 6) * +: Arithmetic. (line 6) * -: Arithmetic. (line 6) * /: Arithmetic. (line 6) * abs: Arithmetic. (line 6) * acos: Scientific. (line 34) * angle: Complex. (line 6) * append: Append/Reverse. (line 13) * apply: Fly Evaluation. (line 44) * asin: Scientific. (line 31) * assoc: Retrieving Alist Entries. (line 6) * assq: Retrieving Alist Entries. (line 6) * assv: Retrieving Alist Entries. (line 6) * atan: Scientific. (line 37) * boolean?: Booleans. (line 60) * call-with-current-continuation: Continuations. (line 35) * call-with-input-file: File Ports. (line 84) * call-with-output-file: File Ports. (line 84) * call-with-values: Multiple Values. (line 33) * car: Pairs. (line 66) * cdr: Pairs. (line 66) * ceiling: Arithmetic. (line 6) * char->integer: Characters. (line 105) * char-alphabetic?: Characters. (line 81) * char-ci<=?: Characters. (line 69) * char-ci=?: Characters. (line 77) * char-ci>?: Characters. (line 73) * char-downcase: Characters. (line 118) * char-lower-case?: Characters. (line 97) * char-numeric?: Characters. (line 85) * char-ready?: Reading. (line 12) * char-upcase: Characters. (line 114) * char-upper-case?: Characters. (line 93) * char-whitespace?: Characters. (line 89) * char<=?: Characters. (line 49) * char=?: Characters. (line 57) * char>?: Characters. (line 53) * char?: Characters. (line 39) * close-input-port: Closing. (line 18) * close-output-port: Closing. (line 18) * complex?: Complex Numbers. (line 6) * cons: Pairs. (line 45) * cos: Scientific. (line 25) * current-input-port: Default Ports. (line 6) * current-output-port: Default Ports. (line 23) * delay: Delayed Evaluation. (line 10) * display: Writing. (line 22) * dynamic-wind: Dynamic Wind. (line 69) * eof-object?: Reading. (line 8) * eq?: Equality. (line 34) * equal?: Equality. (line 94) * eqv?: Equality. (line 78) * eval: Fly Evaluation. (line 8) * even?: Integer Operations. (line 6) * exact->inexact: Exactness. (line 6) * exact?: Exactness. (line 6) * exp: Scientific. (line 41) * expt: Scientific. (line 19) * floor: Arithmetic. (line 6) * for-each: List Mapping. (line 24) * force: Delayed Evaluation. (line 17) * gcd: Integer Operations. (line 6) * imag-part: Complex. (line 6) * inexact->exact: Exactness. (line 6) * inexact?: Exactness. (line 6) * input-port?: Ports. (line 49) * integer->char: Characters. (line 110) * integer?: Integers. (line 6) * interaction-environment: Fly Evaluation. (line 17) * lcm: Integer Operations. (line 6) * length: List Selection. (line 9) * list: List Constructors. (line 18) * list->string: String Constructors. (line 19) * list->vector: Vector Creation. (line 12) * list-ref: List Selection. (line 18) * list-tail: List Selection. (line 22) * list?: List Predicates. (line 11) * load: Loading. (line 6) * log: Scientific. (line 45) * magnitude: Complex. (line 6) * make-polar: Complex. (line 6) * make-rectangular: Complex. (line 6) * make-string: String Constructors. (line 30) * make-vector: Vector Creation. (line 34) * map: List Mapping. (line 13) * max: Arithmetic. (line 6) * member: List Searching. (line 26) * memq: List Searching. (line 12) * memv: List Searching. (line 19) * min: Arithmetic. (line 6) * modulo: Integer Operations. (line 6) * negative?: Comparison. (line 6) * newline: Writing. (line 31) * not: Booleans. (line 56) * null?: List Predicates. (line 20) * number->string: Conversion. (line 6) * number?: Numerical Tower. (line 6) * odd?: Integer Operations. (line 6) * open-input-file: File Ports. (line 74) * open-output-file: File Ports. (line 78) * output-port?: Ports. (line 54) * pair?: Pairs. (line 51) * peek-char: Reading. (line 42) * positive?: Comparison. (line 6) * procedure?: Procedure Properties. (line 20) * quotient: Integer Operations. (line 6) * rational?: Reals and Rationals. (line 6) * read: Scheme Read. (line 6) * read-char: Reading. (line 28) * real-part: Complex. (line 6) * real?: Reals and Rationals. (line 6) * remainder: Integer Operations. (line 6) * reverse: Append/Reverse. (line 37) * round: Arithmetic. (line 6) * set-car!: Pairs. (line 147) * set-cdr!: Pairs. (line 152) * sin: Scientific. (line 22) * sqrt: Scientific. (line 9) * string: String Constructors. (line 11) * string->list: List/String Conversion. (line 11) * string->number: Conversion. (line 6) * string->symbol: Symbol Primitives. (line 48) * string-append: Reversing and Appending Strings. (line 17) * string-ci=?: String Comparison. (line 57) * string-ci>?: String Comparison. (line 53) * string-copy: String Selection. (line 26) * string-fill!: String Modification. (line 18) * string-length: String Selection. (line 10) * string-ref: String Selection. (line 17) * string-set!: String Modification. (line 10) * string<=?: String Comparison. (line 27) * string=?: String Comparison. (line 35) * string>?: String Comparison. (line 31) * string?: String Predicates. (line 9) * substring: String Selection. (line 34) * symbol->string: Symbol Primitives. (line 21) * symbol?: Symbol Primitives. (line 9) * tan: Scientific. (line 28) * truncate: Arithmetic. (line 6) * values: Multiple Values. (line 20) * vector: Vector Creation. (line 12) * vector->list: Vector Creation. (line 22) * vector-fill!: Vector Accessors. (line 51) * vector-length: Vector Accessors. (line 10) * vector-ref: Vector Accessors. (line 17) * vector-set!: Vector Accessors. (line 40) * vector?: Vector Creation. (line 46) * with-input-from-file: File Ports. (line 97) * with-output-to-file: File Ports. (line 97) * write: Writing. (line 13) * write-char: Writing. (line 58) * zero?: Comparison. (line 6)