// qabstractxmlnodemodel.sip generated by MetaSIP // // This file is part of the QtXmlPatterns Python extension module. // // Copyright (c) 2015 Riverbank Computing Limited <info@riverbankcomputing.com> // // This file is part of PyQt4. // // This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License // version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in // the file LICENSE included in the packaging of this file. Please review the // following information to ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 // requirements will be met: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. // // If you do not wish to use this file under the terms of the GPL version 3.0 // then you may purchase a commercial license. For more information contact // info@riverbankcomputing.com. // // This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE // WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. %If (Qt_4_4_0 -) class QXmlNodeModelIndex { %TypeHeaderCode #include <qabstractxmlnodemodel.h> %End public: QXmlNodeModelIndex(); QXmlNodeModelIndex(const QXmlNodeModelIndex &other); bool operator==(const QXmlNodeModelIndex &other) const; bool operator!=(const QXmlNodeModelIndex &other) const; enum NodeKind { Attribute, Comment, Document, Element, Namespace, ProcessingInstruction, Text, }; enum DocumentOrder { Precedes, Is, Follows, }; qint64 data() const; SIP_PYOBJECT internalPointer() const; %MethodCode sipRes = reinterpret_cast<PyObject *>(sipCpp->internalPointer()); if (!sipRes) sipRes = Py_None; Py_INCREF(sipRes); %End const QAbstractXmlNodeModel *model() const; qint64 additionalData() const; bool isNull() const; long __hash__() const; %MethodCode sipRes = qHash(*sipCpp); %End }; %End %If (Qt_4_4_0 -) class QAbstractXmlNodeModel { %TypeHeaderCode #include <qabstractxmlnodemodel.h> %End public: enum SimpleAxis { Parent, FirstChild, PreviousSibling, NextSibling, }; QAbstractXmlNodeModel(); virtual ~QAbstractXmlNodeModel(); virtual QUrl baseUri(const QXmlNodeModelIndex &ni) const = 0; virtual QUrl documentUri(const QXmlNodeModelIndex &ni) const = 0; virtual QXmlNodeModelIndex::NodeKind kind(const QXmlNodeModelIndex &ni) const = 0; virtual QXmlNodeModelIndex::DocumentOrder compareOrder(const QXmlNodeModelIndex &ni1, const QXmlNodeModelIndex &ni2) const = 0; virtual QXmlNodeModelIndex root(const QXmlNodeModelIndex &n) const = 0; virtual QXmlName name(const QXmlNodeModelIndex &ni) const = 0; virtual QString stringValue(const QXmlNodeModelIndex &n) const = 0; virtual QVariant typedValue(const QXmlNodeModelIndex &n) const = 0; virtual QVector<QXmlName> namespaceBindings(const QXmlNodeModelIndex &n) const = 0; virtual QXmlNodeModelIndex elementById(const QXmlName &NCName) const = 0; virtual QVector<QXmlNodeModelIndex> nodesByIdref(const QXmlName &NCName) const = 0; %If (Qt_4_6_0 -) QSourceLocation sourceLocation(const QXmlNodeModelIndex &index) const; %End protected: virtual QXmlNodeModelIndex nextFromSimpleAxis(QAbstractXmlNodeModel::SimpleAxis axis, const QXmlNodeModelIndex &origin) const = 0; virtual QVector<QXmlNodeModelIndex> attributes(const QXmlNodeModelIndex &element) const = 0; QXmlNodeModelIndex createIndex(qint64 data) const; QXmlNodeModelIndex createIndex(qint64 data, qint64 additionalData) const; QXmlNodeModelIndex createIndex(SIP_PYOBJECT pointer, qint64 additionalData = 0) const [QXmlNodeModelIndex (void *pointer, qint64 additionalData = 0)]; private: QAbstractXmlNodeModel(const QAbstractXmlNodeModel &); }; %End %If (Qt_4_4_0 -) class QXmlItem { %TypeHeaderCode #include <qabstractxmlnodemodel.h> %End public: QXmlItem(); QXmlItem(const QXmlItem &other); QXmlItem(const QXmlNodeModelIndex &node); QXmlItem(const QVariant &atomicValue); ~QXmlItem(); bool isNull() const; bool isNode() const; bool isAtomicValue() const; QVariant toAtomicValue() const; QXmlNodeModelIndex toNodeModelIndex() const; }; %End