""" CCP4DbApi.py: CCP4 GUI Project Copyright (C) 2011 University of York This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3, modified in accordance with the provisions of the license to address the requirements of UK law. You should have received a copy of the modified GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library. If not, copies may be downloaded from http://www.ccp4.ac.uk/ccp4license.php This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. """ """ Initially based on code from by George Pelios at Diamond - version from 15 July 2010 Liz Potterton Mar 2011 - Imported into CCP4i2 and radically rewritten """ import sqlite3 import os, re, types,sys, traceback,copy import CCP4Config from CCP4ErrorHandling import * if CCP4Config.QT(): from CCP4QtObject import CObject else: from CCP4Object import CObject def isAlive(qobj): import sip try: sip.unwrapinstance(qobj) except RuntimeError: return False except: return False return True USE_PERFORMANCE_CLASSES = True UUIDTYPE = str PRIVILEGE_NONE = 0 PRIVILEGE_READ = 1 PRIVILEGE_COMMENT = 2 PRIVILEGE_WRITE = 3 PRIVILEGE_DELETE = 4 PRIVILEGE_PROJECT = 5 PRIVILEGE_EXTEND = 6 JOB_STATUS_UNKNOWN = 0 JOB_STATUS_PENDING = 1 JOB_STATUS_QUEUED = 2 JOB_STATUS_RUNNING = 3 JOB_STATUS_INTERRUPTED = 4 JOB_STATUS_FAILED = 5 JOB_STATUS_FINISHED = 6 JOB_STATUS_REMOTE = 7 JOB_STATUS_FILE_HOLDER = 8 JOB_STATUS_TO_DELETE = 9 JOB_STATUS_UNSATISFACTORY = 10 USER_ROLE_UNKNOWN = 0 USER_ROLE_MANAGER = 1 USER_ROLE_OWNER = 2 USER_ROLE_USER = 3 USER_ROLE_REMOVED = 4 JOB_STATUS_TEXT = ['Unknown','Pending','Queued','Running','Interrupted','Failed','Finished','Running remotely','File holder','To delete','Unsatisfactory'] FINISHED_JOB_STATUS = ['Finished','Interrupted','To delete','Unsatisfactory'] JOB_EVALUATION_TEXT = ['Unknown','Best','Good','Rejected'] USER_AGENT_TEXT = ['Unknown','CCP4i2','CCP4mg','Coot'] FILETYPES_TEXT = ['Unknown','application/CCP4-seq','chemical/x-pdb','MultiPDB','application/CCP4-mtz', 'application/CCP4-unmerged-mtz','application/CCP4-unmerged-experimental','application/CCP4-map','application/refmac-dictionary','application/refmac-TLS', 'application/CCP4-mtz-freerflag','application/CCP4-mtz-observed','application/CCP4-mtz-phases','application/CCP4-mtz-map','','application/CCP4-seqalign','application/CCP4-mtz-mini', 'application/coot-script', 'application/refmac-external-restraints','application/CCP4-scene','application/CCP4-shelx-FA','application/phaser-sol','chemical/x-mdl-molfile','application/iMosflm-xml',"application/CCP4-image",'application/CCP4-generic-reflections', 'application/HHPred-alignments','application/Blast-alignments','chemical/x-pdb-ensemble'] FILETYPES_CLASS = ['DataFile','SeqDataFile','PdbDataFile','','MtzDataFile', 'MtzDataFile','UnmergedDataFile','MapDataFile','DictDataFile','TLSDataFile', 'FreeRDataFile','ObsDataFile','PhsDataFile','MapCoeffsDataFile','','SeqAlignDataFile','MiniMtzDataFile', 'CootHistoryDataFile', 'RefmacRestraintsDataFile','SceneDataFile','ShelxFADataFile','PhaserSolDataFile','MDLMolDataFile','ImosflmXmlDataFile', 'ImageFile','GenericReflDataFile','HhpredDataFile','BlastDataFile','EnsemblePdbDataFile' ] MINIMTZFILETYPES = [10,11,12,13] FILE_ROLE_OUT = 0 FILE_ROLE_IN = 1 FILE_ROLE_IMPORT = 2 PATH_FLAG_JOB_DIR = 1 PATH_FLAG_IMPORT_DIR = 2 FILETYPELIST = [ (0,'Unknown','File type unknown'), (1,'application/CCP4-seq','Model sequence'), (2,'chemical/x-pdb','Model coordinates'), (3,'MultiPDB','Multiple model coordinates'), (4,'application/CCP4-mtz','Merged experimental data'), (5,'application/CCP4-mtz-unmerged','Unmerged experimental data'), (6,'application/CCP4-unmerged-experimental','Unmerged experimental data any format'), (7,'application/CCP4-map','Electron density map'), (8,'application/refmac-dictionary','Refmac dictionary'), (9,'application/refmac-TLS','Refmac TLS'), (10,'application/CCP4-mtz-freerflag','FreeR flag'), (11,'application/CCP4-mtz-observed','Observed intensities and structure factors'), (12,'application/CCP4-mtz-phases','Phases'), (13,'application/CCP4-mtz-map','Map coefficients'), (14,'Dummy','Dummy'), (15,'application/CCP4-seqalign', 'Sequence alignment' ), (16,'application/CCP4-mtz-mini','Experimental data object'), (17,'application/coot-script','Coot script'), (18,'application/refmac-external-restraints','Refmac external restraints'), (19,'application/CCP4-scene','CCP4mg scene file'), (20,'application/CCP4-shelx-FA','Shelx FA'), (21,'application/phaser-sol','Phaser solutions'), (22,'chemical/x-mdl-molfile','MDL Molfile'), (23,'application/iMosflm-xml','iMosflm data'), (24,'application/CCP4-image','Image file'), (25,'application/CCP4-generic-reflections','Merged reflection data'), (26,'application/CCP4-HHPred-alignments','HHPred sequence search results'), (27,'application/CCP4-Blast-alignments','Blast sequence search results'), (28,'chemical/x-pdb-ensemble','Ensemble model coordinates') ] KEYTYPELIST = [ (0,'Unknown','Key type unknown'), (1,'RFactor','R Factor'), (2,'RFree','Free R Factor'), (3,'completeness','model completeness'), (4, 'spaceGroup','space group'), (5, 'highResLimit', 'high resolution limit'), (6, 'rMeas', 'Rmeas data consistency'), (7,'FOM','figure of merit of phases'), (8,'CFOM','correlation FOM'), (9,'Hand1Score','Hand 1 score'), (10,'Hand2Score','Hand 2 score'), (11,'CC','correlation coefficient between Fo and Fc'), (12,'nAtoms','number of atoms in model'), (13,'nResidues','number of residues in model'), (14,'phaseError','phase error'), (15,'weightedPhaseError','weighted phase error'), (16,'reflectionCorrelation','reflection correlation'), (17,'RMSxyz','RMS displacement'), ] FILEASSOCIATIONTYPELIST = [ (0,'Unknown','File assocaition type unknown'), (1,'Observed-Free','Observed data and FreeR set') ] FILEASSOCIATIONROLELIST = [ (0,'Unknown','File assocaition role unknown',0), (1,'Observed data','Observed data',1), (2,'FreeR set','FreeR set',1) ] class CDbApi(CObject): '''The main API class for the CCP4DB database''' ERROR_CODES = { 101 : { 'description' : 'Error connecting to database' }, 102 : { 'description' : 'Error creating database cursor' }, 103 : { 'description' : 'Database commit called when there is no open connection' }, 104 : { 'description' : 'Error in database commit', 'severity' : SEVERITY_CRITICAL }, 105 : { 'description' : 'Error reading SQL file' }, 106 : { 'description' : 'Attempting operation for which do not have pivilege' }, 107 : { 'description' : 'User name known but no longer has access privilege' }, 108 : { 'description' : 'Unable to retreive permissions for project and user' }, 109 : { 'description' : 'Error enabling foreign keys in sqlite' }, 110 : { 'description' : 'There is already project with same name in database' }, 111 : { 'description' : 'There is no project with this name in database' }, 112 : { 'description' : 'User does not have permission to write to project' }, 113 : { 'description' : 'Attempting to create project without giving directory' }, 114 : { 'description' : 'Attempting to access non-existent jobId/fileId' }, 115 : { 'description' : 'Attempting to access non-existent job data type' }, 116 : { 'description' : 'No suitable job status provided' }, 117 : { 'description' : 'Attempting to create project with same directory as existing project' }, 118 : { 'description' : 'Attempting to access non-existent projectId' }, 119 : { 'description' : 'Attempting to access non-existent project data type' }, 120 : { 'description' : 'There is already user with same name in database' }, 121 : { 'description' : 'There is no user with this name in database' }, 122 : { 'description' : 'Attempting to set inappropriate user role' }, 123 : { 'description' : 'Error creating unique next job number for project' }, 124 : { 'description' : 'Error attempting to set inappropriate followFromJobId' }, 125 : { 'description' : 'Attempting to retrieve user info with invalid user id' }, 126 : { 'description' : 'Error retrieve user info with user id' }, 127 : { 'description' : 'Attempting to create file record for file not in job directory' }, 128 : { 'description' : 'Error attempting to test if file is in correct directory' }, 131 : { 'description' : 'Unable to retrieve the project for jobID' }, 132 : { 'description' : 'Can not queue a job if the controlFile is not set or does not exist' }, 133 : { 'description' : 'Error creating/updating directory alias' }, 134 : { 'description' : 'Attempting to access non-existant projectName/jobNumber' }, 135 : { 'description' : 'Attempting to set invalid job control file' }, 136 : { 'description' : 'User does not have permission to view project' }, 137 : { 'description' : 'No job information recovered for this jobId' }, 140 : { 'description' : 'Failed to import QtSql - is Qt installed?' }, 141 : { 'description' : 'Failed to create Qt database connection' }, 142 : { 'description' : 'Failed to connect to database file' }, 143 : { 'description' : 'Created database connection not valid' }, 150 : { 'description' : 'Error executing database query' , 'severity' : SEVERITY_CRITICAL}, 151 : { 'description' : 'Error commiting database query' , 'severity' : SEVERITY_CRITICAL}, 152 : { 'description' : 'Error opening connection to database for command' }, 153 : { 'description' : 'Error creating database transaction for command' }, 154 : { 'description' : 'Error creating database using Qt interface - failed to start Qt application' }, 160 : { 'description' : 'There is already fileType with same name in database' }, 161 : { 'description' : 'Unable to enter filname in database - bad job id' }, 162 : { 'description' : 'Unable to enter filname in database - file does not exist' }, 163 : { 'description' : 'Attempting to use non-existant jobId' }, 164 : { 'description' : 'There is no file type with this name in database' }, 165 : { 'description' : 'There is already a file type with this name in database' }, 166 : { 'description' : 'Invalid value for RoleID when retrieving job file information' }, 167 : { 'description' : 'Invalid value for mode when retrieving job file information' }, 168 : { 'description' : 'Invalid fileId in getFullPath' }, 169 : { 'description' : 'Invalid key name in updateJob' }, 170 : { 'description' : 'Job params file not found' }, 171 : { 'description' : 'Error gleaning file info for job - error creating file record' }, 172 : { 'description' : 'Error gleaning file info for job - error creating fileUse record' }, 173 : { 'severity': SEVERITY_WARNING, 'description' : 'Possible job output file does not exist' }, 174 : { 'description' : 'Calling getProjectInfo with no valid project' }, 175 : { 'description' : 'Attempting to set preceedingJobId with inappropriate jobId' }, 180 : { 'description' : 'Calling getFileInfo with invalid fileId' }, 190 : { 'description' : 'Attempting to set invalid data in a job record' }, 200 : { 'description' : 'Error executing database command' }, 201 : { 'severity': SEVERITY_WARNING, 'description' : 'Invalid key name in updateProject' }, 202 : { 'description' : 'Invalid value data type in updateProject' }, 203 : { 'description' : 'In updateProject setting parent project is already child of this project' }, 211 : { 'description' : 'Error attempting to convert project data to XML' }, 212 : { 'description' : 'Error attempting to write project data to XML file' }, 220 : { 'description' : 'Database has no database version information' }, 221 : { 'description' : 'Database has no schema version information' }, 222 : { 'description' : 'Database is based on out-of-date schema' }, 230 : { 'description' : 'Invalid key name in updateFile' }, 231 : { 'description' : 'Unable to retrieve the project for fileID' }, 240 : { 'description' : 'Attempting to create a Comment with no/invalid jobId' }, 241 : { 'description' : 'Attempting to update a Comment with no/invalid commentId' }, 242 : { 'description' : 'Attempting to delete a Comment with no/invalid commentId' }, 250 : { 'description' : 'Attempting to create file import record with invalid source fileId' }, 251 : { 'description' : 'Attempting to create file import record without source information' }, 252 : { 'description' : 'Attempting to update file import record with invalid key' }, 253 : { 'description' : 'Attempting to create file export record with invalid source fileId' }, 254 : { 'description' : 'Attempting to create file export record with invalid (non-existant?) filename' }, 255 : { 'description' : 'Error attempting to write import file to xml' }, 256 : { 'description' : 'Error attempting to write export file to xml' }, 257 : { 'description' : 'Error opening project xml file' }, 258 : { 'description' : 'Error attempting to get instances of file exports' }, 270 : { 'description' : 'Calling getImportFileInfo with invalid mode' }, 271 : { 'description' : 'Calling getImportFileInfo with invalid importFileId' }, 272 : { 'description' : 'getImportFileInfo can not find imported file in the File table' }, 280 : { 'description' : 'getDatabaseInfo did not find a single database record' }, 290 : { 'description' : 'There is no key type with this name in database' }, 291 : { 'description' : 'There is no file association type with this name in database' }, 292 : { 'description' : 'Project-tag already exists in database' }, 293 : { 'description' : 'Invalid tag update - bad key' }, 294 : { 'description' : 'Atempting to create project tag that already exists' } } DATABASEITEMS = ['databaseid','creationtime','creationhostname','creationusername','schemaversion','schemadate'] DATABASETYPES = [UUIDTYPE,float,str,str,str,str] TIMEFORMAT = '%H:%M %d-%b-%y' USERITEMS = ['userid','username','userroleid'] USERITEMTYPES = [UUIDTYPE,str,int] PROJECTITEMS = ['projectid','projectname','projectcreated','userid','parentprojectid','lastjobnumber','projectdirectory','followfromjobid','lastcleanuptime', 'i1projectname','i1projectdirectory','lastaccess'] PROJECTTYPES = [ UUIDTYPE,str,float,UUIDTYPE,UUIDTYPE,int,str,UUIDTYPE,float,str,str,float] # used in getTablesEtree.. PROJECTITEMS0 = ['projectid','projectname','projectcreated','lastjobnumber','projectdirectory'] PROJECTTYPES0 = [ UUIDTYPE,str,float,int,str] JOBITEMS = ['jobid','jobnumber','creationtime','finishtime','status','evaluation', 'useragent','jobtitle','projectid','taskname','taskversion', 'parentjobid','preceedingjobid','processid'] JOBTYPES = [ UUIDTYPE,str,float,float,int,int, int,str,UUIDTYPE,str,str, UUIDTYPE,UUIDTYPE,int] FILEITEMS = [ 'fileid','filename','jobid','jobparamname','filetypeid','annotation','filesubtype','filecontent','pathflag'] FILETYPES = [UUIDTYPE,str,UUIDTYPE,str,int,str,int,int,int] IMPORTFILEITEMS = ['importid','fileid','creationtime','lastmodifiedtime','checksum','sourcefilename','sourcefileid','exportfileid','annotation','importnumber','reference'] IMPORTFILETYPES = [UUIDTYPE,UUIDTYPE,float,float,str,str,UUIDTYPE,UUIDTYPE,str,int,str] EXPORTFILEITEMS = ['exportid','creationtime','fileid','exportfilename','annotation'] EXPORTFILETYPES = [UUIDTYPE,float,UUIDTYPE,str,str] FILEUSEITEMS = ['fileid','jobid','roleid','jobparamname'] FILEUSETYPES = [ UUIDTYPE,UUIDTYPE,int,str] XDATAITEMS = ['xdataid','xdataclass','jobid','xdataxml'] XDATATYPES = [ UUIDTYPE,str,UUIDTYPE,str] COMMENTITEMS = ['commentid','jobid','userid','timeofcomment','comment'] COMMENTTYPES = [ UUIDTYPE,UUIDTYPE,UUIDTYPE,float,str] PROJECTCOMMENTITEMS = ['projectcommentid','projectid','userid','timeofcomment','comment'] PROJECTCOMMENTTYPES = [ UUIDTYPE,UUIDTYPE,UUIDTYPE,float,str] JOBKEYVALUEITEMS = [ 'jobid','keytypeid','value'] JOBKEYVALUETYPES = [ UUIDTYPE, int, float ] JOBKEYCHARVALUEITEMS = [ 'jobid','keytypeid','value'] JOBKEYCHARVALUETYPES = [ UUIDTYPE, int, str ] FILEASSOCIATIONITEMS = ['fileassociationid', 'fileassociationtypeid','fileassociationname' ] FILEASSOCIATIONTYPES = [ UUIDTYPE, int, str ] FILEASSOCIATIONMEMBERITEMS = [ 'fileassociationid','fileid','fileassociationroleid'] FILEASSOCIATIONMEMBERTYPES = [ UUIDTYPE, UUIDTYPE, int ] PROJECTIMPORTITEMS = ['projectimportid','projectid','projectimporttime','projectexportid','projectexportdatabaseid','projectexporttime','projectexportafter'] PROJECTIMPORTTYPES = [ UUIDTYPE,UUIDTYPE,float,UUIDTYPE,UUIDTYPE,float,float ] TAGITEMS = [ 'tagid', 'parenttagid','text'] TAGTYPES = [UUIDTYPE,UUIDTYPE,str] PROJECTTAGITEMS = [ 'tagid' ,'projectid' ] PROJECTTAGTYPES = [UUIDTYPE,UUIDTYPE] insts = None def __init__(self,parent=None,mode=None,fileName=None,hostName='localhost',userName=None,userPassword=None,createDb=False,**kw): '''initialise CCP4DbApi class''' #print 'CDbApi.__init__ fileName',fileName CObject.__init__(self,parent) # Save te first instance of this class #print 'CDbApi.__init__ insts',CDbApi.insts,'self',self if CDbApi.insts is None: CDbApi.insts = self if mode is None or fileName is None: import CCP4Config mode = CCP4Config.DBMODE() fileName = CCP4Config.DBFILE() if userName is None: userName = CCP4Config.DBUSER() self._schemaVersion = self.getSchemaVersion() print 'Current schema version:',self._schemaVersion if fileName is None: if mode in ['sqlite','qt_sqlite']: import CCP4Utils fileName = os.path.join(CCP4Utils.getDotDirectory(),'db','database.sqlite') if mode in ['qt_sqlite']: # Ensure there is a QApplication - otherwise database drivers don't load import CCP4Modules try: qApp = CCP4Modules.QTAPPLICATION() except: raise CException(self.__class__,154) if userName is None: import CCP4Utils userName = CCP4Utils.getUserId() self._projectList = [] self._dbMode = mode self._fileName=fileName self._hostName=hostName self._userName=userName self._userPassword=userPassword self._userRole = USER_ROLE_UNKNOWN self._preferences = { 'testFileExists' : True, 'useTransaction' : False, 'useImportFileDir' : True } self._conn=None self._cur=None self._open = False # Save record of commands before a commit self._commands = [] self._diagnostic =kw.get('diagnostic',False) # Cache regularly accessed data self._projectPermissions = {} self._projectDirectories = {} self._followFromJob = {} self.openDb(fileName=fileName,createDb=createDb,diagnostic=kw.get('loadDiagnostic',True)) #self.setupBackupJobToXml() #self.connect(self,QtCore.SIGNAL('followFromJobChanged'),self.bleep) def loadFileTypes(self,diagnostic=True): self.execute('SELECT MAX(FiletypeID) FROM Filetypes') fmaxList = self.fetchAll2Py(int) if fmaxList[0] is None: fmax = 0 else: fmax = fmaxList[0] + 1 if fmax 0 ORDER BY CreationTime DESC') rv = self.fetchAll2PyList([str,str]) except: raise CException(self.__class__,220) #print 'CDbApi.validateSchema',rv if len(rv) != 1: raise CException(self.__class__,221) return rv[0] def validateSchemaVersion(self): version,date = self.getDbSchemaVersion() if version != self._schemaVersion[0]: raise CException(self.__class__,222,'Db version: '+str(version)+' current schema version: '+str(self._schemaVersion[0])) def updateDbSchema(self): version,date = self.getDbSchemaVersion() print 'updateDbSchema',version,date if version == '0.1.10': version,date = self.update_0_1_10() if version == '0.1.11': version,date = self.update_0_1_11() if version == '0.1.12': version,date = self.update_0_1_12() if version == '0.1.13': version,date = self.update_0_1_13() if version == '0.1.14': version,date = self.update_0_1_14() if version == '0.1.15': version,date = self.update_0_1_15() if version == '0.1.16': version,date = self.update_0_1_16() if version == '0.1.17': version,date = self.update_0_1_17() if version == '0.1.18': version,date = self.update_0_1_18() if version == '0.1.19': version,date = self.update_0_1_19() if version == '0.1.20': version,date = self.update_0_1_20() if version == '0.1.21': version,date = self.update_0_1_21() self._schemaVersion = version,date def update_0_1_10(self): print 'Updating database from 0.1.10 to 0.1.11 ..' self.execute('ALTER TABLE Files ADD JobParamName VARCHAR(32)') self.execute('ALTER TABLE FileUses ADD JobParamName VARCHAR(32)') self.execute('UPDATE Databases SET SchemaVersion=? , SchemaDate=? WHERE ThisIsMe>0',('0.1.11','23-07-2013')) self.commit() print 'DONE updating database from 0.1.10 to 0.1.11' return ('0.1.11','23-07-2013') def update_0_1_11(self): last = '0.1.11' next = '0.1.12' date = '14-12-2013' print 'Updating database from '+last+' to '+next # The important bit.. self.execute('ALTER TABLE ImportFiles ADD LastModifiedTime REAL') self.execute('UPDATE Databases SET SchemaVersion=? , SchemaDate=? WHERE ThisIsMe>0',(next,date)) self.commit() print 'DONE Updating database from '+last+' to '+next return (next,date) def update_0_1_12(self): last = '0.1.12' next = '0.1.13' date = '06-02-2014' print 'Updating database from '+last+' to '+next # The important bit.. self.execute('ALTER TABLE ImportFiles ADD Checksum VARCHAR(32)') self.execute('UPDATE Databases SET SchemaVersion=? , SchemaDate=? WHERE ThisIsMe>0',(next,date)) self.commit() print 'DONE Updating database from '+last+' to '+next return (next,date) def update_0_1_13(self): last = '0.1.13' next = '0.1.14' date = '07-02-2014' print 'Updating database from '+last+' to '+next # The important bit.. self.execute('ALTER TABLE ImportFiles ADD ImportNumber MEDIUMINT') self.execute('ALTER TABLE ImportFiles ADD Reference TEXT') self.execute('UPDATE Databases SET SchemaVersion=? , SchemaDate=? WHERE ThisIsMe>0',(next,date)) self.commit() print 'DONE Updating database from '+last+' to '+next return (next,date) def update_0_1_14(self): last = '0.1.14' next = '0.1.15' date = '15-05-2014' print 'Updating database from '+last+' to '+next # Oh dear! Here trying to rollback the ADD Userid if the subsequent add constraint fails. # Rollback is not possible due to Python sqlite bug that automatically commits DDL transactions # http://bugs.python.org/issue10740 self.execute('ALTER TABLE Jobs ADD UserId VARCHAR(32) REFERENCES Users (UserId)') self.execute('''CREATE TABLE KeyTypes ( KeyTypeID MEDIUMINT NOT NULL, KeyTypeName VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, KeyTypeDescription TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (KeyTypeID), UNIQUE (KeyTypeID), UNIQUE (KeyTypeName) )''') self.execute('''CREATE TABLE JobKeyValues ( JobID VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, KeyTypeID MEDIUMINT NOT NULL, Value REAL, PRIMARY KEY (JobID,KeyTypeID), FOREIGN KEY (JobId) REFERENCES Jobs (JobId), FOREIGN KEY (KeyTypeId) REFERENCES KeyTypes (KeyTypeId) )''') self.execute('''CREATE TABLE FileAssociationTypes ( FileAssociationTypeID MEDIUMINT NOT NULL, FileAssociationTypeName VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, FileAssociationTypeDescription TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (FileAssociationTypeID), UNIQUE (FileAssociationTypeID), UNIQUE (FileAssociationTypeName) )''') self.execute('''CREATE TABLE FileAssociationRoles ( FileAssociationRoleID MEDIUMINT NOT NULL, FileAssociationTypeID MEDIUMINT NOT NULL, FileAssociationRoleName VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, FileAssociationRoleDescription TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (FileAssociationRoleID), FOREIGN KEY (FileAssociationTypeID) REFERENCES FileAssociationTypes (FileAssociationTypeID), UNIQUE (FileAssociationRoleID), UNIQUE (FileAssociationRoleName) )''') self.execute('''CREATE TABLE FileAssociations ( FileAssociationID VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, FileAssociationTypeId MEDIUMINT NOT NULL, FileAssociationName VARCHAR(50), PRIMARY KEY (FileAssociationId), UNIQUE (FileAssociationId) )''') self.execute('''CREATE TABLE FileAssociationMembers ( FileAssociationID VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, FileID VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, FileAssociationRoleID MEDIUMINT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (FileID,FileAssociationID,FileAssociationRoleID), FOREIGN KEY (FileID) REFERENCES Files (FileID), FOREIGN KEY (FileAssociationID) REFERENCES FileAssociations (FileAssociationID) )''') self.execute('UPDATE Databases SET SchemaVersion=? , SchemaDate=? WHERE ThisIsMe>0',(next,date)) self.commit() print 'DONE Updating database from '+last+' to '+next return (next,date) def update_0_1_15(self): last = '0.1.15' next = '0.1.16' date = '19-08-2014' print 'Updating database from '+last+' to '+next self.execute('''CREATE TABLE JobKeyCharValues ( JobID VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, KeyTypeID MEDIUMINT NOT NULL, Value VARCHAR(255), PRIMARY KEY (JobID,KeyTypeID), FOREIGN KEY (JobId) REFERENCES Jobs (JobId), FOREIGN KEY (KeyTypeId) REFERENCES KeyTypes (KeyTypeId) )''') self.execute('UPDATE Databases SET SchemaVersion=? , SchemaDate=? WHERE ThisIsMe>0',(next,date)) self.commit() print 'DONE Updating database from '+last+' to '+next return (next,date) def update_0_1_16(self): last = '0.1.16' next = '0.1.17' date = '30-01-15' print 'Updating database from '+last+' to '+next self.execute('ALTER TABLE Files ADD PathFlag MEDIUMINT') self.execute('UPDATE Databases SET SchemaVersion=? , SchemaDate=? WHERE ThisIsMe>0',(next,date)) self.commit() print 'DONE Updating database from '+last+' to '+next return (next,date) def update_0_1_17(self): last = '0.1.17' next = '0.1.18' date = '01-03-16' print 'Updating database from '+last+' to '+next self.execute('ALTER TABLE Projects ADD I1ProjectName VARCHAR(100)') self.execute('ALTER TABLE Projects ADD I1ProjectDirectory TEXT') self.execute('UPDATE Databases SET SchemaVersion=? , SchemaDate=? WHERE ThisIsMe>0',(next,date)) self.commit() print 'DONE Updating database from '+last+' to '+next return (next,date) def update_0_1_18(self): last = '0.1.18' next = '0.1.19' date = '09-06-16' print 'Updating database from '+last+' to '+next self.execute('ALTER TABLE Projects ADD LastAccess REAL') self.execute('UPDATE Databases SET SchemaVersion=? , SchemaDate=? WHERE ThisIsMe>0',(next,date)) self.commit() self.setAllProjectsLastAccess() print 'DONE Updating database from '+last+' to '+next return (next,date) def update_0_1_19(self): last = '0.1.19' next = '0.1.20' date = '02-08-16' print 'Updating database from '+last+' to '+next self.execute('ALTER TABLE Jobs ADD ProcessId INT') self.execute('''CREATE TABLE ServerJobs ( JobId VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, ServerProcessId INT, Machine VARCHAR(255), Username VARCHAR(100), Mechanism VARCHAR(32), RemotePath VARCHAR(255), CustomCodeFile VARCHAR(255), Validate VARCHAR(32), KeyFilename VARCHAR(255), PRIMARY KEY(JobId), UNIQUE (JobId), FOREIGN KEY (JobId) REFERENCES Jobs (JobId) ) ; ''' ) self.execute('UPDATE Databases SET SchemaVersion=? , SchemaDate=? WHERE ThisIsMe>0',(next,date)) self.commit() print 'DONE Updating database from '+last+' to '+next return (next,date) def update_0_1_20(self): last = '0.1.20' next = '0.1.21' date = '18-08-16' print 'Updating database from '+last+' to '+next self.execute('ALTER TABLE ServerJobs ADD ServerGroup VARCHAR(32)') self.execute('UPDATE Databases SET SchemaVersion=? , SchemaDate=? WHERE ThisIsMe>0',(next,date)) self.commit() print 'DONE Updating database from '+last+' to '+next return (next,date) def update_0_1_21(self): last = '0.1.21' next = '0.1.22' date = '23-09-16' print 'Updating database from '+last+' to '+next self.execute(''' CREATE TABLE Tags ( TagID VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, ParentTagID VARCHAR(32), Text VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (TagID), FOREIGN KEY (ParentTagID) REFERENCES Tags (TagID) );''') self.execute(''' CREATE TABLE ProjectTags ( TagID VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, ProjectID VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( ProjectID, TagID ), FOREIGN KEY (TagID) REFERENCES Tags (TagID) , FOREIGN KEY (ProjectID) REFERENCES Projects (ProjectID) );''') self.execute(''' CREATE TABLE ProjectComments ( ProjectCommentID VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, ProjectID VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, UserID VARCHAR(255), TimeOfComment FLOAT NOT NULL, Comment TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (ProjectID, ProjectCommentID), FOREIGN KEY (ProjectID) REFERENCES Projects (ProjectID) ) ;''') self.execute('UPDATE Databases SET SchemaVersion=? , SchemaDate=? WHERE ThisIsMe>0',(next,date)) self.commit() print 'DONE Updating database from '+last+' to '+next return (next,date) def validateUser(self,userName,userPassword): try: uid = self.getUserId(userName) except CException as e: # What to do if invalid user! self.close() raise e role = self.getUserRole(userName) if role in [USER_ROLE_UNKNOWN,USER_ROLE_REMOVED]: raise CException(self.__class__,107,userName) def close(self): #print 'cDBApi.close',self._dbMode if self._dbMode == 'sqlite': if self._cur is not None: self._cur.close() self._cur = None else: if self._open: self._conn.close() self._open = False if self._conn is not None: from PyQt4 import QtSql QtSql.QSqlDatabase.removeDatabase('CCP4DB') self._conn = None def connection(self): if self._dbMode == 'sqlite': if self._conn is None: try: # MN added check_same_thread=False....A SERIOUS FIXME IF WE DEVELOP WEB ACCESS TO PROJECT DATA self._conn = sqlite3.connect(self._fileName,5.0,1, check_same_thread = False) except Exception as e: raise CException(self.__class__,101,self._fileName+'\nError:'+str(e)) try: self.execute('PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON') except Exception as e: raise CException(self.__class__,109,'Error:'+str(e)) try: self.execute('PRAGMA synchronous=OFF') # self.execute('PRAGMA locking_mode = EXCLUSIVE') self.execute('PRAGMA page_size=4096') self.execute('PRAGMA temp_store=MEMORY') self.execute('PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL') self.execute('PRAGMA count_changes=OFF') self.execute('PRAGMA cache_size=80000') self.execute('PRAGMA default_cache_size=80000') except Exception as e: raise CException(self.__class__,109,'Error:'+str(e)) return self._conn else: try: from PyQt4 import QtSql except: raise CException(self.__class__,140) self._conn = QtSql.QSqlDatabase.database('CCP4DB') if not self._conn.isValid(): try: self._conn = QtSql.QSqlDatabase.addDatabase('QSQLITE','CCP4DB') except Exception as e: raise CException(self.__class__,141,'Error:'+str(e)) try: self._conn.setDatabaseName(self._fileName) except Exception as e: raise CException(self.__class__,142,self._fileName+'\nError:'+str(e)) if not self._conn.isValid(): raise CException(self.__class__,143,self._fileName) #self._preferences['useTransaction'] = self._conn.driver().hasFeature(QtSql.QSqlDriver.Transactions) return self._conn def openDb(self,fileName=None,createDb=False,diagnostic=True): if self._conn is not None: self._conn.close() self._conn = None self._fileName = None if fileName is None: return if os.path.exists(fileName): print 'CCP4i2 opening database file',fileName elif createDb: print 'CCP4i2 creating database file',fileName else: print 'CCP4i2 can not open non-existant database',fileName return self._fileName = fileName if not os.path.exists(fileName): self.loadSchema() self._userRole = USER_ROLE_OWNER # Need to side-step the usual checks uid = self.uniqueId(table='Users',identifier='UserID') dbid = self.uniqueId(table='Databases',identifier='DatabaseID') try: import CCP4Utils hostName = CCP4Utils.getHostName() except: hostName=None self.execute("INSERT INTO Users (UserId,UserName,UserPassword,UserRoleID) VALUES( ?,?,?,?)", (uid,self._userName,self.encodePassword(self._userPassword),self._userRole) ) self.execute("INSERT INTO Databases (DatabaseId,SchemaVersion,SchemaDate,CreationTime,CreationUserName,CreationHostName,ThisIsMe) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", (dbid,self._schemaVersion[0],self._schemaVersion[1],self.currentTime(),self._userName,hostName,1)) self.commit() else: self.updateDbSchema() self.validateSchemaVersion() self.validateUser(self._userName,self._userPassword) self._userRole = self.getUserRole(self._userName) self.loadFileTypes(diagnostic=diagnostic) self.loadKeyTypes(diagnostic=diagnostic) self.loadJobStatus(diagnostic=diagnostic) #Add a commit here, since any or all of the above might have caused execution of SQL commands self.commit() def commit(self): if self._diagnostic: import traceback print 'Commit from',traceback.extract_stack(limit=2)[-2][2] if self._conn is None: raise CException(self.__class__,103) if self._dbMode == 'sqlite': try: self._conn.commit() self.close() except Exception as e: raise CException(self.__class__,104,str(self._commands)+'\nError:'+str(e)) self._commands = [] self._cur = None else: if self._preferences['useTransaction'] and len(self._commands)>0: rv = self._conn.commit() if not rv: raise CException(self.__class__,151,str(self._commands)) self._commands = [] self._conn.close() self._open = False def rollback(self): if self._dbMode == 'sqlite': try: self._conn.rollback() except: print 'Error in CDbApi.rollback' def read(self,fileName): import CCP4Utils #print 'CDbApi.read',fileName try: text = CCP4Utils.readFile(fileName) except Exception as e: raise CException(self.__class__,105,fileName+'\nError:'+str(e)) if self._dbMode == 'sqlite': self.connection().executescript(text) self.commit() else: comList = text.split(';') for com0 in comList[0:-1]: #print com0 com = re.sub('\n','',com0) self.execute(com) self.commit() def setDiagnostic(self,mode=False): if mode in (True,False): self._diagnostic = mode def execute(self,com,args=[]): if self._diagnostic: print 'CDbApi.execute:',com,args self._commands.append((com,args)) if self._dbMode == 'sqlite': try: #if self._diagnostic: print 'connection().execute(com,args)' self._cur=self.connection().execute(com,args) #if self._diagnostic: print 'DONE connection().execute(com,args)' except Exception as e: if str(e).count('database') and str(e).count('locked'): # This probably wont work as it is a different process that has the lock print '****CDbApi ERROR - trying to handle locked database' self.commit() self.close() #self.openDb(fileName=self.fileName) try: self._cur=self.connection().execute(com,args) print '****CDbApi apparently OK on retry' except: print '****CDbApi ERROR on retry:',e print 'Excecuting:',com,args if self._diagnostic: traceback.print_stack() raise e else: print 'CDbApi ERROR',e print 'Excecuting:',com,args if self._diagnostic: traceback.print_stack() raise e else: if not self._open: rv = self.connection().open() if not rv: raise CException(self.__class__,152,com+' '+str(args),stack=False) if self._preferences['useTransaction']: rv = self.connection().transaction() if not rv: raise CException(self.__class__,153,com+' '+str(args),stack=False) self._open = True from PyQt4 import QtSql,QtCore if len(args) == 0: self._query = self.connection().exec_(com) else: self._query = QtSql.QSqlQuery(com,self._conn) for item in args: if item is None: self._query.addBindValue(QtCore.QVariant(QtCore.QVariant.String)) else: self._query.addBindValue(QtCore.QVariant(item)) self._query.exec_() lastError = self._query.lastError() if lastError.type() != QtSql.QSqlError.NoError: # TODO better error reporting print 'execute isValid',self._query.isValid() raise CException(self.__class__,150,'Code: '+str(lastError.type())+' '+com+' '+str(args)) def fetchAll(self): if self._dbMode == 'sqlite': if self._cur is None: return [] else: sqlList = self._cur.fetchall() self.close() if self._diagnostic: print 'CDbApi.fetchAll',sqlList return sqlList else: pass def fetchAll2Py(self,toType=str): pyList = [] if self._dbMode == 'sqlite': if self._cur is None: return [] else: sqlList = self._cur.fetchall() self.close() for row in sqlList: if row[0] is None: pyList.append(None) else: pyList.append(toType(row[0])) #print 'CDbApi.fetchAll2Py',pyList return pyList else: while self._query.next(): qVal = self._query.value(0) if qVal.isValid(): try: pyVal = toType(qVal.toString()) except: pyVal = None else: pyVal = None pyList.append(pyVal) #print 'CDbApi.fetchAll2Py',pyList return pyList def fetchAll2PyList(self,toType=[str]): pyList = [] if self._dbMode == 'sqlite': if self._cur is None: return [] else: sqlList = self._cur.fetchall() self.close() pyList = [] for row in sqlList: pyRow = [] for ii in range(len(row)): if row[ii] is None: pyRow.append(None) else: try: pyRow.append(toType[ii](row[ii])) except: print 'ERROR in CCP4DbApi.fetchAll2PyList',row,toType,ii import traceback traceback.print_stack(limit=5) pyRow.append(None) pyList.append(pyRow) return pyList else: while self._query.next(): pyRow = [] for ii in range(len(toType)): qVal = self._query.value(ii) if qVal.isValid(): try: pyVal = toType[ii](qVal.toString()) except: pyVal = None pyRow.append(pyVal) else: pyRow.append(None) pyList.append(pyRow) return pyList def idExists(self,idValue=None,table=None,idName=None): if idName is None: idName = { 'ImportFiles' : 'ImportID', 'ExportFiles' : 'ExportID' }.get(table,None) if idName is None: if table[-1] == 's': idName = table[0:-1]+'ID' else: idName = table+'ID' self.execute('SELECT '+idName+' FROM '+table+' WHERE '+idName+'=?',(idValue,)) rv = self.fetchAll2Py(UUIDTYPE) if len(rv)==1: return True else: return False def setupBackupJobToXml(self): import functools self.connectSignal(self,'jobCreated',functools.partial(self.backupJobToXml,'jobCreated')) self.connectSignal(self,'jobUpdated',functools.partial(self.backupJobToXml,'jobUpdated')) self.connectSignal(self,'importFileCreated',functools.partial(self.backupJobToXml,'importFileCreated')) self.connectSignal(self,'importFileUpdated',functools.partial(self.backupJobToXml,'importFileUpdated')) self.connectSignal(self,'exportFileCreated',functools.partial(self.backupJobToXml,'exportFileCreated')) self.connectSignal(self,'commentEdited',functools.partial(self.backupJobToXml,'commentEdited')) self.connectSignal(self,'commentDeleted',functools.partial(self.backupJobToXml,'commentDeleted')) def backupJobToXml(self,signal,args): import CCP4DbUtils #print 'CDbApi.backupJobToXml',signal,args if signal == 'jobUpdated': if not args['key'] in ['preceedingjob','title','evaluation']: return jobId = args['jobId'] jobInfo = self.getJobInfo(jobId=jobId,mode=['jobnumber','projectname','taskname']) jobDirectory = self.jobDirectory(jobId=jobId) backup = CCP4DbUtils.CJobDbBackup(jobId=jobId,jobNumber=jobInfo['jobnumber'],taskName=jobInfo['taskname'], jobDirectory=jobDirectory,projectName=jobInfo['projectname']) if signal == 'jobUpdated': backup.updateJob(key=args['key'],value=args['value']) backup.save() if signal in [ 'importFileCreated','importFileUpdated']: importInfo = self.getImportFileInfo(importId=args['importId']) backup.editImportFile(fileId=importInfo.get('fileid',None),importId=args['importId'], sourceFileName=importInfo.get('sourcefilename',None),annotation=importInfo.get('annotation',None), creationTime=importInfo.get('creationtime',None)) backup.save() if signal in [ 'exportFileCreated']: exportInfo = self.getExportFileInfo(exportId=args['exportId']) #print 'backupJobToXml exportInfo',exportInfo backup.editExportFile(fileId=exportInfo.get('fileid',None),exportId=args['exportId'], exportFileName=exportInfo.get('exportfilename',None),creationTime=exportInfo.get('creationtime',None)) backup.save() if signal in ['commentEdited']: commentInfo = self.getCommentInfo(commentId=args['commentId']) backup.editComment(commentId=args['commentId'],userName=commentInfo.get('username',None), timeOfComment=commentInfo.get('timeofcomment',None),comment=commentInfo.get('comment',None)) backup.save() def uniqueId(self,table,identifier): #print 'uniqueId',table,identifier import uuid return uuid.uuid1().hex def integerId(self,table,identifier): self.execute('SELECT LastID FROM LastUniqueIds WHERE TableName=?',(table,)) rv = self.fetchAll2Py(int) if len(rv) == 1: newValue = rv[0] + 1 self.execute('UPDATE LastUniqueIds SET LastID=? WHERE TableName=?',(newValue,table,)) return newValue else: args = (identifier,table) self.execute('SELECT '+identifier+' FROM '+table+' ORDER BY '+identifier) l = self.fetchAll2Py(toType=int) if len(l)==0: newValue = 1 else: newValue = l[-1]+1 self.execute('INSERT INTO LastUniqueIds (TableName,LastID) VALUES (?,?)',(table,newValue)) return newValue def createUser(self,userName,userPassword=None,userRole=USER_ROLE_USER): if not self._userRole in [USER_ROLE_MANAGER,USER_ROLE_OWNER]: raise CException(self.__class__,106,'You are '+self._userName+' calling createUser') try: self.getUserId(userName) except: pass else: # Already id for this userName - bad raise CException(self.__class__,120,userName) uniqueID = self.uniqueId(table='Users',identifier='UserID') if not userRole in [USER_ROLE_MANAGER,USER_ROLE_OWNER,USER_ROLE_USER]: raise CException(self.__class__,122,userName) self.execute("INSERT INTO Users (UserId,UserName,UserPassword,UserRoleID) VALUES( ?,?,?,?)", (uniqueID,userName,self.encodePassword(userPassword),userRole) ) self.commit() return uniqueID def encodePassword(self,userPassword=None): if userPassword is None or userPassword=='': return None else: ''' import hashlib m = hashlib.md5() m.update(userPassword.encode()) userPasswordhexdigest=m.hexdigest() #print ("%s" % userPasswordhexdigest) return userPasswordhexdigest ''' return userPassword def getUserInfo(self,userId=None,mode='all',userName=None): if userId is None and userName is not None: userId = self.getUserId(userName) if userId is None: raise CException(self.__class__,124) # permission??? if mode == 'all': itemList = [] itemList.extend(self.USERITEMS) elif not isinstance(mode,types.ListType): itemList = [mode.lower()] else: itemList = [] for item in mode: itemList.append(item.lower()) selcom = "SELECT " typeConv = [] for item in itemList: try: ii = self.USERITEMS.index(item) selcom = selcom + item +', ' typeConv.append(self.USERITEMTYPES[ii]) except: pass selcom = selcom[0:-2] + " FROM Users WHERE UserID=?" self.execute(selcom,(userId,)) rv = self.fetchAll2PyList(typeConv) #print 'getUserInfo rv',rv if len(rv) != 1: raise CException(self.__class__,125,str(userId)) else: if len(itemList)==1: # Just return the value if only one item requested return rv[0][0] else: # Return multiple items as a dictionary ret = {} i = -1 for itemName in itemList: i = i + 1 ret[itemName] = rv[0][i] return ret def getUserId(self,userName): u = (userName,) self.execute('SELECT UserID FROM Users WHERE UserName = ?',u) rv = self.fetchAll2Py(UUIDTYPE) if len(rv)!=1: raise CException(self.__class__,121,userName,stack=False) else: return rv[0] def getUserRole(self,userName): u = (userName,) self.execute('SELECT UserRoleID FROM Users WHERE UserName = ?',u) rv = self.fetchAll2Py(int) if len(rv)==0: raise CException(self.__class__,121,userName) else: return rv[0] def updateUser(self,userName,newUserName=None,userPassword=None, userRole=None): '''run an UPDATE query to update an info on a user in the Users table.''' if not self._userRole in (USER_ROLE_MANAGER,USER_ROLE_OWNER): raise CException(self.__class__,106) #'You are '+str(self._userName)+' calling updateUser') userId = self.getUserId(userName) if newUserName is not None: try: newId = self.getUserId(newUserName) except: pass else: raise CException(self.__class__,120,newUserName) args = (newUserName,userId,) self.execute("UPDATE Users SET userName= ? WHERE userID= ?",args) if userPassword is not None: args = (self.encodePassword(userPassword),userId,) self.execute("UPDATE Users SET userPassword= ? WHERE userID= ?",args) if userRole is not None: # It must be one of allowed roles if not userRole in [USER_ROLE_MANAGER,USER_ROLE_OWNER,USER_ROLE_USER,USER_ROLE_REMOVED]: raise CException(self.__class__,122,userName) args = (userRole,userId,) self.execute("UPDATE Users SET userRoleID= ? WHERE userID= ?",args) self.commit() self._userName = newUserName def listUsers(self,toTerm=False): self.execute("SELECT UserID, UserName, UserRoleID FROM Users") userList = self.fetchAll2PyList([UUIDTYPE,str,int]) if toTerm: print 'listUsers' for item in userList: print (item) return userList def deleteUser(self,userName): '''Set userRole to USER_ROLE_REMOVED - safer than removing the record completely ''' if not self._userRole in [USER_ROLE_MANAGER,USER_ROLE_OWNER]: raise CException(self.__class__,106,'You are '+self._userName+' calling deleteUser') userId = self.getUserId(userName) args = (USER_ROLE_REMOVED,userId,) self.execute("UPDATE Users SET userRoleID= ? WHERE userID= ?",args) self.commit() def timeString(self,machineTime): import time return time.strftime(self.TIMEFORMAT,time.localtime(machineTime)) def timeIsToday(self,machineTime): import time # Convert to 'year day' to return time.strftime('%y %j',time.localtime(machineTime)) == time.strftime('%y %j',time.localtime(time.time())) def matchProjectDirectory(self,directory=None,testAliases=False): '''Is there a project with this directory already in the database''' import os,CCP4Utils if directory is None: return None,None,None self.execute('SELECT ProjectID, ProjectName, ProjectDirectory FROM Projects') dirList = self.fetchAll2PyList([UUIDTYPE,str,str]) dirIn = os.path.abspath(directory) bestResult = [None,None,None,999] for ProjectID, ProjectName, ProjectDirectory in dirList: try: relPath = os.path.relpath(dirIn,ProjectDirectory) except: pass else: if relPath == '.': return ProjectID,ProjectName,None elif relPath[0:2] != '..': nSubDir = CCP4Utils.splitPath(relPath) if nSubDir0 and lastFinish[0] is not None: if len(lastCreation)>0 and lastCreation[0] is not None: return max(lastFinish[0],lastCreation[0]) else: return lastFinish[0] elif len(lastCreation)>0 and lastCreation[0] is not None: return lastCreation[0] else: return 0.0 itemList = [] extraItemList = [] if mode == 'all': itemList.extend(self.PROJECTITEMS) elif not isinstance(mode,types.ListType): itemList = [mode.lower()] else: for item in mode: item0 = item.lower() if item0 in self.PROJECTITEMS: itemList.append(item0) else: extraItemList.append(item0) ret = {} selcom = "SELECT " conv = [] for item in itemList: selcom = selcom + item +', ' conv.append(self.PROJECTTYPES[self.PROJECTITEMS.index(item)]) selcom = selcom[0:-2] + " FROM Projects WHERE ProjectID =?" #print 'getProjectInfo selcom',selcom self.execute(selcom,(projectId,)) rv = self.fetchAll2PyList(conv) if len(rv) != 1: raise CException(self.__class__,118,str(projectId)) else: ii = -1 for item in itemList: ii = ii + 1 ret[item] = rv[0][ii] if len(extraItemList)==0: if len(itemList) == 1: return ret[itemList[0]] else: return ret if 'parentprojectname' in extraItemList: self.execute('SELECT parentprojectid FROM Projects WHERE ProjectID =?',(projectId,)) rv = self.fetchAll2Py(UUIDTYPE) if len(rv)!=1: raise CException(self.__class__,118,str(projectId)) elif rv[0] is None: ret['parentprojectname'] = None else: ret['parentprojectname'] = self.getProjectInfo(rv[0],'projectname') elif 'childprojects' in extraItemList : ret['childprojects'] = self._getChildProjects(projectId,False) elif 'decendantprojects' in extraItemList: ret['decendantprojects'] = self._getChildProjects(projectId,True) if len(itemList)==0 and len(extraItemList)==1: return ret[extraItemList[0]] else: return ret def getProjectJobSearchInfo(self,projectId,topOnly=True): com = 'SELECT DISTINCT TaskName FROM Jobs WHERE ProjectId = ?' if topOnly: com = com + ' AND ParentJobId IS NULL' self.execute(com,(projectId,)) taskNameList = self.fetchAll2Py(str) self.execute('SELECT MIN(FinishTime) FROM Jobs WHERE Jobs.ProjectId = ? AND ParentJobId IS NULL',(projectId,)) minTime = self.fetchAll2Py(int) self.execute('SELECT MAX(FinishTime) FROM Jobs WHERE Jobs.ProjectId = ? AND ParentJobId IS NULL',(projectId,)) maxTime = self.fetchAll2Py(int) print 'getProjectJobSearchInfo minTime',minTime,type(minTime) return { 'taskNameList' : taskNameList, 'minTime' : minTime[0], 'maxTime' : maxTime[0] } def getProjectJobsByFileType(self,projectId,fileTypeId=None): self.execute('''SELECT DISTINCT Jobs.JobNumber, Jobs.JobId, Jobs.TaskName, Jobs.CreationTime FROM Jobs INNER JOIN Files ON Files.JobId = Jobs.JobId WHERE Jobs.ProjectId = ? AND Jobs.ParentJobId IS NULL AND Files.FileTypeId = ? UNION SELECT DISTINCT Jobs.JobNumber, Jobs.JobId, Jobs.TaskName,Jobs.CreationTime FROM Jobs INNER JOIN FileUses ON FileUses.JobId = Jobs.JobId INNER JOIN Files ON FileUses.FileId = Files.FileId WHERE Jobs.ProjectId = ? AND Jobs.ParentJobId IS NULL AND Files.FileTypeId = ? AND FileUses.RoleId = 1 ORDER BY Jobs.CreationTime''', (projectId,fileTypeId,projectId,fileTypeId)) jobList = self.fetchAll2PyList([str,str,str,float]) return jobList def loadTaskTitleTable(self,inputList): '''Load task shorttitles to temporary table for searching''' self.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS TempTaskTitles ( TaskName VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, TaskTitle TEXT );''') self.execute('DELETE FROM TempTaskTitles;') self.commit() for taskName,title in inputList: self.execute('INSERT INTO TempTaskTitles (TaskName,TaskTitle) VALUES (?,?)',(taskName,title)) self.commit() def projectJobSearch(self,projectId,topOnly=True,searchParams={}): jobList = [] args = [projectId] print 'projectJobSearch searchParams',searchParams if searchParams.get('searchText',None) is None: com = 'SELECT Jobs.JobId,Jobs.JobNumber FROM Jobs WHERE Jobs.ProjectId = ?' else: com = '''SELECT Jobs.JobId,Jobs.JobNumber FROM Jobs LEFT OUTER JOIN Comments ON Comments.JobId=Jobs.JobId LEFT OUTER JOIN TempTaskTitles ON TempTaskTitles.TaskName = Jobs.TaskName WHERE Jobs.ProjectId = ? ''' if topOnly: com = com + ' AND Jobs.ParentJobId IS NULL' if searchParams.get('taskName',None) is not None: if not isinstance(searchParams['taskName'],list): com = com + ' AND Jobs.TaskName = ?' args.append(searchParams['taskName']) else: com = com + ' AND Jobs.TaskName IN (?' for item in searchParams['taskName'][1:]: com = com+',?' com = com + ')' args.extend(searchParams['taskName']) if searchParams.get('minTime',None) is not None: com = com + ' AND Jobs.FinishTime > ?' args.append(searchParams['minTime']) if searchParams.get('maxTime',None) is not None: com = com + ' AND Jobs.FinishTime < ?' args.append(searchParams['maxTime']) if searchParams.get('searchText',None) is not None: # textSearchMode values 0,1,2 == is, startwith, contains # may need wildcard adding if searchParams.get('textSearchMode',0)>0: if searchParams['searchText'][-1] != '%': searchParams['searchText'] = searchParams['searchText'] + '%' if searchParams['textSearchMode'] == 2 and searchParams['searchText'][0] != '%': searchParams['searchText'] = '%' + searchParams['searchText'] com = com + ' AND ( Jobs.JobTitle LIKE ? OR Comments.Comment LIKE ? OR (Jobs.JobTitle IS NULL AND TempTaskTitles.TaskTitle LIKE ?))' args.append(searchParams['searchText']) args.append(searchParams['searchText']) args.append(searchParams['searchText']) print 'projectJobSearch',com,args self.execute(com,args) jobList = self.fetchAll2PyList([str,str]) print 'projectJobSearch',jobList return jobList def projectSearch(self,searchParams={}): print 'projectSearch searchParams',searchParams args = [] joinTagsComments = """ LEFT OUTER JOIN ProjectComments ON ProjectComments.ProjectId=Projects.ProjectId LEFT OUTER JOIN ProjectTags ON ProjectTags.ProjectId = Projects.ProjectId LEFT OUTER JOIN Tags ON Tags.TagId = ProjectTags.TagId """ joinImportFiles = """ LEFT OUTER JOIN Jobs ON Jobs.ProjectId = Projects.ProjectId LEFT OUTER JOIN Files ON Files.JobId = Jobs.JobId LEFT OUTER JOIN ImportFiles ON ImportFiles.FileId = Files.FileId """ if searchParams.get('parent',None) is not None: com = """WITH RECURSIVE subProjects(n) AS ( VALUES ( '"""+str(searchParams['parent'])+"""' ) UNION SELECT Projects.ProjectId FROM Projects, subProjects WHERE Projects.ParentProjectId=subProjects.n ) SELECT Projects.ProjectId,Projects.ProjectName FROM Projects""" if searchParams.get('searchText',None) is not None: com += joinTagsComments if searchParams.get('importedFile',None) is not None: com += joinImportFiles com += """\nWHERE Projects.ProjectId IN subProjects AND Projects.ProjectId != ?""" args.append(str(searchParams['parent'])) and0 = ' AND' else: com = 'SELECT Projects.ProjectId,Projects.ProjectName FROM Projects' if searchParams.get('searchText',None) is not None: com += joinTagsComments if searchParams.get('importedFile',None) is not None: com +=joinImportFiles com += ' WHERE ' and0 = '' if searchParams.get('useDate',False) and searchParams.get('minTime',None) is not None: if searchParams['dateMode'] in ['active', 'lastAccess']: com = com + and0 + ' Projects.LastAccess > ?' elif searchParams['dateMode'] == 'created': com = com + and0 + ' Projects.ProjectCreated > ?' and0 = ' AND' args.append(searchParams['minTime']) if searchParams.get('useDate',False) and searchParams.get('maxTime',None) is not None: if searchParams['dateMode'] == 'lastAccess': com = com + and0 + ' Projects.LastAccess < ?' elif searchParams['dateMode'] in ['active','created']: com = com + and0 + ' Projects.ProjectCreated < ?' and0 = ' AND' args.append(searchParams['maxTime']) if searchParams.get('importedFile',None) is not None: com = com + and0 + ' ImportFiles.SourceFileName = ?' args.append(searchParams['importedFile']) and0 = ' AND' if searchParams.get('projectDir',None) is not None: com = com + and0 + ' Projects.ProjectDirectory = ?' args.append(searchParams['projectDir']) and0 = ' AND' if searchParams.get('searchText',None) is not None: # textSearchMode = 0,1,2 == is, startwith, contains # may need to add wildcard at start/end if searchParams.get('textSearchMode',0)>0: if searchParams['searchText'][-1] != '%': searchParams['searchText'] = searchParams['searchText'] + '%' if searchParams['textSearchMode'] == 2 and searchParams['searchText'][0] != '%': searchParams['searchText'] = '%' + searchParams['searchText'] com1 = '' and1 = '' if searchParams.get('name',True): com1 = 'Projects.ProjectName LIKE ?' and1 = ' OR' args.append(searchParams['searchText']) if searchParams.get('annotation',True): com1 = com1 + and1 + ' ProjectComments.Comment LIKE ?' and1 = ' OR' args.append(searchParams['searchText']) if searchParams.get('tags',True): com1 = com1 + and1 + ' Tags.Text LIKE ?' args.append(searchParams['searchText']) com = com + and0 +' ('+com1+')' print 'projectSearch',com,args self.execute(com,args) retList = self.fetchAll2PyList([str,str]) print 'projectSearch',retList return retList def getProjectSearchInfo(self): self.execute('SELECT DISTINCT p1.ProjectId, p1.ProjectName FROM Projects p1 LEFT OUTER JOIN Projects p2 ON p1.ProjectId = p2.parentProjectId WHERE p2.parentProjectId IS NOT NULL ORDER BY p1.ProjectName') info = { 'parentProjects' : self.fetchAll2PyList([str,str]) } self.execute('SELECT MIN (ProjectCreated), MAX(ProjectCreated), MIN(LastAccess),MAX(LastAccess) FROM Projects') ret = self.fetchAll2PyList([float,float,float,float]) info['projectCreated'] = ret[0][0:2] info['lastAccessed'] = ret[0][2:] print 'getProjectSearchInfo',info self.execute('SELECT DISTINCT TaskName FROM Jobs ORDER BY TaskName') info['taskName'] = self.fetchAll2Py(str) return info def setAllProjectsLastAccess(self): ''' Set the Projects.LastAccess for existing projects when updating to schema 0.1.19''' self.execute('SELECT ProjectId FROM Projects WHERE LastAccess IS NULL') projectIdList = self.fetchAll2Py(str) for pid in projectIdList: self.execute('UPDATE Projects SET LastAccess = ? WHERE ProjectId = ?',(self.getProjectInfo(pid,'lastjobaccesstime'),pid)) self.commit() def updateProjectLastAcess(self,closingProjectId=None,openProjectIdList=[]): t = self.currentTime() self.execute('UPDATE Projects SET LastAccess = ? WHERE ProjectId = ?',(t,closingProjectId)) for pid in openProjectIdList: self.execute('UPDATE Projects SET LastAccess = ? WHERE ProjectId = ?',(t+1.0,pid)) self.commit() def resetLastJobNumber(self,projectId,commit=True): self.execute('SELECT JobNumber FROM Jobs WHERE ProjectId = ? AND ParentJobId IS NULL',(projectId,)) # Misusing fetchAll2Py to return the job numbers as ints # MN: THis fails if we have a doubly nested job (117.8.1) #PRopose we retrieve as string, and then see if we need to split jobNumListAsStr = self.fetchAll2Py(str) jobNumList = [int(jobNum.split('.')[0]) for jobNum in jobNumListAsStr] if len(jobNumList) == 0: maxJobNum = 0 else: maxJobNum = max(jobNumList) #print 'resetLastJobNumber',jobNumList,maxJobNum self.execute('UPDATE Projects SET LastJobNumber = ? WHERE ProjectId = ?',(str(maxJobNum),projectId)) if commit: self.commit() def _getChildProjects(self,projectId,recurse=False): self.execute('SELECT ProjectID FROM Projects WHERE ParentProjectID =?',(projectId,)) rv = self.fetchAll2Py(UUIDTYPE) if not recurse: return rv else: retval = [] for pid in rv: retval.append(pid) children = self._getChildProjects(pid,True) retval.extend(children) return retval def getProjectId(self,projectName=None): #print 'CDbApi.getProjectId',projectName,type(projectName) if projectName is None: raise CException(self.__class__,111,str(projectName)) u = (str(projectName),) self.execute('SELECT ProjectID FROM Projects WHERE ProjectName = ?',u) rv = self.fetchAll2Py(UUIDTYPE) if len(rv)==0: raise CException(self.__class__,111,str(projectName)) else: return rv[0] def getProjectUnfinishedJobs(self,projectId=None): self.execute('SELECT JobId FROM JOBS WHERE ProjectId=? AND Status != ?',(str(projectId),JOB_STATUS_FINISHED)) rv = self.fetchAll2Py(UUIDTYPE) return rv def getProjectPermission(self,projectId=None,userName=None,projectName=None,jobId=None): return 4 if projectName is None and projectId is None and jobId is not None: projectId = self.getJobInfo(jobId,'projectid') # Is it cached? if projectName is not None: permission = self._projectPermissions.get(userName,{}).get(projectName,None) else: permission = self._projectPermissions.get(userName,{}).get(projectId,None) if permission is not None: return permission # Retrieve from database if projectId is None: if projectName is not None: projectId = self.getProjectId(projectName) if userName is None: userName = self._userName userId = self.getUserId(userName) #print 'getProjectPermission userName,userId',userName,userId,type(userId),'projectId',projectId,type(projectId) arg = (UUIDTYPE(projectId),userId) self.execute('SELECT PrivilegeID FROM ProjectsUsersPermissions WHERE ProjectID = ? AND UserID = ?',arg) rv = self.fetchAll2Py(int) if len(rv)==0: raise CException(self.__class__,108,'For '+str(projectId)+':'+str(userName)) else: if not self._projectPermissions.has_key(userName): self._projectPermissions[userName] = {} if projectName is not None: self._projectPermissions[userName][projectName] = rv[0] else: self._projectPermissions[userName][projectId] = rv[0] return rv[0] def getProjectDirectory(self,projectId=None,projectName=None,jobId=None): #print 'getProjectDirectory input',projectId,projectName,jobId #print 'getProjectDirectory cache',self._projectDirectories if projectName is None and projectId is None and jobId is not None: projectId = self.getJobInfo(jobId,'projectid') # Is it cached? diry = None if projectId is not None: diry = self._projectDirectories.get(projectId,None) elif projectName is not None: diry = self._projectDirectories.get(projectName,None) if diry is not None: return diry # Retrieve from database if projectId is None: if projectName is not None: projectId = self.getProjectId(projectName) if projectId is None: raise CException(self.__class__,118) #print 'getProjectDirectory',projectId,type(projectId) arg = (projectId,) self.execute('SELECT ProjectDirectory FROM Projects WHERE ProjectID = ?',arg) rv = self.fetchAll2Py(str) #print 'getProjectDirectory execute rv',rv if len(rv)==0: raise CException(self.__class__,118,'For '+str(projectId)) else: diry = os.path.normpath(rv[0]) if projectId is not None: self._projectDirectories[projectId] = diry else: self._projectDirectories[projectName] = diry return diry def getProjectDirectoryList(self,order='ASC'): if not order in ['ASC','DESC']: order = 'ASC' self.execute('SELECT ProjectID,ProjectName,ProjectDirectory,ParentProjectID,ProjectCreated,LastAccess FROM Projects ORDER BY ProjectName '+order) return self.fetchAll2PyList([UUIDTYPE,str,str,UUIDTYPE,float,float]) def getRecentProjects(self,order='name',limit=10): # LastAccess is last time that project window was open # Get most recent for projects menu self.execute('SELECT ProjectID,ProjectName,LastAccess FROM Projects ORDER BY LastAccess DESC LIMIT ?',(limit,)) retList = self.fetchAll2PyList([UUIDTYPE,str,float]) return retList def getProjectsToCleanup(self,period=86400.0): # get projects accessed after LastCleanupTime (- period which is probably 86400 (1 day) to allow for cleanup leaving recent files) self.execute('SELECT ProjectID,ProjectDirectory,ProjectName FROM Projects WHERE LastCleanupTime IS NULL OR LastAccess > LastCleanupTime - ?',(period,)) retList = self.fetchAll2PyList([UUIDTYPE,str,str]) return retList def lastProjectCleanup(self): self.execute('SELECT MAX (LastCleanupTime) FROM Projects') return self.db.fetchAll2Py(float)[0] def getProjectFollowFromJobId(self,projectId=None): if self._followFromJob.has_key(projectId): return self._followFromJob[projectId] arg = (projectId,) self.execute('SELECT followFromJobId FROM Projects WHERE ProjectID = ?',arg) rv = self.fetchAll2Py(UUIDTYPE) if len(rv)==0: return None else: self._followFromJob[projectId] = rv[0] return rv[0] def setProjectFollowFromJobId(self,projectId=None,jobId=None,clear=False): permission = self.getProjectPermission(projectId=projectId) if permission < PRIVILEGE_WRITE: raise CException(self.__class__,112,'setProjectFollowFromJobId to project: '+str(projectId)) # Check the job is in this project u = (str(jobId),) self.execute('SELECT ProjectID FROM Jobs WHERE JobID = ?',u) rv = self.fetchAll2Py(UUIDTYPE) if len(rv)==0: raise CException(self.__class__,124,str(jobId)) elif rv[0] != projectId: raise CException(self.__class__,124,str(jobId)) # Get the old followFromJobId so can add to emited signal previousFollowFromJobId = self.getProjectFollowFromJobId(projectId=projectId) if clear: if jobId == previousFollowFromJobId: args = (None,projectId) self.execute('UPDATE Projects SET followFromJobId= ? WHERE ProjectID= ?',args) jobId = None else: return else: args = (jobId,projectId) self.execute('UPDATE Projects SET followFromJobId= ? WHERE ProjectID= ?',args) self.commit() self._followFromJob[projectId] = jobId #print 'setProjectFollowFromJobId',projectId,previousFollowFromJobId,jobId self.emitSignal('followFromJobChanged',(projectId,previousFollowFromJobId,jobId)) return def considerUpdatingFollowFrom(self,projectId,finishedJobId): jobInfo = self.getJobInfo(jobId=finishedJobId,mode=['status','parentjobid','preceedingjobid']) if jobInfo['status'] != 'Finished' or jobInfo['parentjobid'] is not None: return followJobId = self.getProjectFollowFromJobId(projectId=projectId) #print 'CDbApi.considerUpdatingFollowFrom followJobId',finishedJobId,jobInfo,followJobId if followJobId is None: # Theres no follow from job so set it if this job has output mtz/pdb fileTypeList = self.getJobFiles(jobId=finishedJobId,mode='fileTypeId') #print 'considerUpdatingFollowFrom fileInfo',fileTypeList nF = 0 for fType in [2,3,4,5,6,11,12,13]: nF = nF + fileTypeList.count(fType) if nF>0: self.setProjectFollowFromJobId(projectId=projectId,jobId=finishedJobId) else: #print 'considerUpdatingFollowFrom preceedingjobid followJobId',jobInfo['preceedingjobid'],followJobId,type(jobInfo['preceedingjobid']),type(followJobId) if jobInfo['preceedingjobid'] == followJobId: self.setProjectFollowFromJobId(projectId=projectId,jobId=finishedJobId) def getJobPermission(self,jobId,userName=None): '''Return the permission this user has for this job''' # Find the project for the JobID u = (str(jobId),) #self.setDiagnostic(True) self.execute('SELECT ProjectID FROM Jobs WHERE JobID = ?',u) rv = self.fetchAll2Py(UUIDTYPE) #self.setDiagnostic(False) if len(rv)==0: raise CException(self.__class__,131,str(jobId)) else: projectId = rv[0] if userName is None: userName = self._userName return projectId,self.getProjectPermission(projectId=projectId,userName=userName) def getFilePermission(self,fileId,userName=None): '''Return the permission this user has for this job''' # Find the project for the FileID u = (str(fileId),) self.execute('SELECT Jobs.JobID,Jobs.ProjectID FROM Jobs INNER JOIN Files ON Jobs.JobId = Files.JobId WHERE Files.FileID = ?',u) rv = self.fetchAll2PyList([UUIDTYPE,UUIDTYPE]) if len(rv)==0: raise CException(self.__class__,231,str(fileId)) if userName is None: userName = self._userName return rv[0][0],rv[0][1],self.getProjectPermission(projectId=rv[0][1],userName=userName) def setProjectPrivileges(self,userNameList=[],projectNameList=[],privilege=PRIVILEGE_READ): '''Enable another user access to projects''' pass def closeProject(self,projectName): '''Prevent any further entries - remove all privileges''' pass def copyProject(self,projectName): '''Copy project to in-memory db and return''' pass def archiveProject(self,projectName): '''Make XML copy? and delete''' pass def exportJobSelectionCommand(self,projectId=None,after=None,status=None,jobList=None): if jobList is not None: # Expand jobList to include child jobs childJobs = [] com = 'SELECT jobnumber FROM jobs WHERE jobid in (' for job in jobList: com += '?,' com = com[0:-1] + ')' self.execute(com,jobList) jobNumberList = self.fetchAll2Py(str) for jobNo in jobNumberList: self.execute("SELECT jobid FROM jobs where projectId = ? AND jobnumber LIKE '"+jobNo+".%'",(projectId,)) childJobs.extend(self.fetchAll2Py(UUIDTYPE)) #print 'exportJobSelectionCommand',jobNumberList,childJobs jobList.extend(childJobs) # Create a standard selection for the list of jobs jobSelectCom = ' WHERE Jobs.JobId IN (' jobSelectArgs = jobList for job in jobList: jobSelectCom +='?,' jobSelectCom = jobSelectCom[0:-1] +')' else: # Create a standard selection based on the alternative criteria jobSelectArgs = [projectId] jobSelectCom = ' WHERE Jobs.ProjectId = ?' if after is not None: jobSelectArgs.append(after) jobSelectCom +=' AND Jobs.FinishTime >= ?' if status is not None: if status == 'exportable': status = [JOB_STATUS_PENDING,JOB_STATUS_INTERRUPTED,JOB_STATUS_FINISHED,JOB_STATUS_FAILED,JOB_STATUS_UNSATISFACTORY,JOB_STATUS_FILE_HOLDER] elif not isinstance(status,list): status = [status] jobSelectCom +=' AND Jobs.Status IN (' for item in status: jobSelectArgs.append(item) jobSelectCom +='?,' jobSelectCom = jobSelectCom[0:-1] +')' jobSelectCom = jobSelectCom + ' ORDER BY Jobs.CreationTime' return jobSelectCom,jobSelectArgs def getJobsByTime(self,projectId=None,before=None,after=None,mode='JobID',topLevel=False,status=None,jobList=None): jobSelectCom,jobSelectArgs = self.exportJobSelectionCommand(projectId=projectId,after=after,status=status,jobList=jobList) com = 'SELECT '+mode+' FROM Jobs ' + re.sub('Jobs\.','',jobSelectCom) if topLevel: com = com + ' AND parentJobId IS NULL' #self.setDiagnostic(True) self.execute(com,jobSelectArgs) #self.setDiagnostic(False) return self.fetchAll2Py(UUIDTYPE) def getUnfinishedExportJobs(self,projectId=None,after=None,status=None,jobList=None): status = [JOB_STATUS_PENDING,JOB_STATUS_INTERRUPTED] jobSelectCom,jobSelectArgs = self.exportJobSelectionCommand(projectId=projectId,after=after,status=status,jobList=jobList) com = 'SELECT JobId FROM Jobs ' + re.sub('Jobs\.','',jobSelectCom) self.execute(com,jobSelectArgs) jobList = self.fetchAll2Py(UUIDTYPE) return jobList def getFilesUsedInJobList(self,jobList=None): # Utility to aid exporting a limited number of job and ensuring that we get the input files # required by the job(s) that are not in the exported job directory(s) # Get the input files to a list of jobs that are not output by a job in that list # and also include all imported files if jobList is None or len(jobList)==0: return [] com0 = '(?' for item in jobList[1:]: com0 = com0 + ',?' com0 = com0 + ')' com1 = 'SELECT DISTINCT Files.FileId,Files.Filename,Jobs.JobId,Jobs.JobNumber,ImportFiles.ImportId,ImportFiles.SourceFilename FROM Files LEFT OUTER JOIN ImportFiles ON Files.FileId=ImportFiles.FileId INNER JOIN FileUses ON Files.FileId = FileUses.FileId INNER JOIN Jobs ON Files.JobId = Jobs.JobId' com = com1 + ' WHERE FileUses.JobId IN '+com0+' AND Files.JobId NOT IN '+com0 #print 'CDbApi.getFilesUsedInJobList',com args = [] args.extend(jobList) args.extend(jobList) self.execute(com,args) ret = self.fetchAll2PyList([UUIDTYPE,str,UUIDTYPE,str,UUIDTYPE,str]) #print 'getFilesUsedInJobList ret',ret com = com1 + ' WHERE ImportFiles.ImportId IS NOT NULL AND Jobs.JobId IN '+com0 args = jobList self.execute(com,args) reti = self.fetchAll2PyList([UUIDTYPE,str,UUIDTYPE,str,UUIDTYPE,str]) #print 'CDbApi.getFilesUsedInJobList reti',reti ret.extend(reti) return ret def getTablesEtree(self,projectId=None,after=None,status=None,jobList=None,inputFileList=None,inputFileFromJobList=None): from lxml import etree #print 'getTablesEtree',jobList,inputFileList,inputFileFromJobList errReport = CErrorReport() jobNumberList = [] root = etree.Element('project') table = self.getDatabaseInfo(returnList=True) databaseTableEle=self.tableEtree('database',self.DATABASEITEMS,table) root.append(databaseTableEle) com = 'SELECT '+self.PROJECTITEMS0[0] for item in self.PROJECTITEMS0[1:]: com = com + ', '+item com = com + ' FROM Projects WHERE ProjectID =?' self.execute(com,(projectId,)) table = self.fetchAll2PyList(self.PROJECTTYPES0) projectTableEle = self.tableEtree('project',self.PROJECTITEMS0,table) root.append(projectTableEle) info = self.getProjectInfo(projectId=projectId,mode=['userid','parentprojectname']) self.execute('SELECT UserName FROM Users WHERE UserId=?',(info['userid'],)) names = self.fetchAll2Py(str) projectTableEle[0].set('username',names[0]) if info['parentprojectname'] is not None: projectTableEle[0].set('parentprojectname',info['parentprojectname']) jobSelectCom,jobSelectArgs = self.exportJobSelectionCommand(projectId=projectId,after=after,status=status,jobList=jobList) # Get list of jobs and data to populate xml table com = 'SELECT '+self.JOBITEMS[0] for item in self.JOBITEMS[1:]: com = com + ', '+item com = com + ' FROM Jobs' com += re.sub('Jobs\.','',jobSelectCom) self.execute(com,jobSelectArgs) table = self.fetchAll2PyList(self.JOBTYPES) # Make the list of jobs before adding the jobs that provide the input files idx = self.JOBITEMS.index('jobnumber') for row in table: if not row[idx].count('.'): jobNumberList.append(row[idx]) # If there are jobs which provide input files then add them to the table # Beware changing the job status to 'file holder' if inputFileFromJobList is not None and len(inputFileFromJobList)>0: com = 'SELECT '+self.JOBITEMS[0] for item in self.JOBITEMS[1:]: com = com + ', '+item com = com + ' FROM Jobs WHERE JobId IN (' for item in inputFileFromJobList: com = com + '?,' com = com[0:-1]+')' print 'getTablesEtree',com,inputFileFromJobList self.execute(com,inputFileFromJobList) inputJobTable = self.fetchAll2PyList(self.JOBTYPES) idxStatus = self.JOBITEMS.index('status') for item in inputJobTable: item[idxStatus] = JOB_STATUS_FILE_HOLDER if item not in table: table.append(item) # Remove preceedingjobid if it is not in the jobList # Likely necessary for exporting jobs if jobList is not None: iPreJob = self.JOBITEMS.index('preceedingjobid') for row in table: if not jobList.count(row[iPreJob]): row[iPreJob] = None root.append(self.tableEtree('job',self.JOBITEMS,table)) com = 'SELECT Files.'+self.FILEITEMS[0] for item in self.FILEITEMS[1:]: com = com + ', Files.'+item com = com + ' FROM Files INNER JOIN Jobs ON Files.JobId = Jobs.JobId '+jobSelectCom self.execute(com,jobSelectArgs) table = self.fetchAll2PyList(self.FILETYPES) if inputFileList is not None and len(inputFileList)>0: com = 'SELECT '+self.FILEITEMS[0] for item in self.FILEITEMS[1:]: com = com + ', '+item com = com + ' FROM Files WHERE FileId IN (' for item in inputFileList: com = com + '?,' com = com[0:-1]+')' self.execute(com,inputFileList) fileTable = self.fetchAll2PyList(self.FILETYPES) #print 'getTablesEtree fileTable from fileList', fileTable iJob = self.FILEITEMS.index('jobid') for row in fileTable: if row[iJob] is not None and row[iJob] not in jobList: #row[iJob] = None table.append(row) root.append(self.tableEtree('file',self.FILEITEMS,table)) com = 'SELECT FileUses.'+self.FILEUSEITEMS[0] for item in self.FILEUSEITEMS[1:]: com = com + ', FileUses.'+item com = com + ' FROM FileUses INNER JOIN Jobs ON FileUses.JobId = Jobs.JobId '+jobSelectCom self.execute(com,jobSelectArgs) table = self.fetchAll2PyList(self.FILEUSETYPES) root.append(self.tableEtree('fileuse',self.FILEUSEITEMS,table)) com = 'SELECT ImportFiles.'+self.IMPORTFILEITEMS[0] for item in self.IMPORTFILEITEMS[1:]: com = com + ', ImportFiles.'+item com = com + ' FROM ImportFiles INNER JOIN Files ON ImportFiles.FileId = Files.FileId INNER JOIN Jobs ON Files.JobId = Jobs.JobId '+jobSelectCom self.execute(com,jobSelectArgs) table = self.fetchAll2PyList(self.IMPORTFILETYPES) if inputFileList is not None and len(inputFileList)>0: #print 'CDbApi.getTablesEtree getting import files from fileList',inputFileList com = 'SELECT '+self.IMPORTFILEITEMS[0] for item in self.IMPORTFILEITEMS[1:]: com = com + ', '+item com = com + ' FROM ImportFiles WHERE FileId IN (' for item in inputFileList: com = com + '?,' com = com[0:-1]+')' self.execute(com,inputFileList) importTable = self.fetchAll2PyList(self.IMPORTFILETYPES) #print 'CDbApi.getTablesEtree importTable from specified files',importTable for item in importTable: if item not in table: table.append(item) root.append(self.tableEtree('importfile',self.IMPORTFILEITEMS,table)) com = 'SELECT ExportFiles.'+self.EXPORTFILEITEMS[0] for item in self.EXPORTFILEITEMS[1:]: com = com + ', ExportFiles.'+item com = com + ' FROM ExportFiles INNER JOIN Files ON ExportFiles.FileId = Files.FileId INNER JOIN Jobs ON Files.JobId = Jobs.JobId '+jobSelectCom self.execute(com,jobSelectArgs) table = self.fetchAll2PyList(self.EXPORTFILETYPES) root.append(self.tableEtree('exportfile',self.EXPORTFILEITEMS,table)) com = 'SELECT XData.'+self.XDATAITEMS[0] for item in self.XDATAITEMS[1:]: com = com + ', XData.'+item com = com + ' FROM XData INNER JOIN Jobs ON XData.JobId = Jobs.JobId '+jobSelectCom self.execute(com,jobSelectArgs) table = self.fetchAll2PyList(self.XDATATYPES) tableEtree = self.tableEtree('xdata',self.XDATAITEMS[0:-1],table) # Add the actual xml representation in as etree for ii in range(len(table)): dataTree = etree.fromstring(table[ii][-1]) dataTree.tag = 'xdataxml' tableEtree[ii].append(dataTree) root.append(tableEtree) com = 'SELECT Comments.'+self.COMMENTITEMS[0] for item in self.COMMENTITEMS[1:]: com = com + ', Comments.'+item com = com + ' FROM Comments INNER JOIN Jobs ON Comments.JobId = Jobs.JobId '+jobSelectCom self.execute(com,jobSelectArgs) table = self.fetchAll2PyList(self.COMMENTTYPES) root.append(self.tableEtree('comment',self.COMMENTITEMS,table)) com = 'SELECT ProjectComments.'+self.PROJECTCOMMENTITEMS[0] for item in self.PROJECTCOMMENTITEMS[1:]: com = com + ', ProjectComments.'+item com = com + ' FROM ProjectComments WHERE ProjectComments.ProjectId = ?' self.execute(com,[projectId,]) table = self.fetchAll2PyList(self.PROJECTCOMMENTTYPES) root.append(self.tableEtree('projectcomment',self.PROJECTCOMMENTITEMS,table)) com = 'SELECT JobKeyValues.'+self.JOBKEYVALUEITEMS[0] for item in self.JOBKEYVALUEITEMS[1:]: com = com + ', JobKeyValues.'+item com = com + ' FROM JobKeyValues INNER JOIN Jobs ON JobKeyValues.JobId = Jobs.JobId '+jobSelectCom self.execute(com,jobSelectArgs) table = self.fetchAll2PyList(self.JOBKEYVALUETYPES) root.append(self.tableEtree('jobkeyvalue',self.JOBKEYVALUEITEMS,table)) com = 'SELECT JobKeyCharValues.'+self.JOBKEYCHARVALUEITEMS[0] for item in self.JOBKEYCHARVALUEITEMS[1:]: com = com + ', JobKeyCharValues.'+item com = com + ' FROM JobKeyCharValues INNER JOIN Jobs ON JobKeyCharValues.JobId = Jobs.JobId '+jobSelectCom self.execute(com,jobSelectArgs) table = self.fetchAll2PyList(self.JOBKEYCHARVALUETYPES) root.append(self.tableEtree('jobkeycharvalue',self.JOBKEYCHARVALUEITEMS,table)) com = 'SELECT DISTINCT FileAssociationMembers.'+self.FILEASSOCIATIONMEMBERITEMS[0] for item in self.FILEASSOCIATIONMEMBERITEMS[1:]: com = com + ', FileAssociationMembers.'+item com = com + ' FROM FileAssociationMembers INNER JOIN Files ON FileAssociationMembers.FileId = Files.FileId INNER JOIN Jobs ON Files.JobId = Jobs.JobId '+jobSelectCom self.execute(com,jobSelectArgs) table = self.fetchAll2PyList(self.FILEASSOCIATIONMEMBERTYPES) root.append(self.tableEtree('fileassociationmember',self.FILEASSOCIATIONMEMBERITEMS,table)) com = 'SELECT DISTINCT FileAssociations.'+self.FILEASSOCIATIONITEMS[0] for item in self.FILEASSOCIATIONITEMS[1:]: com = com + ', FileAssociations.'+item com = com + ' FROM FileAssociations INNER JOIN FileAssociationMembers ON FileAssociations.FileAssociationId = FileAssociationMembers.FileAssociationId INNER JOIN Files ON FileAssociationMembers.FileId = Files.FileId INNER JOIN Jobs ON Files.JobId = Jobs.JobId '+jobSelectCom self.execute(com,jobSelectArgs) table = self.fetchAll2PyList(self.FILEASSOCIATIONTYPES) root.append(self.tableEtree('fileassociation',self.FILEASSOCIATIONITEMS,table)) com = 'SELECT DISTINCT ProjectTags.'+self.PROJECTTAGITEMS[0] for item in self.PROJECTTAGITEMS[1:]: com = com + ', ProjectTags.'+item com = com + ' FROM ProjectTags WHERE ProjectTags.ProjectId = ?' self.execute(com,[projectId,]) table = self.fetchAll2PyList(self.PROJECTTAGTYPES) root.append(self.tableEtree('projecttag',self.PROJECTTAGITEMS,table)) com = 'SELECT DISTINCT Tags.'+self.TAGITEMS[0] for item in self.TAGITEMS[1:]: com = com + ', Tags.'+item com = com + ' FROM Tags INNER JOIN ProjectTags ON Tags.TagId = ProjectTags.TagId WHERE ProjectTags.ProjectId = ?' self.execute(com,[projectId,]) table = self.fetchAll2PyList(self.TAGTYPES) root.append(self.tableEtree('tag',self.TAGITEMS,table)) #print 'getTablesEtree jobNumberList',jobNumberList return root,jobNumberList,errReport def tableEtree(self,itemName,attributeList,table): from lxml import etree tableEle = etree.Element(itemName+'Table') for row in table: ele = etree.Element(itemName) ii = 0 for attrib in attributeList: if row[ii] is not None: ele.set(attrib,str(row[ii])) ii = ii + 1 tableEle.append(ele) return tableEle def getProjectEtree(self,projectId): from lxml import etree errReport = CErrorReport() root = etree.Element('project') info = self.getProjectInfo(projectId) for itemName in ['projectname','projectdirectory','projectcreated']: item = etree.Element(itemName) item.text = str(info[itemName]) root.append(item) item = etree.Element('userid') userName = self.getUserInfo(info['userid'],'username') item = etree.Element('username') item.text = str(userName) root.append(item) jobBranch = etree.Element('jobs') allJobsInfo = self.getProjectJobListInfo(projectId=projectId,order='ASC') if len(allJobsInfo)>0: jobBranch = etree.Element('jobs') for jobInfo in allJobsInfo: jobItem,err = self.getJobEtree(jobId=jobInfo['jobid'],jobInfo=jobInfo) errReport.extend(err) jobBranch.append(jobItem) root.append(jobBranch) return root,errReport def getJobEtree(self,jobId=None,jobInfo={}): from lxml import etree errReport = CErrorReport() if len(jobInfo) is 0: jobInfo = self.getJobInfo(jobId) root = etree.Element('job') for itemName in self.JOBITEMS: if jobInfo[itemName] is not None: if itemName not in ['projectid','preceedingjobid']: item = etree.Element(itemName) item.text = str(jobInfo[itemName]) root.append(item) elif itemName == 'preceedingjobid' and jobInfo['preceedingjobid'] is not None: preceedingNumber = self.getJobInfo(jobInfo['preceedingjobid'],'jobnumber') if preceedingNumber is not None: item = etree.Element('preceedingjobnumber') item.text = str(preceedingNumber) root.append(item) projectId = jobInfo['projectid'] outputFileIds = self.getJobFiles(jobId=jobInfo['jobid']) if len(outputFileIds)>0: fileBranch = etree.Element('outputFiles') for fileId in outputFileIds: fileItem,err = self.getFileEtree(fileId=fileId,role=FILE_ROLE_OUT,projectId=projectId) errReport.extend(err) fileBranch.append(fileItem) root.append(fileBranch) inputFileIds = self.getJobFiles(jobId=jobInfo['jobid'],role=FILE_ROLE_IN) if len(inputFileIds)>0: fileBranch = etree.Element('inputFiles') for fileId in inputFileIds: try: fileItem,err = self.getFileEtree(fileId=fileId,role=FILE_ROLE_IN,projectId=projectId) errReport.extend(err) fileBranch.append(fileItem) except: print 'Error creating entry for fileId',fileId root.append(fileBranch) xDataIds = self.getXData(jobId=jobInfo['jobid']) #print 'getJobEtree xDataIds',xDataIds if len(xDataIds)>0: dataBranch = etree.Element('outputData') for xDataId in xDataIds: xDataItem = self.getXDataEtree(xDataId) if xDataItem is not None: dataBranch.append(xDataItem) root.append(dataBranch) return root,errReport def getJobOutputHtmlEtree(self,jobId=None,projectId=None): from lxml import etree root = etree.Element('div') root.set('id','result_data') outputFileIds = self.getJobFiles(jobId=jobId) for fileId in outputFileIds: root.append(self.getFileHtmlEtree(fileId,projectId=projectId)) return root def getFileEtree(self,fileId,fileInfo={},role=FILE_ROLE_OUT,projectId=None): # !!!! Does not include jobId !! Assume this is only used in heirarchical representation below jobs # Create xml compatible with CDataFile xml from lxml import etree err = CErrorReport() if len(fileInfo) == 0: fileInfo = self.getFileInfo(fileId,mode= [ 'filename','relpath','annotation','fileclass','importid','filecontent','filesubtype']) #print 'getFileEtree fileInfo',fileInfo root = etree.Element(fileInfo['fileclass']) for itemName,xmlTag in [ ['filename','baseName'],['relpath','relPath'],['annotation','annotation'],['filecontent','contentFlag'],['filesubtype','subType']]: if fileInfo[itemName] is not None: item = etree.Element(xmlTag) item.text = str(fileInfo[itemName]) root.append(item) ''' if fileInfo['projectid'] is None: projectname = 'FULLPATH' else: projectname = self.getProjectInfo(fileInfo['projectid'],'projectname') item = etree.Element('project') item.text = str(projectname) root.append(item) ''' item = etree.Element('dbFileId') item.text = str(fileId) root.append(item) if fileInfo['importid'] is not None: try: importInfo = self.getImportFileInfo(importId=fileInfo['importid']) importItem = etree.Element('importFile') root.append(importItem) for itemName,xmlTag in [['sourcefilename','sourceFilename'],['sourcefileid','sourceFileId'],['exportfileid','exportFileId'],['annotation','annotation']]: if importInfo[itemName] is not None: item = etree.Element(xmlTag) item.text = str(importInfo[itemName]) importItem.append(item) except: err.append(self.__class__,255,str(fileInfo['importid'])) try: exportInstances = self.getExportFileInstances(fileId=fileId) except: err.append(self.__class__,258,'FileID: '+str(fileId)) exportInstances = [] for exportInfo in exportInstances: try: exportItem = etree.Element('fileExport') root.append(exportItem) for itemName,xmlTag in [['exportid','exportFileId'],['exportfilename','exportFilename']]: if exportInfo[itemName] is not None: item = etree.Element(xmlTag) item.text = str(exportInfo[itemName]) exportItem.append(item) except: err.append(self.__class__,256,str(exportInfo['exportid'])) return root,err def getFileHtmlEtree(self,fileId,fileInfo={},role=FILE_ROLE_OUT,projectId=None): # Create xml compatible with CDataFile xml if projectId is None: print 'NEED projectId in getFileHtmlEtree' from lxml import etree if len(fileInfo) == 0: fileInfo = self.getFileInfo(fileId,mode= [ 'filename','relpath','annotation','fileclass']) # Aiming for something like.. # # --- not necessary? # # # # #print 'getFileEtree fileInfo',fileInfo root = etree.Element('object') root.set('type','x-ccp4-widget/C'+fileInfo['fileclass']) root.set('id','file_'+str(fileId)) root.set('width','600') root.set('height','300') for itemName,xmlTag in [ ['filename','baseName'],['relpath','relPath'],['annotation','annotation']]: if fileInfo[itemName] is not None: item = etree.Element('param') item.set('name',xmlTag) item.set('value',str(fileInfo[itemName])) root.append(item) #if fileInfo['projectid'] != projectId: projectname = self.getProjectInfo(projectId,'projectname') item = etree.Element('param') item.set('name','project') item.set('value',str(projectname)) root.append(item) item = etree.Element('param') item.set('name','dbFileId') item.set('value',str(fileId)) root.append(item) #print 'getFileHtmlEtree',etree.tostring(root,pretty_print=True) return root def getXDataEtree(self,xDataId,xDataInfo={}): from lxml import etree if len(xDataInfo)==0: xDataInfo = self.getXDataInfo(xDataId) if len(xDataInfo)==0: #print 'getXDataEtree no data',xDataId return None item = etree.Element(xDataInfo['xdataclass']) item.text = str(xDataInfo['xdataxml']) return item def exportProjectXml(self,projectId=None,fileName=None,recordExport=False,after=None,status=None,jobList=None,inputFileList=None,inputFileFromJobList=None): import CCP4File print 'exportProjectXml',projectId,fileName errReport = CErrorReport() try: f = CCP4File.CI2XmlDataFile(fullPath=fileName) f.header.setCurrent() f.header.function='PROJECTDATABASE' f.header.projectId = projectId f.header.projectName = self.getProjectInfo(projectId,'projectname') except: errReport.append(self.__class__,257,fileName) #tree,err = self.getProjectEtree(projectId) tree,jobNumberList,err = self.getTablesEtree(projectId,after=after,status=status,jobList=jobList,inputFileList=inputFileList,inputFileFromJobList=inputFileFromJobList) #print 'CDbApi.exportProjectXml',tree,err errReport.extend(err) if recordExport: exportId = self.createProjectExport(projectId=projectId,projectExportAfter=after) table = self.getProjectExportInfo(projectExportId=exportId,returnList=True) exportTableEle=self.tableEtree('projectexport',('projectexportid','projectexporttime','projectexportafter'),table) #print 'exportProjectXml',exportId,table,exportTableEle tree.append(exportTableEle) try: f.saveFile(bodyEtree=tree) except CException as err: errReport.extend(err) except: err = CException(self.__class__,212) errReport.extend(err) #print 'CDbApi.exportProjectXml',errReport.report() return jobNumberList,errReport def updateProject(self,projectId=None,key=None,value=None): '''Update the Project''' if not self._userRole in [USER_ROLE_MANAGER,USER_ROLE_OWNER]: raise CException(self.__class__,106,'You are '+self._userName+' calling updateProject') key = key.lower() if not key in ['projectname','parentprojectid','projectdirectory','projectcreated','lastjobnumber','lastcleanuptime', 'i1projectname','i1projectdirectory','lastaccess']: raise CException(self.__class__,201,key) permission = self.getProjectPermission(projectId) if permission < PRIVILEGE_WRITE: raise CException(self.__class__,112) # Sanity check if key == 'parentprojectid': if value is not None and not isinstance(value,UUIDTYPE): raise CException(self.__class__,202,key) #The new parent must not be a child of this project children = self._getChildProjects(projectId,True) #print 'updateProject childProjects',children if children.count(value): raise CException(self.__class__,203,key) if key == 'projectcreated': if value is None: return if key == 'lastaccess' and value is None: value = self.currentTime() #self.setDiagnostic(True) self.execute("UPDATE Projects SET "+key+" = ? WHERE ProjectID = ?",(value,projectId,)) #self.setDiagnostic(False) self.commit() self.emitSignal('projectUpdated',{'projectId':projectId,'key':key,'value':value}) def updateProjectOwner(self,userName): pass def deleteProject(self,projectId=None,deleteChildren=False): '''Delete project and all jobs & permissions''' #self.setDiagnostic(True) self.removeTempTables() self.execute("DELETE FROM ExportFiles WHERE FileId IN (SELECT FileId FROM Files INNER JOIN Jobs ON Files.JobId=Jobs.JobId WHERE Jobs.ProjectID = ?)",(projectId,)) self.execute("DELETE FROM ImportFiles WHERE FileId IN (SELECT FileId FROM Files INNER JOIN Jobs ON Files.JobId=Jobs.JobId WHERE Jobs.ProjectID = ?)",(projectId,)) # Delete all jobs/files/comments/XData in the project print 'Start deleting files etc' self.execute('DELETE FROM FileUses WHERE JobId IN (SELECT JobId FROM Jobs WHERE Jobs.ProjectId = ?)',(projectId,)) self.execute('DELETE FROM Files WHERE JobId IN (SELECT JobId FROM Jobs WHERE Jobs.ProjectId = ?)',(projectId,)) self.execute('DELETE FROM XData WHERE JobId IN (SELECT JobId FROM Jobs WHERE Jobs.ProjectId = ?)',(projectId,)) self.execute('DELETE FROM Comments WHERE JobId IN (SELECT JobId FROM Jobs WHERE Jobs.ProjectId = ?)',(projectId,)) self.execute('DELETE FROM JobKeyValues WHERE JobId IN (SELECT JobId FROM Jobs WHERE Jobs.ProjectId = ?)',(projectId,)) self.execute('DELETE FROM JobKeyCharValues WHERE JobId IN (SELECT JobId FROM Jobs WHERE Jobs.ProjectId = ?)',(projectId,)) self.execute('DELETE FROM ProjectImports WHERE ProjectId = ?',(projectId,)) self.execute('DELETE FROM ProjectExports WHERE ProjectId = ?',(projectId,)) self.execute('DELETE FROM ProjectTags WHERE ProjectId = ?',(projectId,)) self.execute('DELETE FROM ProjectComments WHERE ProjectId = ?',(projectId,)) # Delete Jobs and ProjectsUsersPermissions print 'Start deleting jobs etc' self.execute("UPDATE Projects SET FollowFromJobId=NULL WHERE ProjectId = ?",(projectId,)) self.execute("UPDATE Projects SET ParentProjectId=NULL WHERE ParentProjectId = ?",(projectId,)) self.execute("DELETE FROM Jobs WHERE ProjectId = ?",(projectId,)) self.execute("DELETE FROM ProjectsUsersPermissions WHERE ProjectID = ?",(projectId,)) # Delete from Projects table too #print 'CDbApi.deleteProject',projectId,type(projectId) print 'Start deleting project' self.execute("DELETE FROM Projects WHERE ProjectID = ?",(str(projectId),)) print 'Done deleting project' #self.setDiagnostic(False) self.commit() self.emitSignal('projectsListChanged') self.emitSignal('projectDeleted',{'projectId':projectId}) pass def getAllInfo(self,toTerm=False): retval = {} retval["pdbs"] = {} retval["mtzs"] = {} retval["mtzdiffs"] = {} projects = self.listProjects(toTerm); retval["projects"] = projects for project in projects: projectId,projectName,projectDir,dummy = project pdbs = self.getJobsWithOutputFiles(projectId=projectId,fileType='chemical/x-pdb') mtzs = self.getJobsWithOutputFiles(projectId=projectId,fileType='application/CCP4-mtz-map',subType=1) mtzdiffs = self.getJobsWithOutputFiles(projectId=projectId,fileType='application/CCP4-mtz-map',subType=2) retval["pdbs"][projectId] = pdbs retval["mtzs"][projectId] = mtzs retval["mtzdiffs"][projectId] = mtzdiffs return retval def listProjectNames(self,toTerm=False): self.execute("SELECT ProjectName FROM Projects ORDER BY ProjectCreated") projectList = self.fetchAll2Py(str) if toTerm: print 'listProjectNames' for item in projectList: print (item) return projectList def listProjects(self,toTerm=False,order='date'): try: if order == 'date': self.execute("SELECT ProjectID, ProjectName, ProjectDirectory, ParentProjectID FROM Projects ORDER BY ProjectCreated") elif order == 'name': self.execute("SELECT ProjectID, ProjectName, ProjectDirectory, ParentProjectID FROM Projects ORDER BY ProjectName") elif order == 'access': self.execute("SELECT ProjectID, ProjectName, ProjectDirectory, ParentProjectID FROM Projects ORDER BY LastAccess DESC") self._projectList = self.fetchAll2PyList([UUIDTYPE,str,str,UUIDTYPE]) except: pass if toTerm: print 'listProjects' for item in self._projectList: print (item) return self._projectList def nextJobNumber(self,projectId,childOf=None,reserve=1): if childOf is None: # Use Projects.LastJobNumber which hold last top level job number self.execute("SELECT LastJobNumber FROM Projects WHERE ProjectID = ? ",(projectId,)) jobNoList = self.fetchAll2Py(int) #print 'nextJobNumber',projectId,jobNoList if len(jobNoList) != 1: raise CException(self.__class__,123,str(projectId)) if reserve>0: jobNo = jobNoList[0] + reserve self.execute("UPDATE Projects SET LastJobNumber = ? WHERE ProjectID = ? ",(jobNo,projectId)) self.commit() return jobNoList[0] + 1 else: return jobNoList[0] else: # Find the subJobs and get the maximum subJobNumber self.execute("SELECT jobNumber from Jobs WHERE ProjectID = ? and JobID = ?",(projectId,childOf)) jobNoList = self.fetchAll2Py(str) if len(jobNoList) != 1: raise CException(self.__class__,123,str(projectId)) jobNoStr = jobNoList[0] self.execute("SELECT jobNumber from Jobs WHERE ProjectID = ? and ParentJobID = ?",(projectId,childOf)) jobNoList = self.fetchAll2Py(str) maxNo = 0 for item in jobNoList: lastNo = item.split('.')[-1] maxNo = max(maxNo,int(lastNo)) return jobNoStr+'.'+str(maxNo+1) def getTaskNameLookup(self,projectId=None,jobId=None,extras=False): if extras: if jobId is not None: #Finding subjobs follows code example from #https://www.sqlite.org/lang_with.html (works_for_alice example) # Using bindings did not work - hum? self.execute(""" WITH RECURSIVE subJobs(n) AS ( VALUES ( '"""+jobId+"""' ) UNION SELECT Jobs.JobId FROM Jobs, subJobs WHERE Jobs.ParentJobId=subJobs.n ) SELECT Jobs.JobNumber,Jobs.TaskName,Jobs.JobId,Jobs.Status,Jobs.FinishTime FROM Jobs WHERE Jobs.JobId IN subJobs;""") else: self.execute('SELECT JobNumber,TaskName,JobId,Status,FinishTime FROM Jobs WHERE ProjectID = ?',(projectId,)) rv = self.fetchAll2PyList([str,str,UUIDTYPE,int,float]) else: self.execute('SELECT JobNumber,TaskName FROM Jobs WHERE ProjectID = ?',(projectId,)) rv = self.fetchAll2PyList([str,str]) return rv def getJobId(self,projectName=None,jobNumber=None,projectId=None): if projectId is None: projectId = self.getProjectId(projectName) if jobNumber is None: raise CException(self.__class__,134,str(projectName)+':'+str(jobNumber)) u = (projectId,jobNumber,) self.execute('SELECT JobID FROM Jobs WHERE ProjectID = ? AND JobNumber = ?',u) rv = self.fetchAll2Py(UUIDTYPE) #print 'CDbApi.getJobId',projectId,jobNumber,rv if len(rv)==0: raise CException(self.__class__,134,str(projectId)+':'+str(jobNumber)) else: return rv[0] def getJobsInRange(self,projectId=None,jobIdRange=None,jobNumberRange=None): #print 'CDbApi.getJobsInRange',jobIdRange,jobNumberRange args = [projectId] if jobIdRange is not None: args.extend(jobIdRange) self.execute('SELECT CreationTime FROM Jobs WHERE ProjectId =? AND JobID IN (?,?)',args) elif jobNumberRange is not None: args.extend(jobNumberRange) self.execute('SELECT CreationTime FROM Jobs WHERE ProjectId =? AND JobNumber IN (?,?)',args) timeRange = self.fetchAll2Py(float) #print 'CDbApi.getJobsInRange timeRange',timeRange if len(timeRange)!=2: return [] if timeRange[0]= ? AND CreationTime <= ? AND ParentJobId IS NULL',timeRange) else: self.execute('SELECT JobId FROM Jobs WHERE CreationTime <= ? AND CreationTime >= ? AND ParentJobId IS NULL',timeRange) rv = self.fetchAll2Py(UUIDTYPE) return rv def createJob(self,projectId,taskName,parentJobId=None,jobTitle=None,status=JOB_STATUS_PENDING,jobNumber=None,taskVersion=None,userAgent=None,userName=None): '''Create a job record for project projectId''' #print 'CDbApi.createJob jobTitle',jobTitle permission = self.getProjectPermission(projectId) if permission < PRIVILEGE_WRITE: raise CException(self.__class__,112,str(project)) if jobNumber is None: jobNumber = self.nextJobNumber(projectId,childOf=parentJobId) time = self.currentTime() if userAgent is None: userAgent = self.iAmUserAgent() if userName is not None: userId = self.getUserId(userName) else: userId = self.getUserId(self._userName) #print 'createJob userId',userId # Does it already exist? try: jobId = self.getJobId(projectId=projectId,jobNumber=jobNumber) except: jobId = None if jobId is not None: # Job already exists - liable to be a developer rerunning jobs args = [projectId,parentJobId,jobNumber,userAgent,taskName,jobTitle,time,JOB_STATUS_PENDING,userId,jobId] com = "UPDATE Jobs SET ProjectID=?, parentJobId=?, JobNumber=?, userAgent=?, TaskName=?, JobTitle=?, CreationTime=?, Status=?, UserId= ? WHERE JobId= ?" else: jobId = self.uniqueId(table='Jobs',identifier='JobID') args = [jobId,projectId,parentJobId,jobNumber,userAgent,taskName,jobTitle,time,JOB_STATUS_PENDING,userId] com = "INSERT INTO Jobs (JobID,ProjectID,parentJobId,JobNumber,userAgent,TaskName,JobTitle,CreationTime,Status,UserId) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)" self.execute(com,args) self.commit() self.emitSignal('jobCreated',{'jobId':jobId,'projectId':projectId,'parentJobId':parentJobId}) # Must commit before emiting! And better to signal job creation # before job finish if status != JOB_STATUS_PENDING: self.updateJobStatus(jobId,status) #self.emitSignal('updateJobXml',jobId,'job') # ? connect to the jobCreated signal return jobId def updateJobStatus(self,jobId=None,status=None,jobNumber=None,projectName=None): '''Update job status ''' #print 'CDbApi.updateJobStatus',jobId,status,type(jobId) if status is None: raise CException(self.__class__,116) if status in JOB_STATUS_TEXT: status = JOB_STATUS_TEXT.index(status) if jobId is None: jobId = self.getJobId(jobNumber=jobNumber,projectName=projectName) projectId,permission = self.getJobPermission(jobId) if permission < PRIVILEGE_WRITE: raise CException(self.__class__,112) if status == JOB_STATUS_QUEUED: # A control file needs to exist controlFile = self._makeJobFileName(jobId=jobId,mode='JOB_INPUT') if controlFile is None: raise CException(self.__class__,132,str(controlFile)) elif not os.path.exists(controlFile): raise CException(self.__class__,132,str(controlFile)) self.execute("UPDATE Jobs SET status = ? WHERE JobID = ?",(status,jobId,)) #if status in [JOB_STATUS_RUNNING]: # self.execute("UPDATE Jobs SET CreationTime = ? WHERE JobID = ?", (self.currentTime(),jobId,)) # self.commit() if status in (JOB_STATUS_FINISHED,JOB_STATUS_FAILED,JOB_STATUS_INTERRUPTED,JOB_STATUS_TO_DELETE,JOB_STATUS_UNSATISFACTORY): self.execute("UPDATE Jobs SET FinishTime = ? WHERE JobID = ?", (self.currentTime(),jobId,)) #print 'CDbApi.updateJobStatus finished',jobId,status self.commit() self.emitSignal('jobFinished',{'jobId':jobId,'projectId':projectId,'status':status}) else: self.commit() self.emitSignal('jobUpdated',{'jobId':jobId,'projectId':projectId,'key':'status','value':status}) self.emitSignal('jobStatusUpdated',{'jobId':jobId,'status':JOB_STATUS_TEXT[status]}) def updateJob(self,jobId=None,key=None,value=None): if key is None: raise CException(self.__class__,169,'None') key = key.lower() if not key in self.JOBITEMS: raise CException(self.__class__,169,key) projectId,permission = self.getJobPermission(jobId) if permission < PRIVILEGE_WRITE: raise CException(self.__class__,112) # Sensible value? if key == 'preceedingjobid': #print 'CDbApi.updateJob preceedingjobid',value,type(value) # Should be in same project.. if value is None or len(value)==0: return else: self.execute('SELECT ProjectId from Jobs WHERE JobId = ?',(UUIDTYPE(value),)) pList = self.fetchAll2Py(UUIDTYPE) if len(pList)>0: preceedingJobProject = pList[0] else: #raise CException(self.__class__,175,'No project') return if preceedingJobProject != projectId or value == jobId: raise CException(self.__class__,175,str(value)) elif key == 'evaluation': if isinstance(value,int) and value>=0 and value 0: selcom = "SELECT " typeConv = [] for item in retList: selcom = selcom + item +', ' typeConv.append(self.JOBTYPES[self.JOBITEMS.index(item)]) selcom = selcom[0:-2] + " FROM Jobs WHERE JobID=?" self.execute(selcom,(jobId,)) rv = self.fetchAll2PyList(typeConv) #print 'getProjectJobListInfo rv',rv if len(rv) != 1: raise CException(self.__class__,137,'JobID:'+str(jobId)) ret = self.jobInfoDict(retList,rv[0],extras=xtrasList) else: ret = {} if xtrasList.count('childjobs'): ret['childjobs'] = self.getChildJobs(jobId) if xtrasList.count('descendentjobs'): ret['descendentjobs'] = self.getChildJobs(jobId,descendents=True) if xtrasList.count('performanceclass'): ret['performanceclass'] = self.getJobPerformanceClass(jobId,taskName=ret.get('taskname')) if xtrasList.count('performance'): ret['performance'] = self.getJobPerformance(jobId=jobId) if (len(retList)+len(xtrasList))==1 and returnType != dict: # Just return the value if only one item requested if len(retList)==1: return ret[retList[0]] else: return ret[xtrasList[0]] else: # Return multiple items as a dictionary return ret def getJobPerformanceClass(self,jobId=None,taskName=None): import CCP4PerformanceData selcom = 'SELECT XDataClass,XDataXml FROM XData WHERE JobId=? AND XDataClass in '+CCP4PerformanceData.performanceIndicatorClasses() self.execute(selcom,(jobId,)) rv = self.fetchAll2PyList([str,str]) if len(rv)>0: try: from lxml import etree import CCP4DataManager obj = CCP4DataManager.DATAMANAGER().getClass(rv[0][0])() obj.setEtree(etree.fromstring(rv[0][1])) return obj except Exception as e: print e else: import CCP4TaskManager cls = CCP4TaskManager.TASKMANAGER().getPerformanceClass(taskName) if cls is None: return None perfDict = self.getJobPerformance(jobId=jobId) try: obj = cls() obj.set(perfDict) #print 'CDbApi.getJobPerformanceClass',perfDict,cls,obj return obj except Exception as e: print e return None def getJobPerformance(self,jobId=None): self.execute('SELECT KeyTypeId,Value FROM JobKeyValues WHERE jobId = ?',(jobId,)) rv = self.fetchAll2PyList([int,float]) self.execute('SELECT KeyTypeId,Value FROM JobKeyCharValues WHERE jobId = ?',(jobId,)) rv.extend(self.fetchAll2PyList([int,str])) if len(rv)==0: return None else: ret = {} for KeyTypeId,Value in rv: ret[KEYTYPELIST[KeyTypeId][1]] = Value #print 'CDbApi.getJobPerformance',ret return ret def getJobFilesInfo(self,jobId=None,jobParamName=None,fileTypeId=None,input=False): if input: com = '''SELECT Files.FileId,Files.Filename,Files.Annotation,Files.JobParamName,Files.FileTypeId,Files.FileSubType, Files.FileContent,Files.JobId,ImportFiles.ImportId from Files INNER JOIN FileUses ON Files.FileId = FileUses.FileId LEFT OUTER JOIN ImportFiles ON Files.FileId=ImportFiles.FileId WHERE FileUses.JobId= ?''' args=[jobId] if jobParamName is not None: com += 'AND FileUses.JobParamName=?' args.append(jobParamName) if fileTypeId is not None: com += 'AND Files.FileTypeId=?' args.append(fileTypeId) else: com = '''SELECT Files.FileId,Files.Filename,Files.Annotation,Files.JobParamName,Files.FileTypeId,Files.FileSubType, Files.FileContent,Files.JobId,ImportFiles.ImportId from Files LEFT OUTER JOIN ImportFiles ON Files.FileId=ImportFiles.FileId WHERE JobId= ? ''' args=[jobId] if jobParamName is not None: com += 'AND JobParamName=?' args.append(jobParamName) if fileTypeId is not None: com += 'AND FileTypeId=?' args.append(fileTypeId) self.execute(com,args) rv = self.fetchAll2PyList([str,str,str,str,int,int,int,str,str]) ret = [] for item in rv: ret.append( { 'fileId' : item[0], 'fileName' : item[1], 'annotation' : item[2], 'jobParamName' : item[3], 'fileTypeId' : item[4], 'subType': item[5], 'fileContent' :item[6], 'jobId' :item[7],'importId' : item[8] } ) ret[-1]['fullPath'] = self.getFullPath(fileId=ret[-1]['fileId']) # Since this method is utility for export_mtz code put some useful extra info here ret[-1].update(self.getJobInfo(ret[-1]['jobId'],['jobnumber','taskname'])) return ret def getProjectJobListInfo(self,mode='all',projectId=None,projectName=None,topLevelOnly=False,order=None, firstJob=None,lastJob=None,maxJobs=None,jobStatus=[]): # Return list of dicts containing data specified by mode #print 'CDbApi.getProjectJobListInfo',projectId,projectName,mode if order is not None: order = order.upper() if not order in ['ASC','DESC']: order = 'ASC' if projectId is None: projectId = self.getProjectId(projectName) permission = self.getProjectPermission(projectId) if permission < PRIVILEGE_READ: raise CException(self.__class__,135) if mode == 'all': itemList = [] itemList.extend(self.JOBITEMS) itemList.append('childjobs') elif not isinstance(mode,types.ListType): itemList = [mode.lower()] else: itemList = [] for item in mode: itemList.append(item.lower()) if ('childjobs' in mode or order is not None or \ firstJob is not None or lastJob is not None) and not 'jobid' in itemList : itemList.append('jobid') if 'projectname' in itemList and not 'projectid' in itemList: itemList.append('projectid') if ('performance' in itemList or 'performanceclass' in itemList) and not 'jobid' in itemList : itemList.append('jobid') if 'performanceclass' in itemList and not 'taskname' in itemList : itemList.append('taskname') selcom = "SELECT " typeConv = [] for item in itemList: if item == 'parentjobnumber': selcom = selcom + 'parentjobid, ' typeConv.append(int) elif item == 'childjobs': pass else: try: ii = self.JOBITEMS.index(item) selcom = selcom + item +', ' typeConv.append(self.JOBTYPES[ii]) except: pass selcom = selcom[0:-2] + " FROM Jobs" # For one job or all jobs? (??Ranges) selcom = selcom + " WHERE ProjectID=?" if len(jobStatus)>0: selcom = selcom + " AND (Status = "+str(jobStatus[0]) for item in jobStatus[1:]: selcom = selcom + ' OR Status ='+str(item) selcom = selcom +')' #print 'getProjectJobListInfo',selcom if topLevelOnly: selcom = selcom + ' AND ParentJobId IS NULL' if order is not None: selcom = selcom + ' ORDER BY CreationTime '+order if firstJob is not None: pass if lastJob is not None: pass #print 'getJobListInfo selcom',selcom,typeConv self.execute(selcom,(projectId,)) rv = self.fetchAll2PyList(typeConv) #print 'getProjectJobListInfo rv',rv if maxJobs is not None and len(rv)>maxJobs: rv = rv[0:maxJobs] """ if 'performanceclass' in itemList: import CCP4PerformanceData,CCP4DataManager from lxml import etree DM = CCP4DataManager.DATAMANAGER() self.execute('SELECT JobId,XDataClass,XDataXml FROM XData WHERE JobId IN (SELECT JobId FROM Jobs WHERE ProjectId=?) AND XDataClass IN '+CCP4PerformanceData.performanceIndicatorClasses(),(projectId,)) perfList = self.fetchAll2PyList([UUIDTYPE,str,str]) perfDict = {} for jid,cls,data in perfList: try: perfDict[jid] = DM.getClass(cls)() perfDict[jid].setEtree(etree.fromstring(data)) except: print 'Error in CDbApi.getProjectJobListInfo creating Performace Indicator data object' """ perfDict = {} if 'performance' in itemList or 'performanceclass' in itemList: self.execute('SELECT JobId,KeyTypeId,Value FROM JobKeyValues WHERE JobId IN (SELECT JobId FROM Jobs WHERE ProjectId=? )',(projectId,)) perfList = self.fetchAll2PyList([UUIDTYPE,int,float]) self.execute('SELECT JobId,KeyTypeId,Value FROM JobKeyCharValues WHERE JobId IN (SELECT JobId FROM Jobs WHERE ProjectId=? )',(projectId,)) perfList.extend(self.fetchAll2PyList([UUIDTYPE,int,str])) for jid,keyId,value in perfList: try: if not perfDict.has_key(jid): perfDict[jid] = {} perfDict[jid][KEYTYPELIST[keyId][1]] = value except: print 'Error in CDbApi.getProjectJobListInfo creating Performace Indicator data object' #print 'getProjectJobListInfo.perfDict', perfList, perfDict retList = [] for jobValue in rv: retList.append(self.jobInfoDict(itemList,jobValue,performanceDict=perfDict)) #print 'getJobListInfo retList',retList if 'childjobs' in itemList: for item in retList: item['childjobs'] = [] maxIdx = len(retList)-1 #self.execute("SELECT JobID,ParentJobId FROM Jobs WHERE ProjectID=? AND ParentJobId IS NOT NULL ORDER BY ParentJobId",(projectId,)) self.execute("SELECT j1.JobID,j1.ParentJobId FROM Jobs j1 INNER JOIN Jobs j2 ON j1.ParentJobId = j2.jobId WHERE j1.ProjectID=? AND j1.ParentJobId IS NOT NULL ORDER BY j2.CreationTime",(projectId,)) rv = self.fetchAll2PyList([UUIDTYPE,UUIDTYPE]) idx = 0 for job,parent in rv: #print 'getProjectJobListInfo job,parent', job,parent,idx,retList[idx]['jobid'] while (retList[idx]['jobid'] != parent) and idx1 and self.getJobInfo(contextJobId,'taskname') == 'coot_rebuild': #print 'getFileByJobContext reversing coot output' rv.reverse() if len(rv)>0: return rv # Look for imported files if fileType in ['application/CCP4-mtz',4]: selcom = 'SELECT Files.FileId FROM Files LEFT OUTER JOIN ImportFiles ON Files.FileId = ImportFiles.FileId WHERE ImportFiles.ImportId IS NOT NULL AND Files.JobId = ? AND Files.FiletypeID IN (10,11,12,13)' args = [contextJobId] elif fileType in ['application/CCP4-mtz-mini',16]: selcom = 'SELECT Files.FileId FROM Files LEFT OUTER JOIN ImportFiles ON Files.FileId = ImportFiles.FileId WHERE ImportFiles.ImportId IS NOT NULL AND Files.JobId = ? AND Files.FiletypeID IN (10,11,12,13)' args = [contextJobId] else: selcom = 'SELECT Files.FileId FROM Files LEFT OUTER JOIN ImportFiles ON Files.FileId = ImportFiles.FileId WHERE ImportFiles.ImportId IS NOT NULL AND Files.JobId = ? AND Files.FiletypeID = ?' args = [contextJobId,fileType] selcom,args = self.fileTypeCommand(selcom,args,subType,contentFlag) #print 'getFileByJobContext imported files',selcom,args self.execute(selcom,args) rv = self.fetchAll2Py(UUIDTYPE) #print 'getFileByJobContext imported files',rv if len(rv)>0: return rv # Search FileUses for either an output or input file selcom = 'SELECT FileUses.FileId,FileUses.RoleID FROM FileUses INNER JOIN Files ON FileUses.FileId=Files.FileId WHERE FileUses.JobId = ? AND Files.FiletypeID = ?' args = [contextJobId,fileType] selcom,args = self.fileTypeCommand(selcom,args,subType,contentFlag) self.execute(selcom,args) rv = self.fetchAll2PyList((UUIDTYPE,int)) # 'CDbApi.getFileByContext FileUses',rv if len(rv)==1: # One hit - don't care if it was input or output return rv[0] elif len(rv)>1: # More than one file of appropriate type - precedence to output files outList = [] inList = [] for fileId,role in rv: if role == FILE_ROLE_IN: inList.append(fileId) else: outList.append(fileId) # Beware for coot_rebuild want output files in reverse order if len(outList)>1 and self.getJobInfo(contextJobId,'taskname') == 'coot_rebuild': #print 'getFileByJobContext reversing outlist' outlist.reverse() if len(outList)>0: return outList if len(inList)>0: return inList # The job has neither input nor output file of the appropriate type # We need to find preceeding jobs args = (contextJobId,) self.execute('SELECT PreceedingJobID FROM Jobs WHERE JobId = ?',args) rv = self.fetchAll2Py(UUIDTYPE) #print 'CDbApi.getFileByContextPreceedingJobID',contextJobId,rv if len(rv)==1 and rv[0] is not None: return self.getFileByJobContext(contextJobId=rv[0],fileType=fileType,projectId=projectId,subType=subType,contentFlag=contentFlag) return [] def getJobsByStatus(self,status=JOB_STATUS_QUEUED,projectId=None): # Wicked use of TreeLeft to hold remoteMode com = 'SELECT JobID,TreeLeft FROM Jobs WHERE status = ?' args = [str(status)] if projectId is not None: com = com + ' AND ProjectId=?' args.append(projectId) com = com + ' ORDER BY CreationTime' self.execute(com,args) return self.fetchAll2PyList((UUIDTYPE,int)) ''' def getJobsByStatus(self,status=JOB_STATUS_QUEUED,projectId=None): if projectId is None: self.execute('SELECT JobID FROM Jobs WHERE status = ? ORDER BY CreationTime',(status,)) return self.fetchAll2Py(UUIDTYPE) else: self.execute('SELECT JobID FROM Jobs WHERE status = ? AND ProjectId=? ORDER BY CreationTime',(status,projectId)) return self.fetchAll2Py(UUIDTYPE) ''' def createFileType(self,fileTypeName,fileTypeDescription=None): try: self.getFileTypeId(fileTypeName) except: pass else: # Already id for this fileTypeName - bad raise CException(self.__class__,165,fileTypeName) uniqueID = self.integerId(table='FileTypes',identifier='FileTypeID') self.execute("INSERT INTO FileTypes (FileTypeID,FileTypeName,fileTypeDescription) VALUES( ?,?,?)", (uniqueID,fileTypeName,fileTypeDescription ) ) self.commit() def getFileTypeId(self,fileTypeName=None,mimeType=None): if fileTypeName is not None: u = (fileTypeName,) self.execute('SELECT FileTypeID FROM FileTypes WHERE FileTypeName = ?',u) rv = self.fetchAll2Py(int) if len(rv)==0: raise CException(self.__class__,164,fileTypeName) else: return rv[0] elif mimeType is not None: if mimeType in FILETYPES_TEXT: return FILETYPES_TEXT.index(mimeType) else: return 0 else: return 0 def getParamsContainer(self,jobId): import CCP4Container,CCP4Modules paramsFile = self._makeJobFileName(jobId=jobId,mode='PARAMS') #print 'CDbApi.getParamsContainer',paramsFile if not os.path.exists(paramsFile): raise CException(self.__class__,170,paramsFile) container = CCP4Container.CContainer(parent=CCP4Modules.QTAPPLICATION()) container.loadDataFromXml(paramsFile) return container def deleteFileUses(self,jobId=None): self.execute("DELETE FROM FileUses WHERE JobId=? AND RoleId=?",(jobId,FILE_ROLE_IN)) self.commit() def gleanJobFiles(self,jobId=None,container=None,projectId=None,dbOutputData=None,roleList=[FILE_ROLE_IN,FILE_ROLE_OUT],unSetMissingFiles=False): errorReport = CErrorReport() import CCP4Data,CCP4File if container is None: container = self.getParamsContainer(jobId=jobId) if projectId is None: projectId = self.getJobInfo(jobId=jobId,mode='projectId') projectName = self.getProjectInfo(projectId=projectId,mode='projectname') #print 'Database loading file data for job',jobId,projectId,projectName,dbOutputData,roleList preceedingJobs = [] #if container.header.pluginTitle.isSet(): #print 'gleanJobFiles update jobtitle',container.header.pluginTitle.__str__() # jInfo = self.getJobInfo(jobId,'jobtitle') # if jInfo is not None and jInfo != "": # print 'CDbApi.gleanJobFiles jobtitle already set to',jInfo,'not updating' # else: # self.updateJob(jobId=jobId,key='jobtitle',value=container.header.pluginTitle.__str__()) if container.header.pluginVersion.isSet(): self.updateJob(jobId=jobId,key='taskversion',value=container.header.pluginVersion.__str__()) for file_role in roleList: subcontainer = (container.inputData,container.outputData)[[FILE_ROLE_IN,FILE_ROLE_OUT].index(file_role)] if file_role == FILE_ROLE_OUT and dbOutputData is not None: keyList = dbOutputData else: keyList = subcontainer.dataOrder() for key in keyList: obj0 = subcontainer.__getattr__(key) try: objList,xmlText,keyValues = obj0.saveToDb() jobParamName = obj0.objectName() except: print 'ERROR in gleanJobFiles for',key objList,xmlText,keyValues = [],None,{} jobParamName = '' #print 'gleanJobFiles saveToDb',key,objList,xmlText,keyValues,jobParamName # Create list of existing files to import - this converts CDataFile and CList to same form for # procesing importList = [] idx = -1 for obj in objList: #print 'gleanJobFiles obj',obj,type(obj),isinstance(obj,CCP4File.CDataFile), obj.isSet() if isinstance(obj,CCP4File.CDataFile) and obj.isSet(): idx += 1 if not obj.exists(): errorReport.append(self.__class__,173,str(obj.objectName())+' '+str(obj),stack=False) if unSetMissingFiles: obj.unSet() else: if len(objList)>1: importList.append([obj,jobParamName+'.'+str(idx)]) else: importList.append([obj,jobParamName]) elif isinstance(obj,CCP4Data.CList) and isinstance (obj.subItemObject(),CCP4File.CDataFile): idx=-1 for fileObj in obj: idx += 1 if fileObj.exists(): importList.append([fileObj,jobParamName+'.'+str(idx)]) elif fileObj.isSet(): errorReport.append(self.__class__,173,str(fileObj.objectName())+' '+str(fileObj),stack=False) if unSetMissingFiles: fileObj.unSet() #print 'gleanJobFiles importList',self.getJobInfo(jobId=jobId,mode='jobnumber'),importList for obj,jobParamName in importList: fileType = obj.qualifiers('mimeTypeName') fileId,fromJobId = self.matchFileName(fileObject=obj) if fileId is not None: print 'Recording file in database matches existing',key,str(obj),fileId,fromJobId if fileId is None: if file_role == FILE_ROLE_OUT: try: #print 'gleanJobFiles output file',obj.objectName() fileId = self.createFile(jobId=jobId,fileObject=obj,projectId=projectId,jobParamName=jobParamName) obj.dbFileId = fileId #print 'gleanJobFile setting dbFileId',obj.objectName(),obj,fileId except CException as e: errorReport.extend(e,stack=False) except Exception as e: errorReport.append(self.__class__,171,str(e),stack=False) else: print 'ERROR in gleanJobFiles - no fileId for an input file',obj try: fileId = self.createFile(jobId=None,fileObject=obj,projectId=projectId,jobParamName=jobParamName) obj.dbFileId = fileId #print 'gleanJobFile setting dbFileId',obj.objectName(),obj,fileId except CException as e: errorReport.extend(e,stack=False) except Exception as e: errorReport.append(self.__class__,171,str(e),stack=False) try: self.createFileUse(jobId=jobId,fileId=fileId,role=file_role,jobParamName=jobParamName) except CException as e: errorReport.extend(e,stack=False) except Exception as e: errorReport.append(self.__class__,172,str(e),stack=False) else: if file_role == FILE_ROLE_OUT: #print 'CDbApi.gleanJobFiles calling createFileUse' # This could be a parent job that is 'passing on' the output from a sub-job # The pipeline script ought to have copied the file to the parent jobDir # and we should not be here! But we'll record asa file use #self.updateFile(fileId=fileId,key='jobId',value=jobId) if not obj.dbFileId.isSet(): obj.dbFileId = fileId #print 'gleanJobFile setting dbFileId',obj.objectName(),obj,fileId try: self.createFileUse(jobId=jobId,fileId=fileId,role=file_role,jobParamName=jobParamName) #print 'Done createFileUse' except CException as e: errorReport.extend(e,stack=False) except Exception as e: errorReport.append(self.__class__,172,str(e),stack=False) ''' try: self.createFileUse(jobId=jobId,fileId=fileId,role=file_role) except CException as e: errorReport.extend(e) except Exception as e: errorReport.append(self.__class__,172,str(e)) ''' else: # File already in in db so add a FileUse record if fromJobId is not None: if not (fileType,fileId,fromJobId) in preceedingJobs: preceedingJobs.append([fileType,fileId,fromJobId]) try: self.createFileUse(jobId=jobId,fileId=fileId,role=file_role,jobParamName=jobParamName) if not obj.dbFileId.isSet(): obj.dbFileId = fileId print 'Recording file in database',jobParamName,obj,fileId except CException as e: errorReport.extend(e,stack=False) except Exception as e: errorReport.append(self.__class__,172,str(e),stack=False) if file_role == FILE_ROLE_OUT and xmlText is not None: # Not a file but is output data - save as xdata #xmlText =obj.xmlText(pretty_print=False) dataClass = obj0.__class__.__name__ #print 'gleanJobFiles',dataClass,xmlText self.createXData(jobId=jobId,dataClass=dataClass,dataXml=xmlText) if file_role == FILE_ROLE_OUT and len(keyValues)>0: print 'Saving key:value pairs',keyValues for keyTypeName,value in keyValues.items(): self.createJobKeyValue(jobId=jobId,keyTypeName=keyTypeName,value=value) print 'Done saving key:value pairs' #print 'gleanJobFiles preceedingJobs',preceedingJobs for fileType,fileId,fromJobId in preceedingJobs: if fromJobId != jobId and fileType == 'chemical/x-pdb': try: self.updateJob(jobId,'preceedingjobid',fromJobId) except CException as e: errorReport.extend(e) #elif fileType == 'application/CCP4-mtz': # self.updateJob(jobId,'preceedingexptljobid',fromJobId) return errorReport def _makeJobFileName(self,jobId=None,mode='PARAMS'): ''' exts = { 'PARAMS' : '.params.xml', 'JOB_INPUT' : '.input_params.xml', 'PROGRAMXML' : '.program.xml', 'LOG' : '.log', 'STDOUT' : '.stdout.txt', 'STDERR' : '.stderr.txt' } ''' defFiles = { 'PARAMS' : 'params.xml', 'JOB_INPUT' : 'input_params.xml', 'PROGRAMXML' : 'program.xml', 'LOG' : 'log.txt', 'COM' : 'com.txt', 'STDOUT' : 'stdout.txt', 'STDERR' : 'stderr.txt' } import os path = os.path.join(self.jobDirectory(jobId=jobId),defFiles.get(mode,'unknown.unk')) #print 'CDbApi._makeJobFileName',mode,path return path def createImportFile(self,fileId=None,sourceFileName=None,sourceFileId=None,jobId=None,annotation=None, checksum=None,importNumber=None,reference=None): # Record the 'outside world' name of file OR the fileId in another project importId = self.uniqueId(table='ImportFiles',identifier='ImportID') if sourceFileId is not None: try: jobId = self.getFileInfo(fileId=sourceFileId,mode='jobid') except: raise CException(self.__class__,251,str(sourceFileId)) sourceFileName = None elif sourceFileName is None: raise CException(self.__class__,250) time = self.currentTime() try: lastModifiedTime = os.path.getmtime(sourceFileName) except: lastModifiedTime = None if checksum is None and sourceFileName is not None and os.path.exists(sourceFileName): try: blockSize = 256*128 import hashlib md5 = hashlib.md5() with open(sourceFileName,'rb') as f: for chunk in iter(lambda: f.read(blockSize), b''): md5.update(chunk) checksum = md5.hexdigest() print 'CDbApi.createImportFile calculated checksum',sourceFileName,checksum except: print 'Failed attempting to calculate checksum',sourceFileName args = (importId,fileId,time,lastModifiedTime,checksum,sourceFileName,sourceFileId,annotation,importNumber,reference) #print 'CDbApi.createImportFile',args self.execute("INSERT INTO ImportFiles (ImportID,FileId,CreationTime,lastModifiedTime,checksum,SourceFilename,SourceFileId,Annotation,ImportNumber,Reference) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",args) self.commit() self.emitSignal('importFileCreated',{'jobId':jobId,'importId':importId}) return importId def updateImportFile(self,importId=None,key=None,value=None,jobId=None): if key is None: raise CException(self.__class__,252) key = key.lower() if not key in ['annotation','exportfileid','creationtime']: raise CException(self.__class__,252,key) #self.setDiagnostic(True) self.execute("UPDATE ImportFiles SET "+key+" = ? WHERE ImportID = ?",(value,importId,)) #self.setDiagnostic(False) self.commit() if jobId is None: self.execute('SELECT Files.JobId FROM Files INNER JOIN ImportFiles ON Files.FileId = ImportFiles.FileId WHERE ImportFiles.ImportId=?',(importId,)) jobId = self.fetchAll2Py(UUIDTYPE)[0] self.emitSignal('importFileUpdated',{'jobId':jobId,'importId':importId,'key':key,'value':value}) def deleteImportFile(self,importId=None): self.execute("DELETE FROM ImportFiles WHERE ImportID = ?",(importId,)) self.emitSignal('importFileDeleted',{'importId':importId}) def getImportFileInfo(self,importId=None,mode='all',fileId=None): itemList = [] fileList = [] if mode == 'all': itemList.extend(self.IMPORTFILEITEMS) elif (not isinstance(mode,list)): if mode.lower() in self.IMPORTFILEITEMS: itemList = [mode.lower()] elif mode.lower() in ['fileid','jobid']: fileList = [mode.lower()] else: for item in mode: if item.lower() in self.IMPORTFILEITEMS: itemList.append(item.lower()) if item.lower() in ['fileid','jobid'] : fileList.append(item.lower()) if len(itemList)<0 and len(fileList)<0: raise CException(self.__class__,270,mode) selcom = 'SELECT ' typeConv = [] ret = {} if len(itemList)>0: for item in itemList: selcom = selcom + item +', ' typeConv.append(self.IMPORTFILETYPES[self.IMPORTFILEITEMS.index(item)]) if importId is not None: selcom = selcom[0:-2] + " FROM ImportFiles WHERE ImportID=?" self.execute(selcom,(importId,)) elif fileId is not None: selcom = selcom[0:-2] + " FROM ImportFiles WHERE FileID=?" self.execute(selcom,(fileId,)) rv = self.fetchAll2PyList(typeConv) #print 'getProjectJobListInfo rv',rv if len(rv) != 1: raise CException(self.__class__,271) i = 0 for item in itemList: ret[item] = rv[0][i] i = i + 1 if len(fileList)>0: selcom = 'SELECT ' typeConv = [] for item in fileList: selcom = selcom + item +', ' typeConv.append(UUIDTYPE) selcom = selcom[0:-2] + " FROM Files WHERE ImportID=?" self.execute(selcom,(importId,)) rv1 = self.fetchAll2PyList(typeConv) i = 0 for item in itemList: ret[item] = rv1[0][i] i = i + 1 return ret def getImportedFile(self,sourceFileName,projectId=None,lastModifiedTime=None,mimeTypeName=None,fileContent=None,reference=None,fileType=None): # Beware different mini-MTZ types may have been imported from the same source file # The importAnnotation is the list of input columns and should match if exactly the same data # was imported from a monster-MTZ cmd = 'SELECT ImportFiles.ImportID,Files.FileId,ImportFiles.checksum,Files.Annotation, Jobs.JobId, Jobs.JobNumber FROM ImportFiles INNER JOIN Files ON ImportFiles.FileId =Files.FileId INNER JOIN Jobs ON Files.JobId = Jobs.JobId WHERE ImportFiles.SourceFilename=?' args = [sourceFileName] if projectId is not None: cmd = cmd + ' AND Jobs.ProjectId = ?' args.append(projectId) if lastModifiedTime is not None: cmd = cmd + ' AND ImportFiles.LastModifiedTime BETWEEN ? AND ?' args.extend(lastModifiedTime-0.1,lastModifiedTime+0.1) if mimeTypeName is not None and mimeTypeName in FILETYPES_TEXT: fileType = FILETYPES_TEXT.index(mimeTypeName) cmd = cmd + ' AND Files.FileTypeId = ?' args.append(fileType) if fileContent is not None: cmd = cmd + ' AND Files.FileContent = ?' args.append(fileContent) if reference is not None: cmd = cmd + ' AND ImportFiles.reference = ?' args.append(reference) if fileType is not None: cmd = cmd + ' AND Files.FiletypeID = ?' args.append(fileType) #print 'CDbApi.getImportedFile',cmd,args self.execute(cmd,args) rv = self.fetchAll2PyList([UUIDTYPE,UUIDTYPE,str,str,str,str]) #print 'getImportedFile',sourceFileName,rv return rv def getImportFileInstances(self,jobId=None,brief=True): if brief: self.execute('SELECT ImportFiles.ImportID, ImportFiles.CreationTime, ImportFiles.LastModifiedTime, ImportFiles.SourceFilename, Files.FileId, ImportFiles.Annotation FROM ImportFiles INNER JOIN Files ON ImportFiles.FileId =Files.FileId WHERE Files.JobId = ?',(jobId,)) rv = self.fetchAll2PyList([UUIDTYPE,float,float,str,UUIDTYPE,str]) retList = [] for importid,time,lastmodifiedtime,sourcefilename,fileid,annotation in rv: retList.append( { 'importid' : importid, 'sourcefilename': sourcefilename, 'creationtime' : time, 'lastmodifiedtime': lastmodifiedtime, 'fileid':fileid,'annotation':annotation } ) return retList else: # Return complete importfile and file info com = 'SELECT' for item in self.IMPORTFILEITEMS: com = com + ' ImportFiles.'+item+',' for item in self.FILEITEMS: com = com + ' Files.'+item+',' com = com[0:-1] + ' FROM ImportFiles INNER JOIN Files ON ImportFiles.FileId =Files.FileId WHERE Files.JobId = ?' #print 'getImportFileInstances',com self.execute(com, (jobId,)) rv = self.fetchAll2PyList(self.IMPORTFILETYPES+self.FILETYPES) #print 'getImportFileInstances rv',rv infoList = [] for f in rv: infoList.append({}) for i in range(len(self.IMPORTFILEITEMS)): if self.IMPORTFILEITEMS[i] not in ['fileid','exportfileid','lastmodifiedtime']: infoList[-1][self.IMPORTFILEITEMS[i]] = f[i] for i in range(len(self.FILEITEMS)): if self.FILEITEMS[i] not in ['jobid']: infoList[-1][self.FILEITEMS[i]] = f[i+len(self.IMPORTFILEITEMS)] infoList[-1]['filetypename'] = FILETYPES_TEXT[infoList[-1]['filetypeid']][1] return infoList def createExportFile(self,fileId=None,exportFilename=None): # Record the 'outside world' name of exported file # Ensure fileId exists if fileId is None: raise CException(self.__class__,253,str(fileId)) if exportFilename is None or not os.path.exists(exportFilename): raise CException(self.__class__,254,str(exportFilename)) try: jobId = self.getFileInfo(fileId=fileId,mode='jobid') except: raise CException(self.__class__,253,str(fileId)) exportId = self.uniqueId(table='ExportFiles',identifier='ExportID') time = self.currentTime() args = (exportId,time,exportFilename,fileId) #print 'CDbApi.createEportFile',args self.execute("INSERT INTO ExportFiles (ExportID,CreationTime,ExportFilename,FileId) VALUES (?,?,?,?)",args) self.commit() self.emitSignal('exportFileCreated',{'jobId':jobId,'exportId':exportId}) return exportId def getExportFileInstances(self,fileId=None,jobId=None): #print 'getExportFileInstances',fileId,type(fileId) if fileId is not None: self.execute('SELECT ExportID, CreationTime, ExportFilename, FileId FROM ExportFiles WHERE FileId = ?',(fileId,)) elif jobId is not None: self.execute('SELECT ExportFiles.ExportID, ExportFiles.CreationTime, ExportFiles.ExportFilename, ExportFiles.FileId FROM ExportFiles INNER JOIN Files ON ExportFiles.FileId =Files.FileId WHERE Files.JobId = ?',(jobId,)) else: return [] rv = self.fetchAll2PyList([UUIDTYPE,float,str,UUIDTYPE]) retList = [] for exportid,time,exportfilename,fileid in rv: retList.append( { 'exportid' : exportid, 'exportfilename': exportfilename, 'creationtime' : time, 'fileid':fileid } ) return retList def getExportFileInfo(self,exportId=None,mode='all'): self.execute('SELECT ExportFiles.ExportID, ExportFiles.CreationTime, ExportFiles.ExportFilename, Files.JobId, Jobs.JobNumber, Jobs.TaskName FROM ExportFiles INNER JOIN Files ON ExportFiles.FileId=Files.FileId INNER JOIN Jobs ON Files.JobId=Jobs.JobId WHERE ExportFiles.ExportID = ?',(exportId,)) rv = self.fetchAll2PyList([UUIDTYPE,float,str,UUIDTYPE,str,str]) retList = [] for exportid,creationtime,exportfilename,jobid,jobnumber,taskname in rv: retList.append( { 'exportid' : exportid, 'exportfilename': exportfilename, 'creationtime' : creationtime, 'jobid': jobid, 'jobnumber' : jobnumber, 'taskname': taskname } ) if len(retList)==0: return {} else: return retList[0] def getExportFilesByFileType(self,fileTypeClass=None,before=None,projectId=None): com = 'SELECT ExportFiles.ExportID, ExportFiles.CreationTime, ExportFiles.ExportFilename, Files.JobId, Jobs.JobNumber, Jobs.TaskName FROM ExportFiles INNER JOIN Files ON ExportFiles.FileId=Files.FileId INNER JOIN Jobs ON Files.JobId=Jobs.JobId' args = [] where = ' WHERE ' if fileTypeClass in FILETYPES_CLASS: args.append(FILETYPES_CLASS.index(fileTypeClass)) com = com + where +'Files.FileType = ?' where = ' AND ' if before is not None: com = com + where +'ExportFiles.CreationTime < ?' args.append(before) where = ' AND ' if projectId is not None: com = com + where +'Jobs.ProjectId=?' args.append(projectId) com = com + ' ORDER BY Jobs.CreationTime DESC' self.execute(com,args) rv = self.fetchAll2PyList([UUIDTYPE,float,str,UUIDTYPE,str,str]) retList = [] for exportid,creationtime,exportfilename,jobid,jobnumber,taskname in rv: retList.append( { 'exportid' : exportid, 'exportfilename': exportfilename, 'creationtime' : time, 'jobid': jobid, 'jobnumber' : jobnumber, 'taskname': taskname } ) return retList def createFile(self,jobId=None,projectId=None,fileObject=None,fileTypeId=None,fileTypeName=None, sourceFileName=None,sourceFileId=None,sourceFileAnnotation=None,importNumber=None,reference=None, **kw): # fileObject is a CDataFile # File is output by jobId or # imported from sourceFileName or sourceFileId (file from another project) #print 'createFile',jobId,projectId,fileObject,fileObject.objectName(),sourceFileName,kw if projectId is not None: permission = self.getProjectPermission(projectId=projectId) else: projectId,permission = self.getJobPermission(jobId=jobId) if permission < PRIVILEGE_WRITE: raise CException(self.__class__,112) # The file should exist! - but gleanJobFiles has checked this if self._preferences['testFileExists']: if fileObject is not None and not fileObject.exists(): raise CException(self.__class__,162,fileObject.fullPath.__str__()) # And the path should be correct for the job (if it is not imported file) #print 'createFile jobdir',fileObject,os.path.split(fileObject.fullPath.__str__())[0],self.jobDirectory(jobId=jobId) if sys.platform[0:3] != 'win' and fileObject is not None and sourceFileName is None and sourceFileId is None: import CCP4Utils try: isSame = CCP4Utils.samefile ( os.path.normpath(os.path.split(fileObject.fullPath.__str__())[0]), self.jobDirectory(jobId=jobId) ) except: raise CException(self.__class__,128,fileObject.fullPath.__str__()+' '+self.jobDirectory(jobId=jobId),stack=False) if not isSame: raise CException(self.__class__,127,fileObject.fullPath.__str__()+' expected in '+str(self.jobDirectory(jobId=jobId)),stack=False) else: pass annotation = None if fileObject is not None: baseName = fileObject.baseName.__str__() relPath = fileObject.relPath.__str__() if relPath.count('CCP4_IMPORTED_FILES'): filePathFlag = PATH_FLAG_IMPORT_DIR else: filePathFlag = PATH_FLAG_JOB_DIR if fileObject.annotation.isSet(): annotation = str(fileObject.annotation) if fileObject.contentFlag.isSet(): fileContent = int(fileObject.contentFlag) else: fileContent = None jobParamName = fileObject.objectName() if jobParamName is None or len(jobParamName)==0: jobParamName = kw.get('jobParamName',None) if fileObject.subType.isSet(): subType = int(fileObject.subType) else: subType = None else: baseName = kw.get('baseName',None) relPath = kw.get('relPath',None) filePathFlag = kw.get('pathFlag',None) annotation = kw.get('annotation',None) fileContent = kw.get('fileContent',None) jobParamName = kw.get('jobParamName',None) subType = kw.get('subType',None) if fileTypeId is None: if fileTypeName is None: fileTypeName = fileObject.qualifiers('mimeTypeName') fileTypeId = self.getFileTypeId(mimeType=fileTypeName) #print 'CDbApi.createFile',fileObject.objectName(),fileObject.qualifiers('mimeTypeName'),fileTypeId fileId = self.uniqueId(table='Files',identifier='FileID') args = [fileId,jobId,jobParamName,baseName,fileTypeId,annotation,fileContent,subType,filePathFlag] #print 'CDbApi.createFile args',args self.execute("INSERT INTO Files (FileID,JobID,JobParamName,Filename,FiletypeID,Annotation,FileContent,FileSubType,PathFlag) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",args) if sourceFileName is not None or sourceFileId is not None: importId = self.createImportFile(fileId=fileId,sourceFileName=sourceFileName,sourceFileId=sourceFileId,jobId=jobId, annotation=sourceFileAnnotation,importNumber=importNumber,reference=reference) self.commit() self.emitSignal('fileCreated',{'fileId':fileId,'jobId':jobId,'projectId':projectId}) return fileId # Why would you edit/delete a File or FileUse record other than deleting a job??? # Answer: cos someones deleted the file def createFileUse(self,jobId=None,fileId=None,role=FILE_ROLE_IN,jobParamName=None): if jobId is None: raise CException(self.__class__,114,'jobId') if fileId is None: raise CException(self.__class__,114,'fileId') projectId,permission = self.getJobPermission(jobId=jobId) if permission < PRIVILEGE_WRITE: raise CException(self.__class__,112) args = [fileId,jobId,role,jobParamName] #print 'CDbApi.createFileUse',args self.execute("INSERT INTO FileUses (FileID,JobID,RoleID,JobParamName) VALUES (?,?,?,?)",args) self.commit() self.emitSignal('fileUseCreated',{'fileId':fileId,'jobId':jobId,'projectId':projectId,'role':role}) def matchFileName(self,fileName=None,fileObject=None): if fileObject is not None: if fileObject.dbFileId.isSet(): try: jobId = self.getFileInfo(fileId=fileObject.dbFileId.get(),mode='jobid') except: pass else: #print 'matchFileName from dbFileId',fileObject.dbFileId.get(),jobId return fileObject.dbFileId.get(),jobId baseName = str(fileObject.baseName) relPath = str(fileObject.relPath) fileProjectId = None if fileObject.project.isSet(): try: fileProjectId = self.getProjectId(projectName=str(fileObject.project)) except CException as e: # Not recognised as project - is it an alias? try: aliasPath = self.getAliasDirectory(str(fileObject.project)) except: return None,None relPath = os.path.join(aliasPath,relPath) elif fileName is not None: path,baseName = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(fileName)) fileProjectId,fileProjectName,fileProjectPath = self.matchProjectDirectory(path) #if projectId is None: return None #print 'CDbApi.matchFileName',path,fileProjectId if fileProjectId is None: relPath = path else: relPath = fileProjectPath if len(relPath)==0: relPath = None else: return None,None if fileProjectId is not None: jobNumber = '' testPath = relPath while len(testPath)>0: testPath,term = os.path.split(testPath) if term[0:4] == 'job_': jobNumber = term[4:] + '.' + jobNumber elif term == 'CCP4_JOBS': pass else: jobNumber = '' testPath = '' #print 'matchFileName',relPath,'jobNumber',jobNumber if len(jobNumber)>0: jobNumber = jobNumber[0:-1] args = (baseName,jobNumber,fileProjectId,) self.execute('SELECT Files.FileId,Files.JobId FROM Files INNER JOIN Jobs ON Files.JobId = Jobs.JobId WHERE Files.FileName= ? AND Jobs.JobNumber = ? AND Jobs.ProjectId = ?',args) fileIdList = self.fetchAll2PyList([UUIDTYPE,UUIDTYPE]) if len(fileIdList)==1: return fileIdList[0][0],fileIdList[0][1] else: # We don't have a standard relPath - keh? args = (baseName,fileProjectId) self.execute('SELECT Files.FileId,Files.JobId FROM Files INNER JOIN Jobs ON Files.JobId=Jobs.JobId WHERE Files.Filename = ? AND Jobs.ProjectID = ?',args) fileIdList = self.fetchAll2PyList([UUIDTYPE,UUIDTYPE]) #print 'CDbApi.matchFileName fileIdList',args,fileIdList if len(fileIdList) == 1: return fileIdList[0][0],fileIdList[0][1] return None,None def getFileInfo(self,fileId=None,mode='all'): fileId = UUIDTYPE(fileId) if mode == 'all': itemList = [] itemList.extend(self.FILEITEMS) elif not isinstance(mode,types.ListType): itemList = [mode.lower()] else: itemList = [] for item in mode: itemList.append(item.lower()) selcom = "SELECT " typeConv = [] retList = [] jobItems = [] for jobItem in ['jobnumber','taskname','projectname','projectid']: if jobItem in itemList: if not 'jobid' in itemList: itemList.append('jobid') jobItems.append(jobItem) if 'sourcefilename' in itemList: if not 'importid' in itemList: itemList.append('importid') if 'relpath' in itemList: if not 'jobnumber' in jobItems: jobItems.append('jobnumber') if not 'jobid' in itemList: itemList.append('jobid') if not 'importid' in itemList: itemList.append('importid') if not 'filetypeid' in itemList: itemList.append('filetypeid') if not 'pathflag' in itemList: itemList.append('pathflag') ifRelPath = True else: ifRelPath = False for item in itemList: try: if item in ['filetypeid','filetype','fileclass']: if selcom.count('filetypeid') == 0: selcom = selcom + 'Files.filetypeid, ' typeConv.append(int) retList.append('filetypeid') elif item in ['importid','sourcefilename']: selcom = selcom + 'ImportFiles.'+item +', ' typeConv.append(UUIDTYPE) retList.append(item) else: ii = self.FILEITEMS.index(item) if ii>0: selcom = selcom + 'Files.'+item +', ' typeConv.append(self.FILETYPES[ii]) retList.append(item) except: pass if 'importid' in retList: selcom = selcom[0:-2] + " FROM Files LEFT OUTER JOIN ImportFiles ON Files.FileId=ImportFiles.FileId WHERE Files.FileID=?" else: selcom = selcom[0:-2] + " FROM Files WHERE Files.FileID=?" #print 'getFileInfo selcom',selcom,jobItems self.execute(selcom,(fileId,)) rv = self.fetchAll2PyList(typeConv) if len(rv) != 1: #import traceback #traceback.print_stack(limit=7) raise CException(self.__class__,180,str(fileId)) else: ret = self.fileInfoDict(retList,rv[0]) #print 'getFileInfo after fileInfoDict',ret # Need to append the 'derived' file type info? if 'fileid' in itemList: ret['fileid'] = fileId if 'filetype' in itemList: ret['filetype'] = FILETYPES_TEXT[ret['filetypeid']] if 'fileclass' in itemList: ret['fileclass'] = FILETYPES_CLASS[ret['filetypeid']] if len(jobItems)>0: if ret['jobid'] is None: jobInfo = { 'jobnumber' : None, 'taskname':None,'projectid':None,'projectname': None, 'relpath' : None} else: jobInfo = self.getJobInfo(jobId=ret['jobid'],mode=jobItems,returnType=dict) if isinstance(jobInfo,dict): ret.update(jobInfo) else: ret[jobItems[0]] = jobInfo if ifRelPath: ret['relpath'] = self.getRelPath(ret['pathflag'],ret['filetypeid'],jobInfo['jobnumber'],ret['importid']) #print 'getFileInfo with derived',jobItems,ret if len(itemList)==1: # Just return the value if only one item requested return ret[itemList[0]] else: # Return multiple items as a dictionary #print 'getFileInfo ret',ret return ret def fileInfoDict(self,itemList=[],fileValue=[]): #print 'fileInfoDict',itemList,fileValue ii = -1 ret = {} for item in itemList: ii = ii + 1 if item == 'filetype': if fileValue[ii]>0 and fileValue[ii]0 and fileValue[ii]0: t = len(fileList[0])-1 for i in range(len(fileList)): fileList[i][t] = self.timeString(fileList[i][t]) return fileList def refineSelectionCommand(self,selcom0,args0,fileTypeId,subType,contentFlag): allowAny = False if fileTypeId in [4,16]: selcom0 +=' AND Files.FileTypeId IN (10,11,12,13)' else: selcom0 +=' AND Files.FileTypeId= ?' args0.append(fileTypeId) subType0 = copy.deepcopy(subType) #print 'refineSelectionCommand',subType0,type(subType0) if subType0 is not None: # Check if '0' is in the list - implies allow any but list after the # preferred selection if isinstance(subType0,list): try: subType0.remove(0) allowAny = True if len(subType0) == 1: subType0 = subType0[0] except: subType0 = subType else: subType0 = subType if not isinstance(subType0,list): if subType0 == 0: selcom0 += ' AND ( Files.FileSubType IS NULL OR Files.FileSubType = ?)' elif subType0 < 0 : selcom0 += ' AND Files.FileSubType != ?' subType0 = -subType0 else: selcom0 += ' AND Files.FileSubType = ?' args0.append(subType0) else: if 0 in subType0: selcom0 += ' AND (Files.FileSubType IS NULL OR Files.FileSubType IN (' else: selcom0 += ' AND Files.FileSubType IN (' for subTypeItem in subType0: args0.append(subTypeItem) selcom0 +='?,' selcom0 = selcom0[0:-1]+')' if 0 in subType0: selcom0 += ')' if contentFlag is not None: if not isinstance(contentFlag,list): if contentFlag==0: selcom0 += ' AND ( Files.FileContent IS NULL OR Files.FilContent = ?)' elif contentFlag < 0: selcom0 += ' AND Files.FileContent != ?' contentFlag = -contentFlag else: selcom0 += ' AND Files.FileContent = ?' args0.append(contentFlag) else: if 0 in contentFlag: selcom0 += ' AND (Files.FileContent IS NULL OR Files.FileContent IN (' else: selcom0 += ' AND Files.FileContent IN (' for contentFlagItem in contentFlag: args0.append(contentFlagItem) selcom0 +='?,' selcom0=selcom0[0:-1]+ ')' if 0 in contentFlag: selcom0 += ')' return selcom0,args0,allowAny def getJobsWithOutputFiles(self,projectId=None,fileTypeId=None,projectName=None,fileType=None,fileTypeClass=None, subType=None,contentFlag=None,topLevelOnly=True,importFiles=False): jobInfo = [] if projectId is None: if projectName is not None: projectId = self.getProjectId(projectName=projectName) if fileTypeId is None: if fileTypeClass is not None and fileTypeClass in FILETYPES_CLASS: fileTypeId = FILETYPES_CLASS.index(fileTypeClass) elif fileType is not None and fileType in FILETYPES_TEXT: fileTypeId = FILETYPES_TEXT.index(fileType) # Get list of files generated by jobs in the project (no imported files) args1 = [projectId,] selcom1 = 'SELECT Jobs.TaskName,Jobs.JobNumber, Files.FileId, Files.Annotation,ImportFiles.SourceFilename,Files.FiletypeID,Files.FileSubType,Files.JobParamName, Jobs.CreationTime FROM Jobs INNER JOIN Files ON Files.JobId=Jobs.JobId LEFT OUTER JOIN ImportFiles ON Files.FileId=ImportFiles.FileId WHERE Jobs.ProjectId = ?' selcom,args,allowAny = self.refineSelectionCommand(selcom1,args1,fileTypeId,subType,contentFlag) selcom += ' AND ImportFiles.ImportId IS NULL' if topLevelOnly: selcom = selcom + ' AND Jobs.ParentJobId IS NULL' selcom +=' ORDER BY Jobs.CreationTime DESC' #print 'CDbApi.getJobsWithOutputFiles',selcom,args self.execute(selcom,args) jobList = self.fetchAll2PyList([str,str,UUIDTYPE,str,str,int,int,str,float]) #print 'getJobsWithOutputFiles',args,jobList #print 'getJobsWithOutputFiles args',args #print 'getJobsWithOutputFiles first',jobInfo # Add imported files to the list - after any created files if importFiles: args = [projectId,] selcom = 'SELECT Jobs.TaskName,Jobs.JobNumber, Files.FileId, Files.Annotation,ImportFiles.SourceFilename,Files.FiletypeID,Files.FileSubType,Files.JobParamName, Jobs.CreationTime FROM Jobs INNER JOIN Files ON Files.JobId=Jobs.JobId LEFT OUTER JOIN ImportFiles ON Files.FileId=ImportFiles.FileId WHERE Jobs.ProjectId = ?' selcom,args,allowAny = self.refineSelectionCommand(selcom,args,fileTypeId,subType,contentFlag) selcom += ' AND ImportFiles.ImportId IS NOT NULL' if topLevelOnly: selcom = selcom + ' AND Jobs.ParentJobId IS NULL' selcom +=' ORDER BY Jobs.CreationTime DESC' self.execute(selcom,args) impList = self.fetchAll2PyList([str,str,UUIDTYPE,str,str,int,int,str,float]) if len(impList)>0: jobList.extend(impList) def get_key(item): return item[8] jobList = sorted(jobList,key=get_key,reverse=True) # Do another search for any files of right type but wrong subtype #print 'getJobsWithOutputFiles allowAny',allowAny,subType #print 'CDbApi.getJobsWithOutputFiles allowAny selcom1',selcom1,args1 if subType is not None and allowAny: selcom2,args2,allowAny = self.refineSelectionCommand(selcom1,args1[0:1],fileTypeId,None,contentFlag) selcom2 += ' AND ImportFiles.ImportId IS NULL' if topLevelOnly: selcom2 = selcom2 + ' AND Jobs.ParentJobId IS NULL' selcom2 +=' ORDER BY Jobs.CreationTime DESC' #print 'CDbApi.getJobsWithOutputFiles allowAny selcom2',selcom2,args2 self.execute(selcom2,args2) jobList.extend(self.fetchAll2PyList([str,str,UUIDTYPE,str,str,int,int,str,float])) # Sort it all into a list of dicts ll = 0 insPt = None insJob = None fileIdList = [] while ll0: com = "DELETE FROM ProjectTags WHERE ProjectID = ? AND TagId IN (?" for ii in range(1,len(delList)):com = com + ',?' com = com +')' delList.insert(0,projectId) self.execute(com,delList) if len(addList)>0: for tid in addList: self.createProjectTag(projectId,tid,False) if len(delList)>0 or len(addList)>0: self.commit() def getProjectTags(self,projectId=None): self.execute('SELECT TagId FROM ProjectTags WHERE ProjectId = ?',(projectId,)) ret = self.fetchAll2Py(UUIDTYPE) return ret def getProjectsWithTag(self,tagId): self.execute('''SELECT ProjectTags.ProjectId, Projects.ProjectName FROM ProjectTags INNER JOIN Projects ON ProjectTags.ProjectId = Projects.ProjectId WHERE ProjectTags.TagId = ?''',(tagId,)) return self.fetchAll2PyList([UUIDTYPE,UUIDTYPE,str]) def createProjectTag(self,projectId=None,tagId=None,commit=True): if self.projectTagExists(projectId,tagId): raise CException(self.__class__,292) else: self.execute("INSERT INTO ProjectTags (ProjectId,TagId) VALUES (?,?)",(projectId,tagId)) if commit: self.commit() def projectTagExists(self,projectId=None,tagId=None): self.execute('SELECT ProjectId,TagId FROM ProjectTags WHERE ProjectId = ? AND TagId = ?',(projectId,tagId)) ret = self.fetchAll2PyList([UUIDTYPE,UUIDTYPE]) print 'projectTagExists',ret return len(ret)>0 def deleteProjectTag(self,projectId=None,tagId=None): self.execute("DELETE FROM ProjectTags WHERE ProjectID = ? AND TagId = ?",(projectId,tagId)) self.commit() def createTag(self,text,parentTagId=None): self.execute("SELECT tagId FROM Tags WHERE text = ?",[text,]) ret = self.fetchAll2Py(UUIDTYPE) print 'createTag',text,ret if len(ret)>0: raise CException(self.__class__,294,ret) tagId = self.uniqueId(table='Tags',identifier='TagID') self.execute("INSERT INTO Tags (TagId,text,parentTagId) VALUES (?,?,?)",[tagId,text,parentTagId]) self.commit() self.emitSignal('tagCreated',{'tagId':tagId,'parentTagId':parentTagId,'text':text}) return tagId def updateTag(self,tagId,key=None,value=None): key = key.lower() if not key in ['parenttagid','text']: raise CException(self.__class__,293,key) self.execute("UPDATE Tags SET "+key+" = ? WHERE TagID = ?",(value,tagId,)) self.commit() self.emitSignal('tagUpdated',{'tagId':tagId,'key':key,'value':value}) def deleteTag(self,tagId,deleteChildren=False): self.execute("SELECT ParentTagId FROM Tags WHERE TagId = ?",[tagId,]) parentId = self.fetchAll2Py(UUIDTYPE) print 'CDbApi.deleteTag parentId',parentId if parentId is not None: if deleteChildren: pass else: self.execute("UPDATE Tags SET ParentTagId = NULL WHERE ParentTagID = ?",(parentId)) self.execute("DELETE FROM ProjectTags WHERE TagID = ?",(tagId,)) self.execute("DELETE FROM Tags WHERE TagID = ?",(tagId,)) self.commit() self.emitSignal('tagDeleted',{'tagId' : tagId}) def getTagList(self): #self.execute('SELECT Tags.TagId, Tags.ParentTagId, Tags.Text, COUNT(ProjectTags.TagId) FROM Tags LEFT OUTER JOIN ProjectTags ON ProjectTags.TagId = Tags.TagId') #self.execute('SELECT Tags.TagId, Tags.ParentTagId, Tags.Text, COUNT(ProjectTags.TagId) FROM ProjectTags LEFT OUTER JOIN Tags ON ProjectTags.TagId = Tags.TagId') self.execute('SELECT Tags.TagId, Tags.ParentTagId, Tags.Text FROM Tags ORDER BY Tags.Text') return self.fetchAll2PyList([UUIDTYPE,UUIDTYPE,str]) def getProjectTagList(self): self.execute('SELECT DISTINCT ProjectTags.ProjectId,Tags.Text FROM ProjectTags INNER JOIN Tags ON ProjectTags.TagId = Tags.TagId INNER JOIN Projects ON ProjectTags.ProjectId = Projects.ProjectId ORDER BY Projects.ProjectName') return self.fetchAll2PyList([UUIDTYPE,str]) def newTag(self,projectId=None,text=None,parentTagId=None): tagId = self.createTag(text=text,parentTagId=parentTagId) print 'CDbApi.newTag',tagId if projectId is not None: self.createProjectTag(projectId,tagId) return tagId def getProjectCommentsList(self): self.execute('SELECT DISTINCT ProjectId, Comment FROM ProjectComments') return self.fetchAll2PyList([UUIDTYPE,str]) def setDirectoryAlias(self,alias=None,directory=None): if not self._userRole in [USER_ROLE_OWNER]: raise CException(self.__class__,106,'You are '+self._userName+' calling createDirectoryAlias') if directory is None: raise CException(self.__class__,133,alias) if alias != 'CCP4I2_TOP': matchId,matchDir,relPath = self.matchProjectDirectory(directory) if matchDir is not None and len(relPath)==0: raise CException(self.__class__,133,alias) try: diry = self.getAliasDirectory(alias) except: diry = None if diry is None: args = (alias,directory) self.execute("INSERT INTO DirectoryAliases (DirectoryAlias,Directory) VALUES (?,?);",args) else: args = (directory,alias) self.execute("UPDATE DirectoryAliases SET Directory= ? WHERE DirectoryAlias= ?",args) self.commit() def deleteDirectoryAlias(self,alias): # TBD pass def getAliasDirectory(self,alias=None): if alias is None: raise CException(self.__class__,134,str(alias)) args = (str(alias),) self.execute('SELECT Directory FROM DirectoryAliases WHERE DirectoryAlias = ?',args) rv = self.fetchAll2Py(str) if len(rv)==0: raise CException(self.__class__,134,alias) else: return rv[0] def listDirectoryAliases(self,toTerm=False): self.execute("SELECT DirectoryAlias FROM DirectoryAliases") aliasList = self.fetchAll2Py(str) if toTerm: print 'listDirectoryAliases' for item in aliasList: print (item) return aliasList def getRecentlyFinishedJobs(self,after=0.0): #self.execute('SELECT JobId FROM Jobs WHERE (status='+str(JOB_STATUS_FAILED)+' OR status='+str(JOB_STATUS_FINISHED)+') AND finishtime>'+str(after)) #print 'CDbApi.getRecentlyFinishedJobs' args = (str(after),) self.execute('SELECT JobId,ProjectId,Status,JobTitle,FinishTime,ParentJobId FROM Jobs WHERE finishtime> ? ORDER BY finishtime',args) finishedJobs = self.fetchAll2PyList((UUIDTYPE,UUIDTYPE,int,str,float,UUIDTYPE)) #print 'getRecentlyFinishedJobs jobList',finishedJobs for jobId,projectId,status,jobTitle,finishTime,parentJobId in finishedJobs: #print 'CDbApi.getRecentlyFinishedJobs',jobId #self.emitSignal('jobFinished',(jobId,projectId,status)) if status == JOB_STATUS_TO_DELETE: self.emitSignal('jobToDelete',{'jobId':jobId,'projectId':projectId,'status':status,'jobTitle':jobTitle,'finishTime':finishTime,'parentJobId':parentJobId}) else: self.emitSignal('jobFinished',{'jobId':jobId,'projectId':projectId,'status':status,'jobTitle':jobTitle,'finishTime':finishTime,'parentJobId':parentJobId}) self.considerUpdatingFollowFrom(projectId,jobId) return finishedJobs def getRecentlyStartedJobs(self,after=0.0): #self.execute('SELECT JobId FROM Jobs WHERE (status='+str(JOB_STATUS_FAILED)+' OR status='+str(JOB_STATUS_FINISHED)+') AND finishtime>'+str(after)) #print 'getRecentlyFinishedJobs' args = (str(after),str(JOB_STATUS_RUNNING)) self.execute('SELECT JobId,ProjectId,Status,ParentJobId,TaskName FROM Jobs WHERE creationtime> ? AND STATUS= ? ORDER BY creationtime',args) startedJobs = self.fetchAll2PyList((UUIDTYPE,UUIDTYPE,int,UUIDTYPE,str)) #print 'getRecentlyStartedJobs jobList',startedJobs for jobId,projectId,status,parentJobId,taskName in startedJobs: #print 'CDbApi.getRecentlyFinishedJobs',jobId self.emitSignal('jobStarted',{'jobId':jobId,'projectId':projectId,'status':status,'parentJobId':parentJobId,'taskName':taskName}) return startedJobs def getRunningSubJob(self,jobId): # Return the jobId and taskName of a running subJob. Return nothing if there is >1 running sub-jobs # This is currently used in support of interupting jobs and multiple running sub-jobs not supported # in that context self.execute('SELECT JobId,TaskName FROM Jobs WHERE parentJobId = ? AND STATUS = ?',(jobId,JOB_STATUS_RUNNING) ) subJobs = self.fetchAll2PyList((UUIDTYPE,str)) #print 'getRunningSubJob',subJobs if len(subJobs) == 1: return { 'jobId' : subJobs[0][0] , 'taskName' : subJobs[0][1] } else: return None def getRunningJobs(self,remote=False): if not remote: self.execute('SELECT JobId,JobNumber,TaskName,ProjectId,ProcessId,parentJobId FROM Jobs WHERE STATUS = ?',(str(JOB_STATUS_RUNNING))) else: self.execute('SELECT Jobs.JobId,Jobs.JobNumber,Jobs.TaskName,Jobs.ProjectId,ServerJobs.ServerProcessId,Jobs.parentJobId FROM Jobs INNER JOIN ServerJobs ON Jobs.JobId=ServerJobs.JobId WHERE Jobs.STATUS = ?',(str(JOB_STATUS_REMOTE))) ret = self.fetchAll2PyList((UUIDTYPE,str,str,UUIDTYPE,int,UUIDTYPE)) return ret def jobDirectory(self,jobId=None,jobNumber=None,projectId=None,projectDirectory=None): import os if jobNumber is None or (projectId is None and projectDirectory is None): jobInfo = self.getJobInfo(jobId=jobId,mode=['projectid','jobnumber']) jobNumber = jobInfo['jobnumber'] if projectDirectory is None: projectDirectory = self.getProjectInfo(projectId=jobInfo['projectid'],mode='projectdirectory') elif projectDirectory is None: projectDirectory = self.getProjectInfo(projectId=projectId,mode='projectdirectory') directory = os.path.join(projectDirectory,'CCP4_JOBS') for job in jobNumber.split('.'): directory = os.path.join(directory,'job_'+job) #print 'CDbApi.jobDirectory',jobId,jobNumber,directory return os.path.normpath(directory) def jobRelPath(self,jobId=None,jobNumber=None): if jobNumber is None: jobNumber = self.getJobInfo(jobId=jobId,mode='jobnumber') directory = 'CCP4_JOBS' for job in jobNumber.split('.'): directory = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(directory,'job_'+job)) return directory def createXData(self,jobId=None,dataClass=None,dataXml=None,projectId=None): if projectId is not None: permission = self.getProjectPermission(projectId=projectId) elif jobId is not None: projectId,permission = self.getJobPermission(jobId=jobId) else: raise CException(self.__class__,161,str(jobId)) if permission < PRIVILEGE_WRITE: raise CException(self.__class__,112) dataId = self.uniqueId(table='XData',identifier='XDataID') args = [dataId,jobId,dataClass,dataXml] self.execute("INSERT INTO XData (XDataID,JobID,XDataClass,XDataXml) VALUES (?,?,?,?)",args) self.commit() return dataId def getXData(self,dataClass=None,projectId=None,jobId=None): # Is there an xdata from the job? if jobId is None: if dataClass is None: args = (projectId,) self.execute('SELECT XData.XDataId FROM XData INNER JOIN Jobs ON XData.JobId=Jobs.JobId WHERE Jobs.ProjectId = ? ',args) else: args = (dataClass,projectId) self.execute('SELECT XData.XDataId FROM XData WHERE XDataClass = ? INNER JOIN Jobs ON XData.JobId=Jobs.JobId WHERE Jobs.ProjectId = ? ',args) else: if dataClass is None: args = (jobId,) self.execute('SELECT XDataId FROM XData WHERE JobId = ? ',args) else: args = (dataClass,jobId) self.execute('SELECT XDataId FROM XData WHERE XDataClass = ? AND JobId = ? ',args) rv = self.fetchAll2Py(UUIDTYPE) return rv def getXDataInfo(self,xDataId=None,mode='all'): #self.setDiagnostic(True) args = (xDataId,) if mode.lower() in ['xdataclass','class','xdataxml','xml']: if mode.lower() in ['xdataclass','class']: mode = 'xdataclass' else: mode = 'xdataxml' self.execute('SELECT '+mode+' FROM XData WHERE XDataID = ?',args) rv = self.fetchAll2Py(str) else: self.execute('SELECT XDataClass,XDataXml FROM XData WHERE XDataID = ?',args) rv = self.fetchAll2PyList([str,str]) rv = self.fetchAll2Py(str) #self.setDiagnostic(False) if len(rv)>0: return rv[0] else: return [] def getXDataByJobContext(self,contextJobId=None,dataClass=None,projectId=None): #print 'CDbApi.getXDataByContext',contextJobId,dataClass,projectId # Is there an xdata from the job? args = (contextJobId,dataClass) self.execute('SELECT XDataId FROM XData WHERE JobId = ? AND XDataClass = ?',args) rv = self.fetchAll2Py(UUIDTYPE) if len(rv)>0: return rv # We need to find preceeding jobs args = (contextJobId,) self.execute('SELECT PreceedingJobID FROM Jobs WHERE JobId = ?',args) rv = self.fetchAll2Py(UUIDTYPE) if len(rv)==1: return self.getXDataByJobContext(contextJobId=rv[0],dataClass=dataClass,projectId=projectId) return [] def getJobXData(self,jobId=None,role=FILE_ROLE_OUT,mode='xdataid'): outputList = [] if role == FILE_ROLE_OUT: # Search the Files table for output files args = [jobId,] seleList = 'JobID = ?' if mode == 'xdataid': self.execute('SELECT xdataid FROM XData WHERE '+seleList,args) outputList = self.fetchAll2Py(UUIDTYPE) return outputList return [] def getKeyTypeId(self,keyTypeName): u = (keyTypeName,) self.execute('SELECT KeyTypeID FROM KeyTypes WHERE KeyTypeName = ?',u) rv = self.fetchAll2Py(int) #print 'getKeyTypeId',keyTypeName,rv if len(rv)==0: raise CException(self.__class__,290,keyTypeName) else: return rv[0] def createJobKeyValue(self,jobId=None,keyTypeId=None,keyTypeName=None,value=None): if keyTypeId is None and keyTypeName is not None: keyTypeId = self.getKeyTypeId(keyTypeName) if isinstance(value,str): args = (jobId,keyTypeId,value) self.execute("INSERT INTO JobKeyCharValues (JobId,KeyTypeId,Value) VALUES (?,?,?)",args) else: args = (jobId,keyTypeId,float(value)) #print 'createJobKeyValues args',args self.execute("INSERT INTO JobKeyValues (JobId,KeyTypeId,Value) VALUES (?,?,?)",args) self.commit() def updateJobKeyValue(self,jobId=None,keyTypeId=None,keyTypeName=None,value=None): if keyTypeId is None and keyTypeName is not None: keyTypeId = self.getKeyTypeId(keyTypeName) if isinstance(value,str): self.db.execute("UPDATE JobKeyCharValues SET Value = ? WHERE JobID = ? AND KeyTypeId = ?",(value,jobId,keyTypeId)) else: self.db.execute("UPDATE JobKeyValues SET Value = ? WHERE JobID = ? AND KeyTypeId = ?",(float(value),jobId,keyTypeId)) self.commit() def deleteJobKeyValue(self,jobId=None,keyTypeId=None,keyTypeName=None): if keyTypeId is None and keyTypeName is not None: keyTypeId = self.getKeyTypeId(keyTypeName) self.db.execute('DELETE FROM JobKeyValues WHERE JobId = ? AND KeyTypeId = ?',(jobId,keyTypeId,)) self.db.execute('DELETE FROM JobKeyCharValues WHERE JobId = ? AND KeyTypeId = ?',(jobId,keyTypeId,)) def getFileAssociationTypeId(self,fileAssociationTypeName): u = (fileAssociationTypeName,) self.execute('SELECT FileAssociationTypeID FROM FileAssociationTypes WHERE FileAssociationTypeName = ?',u) rv = self.fetchAll2Py(int) if len(rv)==0: raise CException(self.__class__,291,fileAssociationTypeName) else: return rv[0] def createFileAssociation(self,typeId=None,typeName=None,associationName=None,fileList=[]): if typeId is None and typeName is not None: typeId = self.getFileAssociationTypeId(typeName) pid = self.uniqueId(table='FileAssociations',identifier='FileAssociationID') args = [pid,typeId,associationName] self.execute("INSERT INTO FileAssociations (FileAssociationID,FileAssociationTypeID,FileAssociationName) VALUES (?,?,?)",args) if len(fileList)>0: for fileItem in fileList: if not isinstance(fileItem,(types.ListType,types.TupleType)): fileItem = [fileItem,0] self.createFileAssociationMember(self,fileAssociationId=pid,fileId=fileItem[0],roleId=fileItem[1],commit=False) self.commit() return pid def deleteFileAssociation(self,fileAssociationId): self.db.execute('DELETE FROM FileAssociations WHERE FileAssociationId = ?',(fileAssociationId,)) self.db.execute('DELETE FROM FileAssociationMembers WHERE FileAssociationId = ?',(fileAssociationId,)) self.commit() def addFileAssociationMember(self,fileAssociationId=None,fileId=None,roleId=0,commit=True): self.execute("INSERT INTO FileAssociationMembers (FileID,FileAssociationID,RoleId) VALUES (?,?,?)", (fileId,fileAssociationId,roleId) ) if commit: self.commit() def removeFileAssociationMember(fileAssociationId=None,fileId=None,commit=True): self.db.execute('DELETE FROM FileAssociationMembers WHERE FileId = ? AND FileAssociationId = ?',(fileId,fileAssociationId)) if commit: self.commit() def getFileAssociationInfo(self,fileAssociationId=None,fileId=None,typeId=None,roleId=None): com = 'SELECT DISTINCT FileAssociations.FileAssociationId,FileAssociations.FileAssociationTypeId,FileAssociation.FileAssociationName,FileAssociationMembers.FileId,FileAssociationMembers.FileAssociationRoleID FROM FileAssociations INNER JOIN FileAssociationMembers ON FileAssociations.FileAssociationID = FileAssociationMembers.FileAssociationID' if fileAssociationId is not None: com = com + ' WHERE FileAssociations.FileAssociationId=?' args = (fileAssociationId,) else: com = com + ' WHERE FileAssociationMembers.FileID=?' args = [fileId,] if roleId is not None: com = com + ' AND FileAssociationMembers.FileAssociationRoleID = ?' args.append(roleId) if typeId is not None: com = com + ' AND FileAssociations.FileAssociationTypeID = ?' args.append(typeId) self.db.execute(com,args) rv = self.fetchAll2PyList(UUIDTYPE,int,str,UUIDTYPE,int) #print 'getFileAssociationInfo rv',rv info = {} for assocId,assocTypeId,assocName,fileId,roleId in rv: if not info.has_key(assocId): info[assocId] = { 'associationtypeid': assocTypeId, 'associationname':assocName, 'members' : [] } info[assocId]['members'].append( { 'fileId' : fileId, 'roleId': roleId } ) return info def createProjectExport(self,projectId=None,projectExportAfter=None,projectExportSelection=None): pid = self.uniqueId(table='ProjectExports',identifier='ProjectExportID') exportTime = self.currentTime() #args = [pid,projectId,exportTime,projectExportAfter,projectExportSelection] #self.execute("INSERT INTO ProjectExports (ProjectExportID,ProjectID,ProjectExportTime,ProjectExportAfter,ProjectExportSelection) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)",args) args = [pid,projectId,exportTime,projectExportAfter] self.execute("INSERT INTO ProjectExports (ProjectExportID,ProjectID,ProjectExportTime,ProjectExportAfter) VALUES (?,?,?,?)",args) self.commit() return pid def getProjectExportInfo(self,projectExportId=None,projectId=None,returnList=False): if projectExportId is not None: self.execute('SELECT ProjectExportID,ProjectExportTime,ProjectExportAfter FROM ProjectExports WHERE ProjectExportId=?',(projectExportId,)) elif projectId is not None: self.execute('SELECT ProjectExportID,ProjectExportTime,ProjectExportAfter FROM ProjectExports WHERE ProjectId=? ORDER BY ProjectExportTime DESC',(projectId,)) rv = self.fetchAll2PyList((UUIDTYPE,float,float)) if returnList or projectId is not None: return rv else: ret={} ii=0 for item in ('projectexportid','projectexporttime','projectexportafter'): ret[item.lower()] = rv[0][ii] ii += 1 return ret def getProjectImportInfo(self,projectImportId=None,projectId=None,returnList=False): databaseHostNames = {} if projectImportId is not None: self.execute('SELECT ProjectImportID,ProjectImportTime,ProjectExportTime,ProjectExportDatabaseId FROM ProjectImports WHERE ProjectImportId=?',(projectImportId,)) elif projectId is not None: self.execute('SELECT ProjectImportID,ProjectImportTime,ProjectExportTime,ProjectExportDatabaseId FROM ProjectImports WHERE ProjectId=? ORDER BY ProjectImportTime DESC',(projectId,)) rv = self.fetchAll2PyList((UUIDTYPE,float,float,UUIDTYPE)) if returnList or projectId is not None: # Substitute database hostname for the databaseid databaseHostNames = {} for ii in range(len(rv)): if databaseHostNames.get(rv[ii][3],None) is None: databaseHostNames[rv[ii][3]] = self.getDatabaseInfo(databaseId=rv[ii][3])['creationhostname'] rv[ii][3] = databaseHostNames[rv[ii][3]] return rv else: ret={} ii=0 for item in ('projectimportid','projectimporttime','projectexporttime'): ret[item.lower()] = rv[0][ii] ii += 1 ret['projectexportdatabase'] = self.getDatabaseInfo(databaseId= rv[0][ii])['creationhostname'] return ret def createDatabase(self,databaseId=None,creationTime=None,creationHostName=None,createUserName=None,schemaVersion=None,schemaDate=None): # Record details of another database from which we have imported data loaded = self.idExists(idValue=databaseId,table='Databases',idName='DatabaseID') if loaded: return True args = [databaseId,creationTime,creationHostName,createUserName,schemaVersion,schemaDate] self.execute("INSERT INTO Databases (DatabaseId,CreationTime,CreationHostName,CreationUserName,SchemaVersion,SchemaDate) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)",args) self.commit() return False def getDatabaseInfo(self,databaseId=None,returnList=False): if databaseId is None: # Assume we want info for the current db self.execute('SELECT DatabaseId,CreationTime,CreationHostName,CreationUserName,SchemaVersion,SchemaDate FROM Databases WHERE ThisIsMe=?',(1,)) else: self.execute('SELECT DatabaseId,CreationTime,CreationHostName,CreationUserName,SchemaVersion,SchemaDate FROM Databases WHERE DatabaseId=?',(databaseId,)) rv = self.fetchAll2PyList(self.DATABASETYPES) if len(rv)!=1: raise CException(self.__class__,280) if returnList: return rv else: ret={} ii=0 for item in self.DATABASEITEMS: ret[item.lower()] = rv[0][ii] ii += 1 return ret def createProjectImport (self,projectId=None,projectExportId=None,projectExportDatabaseId=None,projectExportTime=None,projectExportAfter=None): if projectId is None or not self.idExists(projectId,'Projects'): pass if projectExportId is None or projectExportDatabaseId is None or not self.idExists(projectExportDatabaseId,'Databases'): #print 'CDbApi.createProjectImport invalid projectExportDatabaseId',projectExportDatabaseId return pid = self.uniqueId(table='ProjectImports',identifier='ProjectImportID') importTime = self.currentTime() args = [pid,projectId,importTime,projectExportId,projectExportTime,projectExportDatabaseId] self.execute("INSERT INTO ProjectImports (ProjectImportID,ProjectID,ProjectImportTime,ProjectExportId,projectExportTime,projectExportDatabaseId) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)",args) self.commit() return pid def removeTempTables(self): for table in ['TempJobs','TempFiles','TempImportFiles','TempExportFiles','TempFileUses','TempXData','TempComments','TempJobKeyValues','TempJobKeyCharValues','TempFileAssociations','TempFileAssociationMembers','TempTags','TempProjectTags','TempProjectComments']: self.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '+table) self.commit() def getJobTree(self,jobId=None,projectId=None,ifBack=True): # Trace back or forward from a given job - # beware does not deal with 'export file - run non-ccp4 program - reimport a file' scenario # From johndpope's reply on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7456957/basic-recursive-query-on-sqlite3 # (also at http://dje.me/2011/03/26/sqlite-data-trees.html) # This query be better done by a WITH statement (CommonTableExpressions) which is supported in later sqlite (after 3.8.3) but this is not yet in Python # The code here is a fudge only likely to work for sqlite and needs to be sqlite 3.6.18 or later """ self.execute('SELECT Jobs.JobId, Jobs.JobNumber, Jobs.TaskName, Files.FileId, Files.JobParamName FROM Jobs INNER JOIN Files ON Jobs.JobId = Files.JobId INNER JOIN FileUses ON Files.FileId=FileUses.FileId WHERE FileUses.JobId = ?',(jobId,)) ret = self.fetchAll2PyList([str,str,str,str,str]) print 'getJobTree',ret """ self.execute('PRAGMA recursive_triggers = TRUE;') # The critical selection command depends on wether going back selcom = ''' SELECT Jobs.JobId, Jobs.JobNumber, Jobs.TaskName, Jobs.CreationTime,Jobs.ProjectId, Files.FileId, Files.JobParamName,Files.FiletypeID, FileUses.JobId FROM Jobs ''' if ifBack: # tracing back to preceding jobs selcom += '''INNER JOIN Files ON Jobs.JobId = Files.JobId INNER JOIN FileUses ON Files.FileId=FileUses.FileId WHERE FileUses.JobId=new.JobId;''' else: # tracing subsequent jobs selcom += '''INNER JOIN FileUses ON FileUses.JobId = Jobs.JobId INNER JOIN Files ON FileUses.FileId = Files.FileID WHERE Files.JobId=new.JobId;''' # Create a temporary table self.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS TempJobTree') self.execute('''CREATE TEMP TABLE TempJobTree ( JobId VARCHAR(32), JobNumber VARCHAR(50),TaskName VARCHAR(100), CreationTime REAL, ProjectId VARCHAR(32), FileID VARCHAR(32), JobParamName VARCHAR(32),FiletypeID VARCHAR(32), ChildJobId VARCHAR(32), UNIQUE (JobId)); ''') # Create trigger self.execute('''CREATE TRIGGER getJobTree AFTER INSERT ON TempJobTree BEGIN INSERT OR IGNORE INTO TempJobTree (JobId,JobNumber,TaskName,CreationTime,ProjectId,FileID,JobParamName,FiletypeID,ChildJobId) ''' + selcom + 'END;' ) # Insert the fist jobId into the temporary table - this kicks off the trigger self.execute('''INSERT INTO TempJobTree (JobId,JobNumber,TaskName,CreationTime,ProjectId) SELECT JobId,JobNumber,TaskName,CreationTime,ProjectId FROM Jobs WHERE JobId=?''',(jobId,)) #self.execute('SELECT JobID,JobNumber,TaskName,CreationTime,FileID,JobParamName,ChildJobId FROM TempJobTree ORDER BY CreationTime') self.execute('SELECT JobID,JobNumber,TaskName,CreationTime,ProjectId,FileID,JobParamName,FiletypeID,ChildJobId FROM TempJobTree') ret = self.fetchAll2PyList([str,str,str,float,str,str,str,int,str]) #for item in ret: print 'getJobTree',item self.execute('DROP TABLE TempJobTree') return ret def createServerJob(self,jobId,params={}): args = [jobId] #print 'CDbApi.createServerJob',jobId,params for key in ['machine','username','mechanism','remotePath','customCodeFile','validate','keyFilename','serverGroup']: args.append(getattr(params,key,None)) self.execute('INSERT INTO ServerJobs (JobId,Machine,Username,Mechanism,RemotePath,CustomCodeFile,Validate,KeyFilename,ServerGroup) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)',args) self.commit() def deleteServerJob(self,jobId,commit=True): self.execute('DELETE FROM ServerJobs WHERE JobId = ?',(jobId,)) if commit: self.commit() def updateServerJob(self,jobId,name,value): self.execute('UPDATE ServerJobs SET '+name+'= ? WHERE JobId = ?',(value,jobId)) self.commit() def getServerJobs(self): self.execute('SELECT JobId,Machine,Username,Mechanism,RemotePath,CustomCodeFile,Validate,KeyFilename,ServerProcessId,ServerGroup FROM ServerJobs') ret = self.fetchAll2PyList([UUIDTYPE,str,str,str,str,str,str,str,int,str]) return ret class CDbXml: Instances = set() ERROR_CODES = { 1 : { 'description' : 'Failed to read project file for import' }, 2 : { 'description' : 'Attempting to import project with existing project name' }, 3 : { 'description' : 'Error creating new project when attempting to import project' }, 4 : { 'description' : 'Error importing job - job with same number already exists in project' }, 5 : { 'description' : 'Error retreiving jobid/jobnumber/taskname data for job' }, 6 : { 'description' : 'Error importing job - job with same jobId already exists in project' }, 7 : { 'description' : 'Error importing ImportFile record - FileId not found in database','severity' : SEVERITY_WARNING }, 8 : { 'description' : 'Error importing ExportFile record - FileId not found in database','severity' : SEVERITY_WARNING }, 9 : { 'description' : 'Warning importing job - new job number assigned to avoid clash', 'severity' : SEVERITY_WARNING}, 10 : { 'description' : 'Warning - attempting to import job already in database','severity' : SEVERITY_WARNING }, 100 : { 'description' : 'No project data found in the database file' }, 101 : { 'description' : 'Unknown error creating project in database' }, 102 : { 'description' : 'Project successfully imported into database', 'severity' : SEVERITY_OK }, 103 : { 'description' : 'Project import to database is NOT commited','severity' : SEVERITY_WARNING }, 104 : { 'description' : ' ' }, 105 : { 'description' : ' ' }, 106 : { 'description' : ' ' }, 200 : { 'description' : 'Expected table not found in import file', 'severity' : SEVERITY_WARNING }, 201 : { 'description' : 'Loading file failed to find mapping for jobId ' }, 202 : { 'description' : 'Loading file failed to find mapping for importId ' }, 203 : { 'description' : 'Loading file failed to find mapping for fileId ' }, 204 : { 'description' : 'Loading file failed to find mapping for exportId' }, 205 : { 'description' : 'Loading file failed to find/interpret xdataxml' }, 210 : { 'description' : 'Error entering job data to database' }, 211 : { 'description' : 'Error entering file data to database' }, 212 : { 'description' : 'Error interpreting data - wrong datatype' }, 213 : { 'description' : 'Error inserting row into database' }, 214 : { 'description' : 'Error inserting comment with unrecognised UserId', 'severity' : SEVERITY_WARNING }, 215 : { 'description' : 'Error inserting comment with unrecognised JobId' }, 216 : { 'description' : 'Error inserting file with unrecognised JobId' }, 217 : { 'description' : 'Error inserting fileUse with unrecognised JobId' }, 218 : { 'description' : 'Error inserting fileUse with unrecognised FileId' }, 219 : { 'description' : 'Error inserting XData with unrecognised JobId' }, 120 : { 'description' : 'Error opening project database xml file' }, 121 : { 'description' : 'Error reading project database xml file' }, 122 : { 'description' : 'Error reading database/export info from project database xml file' }, 123 : { 'description' : 'Error processing job data from project database xml file' } } COMMIT_POLICY_NO_ERRORS = 0 COMMIT_POLICY_FORCE = 1 COMMIT_POLICY_NO_COMMIT = 2 @staticmethod def updateInstances(): CDbXml.Instances = set([obj for obj in CDbXml.Instances if isAlive(obj)]) print 'CDbXml.updateInstances',CDbXml.Instances def __init__(self,db=None,xmlFile=None,diagnostic=False): self.xmlFile = xmlFile self.db=db self.projectDirectory = None self.projectName = None self.projectId = None self.projectInfo = {} self.errReport = CErrorReport() self._diagnostic = diagnostic self.stats = {} # Collect stats to report to user self.stats['incrJobNumber'] = 0 self.PROJECTITEMS = [] self.PROJECTITEMS.extend(self.db.PROJECTITEMS0) self.PROJECTITEMS.extend(['username','parentprojectname']) self.PROJECTTYPES = [] self.PROJECTTYPES.extend(self.db.PROJECTTYPES0) self.PROJECTTYPES.extend([str,str]) self.makeAllSql() def setDiagnostic(self,mode=False): if mode in (True,False): self._diagnostic = mode def loadFile(self): import CCP4File f = CCP4File.CI2XmlDataFile(fullPath=self.xmlFile) f.loadFile() root = f.getEtreeRoot().xpath('./ccp4i2_body')[0] return root def headerInfo(self,load=False): import CCP4File f = CCP4File.CI2XmlDataFile(fullPath=self.xmlFile) f.loadFile() f.loadHeader() if load: self.projectName = f.header.projectName.__str__() self.projectId = f.header.projectId.__str__() return f.header.get() def loadExportInfo(self): try: root = self.loadFile() except: raise CException(self.__class__,120,self.xmlFile) eleList = root.xpath('databaseTable/database') if len(eleList)!= 1: raise CException(self.__class__,122,self.xmlFile) dbInfo = {} exportInfo = {} for key,value in eleList[0].items(): dbInfo[key] = value eleList = root.xpath('projectexportTable/projectexport') if len(eleList)!= 1: raise CException(self.__class__,122,self.xmlFile,) for key,value in eleList[0].items(): exportInfo[key] = value return dbInfo,exportInfo def setProjectImport(self): dbInfo,exportInfo = self.loadExportInfo() #print 'CDbXml.setProjectImport',dbInfo,exportInfo if not self.db.idExists(dbInfo['databaseid'],'Databases'): loaded = self.db.createDatabase(databaseId=dbInfo['databaseid'],creationTime=dbInfo['creationtime'], creationHostName=dbInfo['creationhostname'],createUserName=dbInfo['creationusername'], schemaVersion=dbInfo.get('schemaversion',None),schemaDate=dbInfo.get('schemadate',None) ) #print 'CDbXml.setProjectImport database already loaded',loaded self.db.createProjectImport(projectId=self.projectId,projectExportId=exportInfo['projectexportid'], projectExportDatabaseId=dbInfo['databaseid'],projectExportTime=exportInfo['projectexporttime']) def loadProjectInfo(self): try: root = self.loadFile() except: raise CException(self.__class__,120,self.xmlFile) pEleList = root.xpath('projectTable/project') if len(pEleList)!= 1: raise CException(self.__class__,121,self.xmlFile,stack=False) self.projectInfo = {} for key,value in pEleList[0].items(): self.projectInfo[key] = value self.projectId = self.projectInfo.get('projectid',None) self.projectName = self.projectInfo.get('projectname',None) self.projectDirectory = self.projectInfo.get('projectdirectory',None) del self.projectInfo['projectid'] del self.projectInfo['projectname'] del self.projectInfo['projectdirectory'] return self.projectInfo def createProject(self,projectDirectory=None): errReport = CErrorReport() if projectDirectory is not None: self.projectDirectory = projectDirectory print 'Attempting to create database project:',self.projectName,'with directory',self.projectDirectory,'and projectId',self.projectId try: pid = self.getProjectId(projectName=self.projectName) return CErrorReport(self.__class__,2,str(self.projectName)) except: pass try: pid = self.db.createProject(projectName=self.projectName,projectDirectory=self.projectDirectory,projectId=self.projectId) except CException as e: return e except: return CErrorReport(self.__class__,3,str(self.projectName)) for key,value in self.projectInfo.items(): try: self.db.updateProject(self.projectId,key,value) except CException as e: errReport.extend(e) return CErrorReport() def loadJob(self,root,parentJobId=None): import time try: jobId = UUIDTYPE(root.findtext('jobid')) jobNumber = root.findtext('jobnumber') taskName = root.findtext('taskname') except: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,5,'Project: '+str(self.projectName)) return False creationTime = root.findtext('creationtime') if creationTime is not None: creationTime = time.mktime(time.strptime(creationTime,CDbApi.TIMEFORMAT)) finishTime =root.findtext('finishtime') if finishTime is not None: finishTime = time.mktime(time.strptime(finishTime,CDbApi.TIMEFORMAT)) try: statusId = JOB_STATUS_TEXT.index(root.findtext('status')) except: statusId = 0 try: evaluation = JOB_EVALUATION_TEXT.index(root.findtext('evaluation')) except: evaluation = 0 userAgent = root.findtext('useragent') jobTitle = root.findtext('jobtitle') #print 'CDbXml.createJob',oldJobId,taskName try: # Expect this to throw error because job should not exist - # If it does not fail then throw error testJobId = self.db.getJobId(projectId=self.projectId,jobNumber=jobNumber) self.errReport.append(self.__class__,4,'Project: '+str(self.projectName)+' JobNumber: '+str(jobNumber),stack=False) return False except: pass args = [jobId,self.projectId,parentJobId,jobNumber,userAgent,taskName,jobTitle,creationTime,finishTime,statusId,evaluation] if self._diagnostic: print 'CDbXml.createJob',args self.db.execute("INSERT INTO Jobs (JobID,ProjectID,parentJobId,JobNumber,userAgent,TaskName,JobTitle,CreationTime,FinishTime,Status,Evaluation) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",args) self.db.commit() outputFilesEleList = root.find('outputFiles').getchildren() if self._diagnostic: print 'Loading',len(outputFilesEleList),'output files' for outputFileEle in outputFilesEleList: self.createFile(outputFileEle,jobId=jobId) inputFilesEleList = root.find('inputFiles').getchildren() if self._diagnostic: print 'Loading',len(inputFilesEleList),'input files' for inputFileEle in inputFilesEleList: # Trickier cos some of these should be fileUses not files pass return True def createFile(self,root=None,jobId=None): import CCP4File fileClass = str(root.tag) try: fileTypeId = FILETYPES_CLASS.index(fileClass) except: fileTypeId = 0 ''' fileId = self.db.uniqueId(table='Files',identifier='FileID') try: oldFileId = int(root.findtext('dbFileId')) except: oldFileId = None ''' # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This use of importfiles is broken !!!!!!!!!!!!!! impRoot = root.find('importFile') if impRoot is None: importId = None else: sourceFilename = impRoot.findtext('sourceFilename') annotation = impRoot.findtext('annotation') importId = self.db.createImportFile(sourceFileName=sourceFilename,annotation=annotation,jobId=jobId) fileId = UUIDTYPE(root.findtext('fileId')) baseName = root.findtext('baseName') relPath = root.findtext('relPath') annotation = root.findtext('annotation') args = [fileId,jobId,importId,baseName,relPath,fileTypeId,annotation,] if self._diagnostic: print 'CDbXml.createFile args',args self.db.execute("INSERT INTO Files (FileID,JobID,ImportId,Filename,RelPath,FiletypeID,Annotation) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",args) self.db.commit() def deleteFile(self,fileId=None): fileId = UUIDTYPE(fileId) #print 'CDbApi.deleteFile',fileId self.execute("DELETE FROM Files WHERE FileID = ?",(fileId,)) # ON DELETE CASCADE should deal with these - also FileUse and ExportFile self.execute("DELETE FROM ImportFiles WHERE FileID = ?",(fileId,)) self.execute("DELETE FROM ExportFiles WHERE FileID = ?",(fileId,)) self.execute("DELETE FROM FileUses WHERE FileID = ?",(fileId,)) self.emitSignal('fileDeleted',fileId) def createFileUse(self,root=None,jobId=None): args = [fileId,jobId,role,] if self._diagnostic: print 'CDbApi.createFileUse',args self.execute("INSERT INTO FileUses (FileID,JobID,RoleID) VALUES (?,?,?)",args) self.commit() self.emitSignal('fileUseCreated',(fileId,jobId,projectId,role)) def makeAllSql(self): self.sql = {} self.makeSql('Jobs',self.db.JOBITEMS) self.makeSql('Files',self.db.FILEITEMS) self.makeSql('ImportFiles',self.db.IMPORTFILEITEMS) self.makeSql('ExportFiles',self.db.EXPORTFILEITEMS) self.makeSql('FileUses',self.db.FILEUSEITEMS) self.makeSql('XData',self.db.XDATAITEMS) self.makeSql('Comments',self.db.COMMENTITEMS) self.makeSql('JobKeyValues',self.db.JOBKEYVALUEITEMS) self.makeSql('JobKeyCharValues',self.db.JOBKEYCHARVALUEITEMS) self.makeSql('FileAssociations',self.db.FILEASSOCIATIONITEMS) self.makeSql('FileAssociationMembers',self.db.FILEASSOCIATIONMEMBERITEMS) self.makeSql('TempJobs',self.db.JOBITEMS) self.makeSql('TempFiles',self.db.FILEITEMS) self.makeSql('TempImportFiles',self.db.IMPORTFILEITEMS) self.makeSql('TempExportFiles',self.db.EXPORTFILEITEMS) self.makeSql('TempFileUses',self.db.FILEUSEITEMS) self.makeSql('TempXData',self.db.XDATAITEMS) self.makeSql('TempComments',self.db.COMMENTITEMS) self.makeSql('TempJobKeyValues',self.db.JOBKEYVALUEITEMS) self.makeSql('TempJobKeyCharValues',self.db.JOBKEYCHARVALUEITEMS) self.makeSql('TempFileAssociations',self.db.FILEASSOCIATIONITEMS) self.makeSql('TempFileAssociationMembers',self.db.FILEASSOCIATIONMEMBERITEMS) self.makeSql('TempTags',self.db.TAGSITEMS) self.makeSql('TempProjectTags',self.db.PROJECTTAGSITEMS) self.makeSql('TempProjectComments',self.db.PROJECTCOMMENTITEMS) self.makeSql('ImportProjects',self.db.PROJECTIMPORTITEMS) #print 'CDbXml',self.sql def makeSql(self,tableName,attributeList): com = "INSERT INTO "+tableName + " (" + attributeList[0] val = '?' for item in attributeList[1:]: com = com + ','+item val = val + ',?' self.sql[tableName] = com + ") VALUES ("+val+")" def loadJobsFromTable(self,commitPolicy=None): if commitPolicy is None: commitPolicy = CDbXml.COMMIT_POLICY_NO_ERRORS from lxml import etree root = self.loadFile() if root is None: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,1,str(self.xmlFile)) return False #print 'loadTable root',root.tag if commitPolicy == CDbXml.COMMIT_POLICY_NO_COMMIT: return False elif commitPolicy == CDbXml.COMMIT_POLICY_NO_ERRORS and self.errReport.maxSeverity()>SEVERITY_WARNING: return False else: self.db.commit() return True def loadTable(self,commitPolicy=None,newJobNumber=None,selectJobIdList=None,updateJobStatus=False): if commitPolicy is None: commitPolicy = CDbXml.COMMIT_POLICY_NO_ERRORS from lxml import etree self.loadedJobs = {} root = self.loadFile() if root is None: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,1,str(self.xmlFile)) return False #print 'loadTable root',root.tag #self.db.setDiagnostic(True) # Jobs try: table = root.xpath('./jobTable')[0] except: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,200,'jobTable') else: for rowTree in table.getchildren(): rowData = self.getRowFromEtree(rowTree,self.db.JOBITEMS,self.db.JOBTYPES) jobId = rowData[self.db.JOBITEMS.index('jobid')] loadedJob = None if selectJobIdList is None or jobId in selectJobIdList: if self.db.idExists(jobId,'Jobs'): if not updateJobStatus: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,10,'JobId '+str(jobId)) else: # Assume this is from a remotely run job - update status for key in ['status','finishtime']: value = rowData[self.db.JOBITEMS.index(key)] self.db.execute("UPDATE Jobs SET "+key+" = ? WHERE JobID = ?",(value,jobId,)) loadedJob=(rowData[self.db.JOBITEMS.index('jobnumber')],None) else: # Ensure the job number is unique - we could be merging diverged projects try: # getJobId will raise error if there is no job with this jobNumber - thats good oldJobNumber = rowData[self.db.JOBITEMS.index('jobnumber')] parentJobId = rowData[self.db.JOBITEMS.index('parentjobid')] if newJobNumber is None: self.loadedJobs[jobId]=(oldJobNumber,None) elif parentJobId is None: # use next number if it is top level job rowData[self.db.JOBITEMS.index('jobnumber')] = str(newJobNumber) self.errReport.append(self.__class__,9,'Imported number '+ str(oldJobNumber) + ' changed to '+ str(newJobNumber)) self.loadedJobs[jobId]=(oldJobNumber,newJobNumber) newJobNumber+=1 else: if self.loadedJobs.has_key(parentJobId): subJobNumber = str(self.loadedJobs[parentJobId][1]) + rowData[self.db.JOBITEMS.index('jobnumber')].split('.')[-1] rowData[self.db.JOBITEMS.index('jobnumber')] = subJobNumber loadedJob=(oldJobNumber,subJobNumber) else: loadedJob=(oldJobNumber,None) except: print 'ERROR in loadTable processing jobId',jobId self.errReport.append(self.__class__,123,str(jobId)) if self._diagnostic: print 'CDbXml create Job',rowData try: self.db.execute(self.sql['Jobs'],rowData) except Exception as e: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,210,str(rowData)+' '+str(e)) else: if loadedJob is not None: self.loadedJobs[jobId] = loadedJob #print 'CDbXml.loadTable loadedJobs',self.loadedJobs if len(self.loadedJobs)>0: # Update the project lastJobNumber if newJobNumber is not None: lastJobNumber = newJobNumber else: lastJobNumber = oldJobNumber.split('.')[0] #print 'loadTable Updating LastJobNumber',lastJobNumber self.db.execute('UPDATE Projects SET LastJobNumber=? WHERE ProjectId = ?',(int(lastJobNumber),self.projectId)) # Files loadedFiles = [] try: table = root.xpath('./fileTable')[0] except: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,200,'fileTable') else: for rowTree in table.getchildren(): rowData = self.getRowFromEtree(rowTree,self.db.FILEITEMS,self.db.FILETYPES) # test that job has been imported idx = self.db.FILEITEMS.index('jobid') #print 'CDbXml.loadTable attemting file',self.loadedJobs.has_key(rowData[idx]), self.db.idExists(rowData[idx],'Jobs','JobId') if (not self.loadedJobs.has_key(rowData[idx])) and (not self.db.idExists(rowData[idx],'Jobs','JobId')): self.errReport.append(self.__class__,216,idx) else: if self._diagnostic: print 'CDbXml create File',rowData try: self.db.execute(self.sql['Files'],rowData) loadedFiles.append(rowData[0]) except: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,211,self.sql['Files']+' '+str(rowData)) # ImportFiles # There is issue that file may be recorded with an importID that is not yet valid try: table = root.xpath('./importfileTable')[0] except: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,200,'importfileTable') else: for rowTree in table.getchildren(): rowData = self.getRowFromEtree(rowTree,self.db.IMPORTFILEITEMS,self.db.IMPORTFILETYPES) #Test if we have the corresponding row in the file table idx = self.db.IMPORTFILEITEMS.index('fileid') if (not rowData[idx] in loadedFiles) and (not self.db.idExists(rowData[idx],'Files','FileId')): self.errReport.append(self.__class__,7,str(rowData)) else: try: self.db.execute(self.sql['ImportFiles'],rowData) except Exception as e: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,212,str(rowData)+' '+str(e)) # ExportFiles try: table = root.xpath('./exportfileTable')[0] except: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,200,'exportfileTable') else: for rowTree in table.getchildren(): rowData = self.getRowFromEtree(rowTree,self.db.EXPORTFILEITEMS,self.db.EXPORTFILETYPES) # Test if fileId of exported file is in the database idx = self.db.EXPORTFILEITEMS.index('fileid') if (not not rowData[idx] in loadedFiles) and (not self.db.idExists(rowData[idx],'Files','FileId')): self.errReport.append(self.__class__,8,str(rowData)) else: if self._diagnostic: print 'CDbXml create ExportFile',rowData self.db.execute(self.sql['ExportFiles'],rowData) # FileUses try: table = root.xpath('./fileuseTable')[0] except: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,200,'fileuseTable') else: for rowTree in table.getchildren(): rowData = self.getRowFromEtree(rowTree,self.db.FILEUSEITEMS,self.db.FILEUSETYPES) # Test that job has been imported and that FileId exisits idx = self.db.FILEUSEITEMS.index('jobid') if (not self.loadedJobs.has_key(rowData[idx])) and (not self.db.idExists(rowData[idx],'Jobs','JobId')): self.errReport.append(self.__class__,217,'FileUses '+str(rowData)) else: idx = self.db.FILEUSEITEMS.index('fileid') if (not rowData[idx] in loadedFiles) and (not self.db.idExists(rowData[idx],'Files')): self.errReport.append(self.__class__,218,'FileUses '+str(rowData)) else: try: self.db.execute(self.sql['FileUses'],rowData) except: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,213,'FileUses '+str(rowData)) # XData try: table = root.xpath('./xdataTable')[0] except: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,200,'xdataTable') else: for rowTree in table.getchildren(): rowData = self.getRowFromEtree(rowTree,self.db.XDATAITEMS[0:-1],self.db.XDATATYPES[0:-1]) #print 'CImportDb.loadTable xdata rowData',rowData idx = self.db.XDATAITEMS.index('jobid') if (not self.loadedJobs.has_key(rowData[idx])) and (not self.db.idExists(rowData[idx],'Jobs','JobId')): self.errReport.append(self.__class__,219,'XData: '+str(rowData)) else: try: xdataEtree = rowTree.xpath('./xdataxml')[0] cls = rowData[self.db.XDATAITEMS.index('xdataclass')] xdataEtree.tag = rowData[self.db.XDATAITEMS.index('xdataclass')] xdataString = etree.tostring(xdataEtree) except Exception as e: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,205,str(rowData)+' '+str(e)) else: rowData.append(xdataString) if self._diagnostic: print 'CDbXml create XData',rowData try: self.db.execute(self.sql['XData'],rowData) except: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,213,'XData '+str(rowData)) # Comments try: table = root.xpath('./commentTable')[0] except: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,200,'commentTable') else: for rowTree in table.getchildren(): rowData = self.getRowFromEtree(rowTree,self.db.COMMENTITEMS,self.db.COMMENTTYPES) if self.db.idExists(rowData[self.db.COMMENTITEMS.index('commentid')],'Comments'): pass else: idx = self.db.COMMENTITEMS.index('jobid') if (not self.loadedJobs.has_key(rowData[idx])) and (not self.db.idExists(rowData[idx],'Jobs','JobId')): # job not recognised in this database !!!! self.errReport.append(self.__class__,215,'Comment '+str(rowData)) else: if not self.db.idExists(rowData[self.db.COMMENTITEMS.index('userid')],'Users'): # user not recognised in this database !!!! rowData[self.db.COMMENTITEMS.index('userid')] = None self.errReport.append(self.__class__,214,'Comment '+str(rowData)) if self._diagnostic: print 'CDbXml.create comment',rowData try: self.db.execute(self.sql['Comments'],rowData) except: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,213,'Comment '+str(rowData)) # ProjectComments try: table = root.xpath('./projectcommentTable')[0] except: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,200,'projectcommentTable') else: for rowTree in table.getchildren(): rowData = self.getRowFromEtree(rowTree,self.db.PROJECTCOMMENTITEMS,self.db.PROJECTCOMMENTTYPES) if self.db.idExists(rowData[self.db.PROJECTCOMMENTITEMS.index('projectcommentid')],'ProjectComments'): pass else: idx = self.db.PROJECTCOMMENTITEMS.index('projectid') if (not self.loadedProjects.has_key(rowData[idx])) and (not self.db.idExists(rowData[idx],'Projects','ProjectId')): # job not recognised in this database !!!! self.errReport.append(self.__class__,215,'ProjectComment '+str(rowData)) else: if not self.db.idExists(rowData[self.db.PROJECTCOMMENTITEMS.index('userid')],'Users'): # user not recognised in this database !!!! rowData[self.db.PROJECTCOMMENTITEMS.index('userid')] = None self.errReport.append(self.__class__,214,'ProjectComment '+str(rowData)) if self._diagnostic: print 'CDbXml.create projectcomment',rowData try: self.db.execute(self.sql['ProjectComments'],rowData) except: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,213,'ProjectComment '+str(rowData)) # JobKeyValue for tableName,items,types,label in [ [ 'jobkeyvalueTable',self.db.JOBKEYVALUEITEMS,self.db.JOBKEYVALUETYPES,'JobKeyValues' ], [ 'jobkeycharvalueTable',self.db.JOBKEYCHARVALUEITEMS,self.db.JOBKEYCHARVALUETYPES,'JobKeyCharValues' ] ]: try: table = root.xpath('./'+tableName)[0] except: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,200,tableName) else: for rowTree in table.getchildren(): rowData = self.getRowFromEtree(rowTree,items,types) if 0: # Need test if item already in db pass else: idx = items.index('jobid') if (not self.loadedJobs.has_key(rowData[idx])) and (not self.db.idExists(rowData[idx],'Jobs','JobId')): # job not recognised in this database !!!! self.errReport.append(self.__class__,215,label+' '+str(rowData)) else: try: self.db.execute(self.sql[label],rowData) except: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,213,label+' '+str(rowData)) # FileAssociations try: table = root.xpath('./fileassociationTable')[0] except: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,200,'fileassociationTable') else: for rowTree in table.getchildren(): rowData = self.getRowFromEtree(rowTree,self.db.FILEASSOCIATIONITEMS,self.db.FILEASSOCIATIONTYPES) if self.db.idExists(rowData[self.db.FILEASSOCIATIONITEMS.index('fileassociationid')],'FileAssociations'): pass else: try: self.db.execute(self.sql['FileAssociations'],rowData) except: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,213,'FileAssociations '+str(rowData)) # FileAssociationMembers try: table = root.xpath('./fileassociationmemberTable')[0] except: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,200,'fileassociationmemberTable') else: for rowTree in table.getchildren(): rowData = self.getRowFromEtree(rowTree,self.db.FILEASSOCIATIONMEMBERITEMS,self.db.FILEASSOCIATIONMEMBERTYPES) if 0: # need to test if alrady loaded pass else: try: self.db.execute(self.sql['FileAssociationMembers'],rowData) except: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,213,'FileAssociationMembers '+str(rowData)) self.db.setDiagnostic(False) if commitPolicy == CDbXml.COMMIT_POLICY_NO_COMMIT: return False elif commitPolicy == CDbXml.COMMIT_POLICY_NO_ERRORS and self.errReport.maxSeverity()>SEVERITY_WARNING: return False else: self.db.commit() self.db.emitSignal('projectReset',{'projectId':self.projectId}) return True def removeTempTables(self): self.db.removeTempTables() def createTempTables(self,fileName=None): self.db.removeTempTables() # Create temporary tables - beware may exist from previous run # Should have a mechanism to block two processes trying to do this at once! if fileName is None: import CCP4Utils fileName = os.path.join(CCP4Utils.getCCP4I2Dir(),'dbapi','temp_database_schema.sql') #print 'Loading temp database schema from:',fileName self.db.read(fileName=fileName) #print 'Finished loading temp database schema.' def loadTempTable(self,commitPolicy=None,resetProjectId=None): if commitPolicy is None: commitPolicy = CDbXml.COMMIT_POLICY_NO_ERRORS from lxml import etree self.loadedJobs = {} root = self.loadFile() if root is None: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,1,str(self.xmlFile)) return False #print 'loadTable root',root.tag #self.db.setDiagnostic(True) # Jobs try: table = root.xpath('./jobTable')[0] except: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,200,'jobTable') else: doneLoaded = [] for rowTree in table.getchildren(): rowData = self.getRowFromEtree(rowTree,self.db.JOBITEMS,self.db.JOBTYPES) if resetProjectId is not None: rowData[self.db.JOBITEMS.index('projectid')] = resetProjectId jobId = rowData[self.db.JOBITEMS.index('jobid')] #print 'loadTempTable',jobId,doneLoaded if not jobId in doneLoaded: try: self.db.execute(self.sql['TempJobs'],rowData) except Exception as e: print 'loadTempTable:Error loading job:',e self.errReport.append(self.__class__,210,str(rowData)+' '+str(e)) else: doneLoaded.append(jobId) # Files try: table = root.xpath('./fileTable')[0] except: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,200,'fileTable') else: for rowTree in table.getchildren(): rowData = self.getRowFromEtree(rowTree,self.db.FILEITEMS,self.db.FILETYPES) try: self.db.execute(self.sql['TempFiles'],rowData) except: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,211,str(rowData)) # ImportFiles # There is issue that file may be recorded with an importID that is not yet valid try: table = root.xpath('./importfileTable')[0] except: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,200,'importfileTable') else: for rowTree in table.getchildren(): rowData = self.getRowFromEtree(rowTree,self.db.IMPORTFILEITEMS,self.db.IMPORTFILETYPES) try: self.db.execute(self.sql['TempImportFiles'],rowData) except Exception as e: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,212,str(rowData)+' '+str(e)) # ExportFiles try: table = root.xpath('./exportfileTable')[0] except: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,200,'exportfileTable') else: for rowTree in table.getchildren(): rowData = self.getRowFromEtree(rowTree,self.db.EXPORTFILEITEMS,self.db.EXPORTFILETYPES) try: self.db.execute(self.sql['TempExportFiles'],rowData) except Exception as e: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,212,str(rowData)+' '+str(e)) # FileUses try: table = root.xpath('./fileuseTable')[0] except: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,200,'fileuseTable') else: for rowTree in table.getchildren(): rowData = self.getRowFromEtree(rowTree,self.db.FILEUSEITEMS,self.db.FILEUSETYPES) try: self.db.execute(self.sql['TempFileUses'],rowData) except: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,213,'FileUses '+str(rowData)) # XData try: table = root.xpath('./xdataTable')[0] except: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,200,'xdataTable') else: for rowTree in table.getchildren(): rowData = self.getRowFromEtree(rowTree,self.db.XDATAITEMS[0:-1],self.db.XDATATYPES[0:-1]) #print 'CImportDb.loadTable xdata rowData',rowData try: xdataEtree = rowTree.xpath('./xdataxml')[0] cls = rowData[self.db.XDATAITEMS.index('xdataclass')] xdataEtree.tag = rowData[self.db.XDATAITEMS.index('xdataclass')] xdataString = etree.tostring(xdataEtree) except Exception as e: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,205,str(rowData)+' '+str(e)) else: rowData.append(xdataString) if self._diagnostic: print 'CDbXml create XData',rowData try: self.db.execute(self.sql['TempXData'],rowData) except: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,213,'XData '+str(rowData)) # JobKeyValues for tableName,tempTableName,items,types in [ [ 'jobkeyvalueTable','TempJobKeyValues',self.db.JOBKEYVALUEITEMS,self.db.JOBKEYVALUETYPES], [ 'jobkeycharvalueTable','TempJobKeyCharValues',self.db.JOBKEYCHARVALUEITEMS,self.db.JOBKEYCHARVALUETYPES] ]: try: table = root.xpath('./'+tableName)[0] except: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,200,tableName) else: for rowTree in table.getchildren(): rowData = self.getRowFromEtree(rowTree,items,types) if self._diagnostic: print 'CDbXml create JobKeyValue',rowData,self.sql[tempTableName] try: self.db.execute(self.sql[tempTableName],rowData) except: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,213,tableName+' '+str(rowData)) # Comments try: table = root.xpath('./commentTable')[0] except: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,200,'commentTable') else: for rowTree in table.getchildren(): rowData = self.getRowFromEtree(rowTree,self.db.COMMENTITEMS,self.db.COMMENTTYPES) if self.db.idExists(rowData[self.db.COMMENTITEMS.index('commentid')],'Comments'): pass else: try: self.db.execute(self.sql['TempComments'],rowData) except: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,213,'Comment '+str(rowData)) # ProjectComments try: table = root.xpath('./projectcommentTable')[0] except: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,200,'projectcommentTable') else: for rowTree in table.getchildren(): rowData = self.getRowFromEtree(rowTree,self.db.PROJECTCOMMENTITEMS,self.db.PROJECTCOMMENTTYPES) if self.db.idExists(rowData[self.db.PROJECTCOMMENTITEMS.index('projectcommentid')],'ProjectComments'): pass else: try: self.db.execute(self.sql['TempProjectComments'],rowData) except: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,213,'ProjectComment '+str(rowData)) # FileAssociations try: table = root.xpath('./fileassociationTable')[0] except: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,200,'fileassociationTable') else: for rowTree in table.getchildren(): rowData = self.getRowFromEtree(rowTree,self.db.FILEASSOCIATIONITEMS,self.db.FILEASSOCIATIONTYPES) if self._diagnostic: print 'CDbXml create FileAssociations' try: self.db.execute(self.sql['TempFileAssociations'],rowData) except: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,213,'FileAssociation '+str(rowData)) # FileAssociationmembers try: table = root.xpath('./fileassociationmemberTable')[0] except: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,200,'fileassociationmemberTable') else: for rowTree in table.getchildren(): rowData = self.getRowFromEtree(rowTree,self.db.FILEASSOCIATIONMEMBERITEMS,self.db.FILEASSOCIATIONMEMBERTYPES) if self._diagnostic: print 'CDbXml create FileAssociationMembers' try: self.db.execute(self.sql['TempFileAssociationMembers'],rowData) except: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,213,'FileAssociationMember '+str(rowData)) # Tags try: table = root.xpath('./tagTable')[0] except: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,200,'tagTable') else: for rowTree in table.getchildren(): rowData = self.getRowFromEtree(rowTree,self.db.TAGITEMS,self.db.TAGTYPES) if self.db.idExists(rowData[self.db.TAGITEMS.index('tagid')],'Tags'): pass else: try: self.db.execute(self.sql['Tags'],rowData) except: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,213,'Tags '+str(rowData)) try: table = root.xpath('./projecttagTable')[0] except: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,200,'projecttagTable') else: for rowTree in table.getchildren(): rowData = self.getRowFromEtree(rowTree,self.db.PROJECTTAGITEMS,self.db.PROJECTTAGTYPES) if self.db.projectTagExists(rowData[self.db.PROJECTTAGITEMS.index('projectid')],rowData[self.db.PROJECTTAGITEMS.index('tagid')]): pass else: try: self.db.execute(self.sql['ProjectTags'],rowData) except: self.errReport.append(self.__class__,213,'ProjectTags '+str(rowData)) self.db.setDiagnostic(False) if commitPolicy == CDbXml.COMMIT_POLICY_NO_COMMIT: return False elif commitPolicy == CDbXml.COMMIT_POLICY_NO_ERRORS and self.errReport.maxSeverity()>SEVERITY_WARNING: return False else: self.db.commit() return True def setExclInTempTables(self): # Exclude jobs that are already in db # TempJobs.Excl= 2 Job in db finishd and no further changes allowed - exclude from copying # TempJobs.Excl= 1 Job in db - unfinished - allow update status and copying files # TempJobs.Excl= 0 Job not in db - allow all copying # TempJobs.Excl= -1 - job has been copied in project dir so can be copied into db if self._diagnostic: self.db.execute('SELECT JobId FROM Jobs WHERE ProjectId=? AND Status IN (?,?,?,?)',[self.projectId,JOB_STATUS_FINISHED,JOB_STATUS_FAILED,JOB_STATUS_UNSATISFACTORY,JOB_STATUS_FILE_HOLDER]) jobIdList = self.db.fetchAll2Py(str) print 'setExclInTempTables TempJobs finished/failed excl=2',jobIdList self.db.execute('SELECT JobId FROM Jobs WHERE ProjectId=? AND Status NOT IN (?,?,?,?)',[self.projectId,JOB_STATUS_FINISHED,JOB_STATUS_FAILED,JOB_STATUS_UNSATISFACTORY,JOB_STATUS_FILE_HOLDER]) jobIdList = self.db.fetchAll2Py(str) print 'setExclInTempTables TempJobs not finished/failed excl=1',jobIdList self.db.execute('UPDATE TempJobs SET Excl=2 WHERE JobId IN (SELECT JobId FROM Jobs WHERE ProjectId=? AND Status IN (?,?,?,?))',[self.projectId,JOB_STATUS_FINISHED,JOB_STATUS_FAILED,JOB_STATUS_UNSATISFACTORY,JOB_STATUS_FILE_HOLDER]) self.db.execute('UPDATE TempJobs SET Excl=1 WHERE JobId IN (SELECT JobId FROM Jobs WHERE ProjectId=? AND Status NOT IN (?,?,?,?))',[self.projectId,JOB_STATUS_FINISHED,JOB_STATUS_FAILED,JOB_STATUS_UNSATISFACTORY,JOB_STATUS_FILE_HOLDER]) self.db.commit() # Do we need to revise job numbers self.db.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TempJobs WHERE Excl=0 and parentJobId IS NULL') nImportJobs = self.db.fetchAll2Py(int)[0] if self._diagnostic: print 'setExclInTempTables nImportJobs',nImportJobs if nImportJobs>0: self.db.execute('SELECT MIN(CAST(JobNumber AS integer)) FROM TempJobs WHERE Excl=0 and parentJobId IS NULL' ) importMin = self.db.fetchAll2Py(int)[0] self.db.execute('SELECT MAX(CAST(JobNumber AS integer)) FROM TempJobs WHERE Excl=0 and parentJobId IS NULL' ) importMax = self.db.fetchAll2Py(int)[0] self.db.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Jobs WHERE parentJobId IS NULL AND ProjectId = ?',(self.projectId,)) nCurrentJobs = self.db.fetchAll2Py(int)[0] if nCurrentJobs>0: self.db.execute('SELECT MAX(CAST(JobNumber AS integer)) FROM Jobs WHERE parentJobId IS NULL AND ProjectId = ?',(self.projectId,) ) currentMax = self.db.fetchAll2Py(int)[0] else: currentMax = 0 #print 'excludeDuplicates job number nImportJobs,nCurrentJobs,importMin,importMax,currentMax',nImportJobs,nCurrentJobs,importMin,importMax,currentMax self.stats['importMin'] = importMin self.stats['importMax'] = importMax if importMin<=currentMax: incrJobNumber = currentMax - importMin + 1 self.stats['incrJobNumber'] = incrJobNumber # Custom function to reset job number # See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2108870/how-to-create-custom-functions-in-sqlite def updateJobNumber(number): #print 'updateJobNumber',number,incrJobNumber, jList = number.split('.') ret = str(int(jList[0])+incrJobNumber) for n in jList[1:]: ret = ret + '.' + n #print ret return ret self.db.connection().create_function('updateJobNumber',1,updateJobNumber) self.db.execute('UPDATE TempJobs SET NewJobNumber=updateJobNumber(JobNumber) WHERE Excl<=0') # Delete duplicate files/importfiles/fileuses # Bother - sqlite does not do inner joins in update and the alternative 'JobId IN' business is probably not v. efficient if self._diagnostic: self.listTempJobs('Jobs after setExclInTempTables') self.db.execute('SELECT FileId,FileName FROM TempFiles WHERE JobId IN (SELECT JobId FROM TempJobs WHERE Excl = 2)') fileList = self.db.fetchAll2PyList([str,str]) print 'setExclInTempTables TempFiles from Jobs not finished/failed excl=2',fileList self.db.execute('SELECT FileId,FileName FROM TempFiles WHERE FileId IN (SELECT FileId FROM Files)') fileList = self.db.fetchAll2PyList([str,str]) print 'setExclInTempTables TempFiles fileId already in Files excl=1',fileList self.db.execute('UPDATE TempFiles SET Excl=1 WHERE JobId IN (SELECT JobId FROM TempJobs WHERE Excl = 2) OR FileId IN (SELECT FileId FROM Files)') def setExclImportedFiles(self): # mark the imported files as 'NOT excluded' if self._diagnostic: self.db.execute('SELECT FileId,FileName FROM TempFiles WHERE Excl=0 AND FileId IN (SELECT FileId FROM TempImportFiles)') fileList = self.db.fetchAll2PyList([str,str]) #print 'setExclImportedFiles imported files',fileList self.db.execute('UPDATE TempFiles SET Excl=-1 WHERE Excl=0 AND FileId IN (SELECT FileId FROM TempImportFiles)') def cleanupTempTables(self): # Exclude TempImportFiles that are already recorded in db or that refer to a TempFile that has not been imported self.db.execute('UPDATE TempImportFiles SET Excl=1 WHERE FileId IN (SELECT FileId FROM TempFiles WHERE Excl != -1) OR ImportId IN (SELECT ImportFiles.ImportId FROM ImportFiles INNER JOIN Files ON ImportFiles.FileId =Files.FileId INNER JOIN Jobs ON Files.JobId=Jobs.JobId WHERE JOBS.ProjectId = ?)',(self.projectId,)) #Exclude TempFileUses that refer to a TempJob that has not been imported self.db.execute('UPDATE TempFileUses SET Excl=1 WHERE JobId IN (SELECT JobId FROM TempJobs WHERE Excl > 0)') #Exclude TempXData that refer to a TempJob that has not been imported or that are already in Db self.db.execute('UPDATE TempXData SET Excl=1 WHERE JobId IN (SELECT JobId FROM TempJobs WHERE Excl > 0) OR XDataId IN (SELECT XData.XDataId FROM XData INNER JOIN Jobs ON XData.JobId=Jobs.JobId WHERE Jobs.ProjectId=? )',(self.projectId,)) #Exclude TempJobKeyValues that refer to a TempJob that has not been imported or that are already in Db self.db.execute('UPDATE TempJobKeyValues SET Excl=1 WHERE JobId IN (SELECT JobId FROM TempJobs WHERE Excl > 0) OR JobId IN (SELECT JobId FROM Jobs WHERE ProjectId=? )',(self.projectId,)) self.db.execute('UPDATE TempJobKeyCharValues SET Excl=1 WHERE JobId IN (SELECT JobId FROM TempJobs WHERE Excl > 0) OR JobId IN (SELECT JobId FROM Jobs WHERE ProjectId=? )',(self.projectId,)) #Exclude TempExportFiles and TempComments that are already in Db self.db.execute('UPDATE TempExportFiles SET Excl=1 WHERE ExportId IN (SELECT ExportFiles.ExportId FROM ExportFiles INNER JOIN Files ON ExportFiles.FileId =Files.FileId INNER JOIN Jobs ON Files.JobId=Jobs.JobId WHERE JOBS.ProjectId = ?)',(self.projectId,)) self.db.execute('UPDATE TempComments SET Excl=1 WHERE CommentId IN (SELECT Comments.CommentId FROM Comments INNER JOIN Jobs ON Comments.JobId=Jobs.JobId WHERE Jobs.ProjectId=? )',(self.projectId,)) self.db.commit() def importStats(self): stats = {} self.db.execute('SELECT COUNT (*) FROM TempJobs') stats['jobsTotal'] = self.db.fetchAll2Py(int)[0] self.db.execute('SELECT COUNT (*) FROM TempJobs WHERE Excl=-1') stats['jobsImported'] = self.db.fetchAll2Py(int)[0] self.db.execute('SELECT COUNT (*) FROM TempFiles') stats['filesTotal'] = self.db.fetchAll2Py(int)[0] self.db.execute('SELECT COUNT (*) FROM TempFiles WHERE Excl=-1') stats['filesImported'] = self.db.fetchAll2Py(int)[0] self.db.execute('SELECT TempFiles.FileId,TempFiles.JobId,TempFiles.FileName,TempFiles.Excl,TempJobs.JobNumber from TempFiles INNER JOIN TempJobs ON TempFiles.JobId=TempJobs.JobId WHERE TempFiles.Excl!=-1') stats['failedFiles'] = self.db.fetchAll2PyList([str,str,str,int,str]) stats.update( self.stats ) return stats def importTempTables(self,testExl=True,includeCode=-1): if self._diagnostic: self.db.execute('SELECT JobId,JobNumber,Excl FROM TempJobs') jobList = self.db.fetchAll2PyList([str,str,int]) for job in jobList: print 'importTempTables job',job self.db.execute('PRAGMA foreign_keys = OFF') tableList = [ ['Jobs',self.db.JOBITEMS,self.db.JOBTYPES,includeCode], ['Files',self.db.FILEITEMS,self.db.FILETYPES,includeCode], ['FileUses',self.db.FILEUSEITEMS,self.db.FILEUSETYPES,0], ['ImportFiles',self.db.IMPORTFILEITEMS,self.db.IMPORTFILETYPES,0], ['ExportFiles',self.db.EXPORTFILEITEMS,self.db.EXPORTFILETYPES,0], ['Comments',self.db.COMMENTITEMS,self.db.COMMENTTYPES,0], ['XData',self.db.XDATAITEMS,self.db.XDATATYPES,0], ['JobKeyValues',self.db.JOBKEYVALUEITEMS,self.db.JOBKEYVALUETYPES,0], ['JobKeyCharValues',self.db.JOBKEYCHARVALUEITEMS,self.db.JOBKEYCHARVALUETYPES,0], ['FileAssociations',self.db.FILEASSOCIATIONITEMS,self.db.FILEASSOCIATIONTYPES,0], ['FileAssociationMembers',self.db.FILEASSOCIATIONMEMBERITEMS,self.db.FILEASSOCIATIONMEMBERTYPES,0] ] for name,columns,typeList,excl in tableList: columnText = columns[0] for item in columns[1:]:columnText = columnText + ','+item if name == 'Jobs' and self.stats['incrJobNumber']>0 : # Copy jobNumber from TempJobs.NewJobNumber com = 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO '+name+' ('+columnText + ')' selectCom = ' SELECT ' selectCom = selectCom + re.sub('jobnumber','newjobnumber',columnText) +' FROM Temp'+name else: # Copy everything from Tempx to x com = 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO '+name+' ('+columnText + ')' selectCom = ' SELECT ' +columnText+' FROM Temp'+name if testExl: selectCom = selectCom + ' WHERE Excl='+str(excl) if self._diagnostic: valueCom = 'VALUES(' for item in typeList: valueCom = valueCom + '?,' valueCom = valueCom[0:-1] + ')' self.db.execute(selectCom) rv = self.db.fetchAll2PyList(typeList) for item in rv: #print 'importTempTables',item self.db.execute(com+valueCom,item) else: self.db.execute(com+selectCom) if name == 'Files': self.db.commit() # if TempJob.Excl=-1 or -2 then the job is in db but may need updating # sqlite wil not do INNER JOIN in UPDATE # Just loop in Python and trust there are not too many jobs with changed status com = 'SELECT '+self.db.JOBITEMS[0] for item in self.db.JOBITEMS[1:]: com = com + ',' + item com = com + ' FROM TempJobs WHERE Excl IN (-1,1,-2)' #print 'importTempTables',com self.db.execute(com) ret = self.db.fetchAll2PyList(self.db.JOBTYPES) #print 'importTempTables',ret for row in ret: #print 'importTempTables updating job',row for column in ['jobnumber','finishtime','status','evaluation','jobtitle']: self.db.execute('UPDATE Jobs SET '+column+'=? WHERE JobId =?',(row[self.db.JOBITEMS.index(column)],row[0])) ''' if self.stats.get('importMax',None) is not None: lastJobNumber = str(int(self.stats['importMax']) + self.stats['incrJobNumber']) print 'importTempTables lastJobNumber',lastJobNumber self.db.execute('Update Projects SET LastJobNumber=? WHERE ProjectId=?',(lastJobNumber,self.projectId)) else: ''' self.db.resetLastJobNumber(self.projectId,commit=False) self.db.commit() self.db.execute('PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON') def listTempJobs(self,label=''): # Dignostic self.db.execute('SELECT JobId,JobNumber,TaskName,Excl,NewJobNumber FROM TempJobs') rv = self.db.fetchAll2PyList([str,str,str,int,str]) print label print 'JobId,JobNumber,TaskName,Excl,NewJobNumber' for item in rv: print item def listTempFiles(self,label=''): # Dignostic self.db.execute('SELECT TempJobs.JobNumber,TempFiles.FileId,TempFiles.FileName,TempFiles.Excl FROM TempFiles INNER JOIN TempJobs ON TempFiles.JobId = TempJobs.JobId') rv = self.db.fetchAll2PyList([str,str,str,int]) print label print 'TempJobs.JobNumber,TempFiles.FileId,TempFiles.FileName,TempFiles.Excl' for item in rv: print item def listTempFileUses(self,label=''): # Dignostic self.db.execute('SELECT FileId,JobId,Excl FROM TempFileUses') rv = self.db.fetchAll2PyList([str,str,int]) print label for item in rv: print item def loadTempTables(self): for table,colList in [['Jobs',self.db.JOBITEMS], ['Files',self.db.FILEITEMS], ['ImportFiles',self.db.IMPORTFILEITEMS], ['ExportFiles',self.db.EXPORTFILEITEMS], ['FileUses',self.db.FILEUSEITEMS], ['Comments',self.db.COMMENTITEMS], ['XData',self.db.XDATAITEMS], ['JobKeyValues',self.db.JOBKEYVALUEITEMS], ['JobKeyCharValues',self.db.JOBKEYCHARVALUEITEMS], ['FileAssociations',self.db.FILEASSOCIATIONITEMS], ['FileAssociationMembers',self.db.FILEASSOCIATIONMEMBERITEMS]]: com = 'SELECT '+colList[0] for item in colList[1:]: com = com + ','+item com = ' INTO '+table+' FROM Temp'+table+' WHERE Excl = 0' #print 'loadTempTables com',com self.db.execute(com) self.db.commit() def importThisFile(self,jobNumber,fileName=None): # Invoked from CCP4Export.ImportProjectThread to return if directory/file should be copied into project # and if it needs renaming due to changed job number # Also resets TempJobs.Excl and TempFiles.Excl to -1 or -2 to flag that job/file have been copied if fileName is None: self.db.execute('SELECT JobId,Excl,NewJobNumber FROM TempJobs WHERE JobNumber = ?',(jobNumber,)) ret = self.db.fetchAll2PyList([str,int,str]) #print 'CDbXml.importThisFile',jobNumber,ret if len(ret)==0: return False,None elif ret[0][1] ==0: self.db.execute('UPDATE TempJobs SET Excl=-1 WHERE JobNumber = ?',(jobNumber,)) if self._diagnostic: print 'CDbXml.importThisFile TempJobs',jobNumber,-1 return True,ret[0][2] elif ret[0][1] ==1: # Job is in db but is unfinished self.db.execute('UPDATE TempJobs SET Excl=-2 WHERE JobNumber = ?',(jobNumber,)) if self._diagnostic: print 'CDbXml.importThisFile TempJobs',jobNumber,-2 return True,ret[0][2] elif ret[0][1] == -1: return True,ret[0][2] else: return False,None else: # Importing a file self.db.execute('SELECT TempJobs.JobId,TempJobs.Excl,TempJobs.NewJobNumber,TempFiles.FileId,TempFiles.Excl FROM TempJobs INNER JOIN TempFiles ON TempJobs.JobId=TempFiles.JobId LEFT OUTER JOIN TempImportFiles ON TempFiles.FileId=TempImportFiles.FileId WHERE TempJobs.JobNumber = ? AND TempFiles.FileName=? AND TempImportFiles.ImportId IS NULL',(jobNumber,fileName)) ret = self.db.fetchAll2PyList([str,int,str,str,int]) #print 'CDbXml.importThisFile',jobNumber,fileName,ret if len(ret)==0: # It could be a job that we want to import but a file that is not in db self.db.execute('SELECT JobId,Excl,NewJobNumber FROM TempJobs WHERE JobNumber = ?',(jobNumber,)) ret = self.db.fetchAll2PyList([str,int,str]) if len(ret)==0: return False,None elif ret[0][1] <= 0: return True,ret[0][2] else: return False,None elif ret[0][4] == 0: # Required job and a file in the db self.db.execute('UPDATE TempFiles SET Excl=-1 WHERE FileId = ?',(ret[0][3],)) if self._diagnostic: self.db.execute('SELECT FileId,FileName,Excl FROM TempFiles WHERE FileId = ?',(ret[0][3],)) fileList = self.db.fetchAll2PyList([str,str,int]) if self._diagnostic: print 'CDbXml.importThisFile TempFiles',fileList return True,ret[0][2] elif ret[0][4] == -1: return True,ret[0][2] else: # Explicitly excluded file/job return False,None def setAllToImport(self): self.db.execute('UPDATE TempJobs SET Excl=-1') self.db.execute('UPDATE TempFiles SET Excl=-1') def getRowFromEtree(self,ele,attributeList,attributeTypes): rv = [] idx = -1 for att in attributeList: idx = idx + 1 ''' ele = tree.get(att) if ele is None or ele.text is None: rv.append(None) else: rv.append(attributeTypes[idx](ele.text)) ''' val = ele.get(att,None) if val is None or val=='None': rv.append(None) else: try: rv.append(attributeTypes[idx](val)) except: rv.append(None) self.errReport.append(self.__class__,212,'Data type:'+str(att)+' is: '+str(val)) return rv class CDatabaseDef: def __init__(self,fileName): self.headerArray = {} self.dataArray = {} self.project_name ='' self.project_dir = '' self.jobs = {} self.headerArray,typeArray,self.dataArray = self.read(fileName) #print 'dataArray',self.dataArray # Get project name and dir from header #if self.headerArray.has_key('PROJECT'): if 'PROJECT' in self.headerArray: self.project_name = self.headerArray['PROJECT'][0] if len(self.headerArray['PROJECT'])>1: self.project_dir = self.headerArray['PROJECT'][1] #print ('Read project',self.project_name,self.project_dir) self.nJobs = int(self.dataArray.get('NJOBS',0)) self.jobs = self.extractJobs(self.dataArray) def read (self,fileName='',headerOnly=0): ''' Read the def file into dicts for header, types and data A database.def should not have any type information This is left in the code in case want to reuse elsewhere ''' headerArray = {} typeArray = {} dataArray = {} try: f = open(fileName) except: print ('ERROR opening',fileName) return headerArray,typeArray,dataArray if not f: print ('ERROR opening',fileName) return headerArray,typeArray,dataArray try: content = f.readlines() f.close() except: print ('ERROR reading ',fileName) return headerArray,typeArray,dataArray for line in content: words = self.splitDefLine(line) #print 'CCP4Data.parseDefFile',words if len(words)>=2: if words[0] == '#CCP4I' and len(words)>=3: #print 'header',words headerArray[words[1]] = words[2:] elif words[0][0] == '#': pass elif not headerOnly: if len(words)>2: if words[1][0]=='_': typeArray[words[0]] = words[1][1:] else: typeArray[words[0]] = words[1] idata = 2 else: idata = 1 if words[idata].strip('"')=='': dataArray[words[0]] = '' else: dataArray[words[0]]=words[idata] return headerArray,typeArray,dataArray def splitDefLine(self,line=''): m = re.search(r'(.*)\"(.*)\"(.*)',line) if not m: return line.split() else: a,b,c = m.groups() a = a.strip() c = c.strip() rv = [] if a:rv.extend(a.split()) rv.append(b) if c: rv.append(c.split()) return rv def splitDefList(self,line=''): ''' Parse the INPUT_FILE and OUTPUT_FILE from database.def This is a space-separated list If the file name includes spaces then the name is enclosed in curly brace ''' rv = [] while len(line)>0: m = re.search(r'(.*?)\{(.*?)\}(.*)',line) if not m: rv.extend(line.split()) line = '' else: a,b,c = m.groups() #print 'splitDefList',a,'*',b,'*',c a = a.strip() c = c.strip() if a:rv.extend(a.split()) rv.append(b) line = c.strip() #print 'new line',line return rv def extractJobs(self,dataArray): jobs = {} for key,value in dataArray.items(): try: if key.count(',') == 1: dataType,jobId = key.split(',') try: jobId = int(jobId) except: jobId = -1 if jobId>0: # Initialise the data for one job if not jobId in jobs: jobs[jobId] = { 'STATUS' : '', 'DATE' : 0, 'LOGFILE' : '', 'TASKNAME' : '', 'TITLE' : '', 'INPUT_FILES' : [], 'INPUT_FILES_DIR' : [], 'OUTPUT_FILES' : [], 'OUTPUT_FILES_DIR' : [] } # Check that the dataType is one of the recognised properties for a job if dataType in jobs[jobId]: if ['INPUT_FILES','OUTPUT_FILES'].count(dataType): jobs[jobId][dataType] = self.splitDefList(value) elif ['INPUT_FILES_DIR','OUTPUT_FILES_DIR'].count(dataType): jobs[jobId][dataType] = value.split(' ') else: jobs[jobId][dataType] = value except: print ('ERROR interpreting ',key) return jobs #========================================================================================================= import unittest import CCP4Utils def TESTSUITE(): suite = unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromTestCase(testSqliteDb) #unittest.TestLoader.testMethodPrefix = 'testx' #suite = unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromTestCase(testQtDb) return suite def testModule(): import CCP4File CCP4File.CDataFile.BLOCK_LOAD_FILES = True import CCP4Utils if os.path.exists(testQtDb.TESTDBFILE): os.remove(testQtDb.TESTDBFILE) if os.path.exists(testSqliteDb.TESTDBFILE): os.remove(testSqliteDb.TESTDBFILE) for testDir in [testDb.TESTDBDIR]: if not os.path.exists(testDir): os.mkdir(testDir) jobsDir = os.path.join(testDir,'CCP4_JOBS') os.mkdir(jobsDir) os.mkdir(os.path.join(jobsDir,'job_1')) os.mkdir(os.path.join(jobsDir,'job_2')) os.mkdir(os.path.join(jobsDir,'job_3')) os.mkdir(os.path.join(jobsDir,'job_3','job_1')) os.mkdir(os.path.join(jobsDir,'job_3','job_2')) os.mkdir(os.path.join(jobsDir,'job_3','job_3')) os.mkdir(os.path.join(jobsDir,'job_5')) # Emulating imported data for name,job in [['starting_data.mtz','job_2'],['starting_data.seq','job_1']]: fileName = os.path.join(testDir,name) CCP4Utils.saveFile(fileName=fileName,text='Dummy file') fileName = os.path.join(testDir,'CCP4_JOBS',job,name) CCP4Utils.saveFile(fileName=fileName,text='Dummy file') # Emulating pipeline for name in ['model_1.pdb','model_2.pdb']: fileName = os.path.join(jobsDir,'job_3','job_1',name) CCP4Utils.saveFile(fileName=fileName,text='Dummy file') for name in ['built.pdb','built.mtz']: fileName = os.path.join(jobsDir,'job_3','job_2',name) CCP4Utils.saveFile(fileName=fileName,text='Dummy file') for name in ['built.pdb','built.mtz']: fileName = os.path.join(jobsDir,'job_3','job_3',name) CCP4Utils.saveFile(fileName=fileName,text='Dummy file') fileName = os.path.join(jobsDir,'job_5','XYZOUT.pdb') CCP4Utils.saveFile(fileName=fileName,text='Dummy file') import CCP4Modules pm = CCP4Modules.PROJECTSMANAGER() suite = TESTSUITE() unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite) CCP4File.CDataFile.BLOCK_LOAD_FILES = False class testDb(unittest.TestCase): TESTDBDIR = os.path.join(CCP4Utils.getTestTmpDir(),'CCP4DbApi.test.dir') def test0User(self): uid0 = self.db.createUser('metoo') uid1 = self.db.getUserId('metoo') self.assertEqual(uid0,uid1,'Failed to create and retrieve user id') try: self.db.createUser('metoo') except CException as e: self.assertEqual( e[0]['code'], 120,'Wrong error when attempting to create user with same name') except: self.fail('Unknown error when attempting to create user with same name') else: self.fail('No error when attempting to create user with same name') self.db._userRole = USER_ROLE_USER try: self.db.createUser('another') except CException as e: self.assertEqual( e[0]['code'], 106,'Wrong error when attempting to create user with wrong permission') except: self.fail('Unknown error when attempting to create user with wrong permission') else: self.fail('No error when attempting to create user with wrong permission') self.db._userRole = USER_ROLE_OWNER self.db.updateUser('metoo','another') self.db.commit() self.db.close() self.db = CDbApi(mode=self.mode,fileName=self.TESTDBFILE,userName='me') uList = self.db.listUsers(True) print 'test0User uList',uList self.assertEqual(uList[1][1],'another','Failed changing user name and listing') info = self.db.getUserInfo(uid0) #print 'after getUserInfo',info self.assertEqual(info['username'],'another','Error calling getUserInfo') def test1Project(self): pid0 = self.db.createProject('myproject',projectDirectory=self.TESTDBDIR) pid1 = self.db.getProjectId('myproject') self.assertEqual(pid0,pid1,'Error creating project and retrieving project ID') baby = self.db.createProject('babyproject',userName='me',parentProjectId=pid1,projectDirectory=os.path.join(self.TESTDBDIR,'baby')) self.db.commit() self.db.close() self.db = CDbApi(mode=self.mode,fileName=self.TESTDBFILE,userName='me') #print 'test1Project _userName',self.db._userName pList = self.db.listProjects(True) self.assertEqual(pList[1][3],pid0,'Failed creating child project and listing') self.db.updateProject(baby,key='projectDirectory',value=os.path.join(self.TESTDBDIR,'baby2')) pList = self.db.listProjects(True) self.assertEqual(os.path.split(pList[1][2])[-1],'baby2','Failed updating project directory') ''' # Recent projects concept currently dropped #self.db.listContexts(True) recent = self.db.getRecentProjects() #print 'test1Project getRecentProjects',recent self.assertEqual(recent,[[1,'myproject']],'Failed retrieving recent projects') ''' def test2Aliases(self): import CCP4Utils self.db.setDirectoryAlias('CCP4I2_TOP',CCP4Utils.getCCP4I2Dir()) self.db.setDirectoryAlias('HOME',CCP4Utils.getHOME()) self.db.commit() aliasList = self.db.listDirectoryAliases(toTerm=True) self.assertEqual(len(aliasList),2,'Alias list wrong length') self.assertTrue(('CCP4I2_TOP' in aliasList),'Alias list does not have CCP4I2_TOP') def test3Jobs(self): #pid = self.db.createProject('myproject',projectDirectory=self.TESTDBDIR) pid = self.db.getProjectId('myproject') print 'test3Jobs pid',pid self.db.listProjects(True) import CCP4ModelData,CCP4XtalData # Two jobs loading contents and exptal data jid1 = self.db.createJob(pid,'contents',status=JOB_STATUS_FINISHED) fo1 = CCP4ModelData.CSeqDataFile(project='myproject',relPath='CCP4_JOBS/job_1',baseName='starting_data.seq') f1=self.db.createFile(jobId=jid1,fileObject=fo1,sourceFileName=os.path.join(CCP4Utils.getTestTmpDir(),'starting_data.seq')) jid2 = self.db.createJob(pid,'import_xtal',status=JOB_STATUS_FINISHED) fo2 = CCP4XtalData.CMtzDataFile(project='myproject',relPath='CCP4_JOBS/job_2',baseName='starting_data.mtz') f2=self.db.createFile(jobId=jid2,fileObject=fo2,sourceFileName=os.path.join(CCP4Utils.getTestTmpDir(),'starting_data.mtz')) # An 'auto mr' pipeline jid3 = self.db.createJob(pid,'auto_mr') self.db.createFileUse(jobId=jid3,fileId=f1) self.db.createFileUse(jobId=jid3,fileId=f2) jobNo = self.db.getJobInfo(jid3,'jobNumber') self.assertEqual(jobNo,'3','Error retrieving jobNumber') # mr run creating two pdbs files jid4 = self.db.createJob(pid,'mr',parentJobId=jid3,jobTitle='testing a parentJobId and jobTitle') self.db.createFileUse(jobId=jid4,fileId=f1) self.db.createFileUse(jobId=jid4,fileId=f2) fo3 = CCP4ModelData.CPdbDataFile(project='myproject',relPath='CCP4_JOBS/job_3/job_1',baseName='model_1.pdb') fo4 = CCP4ModelData.CPdbDataFile(project='myproject',relPath='CCP4_JOBS/job_3/job_1',baseName='model_2.pdb') f3=self.db.createFile(jobId=jid4,fileObject=fo3) f4=self.db.createFile(jobId=jid4,fileObject=fo4) self.assertEqual(self.db.getJobInfo(jid4,'ParentJobId'),jid3,'Error setting and retrieving parent job number') self.db.updateJobStatus(jid4,JOB_STATUS_FINISHED) # Two runs of model building jid5 = self.db.createJob(pid,'build',parentJobId=jid3,jobTitle='build') self.db.createFileUse(jobId=jid5,fileId=f2) self.db.createFileUse(jobId=jid5,fileId=f3) fo5 = CCP4ModelData.CPdbDataFile(project='myproject',baseName='built.pdb',relPath='CCP4_JOBS/job_3/job_2') f5=self.db.createFile(jobId=jid5,fileObject=fo5,fileTypeName='chemical/x-pdb') self.db.updateJobStatus(jid5,JOB_STATUS_FINISHED) fileIds = self.db.getJobFiles(jobId=jid5,role=FILE_ROLE_IN,mode='fileId') self.assertTrue(fileIds==[f2,f3] or fileIds==[f3,f2],'Failed restoring input file ids') fileNames = self.db.getJobFiles(jobId=jid5,role=FILE_ROLE_OUT,mode='fileName') self.assertEqual(fileNames,['built.pdb'],'Failed restoring input file ids') # Lets say second model building failed jid6 = self.db.createJob(pid,'build',parentJobId=jid3,jobTitle='build') self.db.createFileUse(jobId=jid6,fileId=f2) self.db.createFileUse(jobId=jid6,fileId=f4) #f6=self.db.createFile(jobId=jid6,fileName='job_6_built.pdb',relPath='CCP4_JOBS/job_6',fileTypeName='text/pdb') self.db.updateJobStatus(jid6,JOB_STATUS_FAILED) # Finish off the pipeline self.db.updateJobStatus(status='Finished',projectName='myproject',jobNumber='3') self.db.createFileUse(jobId=jid3,fileId=f5,role=FILE_ROLE_OUT) info = self.db.getJobInfo(jid3) self.assertEqual(info['status'],'Finished','Error changing job status') self.assertEqual(info['taskname'],'auto_mr','Error retrieving taskName') fileTypeList = self.db.getJobFiles(jobId=jid3,role=FILE_ROLE_OUT,mode='fileType') # Output should be one PDB file #print 'test3Jobs fileTypeList',fileTypeList self.assertEqual(fileTypeList,['chemical/x-pdb']) fileList = self.db.getJobFiles(jobId=jid5,role=FILE_ROLE_OUT,mode='fullPath') self.assertEqual(fileList,[os.path.join(self.TESTDBDIR,'CCP4_JOBS','job_3','job_2','built.pdb')],'Failed running getJobFiles') fileId,jobId = self.db.matchFileName(fileName = os.path.join(self.TESTDBDIR,'CCP4_JOBS','job_3','job_2','built.pdb')) #print 'test3Jobs matchFileName',fileId,jobId ,'f5',f5 self.assertEqual(fileId,f5,'Error using matchFileName') info = self.db.getProjectJobListInfo(projectName='myproject') #print 'testJob getJobListInfo',info def test4Task(self): pid = self.db.getProjectId('myproject') jid = self.db.createJob(pid,'pdbset') self.db.commit() """ # make config file with reference to test database file import CCP4Modules,CCP4Config,CCP4Utils config = CCP4Config.CConfig() config.set('dbMode',self.mode) config.set('dbFile',self.TESTDBFILE) config.set('dbUser','me') import os,CCP4Utils configFile = os.path.join(CCP4Utils.getTestTmpDir(),'CCP4DbApi_test_config.data.xml') print 'test4Task configFile',configFile config.saveDataToXml(configFile) # Set the configFile in JOBCONTROLLER so it is part of arguments to subprocess JC = CCP4Modules.JOBCONTROLLER() JC.setConfigFile(configFile) JC.startTimer() controlFile= os.path.join(CCP4Utils.getCCP4I2Dir(),'test','data','test_dbapi.params.xml') self.db.updateJobControlFile(jobId=jid,controlFile=controlFile) self.db.updateJobStatus(jobId=jid,status=JOB_STATUS_QUEUED) self.db.commit() import time time.sleep(30) status = self.db.getJobInfo(jid,'status') print 'test4Task status',status self.assertEqual(status,'Finished','Failed to run task and update database') """ def test5glean(self): # This will e jobNumber=5 pid = self.db.getProjectId('myproject') import os,CCP4Utils jid7 = self.db.createJob(projectId=pid,taskName='pdbset',jobTitle='test5glean') import shutil,CCP4Modulesb shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(CCP4Utils.getCCP4I2Dir(),'test','data','test_dbapi.params.xml'),CCP4Modules.PROJECTSMANAGER().makeFileName(jobId=jid7,mode='PARAMS')) self.db.updateJobStatus(jid7,status='Finished') #self.db.setDiagnostic(True) #print 'test5glean jid7',jid7,CCP4Modules.PROJECTSMANAGER().makeFileName(jobId=jid7,mode='PARAMS') rv = self.db.gleanJobFiles(jobId=jid7) #print 'from gleanJobFiles',rv.report() fileList = self.db.getJobFiles(jobId=jid7,role=FILE_ROLE_IN,mode='fullPath') #print 'test5glean fileList',fileList self.assertEqual(len(fileList),1,'Error gleaning files from params - wrong number of input files') self.assertEqual(os.path.split(fileList[0])[1],'model_1.pdb','Error gleaning files from params - wrong file name') fileList = self.db.getJobFiles(jobId=jid7,role=FILE_ROLE_OUT) self.assertEqual(len(fileList),1,'Error gleaning files from params - wrong number of output files') filePath = self.db.getFullPath(fileId=fileList[0]) self.assertEqual(os.path.split(filePath)[1],'XYZOUT.pdb','Error gleaning files from params - wrong output file name') def test6glean(self): pid = self.db.getProjectId('myproject') import os,CCP4Utils pf = os.path.join(CCP4Utils.getCCP4I2Dir(),'test','data','test_dbapi_2.params.xml') import shutil,CCP4Modules jid8 = self.db.createJob(pid,'newProject',jobTitle='test6glean') shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(CCP4Utils.getCCP4I2Dir(),'test','data','test_dbapi_2.params.xml'),CCP4Modules.PROJECTSMANAGER().makeFileName(jobId=jid8,mode='PARAMS')) CCP4Modules.PROJECTSMANAGER().importFiles(jobId=jid8) self.db.updateJobStatus(jid8,status='Finished') rv = self.db.gleanJobFiles(jobId=jid8) containsSe = self.db.getXDataByJobContext(contextJobId=jid8,dataClass='CContainsSeMet',projectId=pid) #print 'CCP4DbApi.test6glean containsSe',containsSe import os fileName=os.path.join(CCP4Utils.getTestTmpDir(),'export_db.xml') if os.path.exists(fileName): os.remove(fileName) self.db.exportProjectXml(projectId=pid,fileName=fileName) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(fileName),'Export xml file not created') def test7comment(self): jid3 = self.db.getJobId(projectName='myproject',jobNumber='3') cid = self.db.createComment(jobId=jid3,comment='Well whatever really') commentList = self.db.getComments(jobId=jid3) #print 'test7comment commentList',commentList self.assertEqual('Well whatever really',commentList[0][3],'Error creating and retrieving comment') ''' def test8ImportProject(self): projectXml = '/Users/lizp/Desktop/t4b.ccp4i2db.xml' projectDirectory = '/Users/lizp/Desktop/t4' dbImport = CDbXml(db=self.db,projectDirectory=projectDirectory) err = dbImport.load(projectXml) print 'test8ImportProject errorReport',err def test9ImportProject(self): projectXml = '/Users/lizp/Desktop/t4b.ccp4i2db.xml' projectDirectory = '/Users/lizp/Desktop/t4' dbImport = CDbXml(db=self.db,projectDirectory=projectDirectory) err = dbImport.loadTable(projectXml) print 'test9ImportProject errorReport',err ''' class testSqliteDb(testDb): TESTDBFILE = os.path.join(CCP4Utils.getTestTmpDir(),'CCP4DbApi.testsqlite.db') def setUp(self): self.db = CDbApi(mode='sqlite',userName='me',userPassword='foo',fileName=testSqliteDb.TESTDBFILE) self.mode = 'sqlite' import CCP4Modules CCP4Modules.PROJECTSMANAGER().setDatabase(self.db) class testQtDb(testDb): TESTDBFILE = os.path.join(CCP4Utils.getTestTmpDir(),'CCP4DbApi.testqt.db') def setUp(self): self.db = CDbApi(mode='qt_sqlite',fileName=testQtDb.TESTDBFILE,userName='me',userPassword='foo') self.mode = 'qt_sqlite' import CCP4Modules CCP4Modules.PROJECTSMANAGER().setDatabase(self.db)