""" CCP4SelectionTree.py: Copyright (C) 2001-2008 University of York, CCLRC Copyright (C) 2009-2011 University of York Copyright (C) 2012 STFC This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3, modified in accordance with the provisions of the license to address the requirements of UK law. You should have received a copy of the modified GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library. If not, copies may be downloaded from http://www.ccp4.ac.uk/ccp4license.php This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. """ """ March 2012 Liz Potterton Copied from CCP4mg model_selection.py """ import re,string,types from CCP4ErrorHandling import * import mmdb2 as mmdb import mmut #------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------- class CMolData: #------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------- ERROR_CODES = { 101 : { 'description' : 'Atom selection failed. Failed to import MMDB' }, 102 : { 'description' : 'Atom selection failed. Failed creating mmdb2.Manager object' }, 103 : { 'description' : 'Atom selection failed. Faied reading coordinate file.' }, 104 : { 'description' : 'Atom selection failed. Failed parsing command' }, 105 : { 'description' : 'Atom selection failed. Error creating PPCAtom' }, 106 : { 'description' : 'Atom selection failed. Error in GetSelIndex' }, 107 : { 'description' : 'Atom selection failed. Error loading selection tree' }, 108 : { 'description' : 'Atom selection failed. Error applying selection tree' } } def __init__(self,fileName): try: self.molHnd = mmdb.Manager() self.molHnd.SetFlag(mmdb.MMDBF_AutoSerials) self.molHnd.SetFlag(mmdb.MMDBF_IgnoreRemarks) self.molHnd.SetFlag(mmdb.MMDBF_IgnoreBlankLines) self.molHnd.SetFlag(mmdb.MMDBF_IgnoreHash) except: raise CException(self.__class__,102) else: try: RC = self.molHnd.ReadCoorFile(fileName) except: raise CException(self.__class__,103,str(fileName)) def interpretSelection(self,command,fileName=None): try: toks = SelectionParser().tokenise(command) except CException as e: raise e except: raise CException(self.__class__,104,str(command)) print 'interpretSelection',toks try: tree = Cselect_tree('TOP',mol=self) tree.import_command_string(toks[0],toks[1],toks[2]) except: raise CException(self.__class__,107,str(command)) try: status,selHnd = tree.apply() except: raise CException(self.__class__,108,str(command)) print 'interpetSelection',status,selHnd try: selAtoms = mmdb.newPPCAtom() except: raise CException(self.__class__,105,str(command)) try: try: selindexp = mmut.intp() selAtoms = mmut.GetAtomSelIndex(self.molHnd,selHnd,selindexp) nselatoms = selindexp.value() except: nselatoms = self.molHnd.GetSelIndex(selHnd,selAtoms) except: raise CException(self.__class__,106,str(command)) #print 'interpetSelection nselatoms',nselatoms if fileName is not None: self.writeSelection(selHnd,fileName) def writeSelection(self,selHnd, fileName, format='PDB' ): # Does an atom-by-atom copy so potentially slow mmdb2 = mmdb.Manager() mmdb2.Copy (self.molHnd ,mmdb.MMDBFCM_Title | mmdb.MMDBFCM_Cryst ) if self.molHnd.GetNumberOfModels()>1: self.molHnd.CopySelection(selHnd,mmdb2) else: try: selindexp = mmut.intp() selAtoms = mmut.GetAtomSelIndex(self.molHnd,selHnd,selindexp) nSelAtoms = selindexp.value() for i in range(0,nSelAtoms): pcat = mmdb.getPCAtom(selAtoms,i) mmdb2.PutAtom ( i+1,pcat ) except: selAtoms = mmdb.newPPCAtom() nSelAtoms = self.molHnd.GetSelIndex(selHnd,selAtoms) for i in range(0,nSelAtoms): pcat = mmdb.CAtomPtr(mmdb.getPCAtom(selAtoms,i)) mmdb2.PutAtom ( i+1,pcat ) if format == "PDB": RC = mmdb2.WritePDBASCII( fileName ) else: RC = mmdb2.WriteCIFASCII( fileName ) print format,'file, containing',nSelAtoms,'atoms, written to',fileName del mmdb2 return RC #------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------- class SelectionParser: #------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------- ERROR_CODES = { 101: { 'description' : 'Error in selection command' } } #------------------------------------------------------------------- def command_to_list( self,command ): #------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' Convert an input command string to a python list selection ''' toks = self.tokenise(command) #toks=self.expand(toks[1],toks[2],toks[3]) t = Cselect_tree('TOP','',self) rv = t.import_command_string(toks[0],toks[1],toks[2]) l = t.get() t.cleanup() return l #------------------------------------------------------------------- def list_to_command(self,list): #------------------------------------------------------------------- t = Cselect_tree('TOP','',self) t.set(list) rv = t.export_command_string() t.cleanup() return rv #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def tokenise(self,inp_str,report=1): #------------------------------------------------------------------------- stdops = ['and','or','xor','excl','not'] elements = [] ops = [] levels = [] wk_str = re.sub('{',' { ',inp_str) wk_str = re.sub('}',' } ',wk_str) wk_str = re.sub('not',' not ',wk_str) # This is a kludge to hide operaters within quotes quoted = re.findall('".*?"',wk_str) #print "quoted",quoted if len(quoted)>0:wk_str = re.sub('".*?"','QuOTE',wk_str) rx = re.compile('\{| and | or | xor | excl | not |\}') nq = -1 for ele in rx.split(wk_str): qu = re.findall('QuOTE',ele) for ii in range(0,len(qu)): nq = nq+1 ele = re.sub('QuOTE',quoted[nq],ele,1) elements.append(string.strip(ele)) for op in rx.findall(wk_str): ops.append(string.strip(op)) levels = self.getlevels(ops) #print "elements",elements #print "ops",ops #print "levels",levels if len(ops) > 0: # Test the first operator if ops[0] == '{': if elements[0] != '': #return [3,'Missing operator before open brace at ' \ # + "'" + elements[0] + ' ' + ops[0] + "'"] raise CException(self.__class__,101, 'Missing operator before open brace at '+ "'" + elements[0] + ' ' + ops[0] + "'") else: if elements[0] == '' and ops[0] != 'not': #return [4,'Missing element before ' + ops[0]] raise CException(self.__class__,101,'Missing element before ' + ops[0]) lop = stdops.count(ops[0]) for i in range(1,len(ops)): cop = stdops.count(ops[i]) dlev = levels[i] - levels[i-1] if lop and cop: # test if two consecutive operators if elements[i] == '' and ops[i] != 'not': #return [4,'Missing element between ' + ops[i-1] + ' ' + ops[i]] raise CException(self.__class__,101,'Missing element between ' + ops[i-1] + ' ' + ops[i]) if lop: # test if there is operator before/after braced group if dlev > 0: if elements[i] != '': #return [3,'Missing operator before open braces at ' \ # + "'" + ops[i-1] + ' ' + elements[i] + ' ' + ops[i] + "'"] raise CException(self.__class__,101, 'Missing operator before open braces at '+ "'" + ops[i-1] + ' ' + elements[i] + ' ' + ops[i] + "'") elif ops[i] != 'not': if elements[i] == '': #return [4,'Missing element between ' + ops[i-1] + ' ' + ops[i]] raise CException(self.__class__,101, 'Missing element between ' + ops[i-1] + ' ' + ops[i] ) if cop: if dlev < 0: if elements[i] != '': #return [3,'Missing operator after close braces at ' \ # + "'" + ops[i-1] + ' ' + elements[i] + ' ' + ops[i] + "'"] raise CException(self.__class__,101, 'Missing operator after close braces at ' + "'" + ops[i-1] + ' ' + elements[i] + ' ' + ops[i] + "'" ) elif ops[i] != 'not': if elements[i] == '': #return [4,'Missing element between ' + ops[i-1] + ' ' + ops[i]] raise CException(self.__class__,101, 'Missing element between ' + ops[i-1] + ' ' + ops[i] ) else: # test for missing operator between braced groups if ops[i-1] == '}' and ops[i] == '{': #return [5,'Missing operator between braces } { '] raise CException(self.__class__,101, 'Missing operator between braces } { ' ) lop = cop if lop: if elements[-1] == '': #return [4,'Missing element after final ' + ops[-1]] raise CException(self.__class__,101, 'Missing element after final ' + ops[-1] ) else: if elements[-1] != '': #return [3,'Missing operator after braces at ' \ # + "'" + ops[-1] + ' ' + elements[-1] + "'"] raise CException(self.__class__,101, 'Missing operator after braces at '+ "'" + ops[-1] + ' ' + elements[-1] + "'") #print 'tokenise',[elements,ops,levels] return [elements,ops,levels] #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def expand(self,elements,ops,levels): #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Expand a command string to replace any aliases with their # full command initl = len(elements) i = 0 while i < len(elements): toks = self.expand0(elements[i]) if len(toks)==0: pass else: elements.pop(i) # There is an expansion which needs to be inserted into the lists if len(toks[0]) == 1: elements.insert(i,toks[0][0]) else: elements.insert(i,'') elements0 = toks[0] elements0.reverse() for e in elements0: elements.insert(i,e) elements.insert(i,'') ops0 = toks[1] ops0.reverse() ops.insert(i,'}') for o in ops0: ops.insert(i,o) ops.insert(i,'{') # print 'expanded elements',elements,'ops',ops if len(elements) != initl: levels = self.getlevels(ops) return [elements,ops,levels] #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def expand0(self,element): #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test if first word of element corresponds to a defined protocol # or a user selection alias if element == '': return [] words = splitWords(element) fword = words[0] expanded = self.expand_selection_alias(fword) if expanded: return self.tokenise(expanded) else: return [] #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def getlevels(self,ops): #------------------------------------------------------------------------- level = 0 levels =[] for op in ops: if op == '{': level = level +1 levels.append(level) elif op == '}': levels.append(level) level = level - 1 if level < 0: #return (2,'Unmatched closing brace',len(levels)) raise CException(self.__class__,101,'Unmatched closing brace',len(levels)) else: levels.append(level) if level > 0: #return (1,'Unmatched opening brace',0) raise CException(self.__class__,101,'Unmatched opening brace') else: return levels #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Cselect_tree: #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- aminoResidues = ["GLY","ALA","VAL","PRO","SER","THR","LEU","ILE","CYS","ASP","GLU","ASN","GLN","ARG","LYS","MET","MSE","HIS","PHE","TYR","TRP","HCS","ALO","PDD","UNK"] metalElements = ["LI", "BE", "NA", "MG", "AL", "K", "CA", "SC", "TI", "V", "MN", "FE", "CO", "NI", "CU", "ZN", "GA", "RB", "SR", "Y", "ZR", "NB", "MO", "TC", "RU", "RH", "PD", "AG", "CD", "IN", "SN", "SB", "CS", "BA", "LA", "CE", "PR", "ND", "PM", "SM", "EU", "GD", "TB", "DY", "HO", "ER", "TM", "YB", "LU", "HF", "TA", "W", "RE", "OS", "IR", "PT", "AU", "HG", "TL", "PB", "BI", "PO", "FR", "RA", "AC", "TH", "PA", "U", "NP", "PU", "AM", "CM", "BK", "CF", "ES", "FM", "MD", "NO", "LR", "RF", "DB", "SG", "BH", "HS", "MT", "UN", "UU", "UB", "UQ", "UH", "UO"]; saccharideResidues = ["BMA","MAN","NAG","GLC","BGC","GCS","GAL","NGA","MGC","NG1","NG6","A2G","6MN","GLP","GP4","BEM","KDN","XLS","CXY","RBY","TDX","XYL","XYS","XYP","FCA","FCB","FUC","GTR","ADA","DGU","SI3","NCC","NGF","NGE","NGC","GC4","GCD","GCU","GCV","GCW","IDS","REL","IDR","SIA"]; nucleicResidues = [ "DC","DT","U","T","C","PSU","DA","DG","A","G","I" ] nucleotideResidues = [ "Ad","Cd","Gd","Td","ADE","CYT","GUA","INO","THY","URA","AMP","ADP","ATP","CMP","CDP","CTP","GMP","GDP","GTP","TMP","TDP","TTP" ] waterResidues = [ "HOH","H2O","WAT","SOL","DOD","D2O" ] metalResidues = [ "LI","BE","NA","MG","AL","K","CA","SC","TI","V","MN","FE","CO","NI","CU","ZN","GA","RB","SR","Y","ZR","NB","MO","TC","RU","RH","PD","AG","CD","IN","SN","SB","CS","BA","LA","CE","PR","ND","PM","SM","EU","GD","TB","DY","HO","ER","TM","YB","LU","HF","TA","W","RE","OS","IR","PT","AU","HG","TL","PB","BI","PO","FR","RA","AC","TH","PA","U","NP","PU","AM","CM","BK","CF","ES","FM","MD","NO","LR","RF","DB","SG","BH","HS","MT","UN","UU","UB","UQ","UH","UO" ] soluteResidues = [ "SUL","SO4","NO3","MOH","EOH","GOL","ACT","CL","BR","PG4","PG5","PG6","1PE","2PE","7PE","PE3","PE4","PE5","PE6","PE7","PGE","XPE","C10","CE1","CE9","CXE","EDO","N8E","P33","P4C","12P","15P","DMS","IOD","MRD","BE7","MHA","BU3","PGO","BU2","PDO","BU1","1BO","TFP","DHD","PEU","TRS","TAU","SBT","SAL","MPD","IOH","IPA","BU2","PIG","B3P","BTB","B3P","NHE","C8E","OTE","PE8","2OS","1PS","CPS","DMX","MPO","DXG","CM5","ACA","ACN","CCN","DR6","NH4","AZI","LAK","BCN","BRO","CAC","CBX","FMT","ACY","CBM","CLO","FCL","CIT","3CO","NCO","CU1","CYN","CYN","MA4","BTC","TAR","MTL","DPR","SOR","SYL","DDQ","DMF","DIO","DOX","SDS","EEE","EGL","FLO","TRT","FCY","FRU","GBL","GPX","HTO","HTG","B7G","16D","HEZ","IDO","ICI","ICT","TLA","LDA","MRY","BEQ","C15","MG8","POL","JEF","DIA","IPH","PIN","CRY","PGR","PGQ","SPD","SPK","SPM","TBU","TMA","TEP","SCN","ETF","144","UMQ","URE","CN","EPE","HEPES","HEPE","MES","PEG","ETA","HED","IMD","BO3","IUM","PO4" ] #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self,name,parent=None,mol=None,dispobj=''): #------------------------------------------------------------------------- self.name = name self.parent = parent self.mol = mol self.dispobj = dispobj self.element = None self.op = None self.children = [] self.selHnd = None self.com_string = "" #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def set(self,defn): #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #print "set defn",defn if len(defn) < 1: return 1 self.op = defn[0] if not self.op : self.element = defn[1] elif self.op == 'not': cl = Cselect_tree(self.name + '_l',self.name,self.mol,dispobj=self.dispobj) cl.set(defn[1]) self.children.append(cl) elif len(defn)>2: cl = Cselect_tree(self.name + '_l',self.name,self.mol,dispobj=self.dispobj) cl.set(defn[1]) self.children.append(cl) cr = Cselect_tree(self.name + '_r',self.name,self.mol,dispobj=self.dispobj) cr.set( defn[2]) self.children.append(cr) else: return 1 #print "RETURN 0" return 0 #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def import_command_string(self,elements,ops,levels): #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #print 'elements',elements,'ops',ops,'levels',levels # check if down to one component if len(elements) == 1: self.element = elements[0] #### USEFUL DIAGNOSTIC ON TREE STRUCTURE # print self.name, self.element return 0 # if enclosed in braces then strip them off while levels.count(0) == 0: l = len(levels) levs = [] for lev in levels[1:l-1]: levs.append(lev -1) levels = levs ops = ops[1:l-1] l = len(elements) elements = elements[1:l-1] # check again if we are down to 1 component if len(ops) <= 0: self.element = elements[0] # print self.name, self.element return 0 # print 'stripped levels',levels,'elements',elements,'ops',ops # find the *last* unnested logical operator iop = len(levels)-1 while (levels[iop] != 0 or ops[iop] == 'not') and iop > 0: iop = iop -1 self.op = ops[iop] # print self.name, self.op if self.op != 'not': cl = Cselect_tree(self.name + '_l',self.name,self.mol,dispobj=self.dispobj) cl.import_command_string(elements[0:(iop+1)],ops[0:iop],levels[0:iop]) self.children.append(cl) cr = Cselect_tree(self.name + '_r',self.name,self.mol,dispobj=self.dispobj) cr.import_command_string( elements[iop+1:], ops[iop+1:], levels[iop+1:]) self.children.append(cr) return 0 #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def cleanup(self,save_selHnd=0): #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Close the selHnd for all but the top object if self.selHnd and not save_selHnd: self.delete_selhnd (self.selHnd) for child in self.children: if not save_selHnd or child.selHnd != self.selHnd: child.cleanup() #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __del__(self): #------------------------------------------------------------------------- for child in self.children: del child #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def skey(self): #------------------------------------------------------------------------- if self.op == 'and': return mmdb.SKEY_AND elif self.op == 'or': return mmdb.SKEY_OR elif self.op == 'xor': return mmdb.SKEY_XOR elif self.op == 'excl': return mmdb.SKEY_CLR #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def apply(self): #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # propagate the 'apply' down through all nodes in the tree for child in self.children: if not child.selHnd and child.op: child.apply() # For an 'ops' object apply the selection criteria of its # children. Create a 'selHnd' for this object # print "in apply", self.name if len(self.children) == 0: # There is one simple selection command self.selHnd = self.new_selHnd() rv = self.interpret(mmdb.SKEY_NEW,self.element) return rv elif self.op == 'not': if not self.children[0].selHnd: self.selHnd = self.new_selHnd() rv = self.interpret(mmdb.SKEY_NEW,self.children[0].element) if rv[0] > 0: return rv else: self.selHnd = self.children[0].selHnd rv = self.interpret(mmdb.SKEY_XOR,'/0') return rv if not self.children[0].selHnd and \ not self.children[1].selHnd: # Neither child selection is currently evaluated self.selHnd = self.new_selHnd() rv = self.interpret(mmdb.SKEY_NEW,self.children[0].element) if rv[0] > 0: return rv rv = self.interpret(self.skey(),self.children[1].element) if rv[0] > 0: return rv elif self.children[0].selHnd and self.children[1].selHnd: # both child selections are evaluated rv = self.merge_selection(self.skey(), \ self.children[0].selHnd,self.children[1].selHnd) self.delete_selhnd(self.children[1].selHnd) if rv[0] > 0: return rv self.selHnd = self.children[0].selHnd elif self.children[0].selHnd: # the left side selection is already evaluated self.selHnd = self.children[0].selHnd rv = self.interpret(self.skey(),self.children[1].element) if rv[0] > 0: return rv else: # the right side selection is already evaluated if self.op != 'excl': self.selHnd = self.children[1].selHnd rv = self.interpret(self.skey(),self.children[0].element) if rv[0] > 0: return rv else: # excl operation not cummutative self.selHnd = self.new_selHnd() rv = self.interpret(mmdb.SKEY_NEW,self.children[0].element) if rv[0] > 0: return rv self.merge_selection(self.skey(),self.selHnd,self.children[1].selHnd) self.delete_selhnd(self.children[1].selHnd) if rv[0] > 0: return rv return [0,self.selHnd] #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def new_selHnd(self): #------------------------------------------------------------------------- selHnd = self.mol.molHnd.NewSelection() return selHnd ''' #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def interpret(self,skey,element): #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # #print "interpret element",element words = splitWords0(element) #print "interpret words",words if len(words) <= 0: return [1,'No selection'] # Test if first word is an alias and # parse the expansion for the alias expansion = self.mol.expand_selection_alias(words[0]) #print "expansion",words[0],expansion if expansion: if skey == SKEY_NEW: self.delete_selhnd(self.selHnd) rv = self.mol.parse_selection(expansion) if rv[0]: return [1,'Error interpreting expansion of '+words[0]] elif skey == SKEY_NEW: self.selHnd = rv[1] else: self.merge_selection(skey,self.selHnd,rv[1]) self.delete_selhnd(rv[1]) return (0,self.selHnd) kw = matchKeyword(string.lower(words[0]),self.mol.selection_commands) #print "word,kw",words[0],kw if kw[0] >= 1: cmd = 'rv = self.mol.' + self.mol.selection_methods[kw[1][0]] + '(' for w in words[1:]: ww = re.split('=', w) if len(ww) > 1: if ( re.match("\'", ww[1]) and re.search("'$",ww[1]) ) or \ ( re.match('\"', ww[1]) and re.search('"$',ww[1]) ): cmd = cmd + ww[0] + "=" + ww[1] + "," else: cmd = cmd + ww[0] + "='" + ww[1] + "'," else: cmd = cmd + "'" + w + "'," cmd = cmd + 'selhnd=' + str(self.selHnd) + ',' + 'skey=' + str(skey) + ')' #print "interpret cmd",cmd,self.nSelAtoms() if DEVELOPER(): exec cmd if rv[0] == 0: self.selHnd = rv[1] return rv else: return [rv[0],'Error interpreting command ' + self.mol.selection_commands[kw[1][0]] + ': ' + rv[1]] else: try: exec cmd if rv[0] == 0: self.selHnd = rv[1] return rv else: return [rv[0],'Error interpreting command ' + self.mol.selection_commands[kw[1][0]] + ': ' + rv[1]] except: #import sys #print 'ModelAnalysis.interpret',sys.exc_info() return [1,'Error interpreting command ' + self.mol.selection_commands[kw[1][0]]] # Does the element contain operators - if so attempt to # interpret elif re.search(r'[=><]', element): #print "matched operator" sel_ops = [] ele = element while ele: t = re.search(r'([^=><]*)(==|!=|<=|>=|<|>)([^=><]*)(.*)',ele) #if not t: # t = re.search(r'([^=><]*)(=|>|<)([^=><]*)(.*)',ele) if not t: # Have an operator symbol but it dont make sense return[1,'Can not interpret '+element] tt = t.groups() #print "tt",tt # tt[1] should be operator and tt[0] and tt[2] are parameter # and limit value (either way round) tt0 = string.strip(tt[0]) tt2 = string.strip(tt[2]) param = self.interpret_operator_param(tt0) if param: op = ['==','!=','<=','<','>=','>','='].index(tt[1]) if op == 6: op = 0 value = tt2 else: param = self.interpret_operator_param(tt2) if param: op = ['==','!=','>=','>','<=','<','='].index(tt[1]) if op == 6: op = 0 value = tt0 else: return[1,'No parameter recognised in '+element] try: if param[1]=='float': value=float(value) elif param[1]=='int': # Weird this - something like int('6.0') breaks value = int(float(value)) else: pass except: return[1,'Inappropriate parameter value '+value] sel_ops.append([param[0],param[1],op,value]) #print "sel_ops",sel_ops if tt[3]: ele = param[0]+tt[3] else: ele = '' # Success! put return fail for now rv_op = self.apply_operators(sel_ops) #print "from apply_operators rv",rv_op if rv_op[0]==0: # merge the selection from the operator and # delete the selHnd rv = self.merge_selection(skey,self.selHnd,rv_op[1]) #print "merge_selection rv",rv,self.selHnd,self.nSelAtoms(rv[1]) self.delete_selhnd(rv_op[1]) if (rv[0] == 0 ): return [0,self.selHnd] else: return [1,'Error merging '+element] else: return rv_op else: #element0 = self.interpretSymop(element) rv = self.mol.molHnd.Select(self.selHnd,mmdb.STYPE_ATOM,element,skey) #print 'interpret selection',element,self.nSelAtoms() if rv == 0: return [rv,self.selHnd] else: return [rv,'Error applying selection CID ' + element] #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def interpretSymop(self,element): #------------------------------------------------------------------------ m = re.match(r"(.*)(\d+)_(\d+)(.*)",element) if not m: return element gps = m.groups() #print 'interpretSymop',element,gps op = int(gps[1]) tran = int(gps[2]) if not ['','/'].count(gps[0]) or \ op<1 or op>self.mol.model_symmetry.nofCrystalSymops() or \ tran<111 or tran>999 : return element imodel = self.mol.model_symmetry.getPendingSymmetryMate(gps[1]+'_'+gps[2]) if imodel<0: return element else: return '/'+str(imodel)+gps[3] #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def interpret_operator_param( self, tt): #------------------------------------------------------------------------ #print "interpret_operator_param",tt tt = string.upper(tt) for par in ['B','OCC','CHARGE','X','Y','Z','ATOM_SAS','RES_SAS', \ 'ATOM_BURIED','RES_BURIED']: if re.match(par,tt): return [par,'float'] for par in ['SERIAL']: if re.match(par,tt): return [par,'int'] for par in ['SEC']: if re.match(par,tt): return [par,'string'] return [] ''' #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def interpret(self,skey,element): #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #print 'Cselect_tree.interpret',self.selHnd,mmdb.STYPE_ATOM,element,skey if element == "peptide": rv = self.mol.molHnd.Select(self.selHnd,mmdb.STYPE_ATOM,"/*/*/("+(",".join(self.aminoResidues))+")/*:*",skey) elif element == "nucleic": rv = self.mol.molHnd.Select(self.selHnd,mmdb.STYPE_ATOM,"/*/*/("+(",".join(self.nucleicResidues))+")/*:*",skey) elif element == "nucleotide": rv = self.mol.molHnd.Select(self.selHnd,mmdb.STYPE_ATOM,"/*/*/("+(",".join(self.nucleotideResidues))+")/*:*",skey) elif element == "ligands": tempSelHnd = self.mol.molHnd.NewSelection() ligandSelHnd = self.mol.molHnd.NewSelection() rv = self.mol.molHnd.Select(ligandSelHnd,mmdb.STYPE_ATOM,"/*/*/*/*:*",mmdb.SKEY_NEW) rv = self.mol.molHnd.Select(tempSelHnd,mmdb.STYPE_ATOM,"/*/*/("+(",".join(self.aminoResidues))+")/*:*",mmdb.SKEY_NEW) rv = self.mol.molHnd.Select(tempSelHnd,mmdb.STYPE_ATOM,"/*/*/("+(",".join(self.nucleicResidues))+")/*:*",mmdb.SKEY_OR) rv = self.mol.molHnd.Select(tempSelHnd,mmdb.STYPE_ATOM,"/*/*/("+(",".join(self.nucleotideResidues))+")/*:*",mmdb.SKEY_OR) rv = self.mol.molHnd.Select(tempSelHnd,mmdb.STYPE_ATOM,"/*/*/("+(",".join(self.waterResidues))+")/*:*",mmdb.SKEY_OR) rv = self.mol.molHnd.Select(tempSelHnd,mmdb.STYPE_ATOM,"/*/*/("+(",".join(self.soluteResidues))+")/*:*",mmdb.SKEY_OR) rv = self.mol.molHnd.Select(tempSelHnd,mmdb.STYPE_ATOM,"/*/*/("+(",".join(self.saccharideResidues))+")/*:*",mmdb.SKEY_OR) rv = self.mol.molHnd.Select(tempSelHnd,mmdb.STYPE_ATOM,"/*/*/("+(",".join(self.metalResidues))+")/*["+(",".join(self.metalElements))+"]:*",mmdb.SKEY_OR) self.mol.molHnd.Select(ligandSelHnd,mmdb.STYPE_ATOM,tempSelHnd,mmdb.SKEY_XOR) self.mol.molHnd.Select(self.selHnd,mmdb.STYPE_ATOM,ligandSelHnd,skey) self.mol.molHnd.DeleteSelection(tempSelHnd) self.mol.molHnd.DeleteSelection(ligandSelHnd) elif element == "water": rv = self.mol.molHnd.Select(self.selHnd,mmdb.STYPE_ATOM,"/*/*/("+(",".join(self.waterResidues))+")/*:*",skey) elif element == "solute": rv = self.mol.molHnd.Select(self.selHnd,mmdb.STYPE_ATOM,"/*/*/("+(",".join(self.soluteResidues))+")/*:*",skey) elif element == "saccharide": rv = self.mol.molHnd.Select(self.selHnd,mmdb.STYPE_ATOM,"/*/*/("+(",".join(self.saccharideResidues))+")/*:*",skey) elif element == "metal": rv = self.mol.molHnd.Select(self.selHnd,mmdb.STYPE_ATOM,"/*/*/("+(",".join(self.metalResidues))+")/*["+(",".join(self.metalElements))+"]:*",skey) else: rv = self.mol.molHnd.Select(self.selHnd,mmdb.STYPE_ATOM,element,skey) #print 'interpret selection',element,self.nSelAtoms() if rv == 0: return [rv,self.selHnd] else: return [rv,'Error applying selection CID ' + element] #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def apply_operators( self, sel_ops ): #------------------------------------------------------------------------ import model import re import string import utils selHnd=self.mol.molHnd.NewSelection() skey = mmdb.SKEY_NEW for op in sel_ops: #print "apply_operators op",op if not SelHandle.property_alias.count(op[0]): break # Make sure SAS calculated if ['ATOM_SAS','RES_SAS'].count(op[0]): self.mol.update_sasarea(reapply=0) if re.search('BURIED',op[0]): #n = string.split(op[0],'-')[1] #print "contact n",n if re.match('ATOM',op[0]): udd = self.mol.molHnd.GetUDDHandle( mmdb.UDR_ATOM,'atom_contact'+self.dispobj) else: udd = self.mol.molHnd.GetUDDHandle( mmdb.UDR_RESIDUE,'residue_contact'+self.dispobj) #print "apply_operators contact UDD",udd else: if op[0] == 'SERIAL': udd = self.mol.molHnd.GetUDDHandle( mmdb.UDR_ATOM,"atomSerial") if udd<=0: serial_molHnd = mmdb.Manager() serial_molHnd.SetFlag(MMDBF_IgnoreRemarks) serial_molHnd.SetFlag(MMDBF_IgnoreBlankLines) serial_molHnd.SetFlag(MMDBF_IgnoreHash) #serial_molHnd.SetFlag(MMDBF_EnforceUniqueChainID) #serial_molHnd.ReadCoorFile(self.mol.filename[2]) utils.ReadCoorFile(serial_molHnd,self.mol.filename[2]) udd = self.mol.molHnd.LoadSerial(serial_molHnd) del serial_molHnd else: #Get the enum code for the type of data prop_enum = SelHandle.property_enum[ \ SelHandle.property_alias.index(op[0])] #print "in apply_operators prop_enum",prop_enum udd = self.mol.molHnd.LoadUDDData(prop_enum ) #print "udd",udd if udd < 0: self.mol.molHnd.DeleteSelection(selHnd) return [1,"Error loading data "+op[0]] if op[0] == 'SEC': #print "op[3]",op[3] # Beware pre 1.111 used single letter code secstr_code # but now use the secstr_alias sec_code = model.MolData.secstr_code sec_alias = model.MolData.secstr_alias ss = -1 if sec_code.count(op[3]): ss = sec_code.index(op[3]) elif sec_alias.count(op[3]): ss = sec_alias.index(op[3]) if ss>=0: min = int(ss) max = int(ss) else: min=0 max=6 elif op[1] == 'int': if op[2] == 0: max = int(op[3]) min = int(op[3]) elif op[2] == 1: max = int(op[3])-1 min = -99999999 elif op[2] == 2: min = -99999999 max = int(op[3]) elif op[2] == 3: min = -99999999 max = int(op[3])-1 elif op[2] == 4: max = 99999999 min = int(op[3]) elif op[2] == 5: max = 99999999 min = int(op[3])+1 elif op[1] == 'float': if op[2] == 0: if op[3]>0.0: max = float(op[3])*1.0001 min = float(op[3])*0.9999 else: max = float(op[3])*0.9999 min = float(op[3])*1.0001 elif op[2] == 1: if op[3]>0.0: max = float(op[3])*0.9999 else: max = float(op[3])*1.0001 min = -9999999.9 elif op[2] == 2: min = -9999999999.9 max = float(op[3]) elif op[2] == 3: min = -9999999999.9 max = float(op[3]) elif op[2] == 4: max = 9999999999.9 min = float(op[3]) elif op[2] == 5: max = 9999999999.9 min = float(op[3]) #print "min,max",min,max,op[0],udd if re.match('RES',op[0]) or op[0]=='SEC': resSelHnd=self.mol.molHnd.NewSelection() self.mol.molHnd.SelectUDD (resSelHnd,mmdb.STYPE_RESIDUE,udd, \ min,max,mmdb.SKEY_NEW) self.mol.molHnd.Select(selHnd,mmdb.STYPE_ATOM,resSelHnd,skey) self.mol.molHnd.DeleteSelection(resSelHnd) resSelHnd = -1 else: self.mol.molHnd.SelectUDD (selHnd,mmdb.STYPE_ATOM,udd, \ min,max,skey) skey = mmdb.SKEY_AND if op[2] == 1: # Need a second selection to get the atoms above the value if op[1] == 'int': min = int(op[3])+1 max = 99999999 elif op[1] == 'float': if op[3]>0: min = float(op[3])*1.0001 else: min = float(op[3])*0.9999 max = 9999999999.9 self.mol.molHnd.SelectUDD (selHnd,mmdb.STYPE_ATOM,udd, \ min,max,mmdb.SKEY_OR) #print "apply_operator nSelAtoms",self.nSelAtoms(selHnd) return [0,selHnd] #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def merge_selection(self,skey,selHnd1,selHnd2): #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #print 'CSelectTree.merge_selection',skey,selHnd1,selHnd2 # Beware Select_propagate does not return a status flag #print "SelHandle.merge_selection skey",skey self.mol.molHnd.Select(selHnd1,mmdb.STYPE_ATOM,selHnd2,skey) return [0,selHnd1] #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def delete_selhnd(self,selHnd): #------------------------------------------------------------------------- if selHnd >= 0: self.mol.molHnd.DeleteSelection(selHnd) selHnd = -1 #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def nSelAtoms(self,selhnd=None): #------------------------------------------------------------------------- if not selhnd: selhnd = self.selHnd #if self.selAtoms: delPPCAtom(self.selAtoms) try: selindexp = mmut.intp() self.selAtoms = mmut.GetAtomSelIndex(self.mol.molHnd,selhnd,selindexp) nselatoms = selindexp.value() except: self.selAtoms = newPPCAtom() nselatoms =self.mol.molHnd.GetSelIndex(selhnd,self.selAtoms) # print "Number of selected atoms",nselatoms #delPPCAtom(self.selAtoms) return nselatoms #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def export_command_string(self): #------------------------------------------------------------------------- for child in self.children: if not child.com_string: child.export_command_string() if len(self.children) == 0: self.com_string = self.element elif self.op == 'not': #print "export not",self.children[0].element if len(self.children[0].children) > 1: self.com_string = 'not {'+self.children[0].com_string+'}' else: self.com_string = 'not '+ self.children[0].com_string else: if not self.children[0].op or self.children[0].op == self.op: self.com_string = self.children[0].com_string + ' ' + self.op + ' ' else: #print self.children, self.op self.com_string = ' {'+self.children[0].com_string+'} '+self.op+' ' if not self.children[1].op or self.children[1].op == self.op: #print "export_command_string",self.com_string,'*',self.children[1].com_string self.com_string = self.com_string+self.children[1].com_string else: self.com_string = self.com_string+'{'+self.children[1].com_string+'}' #print "com_string",self.com_string return [0,self.com_string] #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def search(self,keyword): #------------------------------------------------------------------------ hits = self.search0(keyword) # search0 returns a list of Cselect_tree objects # convert this to a list of selection definitions hitdefns = [] for hit in hits: hitdefns.append(hit[1].get()) #print "search",keyword,hitdefns return hitdefns #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def search0(self,keyword): #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # At a leaf - does the com_string match the keyword #print "search0",self.element,self.op if len(self.children) == 0: if self.element == keyword: return [[1,self]] else: return [] # Loop over all children hits = [] for child in self.children: hits.extend(child.search0(keyword)) newhits=[] if len(hits)>0: if self.op == 'and': for hit in hits: if hit[0] == 2: newhits.append(hit) elif hit[0] == 1: newhits.append([1,self]) else: for hit in hits: newhits.append([2,hit[1]]) #print "search0",self.element,newhits return newhits #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def get(self): #---------------------------------------------------------------------- if not self.op: return [None,self.element] elif self.op == 'not': return ['not',self.children[0].get()] else: return [self.op,self.children[0].get(),self.children[1].get()] #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Functions #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------- def list_to_command(list): #------------------------------------------------------------------- t = Cselect_tree('TOP','') t.set(list) rv = t.export_command_string() t.cleanup() return rv #------------------------------------------------------------------- def command_to_list( command ): #------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' Convert an input command string to a python list selection ''' parser = SelectionParser() toks = parser.tokenise(command) if toks[0] > 0: return [1,'Error parsing command'] else: #toks=self.expand(toks[1],toks[2],toks[3]) t = Cselect_tree('TOP','') rv = t.import_command_string(toks[1],toks[2],toks[3]) l = t.get() t.cleanup() return [0,l] def interpretSelection(fileName,command,fileOut=None): mol = MolData(fileName) toks = SelectionParser().tokenise(command) print 'interpretSelection',toks if toks[0] > 0: return [1,'Error parsing command'] tree = Cselect_tree('TOP',mol=mol) tree.import_command_string(toks[1],toks[2],toks[3]) status,selHnd = tree.apply() print 'interpetSelection',status,selHnd try: selindexp = mmut.intp() selAtoms = mmut.GetAtomSelIndex(mol.molHnd,selHnd,selindexp) nselatoms = selindexp.value() except: selAtoms = newPPCAtom() nselatoms = mol.molHnd.GetSelIndex(selHnd,selAtoms) print 'interpetSelection nselatoms',nselatoms