#!/bin/sh # Program to calculate self rotation function. set -e polarrfn \ HKLIN $CEXAM/toxd/toxd.mtz \ MAPOUT $CCP4_SCR/self.map plot $CCP4_SCR/polarrfn \ << 'END-polarrfn' TITLE self rotn SELF 25 0 !Intergration radius & smoothing radius MAP ! Writes out map LIMITS 0 90 5 0 180 5 15 190 5 # Start point(3) End Point(3) & interval(3) RESOLUTION 10 5 CRYSTAL FILE 1 ORTH 1 FLIM 0 10000 BFAC 0 # FILE HLKINi i # ORTH used with peak option, 1 brookland default # FLIMIT Maximum & Minimum F # BFAC used to sharpen data (0 (default) has no effect) LABI FILE 1 F=FTOXD3 SIGF=SIGFTOXD3 FIND 15 30 ! Threshold and number of peaks NOPRINT PLOT 10.0 10.0 END END-polarrfn # convert to PostScript pltdev -i $CCP4_SCR/polarrfn.plo -o $CCP4_SCR/polarrfn.ps # this generates a stereographic net to overlay on the plot stnet plot $CCP4_SCR/net.plo pltdev -i $CCP4_SCR/net.plo -o $CCP4_SCR/net.ps rm -f $CCP4_SCR/polarrfn.plo $CCP4_SCR/net.plo #