::!\bin\sh :: :: awa 970408 Version 2 :: updated from origional version to allow it to run on one file :: an example of combining several files - the files do :: not haveto be diffrent but this would usually be the case! :: Ei refer to ENTRYi ..... - NO SPECIAL SIGNIFICANCE to E!! cad HKLIN1 %TOXD%\toxd.mtz HKLIN2 %TOXD%\toxd.mtz HKLIN3 %TOXD%\toxd.mtz HKLIN4 %TOXD%\toxd.mtz HKLOUT %TEMPRES%\toxd_big.mtz < %SCRIPTWIN%\cad1.dat :: an example of extending native data to P1 +-h,+-k,+l :: notice that the file header still has P212121 can be :: changed with mtzutils cad HKLIN1 %TOXD%\toxd.mtz HKLOUT %TEMPRES%\toxd_p1 < %SCRIPTWIN%\cad2.dat ::