REM Dos Batch Script to run the Dials Test echo off CD %CCP4_SCR% IF EXIST dials-xia2 ( RMDIR /s /q dials-xia2 ) MKDIR dials-xia2 MKDIR dials-xia2\hypF_images CD dials-xia2 bitsadmin /transfer getdata /download /priority normal "" C:\ccp4temp\dials-xia2\hypF_images\hg_images.tar 7z e hypF_images\hg_images.tar -ohypF_images call dials.import hypF_images call dials.find_spots datablock.json call dials.index datablock.json strong.pickle call dials.integrate experiments.json indexed.pickle call dials.export_mtz integrated_experiments.json integrated.pickle hklout=integrated.mtz CD .. RMDIR /s /q dials-xia2 CD %CEXAM%\windows