::!\bin\csh -f :: Copy PDB files to current directory. :: These will be changed by 4akeA-2eckB.w5_shscript cd %TEMPRES% copy %DATA%\2eck.pdb .\2eck_work.pdb copy %DATA%\4ake.pdb .\4ake_work.pdb :: Running dyndom :: Control input is contained in separate file adenylate.command dyndom %DATA%\adenylate.command :: The program produces five files: :: :: 4akeA-2eckB.w5_arrow : PDB file for arrow indicating interdomain screw axis :: 4akeA-2eckB.w5_info : Text file containing details of results :: 4akeA-2eckB.w5_rasscript : RasMol script file for display with RasMol program :: 4akeA-2eckB.w5_rotvecs : PDB file for rotation vectors :: To display rotation vectors, enter command: ::4akeA-2eckB.w5_shscript rotvecs cd %SCRIPTWIN%