::!\bin\sh :: An example of a map cutting procedure, e.g. for use in a :: molecular replacement search. :: I'm not entirely sure if this is a sensible example, :: but so far it's our only runnable test of maprot :: The basic idea is to cut out the part of the 3fo2fc map :: which covers one molecule, and place it in a virtual cell IF NOT EXIST %TEMPRES%\3fo2fc.map ( echo "! Run 3fo2fcmap first" 1>&2 && GOTO :EOF ) :: Start with 3fo2fc.map from 3fo2fcmap example. :: This map has true spacegroup and cell, and covers 1 asymmetric unit :: Create mask covering just one molecule :: select protein only pdbset XYZIN %TOXD%\toxd.pdb XYZOUT %TEMPRES%\toxd_protein.pdb < %SCRIPTWIN\%mapcutting1.dat :: Now make mask in P1 ncsmask xyzin %TEMPRES%\toxd_protein.pdb mskout %TEMPRES%\toxd.msk < %SCRIPTWIN%\end.dat :: change the extent of MAPIN to match that of MAPLIM mapmask MAPIN %TEMPRES%\3fo2fc.map MAPLIM %TEMPRES%\toxd.msk MAPOUT %TEMPRES%\toxd_1.map < %SCRIPTWIN\%mapcutting2.dat :: transfer density from WRKIN into a virtual 75A cell, output to CUTOUT maprot WRKIN %TEMPRES%\toxd_1.map MSKIN %TEMPRES%\toxd.msk CUTOUT %TEMPRES%\toxd_cut.map < %SCRIPTWIN\%mapcutting3.dat