::!\bin\sh :: Run PDB file through PDBSET with no keywords. :: PDBSET will tidy the format where possible. :: In this case, the TER card is re-written according to full PDB specification. pdbset XYZIN %TOXD%\toxd.pdb XYZOUT %TEMPRES%\toxd_tidy.pdb < %SCRIPTWIN%\end.dat :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Take output from O into a form suitable for refinement pdbset xyzin %TOXD%\toxd.pdb xyzout %TEMPRES%\toxd_junk.pdb < %SCRIPTWIN%\pdbset1.dat :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Take output from Xplor into a form suitable for refinement :: fr45: commented this example as the file toxd_xplor does not exists ::pdbset xyzin %TOXD%\toxd_xplor.pdb xyzout %TEMPRES%\junk.pdb < %SCRIPTWIN%\pdbset2.dat :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Re-label chains in toxd.pdb :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: First we give waters unique residue numbers pdbset xyzin %TOXD%\toxd.pdb xyzout %TEMPRES%\toxd_relabel1.pdb < %SCRIPTWIN%\pdbset3.dat :: Second we do several chain name edits. Net effect should be zero in this example! pdbset xyzin %TEMPRES%\toxd_relabel1.pdb xyzout %TEMPRES%\toxd_relabel2.pdb < %SCRIPTWIN%\pdbset4.dat :: Reset B values to a given range pdbset xyzin %TOXD%\toxd.pdb xyzout %TEMPRES%\toxd_bfac.pdb < %SCRIPTWIN%\pdbset5.dat :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Expand dimer to tetramer, rename chains, transform :: Make tetramer from dimer ::pdbset xyzin ecrproducts268.pdb xyzout ecrprodpqrtet.pdb < %SCRIPTWIN%\pdbset6.dat