::!\bin\sh :: :: PHASE ANALYSIS is done by phistats, if you insist. :: It will analyse any two sets of phases. :: Here it is used to check the agreement between MIR phases :: and PHIcalc. :: It is probably better to do map correlation. IF NOT EXIST %TEMPRES%\toxd_phase_mir.mtz (echo "! run the mlphare procedure first" 1>&2 && GOTO :EOF) :: Calculate structure factors. :: File toxd_mir.mtz can be generated using mlphare.com sfall HKLIN %TEMPRES%\toxd_phase_mir.mtz HKLOUT %TEMPRES%\toxd_sf_mir.mtz XYZIN %TOXD%\toxd.pdb < %SCRIPTWIN%\phase_analysis1.dat :: Phase analysis :: Assign Weight 1 to FOM, Weight 2 to FC magnitude. :: :: Analyse two sets of phases (no phase combination) phistats hklin %TEMPRES%\toxd_sf_mir < %SCRIPTWIN%\phase_analysis2.dat :: Optional extra - combine these phases.. :: :: Set option to combine phase information from :: eg isomorphous replacement with partial structure sigmaa hklin %TEMPRES%\toxd_sf_mir hklout %TEMPRES%\junk <%SCRIPTWIN%\phase_analysis3.dat