::!\bin\sh :: :: Rfactor search to solve molecular replacement problem. :: :: initial procedure same as tffc_procedure IF NOT EXIST %TEMPRES%\toxd_cad.mtz (echo "! run tffc_procedure first" 1>&2 && GOTO :EOF) :: :: Optional step: :: Run scaleit to put FP onto the same scale as one of the FCPARTs. :: Remember you will need to use resolution required for rsearch. :: scaleit HKLIN %TEMPRES%\toxd_cad.mtz HKLOUT %TEMPRES%\toxd_cad_sc.mtz < %SCRIPTWIN%\rsearch1.dat ::Rfactor search ::Input mtz hkl list of fobs fc1 ac1 fc2 ac2..... ::R factor requires Fobs scaled to fc - I run it once and get ::an output scale... ::Correlation Coeff is meant to be independent of scale.. rsearch HKLIN %TEMPRES%\toxd_cad_sc.mtz MAPOUT %TEMPRES%\toxd.map SEARCHSAVE %TEMPRES%\searchsave.tmp < %SCRIPTWIN%\rsearch2.dat