::!\bin\sh :: :: Example of calculating and interpreting Patterson :: uses Au derivative of Green Mamba Dendrotoxin. :: Single site is determined from Patterson and then is refined :: in procedure mir_steps. :: The Patterson is calculated using data scaled by Fhscal as this :: gives a better solution in this case. :: :: Updated to use RSPS v4.2 on 20-01-2000. :: IF NOT EXIST %TEMPRES%\toxd_fhsc.mtz (echo '! run fhscal.exam first' 1>&2 && GOTO :EOF) fft HKLIN %TEMPRES%\toxd_fhsc.mtz MAPOUT %TEMPRES%\toxd_aupatt.map < %SCRIPTWIN%\rsps1.dat :: RSPS may be run interactively by typing rsps or from a script as in :: this example :: ::===================================================================== :: :: example script :: ::!\bin\sh rsps < %SCRIPTWIN%\rsps2.dat