::!\bin\sh IF NOT EXIST %TEMPRES%\toxd_sf.mtz (echo '! run sf_calc first' 1>&2 && GOTO :EOF) IF NOT EXIST %TEMPRES%\toxd_phase_mir.mtz (echo '! run the mlphare-ex procedure first' 1>&2 && GOTO :EOF) :: Calculate m|Fo| - D|Fc| and 2m|Fo| - D|Fc| coefficients from :: native structure factor amplitude and calculated structure :: factor. These are similar to the coefficients output by REFMAC. :: used to distinguish different runs in html logfile sigmaa hklin %TEMPRES%\toxd_sf hklout %TEMPRES%\junk < %SCRIPTWIN%\sigmaa1.dat :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: Set option COMBINE to combine phase information from :: eg isomorphous replacement with partial structure :: :: Calculate structure factors. :: File toxd_mir.mtz can be generated using mlphare.sh sfall HKLIN %TEMPRES%\toxd_phase_mir HKLOUT %TEMPRES%\toxd_sf_mir XYZIN %TOXD%\toxd.pdb < %SCRIPTWIN%\sigmaa2.dat sigmaa HKLIN %TEMPRES%\toxd_sf_mir hklout %TEMPRES%\junk < %SCRIPTWIN%\sigmaa3.dat