::! \bin\sh :: Wrap-around script for $CETC\uniqueify :: Completes the dataset by merging output of unique with :: datafile (using cad). Also adds free-R flag column or :: completes an existing one. :: :: Replace missing data with Missing Number Flags (in this case NaNs). mtzmnf hklin %TOXD%\toxd_old.mtz hklout %TEMPRES%\toxd_nan.mtz < %SCRIPTWIN%\uniquefreeR.dat :: :: E.g. (1) :: :: Complete dataset and add free-R column. :: Keep systematic absences with -s switch (though you probably wouldn't :: want to do this). :: ::uniqueify -s %TEMPRES%\toxd_nan.mtz %TEMPRES%\toxd-unique.mtz :: :: E.g. (2) :: :: Complete dataset and add free-R column. :: Increase the fraction of reflections tagged with each free-R :: indicator above the default 0.05 (sensible for toxd which has :: small dataset). :: ::uniqueify -p 0.1 %TEMPRES%\toxd_nan.mtz %TEMPRES%\toxd-unique2.mtz :: :: E.g. (3) :: :: First add free-R column to incomplete dataset. :: (Silly thing to do - this is just to create a dataset with an existing :: free-R column for illustrating use of uniqueify with -f switch.) :: freerflag hklin %TEMPRES%\toxd_nan.mtz hklout %TEMPRES%\toxd_free.mtz < %SCRIPTWIN%\end.dat :: :: Now complete with -f switch to indicate free-R column already present. :: ::uniqueify -f FreeR_flag %TEMPRES%\toxd_free.mtz %TEMPRES%\toxd-unique3.mtz