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CCP4i: Graphical User Interface

Welcome to the CCP4 Task Interface

The Graphical User Interface for CCP4 simplifies running CCP4 programs and provides tools for reviewing and analysing results. The advantages of the CCP4 Task Interface over other CCP4 interfaces are:

The Interface is written in the scripting language Tcl combined with the graphics toolbox Tk.
Tcl logo Tcl/Tk provides an easy to program, flexible graphical interface. Particularly useful is the fact that interfaces can be made dynamic - their appearance being customised appropriately as the user makes some selection. The Tcl scripting language is good for integrating multiple programs and provides machine-independent tools for accessing files and performing simple system level operations. There are extentions to Tcl/Tk such as BLT, which provide simple and powerful graph drawing tools.

Problems, bug reports and enquiries about the CCP4 interface should be addressed to the CCP4 developers at Reference:
Elizabeth Potterton, Peter Briggs, Maria Turkenburg and Eleanor Dodson
Acta Cryst. (2003). D59, 1131-1137 "A graphical user interface to the CCP4 program suite"

Last modified: June, 2003
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