#     Copyright (C) 1999-2004  Liz Potterton, Peter Briggs
#     This code is distributed under the terms and conditions of the
#     CCP4 Program Suite Licence Agreement as a CCP4 Library.
#     A copy of the CCP4 licence can be obtained by writing to the
#     CCP4 Secretary, Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington WA4 4AD, UK.
#CCP4i_cvs_Id $Id$
# Run dm

  switch $DM_NCROSS_MODE \
   set DM_NCROSS 1
  } FIXED {
   set DM_NCROSS 2
  } MULTI {
   set DM_NCROSS [expr $DM_NCROSS_NSETS +1]

  CreateComScript dmmulti dmmulti_script

  set cmd "[BinPath dmmulti] "
  for { set n 1 } { $n <= $NCRYSTALS } { incr n } {
    append cmd "HKLIN$n \"$HKLIN($n)\" HKLOUT$n \"$HKLOUT($n)\" "
    if { $SOLVENT_MASK_MODE($n) } {
      append cmd " SOLIN$n \"$SOLIN($n)\" "
    } else {
      append cmd " SOLOUT$n \"$SOLOUT($n)\" "

  for { set i 1 } { $i <= $NDOMAINS } { incr i } {
    append cmd " MSKIN$i \"$MASKIN($i)\"" 

#  if { $IFVUOUT } {
#      set vuout [SetOutputFileRoot]_ncs.$VUOUT_FORMAT
#      append cmd " VUOUT $vuout"
#  }

  set status [Execute $cmd $dmmulti_script program_status report ]

#  if { $IFVUOUT } { AddOutputFile $vuout PROJECT }

# generate map

  if { $IF_MAPOUT } {

    WriteHtml beg pre

    source [SearchPath TOP utils map_utils.tcl]

    source [SearchPath TOP scripts dm_maps.script]
