# # Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Liz Potterton, Peter Briggs # # This code is distributed under the terms and conditions of the # CCP4 Program Suite Licence Agreement as a CCP4 Library. # A copy of the CCP4 licence can be obtained by writing to the # CCP4 Secretary, Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington WA4 4AD, UK. # #CCP4i_cvs_Id $Id$ {[IfSet $TITLE]} TITLE $TITLE {[IfSet $CELL_LAMBDA]} CELL $CELL_LAMBDA $CELL_1 $CELL_2 $CELL_3 $CELL_4 $CELL_5 $CELL_6 {[IfSet $CELL_Z]} ZERR $CELL_Z $CELL_ERR_1 $CELL_ERR_2 $CELL_ERR_3 $CELL_ERR_4 $CELL_ERR_5 $CELL_ERR_6 {[IfSet $LATTICE]} LATT $LATTICE LOOP n 1 $NSYMM 1 SYMM $SYMM($n) ENDLOOP 1 SFAC $SFAC_LIST 1 UNIT $UNIT_LIST 1 OMIT $OMIT_S CASE $SHELX_MODE CASEMATCH PATTERSON 1 PATT $TRY_NVECTORS IF { $INPUT_NVECT > 0 } LOOP n 1 $INPUT_NVECT 1 VECT $VECT_X($n) $VECT_Y($n) $VECT_Z($n) ENDLOOP ENDIF CASEMATCH DIRECT 1 TREF - {[IfSet $TREF_NP] } np $TREF_NP - {[IfSet $TREF_NE] } nE $TREF_NE - {[IfSet $TREF_KAPSCAL] } nE $TREF_KAPSCAL ENDCASE ENDIF 1 HKLF $SHELX_HKLF 1 END