#!/bin/sh # # Run ctruncate after scala to give F's from intensities # set -e if test ! -f $CCP4_SCR/aucn_mrg.mtz; then echo '! run scala.exam first' 1>&2 exit 1 fi ctruncate -stdin << eof hklin $CCP4_SCR/aucn_mrg.mtz hklout $CCP4_SCR/aucn_ctr.mtz colin /*/*/[IMEAN,SIGIMEAN] eof # Second example of running CTRUNCATE on Fs. You might # do this if you already have Fs but want to look at the # output graphs of CTRUNCATE ctruncate -stdin << eof hklin $CEXAM/rnase/rnase18.mtz amplitudes colin /*/*/[FNAT,SIGFNAT] eof # Third example uses a twinned dataset, H3 symmetry ctruncate --stdin << eof hklin $CEXAM/data/1vr7_lr_i.mtz hklout $CCP4_SCR/1vr7_lr_trunc.mtz colin /*/*/[IMEAN,SIGIMEAN] eof