PROCHECK v.3.3  -  Parameter file (procheck.prm)

Note: Listing options and colour definitions are given at the end of
the file.

Colour all plots?
Y    <- Produce all plots in colour (Y/N)?

Which plots to produce
Y     <-  1. Ramachandran plot (Y/N)?
Y     <-  2. Gly & Pro Ramachandran plots (Y/N)?
Y     <-  3. Chi1-Chi2 plots (Y/N)?
Y     <-  4. Main-chain parameters (Y/N)?
Y     <-  5. Side-chain parameters (Y/N)?
Y     <-  6. Residue properties (Y/N)?
Y     <-  7. Main-chain bond length distributions (Y/N)?
Y     <-  8. Main-chain bond angle distributions (Y/N)?
Y     <-  9. RMS distances from planarity (Y/N)?
Y     <- 10. Distorted geometry plots (Y/N)?


1. Ramachandran plot
Y     <- Shade in the different regions (Y/N)?
Y     <- Print the letter-codes identifying the different regions (Y/N)?
Y     <- Draw line-borders around the regions (Y/N)?
N     <- Show only the core region (Y/N)?
1     <- Label residues in: 0=disallow,1=generous,2=allow,3=core regions
N     <- Produce a COLOUR PostScript file (Y/N)?
WHITE        <- Background colour
WHITE        <- Region 0: Disallowed
CREAM        <- Region 1: Generous
YELLOW       <- Region 2: Allowed
RED          <- Region 3: Most favourable, core, region
BLACK        <- Colour of markers in favourable regions
RED          <- Colour of markers in unfavourable regions
N     <- Produce "publication version" of Ramachandran plot (Y/N)?

2. Gly & Pro Ramachandran plots
-3.0  <- Cut-off value for labelling of residues
Y     <- Plot all 20 Ramachandran plots (Y/N)?
N     <- Produce a COLOUR PostScript file (Y/N)?
WHITE        <- Background colour
CREAM        <- Lightest shaded regions on plots
GREEN        <- Darkest shaded regions on plots
YELLOW       <- Colour of markers in favourable regions
RED          <- Colour of markers in unfavourable regions

3. Chi1-Chi2 plots
-3.0  <- Cut-off value for labelling of residues
N     <- Produce a COLOUR PostScript file (Y/N)?
WHITE        <- Background colour
CREAM        <- Lightest shaded regions on plots
GREEN        <- Darkest shaded regions on plots
YELLOW       <- Colour of markers in favourable regions
RED          <- Colour of markers in unfavourable regions

4. Main-chain parameters
Y     <- Background shading (Y/N)?
N     <- Produce a COLOUR PostScript file (Y/N)?
WHITE        <- Background colour
CREAM        <- Background shading on each graph
PURPLE       <- Colour of band

5. Side-chain parameters
Y     <- Background shading (Y/N)?
N     <- Produce a COLOUR PostScript file (Y/N)?
WHITE        <- Background colour
CREAM        <- Background shading on each graph
PURPLE       <- Colour of band

6. Residue properties
1 2 3    < Which 3 main graphs to be printed (see Note 1 for full list)
Y     <- Background shading on main graphs (Y/N)?
2.0   <- Number of standard deviations for highlighting
Y     <- Show shading representing estimated accessibility (Y/N)?
N     <- Produce a COLOUR PostScript file (Y/N)?
WHITE        <- Background colour
CREAM        <- Background shading on main graphs
PURPLE       <- Colour of histogram bars on main graphs
RED          <- Colour of highlighted histogram bars
BLUE         <- Minimum accessibility colour (buried regions)
WHITE        <- Maximum accessibility colour
RED          <- Region 0: Disallowed
PINK         <- Region 1: Generous
GREEN        <- Region 2: Allowed
SKY BLUE     <- Region 3: Most favourable, core, region
YELLOW       <- Colour for favourable G-factor scores
RED          <- Colour for unfavourable G-factor scores
YELLOW       <- Colour for schematic of the secondary structure

Note 1
The 3 main graphs on the Residue properties plot can be any 3 from
the following list of options:-
       1. Absolute deviation from mean Chi-1 value (excl. Pro)
       2. Absolute deviation from mean of omega torsion
       3. C-alpha chirality: abs. deviation of zeta torsion
       4. Absolute deviation from mean of H-bond energy
       5. Gamma atom B-value
       6. Average B-value of main-chain atoms
       7. Average B-value of side-chain atoms
       8. G-factor for phi-psi distribution
       9. G-factor for chi1-chi2 distribution
      10. Residue-by-residue G-factor
      11. Approx. accessibility (estimated by Ooi numbers)
      12. Percentage residue main-chain accessibility
      13. Standard deviation of main-chain B-values
      14. Standard deviation of side-chain B-values

7. Main-chain bond length distributions
Y     <- Background shading on graphs (Y/N)?
2.0   <- Number of standard deviations for highlighting
N     <- Produce a COLOUR PostScript file (Y/N)?
WHITE        <- Background colour of page
CREAM        <- Background shading on graphs
PURPLE       <- Colour of histogram bars
RED          <- Colour of highlighted histogram bars

8. Main-chain bond angle distributions
Y     <- Background shading on graphs (Y/N)?
2.0   <- Number of standard deviations for highlighting
N     <- Produce a COLOUR PostScript file (Y/N)?
WHITE        <- Background colour of page
CREAM        <- Background shading on graphs
PURPLE       <- Colour of histogram bars
RED          <- Colour of highlighted histogram bars

9. RMS distances from planarity
Y     <- Background shading on graphs (Y/N)?
0.03  <- RMS distance for highlighting for ring groups 
0.02  <-  "      "     "       "        "  other groups 
N     <- Produce a COLOUR PostScript file (Y/N)?
WHITE        <- Background colour of page
CREAM        <- Background shading on graphs
PURPLE       <- Colour of histogram bars
RED          <- Colour of highlighted histogram bars

10. Distorted geometry plots
0.05  <- Deviation from "ideal" bond-length (A)
10.0  <- Deviation from "ideal" bond-angle (degrees)
0.03  <- RMS distance from plane for ring atoms
0.02  <-  "      "      "    "   for other atoms
N     <- Produce a COLOUR PostScript file (Y/N)?
CREAM        <- Background colour of page
BLUE         <- Colour of "ideal" bond-lengths and angles
RED          <- Colour of actual bond-lengths/angles/planes
GREEN        <- Colour for lettering showing differences from ideals

Listing options
Y   <- Print explanatory text at head of parameters listing (Y/N)
N   <- Print only asterisks denoting deviations, and not the values (Y/N)
N   <- Print only highlighted residues (Y/N)
0.0    <- Min. deviation from ideal required for parameter to be printed
66     <- Number of lines per page on parameters listing
Y   <- List the bad contacts (Y/N)

0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 'BLACK'        <- Colour 1
1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 'WHITE'        <- Colour 2
1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 'RED'          <- Colour 3
0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 'GREEN'        <- Colour 4
0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 'BLUE'         <- Colour 5
1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 'YELLOW'       <- Colour 6
0.8000 0.5000 0.0000 'ORANGE'       <- Colour 7
0.5000 1.0000 0.0000 'LIME GREEN'   <- Colour 8
0.5000 0.0000 1.0000 'PURPLE'       <- Colour 9
0.5000 1.0000 1.0000 'CYAN'         <- Colour 10
1.0000 0.5000 1.0000 'PINK'         <- Colour 11
0.3000 0.8000 1.0000 'SKY BLUE'     <- Colour 12
1.0000 1.0000 0.7000 'CREAM'        <- Colour 13
0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 'TURQUOISE'    <- Colour 14
1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 'LILAC'        <- Colour 15
0.8000 0.0000 0.0000 'BRICK RED'    <- Colour 16
0.5000 0.0000 0.0000 'BROWN'        <- Colour 17
0.9700 0.9700 0.9700 'LIGHT GREY'   <- Colour 18
1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 'WHITE'        <- Colour 19
1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 'WHITE'        <- Colour 20

Y   <- Use Engh & Huber means for bond length/angle G-factors(Y/N)?

N   <- Add 9-character description of plot to each plot filename (Y/N)?
       (eg, rather than
Y   <- Print name of plotfile in bottom-left corner of plot (Y/N)?
Y   <- Combine all pages of same plot into single PostScript file (Y/N)?
