// $Id: mmdb_model.h $ // ================================================================= // // CCP4 Coordinate Library: support of coordinate-related // functionality in protein crystallography applications. // // Copyright (C) Eugene Krissinel 2000-2013. // // This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License version 3, modified in accordance with the provisions // of the license to address the requirements of UK law. // // You should have received a copy of the modified GNU Lesser // General Public License along with this library. If not, copies // may be downloaded from http://www.ccp4.ac.uk/ccp4license.php // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // ================================================================= // // 10.05.15 <-- Date of Last Modification. // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // **** Module : MMDB_Model <interface> // ~~~~~~~~~ // **** Project : MacroMolecular Data Base (MMDB) // ~~~~~~~~~ // **** Classes : mmdb::HetCompound ( description of het compounds ) // ~~~~~~~~~ mmdb::HetCompounds (HETNAM, HETSYN, FORMULA records) // mmdb::SSContainer (container for helixes and turns) // mmdb::Helix ( helix info ) // mmdb::Strand ( strand info ) // mmdb::Sheet ( sheet info ) // mmdb::Sheets ( container for sheets ) // mmdb::Turn ( turn info ) // mmdb::LinkContainer ( container for link data ) // mmdb::Link ( link data ) // mmdb::LinkRContainer ( container for refmac link ) // mmdb::LinkR ( link data ) // mmdb::CisPepContainer ( container for CisPep data ) // mmdb::CisPep ( CisPep data ) // mmdb::Model ( PDB model ) // // Copyright (C) E. Krissinel 2000-2015 // // ================================================================= // #ifndef __MMDB_Model__ #define __MMDB_Model__ #include "mmdb_io_stream.h" #include "mmdb_utils.h" #include "mmdb_chain.h" #include "mmdb_defs.h" namespace mmdb { // ==================== HetCompound ======================= DefineClass(HetCompound); DefineStreamFunctions(HetCompound); class HetCompound : public io::Stream { public : ResName hetID; // Het identifiers, right-justified pstr comment; int nSynonyms; psvector hetSynonym; // synonyms int compNum; // component number char wc; // '*' for water, otherwise space pstr Formula; // formulas HetCompound ( cpstr HetName ); HetCompound ( io::RPStream Object ); ~HetCompound(); void AddKeyWord ( cpstr W, bool Closed ); void HETNAM_PDBDump ( io::RFile f ); void HETSYN_PDBDump ( io::RFile f ); void FORMUL_PDBDump ( io::RFile f ); void FormComString ( pstr & F ); void FormSynString ( pstr & F ); void FormForString ( pstr & F ); void Copy ( PHetCompound hetCompound ); void write ( io::RFile f ); void read ( io::RFile f ); protected : void InitHetCompound ( cpstr HetName ); void FreeMemory (); }; // ==================== SSContainer ====================== DefineClass(SSContainer); DefineStreamFunctions(SSContainer); class SSContainer : public ClassContainer { public : SSContainer () : ClassContainer() {} SSContainer ( io::RPStream Object ) : ClassContainer ( Object ) {} ~SSContainer () {} PContainerClass MakeContainerClass ( int ClassID ); }; // ==================== Helix ============================ DefineClass(Helix); DefineStreamFunctions(Helix); class Helix : public ContainerClass { public : int serNum; // serial number HelixID helixID; // helix ID ResName initResName; // name of the helix's initial residue ChainID initChainID; // chain ID for the chain containing the helix int initSeqNum; // sequence number of the initial residue InsCode initICode; // insertion code of the initial residue ResName endResName; // name of the helix's terminal residue ChainID endChainID; // chain ID for the chain containing the helix int endSeqNum; // sequence number of the terminal residue InsCode endICode; // insertion code of the terminal residue int helixClass; // helix class pstr comment; // comment about the helix int length; // length of the helix Helix (); Helix ( cpstr S ); Helix ( io::RPStream Object ); ~Helix(); void PDBASCIIDump ( pstr S, int N ); void MakeCIF ( mmcif::PData CIF, int N ); ERROR_CODE ConvertPDBASCII ( cpstr S ); ERROR_CODE GetCIF ( mmcif::PData CIF, int & n ); CLASS_ID GetClassID () { return ClassID_Helix; } void Copy ( PContainerClass Helix ); void write ( io::RFile f ); void read ( io::RFile f ); protected : void InitHelix(); }; // ==================== Strand ============================ DefineClass(Strand); DefineStreamFunctions(Strand); class Strand : public io::Stream { public : StrandID sheetID; // sheet ID int strandNo; // strand number ResName initResName; // name of the strand's initial residue ChainID initChainID; // chain ID of initial residue in the strand int initSeqNum; // sequence number of the initial residue InsCode initICode; // insertion code of the initial residue ResName endResName; // name of the strand's terminal residue ChainID endChainID; // chain ID of terminal residue in the strand int endSeqNum; // sequence number of the terminal residue InsCode endICode; // insertion code of the terminal residue int sense; // sense of strand with respect to previous // strand AtomName curAtom; // registration; atom name in current strand ResName curResName; // registration; residue name in current // strand ChainID curChainID; // registration; chain ID in current strand int curResSeq; // registration; res-e seq numb in current // strand InsCode curICode; // registration; ins code in current strand AtomName prevAtom; // registration; atom name in previous strand ResName prevResName; // registration; residue name in previous // strand ChainID prevChainID; // registration; chain ID in previous strand int prevResSeq; // registration; res-e seq numb in previous // strand InsCode prevICode; // registration; ins code in previous strand Strand (); Strand ( io::RPStream Object ); ~Strand(); void PDBASCIIDump ( pstr S ); void MakeCIF ( mmcif::PData CIF ); ERROR_CODE ConvertPDBASCII ( cpstr S ); int GetCIF ( mmcif::PData CIF, cpstr sheet_id ); void Copy ( PStrand Strand ); void write ( io::RFile f ); void read ( io::RFile f ); protected : void InitStrand(); }; // ==================== Sheet ============================ DefineClass(Sheet); DefineStreamFunctions(Sheet); class Sheet : public io::Stream { public : SheetID sheetID; // sheet ID int nStrands; // number of strands in the sheet PPStrand strand; // array of strands Sheet (); Sheet ( io::RPStream Object ); ~Sheet(); void FreeMemory(); void OrderSheet(); void PDBASCIIDump ( io::RFile f ); void MakeCIF ( mmcif::PData CIF ); ERROR_CODE ConvertPDBASCII ( cpstr S ); int GetCIF ( mmcif::PData CIF ); void Copy ( PSheet sheet ); void write ( io::RFile f ); void read ( io::RFile f ); protected : void InitSheet (); void CIFFindStrands ( mmcif::PData CIF, cpstr Category ); void TryStrand ( int strand_no ); int GetStrand ( int strand_no ); }; // ==================== Sheets ============================ DefineClass(Sheets); DefineStreamFunctions(Sheets); class Sheets : public io::Stream { public : int nSheets; PPSheet sheet; Sheets (); Sheets ( io::RPStream Object ); ~Sheets(); void FreeMemory(); void PDBASCIIDump ( io::RFile f ); void MakeCIF ( mmcif::PData CIF ); ERROR_CODE ConvertPDBASCII ( cpstr S ); int GetCIF ( mmcif::PData CIF ); void Copy ( PSheets Sheets ); void write ( io::RFile f ); void read ( io::RFile f ); protected : void InitSheets (); void CIFFindSheets ( mmcif::PData CIF, cpstr Category ); }; // ==================== Turn ============================ DefineClass(Turn); DefineStreamFunctions(Turn); class Turn : public ContainerClass { public : int serNum; // serial number TurnID turnID; // turn ID ResName initResName; // name of the turn's initial residue ChainID initChainID; // chain ID for the chain containing the turn int initSeqNum; // sequence number of the initial residue InsCode initICode; // insertion code of the initial residue ResName endResName; // name of the turn's terminal residue ChainID endChainID; // chain ID for the chain containing the turn int endSeqNum; // sequence number of the terminal residue InsCode endICode; // insertion code of the terminal residue pstr comment; // comment about the helix Turn (); Turn ( cpstr S ); Turn ( io::RPStream Object ); ~Turn(); void PDBASCIIDump ( pstr S, int N ); void MakeCIF ( mmcif::PData CIF, int N ); ERROR_CODE ConvertPDBASCII ( cpstr S ); ERROR_CODE GetCIF ( mmcif::PData CIF, int & n ); CLASS_ID GetClassID () { return ClassID_Turn; } void Copy ( PContainerClass turn ); void write ( io::RFile f ); void read ( io::RFile f ); protected : void InitTurn(); }; // ==================== HetCompounds ======================= DefineClass(HetCompounds); DefineStreamFunctions(HetCompounds); class HetCompounds : public io::Stream { public : int nHets; PPHetCompound hetCompound; HetCompounds (); HetCompounds ( io::RPStream Object ); ~HetCompounds(); void FreeMemory (); void PDBASCIIDump ( io::RFile f ); void ConvertHETNAM ( cpstr S ); void ConvertHETSYN ( cpstr S ); void ConvertFORMUL ( cpstr S ); void MakeCIF ( mmcif::PData CIF ); ERROR_CODE GetCIF ( mmcif::PData CIF ); void Copy ( PHetCompounds hetCompounds ); void write ( io::RFile f ); void read ( io::RFile f ); protected : bool Closed; void InitHetCompounds(); int AddHetName ( cpstr H ); }; // =================== LinkContainer ===================== DefineClass(LinkContainer); DefineStreamFunctions(LinkContainer); class LinkContainer : public ClassContainer { public : LinkContainer () : ClassContainer() {} LinkContainer ( io::RPStream Object ) : ClassContainer ( Object ) {} ~LinkContainer () {} PContainerClass MakeContainerClass ( int ClassID ); }; // ==================== Link ============================ DefineClass(Link); DefineStreamFunctions(Link); class Link : public ContainerClass { public : AtomName atName1; // name of 1st linked atom AltLoc aloc1; // alternative location of 1st linked atom ResName resName1; // residue name of 1st linked atom ChainID chainID1; // chain ID of 1st linked atom int seqNum1; // sequence number of 1st linked atom InsCode insCode1; // insertion code of 1st linked atom AtomName atName2; // name of 2nd linked atom AltLoc aloc2; // alternative location of 2nd linked atom ResName resName2; // residue name of 2nd linked atom ChainID chainID2; // chain ID of 2nd linked atom int seqNum2; // sequence number of 2nd linked atom InsCode insCode2; // insertion code of 2nd linked atom int s1,i1,j1,k1; // sym id of 1st atom int s2,i2,j2,k2; // sym id of 2nd atom realtype dist; // link distance Link (); Link ( cpstr S ); Link ( io::RPStream Object ); ~Link(); void PDBASCIIDump ( pstr S, int N ); void MakeCIF ( mmcif::PData CIF, int N ); ERROR_CODE ConvertPDBASCII ( cpstr S ); ERROR_CODE GetCIF ( mmcif::PData CIF, int & n ); CLASS_ID GetClassID () { return ClassID_Link; } void Copy ( PContainerClass link ); void write ( io::RFile f ); void read ( io::RFile f ); protected : void InitLink(); }; // =================== LinkRContainer ==================== DefineClass(LinkRContainer); DefineStreamFunctions(LinkRContainer); class LinkRContainer : public ClassContainer { public : LinkRContainer () : ClassContainer() {} LinkRContainer ( io::RPStream Object ) : ClassContainer ( Object ) {} ~LinkRContainer () {} PContainerClass MakeContainerClass ( int ClassID ); }; // ==================== LinkR ============================ DefineClass(LinkR); DefineStreamFunctions(LinkR); /* Garib's LINK LYS A 27 PLP A 255 PLPLYS LINK MAN S 3 MAN S 4 BETA1-4 LINK C6 BBEN B 1 O1 BMAF S 2 BEN-MAF LINK OE2 AGLU A 320 C1 AMAF S 2 GLU-MAF LINK OE2 GLU A 67 1.895 ZN ZN R 5 GLU-ZN LINK NE2 HIS A 71 2.055 ZN ZN R 5 HIS-ZN LINK O ARG A 69 2.240 NA NA R 9 ARG-NA Coot's LINKR O VAL C 103 NA NA C 401 VAL-NA LINKR OD1 ASP D 58 NA NA D 401 ASP-NA LINKR O ALA D 97 NA NA D 401 ALA-NA LINKR OG1 THR D 99 NA NA D 401 THR-NA LINKR O SER D 101 NA NA D 401 SER-NA LINKR O VAL D 103 NA NA D 401 VAL-NA PDB's LINK O GLY A 49 NA NA A6001 1555 1555 2.98 LINK OG1 THR A 51 NA NA A6001 1555 1555 2.72 LINK OD2 ASP A 66 NA NA A6001 1555 1555 2.72 LINK NE ARG A 68 NA NA A6001 1555 1555 2.93 LINK NE ARG A 68 NA NA A6001 1555 1555 2.93 LINK C21 2EG A 7 C22 2EG B 19 1555 1555 1.56 */ class LinkR : public ContainerClass { public : LinkRID linkRID; // link name AtomName atName1; // name of 1st linked atom AltLoc aloc1; // alternative location of 1st linked atom ResName resName1; // residue name of 1st linked atom ChainID chainID1; // chain ID of 1st linked atom int seqNum1; // sequence number of 1st linked atom InsCode insCode1; // insertion code of 1st linked atom AtomName atName2; // name of 2nd linked atom AltLoc aloc2; // alternative location of 2nd linked atom ResName resName2; // residue name of 2nd linked atom ChainID chainID2; // chain ID of 2nd linked atom int seqNum2; // sequence number of 2nd linked atom InsCode insCode2; // insertion code of 2nd linked atom realtype dist; // link distance LinkR (); LinkR ( cpstr S ); LinkR ( io::RPStream Object ); ~LinkR(); void PDBASCIIDump ( pstr S, int N ); void MakeCIF ( mmcif::PData CIF, int N ); ERROR_CODE ConvertPDBASCII ( cpstr S ); ERROR_CODE GetCIF ( mmcif::PData CIF, int & n ); CLASS_ID GetClassID () { return ClassID_LinkR; } void Copy ( PContainerClass LinkR ); void write ( io::RFile f ); void read ( io::RFile f ); protected : void InitLinkR(); }; // =================== CisPepContainer ===================== DefineClass(CisPepContainer); DefineStreamFunctions(CisPepContainer); class CisPepContainer : public ClassContainer { public : CisPepContainer () : ClassContainer() {} CisPepContainer ( io::RPStream Object ) : ClassContainer ( Object ) {} ~CisPepContainer () {} PContainerClass MakeContainerClass ( int ClassID ); }; // ===================== CisPep =========================== DefineClass(CisPep); DefineStreamFunctions(CisPep); class CisPep : public ContainerClass { public : int serNum; // record serial number ResName pep1; // residue name ChainID chainID1; // chain identifier 1 int seqNum1; // residue sequence number 1 InsCode icode1; // insertion code 1 ResName pep2; // residue name 2 ChainID chainID2; // chain identifier 2 int seqNum2; // residue sequence number 2 InsCode icode2; // insertion code 2 int modNum; // model number realtype measure; // measure of the angle in degrees. CisPep (); CisPep ( cpstr S ); CisPep ( io::RPStream Object ); ~CisPep(); void PDBASCIIDump ( pstr S, int N ); ERROR_CODE ConvertPDBASCII ( cpstr S ); CLASS_ID GetClassID () { return ClassID_CisPep; } void Copy ( PContainerClass cisPep ); void write ( io::RFile f ); void read ( io::RFile f ); protected : void InitCisPep(); }; // ==================== Model =============================== enum SSE_RC { SSERC_Ok = 0, SSERC_noResidues = 1, SSERC_noAminoacids = 2, SSERC_noSSE = 3 }; enum SORT_CHAIN_DIR { SORT_CHAIN_ChainID_Asc = 0, SORT_CHAIN_ChainID_Desc = 1 }; DefineFactoryFunctions(Model); class Model : public ProModel { friend class Manager; friend class BondManager; friend class SelManager; friend class CoorManager; friend class Root; friend class Chain; friend class Residue; friend class Atom; public : Model (); // SetMMDBFile() MUST be used after this constructor! Model ( PManager MMDBF, int serialNum ); Model ( io::RPStream Object ); ~Model(); void SetMMDBManager ( PManager MMDBM, int serialNum ); PManager GetCoordHierarchy() { return manager; } // GetChainCreate() returns pointer on chain, whose identifier // is given in chID. If such a chain is absent in the model, // it is created. If enforceUniqueChainID is true and chain with // the same first letter in chain ID already exists in the model, // then the new chain ID will be appended with a serial number // in order to keep it unique. The model will contain chains like // A, A0, A1, A2, ... in such cases. PChain GetChainCreate ( const ChainID chID, bool enforceUniqueChainID ); // CreateChain() creates a new chain with chain ID regardless // the presence of same-ID chains in the model. This function // was introduced only for compatibility with older CCP4 // applications and using it in any new developments should be // strictly discouraged. PChain CreateChain ( const ChainID chID ); cpstr GetEntryID (); void SetEntryID ( const IDCode idCode ); int GetSerNum (); // returns the model's serial number cpstr GetModelID ( pstr modelID ); // returns "/mdl" int GetNumberOfModels (); // returns TOTAL number of models int GetNumberOfAtoms ( bool countTers ); // returns number // of atoms in the model int GetNumberOfResidues(); // returns number of residues in // the model // ---------------- Extracting chains -------------------------- int GetNumberOfChains(); // returns number of chains in the model bool GetNewChainID ( ChainID chID, int length=1 ); // GetChain() returns pointer on chain, whose identifier // is given in chID. If such a chain is absent in the model, // returns NULL. PChain GetChain ( const ChainID chID ); PChain GetChain ( int chainNo ); // returns chainNo-th chain // in the model; // 0<=chainNo<nChains void GetChainTable ( PPChain & chainTable, int & NumberOfChains ); // ------------------ Deleting chains -------------------------- int DeleteChain ( const ChainID chID ); int DeleteChain ( int chainNo ); int DeleteAllChains (); int DeleteSolventChains(); void TrimChainTable (); // ------------------- Adding chains --------------------------- int AddChain ( PChain chn ); // -------------------- Sort chains ---------------------------- void SortChains ( int sortKey ); // SORT_CHAIN_XXXX // ---------------- Extracting residues ------------------------ int GetNumberOfResidues ( const ChainID chainID ); int GetNumberOfResidues ( int chainNo ); PResidue GetResidue ( const ChainID chainID, int seqNo, const InsCode insCode ); PResidue GetResidue ( const ChainID chainID, int resNo ); PResidue GetResidue ( int chainNo, int seqNo, const InsCode insCode ); PResidue GetResidue ( int chainNo, int resNo ); int GetResidueNo ( const ChainID chainID, int seqNo, const InsCode insCode ); int GetResidueNo ( int chainNo, int seqNo, const InsCode insCode ); void GetResidueTable ( PPResidue & resTable, int & NumberOfResidues ); void GetResidueTable ( const ChainID chainID, PPResidue & resTable, int & NumberOfResidues ); void GetResidueTable ( int chainNo, PPResidue & resTable, int & NumberOfResidues ); // ----------------- Deleting residues ------------------------- int DeleteResidue ( const ChainID chainID, int seqNo, const InsCode insCode ); int DeleteResidue ( const ChainID chainID, int resNo ); int DeleteResidue ( int chainNo, int seqNo, const InsCode insCode ); int DeleteResidue ( int chainNo, int resNo ); int DeleteAllResidues ( const ChainID chainID ); int DeleteAllResidues ( int chainNo ); int DeleteSolvent (); // in difference of DeleteSolventChains, // this will remove all solvent molecules // from the file rather then // solely-solvent chains int DeleteAllResidues (); // ------------------ Adding residues -------------------------- int AddResidue ( const ChainID chainID, PResidue res ); int AddResidue ( int chainNo, PResidue res ); // ------------------- Extracting atoms ------------------------ int GetNumberOfAllAtoms(); // returns TOTAL number of atoms in all // models PPAtom GetAllAtoms (); // returns pointer to Atom array int GetNumberOfAtoms ( const ChainID chainID, int seqNo, const InsCode insCode ); int GetNumberOfAtoms ( int chainNo, int seqNo, const InsCode insCode ); int GetNumberOfAtoms ( const ChainID chainID, int resNo ); int GetNumberOfAtoms ( int chainNo, int resNo ); PAtom GetAtom ( const ChainID chID, int seqNo, const InsCode insCode, const AtomName aname, const Element elmnt, const AltLoc aloc ); PAtom GetAtom ( const ChainID chID, int seqNo, const InsCode insCode, int atomNo ); PAtom GetAtom ( const ChainID chID, int resNo, const AtomName aname, const Element elmnt, const AltLoc aloc ); PAtom GetAtom ( const ChainID chID, int resNo, int atomNo ); PAtom GetAtom ( int chNo, int seqNo, const InsCode insCode, const AtomName aname, const Element elmnt, const AltLoc aloc ); PAtom GetAtom ( int chNo, int seqNo, const InsCode insCode, int atomNo ); PAtom GetAtom ( int chNo, int resNo, const AtomName aname, const Element elmnt, const AltLoc aloc ); PAtom GetAtom ( int chNo, int resNo, int atomNo ); void GetAtomTable ( const ChainID chainID, int seqNo, const InsCode insCode, PPAtom & atomTable, int & NumberOfAtoms ); void GetAtomTable ( int chainNo, int seqNo, const InsCode insCode, PPAtom & atomTable, int & NumberOfAtoms ); void GetAtomTable ( const ChainID chainID, int resNo, PPAtom & atomTable, int & NumberOfAtoms ); void GetAtomTable ( int chainNo, int resNo, PPAtom & atomTable, int & NumberOfAtoms ); // GetAtomTable1(..) returns atom table without TER atoms and // without NULL atom pointers. NumberOfAtoms returns the actual // number of atom pointers in atomTable. // atomTable is allocated withing the function. If it was // not set to NULL before calling the function, the latter will // attempt to deallocate it first. // The application is responsible for deleting atomTable, // however it must not touch atom pointers, i.e. use simply // "delete atomTable;". Never pass atomTable from GetAtomTable(..) // into this function, unless you set it to NULL before doing that. void GetAtomTable1 ( const ChainID chainID, int seqNo, const InsCode insCode, PPAtom & atomTable, int & NumberOfAtoms ); void GetAtomTable1 ( int chainNo, int seqNo, const InsCode insCode, PPAtom & atomTable, int & NumberOfAtoms ); void GetAtomTable1 ( const ChainID chainID, int resNo, PPAtom & atomTable, int & NumberOfAtoms ); void GetAtomTable1 ( int chainNo, int resNo, PPAtom & atomTable, int & NumberOfAtoms ); void GetAtomStatistics ( RAtomStat AS ); void CalAtomStatistics ( RAtomStat AS ); // -------------------- Deleting atoms ------------------------- int DeleteAtom ( const ChainID chID, int seqNo, const InsCode insCode, const AtomName aname, const Element elmnt, const AltLoc aloc ); int DeleteAtom ( const ChainID chID, int seqNo, const InsCode insCode, int atomNo ); int DeleteAtom ( const ChainID chID, int resNo, const AtomName aname, const Element elmnt, const AltLoc aloc ); int DeleteAtom ( const ChainID chID, int resNo, int atomNo ); int DeleteAtom ( int chNo, int seqNo, const InsCode insCode, const AtomName aname, const Element elmnt, const AltLoc aloc ); int DeleteAtom ( int chNo, int seqNo, const InsCode insCode, int atomNo ); int DeleteAtom ( int chNo, int resNo, const AtomName aname, const Element elmnt, const AltLoc aloc ); int DeleteAtom ( int chNo, int resNo, int atomNo ); int DeleteAllAtoms ( const ChainID chID, int seqNo, const InsCode insCode ); int DeleteAllAtoms ( const ChainID chID, int resNo ); int DeleteAllAtoms ( const ChainID chID ); int DeleteAllAtoms ( int chNo, int seqNo, const InsCode insCode ); int DeleteAllAtoms ( int chNo, int resNo ); int DeleteAllAtoms ( int chNo ); int DeleteAllAtoms (); // DeleteAltLocs() leaves only alternative location with maximal // occupancy, if those are equal or unspecified, the one with // "least" alternative location indicator. // The function returns the number of deleted. All tables remain // untrimmed, so that explicit trimming or calling // FinishStructEdit() is required. int DeleteAltLocs(); // --------------------- Adding atoms -------------------------- int AddAtom ( const ChainID chID, int seqNo, const InsCode insCode, PAtom atom ); int AddAtom ( const ChainID chID, int resNo, PAtom atom ); int AddAtom ( int chNo, int seqNo, const InsCode insCode, PAtom atom ); int AddAtom ( int chNo, int resNo, PAtom atom ); // --------------------------------------------------------------- // ConvertPDBString(..) interprets PDB records DBREF, SEQADV, // SEQRES, MODRES. // Returns zero if the line was converted, otherwise returns a // non-negative value of Error_XXXX. // PDBString must be not shorter than 81 characters. ERROR_CODE ConvertPDBString ( pstr PDBString ); // PDBASCIIDumpPS(..) makes output of PDB primary structure records // excluding cispeps void PDBASCIIDumpPS ( io::RFile f ); // PDBASCIIDumpCP(..) makes output of cispep records void PDBASCIIDumpCP ( io::RFile f ); // PDBASCIIDump(..) makes output of PDB coordinate (ATOM etc.) // records void PDBASCIIDump ( io::RFile f ); void MakeAtomCIF ( mmcif::PData CIF ); void MakePSCIF ( mmcif::PData CIF ); ERROR_CODE GetCIF ( mmcif::PData CIF ); // MoveChain(..) adds chain m_chain on the top Chain array. // The pointer on chain is then set to NULL (m_chain=NULL). // If chain_ext is greater than 0, the moved chain will be // forcefully renamed; the new name is composed as the previous // one + underscore + chain_ext (e.g. A_1). If thus generated // name duplicates any of existing chain IDs, or if chain_ext // was set to 0 and there is a duplication of chain IDs, the // name is again modified as above, with the extension number // generated automatically (this may result in IDs like // A_1_10). // m_atom must give pointer to the Atom array, from which // the atoms belonging to m_chain, are moved to Atom array // given by 'atom', starting from poisition 'atom_index'. // 'atom_index' is then automatically updated to the next // free position in 'atom'. // Note1: the moved atoms will occupy a continuous range // in 'atom' array; no checks on whether the corresponding // cells are occupied or not, are performed. // Note2: the 'atom_index' is numbered from 0 on, i.e. // it is equal to atom[atom_index]->index-1; atom[]->index // is assigned automatically. void MoveChain ( PChain & m_chain, PPAtom m_atom, PPAtom atom, int & atom_index, int chain_ext ); void GetAIndexRange ( int & i1, int & i2 ); void MaskAtoms ( PMask mask ); void MaskResidues ( PMask mask ); void MaskChains ( PMask mask ); void UnmaskAtoms ( PMask mask ); void UnmaskResidues ( PMask mask ); void UnmaskChains ( PMask mask ); // ---- Getting Secondary Structure Elements int GetNumberOfHelices (); int GetNumberOfSheets (); PHelix GetHelix ( int serialNum ); // 1<=serNum<=NofHelices void GetSheetID ( int serialNum, SheetID sheetID ); // '\0' for none PSheet GetSheet ( int serialNum ); //1<=serNum<=NofSheets PSheet GetSheet ( const SheetID sheetID ); // NULL for none int GetNumberOfStrands ( int sheetSerNum ); int GetNumberOfStrands ( const SheetID sheetID ); PStrand GetStrand ( int sheetSerNum, int strandSerNum ); PStrand GetStrand ( const SheetID sheetID, int strandSerNum ); inline PSSContainer GetHelices() { return &helices; } inline PSheets GetSheets () { return &sheets; } void RemoveSecStructure(); int CalcSecStructure ( bool flagBulge=true, int aminoSelHnd=-1 ); // int CalcSecStructure ( bool flagBulge=true ); PHetCompounds GetHetInfo() { return &hetCompounds; } void RemoveHetInfo (); // ---- Working Links int GetNumberOfLinks (); PLink GetLink ( int serialNum ); // 1<=serNum<=NofLinks PLinkContainer GetLinks() { return &links; } void RemoveLinks(); void AddLink ( PLink link ); // ---- Working Refmac Links int GetNumberOfLinkRs (); PLinkR GetLinkR ( int serialNum ); // 1<=serNum<=NofLinks PLinkRContainer GetLinkRs() { return &linkRs; } void RemoveLinkRs(); void AddLinkR ( PLinkR linkR ); // ---- Working CisPeps int GetNumberOfCisPeps(); PCisPep GetCisPep ( int CisPepNum ); PCisPepContainer GetCisPeps() { return &cisPeps; } void RemoveCisPeps(); void AddCisPep ( PCisPep cisPep ); void ApplyTransform ( mat44 & TMatrix ); // transforms all // coordinates by multiplying // with matrix TMatrix bool isInSelection ( int selHnd ); // ------- user-defined data handlers int PutUDData ( int UDDhandle, int iudd ); int PutUDData ( int UDDhandle, realtype rudd ); int PutUDData ( int UDDhandle, cpstr sudd ); int GetUDData ( int UDDhandle, int & iudd ); int GetUDData ( int UDDhandle, realtype & rudd ); int GetUDData ( int UDDhandle, pstr sudd, int maxLen ); int GetUDData ( int UDDhandle, pstr & sudd ); void Copy ( PModel model ); void CopyHets ( PModel model ); void CopySecStructure ( PModel model ); void CopyLinks ( PModel model ); void CopyLinkRs ( PModel model ); void CopyCisPeps ( PModel model ); void write ( io::RFile f ); void read ( io::RFile f ); protected : int serNum; // the model serial number PManager manager; // pointer to mmdbmanager class HetCompounds hetCompounds; // information on heterocompounds SSContainer helices; // information on helices Sheets sheets; // information on sheets SSContainer turns; // information on turns LinkContainer links; // information on links LinkRContainer linkRs; // information on refmac links CisPepContainer cisPeps; // information on cispeps int nChains; // number of chains int nChainsAlloc; // actual length of Chain[] PPChain chain; // array of chains bool Exclude; // used internally void InitModel (); void FreeMemory (); void ExpandChainArray ( int nOfChains ); ERROR_CODE GetCIFPSClass ( mmcif::PData CIF, int ClassID ); // _ExcludeChain(..) excludes (but does not dispose!) a chain // from the model. Returns 1 if the chain gets empty and 0 // otherwise. int _ExcludeChain ( const ChainID chainID ); // _copy(PModel) does not copy atoms! -- not for use in // applications void _copy ( PModel Model ); // _copy(PModel,PPAtom,int&) does copy atoms into array 'atom' // starting from position atom_index. 'atom' should be able to // accept all new atoms - no checks on the length of 'atom' // is being made. This function should not be used in applications. void _copy ( PModel Model, PPAtom atom, int & atom_index ); void CheckInAtoms (); }; } // namespace mmdb #endif