#*********************************************************************************************************** #*********************************************************************************************************** #********* blend3.R #********* #********* Copyright (C) 2014 Diamond Light Source & Imperial College London #********* #********* Authors: James Foadi & Gwyndaf Evans #********* #********* This code is distributed under the BSD license, a copy of which is #********* included in the root directory of this package. #************************************************************************************************************ #************************************************************************************************************ # Third R module of program BLEND (later to be replaced by C++ code) # It relies on files produced by blend.cpp and blend1.R. # # # # Function to find out batches list in an mtz file mtz_batch_list <- function(hklin,rwin=FALSE) { # Build keywords file linea <- sprintf("END") cat(linea,file="mtzdump_keywords.dat") # Run mtzdmp and save output if (rwin) { exemtzdmp <- shell(paste("mtzdump.exe hklin ",hklin," < mtzdump_keywords.dat",sep=""),intern=TRUE) } else { exemtzdmp <- system(paste("mtzdump hklin ",hklin," < mtzdump_keywords.dat",sep=""),intern=TRUE) } # Extract list of batches from whole mtzdmp output ctmp <- grep("Batch number:",exemtzdmp,fixed=TRUE)+1 blist <- c() for (i in ctmp) { stringa <- exemtzdmp[i] ltmp <- strsplit(stringa," ") idx <- which(nchar(ltmp[[1]]) != 0) blist <- c(blist,as.integer(ltmp[[1]][idx][1])) } # Delete keywords file if (file.exists("mtzdump_keywords.dat")) emptyc <- file.remove("mtzdump_keywords.dat") return(blist) } # # Run pointless to find Laue group and merge files (after alternate indexing) merge_mtzs <- function(mtz_list,selection,mtzout,pointless_keys,hklref,rwin=FALSE) { # Cycle through each file in the list and do the following: # 1) extract batch information from each mtz file; # 2) add EXCLUDE BATCH for each file needed, according to selection # 3) include appropriate HKLREF for alternate indexing; # 4) glue all mtz together into a single mtz # Form POINTLESS keyword file linea <- sprintf("TITLE Prepare file for multicrystal merging\n") cat(linea,file="pointless_keywords.dat") linea <- sprintf("NAME PROJECT xxx CRYSTAL yyy DATASET zzz\n") cat(linea,file="pointless_keywords.dat",append=TRUE) for (imtz in 1:length(mtz_list)) { hklin <- mtz_list[imtz] linea <- sprintf("HKLIN %s\n",hklin) cat(linea,file="pointless_keywords.dat",append=TRUE) # Extract batch information from each mtz file blist <- mtz_batch_list(hklin,rwin=rwin) # Images to remove (if requested) itmp <- selection[imtz]+1 if (itmp > blist[length(blist)]) inibatch <- -1 if (itmp <= blist[length(blist)]) inibatch <- itmp finbatch <- blist[length(blist)] if (inibatch > 0) { if (length(mtz_list) > 1) linea <- sprintf("EXCLUDE FILE %d BATCH %d TO %d\n",imtz,inibatch,finbatch) if (length(mtz_list) == 1) linea <- sprintf("EXCLUDE BATCH %d TO %d\n",inibatch,finbatch) cat(linea,file="pointless_keywords.dat",append=TRUE) } } if (!is.na(hklref)) { linea <- sprintf("HKLREF %s\n",hklref) cat(linea,file="pointless_keywords.dat",append=TRUE) } linea <- sprintf("HKLOUT %s\n",mtzout) cat(linea,file="pointless_keywords.dat",append=TRUE) # Additional keywords, introduced by user through BLEND_KEYWORDS.dat file for (line in pointless_keys) cat(paste(line,"\n",sep=""),file="pointless_keywords.dat",append=TRUE) # End of keywords file linea <- sprintf("END\n") cat(linea,file="pointless_keywords.dat",append=TRUE) # Run program if (rwin) { stringa <- "pointless.exe < pointless_keywords.dat" exepointless <- shell(stringa,intern=TRUE,ignore.stderr=TRUE) } else { stringa <- "pointless < pointless_keywords.dat" exepointless <- system(stringa,intern=TRUE,ignore.stderr=TRUE) } # Delete keywords file if (file.exists("pointless_keywords.dat")) emptyc <- file.remove("pointless_keywords.dat") return(exepointless) } # # Run AIMLESS on specified datasets selection and collect statistical information in a data frame. merge_datasets <- function(mtz_names,selection,suffix,pointless_keys,aimless_keys,hklref,resomin=NULL,resomax=NULL,rwin=FALSE) { # Computes merging statistics for all couples of datasets # Read content of file mtz_names if (file.exists(mtz_names)) indata <- read.table(file=mtz_names) if (!file.exists(mtz_names)) stop("Function argument mtz_names does not correspond to any valid existing file") # Turn factors into characters indata[,1] <- as.character(indata[,1]) # Has CCP4 been set up? ccp4 <- Sys.getenv("CCP4") if (nchar(ccp4) == 0) stop("You need to set up environment for running ccp4 programs") # Run POINTLESS and AIMLESS mtz_list <- indata[selection,1] sele <- indata[selection,3] # Use copy of reference data set in case it belongs to group if (!is.na(hklref)) hklref <- normalizePath(hklref) if (!is.na(hklref) & hklref %in% mtz_list) { if (!file.exists("copies_of_reference_files")) dir.create("copies_of_reference_files") tmphklref <- normalizePath("copies_of_reference_files") tmphklref <- file.path(tmphklref,basename(hklref)) file.copy(from=hklref,to=tmphklref,overwrite=TRUE) hklref <- tmphklref rm(tmphklref) } cat("Collating multiple mtz into a single mtz ...\n") linea_in <- paste(suffix[1],paste("unscaled_",suffix[2],".mtz",sep=""),sep="/") exemerge <- merge_mtzs(mtz_list=mtz_list,selection=sele,mtzout=linea_in,pointless_keys=pointless_keys,hklref=hklref,rwin=rwin) fatal_error <- grep("#-------------",exemerge,fixed=TRUE) if (length(fatal_error) == 0 & length(grep("FATAL ERROR message:",exemerge,fixed=TRUE)) == 0 & length(grep("Stopping",exemerge,fixed=TRUE)) == 0 & length(exemerge) != 0) { # Rename POINTLESS log log_file <- paste(suffix[1],paste("pointless_",suffix[2],".log",sep=""),sep="/") cat(exemerge,file=log_file,sep="\n") # Aimless keywords file linea_out <- paste(suffix[1],paste("scaled_",suffix[2],".mtz",sep=""),sep="/") linea <- "TITLE Scale multiple datasets\n" cat(linea,file="aimless_keywords.dat") linea <- sprintf("HKLIN %s\n",linea_in) cat(linea,file="aimless_keywords.dat",append=TRUE) linea <- sprintf("HKLOUT %s\n",linea_out) cat(linea,file="aimless_keywords.dat",append=TRUE) # Check RESOLUTION keyword is already assigned ncnd <- 0 if (length(aimless_keys) > 0) # i.e. if aimless_keys is different from NULL { tmp <- strsplit(aimless_keys," ") for (j in 1:length(tmp)) { idx <- which(nchar(tmp[[j]]) != 0) cnd <- ((substr(tmp[[j]][idx],1,1) == "R") | (substr(tmp[[j]][idx],1,1) == "r")) & ((substr(tmp[[j]][idx],2,2) == "E") | (substr(tmp[[j]][idx],2,2) == "e")) & ((substr(tmp[[j]][idx],3,3) == "S") | (substr(tmp[[j]][idx],3,3) == "s")) & ((substr(tmp[[j]][idx],4,4) == "O") | (substr(tmp[[j]][idx],4,4) == "o")) ncnd <- ncnd+sum(cnd) } } if (length(aimless_keys) == 0) ncnd <- 0 if (ncnd == 0) { if (!is.null(resomin) & !is.null(resomax)) { linea <- sprintf("RESOLUTION LOW %f HIGH %f \n",resomin,resomax) cat(linea,file="aimless_keywords.dat",append=TRUE) } if (!is.null(resomin) & is.null(resomax)) { linea <- sprintf("RESOLUTION LOW %f\n",resomin) cat(linea,file="aimless_keywords.dat",append=TRUE) } if (is.null(resomin) & !is.null(resomax)) { linea <- sprintf("RESOLUTION HIGH %f\n",resomax) cat(linea,file="aimless_keywords.dat",append=TRUE) } } # Input by user through BLEND_KEYWORDS.dat for (line in aimless_keys) cat(paste(line,"\n",sep=""),file="aimless_keywords.dat",append=TRUE) # End of keywords file for AIMLESS linea <- sprintf("END\n") cat(linea,file="aimless_keywords.dat",append=TRUE) # Run AIMLESS cat("Running AIMLESS on the unscaled file ...\n") if (rwin) { stringa <- sprintf("aimless.exe < aimless_keywords.dat") exeaimless <- shell(stringa,intern=TRUE, ignore.stderr = TRUE) } else { stringa <- sprintf("aimless < aimless_keywords.dat") exeaimless <- system(stringa,intern=TRUE, ignore.stderr = TRUE) } # Collect and organize AIMLESS output nexeaimless <- length(exeaimless) if (length(grep("End of aimless job,", exeaimless[(nexeaimless - 1)], fixed = TRUE)) == 0) { Mstats <- data.frame(Rmeas=c(NA,NA,NA),Rpim=c(NA,NA,NA),Completeness=c(NA,NA,NA),Multiplicity=c(NA,NA,NA), LowRes=c(NA,NA,NA),HighRes=c(NA,NA,NA)) log_file <- paste(suffix[1],paste("aimless_",suffix[2],".log",sep=""),sep="/") for (linea in exeaimless) { linea <- paste(linea,"\n",sep="") cat(linea,file=log_file,append=TRUE) } # Clean directory from unnecessary files dircontents <- list.files("./") idx <- grep("ANOMPLOT",dircontents,fixed=TRUE) if (length(idx) != 0) for (jj in idx) file.remove(dircontents[jj]) idx <- grep("CORRELPLOT",dircontents,fixed=TRUE) if (length(idx) != 0) for (jj in idx) file.remove(dircontents[jj]) idx <- grep("NORMPLOT",dircontents,fixed=TRUE) if (length(idx) != 0) for (jj in idx) file.remove(dircontents[jj]) idx <- grep("ROGUEPLOT",dircontents,fixed=TRUE) if (length(idx) != 0) for (jj in idx) file.remove(dircontents[jj]) idx <- grep("ROGUES",dircontents,fixed=TRUE) if (length(idx) != 0) for (jj in idx) file.remove(dircontents[jj]) idx <- grep("SCALES",dircontents,fixed=TRUE) if (length(idx) != 0) for (jj in idx) file.remove(dircontents[jj]) idx <- grep("aimless_keywords",dircontents,fixed=TRUE) if (length(idx) != 0) for (jj in idx) file.remove(dircontents[jj]) # Remove files produced to merge mtz's dircontents <- list.files("./") idx <- grep("mtzdump",dircontents,fixed=TRUE) for (i in idx) file.remove(dircontents[i]) idx <- grep("pointless",dircontents,fixed=TRUE) for (i in idx) file.remove(dircontents[i]) #idx <- grep("reference",dircontents,fixed=TRUE) #for (i in idx) file.remove(dircontents[i]) return(list(Mstats,exeaimless)) } # Aimless output is OK. Carry on collecting information # Extract info on B factors and scales gRmeas <- grep("Rmeas (all",exeaimless,fixed=TRUE) lineRmeas <- exeaimless[gRmeas] tmpsplit <- strsplit(lineRmeas," ") idx <- which(nchar(tmpsplit[[1]]) != 0) Rmeas_values <- as.numeric(tmpsplit[[1]][idx[6:8]]) gRpim <- grep("Rpim (all",exeaimless,fixed=TRUE) lineRpim <- exeaimless[gRpim] tmpsplit <- strsplit(lineRpim," ") idx <- which(nchar(tmpsplit[[1]]) != 0) Rpim_values <- as.numeric(tmpsplit[[1]][idx[6:8]]) gCompleteness <- grep("Completeness ",exeaimless,fixed=TRUE) lineCompleteness <- exeaimless[gCompleteness] tmpsplit <- strsplit(lineCompleteness," ") idx <- which(nchar(tmpsplit[[1]]) != 0) Completeness_values <- as.numeric(tmpsplit[[1]][idx[2:4]]) gMultiplicity <- grep("Multiplicity ",exeaimless,fixed=TRUE) lineMultiplicity <- exeaimless[gMultiplicity] tmpsplit <- strsplit(lineMultiplicity," ") idx <- which(nchar(tmpsplit[[1]]) != 0) Multiplicity_values <- as.numeric(tmpsplit[[1]][idx[2:4]]) gLowResos <- grep("Low resolution limit",exeaimless,fixed=TRUE) lineLowResos <- exeaimless[gLowResos] tmpsplit <- strsplit(lineLowResos," ") idx <- which(nchar(tmpsplit[[1]]) != 0) LowResos_values <- as.numeric(tmpsplit[[1]][idx[4:6]]) gHighResos <- grep("High resolution limit",exeaimless,fixed=TRUE) lineHighResos <- exeaimless[gHighResos] tmpsplit <- strsplit(lineHighResos," ") idx <- which(nchar(tmpsplit[[1]]) != 0) HighResos_values <- as.numeric(tmpsplit[[1]][idx[4:6]]) Mstats <- data.frame(Rmeas=Rmeas_values,Rpim=Rpim_values,Completeness=Completeness_values,Multiplicity=Multiplicity_values, LowRes=LowResos_values,HighRes=HighResos_values) # Write AIMLESS log file log_file <- paste(suffix[1],paste("aimless_",suffix[2],".log",sep=""),sep="/") cat(exeaimless,file=log_file,sep="\n") #for (linea in exeaimless) #{ # linea <- paste(linea,"\n",sep="") # cat(linea,file=log_file,append=TRUE) #} # Remove files produced to merge mtz's dircontents <- list.files("./") idx <- grep("mtzdump",dircontents,fixed=TRUE) if (length(idx) != 0) for (i in idx) file.remove(dircontents[i]) idx <- grep("pointless",dircontents,fixed=TRUE) if (length(idx) != 0) for (i in idx) file.remove(dircontents[i]) # Remove files produced to scale mtz's dircontents <- list.files("./") idx <- grep("ANOMPLOT",dircontents,fixed=TRUE) if (length(idx) != 0) for (jj in idx) file.remove(dircontents[jj]) idx <- grep("CORRELPLOT",dircontents,fixed=TRUE) if (length(idx) != 0) for (jj in idx) file.remove(dircontents[jj]) idx <- grep("NORMPLOT",dircontents,fixed=TRUE) if (length(idx) != 0) for (jj in idx) file.remove(dircontents[jj]) idx <- grep("ROGUEPLOT",dircontents,fixed=TRUE) if (length(idx) != 0) for (jj in idx) file.remove(dircontents[jj]) idx <- grep("ROGUES",dircontents,fixed=TRUE) if (length(idx) != 0) for (jj in idx) file.remove(dircontents[jj]) idx <- grep("SCALES",dircontents,fixed=TRUE) if (length(idx) != 0) for (jj in idx) file.remove(dircontents[jj]) idx <- grep("aimless_keywords",dircontents,fixed=TRUE) if (length(idx) != 0) for (jj in idx) file.remove(dircontents[jj]) return(list(Mstats,exeaimless)) } else { Mstats <- data.frame(Rmeas=c(NA,NA,NA),Rpim=c(NA,NA,NA),Completeness=c(NA,NA,NA),Multiplicity=c(NA,NA,NA), LowRes=c(NA,NA,NA),HighRes=c(NA,NA,NA)) # Rename POINTLESS log log_file <- paste(suffix[1],paste("pointless_",suffix[2],".log",sep=""),sep="/") cat(exemerge,file=log_file,sep="\n") return(list(Mstats,exemerge)) } } # # Function to interpret input for the combination mode. # 1) individual numbers, like 2 4 8 17 etc., simply means that the group is formed of individual data sets: "2 4 8 17" # 2) individual numbers separated by commas, like 2,4,8,17, means: "2 4 8 17" # 3) numbers separated by "-" means a range, like 12-16, means: "12 13 14 15 16" # 4) combination of the above, like 1 3 4-9 12,16, means: "1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 16" # 5) one number within square bracket means add elements of a cluster. For example cluster 8 might include # data sets 2, 7, 13, 17 and 23. Thus [8] means: "2 7 13 17 23" # 6) one number within curly brackets means to subtract that number from a list. For example, using the same # cluster as before, the expression [8] {13,23} means "2 7 17" # 7) same points 1 to 4 apply to everything inside a curly bracket. interpretCombine <- function(args,clusters) { # Number of character strings n <- length(args) # Loop over all character strings and extract information as individual numbers addList <- c() subtractList <- c() for (i in 1:n) { stmp <- args[i] # Differentiate between "no brackets" and brackets ("square" or "double square") m <- nchar(stmp) # Square brackets if (substr(stmp,1,1) == "[" & substr(stmp,nchar(stmp),nchar(stmp)) == "]" & substr(stmp,2,2) != "[" & substr(stmp,nchar(stmp)-1,nchar(stmp)-1) != "]") { gcore <- substr(stmp,2,nchar(stmp)-1) glist <- interpretGcore(gcore) # Expand list of cluster as clusters elements for (i in glist) { addList <- c(addList,clusters[[i]]) } } # Double square brackets if (substr(stmp,1,1) == "[" & substr(stmp,2,2) == "[" & substr(stmp,nchar(stmp)-1,nchar(stmp)-1) == "]" & substr(stmp,nchar(stmp),nchar(stmp)) == "]") { gcore <- substr(stmp,3,nchar(stmp)-2) glist <- interpretGcore(gcore) subtractList <- c(subtractList,glist) } # No brackets if (substr(stmp,1,1) != "[" & substr(stmp,nchar(stmp),nchar(stmp)) != "]") { gcore <- stmp glist <- interpretGcore(gcore) addList <- c(addList,glist) } } addList <- unique(addList) if (length(subtractList) != 0) subtractList <- unique(subtractList) # Remove elements in subtractList from elements in addList if (length(subtractList) != 0) { idx <- na.omit(match(subtractList,addList)) if (length(idx) > 0) args <- addList[-idx] if (length(idx) == 0) args <- addList } if (length(subtractList) == 0) { args <- addList } # Sorting before returning args <- sort(args) return(args) } interpretGcore <- function(gcore) { # Find out number of blocks glist <- c() ltmp <- strsplit(gcore,",") if (length(ltmp[[1]]) > 1) { for (j in 1:length(ltmp[[1]])) { ltmp2 <- strsplit(ltmp[[1]][j],"-") if (length(ltmp2[[1]]) == 2) { if (as.integer(ltmp2[[1]][1]) <= as.integer(ltmp2[[1]][2])) glist <- c(glist,ltmp2[[1]][1]:ltmp2[[1]][2]) } if (length(ltmp2[[1]]) == 1) { glist <- c(glist,as.integer(ltmp2[[1]][1])) } } } if (length(ltmp[[1]]) == 1) { ltmp2 <- strsplit(ltmp[[1]][1],"-") if (length(ltmp2[[1]]) == 2) { if (as.integer(ltmp2[[1]][1]) <= as.integer(ltmp2[[1]][2])) glist <- c(glist,ltmp2[[1]][1]:ltmp2[[1]][2]) } if (length(ltmp2[[1]]) == 1) { glist <- c(glist,as.integer(ltmp2[[1]][1])) } } return(glist) } # # Given a table "tbl", which is, in fact, a vector of strings obtained while reading # a table from an ascii file, this function returns a list whose elements are vectors of # values corresponding to the table columns, whose positions are given by vector "pns". get_vectors_from_table <- function(tbl,pns) { # Turn vector of strings into a list of vectors tmpsplit <- strsplit(tbl,split=" ",fixed=TRUE) m <- length(tmpsplit) ltmp <- list() for (i in 1:m) { vec <- tmpsplit[[i]] idx <- which(vec == "") ltmp <- c(ltmp,list(vec[-idx])) } tmpsplit <- lapply(ltmp,as.numeric) rm(ltmp) # Create final matrix n <- length(pns) M <- matrix(nrow=m,ncol=n) for (i in 1:m) { M[i,] <- tmpsplit[[i]][pns] } rm(tmpsplit) return(M) } # # Pruning plan pruning_plan <- function(tbl,completeness,cutf,icyc) { # Partition all images in runs prt <- floor(tbl[,1]/1000) rns <- unique(prt) istart <- c() iend <- c() for (i in rns) { idx <- which(prt == i) istart <- c(istart,idx[1]) iend <- c(iend,tail(idx,n=1)) } Mruns <- matrix(c(istart,iend),ncol=2) # Number of images that need to be excluded (based on default or user value of "completeness") idx <- which(tbl[,3] >= completeness) n_im_elim <- length(idx) # Partition number of discarded images among all runs (proportionally to each dataset) neq <- c() for (irun in rns) { idx <- which(prt == irun) r <- n_im_elim*length(idx)/length(prt) neq <- c(neq,floor(r)) } # Select run with highest mean Rmerge mean_Rmerge <- c() Images <- c() for (i in rns) { j <- i+1 mean_Rmerge <- c(mean_Rmerge,mean(tbl[Mruns[j,1]:Mruns[j,2],2],na.rm=TRUE)) Images <- c(Images,length(Mruns[j,1]:Mruns[j,2])) } mean_Rmerge[mean_Rmerge < 0] <- NA isel <- which(mean_Rmerge == max(mean_Rmerge,na.rm=TRUE)) if (length(isel) == 0) isel <- 1 # Find exact values of images to eliminate neq[isel] <- floor(cutf*neq[isel]) if (neq[isel] > 0) ini_ima <- tbl[Mruns[isel,2]-neq[isel]+1,1] fin_ima <- tbl[Mruns[isel,2],1] if (neq[isel] == 0) ini_ima <- fin_ima # If number of images left after elimination is less than a hard value (5) suspend pruning HARD_VALUE <- 5 idx <- tbl[Mruns[isel,1]:(Mruns[isel,2]-neq[isel]),1] if (length(idx) < HARD_VALUE) { neq[isel] <- 0 stmp <- sprintf("Only %d images left for run %d.\n",length(idx),isel) cat(stmp) } return(list(ini_ima=ini_ima,fin_ima=fin_ima,n_im_elim=n_im_elim,neq=neq,isel=isel,mean_Rmerge=mean_Rmerge,Images=Images)) } # # Run AIMLESS on previously created unscaled file, with additional keywords for exclusion of images simple_merge_datasets <- function(suffix,aimless_keys,rwin=FALSE) { # AIMLESS keywords file cat(aimless_keys,file="aimless_keywords.dat",sep="\n") # Aimless scaled file linea_out <- paste(suffix[1],paste("scaled_",suffix[2],".mtz",sep=""),sep="/") # Run AIMLESS cat("Re-running AIMLESS on the unscaled file ...\n") if (rwin) { stringa <- sprintf("aimless.exe < aimless_keywords.dat") exeaimless <- shell(stringa,intern=TRUE, ignore.stderr = TRUE) } else { stringa <- sprintf("aimless < aimless_keywords.dat") exeaimless <- system(stringa,intern=TRUE, ignore.stderr = TRUE) } # Collect and organize AIMLESS output nexeaimless <- length(exeaimless) if (length(grep("End of aimless job,", exeaimless[(nexeaimless - 1)], fixed = TRUE)) == 0) { Mstats <- data.frame(Rmeas=c(NA,NA,NA),Rpim=c(NA,NA,NA),Completeness=c(NA,NA,NA),Multiplicity=c(NA,NA,NA), LowRes=c(NA,NA,NA),HighRes=c(NA,NA,NA)) log_file <- paste(suffix[1],paste("aimless_",suffix[2],".log",sep=""),sep="/") cat(exeaimless,file=log_file,sep="\n") # Clean directory from unnecessary files dircontents <- list.files("./") idx <- grep("ANOMPLOT",dircontents,fixed=TRUE) if (length(idx) != 0) for (jj in idx) file.remove(dircontents[jj]) idx <- grep("CORRELPLOT",dircontents,fixed=TRUE) if (length(idx) != 0) for (jj in idx) file.remove(dircontents[jj]) idx <- grep("NORMPLOT",dircontents,fixed=TRUE) if (length(idx) != 0) for (jj in idx) file.remove(dircontents[jj]) idx <- grep("ROGUEPLOT",dircontents,fixed=TRUE) if (length(idx) != 0) for (jj in idx) file.remove(dircontents[jj]) idx <- grep("ROGUES",dircontents,fixed=TRUE) if (length(idx) != 0) for (jj in idx) file.remove(dircontents[jj]) idx <- grep("SCALES",dircontents,fixed=TRUE) if (length(idx) != 0) for (jj in idx) file.remove(dircontents[jj]) idx <- grep("aimless_keywords",dircontents,fixed=TRUE) if (length(idx) != 0) for (jj in idx) file.remove(dircontents[jj]) # Remove files produced to merge mtz's dircontents <- list.files("./") idx <- grep("mtzdump",dircontents,fixed=TRUE) for (i in idx) file.remove(dircontents[i]) return(list(Mstats,exeaimless)) } # Aimless output is OK. Carry on collecting information # Extract info on B factors and scales gRmeas <- grep("Rmeas (all",exeaimless,fixed=TRUE) lineRmeas <- exeaimless[gRmeas] tmpsplit <- strsplit(lineRmeas," ") idx <- which(nchar(tmpsplit[[1]]) != 0) Rmeas_values <- as.numeric(tmpsplit[[1]][idx[6:8]]) gRpim <- grep("Rpim (all",exeaimless,fixed=TRUE) lineRpim <- exeaimless[gRpim] tmpsplit <- strsplit(lineRpim," ") idx <- which(nchar(tmpsplit[[1]]) != 0) Rpim_values <- as.numeric(tmpsplit[[1]][idx[6:8]]) gCompleteness <- grep("Completeness ",exeaimless,fixed=TRUE) lineCompleteness <- exeaimless[gCompleteness] tmpsplit <- strsplit(lineCompleteness," ") idx <- which(nchar(tmpsplit[[1]]) != 0) Completeness_values <- as.numeric(tmpsplit[[1]][idx[2:4]]) gMultiplicity <- grep("Multiplicity ",exeaimless,fixed=TRUE) lineMultiplicity <- exeaimless[gMultiplicity] tmpsplit <- strsplit(lineMultiplicity," ") idx <- which(nchar(tmpsplit[[1]]) != 0) Multiplicity_values <- as.numeric(tmpsplit[[1]][idx[2:4]]) gLowResos <- grep("Low resolution limit",exeaimless,fixed=TRUE) lineLowResos <- exeaimless[gLowResos] tmpsplit <- strsplit(lineLowResos," ") idx <- which(nchar(tmpsplit[[1]]) != 0) LowResos_values <- as.numeric(tmpsplit[[1]][idx[4:6]]) gHighResos <- grep("High resolution limit",exeaimless,fixed=TRUE) lineHighResos <- exeaimless[gHighResos] tmpsplit <- strsplit(lineHighResos," ") idx <- which(nchar(tmpsplit[[1]]) != 0) HighResos_values <- as.numeric(tmpsplit[[1]][idx[4:6]]) Mstats <- data.frame(Rmeas=Rmeas_values,Rpim=Rpim_values,Completeness=Completeness_values,Multiplicity=Multiplicity_values, LowRes=LowResos_values,HighRes=HighResos_values) # Write AIMLESS log file log_file <- paste(suffix[1],paste("aimless_",suffix[2],".log",sep=""),sep="/") cat(exeaimless,file=log_file,sep="\n") # Remove files produced to merge mtz's dircontents <- list.files("./") idx <- grep("mtzdump",dircontents,fixed=TRUE) if (length(idx) != 0) for (i in idx) file.remove(dircontents[i]) # Remove files produced to scale mtz's dircontents <- list.files("./") idx <- grep("ANOMPLOT",dircontents,fixed=TRUE) if (length(idx) != 0) for (jj in idx) file.remove(dircontents[jj]) idx <- grep("CORRELPLOT",dircontents,fixed=TRUE) if (length(idx) != 0) for (jj in idx) file.remove(dircontents[jj]) idx <- grep("NORMPLOT",dircontents,fixed=TRUE) if (length(idx) != 0) for (jj in idx) file.remove(dircontents[jj]) idx <- grep("ROGUEPLOT",dircontents,fixed=TRUE) if (length(idx) != 0) for (jj in idx) file.remove(dircontents[jj]) idx <- grep("ROGUES",dircontents,fixed=TRUE) if (length(idx) != 0) for (jj in idx) file.remove(dircontents[jj]) idx <- grep("SCALES",dircontents,fixed=TRUE) if (length(idx) != 0) for (jj in idx) file.remove(dircontents[jj]) idx <- grep("aimless_keywords",dircontents,fixed=TRUE) if (length(idx) != 0) for (jj in idx) file.remove(dircontents[jj]) return(list(Mstats,exeaimless)) } ###################################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################################### # Main # Find out if running on Windows ostuff <- Sys.info() rwin = FALSE if (ostuff["sysname"] == "Windows") rwin = TRUE # Load content of previous R run if (file.exists("BLEND.RData")) load("BLEND.RData",.GlobalEnv) if (!file.exists("BLEND.RData")) { msg <- "File BLEND.RData (produced by a previous run of BLEND in analysis mode) not found.\n" cat(msg) q(save = "no", status = 1, runLast = FALSE) } # To avoid warning messages set warn to a negative value options(warn = -1) # Retrieve value from command line args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE) combination_type <- as.integer(args[1]) tmp <- args args <- tmp[2:length(tmp)] rm(tmp) cat("\n") cat(paste("Input string: ",paste(args,collapse=" "))) n <- length(args) cat("\n") cat("Input request:\nData sets to be included:\n") for (i in 1:n) { stmp <- args[i] if (substr(stmp,1,1) != "[" & substr(stmp,nchar(stmp),nchar(stmp)) != "]") { gcore <- stmp glist <- interpretGcore(gcore) msg <- sprintf(" : %s\n",paste(glist,collapse=" ")) cat(msg) } } cat("Input request:\nClusters with data sets to be included:\n") for (i in 1:n) { stmp <- args[i] if (substr(stmp,1,1) == "[" & substr(stmp,nchar(stmp),nchar(stmp)) == "]" & substr(stmp,2,2) != "[" & substr(stmp,nchar(stmp)-1,nchar(stmp)-1) != "]") { gcore <- substr(stmp,2,nchar(stmp)-1) glist <- interpretGcore(gcore) for (j in glist) { if (j < 1 | j > length(groups[[1]])) { stmp <- sprintf(" USER ERROR! Cluster %3d does not exist.\n",j) cat(stmp) q(save = "no", status = 1, runLast = FALSE) } msg <- sprintf(" Cluster %3d - Includes data sets : %s\n",j,paste(groups[[1]][[j]],collapse=" ")) cat(msg) } } } cat("Input request:\nData sets to be excluded:\n") for (i in 1:n) { stmp <- args[i] if (substr(stmp,1,1) == "[" & substr(stmp,2,2) == "[" & substr(stmp,nchar(stmp)-1,nchar(stmp)-1) == "]" & substr(stmp,nchar(stmp),nchar(stmp)) == "]") { gcore <- substr(stmp,3,nchar(stmp)-2) glist <- interpretGcore(gcore) msg <- sprintf(" : %s\n",paste(glist,collapse=" ")) cat(msg) } } cat("\n") cat("Files to be combined: ") targs <- interpretCombine(args,groups[[1]]) if (length(targs) == 0) cat("None") if (length(targs) > 0) cat(targs) cat("\n") cat("\n") cln <- targs # If user selection implies no data sets, return with warning message if (length(cln) == 0) { msg <- "WARNING! User selection of data sets for this combination implies no data sets.\n\n" cat(msg) q(save = "no", status = 0, runLast = FALSE) } # If one or more datasets have been discarded during the analysis mode, stop tmp <- match(cln,maindf$cn) if (sum(is.na(tmp)) > 0) stop("One or more input datasets have been discarded by BLEND during the analysis run, or have never been processed.") # Find out whether the series of datasets in this exact order has been already processed gidx <- c() # In case there's no GROUPS.info file outdir <- "./combined_files" if (file.exists(outdir)) { dircontents <- list.files(outdir) # Check whether number of files is OK in combined_files directory ltmp <- sapply(dircontents,FUN=strsplit,split=".",fixed=TRUE) tmp <- unlist(ltmp) lidx <- which(tmp == "log") midx <- which(tmp == "mtz") if (length(midx) != length(lidx)) { messaggio <- "WARNING! Number of POINTLESS and AIMLESS logs in combined_files directory does not correspond to number of reflection files.\n\n" cat(messaggio) } # Extract serial number of groups already existing in file GROUPS.info mtmp <- paste(outdir,"/GROUPS.info",sep="") if (!file.exists(mtmp)) cat("WARNING! File GROUPS.info is missing in directory combined_files\n\n") if (file.exists(mtmp)) { groups_info <- scan(mtmp,what="character",sep="\n",quiet=TRUE) gidx <- grep("Group",groups_info,fixed=TRUE) if (length(gidx) > 1) { ini <- 2 fin <- c() for (i in 2:length(gidx)) { fin <- c(fin,gidx[i]-1) ini <- c(ini,gidx[i]+1) } fin <- c(fin,length(groups_info)) } if (length(gidx) == 1) { ini <- 2 fin <- length(groups_info) } glist <- list() for (i in 1:length(ini)) { gvec <- c() for (j in ini[i]:fin[i]) { ltmp <- strsplit(groups_info[j]," ") idx <- which(nchar(ltmp[[1]]) != 0) gvec <- c(gvec,as.numeric(ltmp[[1]][idx[2]])) } glist <- c(glist,list(gvec)) } # Check whether groups described in GROUPS.info matches files contained in combined_files if (length(lidx) != 2*length(glist)) cat("WARNING! Number of groups described in file GROUPS.info does not match number of files in directory combined_files.\n\n") } # Load content of MERGING_STATISTICS.info, if it exists mtmp <- paste(outdir,"/MERGING_STATISTICS.info",sep="") if (!file.exists(mtmp)) cat("WARNING! File MERGING_STATISTICS.info is missing in directory combined_files\n\n") if (file.exists(mtmp)) { merging_statistics_info <- scan(mtmp,what="character",sep="\n",quiet=TRUE) idx <- grep("Rmeas",merging_statistics_info,fixed=TRUE) nn <- length(merging_statistics_info)-idx if (nn != length(gidx)) cat("WARNING! MERGING_STATISTICS.info has information contrasting with GROUPS_info.\n\n") } } # Find out resolutions corresponding to selected datasets fdata <- read.table("FINAL_list_of_files.dat") jdx <- match(cln,fdata$V2) resosel <- max(fdata$V6[jdx]) # Extract keywords files for POINTLESS and AIMLESS pointless_keys <- c() aimless_keys <- c() if (file.exists("BLEND_KEYWORDS.dat")) { contents <- scan("BLEND_KEYWORDS.dat", what="character",sep="\n",quiet=TRUE) # Maximum number of cycles for BLEND -cP mode (from BLEND KEYWORDS section) tmp <- grep("MAXC",contents,fixed=TRUE) if (length(tmp) != 0) { tmp <- contents[tmp[1]] # [1] in case somebody add MAXCYCLE line more than once tmp <- strsplit(tmp," ") jdx <- which(nchar(tmp[[1]]) != 0) maxcycle_char <- tmp[[1]][jdx[length(jdx)]] maxcycle <- as.integer(maxcycle_char) } else maxcycle <- 5 # Minimum data completeness for BLEND -cP mode (from BLEND KEYWORDS section) tmp <- grep("COMP",contents,fixed=TRUE) if (length(tmp) != 0) { tmp <- contents[tmp[1]] # [1] in case somebody add COMPLETENESS line more than once tmp <- strsplit(tmp," ") jdx <- which(nchar(tmp[[1]]) != 0) completeness_char <- tmp[[1]][jdx[length(jdx)]] completeness <- as.numeric(completeness_char) } else completeness <- 95.0 # Fraction of images to be eliminated for BLEND -cp mode (from BLEND KEYWORDS section) tmp <- grep("CUTF",contents,fixed=TRUE) if (length(tmp) != 0) { tmp <- contents[tmp[1]] # [1] in case somebody add COMPLETENESS line more than once tmp <- strsplit(tmp," ") jdx <- which(nchar(tmp[[1]]) != 0) cutfraction_char <- tmp[[1]][jdx[length(jdx)]] cutfraction <- as.numeric(cutfraction_char) } else cutfraction <- 0.5 # POINTLESS KEYWORDS idxs <- grep("POINTLESS KEYWORDS",contents,fixed=TRUE) idxe <- grep("AIMLESS KEYWORDS",contents,fixed=TRUE) if ((idxe-idxs) > 1) for (line in contents[(idxs+1):(idxe-1)]) pointless_keys <- c(pointless_keys,line) # Reference dataset (from BLEND KEYWORDS section) idxref_char <- NA tmp <- grep("DREF",contents,fixed=TRUE) if (length(tmp) != 0) { tmp <- contents[tmp[1]] # [1] in case somebody add DREF line more than once tmp <- strsplit(tmp," ") jdx <- which(nchar(tmp[[1]]) != 0) idxref_char <- tmp[[1]][jdx[length(jdx)]] } # Read in "FINAL_list_of_files.dat" to associate reference dataset to file path (just in some cases) indata <- read.table(file="FINAL_list_of_files.dat") indata[,1] <- as.character(indata[,1]) if (!is.na(idxref_char)) { if (!file.exists(idxref_char)) { messaggio <- paste("Input reference dataset << ",idxref_char," >> does not exist. Please input an existing file.\n",sep="") cat(messaggio) q(save = "no", status = 1, runLast = FALSE) } if (file.exists(idxref_char)) { aidxref_char <- normalizePath(idxref_char) messaggio <- paste("Reference dataset: << ",aidxref_char," >>.\n",sep="") cat(messaggio) cat("\n") } } # AIMLESS idxs <- idxe idxe <- length(contents) if ((idxe-idxs) > 0) for (line in contents[(idxs+1):idxe]) aimless_keys <- c(aimless_keys,line) } # Produce scaled dataset if (!file.exists(outdir)) dir.create(outdir) # Create "combined_files" directory, if it does not exist ftail <- sprintf("%03d",(length(gidx)+1)) suffix <- c(outdir,ftail) if (combination_type == 0) { tmp <- merge_datasets("FINAL_list_of_files.dat",selection=cln,suffix,pointless_keys,aimless_keys,hklref=idxref_char, resomax=resosel,rwin=rwin) # Get table of average Rmerges per run if (!is.na(tmp[[1]]$Rmeas[1])) { # Read AIMLESS log and store some info log_aimless <- paste(suffix[1],paste("aimless_",suffix[2],".log",sep=""),sep="/") contents_aimless <- scan(log_aimless,what="character",sep="\n",quiet=TRUE) # Rmerge values gRmerge <- grep("N Batch Mn(I) RMSdev I/rms Rmerge",contents_aimless,fixed=TRUE) istart <- gRmerge[1]+1 iend <- gRmerge[2]-2 line_Rmerge <- contents_aimless[istart:iend] tbl <- get_vectors_from_table(line_Rmerge,c(2,6,9)) lista <- pruning_plan(tbl,100,1,0) mean_Rmerge <- lista$mean_Rmerge Images <- lista$Images rm(lista) # Output table for average Rmerge and Images per datasets plots nruns_final <- length(mean_Rmerge) cat("\n") cat("$TABLE: Image number and average Rmerge for all datasets :\n") cat("$GRAPHS: Number of images per dataset :N:1,2:\n") cat(" : Average Rmerge per dataset :N:1,3:\n") cat("$$\n") cat(" Datasets Images mean(Rmerge) $$\n") cat("$$\n") for (irun in 1:nruns_final) { stmp <- sprintf("%10d %8d %15.3f\n",cln[irun],Images[irun],mean_Rmerge[irun]) cat(stmp) } cat("$$\n") cat("\n") } } if (combination_type == 1) { cat("\n") cat("Working out strategy to improve merging statistics ...\n") cat("\n") # Create two lists to store aimless keywords and merging statistics. stored_results <- list() stored_aimkeys <- list() # Run default POINTLESS and AIMLESS to load starting information cat("### Cycle 0 ###\n") tmp <- merge_datasets("FINAL_list_of_files.dat",selection=cln,suffix,pointless_keys,aimless_keys, hklref=idxref_char,resomax=resosel,rwin=rwin) if (!is.na(tmp[[1]]$Rmeas[1])) { stored_results <- c(stored_results,list(tmp[[1]])) stored_aimkeys <- c(stored_aimkeys,list(aimless_keys)) # Read AIMLESS log and store some info log_aimless <- paste(suffix[1],paste("aimless_",suffix[2],".log",sep=""),sep="/") contents_aimless <- scan(log_aimless,what="character",sep="\n",quiet=TRUE) # Rmeas, Rpim and Completeness for this (starting) cycle gRmeas <- grep("Rmeas (all",contents_aimless,fixed=TRUE) lineRmeas <- contents_aimless[gRmeas] tmpsplit <- strsplit(lineRmeas," ") idx <- which(nchar(tmpsplit[[1]]) != 0) Rmeas_values <- as.numeric(tmpsplit[[1]][idx[6:8]]) gRpim <- grep("Rpim (all",contents_aimless,fixed=TRUE) lineRpim <- contents_aimless[gRpim] tmpsplit <- strsplit(lineRpim," ") idx <- which(nchar(tmpsplit[[1]]) != 0) Rpim_values <- as.numeric(tmpsplit[[1]][idx[6:8]]) gCompleteness <- grep("Completeness ",contents_aimless,fixed=TRUE) lineCompleteness <- contents_aimless[gCompleteness] tmpsplit <- strsplit(lineCompleteness," ") idx <- which(nchar(tmpsplit[[1]]) != 0) Completeness_values <- as.numeric(tmpsplit[[1]][idx[2:4]]) stmp <- sprintf("Rmeas, Rpim and Completeness for this cycle: %10.3f, %10.3f, %10.1f\n",Rmeas_values[1],Rpim_values[1],Completeness_values[1]) cat(stmp) # Rmerge gRmerge <- grep("N Batch Mn(I) RMSdev I/rms Rmerge",contents_aimless,fixed=TRUE) istart <- gRmerge[1]+1 iend <- gRmerge[2]-2 line_Rmerge <- contents_aimless[istart:iend] tbl <- get_vectors_from_table(line_Rmerge,c(2,6,9)) # This bit is just to write out values to be loaded in an interactive R session # for testing #fff <- "./ddd.dat" #stmp <- sprintf("%6d %10.3f %8.3f %8.3f\n",tbl[1,1],tbl[1,2],tbl[1,3],tbl[1,4]) #cat(stmp,file=fff) #for (i in 2:length(tbl[,1])) #{ # stmp <- sprintf("%6d %10.3f %8.3f %8.3f\n",tbl[i,1],tbl[i,2],tbl[i,3],tbl[i,4]) # cat(stmp,file=fff,append=TRUE) #} # Store average Rmerge and Images per Run list_Rmerges <- list() list_Images <- list() # First exclusion plan lista <- pruning_plan(tbl,completeness,cutfraction,0) ini_ima <- lista$ini_ima fin_ima <- lista$fin_ima n_im_elim <- lista$n_im_elim neq <- lista$neq isel <- lista$isel list_Rmerges <- c(list_Rmerges,list(lista$mean_Rmerge)) list_Images <- c(list_Images,list(lista$Images)) rm(lista) if (neq[isel] == 0) { stmp <- "=> No images can be further eliminated without either decreasing target completeness or cancelling a whole dataset.\n" stmp <- paste(stmp," Cycles will be skipped.\n") cat(stmp) } if (neq[isel] > 0) { cat(paste("=> ",n_im_elim," images can be further eliminated without affecting completeness.\n")) cat(paste(" ",neq[isel]," images will be eliminated from run ",isel,".\n")) cat("\n") # Cycles icyc <- 0 repeat { icyc <- icyc+1 if (icyc > maxcycle) { stmp <- "=> Max. number of cycles reached.\n" stmp <- paste(stmp,"Cycles will be stopped\n") cat(stmp) break } cat(paste("### Cycle",icyc,"###\n")) # Load fixed aimless keywords gkeys1 <- grep("Input command lines",contents_aimless,fixed=TRUE) gkeys2 <- grep("End of input",contents_aimless,fixed=TRUE) aimless_keys <- contents_aimless[(gkeys1+1):(gkeys2-1)] idx <- which(aimless_keys == "END") if (length(idx) != 0) aimless_keys <- aimless_keys[-idx] # Additional line for aimless keywords to exclude images stmp <- paste("EXCLUDE BATCH",ini_ima,"TO",fin_ima) aim_keys <- aimless_keys aim_keys <- c(aim_keys,stmp,"END") tmp <- simple_merge_datasets(suffix,aim_keys,rwin=rwin) ### AIMLESS EXECUTION!!! stored_results <- c(stored_results,list(tmp[[1]])) stored_aimkeys <- c(stored_aimkeys,list(aim_keys)) if (is.na(tmp[[1]]$Rmeas[1])) { stmp <- "AIMLESS cannot converge to finite results.\n" cat(stmp) stmp <- "Cycles will be stopped.\n" cat(stmp) break } # Read AIMLESS log for next cycle and store some info log_aimless <- paste(suffix[1],paste("aimless_",suffix[2],".log",sep=""),sep="/") contents_aimless <- scan(log_aimless,what="character",sep="\n",quiet=TRUE) # Rpim and Completeness for this cycle gRmeas <- grep("Rmeas (all",contents_aimless,fixed=TRUE) lineRmeas <- contents_aimless[gRmeas] tmpsplit <- strsplit(lineRmeas," ") idx <- which(nchar(tmpsplit[[1]]) != 0) Rmeas_values <- as.numeric(tmpsplit[[1]][idx[6:8]]) gRpim <- grep("Rpim (all",contents_aimless,fixed=TRUE) lineRpim <- contents_aimless[gRpim] tmpsplit <- strsplit(lineRpim," ") idx <- which(nchar(tmpsplit[[1]]) != 0) Rpim_values <- as.numeric(tmpsplit[[1]][idx[6:8]]) gCompleteness <- grep("Completeness ",contents_aimless,fixed=TRUE) lineCompleteness <- contents_aimless[gCompleteness] tmpsplit <- strsplit(lineCompleteness," ") idx <- which(nchar(tmpsplit[[1]]) != 0) Completeness_values <- as.numeric(tmpsplit[[1]][idx[2:4]]) stmp <- sprintf("Rmeas, Rpim and Completeness for this cycle: %10.3f, %10.3f, %10.1f\n",Rmeas_values[1],Rpim_values[1],Completeness_values[1]) cat(stmp) # If completeness is below the input threshold stop and delete results for this cycle if (Completeness_values[1] < completeness) { stored_results[[length(stored_results)]] <- NULL stored_aimkeys[[length(stored_aimkeys)]] <- NULL stmp <- "=> No images can be further eliminated without either decreasing target completeness or cancelling a whole dataset.\n" stmp <- paste(stmp,"Cycles will be stopped\n") cat(stmp) break } # Rmerge and cumulative completeness gRmerge <- grep("N Batch Mn(I) RMSdev I/rms Rmerge",contents_aimless,fixed=TRUE) istart <- gRmerge[1]+1 iend <- gRmerge[2]-2 line_Rmerge <- contents_aimless[istart:iend] tbl <- get_vectors_from_table(line_Rmerge,c(2,6,9)) # This bit is just to write out values to be loaded in an interactive R session # for testing #fff <- "./ddd.dat" #stmp <- sprintf("%6d %10.3f %8.3f %8.3f\n",tbl[1,1],tbl[1,2],tbl[1,3],tbl[1,4]) #cat(stmp,file=fff) #for (i in 2:length(tbl[,1])) #{ # stmp <- sprintf("%6d %10.3f %8.3f %8.3f\n",tbl[i,1],tbl[i,2],tbl[i,3],tbl[i,4]) # cat(stmp,file=fff,append=TRUE) #} # Exclusion plan for next cycle lista <- pruning_plan(tbl,completeness,cutfraction,icyc) ini_ima <- lista$ini_ima fin_ima <- lista$fin_ima n_im_elim <- lista$n_im_elim neq <- lista$neq isel <- lista$isel list_Rmerges <- c(list_Rmerges,list(lista$mean_Rmerge)) list_Images <- c(list_Images,list(lista$Images)) rm(lista) if (neq[isel] == 0) { stmp <- "=> No images can be further eliminated without either decreasing target completeness or cancelling a whole dataset.\n" stmp <- paste(stmp,"Cycles will be stopped\n") cat(stmp) break } if (neq[isel] > 0) { cat(paste("=> ",n_im_elim," images can be further eliminated at the next cycle without affecting completeness.\n")) cat(paste(" ",neq[isel]," images will be eliminated from run ",isel,".\n")) cat("\n") } } } # Decide which cycle has been the best (for now in terms of Rpim) and re-run AIMLESS # job to store related results Rpims <- c() tCmpl <- c() for (icyc in 1:length(stored_results)) { Rpims <- c(Rpims,stored_results[[icyc]]$Rpim[1]) tCmpl <- c(tCmpl,stored_results[[icyc]]$Completeness[1]) } Rpims[Rpims < 0] <- NA idx <- which(Rpims == min(Rpims,na.rm=TRUE)) if (length(idx > 1)) # All this (and tCmpl) is because, accidentally, you can have two minimum Rpims { jdx <- which(tCmpl[idx] == max(tCmpl[idx])) idx <- idx[jdx[1]] } cat("\n") cat(paste("Best results have been produced at cycle",(idx-1),". Re-running that cycle ...\n")) if (idx == 1) { aimless_keys <- stored_aimkeys[[idx]] tmp <- merge_datasets("FINAL_list_of_files.dat",selection=cln,suffix,pointless_keys,aimless_keys, hklref=idxref_char,resomax=resosel,rwin=rwin) } if (idx > 1) { aim_keys <- stored_aimkeys[[idx]] tmp <- simple_merge_datasets(suffix,aim_keys,rwin=rwin) } } if (is.na(tmp[[1]]$Rmeas[1])) { cat("\n") stmp <- "Starting combination cannot be scaled by AIMLESS (see AIMLESS log). Review keywords and run BLEND again.\n" cat(stmp) } # Prepare and output table with Images and average Rmerge per run at every cycle tmp_n <- length(stored_aimkeys) tmp_m <- length(list_Images) ncycs_final <- min(tmp_n,tmp_m) nruns_final <- length(list_Images[[1]]) mat_Rmerges_final <- matrix(ncol=nruns_final,nrow=ncycs_final) mat_Images_final <- matrix(ncol=nruns_final,nrow=ncycs_final) for (i in 1:ncycs_final) { for (j in 1:nruns_final) { mat_Rmerges_final[i,j] <- list_Rmerges[[i]][j] mat_Images_final[i,j] <- list_Images[[i]][j] } } cat("\n") stmp <- "$TABLE: Image number per cycle for all datasets :\n" cat(stmp) stmp <- "$GRAPHS: Number of images per cycle :N:1" for (j in 2:(nruns_final+1)) { stmp <- paste(stmp,sprintf(",%d",j),sep="") } stmp <- paste(stmp,":\n",sep="") cat(stmp) cat("$$\n") stmp <- " Cycle" for (j in 1:nruns_final) { stmp <- paste(stmp,sprintf(" Dataset_%03d",cln[j]),sep="") } stmp <- paste(stmp," $$\n",sep="") cat(stmp) cat("$$\n") for (i in 1:ncycs_final) { stmp <- sprintf("%7d",i) for (j in 1:nruns_final) { stmp <- paste(stmp,sprintf(" %15d",mat_Images_final[i,j]),sep="") } stmp <- paste(stmp,"\n",sep="") cat(stmp) } cat("$$\n") cat("\n") stmp <- "$TABLE: Average Rmerge per cycle for all datasets :\n" cat(stmp) stmp <- "$GRAPHS: Average Rmerge per cycle :N:1" for (j in 2:(nruns_final+1)) { stmp <- paste(stmp,sprintf(",%d",j),sep="") } stmp <- paste(stmp,":\n",sep="") cat(stmp) cat("$$\n") stmp <- " Cycle" for (j in 1:nruns_final) { stmp <- paste(stmp,sprintf(" Dataset_%03d",cln[j]),sep="") } stmp <- paste(stmp," $$\n",sep="") cat(stmp) cat("$$\n") for (i in 1:ncycs_final) { stmp <- sprintf("%7d",i) for (j in 1:nruns_final) { stmp <- paste(stmp,sprintf("%15.3f",mat_Rmerges_final[i,j]),sep="") } stmp <- paste(stmp,"\n",sep="") cat(stmp) } cat("$$\n") cat("\n") } if (combination_type == 2) { # Group of datasets is constantly updated current_cln <- cln # Create two lists to store aimless keywords and merging statistics. stored_results <- list() stored_selections <- list() # Initial run of AIMLESS cat("### Cycle 0 ###\n") cat("No filtering for the initial cycle.\n") tmp <- merge_datasets("FINAL_list_of_files.dat",selection=current_cln,suffix,pointless_keys,aimless_keys, hklref=idxref_char,resomax=resosel,rwin=rwin) # Get table of average Rmerges per run if (!is.na(tmp[[1]]$Rmeas[1])) { stored_results <- c(stored_results,list(tmp[[1]])) stored_selections <- c(stored_selections,list(current_cln)) # Read AIMLESS log and store some info log_aimless <- paste(suffix[1],paste("aimless_",suffix[2],".log",sep=""),sep="/") contents_aimless <- scan(log_aimless,what="character",sep="\n",quiet=TRUE) # Rpim and Completeness for this (starting) cycle gRmeas <- grep("Rmeas (all",contents_aimless,fixed=TRUE) lineRmeas <- contents_aimless[gRmeas] tmpsplit <- strsplit(lineRmeas," ") idx <- which(nchar(tmpsplit[[1]]) != 0) Rmeas_values <- as.numeric(tmpsplit[[1]][idx[6:8]]) gRpim <- grep("Rpim (all",contents_aimless,fixed=TRUE) lineRpim <- contents_aimless[gRpim] tmpsplit <- strsplit(lineRpim," ") idx <- which(nchar(tmpsplit[[1]]) != 0) Rpim_values <- as.numeric(tmpsplit[[1]][idx[6:8]]) gCompleteness <- grep("Completeness ",contents_aimless,fixed=TRUE) lineCompleteness <- contents_aimless[gCompleteness] tmpsplit <- strsplit(lineCompleteness," ") idx <- which(nchar(tmpsplit[[1]]) != 0) Completeness_values <- as.numeric(tmpsplit[[1]][idx[2:4]]) stmp <- sprintf("Rmeas, Rpim and Completeness for this cycle: %10.3f, %10.3f, %10.1f\n",Rmeas_values[1],Rpim_values[1],Completeness_values[1]) cat(stmp) # Rmerge gRmerge <- grep("N Batch Mn(I) RMSdev I/rms Rmerge",contents_aimless,fixed=TRUE) istart <- gRmerge[1]+1 iend <- gRmerge[2]-2 line_Rmerge <- contents_aimless[istart:iend] tbl <- get_vectors_from_table(line_Rmerge,c(2,6,9)) # Store average Rmerge and Images per Run list_Rmerges <- list() list_Images <- list() # First exclusion plan lista <- pruning_plan(tbl,100,1,0) mean_Rmerge <- abs(lista$mean_Rmerge) list_Rmerges <- c(list_Rmerges,list(mean_Rmerge)) list_Images <- c(list_Images,list(lista$Images)) rm(lista) # Cycle through decreasing datasets icyc <- 0 repeat { icyc <- icyc+1 if (icyc > maxcycle) { stmp <- "=> Max. number of cycles reached.\n" stmp <- paste(stmp,"Cycles will be stopped\n") cat(stmp) break } if (length(mean_Rmerge) == 1) { stmp <- "=> No more datasets left to be processed. Filtering completed\n" cat(stmp) break } cat("\n") cat(paste("### Cycle",icyc,"###\n")) # Determine which dataset produced by the previous AIMLESS run has worst Rmerge idxrun <- which(mean_Rmerge == max(mean_Rmerge,na.rm=TRUE))[1] stmp <- sprintf("Filtering out dataset %d.\n",current_cln[idxrun]) cat(stmp) # Eliminate dataset from combination and re-run POINTLESS+AIMLESS current_cln <- current_cln[-idxrun] tmp <- merge_datasets("FINAL_list_of_files.dat",selection=current_cln,suffix,pointless_keys,aimless_keys, hklref=idxref_char,resomax=resosel,rwin=rwin) stored_results <- c(stored_results,list(tmp[[1]])) stored_selections <- c(stored_selections,list(current_cln)) if (is.na(tmp[[1]]$Rmeas[1])) { stmp <- "AIMLESS cannot converge to finite results.\n" cat(stmp) stmp <- "Cycles will be stopped.\n" cat(stmp) break } # Read AIMLESS log for next cycle and store some info log_aimless <- paste(suffix[1],paste("aimless_",suffix[2],".log",sep=""),sep="/") contents_aimless <- scan(log_aimless,what="character",sep="\n",quiet=TRUE) # Rpim and Completeness for this cycle gRmeas <- grep("Rmeas (all",contents_aimless,fixed=TRUE) lineRmeas <- contents_aimless[gRmeas] tmpsplit <- strsplit(lineRmeas," ") idx <- which(nchar(tmpsplit[[1]]) != 0) Rmeas_values <- as.numeric(tmpsplit[[1]][idx[6:8]]) gRpim <- grep("Rpim (all",contents_aimless,fixed=TRUE) lineRpim <- contents_aimless[gRpim] tmpsplit <- strsplit(lineRpim," ") idx <- which(nchar(tmpsplit[[1]]) != 0) Rpim_values <- as.numeric(tmpsplit[[1]][idx[6:8]]) gCompleteness <- grep("Completeness ",contents_aimless,fixed=TRUE) lineCompleteness <- contents_aimless[gCompleteness] tmpsplit <- strsplit(lineCompleteness," ") idx <- which(nchar(tmpsplit[[1]]) != 0) Completeness_values <- as.numeric(tmpsplit[[1]][idx[2:4]]) stmp <- sprintf("Rmeas, Rpim and Completeness for this cycle: %10.3f, %10.3f, %10.1f\n",Rmeas_values[1],Rpim_values[1],Completeness_values[1]) cat(stmp) # If completeness is below the input threshold stop and delete results for this cycle if (Completeness_values[1] < completeness) { stored_results[[length(stored_results)]] <- NULL stored_selections[[length(stored_selections)]] <- NULL stmp <- "=> This datasets cannot be eliminated without decreasing target completeness.\n" stmp <- paste(stmp,"Cycles will be stopped\n") cat(stmp) break } # Rmerge gRmerge <- grep("N Batch Mn(I) RMSdev I/rms Rmerge",contents_aimless,fixed=TRUE) istart <- gRmerge[1]+1 iend <- gRmerge[2]-2 line_Rmerge <- contents_aimless[istart:iend] #tbl <- get_vectors_from_table(line_Rmerge,c(2,6,9,13)) tbl <- get_vectors_from_table(line_Rmerge,c(2,6,9)) # Exclusion plan for next cycle lista <- pruning_plan(tbl,100,1,icyc) mean_Rmerge <- abs(lista$mean_Rmerge) list_Rmerges <- c(list_Rmerges,list(mean_Rmerge)) list_Images <- c(list_Images,list(lista$Images)) rm(lista) } # Collect all results and decide which one to select Rpims <- c() tCmpl <- c() for (icyc in 1:length(stored_results)) { Rpims <- c(Rpims,stored_results[[icyc]]$Rpim[1]) tCmpl <- c(tCmpl,stored_results[[icyc]]$Completeness[1]) } Rpims[Rpims < 0] <- NA idx <- which(Rpims == min(Rpims,na.rm=TRUE)) if (length(idx > 1)) # All this (and tCmpl) is because, accidentally, you can have two minimum Rpims { jdx <- which(tCmpl[idx] == max(tCmpl[idx])) idx <- idx[jdx[1]] } cat("\n") cat(paste("Best results have been produced at cycle",(idx-1),". Re-running that cycle ...\n")) current_cln <- stored_selections[[idx]] tmp <- merge_datasets("FINAL_list_of_files.dat",selection=current_cln,suffix,pointless_keys,aimless_keys, hklref=idxref_char,resomax=resosel,rwin=rwin) # Output table with Rpim and Rmeas for each cycle ncycs <- length(stored_results) cat("\n") cat("$TABLE: Rmeas and Rpim for all cycles :\n") cat("$GRAPHS: Overall Rmeas and Rpim :N:1,2,3:\n") cat("$$\n") cat(" Cycle Rmeas Rpim $$\n") cat("$$\n") for (icyc in 1:ncycs) { stmp <- sprintf("%10d %15.3f %15.3f\n",(icyc-1),stored_results[[icyc]]$Rmeas[1],stored_results[[icyc]]$Rpim[1]) cat(stmp) } cat("$$\n") cat("\n") # Before moving on to final part of the program, copy chosen cln to cln cln <- current_cln } # Terminate if no results come from initial scaling if (is.na(tmp[[1]]$Rmeas[1])) { cat("\n") stmp <- "Starting combination cannot be scaled by AIMLESS (see AIMLESS log). Review keywords and run BLEND again.\n" cat(stmp) } } # Carry on with displaying results cat("\n") cat(" Statistics for this group:\n") # Change row names for display purpose rownames(tmp[[1]]) <- c("Overall","InnerShell","OuterShell") print(tmp[[1]]) if (is.na(tmp[[1]][1,1])) cat(paste("WARNING! No result could be produced for this group, due to a problem with either POINTLESS or AIMLESS.\n", " You can try and explore why in directory (see documentation).\n\n",sep="")) # Add to what's already included in "combined_files" directory cat("\n") if (file.exists(outdir)) { # If object groups_info exists, create file GROUPS.info and dump existing stuff if (exists("groups_info")) { mtmp <- paste(outdir,"/GROUPS.info",sep="") if (file.exists(mtmp)) emptyc <- file.remove(mtmp) linea <- paste(groups_info[1],"\n",sep="") cat(linea,file=mtmp) for (i in 2:length(groups_info)) { linea <- paste(groups_info[i],"\n",sep="") cat(linea,file=mtmp,append=TRUE) } } # If object merging_statistics_info exists, create file MERGING_STATISTICS.info and dump existing stuff if (exists("merging_statistics_info")) { mtmp <- paste(outdir,"/MERGING_STATISTICS.info",sep="") if (file.exists(mtmp)) emptyc <- file.remove(mtmp) linea <- paste(merging_statistics_info[1],"\n",sep="") cat(linea,file=mtmp) for (i in 2:length(merging_statistics_info)) { linea <- paste(merging_statistics_info[i],"\n",sep="") cat(linea,file=mtmp,append=TRUE) } } # Now add this result to existing files, or write new files if first result if (!exists("groups_info")) { mtmp <- paste(outdir,"/GROUPS.info",sep="") linea <- sprintf("********* Group %d *********\n",(length(gidx)+1)) cat(linea,file=mtmp,append=TRUE) for (k in cln) { jcn <- which(maindf$cn == k) linea <- sprintf("%-100s %5.0f %5.0f\n",filenames[as.integer(k),],maindf[jcn,"cn"],maindf[jcn,"batch"]) cat(linea,file=mtmp,append=T) } } if (exists("groups_info")) { mtmp <- paste(outdir,"/GROUPS.info",sep="") linea <- sprintf("********* Group %d *********\n",(length(gidx)+1)) cat(linea,file=mtmp,append=T) for (k in cln) { jcn <- which(maindf$cn == k) linea <- sprintf("%-100s %5.0f %5.0f\n",filenames[as.integer(k),],maindf[jcn,"cn"],maindf[jcn,"batch"]) cat(linea,file=mtmp,append=T) } } # Extract CC1/2 and Mn2 and add them to tmp (other statistics) if (!is.null(tmp[[2]]) & length(tmp[[2]]) > 0) { gCC12 <- grep("from half-dataset correlation CC(1/2)",tmp[[2]],fixed=TRUE) lineCC12 <- tmp[[2]][gCC12][1] stmp <- strsplit(lineCC12,">")[[1]][2] stmp <- strsplit(stmp,"=") stmp <- gsub("\\s","",stmp[[1]][2]) lstmp <- strsplit(stmp,"A") CC12 <- as.numeric(lstmp[[1]][1]) } if (is.null(tmp[[2]]) | length(tmp[[2]]) == 0) CC12 <- NA # Extract Mn2 if (!is.null(tmp[[2]]) & length(tmp[[2]]) > 0) { gMn2 <- grep("from Mn(I/sd) > 1.50:",tmp[[2]],fixed=TRUE) lineMn2 <- tmp[[2]][gMn2][1] stmp <- strsplit(lineMn2,"=")[[1]][2] stmp <- gsub("\\s","",stmp) Mn2 <- as.numeric(substr(stmp,1,(nchar(stmp)-1))) } if (is.null(tmp[[2]]) | length(tmp[[2]]) == 0) Mn2 <- NA extra_tmp <- data.frame(CC12=CC12,Mn2=Mn2) logdframe <- data.frame() if (!exists("merging_statistics_info")) { mtmp <- paste(outdir,"/MERGING_STATISTICS.info",sep="") linea <- sprintf("######################################################################################################################\n") cat(linea,file=mtmp) linea <- sprintf("######################################################################################################################\n") cat(linea,file=mtmp,append=TRUE) linea <- sprintf("###################################### MERGING STATISTICS FOR ALL INPUT GROUPS #######################################\n") cat(linea,file=mtmp,append=TRUE) linea <- sprintf("######################################################################################################################\n") cat(linea,file=mtmp,append=TRUE) linea <- sprintf("######################################################################################################################\n") cat(linea,file=mtmp,append=TRUE) linea <- " \n" cat(linea,file=mtmp,append=TRUE) linea <- sprintf(" Group Comple- Multi- Reso Reso Reso\n") cat(linea,file=mtmp,append=T) linea <- sprintf(" Number Rmeas Rpim teness plicity CC1/2 Mn(I/sd) Max\n") cat(linea,file=mtmp,append=T) linea <- sprintf(" %3d %7.3f %7.3f %6.2f %6.2f %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f\n", (length(gidx)+1),tmp[[1]][1,1],tmp[[1]][1,2],tmp[[1]][1,3],tmp[[1]][1,4],extra_tmp[1,1],extra_tmp[1,2],tmp[[1]][1,6]) cat(linea,file=mtmp,append=TRUE) logdframe <- rbind(logdframe,cbind(1,tmp[[1]][1,c(1,2,3,4)],extra_tmp[1,],tmp[[1]][1,6])) } if (exists("merging_statistics_info")) { mtmp <- paste(outdir,"/MERGING_STATISTICS.info",sep="") linea <- sprintf(" %3d %7.3f %7.3f %6.2f %6.2f %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f\n", (length(gidx)+1),tmp[[1]][1,1],tmp[[1]][1,2],tmp[[1]][1,3],tmp[[1]][1,4],extra_tmp[1,1],extra_tmp[1,2],tmp[[1]][1,6]) cat(linea,file=mtmp,append=TRUE) logdframe <- rbind(logdframe,read.table(mtmp,skip=8)) } } # Output for logview tmpdframe <- logdframe if (length(logdframe[,1]) > 1) logdframe <- tmpdframe[order(-tmpdframe[,4],tmpdframe[,2],na.last=TRUE),] if (length(logdframe[,1]) == 1) rownames(logdframe) <- "1" # Fix logdframe temporarily linea <- sprintf("$TABLE: Overall merging statistics and completeness :\n") # For logview cat(linea) # For logview linea <- sprintf("$GRAPHS: Overall merging statistics :N:1,3,4:\n") # For logview cat(linea) # For logview linea <- sprintf(" : Overall completeness :N:1,5:\n") # For logview cat(linea) # For logview linea <- sprintf(" : Resolutions (CC1/2, Mn2, Max):N:1,7,8,9:\n") # For logview cat(linea) # For logview linea <- sprintf("$$\n") # For logview cat(linea) # For logview linea <- sprintf(" Index Group Rmeas Rpim Compl. Multip. Res_CC1/2 Res_Mn(I/sd) Res_Max $$\n") # For logview cat(linea) linea <- sprintf("$$\n") # For logview cat(linea) # For logview for (i in 1:length(logdframe[,1])) { j <- as.integer(rownames(logdframe)[i]) linea2 <- sprintf(" %3d %3d %7.3f %7.3f %6.2f %6.2f %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f\n", i,logdframe[i,1],logdframe[i,2],logdframe[i,3],logdframe[i,4],logdframe[i,5],logdframe[i,6],logdframe[i,7],logdframe[i,8]) cat(linea2) # For logview } linea <- sprintf("$$\n") # For logview cat(linea) # For logview linea <- sprintf("\n") # For logview cat(linea) # Exit without saving q(save = "no", status = 0, runLast = FALSE)