from __future__ import with_statement import os,sys,copy,re from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET import subprocess,Queue,threading,time from distutils import spawn import common,inout from data import data_container class program(object): """base program class""" binary=None name=None stat={} references=() # modifier (eg '-', '--') to be added to the front of each program argument modif='' # True if the program uses spaces between argument and its value, False otherwise (eg -s 1 vs -s1) arg_divided=True # prefix added to (the front of) output labels of the program labelout_prefix='' # log filename extension log_suffix='.log' # if True then new mtz file is created on "merge" even if we only have a single mtz file # the difference is that only specified labels will be included (useful eg for clipper progs # which seem to work incorrectly if a label is to be created that already exists in input mtz) always_merge=False # merging can be skipped for programs that support multiple input mtz never_merge=False # merging behaviour for reflections with no data in the merged file: True=keeping, False=purging keep_nodata=False # run directory is assigned immediately as the program instance is added to its process parent. Use with care always_rundir=False # ccp4 parsing - if yes then setting/comparison is done on the first 4 capitalized chars keys and capitalized args ccp4_parsing=False # ccp4 keys (only) parsing - if yes then setting/comparison is done on the first 4 capitalized chars keys (args unchanged) ccp4_keys_parsing=False # if True then continuous output parsing (using Interact_output() member function) is enabled # should be only used when needed as it comes with some performance drawbacks interact_output = False # list of supported (virtual) parameters (disabled for programs as of now) supported_params = {} supported_params['binary'] = common.parameter( desc='Specifies the binary to be used for the program', typ=str ) def __init__(self, parent_process, xmlelem=None, inpline=None, dummy=False): self.nick=self.__class__.__name__ self.process = parent_process self.rundir=None if self.runname=re.sub('\W+', '', else: self.runname="prog" self.inp = inout.input_output(is_output=False,parent=self) self.out = inout.input_output(is_output=True,parent=self) # dictionary of 'virtual' parameters self.param = {} # dictionary of (actual) program keywords (passed to the program as input) self.key = {} # dictionary of (actual) program arguments (passed to the program from the command line) self.arg = {} # list of all keys and args - the args and keys will be used in this order in the run of the program self.arg_list = [] self.key_list = [] # program specific environment may be set here self.env={} self.init_xmlelem = None if xmlelem is not None: self.XMLElemInit(xmlelem,dummy) elif inpline is not None: self.InputElemInit(inpline,dummy) if not dummy: self.Init() def Init(self): """Custom initialization of the program can be placed here""" pass def CheckBinary(self, silent=False, try_run=False): """Checks existence of binary of the program. If 'silent' then False is returned on non-existence otherwise error message is printed (False by default) If 'try_run' then an attempt is made to run the binary with no args and errors reported if not 'silent' """ if not spawn.find_executable(self.binary): if silent: return False else: common.Error('Binary {0} for program {1} does not exist.'.format(self.binary, if try_run: self.SetRunDir('checkbinary') self.runname='{0}_version'.format(' binary problem: ' try: self.ExternalRun( [self.binary,], [] ) except Exception as e: bin_issue += str(e) if 'Permission denied' in str(e): bin_issue+='. Please make the binary executable.' sys.exc_clear() if silent: return False else: common.Error(bin_issue) return True @classmethod def from_xml(cls, xml, parent_process): """Create program instance from XML file or XML tree object""" if isinstance(xml, file) or isinstance(xml, basestring): xml=common.ReadXML(xml) inst = cls( xml, parent_process ) return inst @classmethod def from_name(cls, prognick, parent, xmlelem=None, inpline=None, dummy=False): """Create specific (derived) program instance from the (nick)name of the program""" try: # import the specific program/process setattr(sys.modules[__name__], 'programs', __import__('programs.'+prognick)) except (AttributeError,ImportError): common.Error('Program {0} not supported (check the spelling)'.format(prognick)) try: # create an instance of the program inst = getattr(sys.modules['programs.'+prognick], prognick)(parent,xmlelem,inpline,dummy=dummy) except (AttributeError,KeyError): common.Error('Error when creating program {0} instance.'.format(prognick)) else: return inst def XMLElemInit(self, xelem, dummy=False): """Read input, parameters definitions from XML into Crank object""" tags=["inp","out","param","key","arg"] for xchild in xelem: if xchild.tag in tags: if xchild.tag=="inp": self.inp.XMLElemInit(xchild,dummy=dummy) elif xchild.tag=="out": self.out.XMLElemInit(xchild,dummy=dummy) elif xchild.tag in ("param","key","arg"): for xparam in list(xchild): self.SetParam( xparam.tag, common.AutoConvert(xparam.text), is_key=xchild.tag=="key", is_arg=xchild.tag=="arg" ) else: common.Error('Wrong tag when parsing XML for program {0}: {1}'.format(,xchild.tag)) self.init_xmlelem = xelem def InputElemInit(self, input_line, dummy=False): """Read input, parameters definitions from the input line into the Crank object Consumes those tokens that were used, stops at first token that cannot be used """ while input_line: token=input_line[0] input_line.remove(token) if token in [ sc.__name__ for sc in data_container.__subclasses__() ]: self.inp.AddCopy( data_container.from_name(token, inpline=input_line), propagate=not dummy ) elif '::' in token: key,sep,val = token.partition('::') self.SetParam( key, common.AutoConvert(val) ) elif ':' in token: key,sep,val = token.partition(':') self.AddToKey( key, common.AutoConvert(val) ) elif ';' in token: key,sep,val = token.partition(';') self.AddToArg( key, common.AutoConvert(val) ) # this is a workaround for ccp4i1 - an alternative way to pass keywords to the program elif token.startswith('keywords=') or token.startswith('keyword='): trash,sep,keyval = token.partition('=') key,sep,val = keyval.partition(' ') key,val = key.strip(),val.strip() if val=='': val=True if key and token.startswith('keyword'): self.AddToKey( key, common.AutoConvert(val) ) else: input_line.insert(0,token) break def Data2XML(self, ET_element): """Convert the actual program object into XML""" xroot = ET.SubElement(ET_element,'program') xroot.text=self.__class__.__name__ for t in ('param','key','arg'): if getattr(self,t): xt = ET.SubElement(xroot,t) if hasattr(self,t+'_list'): num={} for key in getattr(self,t): num[key]=0 for key in getattr(self,t+'_list'): ET.SubElement(xt, key).text = str( getattr(self,t)[key].value[num[key]] ) num[key]+=1 else: for key,par in self.param.iteritems(): ET.SubElement(xt, key).text = str(par.value[0]) for obj in [self.inp, self.out]: obj.Data2XML(xroot) def GetFileList(self, objects, filetype='mtz'): # returns list of (unique) names of files of given type from the inputted objects filelist = [] for o in objects: f=o.GetFile(filetype) if f and is not None and not in filelist: filelist.append( return filelist def GetUniqueLabels(self, objects, filelist=None, allow_multiple=False): # returns unique labels for inputted objects if filelist is None: filelist=self.GetFileList(objects) # get the list of all labels for each mtz file lbl, lbl_uniq = dict([(f,[]) for f in filelist]), {} for f in filelist: # first creating a dictionary with filenames as keys and list of labels as values for o in objects: if o.GetFile('mtz') and o.GetFile('mtz').name==f: lbl[f].extend( [o.GetLabel(c) for c in o.col_list if o.GetLabel(c)] ) all_labels=[l for f in filelist for l in lbl[f]] for f in filelist: # now assigning unique labels if not allow_multiple: lbl[f] = [l for i,l in enumerate(lbl[f]) if lbl[f].index(l)==i] prev_uniq = [l for f2 in filelist if f2 in lbl_uniq for l in lbl_uniq[f2]] lbl_uniq[f] = [] for l in lbl[f]: suf=0 l_new=l while l_new in prev_uniq or l_new in lbl_uniq[f] or (suf>0 and l_new in all_labels): suf+=1 l_new=l+'_'+str(suf) lbl_uniq[f].append(l_new) return lbl,lbl_uniq def MergeMTZ(self, *objects, **options): """Determines whether the mtz file(s) of inputted objects require adjustment or merging. Consistency of dname/xname in mtz files and parent object is checked before the actual merge. In case of inconsistency and/or multiple input mtz files the adjustment and/or merging is done (this behaviour can be modified by 'force_merge' and 'no_check' options) If a merging/adjustment is done then the merged/adjusted mtz file is returned. If no merging/adjustment done then the input mtz file(s) or None (no input mtz files) is returned. The input objects are adjusted to point to the new merged/adjusted mtz file. Any label conflicts are resolved by numerical suffix addition. """ force_merge=options.pop('force_merge',False) no_check=options.pop('no_check',False) keep_nodata=options.pop('keep_nodata',self.keep_nodata) filelist=self.GetFileList(objects) # determine whether the xname/dname consistency check is needed consistent=None if no_check or self.never_merge or \ all(o.xname==o.default_unknown and o.dname==o.default_unknown for o in objects): # consistency check not needed consistent=True cons_check_suff=False self.files_before_merge=[] if self.never_merge and not force_merge: # merging is never done and multiple files are possible return filelist elif len(filelist)==1 and not self.always_merge and not force_merge: if consistent: # no mtz merging/adjusting is necessary return filelist[0] else: # if consistency test passes then no mtz merging/adjusting will be necessary cons_check_suff=True if len(filelist)>=1: # mtz merging/adjusting mergemtz_proc=self.process.AddProcess('mergemtz',propagate_inp=False,propagate_out=False) for o in objects: mergemtz_proc.inp.Add(o) mergemtz_proc.Run( consistent=consistent, cons_check_suff=cons_check_suff, \ keep_nodata=keep_nodata, prog=self ) outmtz=mergemtz_proc.out.Get(filetype='mtz').GetFileName('mtz') # adjust the mtz files and labels to point to the merged file for all the objects if outmtz!=filelist[0] or len(filelist)>1: for o in objects: f=o.GetFile('mtz') if f and is not None and in mergemtz_proc.lbl: for i,l in enumerate(mergemtz_proc.lbl[]): for k,l2 in o.label.iteritems(): if l2==l and l!=mergemtz_proc.lbl_uniq[][i]: o.SetLabel(k,mergemtz_proc.lbl_uniq[][i],ignore_prefix=True) self.files_before_merge.append((o, = outmtz self.process.processes.remove(mergemtz_proc) return outmtz else: return None def BackupAnyPars(self): # backups all actual parameters into private tmp arrays self.partmp, self.argtmp, self.keytmp = copy.deepcopy(self.param), copy.deepcopy(self.arg), copy.deepcopy(self.key) self.arglsttmp, self.keylsttmp = copy.deepcopy(self.arg_list), copy.deepcopy(self.key_list) return (copy.deepcopy(self.param), copy.deepcopy(self.arg), copy.deepcopy(self.key), \ copy.deepcopy(self.arg_list), copy.deepcopy(self.key_list)) class RestoreParamsError(Exception): pass def RestoreAnyPars(self,rest_list=None): # restores the previously backuped parameters from private tmp arrays if rest_list is not None: self.param, self.arg, self.key = copy.deepcopy(rest_list[0]), copy.deepcopy(rest_list[1]), copy.deepcopy(rest_list[2]) self.arg_list, self.key_list = copy.deepcopy(rest_list[3]), copy.deepcopy(rest_list[4]) else: try: self.param, self.arg, self.key = copy.deepcopy(self.partmp), copy.deepcopy(self.argtmp), copy.deepcopy(self.keytmp) self.arg_list, self.key_list = copy.deepcopy(self.arglsttmp), copy.deepcopy(self.keylsttmp) except AttributeError: raise self.RestoreParamsError('Restoring backup parameters failed, backup does not exist.') def SetRunDir(self,rundir=None,error_on_failure=True): self.previous_cwd=os.getcwd() if rundir is not None: self.rundir=rundir else: rd_obj=self.process while self.rundir is None and rd_obj is not None: self.rundir=rd_obj.rundir if self.rundir is None: rd_obj=rd_obj.parent_process elif len(self.process.programs+self.process.processes)>1 or rd_obj!=self.process: self.rundir=os.path.join(self.rundir,self.nick) if self.rundir is None: if error_on_failure: common.Error('Run directory for program {0} could not be set as it is not set for its parent process {1}'. format(, else: return if not os.path.isdir(self.rundir): os.mkdir(self.rundir) if not os.path.isabs(self.rundir): self.rundir=os.path.abspath(self.rundir) os.chdir(self.rundir) def CatchMTZObjects(self): # catch MTZ objects by performing the actual input and param treatment and keeping track of used MTZ for o in self.inp.GetAll(try_convert=False): o.mtzfile_asked_before[]=o.mtzfile_asked o.mtzfile_asked=False self.TreatParams() self.TreatInput() self.RestoreAnyPars() result = [o for o in self.inp.GetAll(try_convert=False) if o.mtzfile_asked] for o in self.inp.GetAll(try_convert=False): o.mtzfile_asked=o.mtzfile_asked_before[] self.caught_mtz_objs=result return result def Run(self,rundir=None,restore=True,clear_out=True,check_bin=False,lock=None): """run the program""" if check_bin: self.CheckBinary() self.SetRunDir(rundir) self.BackupAnyPars() if clear_out: self.out.ClearAll(propagate=False) # merge and treat parameters and input self.MergeMTZ( *self.CatchMTZObjects() ) self.TreatParams() self.TreatInput() #define and treat output self.DefineOutput() self.TreatOutput() if self.GetCrankParent() and self.GetCrankParent().logfilehandle: self.GetCrankParent(prep=True).Info("{0}Going to run program {1}, script {2}.".format( \ ' '*self.GetNumParents(),, self.GetScrFileName(relative=self.GetCrankParent())), stdout=False) self.CheckParamAccess() # create the actual script args, scr_lines = self.GetRunLists() # run! log = self.ExternalRun(args,scr_lines,lock=lock) # return to unprocessed parameters for case we will want to rerun if restore: self.RestoreAnyPars() # return to original filenames before the merge # disabled: it is a bug in case the labels are changed! the original input filenames can be found in files_before_merge. #for o,fname in self.files_before_merge: # o.GetFile('mtz').name=fname # return to the previous working directory os.chdir(self.previous_cwd) return log def GetStat(self, stat, param=[], accept_none=False, param_escape=True, multiple=False): """Returns the requested statistics; assumes the regexp/xpath has been specified in program class attribute dictionary stat""" result = self.GetStatXML(stat,multiple=multiple) if result is not None: return result result = self.GetStatGrep(stat,param,param_escape=param_escape,multiple=multiple) if result is not None or accept_none or self.stat[stat].accept_none: return result else: common.Error('The requested statistics {0} could not be obtained for program {1}'.format(stat, def GetStatGrep(self, stat, param=[], from_str=None, param_escape=True, multiple=False): if from_str is None: logfile=self.GetLogFileName() if not logfile: common.Warning("{0} logfile of program {1} could not be found.".format(logfile, return None if os.path.getsize(logfile)>100000000: common.Warning("{0} logfile of program {1} too big for grepping.".format(logfile, return None if stat not in self.stat or self.stat[stat].regexp is None: common.Warning("No definition for grepping stat {0} of program {1}.".format(stat, return None f = open(logfile,"r") from_str = if param: import collections if isinstance(param, basestring) or not isinstance(param, collections.Iterable): param = [param,] if param_escape: param = [re.escape(str(p)) for p in param] value=[] if isinstance(self.stat[stat].regexp, basestring): self.stat[stat].regexp = [self.stat[stat].regexp,] for gs in self.stat[stat].regexp: value.extend( re.findall(gs.format(*param), from_str) ) if value: if self.stat[stat].multiple or multiple: value=[self.stat[stat].ConvertIfAsked(v) for v in value] else: value=self.stat[stat].ConvertIfAsked(value[-1]) else: if not self.stat[stat].multiple or multiple: value=None #common.Warning("Grepping stat {0} of program {1} not succesfull.".format(stat, return value def GetStatXML(self, stat, multiple=False): value=None xmlobj=self.out.Get(filetype='xml') if not xmlobj or stat not in self.stat or self.stat[stat].xpath is None: return None else: xmlfile=xmlobj.GetFileName('xml') try: xtree = ET.ElementTree( file=xmlfile ) value = xtree.findall(self.stat[stat].xpath) except Exception: sys.exc_clear() if not value: try: tag_split = self.stat[stat].xpath.split('/',1) elems = xtree.findall(tag_split[1]) except Exception: sys.exc_clear() if not value: if not self.stat[stat].multiple or multiple: return None return [] else: attr=self.stat[stat].attrib if self.stat[stat].multiple or multiple: return [self.stat[stat].ConvertIfAsked(v.attrib[attr] if attr else v.text) for v in value] else: return self.stat[stat].ConvertIfAsked(value[-1].attrib[attr] if attr else value[-1].text) def Clean(self, *files): if not self.debug: for f in files: if os.path.isfile(f): os.remove(f) def TreatInput(self): """Translates actual program input into keyworded program input; (mtz) file names and labels must retrieved using container's GetFileName(),GetLabel() methods in order for automatic merging to work properly """ pass def TreatParams(self): """Translates 'virtual' parameters into program keywords""" if 'binary' in self.param: self.binary=self.GetParam('binary') def TreatOutput(self): """Translates actual program output definition into keyworded program output""" pass def DefineOutput(self): """Defines program output (as a function of input and parameters)""" pass def CheckOutput(self): pass # checks whether the defined output files do not exist already #for of in [ f for o in self.out.GetAll() for f in o.GetFiles() ]: # while os.path.isfile( #if os.path.isfile( # if the file exists already then check whether it is used by any other object of this step #greatest_parent=self.process #while greatest_parent.parent_process is not None: # greatest_parent=greatest_parent.parent_process #loop over a list of all objects anywhere in the process/program tree of this step #for p in greatest_parent.GetFlatSubTree(): # #print 'debug',p.nick # if p!=self: # for o in p.inp.GetAll()+p.out.GetAll(): # #print 'debug2',o.nick # if in [ for f in o.GetFiles()] and o not in self.out.GetAll(): # common.Warning('File {0} already exists'.format( # break def GetFlatSubTree(self,lst=None): if lst is None: lst=[] lst.append(self) return lst def CheckParamAccess(self): """Checks whether all the inputted 'virtual' parameters have been evaluated""" for parname,parinst in self.param.iteritems(): if not parinst.is_key and not parinst.is_arg and not parinst.accessed: common.Warning('Virtual parameter {0} has not been used by program {1}.'.format(parname, def AddArgKeyToList(self, par, is_key, is_arg, ins=None): # Adding the arg/key to the list of args/keys if is_arg: if ins is None: self.arg_list.append(par) else: self.arg_list.insert(ins,par) elif is_key: if ins is None: self.key_list.append(par) else: self.key_list.insert(ins,par) def RemoveArgKeyFromList(self, par, is_key, is_arg): # Removes the arg/key from the list of args/keys (if set multiple times then removes all the settings) if is_arg or is_key: if is_arg: self.arg_list = [p for p in self.arg_list if p!=par] else: self.key_list = [p for p in self.key_list if p!=par] def GetParParsingStyle(self, par, is_key, is_arg): if (self.ccp4_parsing or self.ccp4_keys_parsing) and (is_key or is_arg): return self.GetParCCP4(par, is_key, self.ccp4_parsing) return par def GetParCCP4(self, par, is_key, full_ccp4_parsing=True): # Return the inputted parameter (key/arg) in the CCP4 style - first 4 capitalized characters # unmodified key/arg returned if it contains spaces if ' ' in par: return par elif is_key: return par[:4].upper() elif full_ccp4_parsing: return par.upper() return par def GetParArray(self, is_key=None, is_arg=None): # Returns the key/arg/virtpar dictionary based on whether we deal with a key,arg or virtpar array=self.param if is_key: array=self.key elif is_arg: array=self.arg return array def GetSupportedParam(self,par): # specific virtual parameters for programs disabled as of now except of the general program # subclass ones; we can enable when they are needed. if par in program.supported_params: self.supported_params[par] = program.supported_params[par] return par else: common.Error('Cannot set parameter {0} to program {1}: (virtual) parameters can be only set for a process.'.format( par, def ConvRelPath(self, value): # called by SetParam() to convert path to relative path to self.rundir try: iter(value) except TypeError: sys.exc_clear() else: if isinstance(value,basestring): value = [value,] else: value = list(value) for i,v in enumerate(value): if isinstance(v,basestring): v=v.strip('"\'') if len(os.path.commonprefix([self.rundir,v]))>5 and len(os.path.relpath(v, self.rundir))= len(array[keyarg].value): array[keyarg].multuse = 0 if val is not False and val is not None: try: # if multiple values then call recursively if isinstance(val,basestring): raise TypeError for i,v in enumerate(val): add_keyarg=True if i>0: add_keyarg=False self.Add2Args(keyarg,v,args,is_key,add_keyarg=add_keyarg,multiple=False) except TypeError: if add_keyarg: modif='' if is_key or ignore_modif else self.modif value='' if self.arg_divided or val is True else str(val) args.append(modif+keyarg+value) if val is not True and self.arg_divided: args.append(str(val)) sys.exc_clear() def GetNumParents(self): # returns the number of parents of the process (the length of the shortest path to the top of the tree) numpar=0 proc=self.process while proc: proc=proc.parent_process numpar+=1 return numpar def GetCrankParent(self,prep=None): # returns the (main) crank process proc=self.process while proc: proc_save=proc proc=proc.parent_process if proc_save.nick=='crank': if prep and hasattr(proc_save,'prep'): return proc_save.prep else: return proc_save return None def AddToRunLists(self, arg_list, key_list, args, scr_lines): """Adds specified args/keywords to the args tuple and keyword lines tuple""" temp=[] for key in key_list: if self.IsKey(key): self.Add2Args(key, self.GetKey(key,ind=self.key[key].multuse), temp, is_key=1) if temp: scr_lines.append(' '.join(temp)) temp=[] for arg in arg_list: if self.IsArg(arg): self.Add2Args(arg, self.GetArg(arg,ind=self.arg[arg].multuse), args, is_key=0, \ ignore_modif=self.arg[arg].GetModifIgnorance(ind=self.arg[arg].multuse) ) def GetRunLists(self): """Returns a pair consisting of the actual args tuple and the actual keyword lines tuple, ready to be inputted to run of the program """ if not self.binary: common.Error('No binary defined for program {0}'.format(self.nick)) args, scr_lines = [self.binary,], [] self.InitRunLists() self.AddToRunLists(self.arg_list, self.key_list, args, scr_lines) return (args,scr_lines) def GetLogFileName(self): return os.path.join(self.rundir, self.runname+self.log_suffix) def GetScrFileName(self,relative=None): path = os.path.join(self.rundir, self.runname+'_input') if relative: return os.path.relpath( path, os.path.commonprefix([relative.rundir, path]) ) else: return path class ProgramRunError(Exception): pass def queued_output(self,out,queue): for line in iter(out.readline, ''): queue.put(line) out.close() class prog_run(object): # dummy object collecting the run meta-attributes pass # the lock for interactive processing lock_int=threading.Lock() # unified routine for external program calling def ExternalRun(self, args, inp_scr_lines, clean=1, lock=None): #clean = 0 if self.debug>1 else 1 self.prun=self.prog_run() clean=0 if self.rundir is None: self.rundir=os.getcwd() for e in os.environ: if e not in self.env: self.env[e]=os.environ[e] envs = [ "{0}={1}".format(e,self.env[e]) for e in self.env if e not in os.environ or os.environ[e]!=self.env[e] ] #for i,a in enumerate(args[1:]): # if pwd and len(os.path.commonprefix([pwd,a]))>5 and len(os.path.relpath(a, pwd))