set acedrg_ccp4i [FileJoin [GetEnvPath CCP4] bin acedrg] # Set commandline scripts set cmd "[BinPath ccp4-python] -u $acedrg_ccp4i " # Append the command line files with input files according to the working mode if { [StringSame $ACEDRG_MODE LIG_GEN] } { if {[StringSame $LIGGEN_MODE SMI] } { append cmd " -i $SMILESIN " } if {[StringSame $LIGGEN_MODE MMC]} { append cmd " -c $MMCIFIN " } if {[StringSame $LIGGEN_MODE MOL]} { append cmd " -m $MOLIN " } if {[StringSame $LIGGEN_MODE MOL2]} { append cmd " -g $MOL2IN " } if { ![StringSame $MONOM_ID "" "UNL"] } { append cmd " -r $MONOM_ID " } } if { [StringSame $ACEDRG_MODE MOL_GEN] } { if {[StringSame $MOLGEN_MODE CIF] } { append cmd " -e -b $CIFIN " } } set fileroot [SetOutputFileRoot] append cmd " -o $fileroot " CreateComScript acedrg acedrg_script set status [Execute $cmd $acedrg_script program_status report] if { [file exists $fileroot.cif] } { MoveFile $fileroot.cif $MMCIFOUT -overwrite; } if { [file exists $fileroot.pdb] } { MoveFile $fileroot.pdb $XYZOUT -overwrite; }