#     Copyright (C) 1999-2004  Liz Potterton, Peter Briggs
#     This code is distributed under the terms and conditions of the
#     CCP4 Program Suite Licence Agreement as a CCP4 Library.
#     A copy of the CCP4 licence can be obtained by writing to the
#     CCP4 Secretary, Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington WA4 4AD, UK.
#CCP4i_cvs_Id $Id$
# truncate script

# Source pdb_utils for harvest handling & move to project directory 
# if we are going to dump harvest file to current directory
  source [SearchPath TOP utils pdb_utils.tcl ]
  if { [StringSame $HARVEST_MODE  CURRENTDIR ] } { ChangeDirectory [GetDefaultDirPath] }

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Run RWCONTENTS if required
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------

  if { $CONTENTS_MODE == "PDB" } {
# use the GetPDBContents procedure in pdb_utils.tcl to get contents of PDB file
    source [SearchPath TOP utils pdb_utils.tcl]
    GetPDBContents $CONTENTS_PDB nres contents heavy_atoms
    set N_CONTENTS 0
    foreach element $contents {
      incr N_CONTENTS 
      set CONTENTS_ATOM_TYPE($N_CONTENTS) [lindex $element 0]
      set CONTENTS_ATOM_COUNT($N_CONTENTS) [lindex $element 1]

  if { $OLDPROG } {
# run truncate

  set HKL_TRUNCATE [GetTmpFileName -ext mtz]

  CreateComScript truncate truncate_script

  set cmd "[BinPath truncate] HKLIN \"$HKLIN\""
  if { ![StringSame $INPUT_DATA AMPLITUDES] } {
    append cmd " HKLOUT \"$HKL_TRUNCATE\""
  if { $FALLOFF_PLOT != "" } { 
    set plotfile [SetOutputFileRoot -tmp]_falloff.plt
    append cmd " PLOT $plotfile" 

  set status [Execute $cmd $truncate_script program_status report  ]

  if { $FALLOFF_PLOT != "" } {AddOutputFile $plotfile TEMPORARY}

#  Remove the input Is from the output MTZ
  if { [file exists $HKL_TRUNCATE] } { 

    if { $OUTPUT_I } {

    } else {

      set HKL_NOIS [GetTmpFileName -ext mtz]

      if { $ANOMALOUS } {
        WriteComFile mtzutils_script \
        "include $F $SIGF $DANO $SIGDANO $Fp $SIGFp $Fm $SIGFm $ISYM"
      } else {
        WriteComFile mtzutils_script "include $F $SIGF"

      set status [Execute "[BinPath mtzutils] HKLIN \"$HKL_TRUNCATE\" HKLOUT \"$HKL_NOIS\"" \
		$mtzutils_script program_status report  ]
  }  else {

    if { ![StringSame $INPUT_DATA AMPLITUDES] } {
       TerminateScript 0 -report "No output file from Truncate??"
    } else {
       TerminateScript 1


} else { 

# run ctruncate

  set HKL_TRUNCATE [GetTmpFileName -ext mtz]

  CreateComScript ctruncate ctruncate_script
  set cmd "[BinPath ctruncate] -mtzin \"$HKLIN\""
  if { ![StringSame $INPUT_DATA AMPLITUDES] } {
    append cmd " -mtzout \"$HKL_TRUNCATE\"" 
    if { !$ANISOCORR } {
      append cmd " -no-aniso "
      append cmd " -nres $CTRUNCATE_NRES "  
    append cmd " -colin \"/*/*/\\\[$IMEANIN,$SIGIMEANIN\\\]\""
    if  { $ANOMALOUS } {
      append cmd " -colano \"/*/*/\\\[$Ipp,$SIGIpp,$Imm,$SIGImm\\\]\""
    if { $LABOUT_LABEL != "" } {
      append cmd " -colout $LABOUT_LABEL"
  } else {
    append cmd " -amplitudes "
    append cmd " -colin \"/*/*/\\\[$FMEANIN,$SIGFMEANIN\\\]\""   
  set status [Execute $cmd $ctruncate_script program_status report -edit-script]
  if { [file exists $HKL_TRUNCATE] } { 
  } else {
    if { ![StringSame $INPUT_DATA AMPLITUDES] } {
       TerminateScript 0 -report "No output file from Ctruncate??"
    } else {
       TerminateScript 1

# run uniqueify

    source [SearchPath TOP utils phasing_utils.tcl ]
    set cmd "Uniqueify \"$HKL_NOIS\" \"$HKLOUT\""
    if [IfSet $UNIQUEIFY_FREERFRAC] { append cmd " -fraction $UNIQUEIFY_FREERFRAC" }
    if $COPY_FREER {
      append cmd " -copy $COPY_FREER_MTZ $COPY_FREER_LABEL" }
      append cmd " -extend $UNIQUEIFY_MAXRES" }
    eval "$cmd"
  } else {
    MoveFile $HKL_NOIS $HKLOUT