#     Copyright (C) 1999-2006  Graeme Winter, Peter Briggs
#     This code is distributed under the terms and conditions of the
#     CCP4 Program Suite Licence Agreement as a CCP4 Library.
#     A copy of the CCP4 licence can be obtained by writing to the
#     CCP4 Secretary, Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington WA4 4AD, UK.
#CCP4i_cvs_Id $Id$
#CCP4I VERSION CCP4Interface 1.4.4
#CCP4I DATE  01/07/97 16:05:30

TITLE			_title_text		""

INPUT_FILES		_list_of_text		""
OUTPUT_FILES		_list_of_text		""

PROJECT_NAME		_text			""
XTAL_NAME		_text			""

# Defining wavelengths
N_WAVELENGTHS		_positiveint		0
WAVELENGTH_NAME,0	_xia2_wavelengthname	"NATIVE"
WAVELENGTH_LAMBDA,0	_positivereal		""

# Variable menu with wavelength names
WAVELENGTH_MENU		_list                   ""
WAVELENGTH_ALIAS	_list                   ""

# Defining sweeps
N_SWEEPS		_positiveint		0
SWEEP_WAVELENGTH,0	_xia2_wavelengths	""
SWEEP_IMAGE,0		_text			""
SWEEP_DIR,0		_text			""
SWEEP_BEAM_X,0		_real			""
SWEEP_BEAM_Y,0		_real			""
SWEEP_START,0           _positiveint            0
SWEEP_END,0             _positiveint            0

HKLOUT			_MTZ_file		""
DIR_HKLOUT	 	_default_dirs          	""

# specialist options - debug or -3d (default is to run
# without debugging and -2d...)

DEBUG                   _logical                0
THREED                  _logical                0