#!/bin/sh # ============================================================ # Outline of Heavy atom refinement and Phasing tutorial # ( E.J.Dodson) # ============================================================ # Example based on MIR solution of Dendrotoxin from green mamba # Protein of 425 residues # cell 73.58 38.73 23.19 90.00 90.00 90.00 # Spacegroup P212121 # Two derivatives; Au I # Steps after solving patterson for 1 site. # Use FFT, PEAKMAX HAVECS, Int Tab etc.. #======================== # step 1. #======================== # Refine Au Site 1 using Centric differences only # Phasing cycle ( the last) will calculate SIR phases for all reflections. # Alternative: Use a direct methods program to find a consistent set of Hg # sites and go straight to Step 3. # # Step 2. #======================== # Difference Fourier to find more sites. Contour and # note pertubation in map about first site. # Check patterson peaks are consistent with 2nd site. ( do not worry # too much if they are not... (gets round alternate origin problem) # # Step 3. #======================== # Refine 2 Au Sites using Centric differences only # Phasing cycle ( the last) will calculate SIR phases for all reflections # # Step 4. #======================== # Difference fouriers to look for I sites. # # Step 5. #======================== # Refinement of both derivatives together. # # Step 6. #======================== # Refinement of both derivatives together including anomalous data # If hand correct, and there are TWO independent derivatives; # anomalous occupancies will be positive if hand correct; # negative if hand incorrect. # If so - change positions to -x,-y,-z, ( spacegroup to # enantiomorph if necessary) and go on.. # #======================== # Next steps not in this example: # # Step 7. #======================== # Check I pattersons. # Now should repeat procedure, using I phases to find Au. # Calculate isomorphous map... # # Step 8. #======================== # Calculate isomorphous map... # # Step 9. #======================== # Do density modification. (dm/Wang procedures) # Calculate new map... # # Step 10. #======================== # Build structure. # # ### Command procedures to carry out this procedure. # ================================================== # STEP 1 # ================================================== # step 1. # Refine Au Site 1 using Centric differences only # Phasing cycle ( the last) will calculate SIR phases for all reflections. #---------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------- # step1_mir_steps #---------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------- set -e # bug # 3192 - run-all examples produce harvest files - well to counteract # this here set HARVESTHOME to somewhere in $CCP4_SCR HARVESTHOME=$CCP4_SCR export HARVESTHOME if test ! -f $CCP4_SCR/toxd_sc.mtz; then echo '! run scaleit.exam first' 1>&2 exit 1 fi mlphare HKLIN $CCP4_SCR/toxd_sc.mtz \ HKLOUT $CCP4_SCR/toxd_step1.mtz \ << eof-phare TITLE Refining cycles only RESO 15.0 2.7 CENTRIC SCALE SIGFP 1.0 0.0 CYCLE 15 THRES 2.5 0.5 ANGLE 10 PRINT AVF AVE MON 1000 LABIN FP=FTOXD3 SIGFP=SIGFTOXD3 - FPH1=FAU20 SIGFPH1=SIGFAU20 LABOUT ALLIN PHIB=PHI_step1 FOM=FOM_step1 FHOUT DERIV 1 ! For double difference map. DERIV AU20 1st Site DCYCLE PHASE ALL REFCYC ALL KBOV ALL RESO 10.0 2.7 ! ISOE 1575.10 1685.89 1100.50 959.22 1019.41 1069.37 938.56 708.38 ! ANOE 95.00 338.73 348.88 326.07 288.25 273.30 296.62 242.99 ATOM AU 0.1758 0.1016 -0.10 1.00 BFAC 25.000 ATREF X ALL Y ALL Z ALL OCC ALL END eof-phare # # ================================================== # STEP 2 # ================================================== # # Step 2. # Difference Fourier to find more sites. Contour and # note pertubation in map about first site. # Check patterson peaks are consistent with 2nd.. sites. (do not worry # too much if they are not...) # (If you add FH=FH1 PHIH=PHIH1 you will generate a double difference map # - may be clearer..) #---------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------- # step2_mir_steps #---------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------- # fft \ HKLIN $CCP4_SCR/toxd_step1.mtz \ MAPOUT $CCP4_SCR/toxd_step2.map \ abcoeffs $CCP4_SCR/fftkw.abcoeffs \ << 'END_fft' RESO 37. 2.7 TITL Fourier map to find other sites. GRID 128 64 40 XYZLIM 0 127 0 63 0 10 LABI F1=FAU20 SIG1=SIGFAU20 F2=FTOXD3 SIG2=SIGFTOXD3 - PHI=PHI_step1 W=FOM_step1 END_fft # # Find 100 peaks above 5*rms, # output to PDB file "occupancy"= peak height, " Btemp"= height/sigma # orthogonalization code (normal) # positive peaks only peakmax mapin $CCP4_SCR/toxd_step2.map xyzout $CCP4_SCR/toxd_step2.frc << END NUMPEAKS 100 THRESHOLD RMS 5 OUTPUT BROOKHAVEN END # ================================================== # STEP 2A # ================================================== # # Get PDB file of coordinates and vectors. # Alternative inputs - PDB,fractional or phare_ml # 1) Input fractional sites # Free format: Occup x y z b (sites.frc - typed in) # # 2) Input PHARE fractional sites #ATOM Au 0.026 0.000 0.287 19.75 25.74 BFAC 13.887 # # 3) Input PDB file - usual sort of stuff CRYSTAL/SCALEi coordinates. # havecs \ XYZIN $CEXAM/data/sites.frc \ XYZOUT $CCP4_SCR/sites.pdb \ UVWOUT $CCP4_SCR/sitesuvw.pdb \ << 'END-havecs' 19 ! Space Group phare ! Input format 73.53 39.06 23.15 90.00 90.00 90.00 1 ! cell and ncode 128 64 40 ! grid (x,y,z) of Difference Fourier 0 64 0 32 0 20 ! grid limits of asymmetric unit END-havecs # Plot map with Au sites marked. Choose sensible contour levels # npo \ MAPIN $CCP4_SCR/toxd_step2.map \ XYZIN1 $CCP4_SCR/sites.pdb \ PLOT $CCP4_SCR/step2.plot \ << 'END-npo' MAP SCALE 2.0 CONTRS NEG SIG 1.0 to 4.0 by 1.0 MODE BELOW 0.0 DASHED 2 1 0 SECTNS 1 10 1 INPUT BROOK RESIDUE RED SELECT ALL LABEL FIXED ALL JOIN RADII RESIDUE Au 0.01 ! stop any bonds being draw SOLID PLOT END-npo # ================================================== # STEP 3 # ================================================== # # Step 3. #======================== # Refine 2 Au Sites using Centric differences only # Phasing cycle ( the last) will calculate SIR phases for all reflections # #---------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------- # step3_mir_steps #---------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------- # mlphare \ HKLIN $CCP4_SCR/toxd_sc.mtz \ HKLOUT $CCP4_SCR/toxd_step3.mtz \ DATOUT test.dat \ << 'END-phare' TITLE Ref and Phasing on 2 possible Au sites RESO 100.0 2.7 CENTRIC ANGLE 10 THRESHOLD 2.5 0.5 PRINT AVF AVE MON 1000 CYCLES 10 LABI FP=FTOXD3 SIGFP=SIGFTOXD3 - FPH1=FAU20 SIGFPH1=SIGFAU20 LABO ALLIN PHIB=PHI_step3 FOM=FOM_step3 DERIV DCYCLE PHASE ALL REFCYC ALL KBOV ALL ISOE 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 ATOM AU 0.177 0.104 -0.114 9.92 ATREF X ALL Y ALL Z ALL OCC ALL ATOM AU 0.218 0.138 -0.105 4.88 ATREF X ALL Y ALL Z ALL OCC ALL END END-phare #================================================== # STEP 4 #================================================== # # Step 4. #======================== # Difference fouriers to look for I sites and Hg sites #---------------------------------------------------- # step4a_mir_steps #---------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------- # In this case it was important to EXCLUDE ridiculous differences. # fft \ HKLIN $CCP4_SCR/toxd_step3.mtz \ MAPOUT $CCP4_SCR/step4.map \ abcoeffs $CCP4_SCR/fftkw.abcoeffs \ << 'END_fft' RESO 10 2.7 EXCLUDE DIFF 1300 FFTSPG 19 TITL Fourier map to find I sites. grid 128 64 40 xyzlim 0 127 0 63 0 10 LABI F1=FI100 SIG1=SIGFI100 F2=FTOXD3 SIG2=SIGFTOXD3 - PHI=PHI_step3 W=FOM_step3 END_fft # # peakmax \ MAPIN $CCP4_SCR/step4.map \ XYZOUT $CCP4_SCR/siteI.frc \ << 'END' NUMPEAKS 100 THRESHOLD RMS 4.0 END # #---------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------- # step4b_mir_steps #---------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------- # # fft \ HKLIN $CCP4_SCR/toxd_step3.mtz \ MAPOUT $CCP4_SCR/step4b.map \ abcoeffs $CCP4_SCR/fftkw.abcoeffs \ << 'END_fft' RESO 10 2.8 EXCLUDE DIFF 3000 FFTSPG 19 TITL Fourier map to find Hg sites. grid 128 64 40 xyzlim 0 127 0 63 0 10 LABI F1=FMM11 SIG1=SIGFMM11 F2=FTOXD3 SIG2=SIGFTOXD3 - PHI=PHI_step3 W=FOM_step3 END_fft # # peakmax \ MAPIN $CCP4_SCR/step4b.map \ XYZOUT $CCP4_SCR/siteHg.frc \ << 'END' NUMPEAKS 100 THRESHOLD RMS 8 END #================================================== # STEP 5 #================================================== # # Step 5. #======================== # Refinement of all derivatives together. # Include refinement of anomalous occupancies. #---------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------- # step5_mir_steps #---------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------- mlphare \ HKLIN $CCP4_SCR/toxd_sc.mtz \ HKLOUT $CCP4_SCR/toxd_step5.mtz \ DATOUT $CCP4_SCR/test.dat \ << 'END-phare' TITLE Ref and Phasing RESO 100.0 2.7 #CENTRIC ANGLE 10 THRESHOLD 2.5 0.5 PRINT AVF AVE MON 1000 CYCLES 10 LABI FP=FTOXD3 SIGFP=SIGFTOXD3 - FPH1=FAU20 SIGFPH1=SIGFAU20 DPH1=ANAU20 SIGDPH1=SIGANAU20 - FPH2=FI100 SIGFPH2=SIGFI100 - FPH3=FMM11 SIGFPH3=SIGFMM11 LABO ALLIN PHIB=PHI_step5 FOM=FOM_step5 DERIV Gold DCYCLE PHASE ALL REFCYC ALL KBOV ALL #ISOE 746.82 548.14 407.42 365.98 379.86 329.45 346.91 345.99 ATOM AU 0.177 0.104 -0.114 9.92 BFAC 25.000 ATREF X ALL Y ALL Z ALL OCC ALL ATOM AU 0.218 0.138 -0.105 4.88 BFAC 25.000 ATREF X ALL Y ALL Z ALL OCC ALL DERIV Iodine DCYCLE PHASE ALL REFCYC ALL KBOV ALL #ISOE 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 ATOM I 0.491 0.370 0.487 8.40 BFAC 25.000 ATREF X ALL Y ALL Z ALL OCC ALL DERIV Mercury DCYCLE PHASE ALL REFCYC ALL KBOV ALL #ISOE 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 ATOM HG 0.178 0.297 0.103 12.0 BFAC 25.000 ATREF X ALL Y ALL Z ALL OCC ALL ATOM HG 0.678 0.401 0.124 2.0 BFAC 25.000 ATREF X ALL Y ALL Z ALL OCC ALL END END-phare # # ================================================== # STEP 6 # ================================================== # Refinement of both derivatives together. # Include refinement of anomalous occupancies on both hands. #---------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------- # step6_mir_steps #---------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------- mlphare \ HKLIN $CCP4_SCR/toxd_sc.mtz \ HKLOUT $CCP4_SCR/toxd_step6.mtz \ DATOUT $CCP4_SCR/test.dat \ << 'END-phare' TITLE Ref and Phasing RESO 100.0 2.7 ANGLE 10 THRESHOLD 2.5 0.5 PRINT AVF AVE MON 1000 CYCLES 10 LABI FP=FTOXD3 SIGFP=SIGFTOXD3 - FPH1=FAU20 SIGFPH1=SIGFAU20 - FPH2=FI100 SIGFPH2=SIGFI100 LABO ALLIN PHIB=PHI_step5 FOM=FOM_step5 DERIV Gold DCYCLE PHASE ALL REFCYC ALL KBOV ALL ISOE 746.82 548.14 407.42 365.98 379.86 329.45 346.91 345.99 ANOE 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 ATOM AU 0.177 0.104 -0.114 9.92 BFAC 25.000 ATREF X ALL Y ALL Z ALL OCC ALL ATOM AU 0.218 0.138 -0.105 4.88 BFAC 25.000 ATREF X ALL Y ALL Z ALL OCC ALL DERIV Iodine DCYCLE PHASE ALL REFCYC ALL KBOV ALL ISOE 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 ANOE 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 ATOM I 0.491 0.370 0.487 8.40 BFAC 25.000 ATREF X ALL Y ALL Z ALL OCC ALL END END-phare #---------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------- # step6a_mlphare.com #---------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------- # only necessary for certain spacegroups -- dummy step here mtzutils \ HKLIN1 $CCP4_SCR/toxd_sc.mtz \ HKLOUT $CCP4_SCR/scaled.mtz \ << 'END-phare' onefile symm P212121 end END-phare # # mlphare \ HKLIN $CCP4_SCR/scaled.mtz \ HKLOUT $CCP4_SCR/toxd_step6.mtz \ DATOUT $CCP4_SCR/test.dat \ << 'END-phare' TITLE Ref and Phasing RESO 100.0 2.7 ANGLE 10 THRESHOLD 2.5 0.5 PRINT AVF AVE MON 1000 CYCLES 10 LABI FP=FTOXD3 SIGFP=SIGFTOXD3 - FPH1=FAU20 SIGFPH1=SIGFAU20 - FPH2=FI100 SIGFPH2=SIGFI100 LABO ALLIN PHIB=PHI_step5 FOM=FOM_step5 DERIV Gold DCYCLE PHASE ALL REFCYC ALL KBOV ALL ISOE 746.82 548.14 407.42 365.98 379.86 329.45 346.91 345.99 ANOE 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 ATOM AU 0.177 0.104 -0.114 9.92 BFAC 25.000 ATREF X ALL Y ALL Z ALL OCC ALL ATOM AU 0.218 0.138 -0.105 4.88 BFAC 25.000 ATREF X ALL Y ALL Z ALL OCC ALL DERIV Iodine DCYCLE PHASE ALL REFCYC ALL KBOV ALL ISOE 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 ANOE 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 ATOM I 0.491 0.370 0.487 8.40 BFAC 25.000 ATREF X ALL Y ALL Z ALL OCC ALL END END-phare #