#!/bin/sh # # PHASE ANALYSIS is done by phistats, if you insist. # It will analyse any two sets of phases. # Here it is used to check the agreement between MIR phases # and PHIcalc. # It is probably better to do map correlation. set -e if test ! -f $CCP4_SCR/toxd_phase_mir.mtz; then echo '! run the mlphare procedure first' 1>&2 exit 1 fi # Calculate structure factors. # File toxd_mir.mtz can be generated using mlphare.com sfall \ HKLIN $CCP4_SCR/toxd_phase_mir.mtz \ HKLOUT $CCP4_SCR/toxd_sf_mir.mtz \ XYZIN $CEXAM/toxd/toxd.pdb \ << END-sfrkall TITL Structure factors calculed for toxd. GRID 152 96 64 !div CELL by these should give .=. 0.7 A MODE SFCALC XYZIN HKLIN RESO 37 2.1 BINS 60 RSCB 8.0 2.1 SFSG 19 LABI FP=FTOXD3 SIGFP=SIGFTOXD3 LABO ALLIN FC=FCtoxd PHIC=PHICtoxd END-sfrkall # Phase analysis # Assign Weight 1 to FOM, Weight 2 to FC magnitude. # # Analyse two sets of phases (no phase combination) phistats hklin $CCP4_SCR/toxd_sf_mir << END TITLE Phase analysis RESOLUTION 40. 2. # Resolution limits RANGES 10 500 # No of bins for analysing agst S, LABIN FP=FTOXD3 SIGFP=SIGFTOXD3 PHIBP=PHI_mir WP=W_mir - PHIB2=PHICtoxd W2=FCtoxd END # Optional extra - combine these phases.. # # Set option to combine phase information from # eg isomorphous replacement with partial structure sigmaa \ hklin $CCP4_SCR/toxd_sf_mir hklout $CCP4_SCR/junk \ << END-sigmaa TITLE Phase combination RESOLUTION 40. 2. # Resolution limits RANGES 10 500 # No of bins for analysing agst S, ERROR COMBINE PART 1 LABI FP=FTOXD3 SIGFP=SIGFTOXD3 PHIBP=PHI_mir WP=W_mir - HLA=HLA HLB=HLB HLC=HLC HLD=HLD - FC=FCtoxd PHIC=PHICtoxd LABO PHCMB=PHICMB_all_FC WCMB=FOMCMB_all_FC - DELFWT=mFo-DFc_Comb PHDELFWT=PHmFo-DFc_Comb - FWT=2mFo-DFc_Comb PHFWT=PH2mFo-DFc_Comb END END-sigmaa #