#!/usr/bin/env python import glob import logging import os import platform import re import sys import urllib from ample.util import ample_util from ample.util import exit_util from ample.util import pdb_edit logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def find_maxcluster(amoptd): """Return path to maxcluster binary. If we can't find one in the path, we create a $HOME/.ample directory and downlod it to there """ if amoptd['maxcluster_exe'] and ample_util.is_exe(amoptd['maxcluster_exe']): return amoptd['maxcluster_exe'] if not amoptd['maxcluster_exe']: if sys.platform.startswith("win"): amoptd['maxcluster_exe']='maxcluster.exe' else: amoptd['maxcluster_exe']='maxcluster' try: maxcluster_exe = ample_util.find_exe(amoptd['maxcluster_exe'], dirs=[ amoptd['rcdir'] ] ) except ample_util.FileNotFoundError: # Cannot find so we need to try and download it rcdir = amoptd['rcdir'] logger.info("Cannot find maxcluster binary in path so attempting to download it directory: {0}".format( rcdir ) ) if not os.path.isdir( rcdir ): logger.info("No ample rcdir found so creating in: {0}".format( rcdir ) ) os.mkdir( rcdir ) url = None maxcluster_exe = os.path.join( rcdir, 'maxcluster' ) if sys.platform.startswith("linux"): bit=platform.architecture()[0] if bit=='64bit': url='http://www.sbg.bio.ic.ac.uk/~maxcluster/maxcluster64bit' elif bit=='32bit': url='http://www.sbg.bio.ic.ac.uk/~maxcluster/maxcluster' else: msg="Unrecognised system type: {0} {1}".format(sys.platform,bit) exit_util.exit_error(msg) elif sys.platform.startswith("darwin"): url = 'http://www.sbg.bio.ic.ac.uk/~maxcluster/maxcluster_i686_32bit.bin' #OSX PPC: http://www.sbg.bio.ic.ac.uk/~maxcluster/maxcluster_PPC_32bit.bin elif sys.platform.startswith("win"): url = 'http://www.sbg.bio.ic.ac.uk/~maxcluster/maxcluster.exe' maxcluster_exe = os.path.join( rcdir, 'maxcluster.exe' ) else: msg="Unrecognised system type: {0}".format( sys.platform ) exit_util.exit_error(msg) logger.info("Attempting to download maxcluster binary from: {0}".format( url ) ) try: urllib.urlretrieve( url, maxcluster_exe ) except Exception, e: msg="Error downloading maxcluster executable: {0}\n{1}".format(url,e) exit_util.exit_error(msg) # make executable os.chmod(maxcluster_exe, 0o777) return maxcluster_exe class Maxcluster(object): """ # Extract the first chain from the nativePdb # Create a residueSequenceMap and see if the residues match # If not use keep_matching to create a nativePdb that has the correct residue sequence` # Run Maxcluster to compare the models to the native """ def __init__(self,maxcluster_exe): self.maxclusterExe = maxcluster_exe return def compareDirectory(self, nativePdbInfo=None, resSeqMap=None, modelsDirectory=None, workdir=None ): self.data = [] self.workdir = workdir if not self.workdir: self.workdir = os.getcwd() #refModel = os.path.join( modelsDirectory, "S_00000001.pdb" ) nativePdb = self.prepareNative( nativePdbInfo=nativePdbInfo, resSeqMap=resSeqMap ) logfile = os.path.join( self.workdir, "maxclusterD.log" ) self.runCompareDirectory( nativePdb=nativePdb, modelsDirectory=modelsDirectory, logfile=logfile ) self.parseLogDirectory( logfile=logfile ) return def compareModelList(self, nativePdbInfo=None, resSeqMap=None, models=None, workdir=None): self.data = [] self.workdir = workdir if not self.workdir: self.workdir = os.getcwd() #refModel = os.path.join( modelsDirectory, "S_00000001.pdb" ) nativePdb = self.prepareNative(nativePdbInfo=nativePdbInfo, resSeqMap=resSeqMap) logfile = os.path.join(self.workdir, "maxclusterD.log") self.run_compare_model_list(nativePdb=nativePdb, models=models, logfile=logfile) self.parseLogDirectory(logfile=logfile) return def compareSingle(self, nativePdb=None, modelPdb=None, sequenceIndependant=True, rmsd=False, workdir=None ): self.workdir = workdir if not self.workdir: self.workdir = os.getcwd() cmd = [ self.maxclusterExe, "-e", nativePdb, "-p", modelPdb ] if sequenceIndependant: cmd.append( "-in" ) if rmsd: cmd.append( "-rmsd" ) logfile = ample_util.filename_append( filename=modelPdb, astr="maxcluster", directory=self.workdir ) if rmsd: logfile = os.path.splitext( logfile )[0] + "_rmsd.log" else: logfile = os.path.splitext( logfile )[0] + ".log" self.maxclusterLogfile = logfile #print "running cmd "," ".join( cmd ) retcode = ample_util.run_command( cmd, logfile=self.maxclusterLogfile, dolog=False ) if retcode != 0: msg = "non-zero return code for maxcluster in runMaxcluster!" #logging.critical( msg ) print msg if rmsd: data = self.parseLogSingleRmsd() else: data = self.parseLogSingleTm() return data def prepareNative(self, nativePdbInfo=None, resSeqMap=None ): """do stuff""" # Find out how many chains and extract the first if > 1 if len( nativePdbInfo.models ) > 1: raise RuntimeError,"More than 1 model." # Check if > 1 chain chainID=None if len( nativePdbInfo.models[0].chains ) > 1: chainID=nativePdbInfo.models[0].chains[0] # Assume native is standardised # Extract the chain if > 1 nativePdbChain = ample_util.filename_append( filename=nativePdbInfo.pdb, astr="chain{0}".format(chainID) ) pdb_edit.extract_chain(nativePdbInfo.pdb, nativePdbChain, chainID) nativePdb = nativePdbChain else: nativePdb = nativePdbInfo.pdb if not resSeqMap.resSeqMatch(): # We need to create a copy of the native with numbering matching the model nativeRenumber = ample_util.filename_append( filename=nativePdb, astr="ren" ) pdb_edit.match_resseq( targetPdb=nativePdb, outPdb=nativeRenumber, resMap=resSeqMap ) nativePdb = nativeRenumber return nativePdb def parseLogDirectory(self, logfile=None ): self.data = [] assert logfile #INFO : 1000. 2XOV_clean_ren.pdb vs. /media/data/shared/TM/2XOV/models/S_00000444.pdb Pairs= 36, RMSD= 3.065, MaxSub=0.148, TM=0.192, MSI=0.148 for line in open( logfile, 'r' ): if re.match( "INFO *: .* vs\. .* Pairs=", line ): # Remove spaces after = line = re.sub("= +", "=", line ) # Now remove commas line = line.replace(",","") fields = line.split() d = {} d['pdb'] = fields[5] tmp = os.path.splitext( os.path.basename( fields[5] ) )[0] # # Hack to make sure there isn't something like "1_" prepended to the name # if not tmp.startswith("S"): # for i,f in enumerate(tmp): # if f=="S": # tmp=tmp[i:] # break d['model_name'] = tmp label, value = fields[6].split( "=" ) assert label == "Pairs" d['pairs'] = int( value ) label, value = fields[7].split( "=" ) assert label == "RMSD" d['rmsd'] = float( value ) label, value = fields[8].split( "=" ) assert label == "MaxSub" d['maxsub'] = float( value ) label, value = fields[9].split( "=" ) assert label == "TM" d['tm'] = float( value ) label, value = fields[10].split( "=" ) assert label == "MSI" d['msi'] = float( value ) self.data.append( d ) return def parseLogSingleTm(self, logfile=None): if logfile is None: logfile = self.maxclusterLogfile assert logfile d = {} for line in open( logfile, 'r' ): line = line.strip() #"Iter 1: Pairs= 14, RMSD= 0.155, MAXSUB=0.855. Len= 15. gRMSD= 0.673, TM=0.858 if re.match( "Iter \d?: ?Pairs=", line ): # Remove spaces after = line = re.sub("= +", "=", line ) # Remove trailing . after numbers line = re.sub("\. +", " ", line ) # Now remove commas line = line.replace(",","") fields = line.split() label, value = fields[2].split( "=" ) assert label == "Pairs" d['pairs'] = int( value ) label, value = fields[3].split( "=" ) assert label == "RMSD" d['rmsd'] = float( value ) label, value = fields[4].split( "=" ) assert label == "MAXSUB" d['maxsub'] = float( value ) label, value = fields[5].split( "=" ) assert label == "Len" d['length'] = float( value ) # skip gRMSD label, value = fields[7].split( "=" ) assert label == "TM" d['tm'] = float( value ) return d def parseLogSingleRmsd(self, logfile=None): if logfile is None: logfile = self.maxclusterLogfile assert logfile d = {} #INFO : 1000. 2XOV_clean_ren.pdb vs. /media/data/shared/TM/2XOV/models/S_00000444.pdb Pairs= 36, RMSD= 3.065, MaxSub=0.148, TM=0.192, MSI=0.148 for line in open(logfile, 'r'): line = line.strip() if line.startswith("RMSD="): # RMSD= 0.132 (Pairs= 8, rRMSD=0.034 ( -3.11)), URMSD= 0.049 (rURMSD=0.049) # Remove spaces after = line = re.sub("= +", "=", line) # Remove trailing . after numbers line = re.sub("\. +", " ", line) # Now remove commas and brackets line = line.replace(",","") line = line.replace("("," ") fields = line.split() label, value = fields[0].split("=") assert label == "RMSD" d['rmsd'] = float( value ) label, value = fields[1].split("=") assert label == "Pairs" d['pairs'] = int(value) return d def tm(self,model): """""" for d in self.data: if d['pdb'] == model: return d['tm'] #s = "\n".join(traceback.format_list(traceback.extract_stack())) print "MaxCluster tm failed to find model name: {0}\n{1}".format(model,self.data) return None def rmsd(self,model): """""" for d in self.data: if d['pdb'] == model: return d['rmsd'] #s = "\n".join(traceback.format_list(traceback.extract_stack())) print "MaxCluster rmsd failed to find model name: {0}\n{1}".format(model,self.data) return None def maxsubSorted(self, reverse=True): return sorted(self.data, key=lambda data: data['maxsub'], reverse=reverse) def runCompareDirectory(self, nativePdb=None, modelsDirectory=None, logfile=None): # Generate the list of models pdblist = os.path.join(self.workdir, "models.list") with open(pdblist, 'w') as f: l = glob.glob(os.path.join(modelsDirectory, '*.pdb')) if not len(l) > 0: raise RuntimeError,"Could not find any pdb files in directory: {0}".format(modelsDirectory) f.write( os.linesep.join( l ) ) # Run Maxcluster cmd = [self.maxclusterExe, "-e", nativePdb, "-l", pdblist] retcode = ample_util.run_command(cmd, logfile=logfile, dolog=True) if retcode != 0: msg = "non-zero return code for maxcluster in runMaxcluster!" raise RuntimeError(msg) return def run_compare_model_list(self, nativePdb=None, models=None, logfile=None): # Generate the list of models pdblist = os.path.join(self.workdir, "models.list") with open(pdblist, 'w') as f: f.write(os.linesep.join(models)) # Run Maxcluster cmd = [self.maxclusterExe, "-e", nativePdb, "-l", pdblist] retcode = ample_util.run_command(cmd, logfile=logfile, dolog=True) if retcode != 0: msg = "non-zero return code for maxcluster in runMaxcluster!" raise RuntimeError(msg) return def tmSorted(self, reverse=True ): return sorted(self.data, key=lambda data: data['tm'], reverse=reverse)