#!/usr/bin/env python """ run_csymmatch # Gives pdb with oriented model create copy of csymmatch pdb with residue numbering matching native and rename chain to X concatenate the native and reformatted csymmatch pdb run ncont to generate contacts parse ncont file to generate map & analyse whether placed bits match and what type of structure they are """ from operator import itemgetter import os import types from ample.parsers import dssp_parser from ample.util import ample_util from ample.util import csymmatch from ample.util import pdb_edit class RioData(object): def __init__(self): # Hack to transfer data self.joinedPdb = None self.fromChains = None self.toChains = None self.origin = None self.originPdb = None self.numContacts = None # Used by both as parseNcontLog sets it self.aaNumContacts = 0 self.rioNumContacts = 0 self.rioInRegister = 0 self.rioOoRegister = 0 self.rioBackwards = 0 self.numGood = 0 self.contacts = None self.ncontLog = None self.helix = None self.pdb = None self.csymmatchPdb = None return def __str__(self): """List the data attributes of this object""" me = {} for slot in dir(self): attr = getattr(self, slot) if not slot.startswith("__") and not ( isinstance(attr, types.MethodType) or isinstance(attr, types.FunctionType) ): me[slot] = attr s = "{0}\n".format( self.__repr__() ) for k, v in me.iteritems(): s += "{0} : {1}\n".format( k,v ) return s class Rio(object): """Foo """ def __init__( self ): self.ncontLog = None self.numContacts = 0 self.contacts = None self.inregister = 0 self.ooregister = 0 self.backwards = 0 self.best = None return # def getContacts( self, # nativePdbInfo=None, # placedPdbInfo=None, # resSeqMap=None, # origins=None, # workdir=None, # dsspLog=None ): # # if not self.run( nativePdbInfo=nativePdbInfo, # placedPdbInfo=placedPdbInfo, # resSeqMap=resSeqMap, # origins=origins, # workdir=workdir ): # return False # # # #print "placedPdb ",placedPdb # #print "nativePdb ",nativePdb # #print "GOT MAP ",resSeqMap # # # We should have contact data to calculate a helix from # assert dsspLog # dsspP = dssp.DsspParser( dsspLog ) # sequence = self.helixFromContacts( dsspP=dsspP ) # if sequence: # self.best.helix = sequence # # if self.best.pdb: # csym = csymmatch.Csymmatch() # # Just for info - run csymmatch so we can see the alignment # csymmatchPdb = ample_util.filename_append( filename=self.best.pdb, astr="csymmatch_best", directory=self.workdir ) # csym.run( refPdb=nativePdbInfo.pdb, inPdb=self.best.pdb, outPdb=csymmatchPdb, originHand=False ) # self.best.csymmatchPdb = csymmatchPdb # # return def analyseRio( self, contactData, dsspP=None ): # Clear any data contactData.rioInRegister = 0 contactData.rioOoRegister = 0 contactData.rioBackwards = 0 if contactData.numContacts == 0: return # Now categorise the chunks chunks = self.findChunks( contacts=contactData.contacts, minContig=3 ) if not chunks: return 0 #print "GOT CHUNKS ",chunks #for ( start, stop ) in startstop: for d in chunks: start = d['startIdx'] stop = d['stopIdx'] #print "NEW CHUNK" register = True backwards = False lastResSeq1 = None lastResSeq2 = None count = 1 #print "LEN ", stop - start + 1 for i in range( start, stop + 1 ): c = contactData.contacts[ i ] #print "CONTACT: ",i, c['chainId1'], c['resSeq1'], c['aa1'], c['chainId2'], c['resSeq2'], c['aa2'] if i != start: if c['resSeq1'] == lastResSeq1 - 1 or c['resSeq2'] == lastResSeq2 - 1: backwards = True # Sanity check if backwards: assert c['resSeq1'] == lastResSeq1 -1 or c['resSeq2'] == lastResSeq2 - 1,"Going backwards but resSeq arent!" if not register and not backwards: assert c['resSeq1'] != c['resSeq2'],"not register and backwards and not matching" count += 1 lastResSeq1 = c['resSeq1'] lastResSeq2 = c['resSeq2'] if c['resSeq1'] != c['resSeq2']: register = False # Add total here if register: contactData.rioInRegister += count else: contactData.rioOoRegister += count if backwards: contactData.rioBackwards += count # End categorising chunks return def calcAllAtom(self, contactData ): """Calculate the All Atom data using the origin and data saved previously""" # Clear out any set data contactData.numContacts = 0 contactData.aaNumContacts = 0 contactData.contacts = None # values from previous run to calc origin self.runNcont( pdbin=contactData.joinedPdb, sourceChains=contactData.fromChains, targetChains=contactData.toChains, allAtom=True, maxDist=0.5 ) self.parseNcontLog( contactData ) contactData.aaNumContacts = contactData.numContacts return contactData def calcRio(self, contactData ): """Calculate the RIO using the origin and data saved previously""" # Clear out any set data #contactData.numGood = 0 contactData.rioNumContacts = 0 contactData.rioInRegister = 0 contactData.rioOoRegister = 0 contactData.rioBackwards = 0 contactData.contacts = None # values from previous run to calc origin self.runNcont( pdbin=contactData.joinedPdb, sourceChains=contactData.fromChains, targetChains=contactData.toChains, ) self.parseNcontLog( contactData ) self.analyseRio( contactData ) contactData.rioNumContacts = contactData.numContacts return contactData def findOrigin(self, nativePdbInfo=None, mrPdbInfo=None, resSeqMap=None, origins=None, allAtom=False, workdir=os.getcwd() ): """Find the origin using the maximum number of contacts as metric""" self.workdir = workdir if not resSeqMap.resSeqMatch(): #print "NUMBERING DOESN'T MATCH" #raise RuntimeError,"NUMBERING DOESN'T MATCH" # We need to create a copy of the placed pdb with numbering matching the native mrPdbRes = ample_util.filename_append( filename=mrPdbInfo.pdb, astr="reseq", directory=self.workdir ) pdb_edit.match_resseq( targetPdb=mrPdbInfo.pdb, sourcePdb=None, outPdb=mrPdbRes, resMap=resSeqMap ) mrPdb = mrPdbRes else: mrPdb = mrPdbInfo.pdb # Make a copy of mrPdb with chains renamed to lower case ucChains = mrPdbInfo.models[0].chains toChains = [ c.lower() for c in ucChains ] placedAaPdb = ample_util.filename_append( filename=mrPdb, astr="ren", directory=self.workdir ) pdb_edit.rename_chains( inpdb=mrPdb, outpdb=placedAaPdb, fromChain=ucChains, toChain=toChains ) # The list of chains in the native that we will be checking contacts from fromChains = nativePdbInfo.models[0].chains # Loop over origins, move the placed pdb to the new origin and then run ncont # Object to hold data on best origin self.data = None for origin in origins: #print "GOT ORIGIN ",i,origin placedOriginPdb = placedAaPdb if origin != [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]: # Move pdb to new origin #ostr="origin{0}".format(i) ostr="o{0}".format( origin ).replace(" ","" ) placedOriginPdb = ample_util.filename_append( filename=placedAaPdb, astr=ostr, directory=self.workdir ) pdb_edit.translate( inpdb=placedAaPdb, outpdb=placedOriginPdb, ftranslate=origin ) # Concatenate into one file joinedPdb = ample_util.filename_append( filename=placedOriginPdb, astr="joined", directory=self.workdir ) pdb_edit.merge( pdb1=nativePdbInfo.pdb, pdb2=placedOriginPdb, pdbout=joinedPdb ) # Set up object to hold data data = RioData() data.origin = origin data.originPdb = placedOriginPdb data.joinedPdb = joinedPdb data.fromChains = fromChains data.toChains = toChains data.numGood = 0 # For holding the metric # Run ncont if allAtom: self.calcAllAtom( data ) data.numGood = data.aaNumContacts else: self.calcRio( data ) data.numGood = data.rioInRegister + data.rioOoRegister # Save the first origin and only update if we get a better score if not self.data or data.numGood > self.data.numGood: self.data = data # End loop over origins # Now need to calculate data for whichever one we didn't calculate if allAtom: self.calcRio( self.data ) else: self.calcAllAtom( self.data ) if self.data.numGood > 0: # If we got a match run csymmatch so we can see the result csym = csymmatch.Csymmatch() csymmatchPdb = ample_util.filename_append( filename=self.data.originPdb, astr="csymmatch_best", directory=self.workdir ) csym.run( refPdb=nativePdbInfo.pdb, inPdb=self.data.originPdb, outPdb=csymmatchPdb, originHand=False ) return self.data def helixFromContacts( self, contacts, dsspLog, minContig=2, maxGap=3 ): """Return the sequence of the longest contiguous helix from the given contact data source is the native, target the model Get start and stop indices of all contiguous chunks - we can match multiple chains in the model, but any match must be within a single native chain - the source can increment or decrement - the model only ever increments (ncont "sort target inc" argument) - matches can be in-register or out-of-register, but for finding the longest chunk we don't care startstop = [ (10,15), (17, 34), (38, 50) ] # Loop through all chunks, and if any two have a gap of < mingap, join the indices together. # Get the indices of the largest chunk # Get the corresponding AA sequence """ #print "GOT DATA ",contacts if contacts is None or not len( contacts ): return None #print "GOT DSSP ",dsspP.asDict() # Parse the dssp Log dsspP = dssp_parser.DsspParser( dsspLog ) # # Loop through the contacts finding the start, stop indices in the list of contacts of contiguous chunks # chunks = self.findChunks( contacts=contacts, dsspP=dsspP, ssTest=True, minContig=2 ) if not chunks: return None # # Go through the start-stop chunks in pairs and see if they can be joined, creating # extended, which is the list of chunks with gaps filled-in # #print "GOT CHUNKS ",chunks if len( chunks ) > 1: # Need to sort the chunks by chain and then startResSeq so that we can join anything on the same chain chunks.sort( key = itemgetter( 'chainId1', 'startResSeq' ) ) # By chain #print "SORTED CHUNKS ",chunks extended = [] for i, newChunk in enumerate( chunks ): # initialise if i == 0: toJoin = newChunk continue chunk, toJoin = self._join_chunks( toJoin, newChunk, dsspP=dsspP, maxGap=maxGap ) if chunk is not None: extended.append( chunk ) # Last one needs to be handled specially if i == len( chunks ) - 1 and toJoin: extended.append( toJoin ) # End Loop #print "GOT EXTENDED ",extended # # Find the biggest # biggest = sorted( extended, lambda x, y: abs( x['stopResSeq'] - x['startResSeq']) - abs(y['stopResSeq'] - y['startResSeq']), reverse = True )[0] else: biggest = chunks[ 0 ] #print "GOT BIGGEST ",biggest # # Get the sequence that the start, stop indices define # chainId = biggest[ 'chainId1'] startResSeq = min( biggest['startResSeq'], biggest['stopResSeq'] ) # use min/max as could be running backwards stopResSeq = max( biggest['startResSeq'], biggest['stopResSeq'] ) sequence = "" #s3 = [] #print " s ",startResSeq #print " e ",stopResSeq for resSeq in range( startResSeq, stopResSeq + 1): resName = dsspP.getResName( resSeq, chainId ) sequence += resName # try: # s3 .append( pdb_edit.one2three[ resName ] ) # except KeyError: # s3.append( "XXX" ) #print "s3 "," ".join( s3 ) #print "HELIX ",sequence return sequence def _join_chunks( self, chunk1, chunk2, dsspP=None, maxGap=None ): """Take two chunks of contacts and see if the gap between them can be joined. If the chunks can't be joined, it returns the first chunk for adding to the list of chunks, and the second chunk for use in the subsequent join step. If the chunks can be joined, it returns None for the first chunk so that we know not to add anything. """ assert dsspP and maxGap #print "CHECKING CHUNK ",chunk1, chunk2 # See if a suitable gap width = abs( chunk2[ 'startResSeq' ] - chunk1[ 'stopResSeq' ] ) - 1 if width < 1 or width > maxGap or chunk1[ 'chainId1' ] != chunk2[ 'chainId1' ]: return ( chunk1, chunk2 ) # Suitable gap so make sure it's all helix for resSeq in range( chunk1[ 'stopResSeq' ] + 1, chunk2[ 'startResSeq' ] - 1 ): ss = dsspP.getAssignment( resSeq, chunk1[ 'chainId1' ], resName = None ) if ss != 'H': return ( chunk1, chunk2 ) #print "JOINED CHUNKS", chunk1, chunk2 joinedChunk = { 'chainId1' : chunk1[ 'chainId1' ], 'startIdx' : chunk1[ 'startIdx'], 'startResSeq' : chunk1[ 'startResSeq' ], 'stopIdx' : chunk2[ 'stopIdx'], 'stopResSeq' : chunk2[ 'stopResSeq' ] } return ( None, joinedChunk ) def runNcont( self, pdbin=None, sourceChains=None, targetChains=None, maxDist=1.5, allAtom=False ): """FOO """ if allAtom: self.ncontLog = pdbin + ".ncont_aa.log" else: self.ncontLog = pdbin + ".ncont_rio.log" cmd = [ "ncont", "xyzin", pdbin ] # Build up stdin stdin = "" # Need to use list of chains from Native as can't work out negate operator for ncont if allAtom: stdin += "source {0}//*\n".format( ",".join( sourceChains ) ) stdin += "target {0}//*\n".format( ",".join( targetChains ) ) else: stdin += "source {0}//CA\n".format( ",".join( sourceChains ) ) stdin += "target {0}//CA\n".format( ",".join( targetChains ) ) stdin += "maxdist {0}\n".format( maxDist ) stdin += "cells 2\n" stdin += "sort target inc\n" retcode = ample_util.run_command(cmd=cmd, logfile=self.ncontLog, directory=os.getcwd(), dolog=True, stdin=stdin) if retcode != 0: raise RuntimeError,"Error running ncont command: {0}\nCheck log: {1}".format(cmd,self.ncontLog) return def parseNcontLog( self, contactData, logfile=None, clean_up=True): """ Lines are of format /1/B/1042(MET). / CA [ C]: /1/b/ 988(GLU). / CA [ C]: 1.09 223 X-1/2,Y-1/2,Z """ if not logfile: logfile = self.ncontLog contactData.contacts = None contactData.numContacts = 0 clines = [] capture=False with open( logfile, 'r' ) as f:# while True: line = f.readline().rstrip() if capture and not line: break if "contacts found:" in line: contactData.numContacts = int( line.split()[0] ) if "NO CONTACTS FOUND." in line: return False if "SOURCE ATOMS" in line: capture=True f.readline() # skip blank line continue if capture: clines.append( line ) assert contactData.numContacts == len(clines) #print "LINES ",clines contacts = [] # Got data lines so now extract data # Could probably just do this in the reading loop now lastSource = None for c in clines: # Reconstruct lines with only the second contact using the data from the corresponding last complete line if not c[0:29].strip(): #print "MATCH ACROSS TWO ATOMS" c = lastSource[0:29] + c[29:] else: lastSource = c # As the numbers overrun we can't split so we assume fixed format d = {} d['chainId1'] = c[4] d['resSeq1'] = int( c[6:10].strip() ) aa1 = c[11:14] # Will get key error for all-atom if there is solvent etc. try: d['aa1'] = pdb_edit.three2one[ aa1 ] # get amino acid and convert to single letter code except KeyError: d['aa1'] = 'X' d['chainId2'] = c[32] d['resSeq2'] = int( c[34:38].strip() ) aa2 = c[39:42] try: d['aa2'] = pdb_edit.three2one[ aa2 ] except KeyError: d['aa2'] = 'X' d['dist'] = float( c[56:62].strip() ) d['cell'] = int( c[63:66]) d['symmetry'] = c[67:] contacts.append( d ) # # Put in dictionary by chains for easy access # contacts = {} # for c in contactsList: # # chainId1, resSeq1, aa1, chainId2, resSeq2, aa2, dist, cell, symmetry = c # # if not contacts.has_key( chainId1 ): # # First entry in first source chain # contacts[ chainId1 ] = { chainId2: [ c ] } # continue # # if not contacts[ chainId1 ].has_key( chainId2 ): # # Adding a new target chain # contacts[ chainId1 ][ chainId2 ] = [ c ] # continue # # # Adding to existing source & target chains # contacts[ chainId1 ][ chainId2 ].append( c ) # # # for sc in contacts.keys(): # # for tc in contacts[ sc ]: # # for c in contacts[ sc ][ tc ]: # # print c # #print "GOT CONTACTS" #for c in contacts: # print "chainId1 {0} resSeq1 {1} chainId2 {2} resSeq2 {3}\n".format( c['chainId1'], c['resSeq1'], c['chainId2'], c['resSeq2'] ) contactData.contacts = contacts if clean_up: os.unlink(logfile) return def helixFromPdbs(self, origin, mrPdb, nativePdb, nativeChain, dsspLog, workdir=os.getcwd() ): """This is a wrapper to generate the info and resSeqMap objects needed by score Origin""" mrPdbInfo = pdb_edit.get_info(mrPdb) nativePdbInfo = pdb_edit.get_info(nativePdb) assert nativeChain in nativePdbInfo.models[0].chains import residue_map resSeqMap = residue_map.residueSequenceMap() resSeqMap.fromInfo( refInfo=nativePdbInfo, refChainID=nativeChain, targetInfo=mrPdbInfo, targetChainID=mrPdbInfo.models[0].chains[0]# Only 1 chain in model ) data = self.scoreOrigin(origin, mrPdbInfo, nativePdbInfo, resSeqMap, workdir) contacts = data.contacts return self.helixFromContacts(contacts, dsspLog ) def scoreOrigin(self, origin=None, mrPdbInfo=None, nativePdbInfo=None, resSeqMap=None, workdir=os.getcwd() ): self.workdir = workdir if not resSeqMap.resSeqMatch(): #print "NUMBERING DOESN'T MATCH" #raise RuntimeError,"NUMBERING DOESN'T MATCH" # We need to create a copy of the placed pdb with numbering matching the native mrPdbRes = ample_util.filename_append( filename=mrPdbInfo.pdb, astr="reseq", directory=self.workdir ) pdb_edit.match_resseq( targetPdb=mrPdbInfo.pdb, sourcePdb=None, outPdb=mrPdbRes, resMap=resSeqMap ) mrPdb = mrPdbRes else: mrPdb = mrPdbInfo.pdb # Make a copy of mrPdb with chains renamed to lower case ucChains = mrPdbInfo.models[0].chains toChains = [ c.lower() for c in ucChains ] mrAaPdb = ample_util.filename_append( filename=mrPdb, astr="ren", directory=self.workdir ) pdb_edit.rename_chains( inpdb=mrPdb, outpdb=mrAaPdb, fromChain=ucChains, toChain=toChains ) # The list of chains in the native that we will be checking contacts from fromChains = nativePdbInfo.models[0].chains mrOriginPdb = mrAaPdb if origin != [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]: # Move pdb to new origin #ostr="origin{0}".format(i) ostr="o{0}".format( origin ).replace(" ","" ) mrOriginPdb = ample_util.filename_append( filename=mrAaPdb, astr=ostr, directory=self.workdir ) pdb_edit.translate( inpdb=mrAaPdb, outpdb=mrOriginPdb, ftranslate=origin ) # Concatenate into one file joinedPdb = ample_util.filename_append( filename=mrOriginPdb, astr="joined", directory=self.workdir ) pdb_edit.merge( pdb1=nativePdbInfo.pdb, pdb2=mrOriginPdb, pdbout=joinedPdb ) # Run ncont data = RioData() data.origin = origin data.originPdb = mrOriginPdb data.joinedPdb = joinedPdb data.fromChains = fromChains data.toChains = toChains # First get AllAtom score self.calcAllAtom( data ) # Then score RIO self.calcRio( data ) #data.numGood = data.inregister + data.ooregister # clean up os.unlink(mrOriginPdb) os.unlink(joinedPdb) if os.path.isfile(mrAaPdb): os.unlink(mrAaPdb) return data def ssIsOK( self, contact, dsspP=None, ssTest=False ): if ssTest: ss = dsspP.getAssignment( contact['resSeq1'], contact['chainId1'], resName = contact['aa1'] ) if ss == "H": return True return False else: return True def findChunks(self, contacts=None, dsspP=None, ssTest=False, minContig=3 ): if contacts is None: return False # # Loop through the contacts finding the start, stop indices in the list of contacts of contiguous chunks # chunks = [] lastChainId1 = None lastChainId2 = None lastResSeq1 = None lastResSeq2 = None count = None startIdx = None stopIdx = None backwards = 0 for i, c in enumerate( contacts ): ssOK = self.ssIsOK( c, dsspP=dsspP, ssTest=ssTest ) #ss = dsspP.getAssignment( c['resSeq1'], c['chainId1'], resName = c['aa1'] ) #print "DATA: ",i, c['chainId1'], c['resSeq1'], c['aa1'], c['chainId2'], c['resSeq2'], c['aa2'],ss, ssOK if i != 0: # For getting the longest segment we only care it's changing by 1 - we test what matched how later if ( c['resSeq1'] == lastResSeq1 + 1 or c['resSeq1'] == lastResSeq1 - 1 ) and \ ( c['resSeq2'] == lastResSeq2 + 1 or c['resSeq2'] == lastResSeq2 - 1 ) and \ c['chainId1'] == lastChainId1 and c['chainId2'] == lastChainId2 and ssOK: # Need to know when we are going backwards, but also need to know if we are in a stretch going backwards # So we can spot if there has been a change, so we count how many we have been going backwards for if c['resSeq1'] == lastResSeq1 - 1: backwards += 1 if not( c['resSeq1'] == lastResSeq1 + 1 and backwards >= 1 ): count += 1 stopIdx = i lastChainId1 = c['chainId1'] lastChainId2 = c['chainId2'] lastResSeq1 = c['resSeq1'] lastResSeq2 = c['resSeq2'] # If this is the last one we want to drop through if i < len( contacts ) - 1: continue # Anything that doesn't continue didn't match if count >= minContig: d = { 'chainId1' : lastChainId1, 'startIdx' : startIdx, 'startResSeq' : contacts[ startIdx ][ 'resSeq1' ], 'stopIdx' : stopIdx, 'stopResSeq' : contacts[ stopIdx ][ 'resSeq1' ] } chunks.append( d ) # Either starting afresh or a random residue lastChainId1 = c['chainId1'] lastChainId2 = c['chainId2'] lastResSeq1 = c['resSeq1'] lastResSeq2 = c['resSeq2'] backwards = 0 if ssOK: count = 1 startIdx = i stopIdx = i else: count = 0 startIdx = i + 1 stopIdx = i + 1 return chunks