''' Created on 26 May 2015 @author: jmht ''' import collections import logging import os import shutil from ample.util import ample_util from ample.util import sequence_util # We create this here otherwise it causes problems with pickling TheseusVariances = collections.namedtuple('TheseusVariances', ['idx', 'resName', 'resSeq', 'variance', 'stdDev', 'rmsd', 'core']) _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Theseus(object): """Class to run THESEUS to superpose pdb files and determine the per-residue variances. .. _THESEUS website: http://www.theseus3d.org/ """ def __init__(self, work_dir=None, theseus_exe=None): if theseus_exe is None: if 'CCP4' in os.environ: theseus_exe = os.path.join(os.environ['CCP4'], 'bin', 'theseus') if theseus_exe is None or not os.path.exists(theseus_exe) and os.access(theseus_exe, os.X_OK): raise RuntimeError,"Cannot find theseus_exe: {0}".format(theseus_exe) self.theseus_exe = theseus_exe self.work_dir = None self.var_by_res = None self.variance_log = None self.variance_log_test = None # For mocking up a test self.superposed_models = None self.aligned_models = None self._set_work_dir(work_dir) return def _set_work_dir(self,work_dir): if work_dir: self.work_dir = work_dir if not self.work_dir: self.work_dir = os.getcwd() if not os.path.isdir(self.work_dir): os.mkdir(self.work_dir) return self.work_dir def alignment_file(self, models, alignment_file=None): """Create an alignment file for the models - this is based on the assumption they are all the same length but may have different residues""" if not alignment_file: alignment_file = os.path.join(self.work_dir,'homologs.fasta') all_seq = sequence_util.Sequence(pdb=models[0]) for model in models[1:]: all_seq += sequence_util.Sequence(pdb=model) if not all(map(lambda x: x == len(all_seq.sequences[0]), [ len(s) for s in all_seq.sequences ])): raise RuntimeError,'PDB files are not all of the same length!\n{0}'.format(models) all_seq.write_fasta(alignment_file,pdbname=True) return alignment_file def superpose_models(self, models, work_dir=None, basename='theseus', homologs=False, alignment_file=None): """Superpose models and return the ensemble. Also set superposed_models and var_by_res variables. This also sets the `superposed_models` and `var_by_res` parameters. Parameters ---------- models : :obj:`list` List of pdb files to be superposed. work_dir: str The directory to run theseus in and generate all the output files basename : str The stem that will be used to name all files homologs : bool True if the pdbs are homologous models as opposed to ab initio ones alignment_file : str An externally generated alignment file for homolgous models in FASTA format Returns ------- superposed_models : a pdb file containing an ensemble of the superposed models """ self._set_work_dir(work_dir) if homologs: # Theseus expects all the models to be in the directory that it is run in as the string given in # the fasta header is used to construct the file names of the aligned pdb files. If a full or # relative path is given (e.g. /foo/bar.pdb), it tries to create files called "basename_/foo/bar.pdb" # We therefore copy the models in and then delete them afterwards if not alignment_file: alignment_file = self.alignment_file(models) copy_models = [ os.path.join(self.work_dir,os.path.basename(m)) for m in models ] for orig, copy in zip(models, copy_models): shutil.copy(orig, copy) models = copy_models # -Z included so we don't line the models up to the principle axis and -o so that they all line # up with the first model #cmd = [ self.theseus_exe, '-a0', '-r', basename ] cmd = [ self.theseus_exe, '-a0', '-r', basename, '-Z', '-o', os.path.basename(models[0]) ] if homologs: cmd += [ '-A', alignment_file ] cmd += [ os.path.basename(m) for m in models ] else: # Not sure why we had relpath - fails some of the tests so changing #cmd += [ os.path.relpath(m,self.work_dir) for m in models ] cmd += models self.theseus_log = os.path.join(self.work_dir,"tlog_{0}.log".format(basename)) retcode = ample_util.run_command(cmd, logfile = self.theseus_log, directory = self.work_dir) if retcode != 0: msg = "non-zero return code for theseus in superpose_models!\n See log: {0}".format(self.theseus_log) _logger.critical(msg) raise RuntimeError, msg self.variance_log = os.path.join(self.work_dir,'{0}_variances.txt'.format(basename)) self.superposed_models = os.path.join(self.work_dir,'{0}_sup.pdb'.format(basename)) if homologs: # Horrible - need to rename the models so that they match the names in the alignment file self.aligned_models = [] for m in copy_models: mb = os.path.basename(m) aligned_model = os.path.join(self.work_dir,"{0}_{1}".format(basename,mb)) os.unlink(m) os.rename(aligned_model, os.path.join(self.work_dir,mb)) self.aligned_models.append(mb) # Set the variances self.var_by_res = self.parse_variances() return self.superposed_models def parse_variances(self): # The variance_log_test variable may be set if we are mocking out the variances for testing if self.variance_log_test: variance_log = self.variance_log_test else: variance_log = self.variance_log if not os.path.isfile(variance_log): raise RuntimeError,"Cannot find theseus variance log: {0}".format(variance_log) var_by_res = [] with open(variance_log) as f: for i, line in enumerate(f): # Skip header if i==0: continue line = line.strip() if not line: continue # Skip blank lines #print line tokens = line.split() # Different versions of theseus may have a RES card first, so need to check if tokens[0]=="RES": idxidx = 1 idxResName = 2 idxResSeq = 3 idxVariance = 4 idxStdDev = 5 idxRmsd = 6 idxCore = 7 else: idxidx = 0 idxResName = 1 idxResSeq = 2 idxVariance = 3 idxStdDev = 4 idxRmsd = 5 idxCore = 6 # Core may or may not be there isCore = False if len(tokens) > idxCore and tokens[idxCore] == 'CORE': isCore = True var_by_res.append( TheseusVariances( idx = int(tokens[idxidx]) - 1, # Theseus counts from 1, we count from 0, resName = tokens[idxResName], resSeq = int(tokens[idxResSeq]), variance = float(tokens[idxVariance]), stdDev = float(tokens[idxStdDev]), rmsd = float(tokens[idxRmsd]), core = isCore ) ) return var_by_res