o Priorities: - Slab is dodgy in Save to WebMG. And where are the controls? - Glycoblock linkages: * Covalent should be C1 udd. * Stack. - Tie in new map stuff. - Tie in snippetry to client only stuff. - Tie in everything possible to client only stuff. (All except surfaces?) - Shadows, etc. * Occlusion .... - Mtz parsing. - Get maps from EBI in client_only.html. - HBonds - too many? Some sugar oxygens may not be both donor and acceptor. - Surfaces. - Multiple bonds * double bond offset positions, allyl bonds, etc. * check with *lots* of ligands. o Android (ANDROID) - Size option for cylinders. - Dashed cylinders. - Fancier UI. - Speed. - Make sizes a Float[] instead of Float. - All that is required by Site and ribbons by chain! * Ball and stick * Cylinders * Glycoblocks + Glycan-protein interaction. + check square(GCS), diamond(ADA,IDR,BEM). O-glycos - 5uk5. * Base pair blocks. - Sort out long lists of buffer infos. - GetMonomer feature - Symmetry - Maps - Transparency - Specify server - Translate, rotate, zoom without needing mode change. o Glycoblocks: - Draw linkages. o Colouring schemes (CLIENT ONLY) - By entity - ASA - Hydrophobicity - Conservation o Atom selections (CLIENT ONLY) - neigbours options model, selobj_alias, selobj_model, hbonded, sym_mates, sellist, nsellist, selhnd. - Properties ATOM_SAS, RES_SAS, ATOM_BURIED, RES_BURIED. o Multiple lights. (CLIENT) o Symmetry (SERVER/CLIENT, CLIENT) - SERVER/CLIENT: do everything - CLIENT ONLY: mostly works, need to setup the shift levels sensibly. o BUGS - This does not work in MapDisp in scene.xml: surface_style_solid o Geometry instancing (CLIENT) - Pseudo instanced cylinders. - ANGLE_instanced_arrays perfect-/points-spheres, then cylinders. o Save current scene to view in CCP4MG o Primitives (CLIENT) * Fix depth in perfect-spheres? * Latex/MathML text, which looks a bit difficult. o Menus on GUI show something. (GUI) o Full Display Table - Other display objects: surfaces, h-bonds, maps, annotations, etc. - Selection browser tools: Logic, interactive selection (requires line widths). - Metal on simple menu. - Edit transparency. o Wizard choices. o More atoms to triangles in client. - Worms scaled by b/nmr: Atoms (+B) -> CAs -> spline -> worm. - Bloboids: Atoms -> bloboids. - Circles: Atoms -> circles. - Base pair sticks: Atoms -> HBonded base pairs -> cylinders. - Lipid cartoon: Atoms -> lipids: tail -> spline -> worm -> spheroid; head -> spheroid. (HARD) - Surface: Atoms -> surface (HARD, might be able to obtain code/algorithm). - Require: * maths: eigensolver, svd(?) Could/should use numeric.js. * primitives: spheroid, perfect sphere (might not be possible). o Statefulness: ??? - Local storage - this might be best. (CLIENT) o Only click on atoms not fogged or clipped. (CLIENT) o FPS (CLIENT) o Simple Display Table (CLIENT) o Stereo/3-way (CLIENT) o Rock/roll (CLIENT) o Scale (CLIENT) o Render/screenshot (CLIENT, in progress) o Generate helices (CLIENT) o Applications where we should use web services if possible: - Superpose - Download SF, maps, PDB_REDO, etc. - Ebeye - Get monomer - PISA o Sequence viewer o Harder/unknown applications: - Normal modes (Simple calc in JS, if we have an eigen solver). - Get smiles ??? - ProSMART ???