""" pygl/graphicsmodel.py: CCP4MG Molecular Graphics Program Copyright (C) 2001-2008 University of York, CCLRC Copyright (C) 2009-2010 University of York Copyright (C) 2012 STFC This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3, modified in accordance with the provisions of the license to address the requirements of UK law. You should have received a copy of the modified GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library. If not, copies may be downloaded from http://www.ccp4.ac.uk/ccp4license.php This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. """ from displayobject import * import cprim from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui import UtilityThread import sys class graphicsmodel: """ Virtual graphics model class. Contains constructor and means of building primitives. """ def delete(self): pass #print "graphicsmodel.delete" def __init__(self): self.graphicsmodel_init() def graphicsmodel_init(self,ui=''): self.obj = cprim.Displayobject() self.origin = (0,0,0) self.com = (0,0,0) self.style = "BONDS" # !?? self.name = "" self.visible = 1 self.first_build = 1 self.ifColourContinuous = 0 # !?? self.draw_symmetry = 0 # !?? self.ui = ui self.symmetry_dependent = None self.doCentralSymmetry = True def setparams(self,**keywords): for key in keywords.keys(): #print "setparams",key,keywords[key] setattr(self,key,keywords[key]) def rebuild1(self): # The following two lines need to be backgrounded. (ie. Do as QThread). self.build_primitives() self.obj.rebuild() def rebuild2(self): # When they are done we do the rest. (ie. act on thread finished signal). self.first_build = 0 import MGApplication win = MGApplication.GetMainWindow() #win.rebuildGLDisplayObject(self) """ win.statusBar().showMessage(self.mt.tr("")) import mginterrupt mginterrupt.mginterrupt.SetStatus(0) if hasattr(self,'mtStopAction'): win.toolbar.removeAction(self.mtStopAction) """ def stopRebuild(self): import mginterrupt mginterrupt.mginterrupt.SetStatus(1) """ def addStopSign(self): if not self.mt.isRunning(): return import MGApplication,os win = MGApplication.GetMainWindow() win.statusBar().showMessage(self.mt.tr("Recalculating display object")) stopSign = QtGui.QIcon(os.path.join(os.environ['CCP4MG'],'qticons','stop_sign_128x128.png')) self.mtStopAction = win.toolbar.addAction(stopSign,self.mt.tr("Stop current calculation")) self.mt.connect(self.mtStopAction,QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered(bool)"),self.stopRebuild) """ def rebuild(self): self.rebuild1() #self.rebuild2() return """ app = QtGui.QApplication.instance() import MGApplication win = MGApplication.GetMainWindow() QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(500,self.addStopSign); #self.addStopSign() app.flush() self.mt.start() """ def build_primitives(self): pass def label_primitive(self,primid,text_label=""): pass def SetupSymmetry(self,point,extents,**keywords): pass def DrawUnitCell(self,draw_unit_cell=0,xshift=0,yshift=0,zshift=0): pass def changeparams(self,**keywords): pass def copy_c_params(self): pass def GetAtomsInVolume(self,contained_volume): return [] def GetClickedLinesAndPoints(self,xyzbox,near,far): self.line = [-1,-1,32768, -1] def GetClickedAtoms(self,a,b,c): return [None,None,32768,-1] def ClickedPrimitiveCoords(self): return None def AddLabel(self,text_label=""): pass def GetPrimitiveLabel(self,user_defined=0): pass def GetAtomLabel(self,atomPtr,user_defined=1): pass def GetMaxDimension(self): return -1 def setup_symmetry(self,p,extents): pass def copy_params(self,params): pass def change_style(self,style): pass